If you were wondering “what’s up with those outlines of people around Seattle?” well here you go. Dead pedestrians. My primary means of getting around the city is walking, and I’ve noticed a few. I hope drivers see them too.
Some of the smaller towns and cities around WA are considering allowing marijuana to be sold in their jurisdictions. Sounds like a good idea to me. Why let those other towns get the revenues from cannabis sales?
Just remember to not use cannabis and drive. It’s easier to stay home and stay stoned versus taking it on the road.
Ima Duncespews:
Dead pedestrians or Walking Dead? I wonder how many were glued to their phones.
@ 2
Yeah, bad things can happen to you when you’re walking around with a cell phone stuck to your head and no fucking idea what is happening around you. Just ask Jesse Hagopian.
Stupidity should be painful.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Yeah, cellphones, cops, and walking while black don’t mix.
Obama-appointed federal judge finds Obama administration overstepped its authority.
Wouldn’t be the first time that has happened.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Clinton is approaching a 2 million vote and 1.5% lead in the popular vote, but Drumpf will be president anyway, thanks to the overrepresentation that underpopulated states enjoy under the electoral college system.
The elector system was created to preserve slavery. It’s now useless for that purpose, but still might be useful as a “circuit breaker” to prevent an unqualified person or dangerous demagogue from getting access to the powers of the presidency.
The electors now have a golden opportunity to justify their existence.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Boob’s love of low wages (for other people) is palpable.
Let the gimmedats and precious snowflakes go get a real job doing an honest day’s work if they want overtime.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Hey @realDonaldTrump: How do you feel about a lone judge in TX rewriting 75 years of labor law to deny 12 million Americans overtime pay?
My guess is probably not as good as you feel when a lone judge somewhere decides to rewrite the Second Amendment.
Although admittedly, that’s just a guess.
“Stupidity should be painful.”
I see that you’re still stupidly ragging on about a black man, Jesse Hagopian, who did absolutely nothing wrong, deserving to to be pepper sprayed by a stupid, overzealous cop. Now you, in yet another fit of stupidity, say he deserved pain for being stupid. That’s one of the things stupid white racists like you do, Doctor. You stupidly frame stories using your stupid lies of omission to make the stupid case that innocent black males deserve whatever bad things happen to them through the actions of stupid white cops.
@ 11
If you want to call walking through a police action zone while talking on the phone and being completely disconnected from everything going on around him doing absolutely nothing wrong, Steve, then I guess you are free to do that.
I’d call it contributory negligence on Hagopian’s part.
Hell, Goldy called it intentional police targeting of a civilian. Until the video came out, that is.
If Hagopian were white, Steve, it would be equally negligent and stupid.
Yes, the cop behaved inappropriately. Doesn’t absolve Hagopian from his inattentiveness. Not one bit.
I bet next time he’s walking through a police action zone, he’s more aware of what goes on around him.
Was it racist, Steve, that an older white woman (wool cap in that video) was sprayed along with Hagopian? How about all of those other caucasian-looking people who caught spray?
All you’ve got is a hammer, Steve. Everything looks like a nail.
What are all the kids saying these days? Oh, yes, that’s right:
Roger Rabbitspews:
Clinton now leads Trump by over 2 million votes and 1.5% of the popular vote, and it looks like her lead could expand to 2.5 million and 2%, which would mean the polls were well within the margin of error.
Trump’s electoral vote margin came from Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Right now, I believe he actually won these states. However, he carried all three of these states by small margins, and I’m curious whether Russia somehow tampered with the vote counting, i.e., whether it’s possible that Putin, not the American people or even the electoral vote system, chose Trump to be president.
If investigation were to establish, as a solid fact, that Putin’s hackers did indeed change the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, I wonder how our Republican friends would react to that? Would they acknowledge that Clinton won and is the legitimate president, or would they still insist on seating Trump in the Oval Office?
I’m just playing a mind game here, because at present, I believe Trump was the legitimate winner under our electoral system.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 But you have no problem with employers who require workers to work off the clock or steals their labor through other creative wage-theft schemes, right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “My guess is probably not as good as you feel when a lone judge somewhere decides to rewrite the Second Amendment.”
I missed that one. Can you cite the case for me, so I can look it up and read it? Or are you just blowing gas out of your ass?
Hey, guess who’s gonna be Secretary of Education?
REPORT: Meet The Billionaires Who Are Trying To Privatize Our Schools And Kill Public Education
Unrelated, but local perennial election-loser Darcy Burner lost, this time, to a charter-school advocate.
Elections have consequences.
@1…Even better, don’t use it at all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Sorry, doc, but the burden is on the police to exert their “action” against people who are actually breaking the law. Did the cops declare the public gathering there an “unlawful assembly” and order all those present to leave the area? If not, Hagopian had a legal right to be there, and the cops didn’t have a legal right to take “action” against him unless he was breaking the law. What law did he break by standing there and talking on a cellphone? Are you saying it’s illegal for a black person to be in the presence of white cops? Maybe you should stick with reading x-rays and stop trying to be a lawyer, which is something you aren’t trained for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 How clever of them. All those millions of uneducated kids are the future GOP voter base.
Triggered McSafespacespews:
@4, Grow the fuck up, you moronic fairy-tale dwelling retard…Cops are being assassinated and your peddling the usual liberal bullshit, fuck you schmuck.
@ 15
Start with the district court judge’s decision in Heller v. District of Columbia.
Maybe then peruse the district court judge’s decision in Ezell v. Chicago
That Ezell case nicely exemplifies the slimy tactics your ilk employ – requiring firearms training to own a firearm and banning shooting ranges in the whole of Chicago, essentially making it impossible to obtain the training.
You lose because you deserve to lose.
Black criminal thug gets shot by cops after he went for a gun, and The Stranger props him up as a martyr for months and months.
Cops being targeted and executed across the nation, and not a peep from The Stranger or similar outlets(like HA).
and you people on the left wonder why you lost..
“Was it racist, Steve, that…”
I never called the cop a racist, Doctor. I’m calling you a racist.
You’ve got this going for you. By posting here, you don’t even have to leave the house to find yourself a stupid black man.
Yeah, this was never gonna work out well for the DNC.
Aides to Mr. Ellison were going to make him available for a telephone interview, but then declined when informed that he would be asked about his past comments on Mr. Farrakhan. They emailed a list of his links to the Jewish community and a statement that said, “Democrats need an organizer who will energize the grass-roots across this country to build the party from the bottom up.”
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA Nov 15
(((Goldy))) Retweeted NYT Opinion
Given inevitable demographic trend, the only way GOP holds power longterm is white minority apartheid rule. Which appears to be their plan.
Nikki Haley – nominee for US Ambassador to the United Nations
Ben Carson – nominee for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Our God Emperor has plans to make very effective use of these Police Action Zones.
Entire communities of gimmedats, Boat People, SJWs and Anchor People may be designated.
Trump Changes Everything!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 The moron in this thread is the idiot who doesn’t differentiate between cops who are assassinated and cops who harass black people. The former doesn’t justify the latter, and the latter doesn’t justify the former. Both are evil. Most people with a sixth grade education can figure that out, but apparently you can’t. Go fuck your goat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Are you asserting that Heller and Ezell rewrote the Second Amendment? A lot of liberals would agree with you on that one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “not a peep from The Stranger or similar outlets(like HA)”
Sorry, but lying doesn’t get you where you want to go. Liberal posters on this blog, myself included, have posted comments decrying the murder of cops.
