At a Rose Garden press conference this morning, President Bush had harsh words to say about “these people.”
These people attacked us before we were in Iraq. They viciously attacked us before we were in Iraq. And they’ve been attacking ever since.
Who are “these people”…? Muslims, I guess. And does that make President Bush an anti-Muslim racist? Rick Perlstein of Campaign for America’s Future seems to think so:
The President of the United States is a racist. Or at the very least, an anti-Muslim bigot.
In Iraq, Shi’ites and Sunni are fighting each other to the death. Under what possible logic can they be joined by a common identity?
There is no “these people” except in their common Middle East-ness.
Iran and Iraq fought a decade-long war – Shia against Sunni. They are, to our president, “these people.” “They” attacked us. “They” continue to attack us. Iran, Iraq: all the same.
The people who attacked us on September 11 were from a group called “al Qaeda.” According to U.S. intelligence, Iraq was one of the few countries in the Middle East where Al Qaeda did not have a beachhead.
If by “these people,” Bush was referring to Arabs or Muslims, then I suppose it is fair to characterize him as a racist, or at the very least, one who uses racist rhetoric.
If on the other hand, he was referring specifically to al Qaeda, it is fair to characterize Bush as dishonest for once again implying a connection between 9/11 and Iraq.
So what if he is a racist? Everyone’s got a bit or a racist residing in him/herself.
“President” Bush is an opportunistic jackass. There are plenty of Americans who are racist, have a strong religious bias, or are just plain xenophobic. It’s also one of the less admirable aspects of human nature to jump on any invitation to blame “someone else” for one’s own life being less than perfect. Bush and his gang are playing all this for all it’s worth, to sustain and increase their own power.
Just like Adolph Shiklgruber and his buddies in Germany, three-quarters of a century ago.
Lib @ 1: “So what if he is a racist? Everyone’s got a bit or a racist residing in him/herself.”
Wow. Even if it is true that a bit of racism resides in everyone, that hardly excuses racist thoughts or actions. Personal responsibility requires that all of us work on eradicating our baser notions, and on not acting on our viler desires. Racism is always wrong. I didn’t think that libertarianism was code for denying personal accountability. Am I wrong?
Muslim isn’t a race, but I doubt he knows that. My guess: he’s a racist, and a stupid one too.
BTW, Iranians aren’t arabs either.
So what’s new with this conclusion?
OF COURSE he’s a G.D. racist.
Bush is presiding over — and got into office by — a massive and systematic effort by his party to keep dark-skinned American citizens from voting in their own country, in violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
That makes him a dishonest racist felon.
@1 Wingnut Lame Defense #13: “Democrats do it too.”
Bullshit. This stench is coming entirely from REPUBLICAN turd blossoms.
@3 “Libertarian” is nothing but another wingfuck troll apologist for the lying, stealing, murdering Bush regime.
Be nice. Bush is like a fish whose water is slowing drying up and he is swimming in circles and drowning. The more desperate he gets, the more ridiculous, inane, inept and uncomprehensible he gets (take your pick). He is ignorant and stubborn beyond belief (star example: Alberto Gonzales). Where are the Dems, though? Who’s going to take this little punk out to the woodshed? Answer: no one because the Dems are going to fund this little adventure until the September “benchmark”.
We had 9 guys die yesterday. When does it end?
I hate to say it, but the excerpt is actually truthful if he’s talking about Al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda may not have been there before, but they’re sure there now. So it’s true that “they” attacked us before and after we invaded Iraq.
The real “enemy” is right here at home, folks….at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.
So, to spoeak in someone in broad terms is racist?
Goldy, review your words on the religious right and/or republicans. If Bush is racist then you are Fred Phelps.
Roger Rabbit says:
@3 “Libertarian” is nothing but another wingfuck troll apologist for the lying, stealing, murdering Bush regime.
05/24/2007 at 11:35 am
Roger, do you ever read this crap that you write here? You sound like a bitter jealous buffoon who has nothing better to do than sprew crap all over the place. Sorry your life didn’t turn out the way you wanted, pal. Think about that greeter job at Wal-Mart: it might do you some good.
proud leftist says:
Lib @ 1: “So what if he is a racist? Everyone’s got a bit or a racist residing in him/herself.”
