Yesterday morning, our good friend Stefan was apparently honored by the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle for his work as a volunteer tutor in the Urban League After-School Program. I applaud Stefan for his volunteerism; I myself do the good parent thing as a volunteer in my daughter’s school… and I can’t tell you how desperate the need is for more parents and community members to get involved. So, thanks Stefan.
I’m having a little cognitive dissonance problem here. I don’t mean to diminish Stefan’s admirable volunteer work, but surely an organization like the Urban League — dedicated to empowering African Americans — could have found some equally admirable volunteer to honor… who has not repeatedly gone on the record making racist comments about King County Executive Ron Sims, our state’s most prominent African American elected official. Take a look at the League’s mission statement:
The Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle strives to empower, enable and assist African Americans, other people of color, and disadvantaged individuals in becoming self-sufficient through public advocacy, providing services and developing strong business and community partnerships.
And yet, the man they honored yesterday has repeatedly and shamelessly compared Sims to the brutal African dictator Robert Mugabe.
I was taken aback the first time I saw the Mugabe line on Stefan’s blog, but maybe it’s just my liberal, white man’s guilt. So I thought I’d inquire about Sims’ own personal feelings on the matter, and through a spokesman I was assured that Sims is deeply offended by the Mugabe reference, and clearly understands it to be racist. Furthermore, he was shocked and disappointed to learn that the League would honor a man who publicly makes such racist remarks, and Sims has since made his feelings clear to Urban League president James Kelly.
Now, Stefan clearly believes he is not racist — he told me so himself, at which time he also made clear how offended he was at my insinuations to the contrary. But his repeated use of the Mugabe line not only shows a stunning lack of empathy for the sensitivities of others, but a complete and total disregard.
It is possible for a person of good will, through their own cultural isolation, to inadvertently make remarks that others might perceive as racially offensive. The appropriate response is to apologize, move on, and ask for others to judge you on the whole of your character, rather than a single incident. But Stefan has repeatedly been told by me, by the MSM, and by his own readers, that the Mugabe reference crosses the line… and yet he continues to cross it. Stefan, who was quick to take offense at an anti-semitic sleight in one of my comment threads, could apparently care less that the target of his Mugabe slur clearly perceives it to be racially motivated.
So, how are we to judge Stefan’s character? I’m not one to criticize a blogger based on the contents of his comment threads (mine are often hateful), but given the level of invective spewed over on (u)SP, I wonder how many of his readers share the same sentiment voiced in this comment, which actually criticizes Stefan for his volunteer work:
If it was the horse’s ass receiving an award from a hateful “civil rights” group’s dinner, you be all over him as you should be. I guess it’s ok for Republicans to support hate-mongering racial causes if they are from Seattle. No wonder Seattle is such an Island of goofies–even the “conservatives” seem to be sniffing glue. Sing koombaya for me, Shark. this is a disappointment. These people want to defeat us.
Surely, some of Stefan’s defenders will attempt to use his Urban League award as an inoculation against charges of racism, but his words speak clearly. Ron Sims has now gone on the record stating that he personally finds the Mugabe reference to be racially offensive; if Stefan continues to use it, he will prove to his readers that he has no compunction about throwing a racial slur at the highest elected African American official in the state. And that will speak for itself.
oh GOOD TRY goldy.
good grief…this is all you’ve got? he is a racist because he compared one dictator to another? hey if the polished “at someone else’s expense” shoe fits……
your fixation is showing again……….
maybe you should write a story about the democrats anti christian hate mongering on the washington state dem party web site….now there’s a good topic you won’t touch with a ten foot pole.
More than likely, the KKK types that read Steffy’s blog will turn against him now that he’s done something so delporable as to even pretend to support racial equality. I am surprised that Steffy accepted this award, but I guess when you’re a megalomaniac, any attention is a good thing.
Any individual that wants to rename Christmas to Holiday, and can’t see that likened to renaming Hanukkah to Alovelyday has no business throwing the stones of any type. They better look at their own bias.
Happy Alovelyday to you all! How damn sickening!
Don’t get me wrong… I’m not necessarily calling Stefan a racist. I’m just accusing him of knowingly making racially insensitive remarks.
GS, please identify “[a]ny individual that wants to rename Christmas to Holiday,” and back it up with a quote from that person. Oh, you can’t? Hmm. I guess it’s hard to quote imaginary people. Talk about a false persecution complex.
goldy…..”I’m not necessarily calling Stefan a racist.”
oh really? because it sure sounded like it.
and just what is a “racially insensitive remark” anyway, really?
isn’t that C-O-D-E for free speech that you don’t agree with?
now…what about the state dems website? speaking of insensitive remarks……..
As the author of the insensitive remark quoted in Goldy’s post, I have a good perspective on the issue.
Goldy has not accused Stefan of being a rascist, but that he notes that Stefan has made rascist comments regarding a black public official. Goldy does not accuse Belltowner of being anti-semetic, but of making anti-semetic comments (regarding which Belltowner has apologized to Goldy).
I finding it telling that a conservative in Stefan’s comment threads would see Stefan as a “Judas” to his own cause, considering how so many conservtive-activist-types consider anything other than “ideological purity” to be out-in-out treason.
and goldy what about using the term shylock?
could i use the same term in regards to you and would that be okay?
it cuts both ways babe…….
Don’t you know? Comparing Ron Sims to another person who happens to be black is racism, but calling a certain Lt. Gov. who is black an oreo is justified.
Aren’t you the same guy who was personally victimized by the Holocaust in Philly???
The CLOWNParty of Tolerance & Diversity is quick to feign being offended for “insensitive remarks”(whatever the F*CK that means) and quick to offend others who disagree with them.
I feel your pain Goldy!!
Your pain of JEALOUSY that is!
@ 9
That event you reference never happened, but thanks to the GOP eco chamber, you repeat it. So Michael, were you there? Did you see the “piles of Oreo cookies” on the ground?
I don’t think anyone compared Lt. Gov Michael Steele (R-MD) to an African dictator, which is offensive. Maybe a cookie, which is also bad.
Goldy, as an American w/ distant German roots, I”m offended by you calling bad people Nazis. You slur Germans each time you do so. Comparing people to Hitler is racist.
ps, you volunteering to help your daughter is self interest; Stefan helping Urban League I presume isn’t to help his own family…
weak post
Ghost @8,
Exactly. The term “Shylock” is intended as an anti-semitic slur. I used it to demonstrate my point by example.
Now I suppose that Stefan originally chose the Mugabe comparison in what he thought to be a humorous dig at the CAO. Perhaps, when he first wrote it, the thought never occurred to him that others might perceive the comparison to be racially tinged. But he continues to use it, even after it has repeatedly been brought to his attention that others consider it to be racially offensive.
That’s fine I guess, in that Stefan has the right to print whatever he wants. But likewise, I have the right to castigate him for it, and to suggest — as Ron Sims has — that it was inappropriate for the Urban League to honor a person who repeatedly makes racist statements about the most prominent African American elected official in the state.
You know, regardless of community service I might ever perform, I wouldn’t expect the BIAW to give me an award.
Goldy, the Democrat Robert Mugabe of Blogs!! BTW, does YOUR daughter go to black schools, or are you a racist?? Typical commie lib “progressive”!! Bus Goldy’s daughter to a black school!!!! [hehe…Democrats: “Do as I say, not as I do!!”
righton @ 13
“Goldy, as an American w/ distant German roots, I”m offended by you calling bad people Nazis. You slur Germans each time you do so. “
Typical idiocy from a ignorant wingnut.
There are Nazi parties in may countries (including the American Nazi Party). If you are a member of the Nazi party (in any country), righton, then you have a right to be offended.
“Comparing people to Hitler is racist.”
Sorry, ignorance doesn’t cut it here. You, apparently, do not know the definition of the word “racist.”
belltowner @11..the GOP has an ECO-CHAMBER???
WOW…and who says that the republicans are against the environment…why, having an “eco” chamber is a sure sign that we conservatives do care about the earth…don’t you think?
heh heh heh :)
Rightoff @13,
Please find the quote of me calling people “Nazis”.