We’ve also posted comments decrying what we see as questionable killings of unarmed black people by trigger-happy cops. (See, e.g., Tamir Rice, who was shot by a cop who had been recently fired by another police department because he was deemed psychologically unsuitable for police work.)
The latter does not negate the former, and the former does not negate the latter, but it requires critical thinking skills that you lack to comprehend this.
If you want to ride a “liberals hate the police” high horse, take that shit somewhere else, because you won’t find any takers here, except maybe your fellow idiot trolls.
(We don’t have any intelligent trolls on this blog, only a small herd of stupid goatfuckers.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Things changed under Hitler, too. I’m not saying there’s a correlation or similarity. It’s just an observation that change isn’t always a good thing, it depends on what kind of change you get.
So you are saying Che Taylor was “harrassed”?
The only moron here is you. Try a little reading comprehemsion next time.
Oh…..and you lost. Eat it.
@ 29
Liberal posters on this blog, myself included, have posted comments decrying the murder of cops.
Of course, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s posts of this nature are dwarfed by the number of posts he has made using the term “killer cops”.
And when he posts in support of the former, it’s typically to cover his ass after he goes too far promoting the latter.
I get it now. The trolls always hoot and high five when a white cop or vigilante kills a black male because of cop-killings… It’s simple eye-for-eye justice.
What SJWs these trolls.
RE: the perpetually unpacified (unsatisfied??!) pacifier sucking bored bunny still whining about the Constitution @ 13: 65, 66, 67, 68
Triggered McSafespacespews:
@33…You truly are mentally ill. Hey, how did proclaiming that everyone who has a opposing viewpoint is a racist work out for you in the election?
It seems most progressive daffodils and multi-cultural deviants are offended by Real Americans being Real Americans, probably because they are so fake themselves. So they must find some reason to condemn what they long to be, but lack the strength to become.
if the shoe fits, then wear it motherfucker.
No, you dont “get it”….and you probably never will.
YLB, you are a truly deranged shlemiel. So because I don’t believe that cops go out en masses hunting black people…that means I’m a racist who supports the actions of a few rotten apples? This is one of the major reasons you limp-wristed SJW’s lost.
Stoner Bobspews:
@17…Be sure to include alcohol in your idea. That didn’t work in the last century because any prohibition is doomed to failure because people enjoy their conscious-altering substances, be it alcohol, cannabis, or whatever.
Depends on da weatherspews:
@13 of course that is what happen. I predicted it before the election.
Let the Country burn!!!!!
Don Wardspews:
Then get your face out of your iPhone and look both ways before crossing the street. It’s not that hard.
Depends on da weatherspews:
@35 mischaracterization. Abnnnnhhhh
Little Fingersspews:
The American electorate are a bunch of Gomer Pyles.
Shazam Shazam Shazam
Nice to see tenderhands YLB doesnt give a shit about cops being targeted….in fact, I bet everyone in the YLB household gets a little smile of joy whenever a law officers is gunned down.
Thats your left for you……a
I bet you cheered when the Lakewood 4 were murdered…thats what your kind does…besides spending other peoples money….you are an expert at both.
Maybe Goldy and YLB should take turns sucking butt-boi Ansel Hertz’ cock. Seems hating cops and cheering when they are killed is something you all have on common.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 The only cops I call “killer cops” are cops who commit dubious killings. I happen to believe that life is precious and people shouldn’t have their lives taken from them without sufficient cause. You obviously don’t believe that. Our different beliefs in this regard is not what I consider to be an honest difference of opinion over a matter on which reasonable people can differ, Boob. Rather, you are either trolling or you are a despicable excuse for a human being who has no respect for other people’s lives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 You have no fucking clue what a Real American is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 I prefer to plant it on your ass where it belongs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 What we have here is a sanctimonious dumbass.
Go ahead and try gramps….you will get sent home in a box.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 Sez Mister Big Mouth.
If your gonna threaten somebody, you best be able to back it up. Believe me, you wouldnt the chance to lay a hand on me…it will be over way to quickly.
Step up…..or shut up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 @49 Somebody here is losing control of his bladder function and a whole lot more …
Motherfucker threaten me…..you gotta be kidding.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder if we now have a troll who’s one of those SPG members who claimed their constitutional rights were violated by an SPD policy limiting their prerogative to kill civilians?
Sez the old guy breathing O2 from a mask and bragging about a shitty portfolio.
Tell us again how the markets were gonna crash post election, oh great investment guru…..lol.
Go ahead…keep hating on the police, karma is a bitch….
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 I don’t hate the police. I love the police who do their jobs in a professional manner. But racist killers shouldn’t be cops, they should get into some other line of work, such as preparing food in a prison kitchen or working in a prison laundry.
And the ones who take out people like Che Taylor from society should be thanked, not persecuted.
As for the rest of your post @63, I completely agree.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 Conduct an inquest and then issue him a Darwin Award.
Roger Rabbit’s views on the police are pretty much my own. Cops who do their job appropriately – fine, I’m happy they’re there. Cops that are deranged, trigger-happy, racist who kill or hurt people – not good.
When we point the latter out – we get comments like the idiot @48..
That’s the typical HA troll. Thanks for playing jerk @48..
STFU, nobody asked for your opinion. Christ, you gotta sit down just to pee, and you want to be taken seriously? HA HERO? lmfao….
@67 HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You were pulling on your joystick when you wrote that.
Never going to “STFU” NEVER EVER!
Of course you would never be man enough to say that in person
..people like you are real big talkers behind the keyboard, but in person you cower like a bitch.
One day you’re going to slip up and kill someone. Then you’ll be tight and cozy with your bros in the Aryan Brotherhood – address WALLA WALLA State Penitentiary.
Wow what a great payoff for your LIFE LONG investment..
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
@33…You truly are mentally ill.
Excellent point and well said!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Yours truly has been seeing that from a certain “viewpoint” for as long as I can remember..
And hate?? You couldn’t wait to show flood victims of Katrina how much you hated HA regulars who were bored to tears with your boring, rambling rants about how miserable you are.
You hijacked a FEMA computer to preach this hate! What a miserable insane dope you are!
Or it’s H E double toothpicks! Won’t see ya Friday after sunset!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
You hijacked a FEMA computer to preach this hate!
Wrong again fetid fool. Puddy brought his own computer you idiot moron! Puddy preached the truth about libtards like you and your abject hatred of all things conservative. People were shocked and amazed!
You see everyone, you had to join their network to post! Do you know what you had to do to join and then leave a network back then fetid fool? This moron tracks everything Puddy does. It lives vicariously through Puddy!
Do you know when you are being played? When you admitted to tracking Puddy back then.
NOPE! FEMA locked those computers to email access only you moron! There were specific email sites you could only access. Government control!
Just like you claimed Puddy was on his MAC when Puddy was in Korea. Puddy was on the work MAC because Puddy was working with a specific company!
You live vicariously through Puddy! Puddy tells you anything Puddy wants because you have no life on the couch! You created your worthless blog about Puddy. Thanks butt no thanks!
Three more uses of the crazed fetid databaze and three more EPIC FAYLES!
Keep it up and you’ll be at .0002 really soon! Still kicking your sorry ASS all over this world.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Remember when the fetid fool cut and pasted some other fetid crazed databaze attacks out of context? Then it shut up when Puddy put forth the whole thread? Go back everyone and read the whole thread. You will see how Puddy played the fetid crazed databaze fool!
