It is a fact that there are folks out there who actually believe that Barack Obama is an Arab, a Muslim, a terrorist, a communist or some combination of all four, and who believe that those of us who describe ourselves as progressive, liberal or even as nondescript Democrats, are traitors and appeasers who represent a clear and present threat to the security of the republic. Add to that the Republican Party’s far-right evangelical base, a constituency that fervently believes that all those who do not believe as they do will be condemned by God to suffer eternal torment, and you have the real potential for violence.
Given the far-right anger that McCain and Palin have been only too eager to whip up, it has become increasingly important that Obama not only win this November, but that he win by a convincing margin, carrying states in every region of the nation. Any close Obama victory will be portrayed by the angry right as a stolen election, and any failure by Democrats to totally capitulate to the Republicans, like we did in 2000 and 2004, will be viewed as an attempted theft itself, thus confirming right-wing fears. And considering how dangerous and un-American these people think we are, we should be prepared for some on the angry right fringe to respond with actual violence.
Sure, such musings might come off as a little paranoid. But a little paranoia can be a healthy thing during times of crisis.
Goldy, there are some that would say that YOU incite hatred and intolerance (which are the seeds of violence) by your daily demonization of a handful of political figures.
We are looking pretty clearly at the death of the following dreams:
free market economics
growth without limits
American dream/exceptionalism
What do people do when their religion and world view is destroyed? Some escape into drugs or suicide but many others lash out at scapegoats.
Just a note to you and your ilk:
Roger Rabbit and I are not pacifists in any sense of the word. We own guns, we own ammunition and we own the ability to defend ourselves. We would prefer peace, but we are not afraid of a confrontation.
Republicans, particularly those of you at the fringe, are a dangerous lot. We may be liberal and progressive, but we ain’t afraid and we won’t back down.
Reagan and the neo-conservatives put off facing the loss of the dream by telling us the lie that we could borrow our way to prosperity for the rest of time. Now the bill is due and it hurts. It makes us angry.
Has anyone here heard the rumor about President Obama suspending all future elections after he is elected?
@5 No, but there’s a rumor going around that you fuck goats.
You really are an idiot, aren’t you?
Troll, why do you repeat complete bullshit? What part of your DNA is so fucked up that you actually typed that onto your screen and hit enter?
Is short, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Get the meds checked and adjusted.
As for the goat fucking, only you know the truth.
It’s really sad to see how fearful and small-minded those people are, their heads full of right wing bullshit.
The guy with the monkey doll – that’s the true face of wingnuttia.
“there are some that would say” is a contrived phrase used by those who want to say something but are too chickenshit to say it.
Any proof of that statement, limp noodle?
Goldy doesn’t do demonization and hate – he does ridicule and scorn. If you can’t tell the difference get a dictionary and a life.
The McCain campaign is clearly selling and inciting the hate cells in this ignorant rabble. These are people who are fired up about lies and innuendo.
I love how Sarah Palin goes on and on about traitors when she has much closer associations with real traitors and real loonies – like the John Birch society supporter she tried to get on the city council when she was mayor (but the rest of the town felt was to out there to be in any government role) – or her husband who was a member the AIP or the three conventions she either attended, was the keynote speaker or sent a special video conference (from 1999 to 2008). Those are real traitors who hate the US and don’t see our country the way we see it.
We all have the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS (convicted felons excluded!).
Most LEFTISTS are afraid of guns and want to take them away from law abiding citizens….hence the power of the NRA.
The LEFTIST PINHEADS continue to try to enforce unconstitutional gun bans across the Country. I believe this will be a huge issue in 2012…as more Americans own guns, more Americans will vote pro-gun rights.
I personally don’t believe that rumor. I just wanted to know if anyone has heard about his supposed secret plan?
@5: Troll
How stupid are you? Is there any truth to the rumor that you have no brain cells? Why do you post such pathetic stuff on here? Are you really deliberately making fun of republicans? Anyone reading this can tell right away what a fool you are and you clearly are republican? Are you actually trying to drive away any intelligent or sentient beings from the republican party?
Oh, they have all left already – never mind.
As the economy crumbles and free market capitalism is dying, cynical hits on the major issue of….2012. The NRA.