And by the way, I think I was sufficiently self-deprecating in calling my volunteering a “good parent thing” to indicate that I wasn’t equating the two. I in no way want to diminish Stefan’s volunteerism.
@11 Those involved now claim that oreos were “rolled” at Steele, not thrown. I guess that makes everything ok, because I was incensed over the rolling vs. throwing part of the story, not the oreo part…
goldy@14…….you know….that doesn’t really cut it. it’s not the same thing at all. stefan compared one MAN to another….
he didn’t use any racial slur.
and now the “incident” is referred to by you as being “racially tinged”……
what is that exactly? a slight, maybe, might be, kinda ,sorta, racial ‘incident’???
what next?
but calling people nazis on a regular basis is okay? how about oreos and uncle tom’s?
because if you are going to whine [and that’s what this is] about people using slurs against others…perhaps you should castigate yourself first.
personally…i found the shylock term offensive.
Goldy@19 sez:
“I in no way want to diminish Stefan’s volunteerism.
Comment by Goldy— 12/10/05 @ 2:29 pm”
HUH??? Of course you want to diminish Stefan’s volunteerism!
You are saying clearly he should not have been honored because your BUTTBuddy Sims finds it convenient to feign offense. Sims is a Public Figure. Certainly you CLOWNS find it easy to go after any RIGHTY’S like Coulter (anti-woman???), Bush (anti-ShortGuy) and certainly anti-Christian on virtually every thread.
Now Goldy, I know you would have like to have gotten that award. Did your BUTTBuddy promise it to you???
It’s amazing how the wingers attempt to justify the unjustifiable. The Mugabe slur is just another in a decades-long penchant of Republicans to play the race card (e.g., remember Willie Horton?). There’s nothing off-hand about it.
Of course, if the wingers actually admitted this then the game would be up. So behold in this thread various gambits of distraction. What’s funny is that folks like Mr. Cynical apparently don’t even realize how ridiculous they sound. Hey, it’s just a job.
DJ at 16: So comparing a black politican to a black dictator is racism, but comparing a white person to Hitler is not ? Pls explain this to me. I hope you have an honest and reasonable answer and not just another …well….4 letter word invective.
Christmasg: You are not getting it.
Goldy was just being sarcastic :-)
Goldy: Are you jealous of Stephan ?
echo, not eco
but if the GOP is coming around on the whole “eco” part, that’s fine too.
BS fom GS at 3:
Any individual that wants to rename Christmas to Holiday, and can’t see that likened to renaming Hanukkah to Alovelyday has no business throwing the stones of any type. They better look at their own bias.
Well, since Christmas was never a Christian Holy day (holiday, get it?) to begin with (it’s roots, as well as Easter’s, are in paganism—just to a search on “origins of Christmas”)who the fuck are you to complain?
I think Stefan might apoligize re his rascist remarks, but that would mean apologizing to his sworn enemies: Ron Sims and Goldy. And his multiple personalities, of which atleast one of them is still mad about the remark.
ah, belltowner…i just couldn’t resist……:)
seadog @ 23
“So comparing a black politican to a black dictator is racism, but comparing a white person to Hitler is not?”
Comparing a black politician to a black dictator/murderer because the politician is black is blatant racism. The subtext is: “this dictator is black is and is evil; you are black therefore share his evil characteristic.”
I have seen people accused of being Hitler for several reasons:
(1) Because the “accused” expressed political views that are similar to either Nazi or fascists ideologies. Criticisms over political ideology do not amount to racism under any definition.
(2) Because the “accused” has called for the extermination of some group of people based on their “racial” type, their ethnicity, or their religion. This can scarcely be called racism.
(3) Because the “accuser” is simply flinging an insult at the “accused.” This is typically not based on a person’s skin color (and on this blog a person is usually not certain about any given commenter’s skin color anyway). This does not qualify as racism anymore than is calling someone, say, a McCarthyite or claiming they are Lennon.
I think the point Goldy is making is that, while Stefan MAY NOT have started the comparison out of racism (i.e. the comparison may have originated from a CAO—Rwanda land grab analogy), Stefan’s continued use of the comparison outside of this context makes it indistinguishable from a racially-motivated statement. And, indeed, many people (commenters on this blog and Sims himself) find it offensive to the point of being indistinguishable from racism.
“I hope you have an honest and reasonable answer and not just another …well….4 letter word invective.”
You know, anytime somebody tries to tell me what language I should or should not use, they are simply asking for it….
Go fuck yourself, seadog.
There…the best of BOTH worlds. :-)
Quick clarification to my post @ 30 (because someone is likely to mis-understand what I am getting at).
(2) Because the “accused” has called for the extermination of some group of people based on their “racial” type, their ethnicity, or their religion. This can scarcely be called racism on the part of the “accuser.”
Goldy @ 4
“Don’t get me wrong… I’m not necessarily calling Stefan a racist. I’m just accusing him of knowingly making racially insensitive remarks.”
Goldy, this paragraph is so stupid, on so many levels. But that YOU would write it, the namecaller-in-chief for the entire state, is what makes it sp priceless. I am going to print this one out and frame it. It is by far the most memorable thing you have ever written.
and once again dj chimes in with N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
except of course the overly predictable four letter words.
and is this reaching or is this reaching???
****The subtext is: “this dictator is black is and is evil; you are black therefore share his evil characteristic.”*****
well…now we know how YOU think.
thanks for sharing……..
not just closet elitists anymore but also closet racists……after all, only you could think up that “reacher”….
Christmasghost @ 33
“and once again dj chimes in with N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
except of course the overly predictable four letter words.
Say what???? “Nothing?” Holy shit are you a fucking idiot!
Christmasghost @ 33
“and is this reaching or is this reaching???
****The subtext is: “this dictator is black is and is evil; you are black therefore share his evil characteristic.”*****
well…now we know how YOU think.
thanks for sharing……..”
Sorry, Christmasghost, I know that reading AND comprehension are not your strong points. So, to clarify, I was not stating that that is how I think. I was pointing out the subtext of the message coming from a person comparing a black African dictator to a black politician in the U.S.
Geeez…must all posts be written at a 5th grade level to avoid misunderstanding by morons like Christmasghost?
goldy, and i guess defender dj…
a) i’m a literalist; your opening paragraph pretty nicely said both of you volunteered at school. Guess if I were totally honest and non-partisan I’d say more like, “Stefan seems to be a do-gooder in a non-white school” (end of story, fact you help your own daughter isn’t relevant)
b) Mugabe is fair to compare to, we on the right think Sims has overstepped in rural areas, and in the elections. So in a world where invective and overstatement rules, comparing a slight bully like Sims to a bad bully like Mugabe, seems ok. Maybe you should provide us some politically correct white bullies to comapare him to.
c) You constantly hoist up the fascist, Nazi flag. Guess I’ll have to fire up the search, copy, paste thing. Frankly if Stefan used the Mugabe thing on a weekly basis I’d drum him on that too.
Wierd, you sound smarter on the radio than your posts…
Long live Senator Eugene McCarthy! Blessed are the peacemakers; he is in a better place, where there are no Republican warmongers calling him names, because GOP warmongers go to the other place.
Josh Feit is picking up on the whole Urban League/Sims/Sharkansky thing at The Slog.
“he is a racist because he compared one dictator to another?”
Hmmm … if that’s all he wanted to do, why didn’t he compare Sims to a WHITE dictator, or a hispanic dictator, or an Asian dictator … why did he choose a BLACK dictator? Mmmm?
Apparently, Sims made a point of walking out on the event before Sharkansky was given his award. Urban League, do ya’ll ever read the paper? Talk to your elected leaders?
“Any individual that wants to rename Christmas to Holiday, and can’t see that likened to renaming Hanukkah to Alovelyday has no business throwing the stones of any type. They better look at their own bias. Happy Alovelyday to you all! How damn sickening!”
Anybody who gets his panties in a bunch because some non-Christian says “happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” needs serious therapy. You don’t have to Christianize the whole fucking world, you know. A lot less blood will be shed if everybody lives and lets live.