You see… it will only post certain out of context posts. Fetid as ever!
This was missed by the fetid crazed databaze fool…
2.) Didn’t post on ASSes.
Then in the next post Puddy said there were FEMA computers there! Did Puddy post? NOPE! Only displayed HA only. The computers were locked up. You could not post anything butt mail butt you could web browse. Hence Puddy used the Puddy computer.
Puddy was on his MAC when Puddy was in Korea. Puddy was on the work MAC
And what was the mental defective doing with the “work mac”?
On a computer the mental defective told “the world” its family is not allowed to use because of some imagined librul klownspiracy…
Too funny this dopey troll.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Happy Thanksgiving HA DUMMOCRETINS.
The fetid fool is trying to deflect from above. It’s so monomaniacal! Tracking Puddy everywhere.
Puddy has a STALKER. The fetid fool is sick!
Those comments on not taking Puddy’s laptop were just for you FOOL! Puddy was in a Louisiana airport getting email! You track Puddy’s movements all over the world. From England to Bangkok to Australia, you live for Puddy’s travels. You admit to tracking Puddy in #93. ADMITTED to it! Three more EPIC FAYLE fetid crazed databaze attacks
Whenever you are getting your ASS kicked you attack Puddy. Happened eight weeks ago when Travis called you girlfriend and others laughed in your face. Happened November 9th. That was an EPIC FAYLE too!
Post #33 was correct! Post #67 was even more correct! You got played!
@7, 13,
Any attempt by filthy mongrel traitors to tamper with the democratic process will be met with civil war. The centipede armies will pan out and retake control from pansy liberal coup leaders. Police, all of whom support Our Leader, will fly to the side of justice and your multi-cultural, wet dream will be crushed mercilessly.
Beware, weaklings. That stove is hot!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@97 Under the democratic process, as established by the Constitution, the electors can choose anyone they like. If no one gets 270, then the House chooses a president from the top five. Therefore, if a sufficient number of electors pledged to Drumpf defect, leaving him with less than 270, then he will not be president if the House deigns to choose someone else and there isn’t a fucking thing he, you, or anyone else can do about it. This is all perfectly legal and in accordance with our Constitution, which establishes the rules we all play by.
Alternatively, if recounts are conducted in accordance with law in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and it turns out that Clinton won those states, such that she and not Drumpf has 270 or more electoral votes; then she, not Drumpf, will be president. This also is in accordance with the rules established by our Constitution, and there won’t be a fucking thing he, you, or anyone else can do about it. The lawful winner of an election is the winner of the final certified vote tally, not the putative winner of the pre-recount tally.
As for civil war, the last time a bunch of big mouthed hotheads tried that, it didn’t play out the way they imagined it would.
@ 98
…it turns out that Clinton won those states, such that she and not Drumpf has 270 or more electoral votes; then she, not Drumpf, will be president. This also is in accordance with the rules established by our Constitution, and there won’t be a fucking thing he, you, or anyone else can do about it.
Not true.
The electors can do something about it.
A shame, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that you fail to recognize that the same thing that can happen to Trump can also happen to #CrookedHillary. Read your first sentence again, Dumbfuck.
Not surprising, but a shame nonetheless.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 Explain how, if she “has 270 or more electoral votes,” she will not be president.
Dumbfuck, any recount, recanvassing, or whatever would be necessary before the electors meet to vote on December 19.
Let’s say your wet dream becomes reality, three states flip, and Clinton ends up with an electoral vote majority after a recount.
The electors could still vote in a faithless manner. As you wrote yourself @ 98, they can choose anyone they like.
Meaning they could give #CrookedHillary fewer than 270 total EVs on December 19th, even if by state totals she held more than that number.
Again, it is an unsurprising shame that you have your fat head stuck so far up your fat ass that you fail to realize that the same theoretic event that could befall Trump might also befall #CrookedHillary.
The vast majority of cops killed so far this year have been killed by white men. Not once has the self-loathing loon said a word when this happens. That’s because the self-loather wants to create the impression that only blacks and latinos kill our police officers.
“A white man with a history of racial provocations and confrontations with police ambushed and fatally shot two white officers Wednesday in separate attacks as they sat in their patrol cars, authorities said.”
As far as Real America is concerned, the winner was already declared by television on Nov. 8th. No shenanigans of any kind will be tolerated. Neither the Crooked Bitch Clinton nor Wall Street Whore Romney will ever be President. The election is over.
Those comments on not taking Puddy’s laptop were just for you
It tells one person one thing, another person something different.
Thanks for playing you holier than thou – TURKEY!
You admit to laughing at POODEBUTT in #93.
Last night was fun – if you consider shining a light on a cockroach entertaining.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@101 Learn to read English, dummy, before they mistake you for an immigrant and deport you. I wrote, “if … it turns out that Clinton won those states, such that she … has 270 or more electoral votes; then she … will be president.” If those states flip, but faithless electors deprive her of their electoral votes, then she doesn’t have “270 or more electoral votes,” does she? How does such an illiterate fuck get into medical school? They must have lowered the admission standards before you arrived. Or maybe you got in under some sort of reverse affirmative action program, which may explain why they didn’t trust you with a scalpel and stuck you in the basement with the x-ray machines.
US this Year after 16 weeks gestation: 46,982.2
US this Year due to rape or incest: 9,494.3
Black babies since ’73 in US: 17,869,516.0
WW since you loaded this page: 620
Save us your phony sanctimony and false “life is precious” bullshit, because congratulations dude, you prove the narrative of the folks that voted against Hillary and against you.
If there is a God and life begins at conception, and if abortion is murder, then God has already murdered far more “babies” through natural embryo loss than women or doctors will in a million years. And the way God goes about killing them, billions of them have been flushed down the toilet! What a way to go, huh? And then there’s all those times that God order the killing of babies and children, as with the Canaanites.
Looks like God doesn’t believe in the preciousness of life, especially the lives of embryos.
Very true. But that is GOD’S RIGHT, not humans as He is omnipotent – as much as you pro-borts like to think you are God, you pro-borts are not.
“natural embryo loss” vs purposely killing a embryo, dismembering a baby. Surely you understand the difference.
You are using the Bible, (at least you are reading it to find a way to use it!) but alas, against God and to promote your agenda, not His.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@112 “And yet you support, defend and cheer” blah blah blah …
Actually, I don’t, you ignoramus. I’m personally opposed to abortion on moral and religious grounds. Anyone who’s been reading this blog for a while knows that, because I’ve posted this many times. But I’m a hare, so that’s easy for me to say! A lot of women might disagree with me, especially when an unwanted pregnancy screws up their life. What gives me the right to make a stranger to raise her rapist’s child? I don’t think I have that right. This is supposed to be a free country, not a place where sanctimonious hypocrites can tell other people how to live their lives. If abortion is made illegal again, they’ll be the first ones to send their mistresses to Mexico to get abortions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@114 Well, if killing is God’s sole right, then she doesn’t do a very good job of protecting her rights, and needs a better lawyer than the one she’s got.
“You are using the Bible, (at least you are reading it to find a way to use it!) but alas, against God and to promote your agenda, not His.”
I’m a person of faith and, like Roger, do not approve of abortion.
“natural embryo loss” vs purposely killing a embryo.
You don’t display evidence of having read the Bible. If you did, you must have skipped the parts where God has babies killed. Here’s a clue. They weren’t embryos and there was nothing natural about it.
Not everyone believes in God and not every believer believes as you do.