Wow. Even if it is true that a bit of racism resides in everyone, that hardly excuses racist thoughts or actions. Personal responsibility requires that all of us work on eradicating our baser notions, and on not acting on our viler desires. Racism is always wrong. I didn’t think that libertarianism was code for denying personal accountability. Am I wrong?
05/24/2007 at 11:15 am
Being a racist is a character flaw that inflect everyone. It doesn’t mean one is irresponsible or not. Accepting responsibilty for the choices one freely makes is what I consider responsibility. If a guy makes a racist comment and get his butt kicked by someone who gets pissed off about it, then so what? The first guy made a choice to say something out-loud, and he got to assume the resposibility for saying it.
Or perhaps you’d prefer the government to have thought control over all of us so we don’t have to be responsible??
I’ve said this before, and here it is again:
Democrats are idiots,and Republicans are crooks.
That’s what I think of the major political parties in the US. If you don’t like it, you should probably mention it to someone who cares.
Iraqis are not Arabs, you insult both when you equate them.
The Iraqis had the poor luck to be born over a lot of oil and so the Americans have decided that they want to run the place.
Our Arabian Candidate was merely engaging in direct communication with his Borg leader when they held hands.
Now let’s all be good Americans and burn lots of oil today so our Arab masters have more money to give to the terrorists.
The best thing to do in Iraq is let the locals settle their differences without us being involved. Somebody will come out on top, and maybe that group can actually form some sort of government in the region. My guess is that it’ll be at least three “countries” that emerge, and they’ll all be run by tyrants of one stripe or another.
Good point. Iranians aaren’t Arabs either: they consider themselves Persian, but adhere to Islam as do mot people in the region.
Now this is funny.
The “hate Bush” crowd goes to any and all lenghts…..
Here are the beggining of the remarks from which “these people” was pulled.
” As to al Qaeda in Iraq, al Qaeda is going to fight us wherever we are. That’s their strategy. Their strategy is to drive us out of the Middle East. They have made it abundantly clear what they want. They want to establish a caliphate. They want to spread their ideology. They want safe haven from which to launch attacks. They’re willing to kill the innocent to achieve their objectives, and they will fight us. And the fundamental question is, will we fight them? I have made the decision to do so. I believe that the best way to protect us in this war on terror is to fight them. ”
The only racists I see around here are you radical liberals.
20 Fuck you and the Bush you rode in on.
right stuff….yup, you hit the nail on the head. and goldyroger loves to take things out of context because when it comes right down to it….he’s not very honest. that’s why he is okay with “salting” his site with people he makes up.
how can you trust someone that is that vain and phony?
“I’ve said this before, and here it is again:
Democrats are idiots,and Republicans are crooks.” Libertarian
You have said it before, and everytime you say it, you make yourself look foolish. The Democratic Party of today is far more rooted in reason than is the Republican Party. There are no visionaries in the Republican Party, no intellectuals. The Democratic Party seeks solutions based on empiricism. The Republican Party seeks solutions based on a timeworn ideology that has no contemporary value.
Is Bush being a racist a surprise? He comes from the KKK wing of the Publican party.
@18 WRONG-O! The Sunni, and the Shia consider themelves Arab. They will tell you they speak a ‘purer’ form of Arabic than the residents of the Arabian Peninsula. . .but that is a family fight. The Kurds, of course, are not Arabs. And yes, the Iranians are not Arabs, but Parsi.
But what right do we have to be in the Middle East? Is their trying to drive us out of the Middle East some sort of surprise? Why exactly are we in the Middle East? Most people, including Americans, don’t want us there?
Could “these people” possibly be those who wish to kill Americans?
Could it be possible that “monkey boy” was being PC by NOT being specific?
Just wondering…………..
Oh yeah…Do you libs also use the race card when playing Poker and Blackjack or is Fish more like it?
23 Democrats may still lay claim to being able to raise the banner of “reason”, mainly because the right has gone so far off the deep end. On the other hand, the ones in office seem to be lacking in conviction and persistence, and more of a desire to keep their comfy jobs than to do the right thing.
Congress just handed the checkbook back to Bush, and now they’re trying to convince us that they stood up to the little prick. While they continue to wallow in mutual congratulations and parliamentary masturbation, he’s going to go start another fight with Iraq.
