I have seen both “Knocked Up” and “Juno”, and I liked both movies. In short, they deal with the sensitive issue of an unexpected pregnancy. Both sets of characters consider abortion, but choose against it. The sexy female TV personality in “Knocked Up” (played by Katherine Heigl) and the 16 year-old high school kid in “Juno” (played by Ellen Page) find serious and tender moments in their respective stories. But, I gotta say, I liked “Juno” more… and so do some anti-choice advocates. What the fuck?
Recently, some conservative media have begun “claiming” these two films as being “anti-abortion.” The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reviewed “Juno”:
“Juno” (Fox Searchlight) is a smart, funny and ultimately moving comedy-drama with a strong pro-life message.
Hizzah-wha? Really? Lou Lumenick of the NY Post comments:
As someone who is strongly pro-choice, I came away from this movie with exactly the opposite message. True, the pregnant title character decides against having an abortion; she decides to carry the fetus to term and to give it up for adoption. The key word here is that Juno makes a deliberative choice. She makes this decision without consulting with her very supportive parents. They make it very clear when she announces her choice that they would have also strongly supported Juno if she decided to go ahead with “the alternative,” as Juno’s stepmom puts it. Pro-choice means a woman is free to choose not to terminate a pregnancy as well to choose to have an abortion. I also applaud “Juno” for making clear that there are emotional consequences of giving a child up for adoption, just as there are consequences of having an abortion.
The right wing morons who are claiming “Juno” as one of their own are too stupid for words, are show themselves to be easily confused.
Juno’s writer, Diablo Cody, used to be a stripper! Juno herself was a member of the left and they poked fun at pro-life protesters in the film, so I’m not sure how a claim to the film being pro-life could be made. Plus, there’s no condemnation of out of wedlock or teen sex.
Juno, like everything else cool in America, belongs to the left.
If you actually care about movies or go to movies often you are more than likely (just like every lefty) a looser. Nuff said.
Really? People who watch movies are losers? Like Michael Medved? Other commenters – feel free to add your examples…
Now it’s the desperation of the Wrong on full display. Right along with the nutcases ‘saving’ America with prayer vigils (and probably a beatdown or two, and who’s to say an arson or murder is out of the question?) along Interstate 35.
@ 3
Rush Limbaugh loves movies. His favorite is “Vicodin and Ho-Hos: My Life”, which is based on a media person. Which one, the producers aren’t saying.
@2: What a moronic statement.
Misspelling “loser” is just the icing.
If you actually care about movies or go to movies often you are more than likely (just like every lefty) a looser. Nuff said.
12/27/2007 at 6:38 pm
Lee says:
Really? People who watch movies are losers? Like Michael Medved?
No more like Micheal Moore…ect.
I saw ‘Knocked Up’. Not bad. People who think it’s pro-life have a point. So what?
It was a feel-good story with a happy ending. The ‘Dad’ and his moronic friends probably reminded more than a few of us of our younger years.
None of the main characters were conservative, though, because no one was wearing a suit and tie with a look on their facxe like that had a Vlasic dill crammed up their ass.
You know that empty, smug grin they all have.
re 7: Yes, even I mis-spell a word now and again. Please step away from the car and remove the pickle!
The right wing morons who are claiming “Juno” as one of their own are too stupid for words, are show themselves to be easily confused. I have seen both “Knocked Up” and “Juno”, and I liked both movies. In short, they deal with the sensitive issue of an unexpected pregnancy. Both sets of characters consider abortion, but choose against it.
The Right Wing are too stupid for words and easily confused, do you mean Left-Wing? Now I don’t support abortion, but there is certain cases where that is probability the only solution. That is really not bad because it will flush out the bad genes in the Left-Wing pool.
Michael Medved–Loser
Rush Limbaugh-Pill popping loser
Michael Moore-A true American patriot
“Recently, some conservative media have begun ‘claiming’ these two films as being “anti-abortion.” The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reviewed ‘Juno’:”
Well, so what? Liberals have a corner on war movies — “Platoon,” “Apocalypse Now,” and “Deer Hunter” are all anti-war, as are such quality films as “Gallipoli,” “Das Boot,” and “Thin Red Line.” Let ’em have their anti-abortion movies. Those movies are, after all, against the taking of human life. So, I say, let ’em revel in pro-life themes all they want. All the pro-killing faction has is Chuck Norris, and nobody except rednecks watches him.
“The right wing morons who are claiming ‘Juno’ as one of their own are too stupid for words, are show themselves to be easily confused.”
Where they’re REALLY confused is the inconsistency between their anti-abortion and pro-war ideologies.
@2 Movies are intended for organisms with more than one brain cell; so you needn’t worry about them, dog.
Let’s fix klake’s boldies, shall we?
The wingnuts like to call reproductive rights supporters “pro-abortion.” Their confusion comes from believing their own propaganda, taking their own talking points at face value. Which is why they don’t use the term “pro-choice.” It is actually descriptive and so does not have the proper spin value.
klake, like you, I’m so glad that no Xian girls are having abortions! /snark
@15 How did you do that?