Why do you want to force your beliefs on everyone else? If you don’t like abortion, fine, DON”T HAVE ONE..
What else don’t you believe in? Any form of contraception? Why such a horror of trusting women to control their own bodies?
What a believer in “small government”, government that stays out of people’s personal business you are.
Btw, our neighbor to the north, Canada, doesn’t have a SINGLE law on the books regulating abortion to my knowledge. NOT ONE compared to the thicket of regulations you support and I’m pretty sure there’s less abortion per capita there than here. Talk about small government.
If abortion is such an offense to God why hasn’t God wiped the place out already?
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 And it’s high time Americans tie the bell where it belongs. Both parties make all the hullabaloo about the Presidential election so the people don’t really take notice of where the real power is, and that is Congress. Presidents of both parties struggle to get around Congress and sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don’t This time the President didn’t though it could be appealed, Of course this is all an interpretation of the rules and a fair argument can be made Obama didn’t overstep, but the next President can reverse. Perhaps it’s time for Congress to interpret further.
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 The elector system was not to preserve slavery, Slavery was a fact of life. The best that could be hoped for at the time was the institution would wither on the vine. The fight was over the big states and the little states. That has something to do with having a Senate. That little 2/3 of a person thing was forced on the southern slave states as they wanted for that purpose to count all their slaves as a person.
There was that little thing about disallowing the further import of slaves after a certain year in the Constitution so it was not a document fully in support of the institution. Though there were indentured servants in the north, and Ben Franklin was indentured to an Uncle as a young man to learn the newspaper trade, he ran away, but it was a fact of life. Believed at the time a fact of life that was becoming passé. Didn’t work out that way, no one predicted Mr. Whitney’s cotton gin, just like few predicted Trumps win.
Though not having the American colonies certainly enabled Queen Victoria and parliament to outlaw slavery, One of the unintended consequences of the American Revolution.
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 And if you are so gung ho about democratic outcomes then shouldn’t the larger states go to a proportional system rather than winner take all? That would be more Democratic and would actually mean there would not be wasted votes as all the votes in those states would have meaning.
Moving election day to the weekend or making the day a holiday and requiring voters to vote might also be good,
Increasing the number of representatives in the house would also be a good start, and increasing the number if the population goes up after the 10 year census would also be good, and candidates of both parties would have to go more places and elections maybe more competitive. Then again maybe you really are not about having competitive elections are you Senor Rabbit. You would prefer the perks of being a single party system. That worked so well for Mexico for all those years,
Mark Adamsspews:
@121 Lets see the Constitution says the number of representatives shall not exceed one in thirty thousand. and it gave:
New Hampshire 3
Massachusetts 8
Rhode Island and Povidence Plantations 1
Connecticut 5
New York 6
New Jersey 4
Pennsylvania 8
Delaware 1
Maryland 6
Virginia 10
North Carolina 5
South Carolina 5
Georgia 3
I think the math and geography argues against this claim about the electoral collage. All but one of the southern states are large states. I’m sure some southerners argued for a unicameral congress and a popular vote for the chief executive though they probably favored a President for life.
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 Well things seem to work pretty well in those Scandinavian countries. Folks there are happy and they even happy to pay high taxes if they make a lo of money. And paying taxes and doing a tax return is amazingly simple.
Hoping you are giving generously of your excess wealth this holiday system. Or maybe we should emulate the Swedes, Finns and Danes. Gotta get those Trump business partners in them countries to make a call on the President elect. Whisper in his ear so to speak.
there is _NO_ god. never has been, never will be.
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 It is what lone judges do from time to time in our system of justice based on English law. Then sometimes those Judges are determined to be right or wrong at the appeals court. Then sometimes a second bite at the apple is taken at the Supreme Court, the lone judge decision is deemed constitutional or not. All of the great and horrible decisions of the Supreme Court start with a lone judge somewhere. Unless they are meeting as the trial court and they do that rarely, and even more rarely with the modern court.
Mark Adamsspews:
@20 Isn’t that what was said about the sad death of Wild Bill Hickok there in Deadwood all those years ago.
Mark Adamsspews:
@98 So it would be ok then for Republican activists to contact electors in Washington state representing areas that voted for Trump to change their vote to Trump or someone other than Clinton?
Of course Jill Stein is up against the clock here. Michigan’s Board of Canvassers will certify the election November 28.
Can’t find out if Pennsylvania has already certified, or the date the official numbers come out.
Wisconsin: Three days after the elections board meets.
Things have to shake out before December 13 so the big vote takes place December 19. Thank goodness the whole thing dates back to the horse and buggy age so maybe Stein can get some recounts. Should be fun. Will I go all he way to the Supremes for a 2nd unpublished decision?
Mark Adamsspews:
@98 And those civil war hotheads were all Democrats. Maybe the founders were right about distrusting democracy and having a electoral collage. Abe wins with 30% of the vote.
Mark Adamsspews:
@114 Gods rights? Hmmm why does God need rights? And aren’t the great moments in the bible when a human being tells that pretentious prick his rights don’t outweigh a human beings rights. One must dissent against god to grow. One must be able to tell God no I will not slay my son on the marble slab with the ritual knife.
Of course this maybe a western concept and why we all think a woman placing her children into a vehicle and driving it into a lake is a terrible human being. Yet on the Islands of the Pacific infanticide was practiced and females were expected to kill their children in the starving times and too ensure there were not too many mouths to feed. Also it was common for Romans to throw newborns onto the trash pit. Which apparently would be just fine with these folks supporting no abortions as long as the fetus is born doesn’t matter what happens after that.
Some of the smaller towns and cities around WA are considering allowing marijuana to be sold in their jurisdictions. Sounds like a good idea to me. Why let those other towns get the revenues from cannabis sales?
Just remember to not use cannabis and drive. It’s easier to stay home and stay stoned versus taking it on the road.
Dead pedestrians or Walking Dead? I wonder how many were glued to their phones.
@ 2
Yeah, bad things can happen to you when you’re walking around with a cell phone stuck to your head and no fucking idea what is happening around you. Just ask Jesse Hagopian.
Stupidity should be painful.
@3 Yeah, cellphones, cops, and walking while black don’t mix.
The GOP stands for long hours and low pay.
@ 5
Obama-appointed federal judge finds Obama administration overstepped its authority.
Wouldn’t be the first time that has happened.
Clinton is approaching a 2 million vote and 1.5% lead in the popular vote, but Drumpf will be president anyway, thanks to the overrepresentation that underpopulated states enjoy under the electoral college system.
The elector system was created to preserve slavery. It’s now useless for that purpose, but still might be useful as a “circuit breaker” to prevent an unqualified person or dangerous demagogue from getting access to the powers of the presidency.
The electors now have a golden opportunity to justify their existence.
@6 Boob’s love of low wages (for other people) is palpable.
Let the gimmedats and precious snowflakes go get a real job doing an honest day’s work if they want overtime.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Hey @realDonaldTrump: How do you feel about a lone judge in TX rewriting 75 years of labor law to deny 12 million Americans overtime pay?
My guess is probably not as good as you feel when a lone judge somewhere decides to rewrite the Second Amendment.
Although admittedly, that’s just a guess.
“Stupidity should be painful.”
I see that you’re still stupidly ragging on about a black man, Jesse Hagopian, who did absolutely nothing wrong, deserving to to be pepper sprayed by a stupid, overzealous cop. Now you, in yet another fit of stupidity, say he deserved pain for being stupid. That’s one of the things stupid white racists like you do, Doctor. You stupidly frame stories using your stupid lies of omission to make the stupid case that innocent black males deserve whatever bad things happen to them through the actions of stupid white cops.