27 I meant he’s going to start another war with Iran. Bah…what’s the fucking point? Maybe we can compare notes in the death camps.
Yes…the majority of Iraqis are Arabs.
@27 The problem with the timelines is Lying Joe Lieberman.
Lowlife Joe keeps threatening to jump, and we haven’t gotten any assurance that Olympia Snow will counterbalance all his votes on social and domestic issues.
It stinks, and it makes Harry Reid look like a capon, but with a turkey like Lieberman in the pack, that’s exactly what it does to Reid and the Senate Democrats. The voters in Connecticut assured us of at least 600 to a thousand more KIA. . .
@22 My God, woman, you are truly psychotic. . .as well as ill informed. Having been in the same room with “Roger” and Goldy, and watched them alternately sip their drinks, and speak while the other sips. . .They would have to be truly accomplished ventriloquists to accomplish that. ‘Course, not nearly as accomplished as you are when you talk out your ass like that.
22 CG….I’ll tell you something. I know I’m real, and I’ve personally met Tree Frog Farmer, SeattleJew and some of the others repeatedly at DL. In fact, the Montlake Ale House is generally packed on Tuesday nights. If you want to come down and see for yourself, don’t worry, we’ll make room for you.
I really think what makes Dubya tick is that he loves the thought of people suffering and dying at his behest. He was blathering just today about how the casualties are supposed to be really high in Iraq this summer, and as seems to be the case when he speaks of such things, he seemed to get more and more excited.
Ugh! How creepy.
Y’know, I never really noticed that until you brought it up. That’s fucking creepy. Oh well, one more thing that drags the Recraplicans into irrelevance for the next forty years, if not completely out of existence.
OOPs My Bad,
Looks more like he’s violating that new bestiality law. He clearly has that bird firmly by the head.
Warning: Do not touch this candidate, Bio hazard.
He puts a whole new meaning to the word “gladhanding”
re comment 20:
Are we not also willing and killing the innocent to achieve our objectives? How many innocent Iraqis, if you consider any of them indeed innocent since “they” are who “they” are? Why do we have a right to be in the Middle East? Some people could understand “their” wanting us out; lots of Americans, even soldiers want us out as well. Bush’s thought stream, viewed in complete context is still slanted.
okay art…have you actually seen roger? i’m guessing that would be a ‘no’…..but if you can tell me that YOU have actually seen him, i’ll listen.
froggy…you are just a dishonest idiot….i wouldn’t believe it if you told me the sun was going to rise, and the sky was blue…..
I don’t believe I’ve met Roger, no. I haven’t met Richard Pope either, but I certainly believe he exists.
Come to think of it, I haven’t met you either, Ghost.
You might be surprised to meet TFF in person…he’s not quite what you’d expect. And SeattleJew is probably smarter than all the rest of us put together. Of course, he claims not to be a liberal.
I don’t exist. I am merely a figment of your imagination.
Islam is a religion not a race, however if he was making commens directed towards Arabs or other people of Middle Eastern decent then it would be racism. I’m not trying to defend Bush but lets use the correct terms when critisizing him.
art…thanks for answering honestly. do i think roger is just a figment of goldy’s wild imagination and vanity?
yup…sure do.
for many reasons. goldy is vain. and he lives for the amount of comments…in fact roger often acts as his shill in pointing out how many comments goldy has versus the “other” blog.sadly….most of those comments are from roger. in fact there have been times when there were over 80 comments from roger in ONE THREAD. yet, mr. bigmouth never goes and drinks with you guys? what are the odds do ya think? the dead giveaway was that roger was always stating that he would love to make it but couldn’t because his “wittle bunny paws couldn’t handle the pavement” or some other garbage like that.
uh huh…..don’t be a guppy. as a poor woman once found out at goldy’s daughters’ school, goldy is a territorial little sh*& that is all about, what else? GOLDY.
and ,yeah, this is goldy’s blog, and people come here to read his opinions. but how valid are they really when he isn’t exactly a fan of the truth?
oh and art…seattlejew isn’t liberal. he passed you guys a long long time ago and headed straight for socialism.
which ,if you think about it, leaves him out of the “probably smarter than everyone” pool. after all, as a jew …he of all people should know better.
I don’t think Bush knows what he is talking about.
For the life of me I am in shock that he is the president
and is the spokesman for the country.