Actually, even though I’m a Christian — a real one — I don’t like the Christmas season very much, because it’s been so completely bastardized by our commercial culture. The holiday season is little more than an in-your-face reminder of how greedy and materialistic we are.
“Don’t get me wrong… I’m not necessarily calling Stefan a racist. I’m just accusing him of knowingly making racially insensitive remarks.”
Goldy, how about accusing him of deliberately pandering to the subcutaneous racist impulses of his Republican brethren, because that’s exactly what he’s doing.
roger about dictators
fine, pick another current dictator who steals land and steals votes (not exactly what we accuse Sims of, both both are the big 2 categories).
I don’t know all 200 countries or whatever, but Mugabe, Castro, couple others all i can come up with.
Seems racist to never pick on the black dictator…
I’m ok w/ merry christmas and happy chanukah(sp).. quarrel is with prohibiting mention of christmas…
righton @ 44
“Seems racist to never pick on the black dictator… “
No…it is civility and good manners to avoid making a comparison that will be misunderstood by some as a racist slam. There are two reasons: (1) it will be deeply offensive to some people, and (2) it will fuel racism on the part of other people. If Stefan had any social conscience, he would know better than to make statements that encourage the subset of uSP readers who are racists.
“Comparing Ron Sims to another person who happens to be black is racism, but calling a certain Lt. Gov. who is black an oreo is justified.”
That would be a great riposte, Michael — if the oreo story was true. But it’s bullshit.
The original source for the “oreo” story was the right-wing Moonie-owned fish wrapper, The Washington Times; or, more specifically, WT reporter S. A. Miller who, by his own admission, never personally saw any oreo tossing.
“A LexisNexis search shows that only people directly connected to the Republican Party have ever been quoted attesting to the accuracy of any version of the Oreo story.
“Of the two newspapers that have most frequently discussed the event, the Sun’s reporting has been largely circumspect, typically reporting the incident AS A CLAIM MADE BY REPUBLICANS. [RR’s note: emphasis added.) The Washington Times, by contrast, has more freely propagated the most incendiary version of the incident, repeatedly reporting as a given fact that Steele was ‘pelted’ by cookies at the debate.
“Miller was at the debate in 2002 but acknowledges he didn’t see any Oreos. In neither of his two stories about Steele being ‘pelted’ with Oreos does Miller cite his sources. ‘I heard it that night,’ he tells City Paper. ‘I can’t remember where I heard it. It was repeated by people on the Ehrlich campaign.'”
Huh? He HEARD it? but can’t remember WHERE he heard it? and gave it credence because Republican campaign staffers repeated it? Well, why not? After all, his employer, The Washington Times, is nothing but a GOP megaphone.
“Miller defends his reporting on the grounds that he has ‘no reason to doubt that it happened. It fits right in with everything else I know happened that night.'”
Uh, OK, this is what passes for “journalism” in the Moonie fish wrapper. We already knew that.
So Michael, if GOP operatives make up shit, and a GOP propagandist repeats it in a GOP fish wrapper, you believe it? Um, OK, it’s what we expect of you as a brainless, unthinking, vomit-spewing trollfuck.
If anyone did throw one (1), or more, oreo cookies at Lt. Gov. Steele, I’ll bet money the perp was an undercover GOP operative. This is typical of the Rovian tactics used by the Smear Party.
so stop slurring germans then..
Belltowner, don’t be too hasty about buying into the “oreo” story. It’s being circulated by the same mouthpieces who trumpeted the fake “Kerry intern” story. Almost 100% probability the story is a manufactured lie.
“Goldy, as an American w/ distant German roots, I”m offended by you calling bad people Nazis. You slur Germans each time you do so. Comparing people to Hitler is racist.”
For the record, Germany doesn’t have Nazis anymore. In fact, it’s illegal to be a Nazi in Germany. The Nazis are in the Republican Party now.
Ann Coulter is a Nazi. She wants to put people in concentration camps and execute them.
Coulter wants to put Goldy in a concentration camp and execute him. Goldy is Jewish. Therefore, Coulter is a Nazi.
“Those involved now claim that oreos were “rolled” at Steele, not thrown. I guess that makes everything ok, because I was incensed over the rolling vs. throwing part of the story, not the oreo part…”
The Republicans have revised their story? Is this one of these deals like the reasons for invading Iraq, the story changes every week?
Why is the Bush White House leading a war on Chirstmas? Georgie’s HOLIDAY CARD sure puts water on the idea that the “LEFT” is anti-Christian! HE HE!
@54 Not the Republicans, the Democrats say that what they did is ok because they rolled the oreos, not throw the oreos.
“Goldy … the namecaller-in-chief”
I’m hurt! I’m offended!! You’ve slighted ME!!! Roger Rabbit is the name-caller-in-chief, you ignorant America-hating trollfuck fascist slug kisser!!!!!!!
Righton @ 49
“so stop slurring germans then.. “
Huh???? Where did I slur Germans?
Michael @ 56
“Those involved now claim that oreos were “rolled” at Steele, not thrown.”
“Democrats say that what they did is ok because they rolled the oreos, not throw the oreos.”
Huh? Where are the Democrats who claimed they rolled ’em? Source please. It look like you have no idea what you are talking about—just spewing some bullshit you got from talk radio or a wingnut web site.
Hey Goldy…What percentage of blacks go to your daughter’s school?? I think you should “fess up”!!! A little racism, Goldy? As long as blacks vote Democrat and do NOT go to the same school as you daughter, life is good, right? [hehe]
If Stefan is guilty of racism, then same logic would say anytime you guys (my memory fails me, but since most do this, i assume you do too)… equate anything bad with “Nazi”…..nazi bush, nazi coulter, nazi anti abortion, nazi whatever. Since Nazis were German (fascists were in other places, but Nazis was short for the german National Socialist party)…you guys thus slur all German Americans. I gotta believe there are some good german/american liberal women you guys wouldn’t want to badly tar.
Last time I checked, the owners of rural King County properties are still the owners of those properties. The only thing Sims did was support a CAO. The GMA requires counties to enact CAOs. You rightys think ANY government restriction on what you can do with your land is confiscation. Fuck you! If a stream flows through your property, the streambed and the water in it are public property, and the state has a right to prevent you from fucking up the public’s stream.
He probably got it from some poster on Freep.
I wonder if Evil-prr’s lawyer will show at DL? I hope so! I want to meet her! :D :D :D
I hope she has long pink ears and a cute cottontail!!!
I dont get this at all.
Unless in comparing Sims to Mugabe he compared their behavior as something that is *strictly* because they are both black, it isnt racist at all.
The comment was made about two types of tyrannical behavior. it have been over the top, but there was nothing racially motivated or implied.
This is using racism as a straw man, and frankly is a cheap attack. Unless you can show a much stronger relatoin, I would have to say that Goldy’s bias against Sharkansky has gone to the front of his focus, which is a shame.
No wonder a lot of people complain that people play the race card too quickly. They do…
dj@46……must we all write at a thrid grade level just so complete illiterates like dj can understand what we are trying to say?
dj’s quote
****No…it is civility and good manners to avoid making a comparison that will be misunderstood by some as a racist slam. There are two reasons: (1) it will be deeply offensive to some people, and (2) it will fuel racism on the part of other people. If Stefan had any social conscience, he would know better than to make statements that encourage the subset of uSP readers who are racists.***
whew baby…right back at you.
you are the only one assuming that’s what people would think. personally, that aspect never even crossed my mind, i suspect, because unlike you…i am not a racist.
isn’t it funny that all the PC police like you are the racists? the first thing you ASSUME is that he was chosen because of his COLOR not his ACTIONS.
i think mugabe was a great choice because ,short of killing people to take their land, he and sims have ALOT in common.
your premise that “it might” cause other people to think this or that, is fatally flawed.
aren’t you one of the people that’s always going on about how violent or offensive movies and games don’t really effect kids?
so which is it toots…you have to choose one or the other.
Hey has anyone checked with Magabe maybe he is offened by being compared to Simms.