@ 11
If you want to call walking through a police action zone while talking on the phone and being completely disconnected from everything going on around him doing absolutely nothing wrong, Steve, then I guess you are free to do that.
I’d call it contributory negligence on Hagopian’s part.
Hell, Goldy called it intentional police targeting of a civilian. Until the video came out, that is.
If Hagopian were white, Steve, it would be equally negligent and stupid.
Yes, the cop behaved inappropriately. Doesn’t absolve Hagopian from his inattentiveness. Not one bit.
I bet next time he’s walking through a police action zone, he’s more aware of what goes on around him.
Was it racist, Steve, that an older white woman (wool cap in that video) was sprayed along with Hagopian? How about all of those other caucasian-looking people who caught spray?
All you’ve got is a hammer, Steve. Everything looks like a nail.
What are all the kids saying these days? Oh, yes, that’s right:
Clinton now leads Trump by over 2 million votes and 1.5% of the popular vote, and it looks like her lead could expand to 2.5 million and 2%, which would mean the polls were well within the margin of error.
Trump’s electoral vote margin came from Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Right now, I believe he actually won these states. However, he carried all three of these states by small margins, and I’m curious whether Russia somehow tampered with the vote counting, i.e., whether it’s possible that Putin, not the American people or even the electoral vote system, chose Trump to be president.
If investigation were to establish, as a solid fact, that Putin’s hackers did indeed change the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, I wonder how our Republican friends would react to that? Would they acknowledge that Clinton won and is the legitimate president, or would they still insist on seating Trump in the Oval Office?
I’m just playing a mind game here, because at present, I believe Trump was the legitimate winner under our electoral system.
@9 But you have no problem with employers who require workers to work off the clock or steals their labor through other creative wage-theft schemes, right?
@10 “My guess is probably not as good as you feel when a lone judge somewhere decides to rewrite the Second Amendment.”
I missed that one. Can you cite the case for me, so I can look it up and read it? Or are you just blowing gas out of your ass?
Hey, guess who’s gonna be Secretary of Education?
REPORT: Meet The Billionaires Who Are Trying To Privatize Our Schools And Kill Public Education
Unrelated, but local perennial election-loser Darcy Burner lost, this time, to a charter-school advocate.
Elections have consequences.
@1…Even better, don’t use it at all.
@12 Sorry, doc, but the burden is on the police to exert their “action” against people who are actually breaking the law. Did the cops declare the public gathering there an “unlawful assembly” and order all those present to leave the area? If not, Hagopian had a legal right to be there, and the cops didn’t have a legal right to take “action” against him unless he was breaking the law. What law did he break by standing there and talking on a cellphone? Are you saying it’s illegal for a black person to be in the presence of white cops? Maybe you should stick with reading x-rays and stop trying to be a lawyer, which is something you aren’t trained for.
@16 How clever of them. All those millions of uneducated kids are the future GOP voter base.
@4, Grow the fuck up, you moronic fairy-tale dwelling retard…Cops are being assassinated and your peddling the usual liberal bullshit, fuck you schmuck.
@ 15
Start with the district court judge’s decision in Heller v. District of Columbia.
Maybe then peruse the district court judge’s decision in Ezell v. Chicago
That Ezell case nicely exemplifies the slimy tactics your ilk employ – requiring firearms training to own a firearm and banning shooting ranges in the whole of Chicago, essentially making it impossible to obtain the training.
You lose because you deserve to lose.
Black criminal thug gets shot by cops after he went for a gun, and The Stranger props him up as a martyr for months and months.
Cops being targeted and executed across the nation, and not a peep from The Stranger or similar outlets(like HA).
and you people on the left wonder why you lost..
“Was it racist, Steve, that…”
I never called the cop a racist, Doctor. I’m calling you a racist.
You’ve got this going for you. By posting here, you don’t even have to leave the house to find yourself a stupid black man.
Yeah, this was never gonna work out well for the DNC.
Aides to Mr. Ellison were going to make him available for a telephone interview, but then declined when informed that he would be asked about his past comments on Mr. Farrakhan. They emailed a list of his links to the Jewish community and a statement that said, “Democrats need an organizer who will energize the grass-roots across this country to build the party from the bottom up.”
Why can’t the DNC come up with a more, say, moderate type of leader like, say, Harold Ford Jr., for instance?
Oh, wait….
Democrat Harold Ford Jr. emerging as potential Trump pick
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA Nov 15
(((Goldy))) Retweeted NYT Opinion
Given inevitable demographic trend, the only way GOP holds power longterm is white minority apartheid rule. Which appears to be their plan.
Nikki Haley – nominee for US Ambassador to the United Nations
Ben Carson – nominee for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Our God Emperor has plans to make very effective use of these Police Action Zones.
Entire communities of gimmedats, Boat People, SJWs and Anchor People may be designated.
Trump Changes Everything!
@20 The moron in this thread is the idiot who doesn’t differentiate between cops who are assassinated and cops who harass black people. The former doesn’t justify the latter, and the latter doesn’t justify the former. Both are evil. Most people with a sixth grade education can figure that out, but apparently you can’t. Go fuck your goat.
@21 Are you asserting that Heller and Ezell rewrote the Second Amendment? A lot of liberals would agree with you on that one.
@22 “not a peep from The Stranger or similar outlets(like HA)”
Sorry, but lying doesn’t get you where you want to go. Liberal posters on this blog, myself included, have posted comments decrying the murder of cops.
We’ve also posted comments decrying what we see as questionable killings of unarmed black people by trigger-happy cops. (See, e.g., Tamir Rice, who was shot by a cop who had been recently fired by another police department because he was deemed psychologically unsuitable for police work.)
The latter does not negate the former, and the former does not negate the latter, but it requires critical thinking skills that you lack to comprehend this.
If you want to ride a “liberals hate the police” high horse, take that shit somewhere else, because you won’t find any takers here, except maybe your fellow idiot trolls.
(We don’t have any intelligent trolls on this blog, only a small herd of stupid goatfuckers.)
@26 Things changed under Hitler, too. I’m not saying there’s a correlation or similarity. It’s just an observation that change isn’t always a good thing, it depends on what kind of change you get.
So you are saying Che Taylor was “harrassed”?
The only moron here is you. Try a little reading comprehemsion next time.
Oh…..and you lost. Eat it.
@ 29
Liberal posters on this blog, myself included, have posted comments decrying the murder of cops.
Of course, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s posts of this nature are dwarfed by the number of posts he has made using the term “killer cops”.
And when he posts in support of the former, it’s typically to cover his ass after he goes too far promoting the latter.
Google is forever, motherfucker.
I get it now. The trolls always hoot and high five when a white cop or vigilante kills a black male because of cop-killings… It’s simple eye-for-eye justice.
What SJWs these trolls.
RE: the perpetually unpacified (unsatisfied??!) pacifier sucking bored bunny still whining about the Constitution @ 13: 65, 66, 67, 68
@33…You truly are mentally ill. Hey, how did proclaiming that everyone who has a opposing viewpoint is a racist work out for you in the election?
It seems most progressive daffodils and multi-cultural deviants are offended by Real Americans being Real Americans, probably because they are so fake themselves. So they must find some reason to condemn what they long to be, but lack the strength to become.
if the shoe fits, then wear it motherfucker.