Yup – every poll is saying this is really a top issue for this year. Keep up the republican talking points cynical – it shows how out of touch you are. If there are no jobs, no one can afford to buy guns.
Another idiot speaks.
Gee, dipwad, all the liberals I know own weapons. I have owned a weapon since I was eight years old. I have never voted based on “gun control”. I never will. I have never been fearful of having my gun taken from me. Why, because this is America. God, guns and guts keep America free. Or maybe you just like to find another issue to scare and rile up your base with.
If the day should come that they collect up all the weapons, which is never going to happen, they can have mine……bullets first.
Goldy asks “Is it time for liberals to arm ourselves?”
Hell YES!!
Here’s another video of racist, small-minded folks deluded by right wing crap:
I want to believe this country is better than this and it looks like it is judging from the poll numbers but some days I’m not so sure.
Get out the vote people. Obama/Biden 2008.
As for myself, I learned to shoot at age 8, have been in a few marksmanship competitions, and have experience with quite a few different types of rifles (from .22 to M-14). I don’t hunt, I just target shoot. But I certainly know how to use a weapon if I need to.
Personally, I like the NRA’s gun safety courses and such. But their political campaigns are idiotic. Anybody who needs an automatic assault rifle to shoot game doesn’t have any business owning a gun at all. If their marksmanship is that bad, they are more of a danger to their fellow hunters than they are to the game (memories of Dick Cheney). But the NRA insists that is their right, and they go to great extremes and expense to enforce it.
It’s extreme positions like that which cause a lot of the public to turn away from the NRA.
Horsey’s cartoon today is relevent:
Horsey 15Oct2008
(that link may only be good for today).
Check out the first two idiotic comments under the cartoon.
The left propogates just as many hate-filled, intolerant, and distorted lies of McCain/Palin as the right does of Obama/Biden.
When you start nitpicking what arms law-abiding citizens can own, it becomes a slippery slope.
I do not own any assault rifles. I never will. I think they are ridiculous too. However, I also see the slippery slope issue. Error on the side of our Rights.
Frankly, I think all Americans should be comfortable with guns. I took a bunch of Gun Safety classes as a kid and shot in competitions. I started hunting at 10.
Do we have more guns than we need?
Hell yes. I’m a collector, hunter, target shooter and admirer of firearms.
I truly appreciate the NRA…assault rifles aside.
We see more & more “No Shooting Zones” cropping up in rural America. The LEFTIST KLOWNS are trying to impose Urban standards on rural. Rural America must fight back. The NRA is the vehicle.
Before you criticize the NRA, see what they are about @
Join Today!
Libs who ain’t scared of guns are welcome!
Oh, for fuck’s sake, I will bite. Name the lies. Keating Five does not count, it is the truth.
I think Goldy raises excellent points, but I think the title of the post is wrong.
It’s always interesting to me that conservatives can talk a good line on patriotism when they are in power, but when people get smart and begin to drive them out of office for corruption and bad governance, the check engine light comes on in the fringe ring-wing brain and what began as bad-natured, creepily personal insults inevitably turns to violence and nihilism.
We have to be careful to talk down the right-wing nutbars and help them get the help they need, so that if they decide to live out their violent nihilistic fantasies, at least they will not take innocent people down with them or break down society.
Obama has the right idea and is handling this in entirely the right way:
Compare this with McCain and Palin, who are actively employing scorched earth politics.
Goldy raises the right points, but I think picking up guns and sinking to the level of the creeps and nuts is the wrong conclusion.
That said, we need responsible law enforcement and social services to make sure that law-abiding citizens are not hurt or killed by ring-wing whackos coming unhinged because of Palin, McCain, and right-wing talk radio.
Except for a few HA wingnut true believers.
The Republican brand is in big trouble.
A Republican consultant recently helped run a focus group in an upper-Midwestern state.
Participants were shown a television ad, which hasn’t aired anywhere, that was a “no-hold-bars attack” on Barack Obama, the kind of spot the right is clamoring for. The consultant said the responses included some of the “most unreal moments of my professional life.”
Get that? The woman is willing to vote for a man she believes to be a terrorist rather than a Republican. Stupid people like her are the Republican base.
short answer: already armed, you should be too.