Sven……..Isn’t Harare the perfect Democrat Hillary Village? No evil whites around……..You know, kind of like Democrat Detroit!! And Detroit is Democrat Heaven. No whites, and no Republicans!! Yes, Detroit is the perfect example of Democrat rule. [hehe]
Democrat Goldy……..Do any blacks go to your daughter’s school? You know, diversity is very important!! Perhaps you could bus her to a public school in downtown Detroit to give her a good experience in “diversity”. [hehe….Remember the Dems in MASS screaming “Bus Teddy!!” This is sooooooo classic!!
that made me laugh
rr @62
I wonder if Evil-prr’s lawyer will show at DL? I hope so! I want to meet her!
Umm, it will likely be a “him” but don’t let that stop you.
Stefan isn’t a racist – he just writes racist things, and whips up his racist sheep followers into a racist frenzy.
Everybody (especially a right wing troll) knows that’s not racism!
At least Stefan is just teaching these kids math, so he won’t be introducing any Michael Savage, Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin books into the curriculum.
-I feel your pain Goldy!!
Your pain of JEALOUSY that is!-
Only Mr. Cynical could come up with the notion that Goldy is jealous because he can’t be as overtly racist as Stefan.
Talk about a screwed-up value system!
Such is life of an angry, white right-wing troll.
I would be offended if I was compared to Mugabe, and I am white. Yet being compared to somebody on the basis of actions is the way to establish a minimum standard, bad or good. The comparison has to encompass actual racial grounds in order to be offended on a matter of race. Simms is black and so is Mugabe, but the comparison was about voting, I think, correct me if I am wrong.
I understand that some of you on the left will naturally worry that the fringies will be emboldened (Hi, JCH. Have another Mai Tai so you can get your sleep), but this does not rise to the level of racism.
On a related front: Calling someone a Nazi detracts from the horror the Nazi’s inflicted and does not defame the target as intended. Pick a new one.
Roger Rabbit @ 43: “Goldy, how about accusing him of deliberately pandering to the subcutaneous racist impulses of his Republican brethren, because that’s exactly what he’s doing.”
Subcutaneous? I guess the subconscious is somewhere under the skin…
I have concluded the following: Mr Cynical is C-O-D-E for Moronic, Mouth breathing, DumbAss.
He is obviously a better person than I. He spells FUCK, F*CK. I can’t really see the difference though.
Mr Cynical, how about you stay over at unSP since nothing you read here suits your beliefs.
Yes, it is shop till you drop and Mrs Rabbit needs lots of shiny diamonds…….. Big Diamonds. Bling, Bling, Bling!
DugCLOWN sez:
“Mr Cynical, how about you stay over at unSP since nothing you read here suits your beliefs.
Comment by DugoutNut— 12/10/05 @ 7:01 pm”
Dug is typical of the “tolerant” LEFTIST PINHEADS who clamor for more “diversity” hourly. Once the diversity smacks ’em on the side of the noggin, CLOWNS like Dug scream for the “diversity” to go away!!!
Lots of stuff I read @ HA suits my beliefs… warms the cockles of my heart to know there are people like Howie Dean, John Kerry, Swimmer Kennedy, Barney Fag to kill the Progressive movement. It helps me sleep like a baby at night knowing there are CLOWNS like you Dug….devoted to yakking up your bowel….errr Progressive movement.
Unlike you Dug….I desperately want people with opposing views to have plenty of rope…..errr, I mean a mike and a platform, to spew your CLOWNish views.
Keep up the bad work Dug! I’m countin’ on ya!
@ 75
Honestly, Cyn, Barney Fag? Why no Jimbo Fag? If you’re throwing around the sexuality based insults, be a little even handed.
You got to love these lefties. They are the first ones to charge their opponents are racists but yet they elect racists every year to congress. Great comedy…
Anything involving prr is likely to be a buh-uhk-buhk cluck-cluck-cluck no show.
Next time you see Mrs. Rabbit ask her how many diamonds she has.
I can’t help but wonder if we should have a role model like Stefan teaching our kids. He can’t even hold a $9-an-hour temp job due to his inability to follow instructions.
rufus….or they “elect” them to the governor’s mansion.
and YO…that was hysterical. i am still laughing. i’ll bet mugabe would be offended by being compared to a, shall we say ‘not very masculine” guy, like sims……….
roger….would that be zero?
I shouldn’t have to ask, I should see them!
A mile away, glittering in the light!
Christmas tree lights!
One of Rog’s little pals he carries around in his head:
No wonder Rog has his moments of sheer terror!
Christmasghost @ 65
“you are the only one assuming that’s what people would think. personally, that aspect never even crossed my mind, i suspect, because unlike you…i am not a racist.”
Yes but “that aspect never crossed your mind,” because there isn’t much of a mind there—you are a numbskull idiot.
Yes, I made a assumption–and a resonable one–that some African Americans would be offended by Stefan’s comment about Sims. But, empirically I’ve been shown to be correct (i.e. evidence from the one African American who has been asked about it confirms my assumption).
“isn’t it funny that all the PC police like you are the racists?”
Huh? This comment makes no sense whatsoever.
“the first thing you ASSUME is that he was chosen because of his COLOR not his ACTIONS.”
As a matter of fact, I did not see Stefan’s original comment about Sims==Mugabe back in 2004. That post had a link to a semi-satirical piece pointing out the land-grab aspects the author felt somehow applied to Sims. I did see a later comment by Stefan that had no such context around it. And, yes, my first thought was that Stefan was making a racial slur, and it seemed to me that any African American who gets told by Sharkansky that he is a Robert Mugabe would probably be deeply offended by the comment.
So, just how does that make me a racist???? It seems that Christmasghost has a little pretend world where up is down and red is green.
“i think mugabe was a great choice because ,short of killing people to take their land, he and sims have ALOT in common.”
Oh??? And just what do they have in common?
“your premise that “it might” cause other people to think this or that, is fatally flawed.”
No…empirically I am 100% correct.
“aren’t you one of the people that’s always going on about how violent or offensive movies and games don’t really effect kids?”
Nope…I don’t believe I have EVER discussed video game or movie violence on Horsesass. Once again, a make-believe world for ChristmasDunce.
Close … 1.
81 (continued)
After she married me, she didn’t get any more diamonds.
Hey Cynical — one good picture deserves another, eh?
In case any of you missed it, here is the picture of Mr. Cynical:
Mr. C, that picture is just so YOU!
You think Ron Sims might be offended by the Robert Mugabe comparison, since the elected government in Zimbabwe is strongly opposed to gay rights, and makes gay sex a felony offense? Mugabe even had one of his long term political allies, Canaan Banana (who preceded Mugabe as President) arrested, tried and imprisoned for sodomy:
Mugabe frequently describes gays as “as worse than dogs and pigs”.
“I’m morally repulsed by homosexuality,” Mugabe told a dinner in March celebrating his 80th birthday.
“It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam, Eve and Eve,” he said. “Let us never entertain the theory that man and man can form a family.”
PETER TATCHELL says the President of Zimbabwe is a freedom fighter turned human rights abuser.
Lesbians and gays are “sexual perverts” who are “lower than dogs and pigs”, according the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe. Arriving in Britain to attend this weekend’s Commonwealth Conference, Mugabe has rejected calls for gay human rights. “We don’t believe they (gays) have any rights at all”, he said.
In 1995, Mugabe ordered the Zimbabwe International Book Fair to ban an exhibit by the civil rights group, Gays & Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ). He followed this ban with warnings that homosexuals should leave the country “voluntarily” or face “dire consequences”. Soon afterwards, Mugabe urged the public to track down and arrest lesbians and gays. Since these incitements, homosexuals have been beaten up, fire-bombed, arrested, interrogated and threatened with death. Most Zimbabwean churches are backing Mugabe’s hate campaign.
The President’s anti-gay crusade is seen by many as a diversionary tactic, designed to create a bogey that will deflect public attention from government corruption, economic mismanagement, faltering land reform, and human rights abuses. Ignoring these crises, Mugabe has focused on GALZ’s campaign for homosexual equality. He says: “It cannot be right for human rights groups to dehumanise us to the status of beasts”.
dj @84
But, empirically I’ve been shown to be correct (i.e. evidence from the one African American who has been asked about it confirms my assumption).