No, you dont “get it”….and you probably never will.
@35 see @37
Next time a cop or vigilante (white or otherwise) executes a unarmed person of color, make sure you shout:
“Nice shot”…
Yours truly has been seeing that from a certain “viewpoint” for as long as I can remember..
I’m sure it’s worked out just fine for you for a very long time. Very mental health promoting.
Oh here’s another execution:
But the perp was hearing impaired, “armed” and “attacking” a piece of wood..
Protect and serve! Nice shot!
Is this the new Breitbart/4chan mating call?
YLB, you are a truly deranged shlemiel. So because I don’t believe that cops go out en masses hunting black people…that means I’m a racist who supports the actions of a few rotten apples? This is one of the major reasons you limp-wristed SJW’s lost.
@17…Be sure to include alcohol in your idea. That didn’t work in the last century because any prohibition is doomed to failure because people enjoy their conscious-altering substances, be it alcohol, cannabis, or whatever.
@13 of course that is what happen. I predicted it before the election.
Let the Country burn!!!!!
Then get your face out of your iPhone and look both ways before crossing the street. It’s not that hard.
@35 mischaracterization. Abnnnnhhhh
The American electorate are a bunch of Gomer Pyles.
Shazam Shazam Shazam
Nice to see tenderhands YLB doesnt give a shit about cops being targeted….in fact, I bet everyone in the YLB household gets a little smile of joy whenever a law officers is gunned down.
Thats your left for you……a
I bet you cheered when the Lakewood 4 were murdered…thats what your kind does…besides spending other peoples money….you are an expert at both.
Maybe Goldy and YLB should take turns sucking butt-boi Ansel Hertz’ cock. Seems hating cops and cheering when they are killed is something you all have on common.
@32 The only cops I call “killer cops” are cops who commit dubious killings. I happen to believe that life is precious and people shouldn’t have their lives taken from them without sufficient cause. You obviously don’t believe that. Our different beliefs in this regard is not what I consider to be an honest difference of opinion over a matter on which reasonable people can differ, Boob. Rather, you are either trolling or you are a despicable excuse for a human being who has no respect for other people’s lives.
@36 You have no fucking clue what a Real American is.
@37 I prefer to plant it on your ass where it belongs.
@33 What we have here is a sanctimonious dumbass.
Go ahead and try gramps….you will get sent home in a box.
@54 Sez Mister Big Mouth.
If your gonna threaten somebody, you best be able to back it up. Believe me, you wouldnt the chance to lay a hand on me…it will be over way to quickly.
Step up…..or shut up.
@48 @49 Somebody here is losing control of his bladder function and a whole lot more …
Motherfucker threaten me…..you gotta be kidding.
I wonder if we now have a troll who’s one of those SPG members who claimed their constitutional rights were violated by an SPD policy limiting their prerogative to kill civilians?
It’s a wet dream but isn’t this Boob’s babe?
Jill Stein Pushes For Election Recount In Key States
@58 Ten gallon hat on pint-sized head.
Sez the old guy breathing O2 from a mask and bragging about a shitty portfolio.
Tell us again how the markets were gonna crash post election, oh great investment guru…..lol.
Go ahead…keep hating on the police, karma is a bitch….
@62 I don’t hate the police. I love the police who do their jobs in a professional manner. But racist killers shouldn’t be cops, they should get into some other line of work, such as preparing food in a prison kitchen or working in a prison laundry.
And the ones who take out people like Che Taylor from society should be thanked, not persecuted.
As for the rest of your post @63, I completely agree.
@64 Conduct an inquest and then issue him a Darwin Award.
Roger Rabbit’s views on the police are pretty much my own. Cops who do their job appropriately – fine, I’m happy they’re there. Cops that are deranged, trigger-happy, racist who kill or hurt people – not good.
When we point the latter out – we get comments like the idiot @48..
That’s the typical HA troll. Thanks for playing jerk @48..
STFU, nobody asked for your opinion. Christ, you gotta sit down just to pee, and you want to be taken seriously? HA HERO? lmfao….
@67 HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You were pulling on your joystick when you wrote that.
Never going to “STFU” NEVER EVER!
Of course you would never be man enough to say that in person
..people like you are real big talkers behind the keyboard, but in person you cower like a bitch.
One day you’re going to slip up and kill someone. Then you’ll be tight and cozy with your bros in the Aryan Brotherhood – address WALLA WALLA State Penitentiary.
Wow what a great payoff for your LIFE LONG investment..
@33…You truly are mentally ill.
Excellent point and well said!
Yours truly has been seeing that from a certain “viewpoint” for as long as I can remember..
While sitting on your couch fetid one?
Yawwwwn @ 71,72 The most credulous of chumps arrives to fart..
No, nothing but smelly gas was expressed..
fetid fool @70
You’ve been hating since your silly ASS arrived in 2005!
What a useless tool it is!
fetid fool @73
When you got nuthin you write #73.
Lying NYT at it again! http://www.climatedepot.com/20.....ranscript/
@74 – As usual…
It’s your stupid ass that arrrived in 2005..
Yours truly was here in 2004.
We saw all your stupid remarks about MOVEON.PORK..
Now look here at all your beloved politicians “inspired” by the other white meat..
It’s too funny!
Man it sucks for libtard mags! http://www.latimes.com/fashion.....story.html
Man your libtard journalists really sucked that black one in 2008… http://www.newsbusters.org/blo.....transition
And hate?? You couldn’t wait to show flood victims of Katrina how much you hated HA regulars who were bored to tears with your boring, rambling rants about how miserable you are.
You hijacked a FEMA computer to preach this hate! What a miserable insane dope you are!
Your stupid little one liners are boring and feckless…
We HA regulars will convene Fridays after sunset for a few hours of peace and quiet..
BABBLING JACKASS FREE! Don’t come by like you did here.
Or it’s H E double toothpicks! Won’t see ya Friday after sunset!
You hijacked a FEMA computer to preach this hate!
Wrong again fetid fool. Puddy brought his own computer you idiot moron! Puddy preached the truth about libtards like you and your abject hatred of all things conservative. People were shocked and amazed!
You see everyone, you had to join their network to post! Do you know what you had to do to join and then leave a network back then fetid fool? This moron tracks everything Puddy does. It lives vicariously through Puddy!
The very insane dope is you! Sux to be you!
When you got nuthin @81 is what you write about.
Remember fetid fool… Elections have consequences!
Seems the DUMMOCRETINS can’t accept the election results… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....s-victory/
Didn’t HA DUMMOCRETIN claim there is NO VOTER FRAUD?
It lies!
It lies!
Or could it be “HA Troll Moronic Memory Malady”????
Too funny this projecting troll jerk!
Either way the troll is MENTALLY BROKEN!!! Sux to be the babbling jackass jerk! Won’t see ya on Friday after sunset.
Yes, Puddy was on the FEMA computers
See? The troll is mentally defective!
Do you know when you are being played? When you admitted to tracking Puddy back then.
NOPE! FEMA locked those computers to email access only you moron! There were specific email sites you could only access. Government control!
Just like you claimed Puddy was on his MAC when Puddy was in Korea. Puddy was on the work MAC because Puddy was working with a specific company!
You live vicariously through Puddy! Puddy tells you anything Puddy wants because you have no life on the couch! You created your worthless blog about Puddy. Thanks butt no thanks!
Three more uses of the crazed fetid databaze and three more EPIC FAYLES!