You are a good Republican David. Afraid of your own shadow. You must be armed in case of what? A girl scout strong arms you to buy some cookies? How is it that so many people in this country live eight decades and more without ever arming themselves? Be a scaredy cat David. live your life in fear! Not me.
How is being armed living your life in fear??
Having a 9mm Glock available alleviates fear you KLOWN!
Hell, I even believe in giving fair warning to any trespassers with an ARMED RESPONSE sign.
Being armed is a fear-alleviator!
Here’s a two minute video of “heartlanders” saying they believe Obama is a terrorist or consorts with terrorists. And that old standby: the blacks want to take over and hurt white people.
An ad that was on the Scramento Republican Party website depicting Obama as an Osama terrorist and encouraging people to waterboard Obama.
Just think HA wingnuts: these are your people.
I am a liberal, progressive Democrat, I am not afraid. I live by the rule:
It is better own a weapon and not need it, than to have an immediate need and not own one.
You make my point. You need a “fear-alleviator” because you are a scaredy cat who lives his life in fear. You think you are some macho cowboy, but on a bad-ass scale, you ain’t shit-SCAREDY-CAT.
As chicken-shit as you are you need a bigger gun than a Glock to alleviate that fear.
And don’t call me “dear.” You fucking faggot. Not that there is anything wrong with being a faggot. I just know that Republican’s vocabulary is limited and so to insult you I must use your vernacular.
George Carlin had a unique way of seeing things, as you well know.
He once said American politics can be explained by one thing. “You know how smart the average voter is? Well, remember that half of them are dumber than that”.
Mr. Cynical,
Did you see that guy in the video with the monkey doll with the Obama bumper sticker headband? That’s what I imagine you to look like Mr. Cynical. Just some tired ignorant middle-aged rube who spent to many hours on a tractor listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio while chanting “Mega-dittos Rush. Mega- dittos!”
I don’t want to be completely negative. It was nice of
youthat guy to take that monkey doll off his bed and bring it to a rally for show-and-tell.28
The liberal take on coping with living in fear.
@ 5 & @ 26
Your ideas are empty. Go hide in your moms house and scream at your cat. I dub you the LCD.
And of course, you are a responsible gun owner who keeps his weapon locked up so that kids and/or burglars can’t steal it and shoot someone. And what if you experience some temporary mental issues and like the son of a friend of mine use that Glock to put a bullet in your head? Which by the way is a more likely use for your gun than ever using it to shoot an intruder. Also more likely is that a member of your family or friends will be shot with your gun than an intruder.
You are truly a waste of time. Even Puddy and Mr. Cynical and Marvin occasionally, although rarely, and likely accidentally, offer some words of value. You never do. If you are over 14 years old you should be ashamed of yourself.
Boeing is headed for a Right-To-Work state with much better cost-of-living.
All the taxes, transportation debacles, costly light rail proposals…all add to the cost of living.
Plus, you KLOWNS are determined to kill the Construction Industry.
Boeing isn’t stupid.
Look for Gregoire to make HUGE last minute concessions in a desperate attempt to keep Boeing here….just like Locke did. Locke gave away Waaaaaaaaaaaay more than he had to if only he had stepped up sooner.
Where is Gregoire on this Boeing catastrophe??
Busy dreaming up more ways to sue Rossi??
@ 37
Just think if Boeing had paid its fair share of state taxes all these years.
Yeah, those stupid Boeing employees are making outrageous demands: a living wage, health benefits, a pension and job security.
As I said above when Mr. Cynical says something of value it’s likely accidental. Too much time bouncing up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down in that tractor seat chanting mega-dittos Rush, megadittos..
You live in Seattle, and do not have a weapon handy?
Have you ever called the SPD? They will be there in time to write the report.
I live in Ballard, and have own a Mossberg 930. I highly recommend it, it has a venting system that reduces recoil. I like to hunt turkey with it. It costs about $550.
If you want a purely defensive firearm, a Mossberg Cruiser is a great choice. It has a pistol grip, and is basically the civilian version of the model that the military uses. that should run about $300.
I think you, Goldy, could potentially be a target of a political assassination by some crazy right wing lunatic. I really think you should secure your house stringently, and get yourself a firearm. Face it, this blog puts you out there. You need to protect yourself for those critical minutes when the police are not yet at your house.