I disagree. The one African American is also the subject. As I stated before, I would be offended if somebody linked me to Mugabe. The question is whether there is a parallel between Sims and the awful way Mugabe is running his country. IMO, politics drives the debate and a true answer is not obtainable.
Fwiw – Mugabe is the issue for me, not Simms. Similarities aside…
@ 93
The reason why Steffy compares Mugabe to Sims is because they are both black. The comparsison doesn’t work if Sims isn’t black. Also, comparing the CAO, which gets a lot of local ink, to Mugabe’s forceful expulsion of whites and other enemies from their land at the point of a gun, is bullshit, and its telling of Stefan. If Stefan had the choice between living in Mugabe’s country or Sims’ county, he’d be better off in King county. Fewer death camps.
Belltowner @94
You are the voice of reason that I have been trying to find amid the partisan bullshit…
I can remember being stationed at the Naval Air Station in South Weymouth Mass.when Ted Kennedy got into that little trouble with Mary Jo and not a week went by before you could see the bumper stickers which read more people have been killed in Ted Kennendys car than nuke accidents which at the time was a correct statement.think about it. but today he is so fat if someone told him to haul ass he would have to make ten trips.on the other hand he has an advantage look at all the time he saves in the morning when he bends down to wipe his feet he can wash his face with his stomack.
Marks @ 93
“I disagree. The one African American is also the subject. As I stated before, I would be offended if somebody linked me to Mutable.”
I am not sure I follow your logic. Why is it somehow not “racially offensive” just because it was the victim himself who felt it was a racist attack?
I mean, if Sims had stated that he found the Mugabe reference distasteful because it offends his political sensibilities then you would be correct. However, that is not how Sims felt about it:
So, while Stefan may not have intended it as a racial slur, it is easy to see how it can be taken as so, and, in this case, the victim did take it as such an offense.
At the very least, I would have hoped that Stefan had had the good manners to recognize the possibility and therefore go out of his way to avoid any racist suggestion in his statement.
The reason why Steffy compares Mugabe to Sims is because they are both black. The comparsison doesn’t work if Sims isn’t black. Also, comparing the CAO, which gets a lot of local ink, to Mugabe’s forceful expulsion of whites and other enemies from their land at the point of a gun, is bullshit, and its telling of Stefan
No that is not the reason. It is only an issue with you lefties. The left sees race in everything because they are racists.
Belltowner @94
Allow me to partially apologize: you explained the linkage well, and I was not a good sport.
On a related front: Calling someone a Nazi detracts from the horror the Nazi’s inflicted and does not defame the target as intended. Pick a new one.
It also is a violation of Godwins law.
Everyone knows that:
Godwin’s Law (also Godwin’s Rule of Nazi analogies) is an adage in Internet culture that was originated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states that:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.
Although the law does not specifically mention it, there is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made, the thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress
source: wikipedia….
In this case, its a convenient and inflammatory way to take a pot shot.
I hope you are making up for the lack of bling in other appropriate ways…………….
Diamonds are a lady’s best friend!
Seriously, has Ron Sims ever actually denounced Robert Mugabe? It was interesting to see Goldy call Mugabe a “brutal dictator”. A lot of leftists in the U.S. actually SUPPORT Mugabe — not as many as did 25 years ago, but still quite a few.
I do recall a few years back that King County wanted to become a sister county with some province in Cuba. I believe Sims was in favor of the idea. Fidel Castro is much more of a “brutal dictator” than Mugabe. Castro has never permitted the opposition to participate in any “election” in Cuba since he took power in 1959. Mugabe is authoritarian, but he does have elections with lots of opposition candidates. The recent parliamentary elections in 2005 had the Zimbabwe opposition parties getting a little over 40% of the vote and about 30% of the seats in parliament.
Why is it somehow not “racially offensive” just because it was the victim himself who felt it was a racist attack?
I did not say that, yet you do bring up a good point. Is “racially offensive” a matter for only a black man to infer? Or the “victim ” of the percieved attack?
At what point do we (us hatemongering and racist white guys [JCH go away]) allow ourselves to be taken by an argument with so many flaws as to be silly? This was simply not a racist tack on Stefan’s point, unless you allow that the mere linkage of black to black is true.
I understand from a political point of view that you would want to link an individual on the other side as some sort of racist prick, but this linkage is indeed tenuous…
And before you go there dj (not that I think you will), since when have I been Stefan’s apologist? Do I not look at the angles?
Richard Pope @ 102
“Seriously, has Ron Sims ever actually denounced Robert Mugabe?”
Perhaps you can ask him.
But, this is an interesting perspective. You seem to imply that Sims, by being passive on the Mugabe issue (or, at least you think he is) somehow assumes responsibility for Stefan’s statement? I think Stefan gets to take full responsibility for his own statements.
It is absurd to claim that someone must denounce bad folks to somehow immunize himself against attacks of being compared to the bad person. (Richard, have you denounced Charles Manson yet?)
“It was interesting to see Goldy call Mugabe a “brutal dictator”. A lot of leftists in the U.S. actually SUPPORT Mugabe – not as many as did 25 years ago, but still quite a few.”
Really? I am surrounded by leftists in my job and school, and I don’t recall ever hearing anyone say anything good about Mugabe. I am sure there are a few, but I suspect you will not find many of them here on Horsesass or uSP.
“I do recall a few years back that King County wanted to become a sister county with some province in Cuba. I believe Sims was in favor of the idea.”
Ummmm…becoming a sister city to a community in Cuba is not equal to becoming a sister city to Castro. In any case, is THIS sufficient to justify a seemingly racist statement equating Sims to Mugabe? Again, I think Stefan, not Sims (or Castro or Seattle), is responsible for Stefan’s statement.
Comment by Richard Pope — 12/10/05 @ 10:06 pm
“Mugabe frequently describes gays as ‘as worse than dogs and pigs’.”
Sounds like Jim West to me…….
marks @ 104
“And before you go there dj (not that I think you will), since when have I been Stefan’s apologist? Do I not look at the angles?”
Indeed, I have frequently offered high praise for your ability to examine evidence, analyze issues, and debate points rationally. I do not interpret your comments as you being Stefan’s apologist.
Actually, dj, if Stefan continues to deride him as the Mugabe of Seattle politics, I would be surprised. I might even condemn him, since the point has been made here that Sims finds it objectionable. Depends on the circumstances.
Is it OK to compare Stefan to Meyer Kahane, or would that be tantamount to comparing Ron Sims to Robert Mugabe? I guaranfuckin’tee you every righty commenter here is Googling M.K. Not one of these RETROGRADE RIGHTY CLOWNS knows who I’m talking about.
Thank you headless. I have no idea who Meyer Kahane is. But I suppose that is your point…you had no idea who Mugabe was, right?
@ 102
So, if Sims doesn’t denounced Mugabe, then he’s a supporter? I’ve never heard you denounce Pol Pot, so does that make you a Marxist murdering simpethizer? Goldy’s never denounced people eatign with their mounth open… or skid marks on underwear… or spitting on old people… or kicking baby carriages… it goes on.
also, that was Dwight Pelz regarding the Cuba thing.
marks @ 103
“I did not say that, yet you do bring up a good point.”
Sorry if I misinterpreted your second sentence in post 93.
“Is “racially offensive” a matter for only a black man to infer? Or the “victim ” of the percieved attack?”
I would say no, mostly. We can all recognize blatant racism. I suspect many of us would suspect racism if a bus driver tells a black woman to get up from her seat to let a white woman sit down (all else being equal–obviously there are exceptions like a disabled white woman and the black woman sitting in seats reserved for disabled people) or a convenience store cashier tells an Asian customer that “we don’t serve gooks.”
What Stefan said, on the other hand, was less blatantly racist. It is less so when made in the full context of the political point. Still, consider the likely result if you conducted a survey where you asked average people this:
Q: Suppose a White political pundit refers to the African American mayor as “The Idi Amin of Whoville.” Does this appear to be a racially-motivated attack? (Yes, No).