Keep it up and you’ll be at .0002 really soon! Still kicking your sorry ASS all over this world.
Remember when the fetid fool cut and pasted some other fetid crazed databaze attacks out of context? Then it shut up when Puddy put forth the whole thread? Go back everyone and read the whole thread. You will see how Puddy played the fetid crazed databaze fool!
You see… it will only post certain out of context posts. Fetid as ever!
Meanwhile another cop death cheered by certain HA DUMMOCRETINS like the fetid crazed databaze fool! http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....shot-head/
This was missed by the fetid crazed databaze fool…
2.) Didn’t post on ASSes.
Then in the next post Puddy said there were FEMA computers there! Did Puddy post? NOPE! Only displayed HA only. The computers were locked up. You could not post anything butt mail butt you could web browse. Hence Puddy used the Puddy computer.
PLAYED! Got another fetid attack?
HA! It lies again. It said:
Yes, Puddy was on the FEMA computers answering
What does “answering” mean idiotic one? It means TROLLING HA when you should have been helping people!
This fiend can’t live without this website! It even trolls HA on vacation!
It’s too silly this dope’s existence.
It’s too funny when this troll idiot is caught with its defective mentality. What did it say????
Didn’t take my laptop. Didn’t need the extra weight.
So what did it bring? A desktop? I’ve got this prevaricator coming and going!
And what was the mental defective doing with the “work mac”?
On a computer the mental defective told “the world” its family is not allowed to use because of some imagined librul klownspiracy…
Too funny this dopey troll.
Happy Thanksgiving HA DUMMOCRETINS.
The fetid fool is trying to deflect from above. It’s so monomaniacal! Tracking Puddy everywhere.
Puddy has a STALKER. The fetid fool is sick!
Those comments on not taking Puddy’s laptop were just for you FOOL! Puddy was in a Louisiana airport getting email! You track Puddy’s movements all over the world. From England to Bangkok to Australia, you live for Puddy’s travels. You admit to tracking Puddy in #93. ADMITTED to it! Three more EPIC FAYLE fetid crazed databaze attacks
Whenever you are getting your ASS kicked you attack Puddy. Happened eight weeks ago when Travis called you girlfriend and others laughed in your face. Happened November 9th. That was an EPIC FAYLE too!
Post #33 was correct! Post #67 was even more correct! You got played!
Another policeman dies and the fetid one is sooooooooooooo monomaniacal! http://www.policemag.com/chann.....um=twitter
If the fetid one cared above as it claimed in #66, wouldn’t it acknowledge Collin’s death?
NOPE! Cuz its a dope!
Well everyone enjoy the FEETBALL games!
Thanksgiving dinner will taste better if you go easy on the sour grapes, YLB.
Of course, Trump’s will taste better than yours, no matter what.
@7, 13,
Any attempt by filthy mongrel traitors to tamper with the democratic process will be met with civil war. The centipede armies will pan out and retake control from pansy liberal coup leaders. Police, all of whom support Our Leader, will fly to the side of justice and your multi-cultural, wet dream will be crushed mercilessly.
Beware, weaklings. That stove is hot!
@97 Under the democratic process, as established by the Constitution, the electors can choose anyone they like. If no one gets 270, then the House chooses a president from the top five. Therefore, if a sufficient number of electors pledged to Drumpf defect, leaving him with less than 270, then he will not be president if the House deigns to choose someone else and there isn’t a fucking thing he, you, or anyone else can do about it. This is all perfectly legal and in accordance with our Constitution, which establishes the rules we all play by.
Alternatively, if recounts are conducted in accordance with law in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and it turns out that Clinton won those states, such that she and not Drumpf has 270 or more electoral votes; then she, not Drumpf, will be president. This also is in accordance with the rules established by our Constitution, and there won’t be a fucking thing he, you, or anyone else can do about it. The lawful winner of an election is the winner of the final certified vote tally, not the putative winner of the pre-recount tally.
As for civil war, the last time a bunch of big mouthed hotheads tried that, it didn’t play out the way they imagined it would.
@ 98
…it turns out that Clinton won those states, such that she and not Drumpf has 270 or more electoral votes; then she, not Drumpf, will be president. This also is in accordance with the rules established by our Constitution, and there won’t be a fucking thing he, you, or anyone else can do about it.
Not true.
The electors can do something about it.
A shame, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that you fail to recognize that the same thing that can happen to Trump can also happen to #CrookedHillary. Read your first sentence again, Dumbfuck.
Not surprising, but a shame nonetheless.
@99 Explain how, if she “has 270 or more electoral votes,” she will not be president.
Dumbfuck, any recount, recanvassing, or whatever would be necessary before the electors meet to vote on December 19.
Let’s say your wet dream becomes reality, three states flip, and Clinton ends up with an electoral vote majority after a recount.
The electors could still vote in a faithless manner. As you wrote yourself @ 98, they can choose anyone they like.
Meaning they could give #CrookedHillary fewer than 270 total EVs on December 19th, even if by state totals she held more than that number.
Again, it is an unsurprising shame that you have your fat head stuck so far up your fat ass that you fail to realize that the same theoretic event that could befall Trump might also befall #CrookedHillary.
The vast majority of cops killed so far this year have been killed by white men. Not once has the self-loathing loon said a word when this happens. That’s because the self-loather wants to create the impression that only blacks and latinos kill our police officers.
“A white man with a history of racial provocations and confrontations with police ambushed and fatally shot two white officers Wednesday in separate attacks as they sat in their patrol cars, authorities said.”
The lawyers will be first in line at the gallows.
See Turkey.
As far as Real America is concerned, the winner was already declared by television on Nov. 8th. No shenanigans of any kind will be tolerated. Neither the Crooked Bitch Clinton nor Wall Street Whore Romney will ever be President. The election is over.
It tells one person one thing, another person something different.
Thanks for playing you holier than thou – TURKEY!
Last night was fun – if you consider shining a light on a cockroach entertaining.
@101 Learn to read English, dummy, before they mistake you for an immigrant and deport you. I wrote, “if … it turns out that Clinton won those states, such that she … has 270 or more electoral votes; then she … will be president.” If those states flip, but faithless electors deprive her of their electoral votes, then she doesn’t have “270 or more electoral votes,” does she? How does such an illiterate fuck get into medical school? They must have lowered the admission standards before you arrived. Or maybe you got in under some sort of reverse affirmative action program, which may explain why they didn’t trust you with a scalpel and stuck you in the basement with the x-ray machines.
@103 Less competition means more business for me.
Oh how would you know boob? You all lost all claims to better taste by slumming here, toonerville buddy.
Meaning your table? We’re not fancy folks boob and proud of it. We don’t waste mental energy envying our “betters” or even worse respecting them..
No best wishes for your ilk today, Glendale.
@104 That’s what Dino Rossi said, too.
@105 YLB, I like you, but why are you slandering turkeys and cockroaches? What did they do to offend you?
@110 Language/vernacular fails me sometimes. Apologies.
@ 50I happen to believe that life is precious and people shouldn’t have their lives taken from them without sufficient cause.
And yet you support, defend and cheer the mutilation and murder of unborn children at the rate of 978,784 US abortions SO FAR this year and 1,435,910,667 worldwide since 1980.
US this Year after 16 weeks gestation: 46,982.2
US this Year due to rape or incest: 9,494.3
Black babies since ’73 in US: 17,869,516.0
WW since you loaded this page: 620
Save us your phony sanctimony and false “life is precious” bullshit, because congratulations dude, you prove the narrative of the folks that voted against Hillary and against you.