“It is a fact that there are folks out there who actually believe that Barack Obama is an Arab, a Muslim, a terrorist, a communist or some combination of all four, and who believe that those of us who describe ourselves as progressive, liberal or even as nondescript Democrats, are traitors and appeasers who represent a clear and present threat to the security of the republic.”
No- I don’t believe Obama is an Arab or Muslim. But the other stuff? Yeah- I believe that.
You are hysterical!!
You actually believe a Blogger using HorsesAss as his venting vehicle is…………
You KLOWNS actually take this stuff seriously!
It’s a Blog with a dozen or so regular posters…if that. You can only count serial poster Rog Rabbit aka steve et al once!!
And you are driving our PUBLIC busses Mike??
Boeing has had Plan B-Z moves planned for the past 2 decades. They have updated those plans spending millions recently. The Union demanding 10% increases/year for each of the next 3 years is the last straw.
They will likely move to a Right-To-Work State like Texas with very reasonable cost of living compared to Seattle-area.
Boeing will likely offer similiar salaries to what workers are getting now.
The real losers will be the Machinists & Engineers. What employment options will they have in Washington? ANSWER: NONE (unemployment)
They will be forced to sell & move losing equity in their homes as the real estate market collapses with excessive suppply ala 1969. You remember that Jim?? I do. Picked up some very, very cheap rentals. But it was the workers who were hurt. Now they are willing to hurt themselves again??
They will also have to pay to move themselves to Texas for their same job!
Foolish rhp.
Do you not learn from history??
Do you not have a handle on the current rising unemployment?
Hundreds of thousands of people will be applying for those jobs in Texas.
I don’t want to see Boeing leave…but I can’t blame them.
@1 Boooo-fucking-hoooo! You rightwing assholes started it! We’ll stop when you stop. You go first. In the meantime, if you want a good time suck a hot rabbit dick! Call 1-900-LICK-ROG … all proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@3 MLF, don’t forget to shoot low — about 2 inches above the ground. What’s near the ground? Their ankles. Hit that and they’llgo down — trust me — and then what’s near the ground? Their heads. Believe me, grazing fire works. Especially when you’re shooting under parked cars at perps hiding behind the cars. Another thing to remember is caliber, not muzzle velocity, gets the job done. A small fast projectile goes right through ’em, but a big fat slow one hits like a sledgehammer. If armed wingnuts go crazy on us, forget politics and think about physics.*
* Ha ha ha! I know wingnuts would never start a civil war or organize death squads or nuthin’ like that, so I’m just kidding! This post is pure satire! I wouldn’t do this stuff unless they started it and it was them or me. In such a case, I might hafta get serious.
Evidently, after CNN so dutifully covered McCain’s sorta-kinda act of CYA contrition, his campaign is in full “good-cop/bad-cop” mode. Palin’s still making gleeful references to Obama’s “terrorist” ties and smugly smiling as the knuckle-draggers holler “Kill him!”
24 I’m not angry. I’m perfectly cool. I clean my piece twice a day now, and I zero it and adjust the sights with a clear head, a clean heart, and steady paws.*
* Hey just kidding! See postscript to #45 above.
@5 “Has anyone here heard the rumor about President Obama suspending all future elections after he is elected?”
Yeah, I’ve heard that rumor in every election since ’52, except the name keeps changing. The only thing older than you wingnuts’ smear tactics is your lame jokes.
@6 That’s no rumor, it’s a confirmed fact — ask the goats.
@11 “I personally don’t believe that rumor. I just wanted to know if anyone has heard about his supposed secret plan?”
Yeah, I heard it back in ’60, except then it was Kennedy who had the secret plan; and I heard it again in ’64, but that year it was LBJ who was gonna suspend elections and declare martial law. That line is older than you, Troll, and the only people who still spew it are the characters who laugh at their own jokes. I wouldn’t be surprised if Aaron Burr was spewing the same thing 200 years ago.
@10 “Most LEFTISTS are afraid of guns”
Does that also include us combat veterans who were U.S. Army instructors teaching infantry tactics to recruits, Cynical?
@17 I don’t know nuthin’ about .22s but I have training and practical experience with the .50 cal. Browning, the 7.62mm M-60, M-14, M-16, Colt Model 1911, not to mention my personal choice of weapons in The Nam: 12-gauge shotgun and hand grenades.