Given no other information, I suspect a large fraction of people would check “yes”
”At what point do we (us hatemongering and racist white guys [JCH go away]) allow ourselves to be taken by an argument with so many flaws as to be silly?”
Well, in such questionable cases, one way would be to ascertaining whether the recipient of the statement views it as a racist attack. If not, then no. If so? Well, this is exactly the logic I found compelling when, in a recent discussion with you, I took up your offer to take some action on a remotely similar issue.
”This was simply not a racist tack on Stefan’s point, unless you allow that the mere linkage of black to black is true.”
I mostly agree. I just wish Stefan had to good sense to realize that (1) reasonable people could easily misunderstand it (particularly if they lack the full context of the article Stefan originally pointed to), and (2) that his statement was bound to (and, indeed, seems to have) have justified less enlightened individuals in racial attacks against Sims. There are comment threads on uSP that discuss lynching Sims and tar and feathering Sims. These comments (which are more clearly racist) seem to reflect people feeling emboldened by a misunderstanding of Stefan’s statements.
”I understand from a political point of view that you would want to link an individual on the other side as some sort of racist prick, but this linkage is indeed tenuous…”
As Goldy stated in post 4:
I would only add that Stefan ought to know better than this—I mean, given one extreme of his reader/commenter base….
For all the invective you heap on Ted Kennedy, the man has more heart than all of you trollfucks put tegether.
He cares about the poor; you only care about getting rich.
He works for social justice; you perpetuate social injustices.
He wants peace; you want war.
He is compassionate; you are cruel.
He is honest; you are corrupt.
Fuck you.
Meir Kahane was an American-born extremist who founded the Jewish Defense League and Israel’s violently nationlistic Kach Party. Some considered him a terrorist. He was assassinated in 1990.
Stefan is the Jewish Step-n’-Fetchit of the Seattle blogospere.
In your minds I can almost see the query forming: “What are you talking about, Willis?”
I only mean it in a good way. I am not a racist!! That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!!!!!!!!!!
dj @112
An excellent post. After some consideration, I conclude that Stefan’s linkage was inappropriate (not racist) and he should stop using it.
On a further point, as I said @71 vis-a-vis Nazi’s, I honestly think that the linkage detracts from the outrage we should have over Mugabe. The Mugabe regime is a horrible disaster for Zimbabwe, and should be roundly denounced.
You guys are too kind. I still can’t get past Goldy’s jealousy, basically using passing reference to Urban League work and award, to then tee off w/ a pretty weak attack.
People who are quick to use the racist label typically don’t have much to offer. Same w/ the Nazi label.
For all the invective you heap on Ted Kennedy, the man has more heart than all of you trollfucks put tegether.
He cares about the poor; you only care about getting rich.
He works for social justice; you perpetuate social injustices.
He wants peace; you want war.
He is compassionate; you are cruel.
He is honest; you are corrupt.
Fuck you.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 12/11/05 @ 3:15 am
[Mary Jo, Whay do you think? hehe, JCH]
Well that settles it. From now on it is OK to refer to Dino Rossi as the Fredo Corleone of Washington State politics.
We can refer to Stephan Sharkansky’s love for democracy as “Putinesque”.
We can dismiss Matt Rosenberg as “just another self-hating Jew”.
We can remark on the uncanny similarity of Chris Vance and Hermann Georing with a three days growth of beard.
There’s more. Do stop me if I cross a line somewhere…..
lIke that guy in this post w/ the Internet rule of “give them enuf time and you’ll hit the Nazi button”
You crossed the line at Goehring. Others were funny, though Putin is Russian orthodox, Shark russian jewish.
Proud and other libs…
Funny how you tried to pick physical similarity between Vance and Goerhing…. gee, good political satire sort of gets better when there is a physical resemblence…
So are you saying we can go ahead and compare Black politicians to outrageous other Black politicians? Or do you demand we cannot come up w/ funny satirical similarities…saying at most , Gee Sims is sort of like the next Kim Il Jong or Pompidou or some other non-black. Is a lot more biting when there’s some plausible resemblance
You ever laugh at “separated at birth”?
When you hit the Josef Stalin and the Commie buttons YOU automatically lose—– You friggin’ NAZIS.
re 116: Yes. Robert Mugabe is a left wing dictator. But I think for people like Stefan it is the left wing part that bothers him, not the dictator part. What really scares Stefan about Mugabe is that he has taken land from rich white people and given it to poor black peop;e. marks and dj: Don’t try and fool people about the American right wing not supporting right wing dictatorsw, because it just isn’t true. Many’s the time I’ve seen property taken from poor people and given to rich American corporations at the behest of right wing dictators the U.S. supports. This derriere kissing contest between dj and marks is unseemly, at best. You two obscure important issues with your pantywaiste efforts to always be in the CENTER.
Rog sez:
“In case any of you missed it, here is the picture of Mr. Cynical:
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/10/05 @ 9:39 pm
Mr. C, that picture is just so YOU!”
Actually Rog, that picture is not me….It’s Mom’s sister… my Aunt PennySue!
I get my good looks from my dad’s side of the family.
Fortunately, I have always known who my Daddy was.
PennySue has a Dodge Ram 4X4 with a stuffed couch AND a stuffed recliner in the back. Of course, her rack is pretty impressive too…..gun rack that is! Hell, this year she shot a 12-point buck while sittin’ back in her recliner chugging a Milwaukee’s Best! Then she drove over to where she dropped it, hopped out and had that 185 lb. cleaned and butchered in 90 minutes!
Wrong Post. Wrong Time. Wrong Thinking.
Harry Poon
Maybe we should debate Mugabe? Even get some feedback from starving people in Zimbabwe….proof that when the state takes land, people suffer. I”m sure you recall the starvation in Ukraine, Russia, later China as the commies took lands…
When did you get the two new teeth? A might swant lookin dude I might add…..Did the state pay for those…Watch out for Goldy?
“Many’s the time I’ve seen property taken from poor people and given to rich American corporations at the behest of right wing dictators the U.S. supports.”
Personal property in America is being stolen everyday by local governments and being given to corporations and they all arn’t right wing. Hannity(right wing) & Combs(left wing) on Fox news have been spotlighting cases on it for weeks. In Riviera Beach, Fla, the city is in the process of taking property from over 6000 residents to build Condos, a Yacht club, and other luxurious buildings/businesses. They want in on the Miami Beach action to increase their tax base. Hannity & Combs almost always are on opposite sides of an issue. Not this one!
I don’t see any difference between the right wing stealing personal property and giving it to others or the left wind stealing personal property and giving it to others. It is still stealing, it is still denying persons the right to own private property, and it is still morally and ethically wrong.
Seattle is no different. Didn’t the SMP just take property from lots of people using eminent domain for the monorail and now that the monorail isn’t being built they are keeping the property to sell? Why isn’t it going back to the property owners that it was seized from at the same price? If we are taking the ethical high road, the fairest thing to do is to give them first choice to buy THEIR property back.
“wind” is supposed to be wing, but then I can’t type without at least three cups of coffee in me!
If you put economic sanctions on a country because you don’t like their values concerning property and then say,”Look!Their system doesn’t work!” That is BS and you know it.
Righton @ # 132: All the horror that came from the worldwide depression of the 1930’s is attributable to the excesses of unrestrained capitalism. Yet , conservatives seem bent on re-creating those circumstances. The difference between you and I is that I do not consider the corporatist/fascist state you support as having anything to do with free markets and “private property.” The left only wants to make the benefits of private property available to more people. You want to consolidate it into a corporate/fascist state controlled by the few. You are a dupe and a fool.
So are you saying we can go ahead and compare Black politicians to outrageous other Black politicians?
Sure righton–if you get some jollies from it. I, for one, am not too outraged at the comparison of Simms and Mugabe since most people will respond with a blank stare and a “WTF?” As for sharksky refering to Simms as “uncle”, I don’t find this to be particulary funny, and the taste is questionable, to say the least. But whatever.