If there is a God and life begins at conception, and if abortion is murder, then God has already murdered far more “babies” through natural embryo loss than women or doctors will in a million years. And the way God goes about killing them, billions of them have been flushed down the toilet! What a way to go, huh? And then there’s all those times that God order the killing of babies and children, as with the Canaanites.
Looks like God doesn’t believe in the preciousness of life, especially the lives of embryos.
Very true. But that is GOD’S RIGHT, not humans as He is omnipotent – as much as you pro-borts like to think you are God, you pro-borts are not.
“natural embryo loss” vs purposely killing a embryo, dismembering a baby. Surely you understand the difference.
You are using the Bible, (at least you are reading it to find a way to use it!) but alas, against God and to promote your agenda, not His.
@112 “And yet you support, defend and cheer” blah blah blah …
Actually, I don’t, you ignoramus. I’m personally opposed to abortion on moral and religious grounds. Anyone who’s been reading this blog for a while knows that, because I’ve posted this many times. But I’m a hare, so that’s easy for me to say! A lot of women might disagree with me, especially when an unwanted pregnancy screws up their life. What gives me the right to make a stranger to raise her rapist’s child? I don’t think I have that right. This is supposed to be a free country, not a place where sanctimonious hypocrites can tell other people how to live their lives. If abortion is made illegal again, they’ll be the first ones to send their mistresses to Mexico to get abortions.
@114 Well, if killing is God’s sole right, then she doesn’t do a very good job of protecting her rights, and needs a better lawyer than the one she’s got.
“You are using the Bible, (at least you are reading it to find a way to use it!) but alas, against God and to promote your agenda, not His.”
I’m a person of faith and, like Roger, do not approve of abortion.
“natural embryo loss” vs purposely killing a embryo.
You don’t display evidence of having read the Bible. If you did, you must have skipped the parts where God has babies killed. Here’s a clue. They weren’t embryos and there was nothing natural about it.
Not everyone believes in God and not every believer believes as you do.
Why do you want to force your beliefs on everyone else? If you don’t like abortion, fine, DON”T HAVE ONE..
What else don’t you believe in? Any form of contraception? Why such a horror of trusting women to control their own bodies?
What a believer in “small government”, government that stays out of people’s personal business you are.
Btw, our neighbor to the north, Canada, doesn’t have a SINGLE law on the books regulating abortion to my knowledge. NOT ONE compared to the thicket of regulations you support and I’m pretty sure there’s less abortion per capita there than here. Talk about small government.
If abortion is such an offense to God why hasn’t God wiped the place out already?
@6 And it’s high time Americans tie the bell where it belongs. Both parties make all the hullabaloo about the Presidential election so the people don’t really take notice of where the real power is, and that is Congress. Presidents of both parties struggle to get around Congress and sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don’t This time the President didn’t though it could be appealed, Of course this is all an interpretation of the rules and a fair argument can be made Obama didn’t overstep, but the next President can reverse. Perhaps it’s time for Congress to interpret further.
@7 The elector system was not to preserve slavery, Slavery was a fact of life. The best that could be hoped for at the time was the institution would wither on the vine. The fight was over the big states and the little states. That has something to do with having a Senate. That little 2/3 of a person thing was forced on the southern slave states as they wanted for that purpose to count all their slaves as a person.
There was that little thing about disallowing the further import of slaves after a certain year in the Constitution so it was not a document fully in support of the institution. Though there were indentured servants in the north, and Ben Franklin was indentured to an Uncle as a young man to learn the newspaper trade, he ran away, but it was a fact of life. Believed at the time a fact of life that was becoming passé. Didn’t work out that way, no one predicted Mr. Whitney’s cotton gin, just like few predicted Trumps win.
Though not having the American colonies certainly enabled Queen Victoria and parliament to outlaw slavery, One of the unintended consequences of the American Revolution.
@7 And if you are so gung ho about democratic outcomes then shouldn’t the larger states go to a proportional system rather than winner take all? That would be more Democratic and would actually mean there would not be wasted votes as all the votes in those states would have meaning.
Moving election day to the weekend or making the day a holiday and requiring voters to vote might also be good,
Increasing the number of representatives in the house would also be a good start, and increasing the number if the population goes up after the 10 year census would also be good, and candidates of both parties would have to go more places and elections maybe more competitive. Then again maybe you really are not about having competitive elections are you Senor Rabbit. You would prefer the perks of being a single party system. That worked so well for Mexico for all those years,
@121 Lets see the Constitution says the number of representatives shall not exceed one in thirty thousand. and it gave:
New Hampshire 3
Massachusetts 8
Rhode Island and Povidence Plantations 1
Connecticut 5
New York 6
New Jersey 4
Pennsylvania 8
Delaware 1
Maryland 6
Virginia 10
North Carolina 5
South Carolina 5
Georgia 3
I think the math and geography argues against this claim about the electoral collage. All but one of the southern states are large states. I’m sure some southerners argued for a unicameral congress and a popular vote for the chief executive though they probably favored a President for life.
@9 Well things seem to work pretty well in those Scandinavian countries. Folks there are happy and they even happy to pay high taxes if they make a lo of money. And paying taxes and doing a tax return is amazingly simple.
Hoping you are giving generously of your excess wealth this holiday system. Or maybe we should emulate the Swedes, Finns and Danes. Gotta get those Trump business partners in them countries to make a call on the President elect. Whisper in his ear so to speak.
there is _NO_ god. never has been, never will be.
@10 It is what lone judges do from time to time in our system of justice based on English law. Then sometimes those Judges are determined to be right or wrong at the appeals court. Then sometimes a second bite at the apple is taken at the Supreme Court, the lone judge decision is deemed constitutional or not. All of the great and horrible decisions of the Supreme Court start with a lone judge somewhere. Unless they are meeting as the trial court and they do that rarely, and even more rarely with the modern court.
@20 Isn’t that what was said about the sad death of Wild Bill Hickok there in Deadwood all those years ago.
@98 So it would be ok then for Republican activists to contact electors in Washington state representing areas that voted for Trump to change their vote to Trump or someone other than Clinton?
Of course Jill Stein is up against the clock here. Michigan’s Board of Canvassers will certify the election November 28.
Can’t find out if Pennsylvania has already certified, or the date the official numbers come out.
Wisconsin: Three days after the elections board meets.
Things have to shake out before December 13 so the big vote takes place December 19. Thank goodness the whole thing dates back to the horse and buggy age so maybe Stein can get some recounts. Should be fun. Will I go all he way to the Supremes for a 2nd unpublished decision?
@98 And those civil war hotheads were all Democrats. Maybe the founders were right about distrusting democracy and having a electoral collage. Abe wins with 30% of the vote.
@114 Gods rights? Hmmm why does God need rights? And aren’t the great moments in the bible when a human being tells that pretentious prick his rights don’t outweigh a human beings rights. One must dissent against god to grow. One must be able to tell God no I will not slay my son on the marble slab with the ritual knife.
Of course this maybe a western concept and why we all think a woman placing her children into a vehicle and driving it into a lake is a terrible human being. Yet on the Islands of the Pacific infanticide was practiced and females were expected to kill their children in the starving times and too ensure there were not too many mouths to feed. Also it was common for Romans to throw newborns onto the trash pit. Which apparently would be just fine with these folks supporting no abortions as long as the fetus is born doesn’t matter what happens after that.