I remember some years ago we had a fundamentalist crew chief working with us (#8 Irv’s description “..with a look on their facxe like that had a Vlasic dill crammed up their ass. You know that empty, smug grin they all have.” is right on target!)
We also had a bubbling & happy woman temporarily filling in for the secretary for a few months. Now, this lady and her husband were so overjoyed that after trying for over 7 years they had FINALLY managed to have a baby. She showed every picture and told endless stories about her toddler, brought him in on lunchbreak so that we could see him. It was fantastic to all of us that they had managed to reach their ‘dream’ and were so happy!
One day, the ‘fundie’ made some comment about the abortion clinics, getting picketed on Capital Hill at the time, and how that picketing was so “necessary”. Everyone’s mouths dropped when this little lady stood up at her desk and yelled at him “But what about ME? What about MY BABY?”
She said that she was supposed to see her doctor for one of her prenatal care visits. The abortion protesters wouldn’t even let her into his office! She ended up in a stairwell before someone got her out of the building, that she was terrified for the safety of herself and her baby. She said she was TRYING to do right by her baby never missing a prenatal visit, but anti-abortion picketers ignore the fact that MANY abortion providers are ALSO oby gyns delivering LIVE babies too. Ol’ fundie shut his mouth and I never heard another word from him about his right to life views. Now THAT was a blessing!
@18 FnF
BTW, I had railed at the fundie previously myself. At lunch one day, both he and another woman were smugly chatting about how abortion is just so wrong and unChristian. I pointed out to them that he, and she & her husband, all made healthy wages and had excellent medical benefits. Unlike many women. If she got pregnant her husband could afford to support her and a child. She reluctantly agreed. I then told Ol’ Fundie that if his homemaker wife got pregnant, he too could likely afford to support her and the child. Well, YES he could!
Then I asked him, So, how many Crack Babies have you and your wife adopted? Sputter Sputter “None” Still, it didn’t shut him up with his anti-choice rhetoric, but that temporary lady, that day, managed to put a cork in his mouth.
Will, I’m really relieved to read your description of “Juno”. I haven’t seen it yet. But, after the announcement of Britney Twittney Spears’ little 16 yr old sister getting pregnant this week, seeing headlines of “Juno” left me chilled. The last thing needed is a glorification of teen Mommyhood; where all the little teeny boppers think it’s a cool thing to do so they’re maybe running out to make their own babydolls. Hopefully, they will get better sense from seeing “Juno”. I was seriously glad to see that the book being written by their mother about how to raise ‘Pop’ daughters, is indefinitely on HOLD!
“But what about ME? What about MY BABY?”
She said that she was supposed to see her doctor for one of her prenatal care visits. The abortion protesters wouldn’t even let her into his office! She ended up in a stairwell before someone got her out of the building, that she was terrified….. the fundies welded metal plates to the tracks of the train carrying medical supplies….
Wait those were liberal war protesters blocking medical supplies to our troops. Sorry wrong article. Nevermind. heheheehe
When folks are losing ground as fast as the anti-choice folks are, they have to claim victory wherever they can. Hell, Bush says things are so-o-o-o-o-o much better in Iraq, but I notice he’s still vacationing in Crawford.
because no one was wearing a suit and tie with a look on their facxe like that had a Vlasic dill crammed up their ass.
You know that empty, smug grin they all have.
12/27/2007 at 7:37 pm
Irv Kupcinet says:
Please step away from the car and remove the pickle!
Hey Irv cheer up. I am sure they will hold a gay pride parade next year. You know it’s been a bad year if a lib refers to a pickle being stuck in an anal orifice every other sentence. Geeeesh.
Hell, Bush says things are so-o-o-o-o-o much better in Iraq, but I notice he’s still vacationing in Crawford.
12/27/2007 at 10:29 pm
Speaking of which when are you libs going to start getting your medical procedures done in Cuba. Talk about all talk and no show.
If you want to see the “other side of the coin” from Knocked Up and Juno you should go check out Stephanie Daley. It deals head-on with what can happen when the sort of situation the other two movies play for giggles includes a generous dash of ignorance and denial–yanno, like the “abstinence-only” bullshit the Bushistas want to force every school system to hold their noses and call “sex education”.
Jane Balough’s Dog should be spayed or neutered. For that matter, so should Jane Balough.
Little attempt at Ann Coulter humor there, kids.
@ 26 ArtFart says: Jane Balough’s Dog should be spayed or neutered. For that matter, so should Jane Balough.
YES!!! and skip the anesthesia while you’re at it, okay?
Tlazolteotl@16: It’s the same reason why the liberal MSM in any written or voiced political article will never say the words liberal or democrat when political hijinks happen from your side of the aisle.
Google Cuyahoga County and Michael Vu, BOE executive director, and tell me how many articles mention his politics?
See what I mean?
Methinks you’re in denial here. There’s no question that both Knocked Up and Juno contain overtly pro-life, pro-traditional-family messages. The writers and directors of both films make it very clear that, while they may or may not be pro-choice, they certainly find abortion revolting. Witness the “smush-smortion” scene in Knocked Up, and the clinic scene in Juno. Both depict young, hip slackers determining that the concept of abortion creepy and morally problematic.
[Deleted – See comment #106 in this thread]