However, your faux outrage at nazi comparisons is pretty lame in light of the fact you feel free to compare politicians you don’t particularly admire to detestable left wing dictators. I just wonder why nobody laughs when I compare Sharkansky’s mean-spirited ferver with Lenin’s. I see many similarities.
Goldy @ 4
“I’m not necessarily calling Stefan a racist” Oh give us all a break! NOT NECESSARILY?? Parsing words doesn’t cut it when you are intentionally slamming somebody on a blog.
Golfy @ 18
“I in no way want to diminish Stefan’s volunteerism”.
All you want is for the Urban League to “take back” his award thereby creating a public stink and using this back door method to de facto label him as a racist. I’m beginning to get the impression that not only is your “blog persona” to intentionally be a jerk, but that deep down inside you really are a jerk.
Goofy CLOWNstein prides himself as the Master Wordsmith/WordParser.
To those of us on the RIGHT who have groan (not grown!) to understand Goofy’s childish fits of jealousy, we view Goofy as a Master of NOTHING.
ok Puddy….Goofy CLOWNstein is certainly a MASTER–bater!
Bozo @ 140
100% Correct on the election contest, minnow totally wrong.
Got Mike Brown to resign.
Obliterated violent liar David Iron’s bs campaign.
Won bets with wingnuts on I-912 and wouldn’t take Bozo CPA’s sucker bet.
Pretty good record and who’s still masturbating on
zip @ 139
Take off the tin foil hat and pop the meds pal. Calm, calm. I know it’s tough after constant losing and being on the wrong side of the issues. Try a different tack – make some positive change regardless of partisanship and then maybe Republicans can win some more.
Oh and by the way, she’s making a difference.
1. 96
For all the invective you heap on Ted Kennedy, the man has more heart than all of you trollfucks put together.
He cares about the poor; you only care about getting rich.
He works for social justice; you perpetuate social injustices.
He wants peace; you want war.
He is compassionate; you are cruel.
He is honest; you are corrupt.
Fuck you.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/11/05 @ 3:15 am
Wabbit I did not know you are a Kennedy fane. I do not want to pop your bubble, BUT. Back in the old days, Ted was really a smart chap. After he parked his car in a large body of water, he lost it along with his wife. Do not sell him short for he is a great catholic and wants to redeem himself and that is why he cares about the poor, works for social justice, wants peace, appears to be compassionate, and finally yet importantly appears to some to be honest. I apologies to you English majors for the run on sentence. Some rich Catholics buy their way into heaven and now you know how the Vatican was built in Rome. That rabbit is why Teddy does his many goodwill things for humanity. If you read anything that, he has written in the past you find him a brilliant man. Maybe the man has lost his mind due to STD’s and now operates near the fringes, you know like Al Copone. Honest, now that would be hard to deny a mental patient who does not know any better. With the many drugs, that he takes it would be hard to not look compassionate or at peace. Now his biggest fear is being poor and he would want to be in the gutter drunk and no place to sleep.God Bless the Kennedy Family for some of them really need it, and you to headless lucy.
Got any predictions for how much our regressive taxes will be raised next time around despite the surplus? I’ll wait for the spin on all the “unmet needs” for the money before I vent on that one.
BTW, where on my comments 138/139 did I wear the tin foil hat? Here’s a positive change for you: admit Goldy is being a jerk for posting his latest attack piece, calling somebody a racist by “not necesarily” calling him one. Stop the slime attacks, that’s a positive change.
Goldy, you should run for office, the “progressives” of Seattle deserve you.
He cares about the poor; you only care about getting rich.
He works for social justice; you perpetuate social injustices.
He wants peace; you want war.
He is compassionate; you are cruel.
He is honest; you are corrupt.
Fuck you.
You forgot:
He has a liver the size of a catcher mit; the trolls do not.
He is a drunk; the tolls are not.
He was born into wealth; most trolls havent(They make it on their own— The republican way)
Zipster @ 144
All you want is for the Urban League to “take back” his award
calling somebody a racist by “not necesarily” calling him one.
That’s YOU reading what YOU want into Goldy’s post. YOUR paranoid fantasies.
My prediction on taxes: the Republicans will NOT reach across the ailse to take taxes off the table for political ends, i.e. help construct a sane tax system. They are interested in POWER for them and their special interests nothing more. I believe cooler heads will prevail and the surplus will be set aside for a rainy day. Perhaps some will be spent for urgent needs like poor kids health care. Any more tax increases in the present system will not help the Democrats.
Oh by the way, the “minnow” should stop comparing Sims to Mugabe – that would be positive change.
For the Clueless,
I read your debates back and forth on the Sims Mugabe comparison. I would like to know who YOU think Stefan could compare Sims to? Writers use comparisons all the time, so who is YOUR choice?
What a load of crap
goldy write.. “Ron Sims has now gone on the record stating that he personally finds the Mugabe reference to be racially offensive; if Stefan continues to use it, he will prove to his readers that he has no compunction about throwing a racial slur at the highest elected African American official in the state.”
Wow, Ron says it offends him…so lets all stop. KInd of like questioning his bank accruacy skills offended him
Yipes, what a thin skinned manipulator we have.
because Sims wants to play the race card, then Stefan is automagically a racist despite never having made any racist remarks whatsoever.
Sure, makes perfect sense.
Ah that progress logic at work. Post modernism at its finest
Racist? You mean like Jessie Jackson calling NY “Hymietown?” Or Robert Byrd wearing sheets and terrorizing blacks? Or when he talked about ‘white n___ers?” Or like when an NAACP representative in Texas criticized the selection of Joe Lieberman for veep nominee because “jews are all about money and stuff”. Or certain female democrat governors enforcing rules to keep out blacks from her sorority? You mean like THAT????
Or goldy also should say what community service he should do; since his Jewish/Irish family isn’t exactly “black”….as penance will he go tutor in the Central District…??? Or just hide behind his broadband and increase the “digital gap”….
Oh no, Yo, according to Jamison, she wore the white robes too and I think his article said she was the President of her sorority. His article also cited all the hurt that Gregoire and her ‘crew’ inflicted on the young black college student.
Racist? You mean like when white and black Democrats hand out Oreos at an african-american’s political appearances in order to make a mean-spirited racist statement and maybe, just maybe, try to make him feel less than he is because he refused to buy into the prison-like notion that your skin color determines your politics?? You mean like THAT??:?
I don’t believe that community service should be restricted to only your own political party. We should have the freedom to perform community service in whatever organization fits our schedules, our ideals, and our goals. For Ron Sims to suggest to the Leader of the Urban League that because Stefan insulted him is “dirty politics.” Whatever grip Sims has with Stefan, he should address it to Stefan or the press, but to try to influence a non-profit organization into taking some action is inappropriate.
I wonder how the police officers working in the KC Sheriff office feel about being called plants and weeds?
“He was born into wealth; most trolls havent(They make it on their own— The republican way)”
Doofus, are you saying the Republicans in Congress weren’t born into wealth, they’re all self-made? yeah, whatever, man.
Doofus — you mean Republicans like Katherine Harris, who inherited $6 million?
Doofus — or how about Bill Frist, whose family founded America’s largest hospital chain? (One that, by the way, has gotten into a lot of trouble with the law)
Doofus — or how about George W. Bush, of the billionaire Bush oil family, he worked his way up right???
Hey rabbit if kennedy is so honest how come he was tossed out of school for cheating deny that you fuckhead.and one more thing two years in the army and he got to pfc what a go getter.
..or Democrats like John Corzine, who had $50 million to put into his previous senate campaign? Or Howard Dean or John Kerry, the ultimate ‘rich white men’ who were born into total privilege and old money and then married even more of it in Kerry’s case????
sgmmc@153: Anyone who has been on a college campus for more than five minutes ought to know that fraternities and sororities are discriminatory by definition as are many country clubs…still. Why anyone would want to join organizations like that is beyond me.
As I recall Ron Sims made the attack first. I think Ron Sims made the attack on Gregoire because he thinks racial discrimination is worse than gender discrimination. Jamison then wrote about it. I have to ask Sims (and Jamison)this question: Have you ever belonged to, worked for, participated in any activities that discriminated against gender…ever?
The next relevant question would be: would you knowingly do that today?
Comparing Sims to Mugabe is so over the top it’s just ignorant. However, I’m not a fan of Ron Sims – I think he’s sexist, and I think he hides it behind his religion.
Sims should be honored to be compared to a world leader? Got anything better?
Sargeant Major @ 148
Compare Sims to no-one. Criticizing Sims for his agenda, what he’s done or not done is fair game.
Comparing Sims to Mugabe is Minnow throwing raw meat to his audience. And yes, do they eat it up…
I dont think it’s necessary to compare Sims to a world leader, because he isn’t one; he’s a county executive. Compared to that other would be county executive (David Irons), he looks like a saint. Would you have compared David Irons to Mugabe? As for Mugabe, I wouldn’t compare anyone to Mugabe – I think that kind of demented brutality belongs in a class by itself, don’t you think?
The simple fact of the matter is this–Sharkansky would never in a million years make an off the cuff similarity as between a white politician he didn’t like and Robert Mugabe.
Is this “racist”? I demur. But Sharkansky does remind me of Yezhov. At least the ranting part.
Just so we are perfectly clear on Goldy’s logic, going forward no democrats (in particular black democrats) are ever permitted to compare a white politician to Hitler or any other foreign dictator. If they do, they are racist.
Let’s see if Goldy follows through on this logic or if he simply maintains that only white people are racist when they compare local politicians to foreign dictators.
Anyone care to make a bet?
Goldy, proving you to be a hypocrite is like shooting monkeys in a barrell.
Don’t get me wrong… I’m not necessarily calling Stefan a racist. I’m just accusing him of knowingly making racially insensitive remarks.
Comment by Goldy— 12/10/05 @ 12:50 pm
But likewise, I have the right to castigate him for it, and to suggest – as Ron Sims has – that it was inappropriate for the Urban League to honor a person who repeatedly makes racist statements about the most prominent African American elected official in the state.
Comment by Goldy— 12/10/05 @ 2:25 pm
God damn, first you say you’re not calling him a racist, then you say he repeatedly makes makes racist statements!! Now you are making contradictions in the same freaking post! Goldy, who is a bigger hypocriate than you?!
“hypocrite” that is – my spelling gets bad when I’m laughing at hypocrites.
Cutesy references to the Merchant of Venice aside, Stefan Sharkansky is simply the Stefan Sharkansky of the Seattle blogospere, and thank goodness for that! But what I don’t understand is your constant obsession with him. It’s like you’re deeply insecure about yourself compared with him. I assure you he doesn’t feel similarly about you. Why don’t you quit worrying about him and just be your own person without looking over your shoulder the whole time?
Some writers wouldn’t have made the comparison, but many writers do use comparisons to get their points across. I have never met ANYONE who doesn’t have some type of prejudice. All of us have prejudices. Stefan made the comparison because of Sim’s CAO policies, and his alleged corruption in King County. Would Sims claim that it was racial discrimination if he was compared to Dr Martin Luther King or would he be running around bragging about it? The fact is that Sims is just upset at being compared to a black man that isn’t too nice. Politicians and political commentators are fair game for jabs and hacks by their political opponents and that’s exactly what the comparison to Mugabe is.
I’m not familiar with the politician who people are claiming liberals are attacking with oreo cookies. But that is typical racial hatred directed to mixed ethnic people. I am also sure that Condi Rice didn’t like being compared to Aunt Jememiah. I do know that both of them got their feelings hurt a lot more than Ron Sims.
There is a culture of corruption in King County and in Washinton State that isn’t too nice. Is Ron Sims part of the solution or part of the problem?
@14 Goldy,
You know, regardless of community service I might ever perform, I wouldn’t expect the BIAW to give me an award.
Comment by Goldy— 12/10/05 @ 2:25 pm
I would absolutely expect the BIAW to give you an award for any public service you perform, if they can’t recognize the value of what an individual does without using their own political agenda, what good are they? I am quite sure that there are some very talented Democrats in the BIAW, just as there are talented Republicans in the Unions.
@164, Marilyn,
You are right about the ‘clubs’ and it is normal for people to want to join social organizations. I don’t live in King County so I wouldn’t know whether Ron Sims is a sexist or not. I have seen many sexist remarks here & on SP, and I have either said I didn’t like it or made sexist remarks back to the males. There are times when I get really aggravated and tell men that they are only good for 3 things, or maybe 4 depending on the male involved. Take out the Trash, work on cars, pay the bills, and the 4th is sex, if they’re cute.
This post is more ridiculus than your
David Irons stuff.
-good luck with your blog, it has been fun.
Are you leaving? We didn’t even know you were here.
goldy/ little man w/ shark envy..
I heard Shark was doing 35 in a 30 zone. You going to run an expose on his lawlessness
The best thing about Ron Sims is that he’s a King County problem. He doesn’t directly affect us barbarians living in the other counties.
LIbertarian…not so easy
As Ron focuses spending on pet projects, he then underfunds by definition certain things…example….roads…and then state comes out for $$ from all to help fund road needs…
That is, if Ron really thought 520 and viaduct needed help, he’d cut some places. I do that at home. But he wants both, and you guys in Pierce ,etc counties are helping
One wonders of the other side is sometimes willfully obtuse. Or perhaps just conveniently so.
My impression is that Stefan is merely throwing red meat to his audience by bringing up Robert Mugabe, as the Moog has been a favorite GOP whipping booy over the last few years AND he is an example of black discrimination agaist whites as well, so they love to hate him. Using a figure such as this to tar a political opponent is used to get the true believers all foamy-mouthed and not to make a point on the issues.
That said, a reasonable man might think twice about using such comparisons if this reasonable man were told (as Stfan has been repeatedly) that there are people who take such comparisons to be offensive racial swipes. However, the GOPers routinely dismiss such criticism, so Stefan ignoring these critics is to be expected, I think. But by doing so he DOES invite more citicism. And I think that’s what goldy’s brining.
Ultimately the final effect of such smear and response hinges on how centrist voters perceive them and in this I think the GOP goes very far wrong. I believe moderate centrist voters to be more, not less, progressive on civil rights issues. Racially tinged epithets, whether Stefan’s or Jesse Jacksons’s, seem to always blow up in the face of the accuser. The Shark’s current defenders MUST yell “hypocrisy” and “no racial intent” because they have no other defense. The voters do know, however, and that sliding sound you hear is the GOP in the polls. have a nice 2006.
Richard Pope @ 107
So Ron Sims needs to enter the bizarre fantasy world of SP and renounce Robert Mugabe? Somebody’s not playing with a full deck…
So the left supports Robert Mugabe?
Let’s see what Wiki has to say:
Twice, Peter Tatchell of the gay rights group OutRage! has tried to place Mugabe under citizen’s arrest for human rights abuses during the leader’s visits to the United Kingdom.
In reaction to human rights violations in Zimbabwe, students at universities from which Mugabe has honourary doctorates have sought to get the degrees revoked. So far, student bodies at Michigan State University (ASMSU) and the University of Edinburgh (EUSA) have each unanimously passed resolutions calling for this. The issue is now being considered by the respective universities.
Robert Mugabe is supposedly the inspiration for Dr. Zuwanie, the central African character in the movie The Interpreter with Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman which takes place at the United Nations. Zuwanie is a controversial African leader who travels to New York to make a speech to the United Nations General Assembly. He is portrayed as being a leader who rose to power as a liberator, but then grew corrupt and oppressive, much as Mugabe is considered to be.
Hey rabbit no comment on kennedy thrown out of school for cheating didnt think so thanks for playing
-Lots of stuff I read @ HA suits my beliefs… warms the cockles of my heart to know there are people like Howie Dean, John Kerry, Swimmer Kennedy, Barney Fag to kill the Progressive movement.-
At least Mr. Cynical is good for one thing: saying vicious things movement conservatives WANT to say, but can’t!