@19 “The left propogates just as many hate-filled, intolerant, and distorted lies of McCain/Palin as the right does of Obama/Biden.”
We don’t, and there’s no need, because the truth about McCain and Palin works fine.
@20 In a short-range urban environment, I prefer a 12-gauge loaded with 0-0 buck, with a short-barrel .45 loaded with Federal Hydra-Shocks or Glazer Safety Slugs for backup.* Do you approve?
* The .45 has to be throated and ramped by a competent gunsmith to use hollowpoints in it, otherwise it won’t feed. And if you’re gonna have downtime for gunsmithing anyway, you might as well have him do a trigger job (3 lb. pull is a bit touchy, you might want to go with 4 lb.), install a beavertail grip, ambidextrous safeties, and night sights, too. And, of course, a grip-mounted laser sighting device …
@22 “Goldy raises the right points, but I think picking up guns and sinking to the level of the creeps and nuts is the wrong conclusion.”
You don’t have to stoop to their level. You only have to win. Thinking about the Holocaust — and how that might have turned out differently if the Jews had been armed — will help you keep things in a proper moral perspective.
Liberals must arm!!
@26 A Glock? You’re gonna “protect” yourself with a fucking Glock?! A 9 mm? Bwaaahaaaaa haaaa haaa har har har
Yes, I know the 9 mm is the standard-issue sidearm for our military and many police departments. Let me explain that. Our military adopted the 9 mm to standardize ammunition with the NATO countries’ military organizations, not because it’s any good! Oh, you’ll hear arguments from 9 mm fans that a 9 mm can carry 18 rounds vs. only 6 for the .45. Well, you’re gonna need ’em! Most times, it takes at least 3 or 4 nines to knock a guy down, not counting the ones you miss, and sure the guy will die if you blow half a dozen holes in him with a 9 mm, but maybe not before he blows a couple holes in you with his .45, get my drift? You want the first shot to work, for reasons which need not be explained. So keep your 9 mm, Cynical, and stay out of dark alleys; I’m not afraid of alleys because I’ve got me an alley gun.
It’s a pop-pop-pop vs. BOOM thing, Cynical.
@37 Cynical = cheap labor conservative to the end
@41 And I believe you’re a winged lizard who fucks goats.
@42 Christmas Vapor thought I was Goldy, and you think I’m steve … you two should get married so you can twist your fantasies and armpit hair together.
@43 “The real losers will be the Machinists & Engineers. What employment options will they have in Washington?”
And they come out ahead by turning Washington into a right-to-work (for low wages) state?
There’s one little problem with your argument, Cynical: You can’t hire strangers off the street to assemble airplanes. It requires, uh, a certain amount of skill and experience, know what I mean? You get what you pay for. If Boeing moves to Texas, they’ll get a bunch of farmhands and Mexicans who would have trouble using a can opener. And they’re gonna assemble 787s with people like that? You’re funny! Boeing will stay in Seattle because that’s the only place they can find a concentration of 50,000 people capable of assembling a 787.
@57 “It’s a pop-pop-pop vs. BOOM thing, Cynical”
Too funny. You’re on a roll, Rabbit.
@46 I’m looking forward to McCain proposing another $300 billion of tax cuts for the already-rich in Hempstead, NY, tonight! That should get the audience really fired up! But maybe not exactly the way he intends …
The Dow is down 640 points and still dropping.
61 The last I heard, even those 50,000 were having trouble putting a functional 787 together–they admitted the plane they rolled out was a hollow shell.
The strike is doubtless providing Boeing with convenient cover while it goes back to the drawing board (excuse me….the CAD station) and tries to design a workable airplane.
And now down 733 points.
Must be the Shrub made another speech on TV. Every time he opens his mouth the market tanks again.
64 I heard Robert Rubin, Clinton’s Sec. of the Treasury, on NPR this morning saying some highly critical things about what Paulson and Bernanke are doing. At one point, he made the statement that “Wall Street doesn’t need a rescue, it needs a parole officer”.
64 -733.08 with the ticker still catching up an hour after the close. Let’s see if they decide to throw another trillion or so on the fire tomorrow.
What’s the future of airplanes when the masses can no longer afford to fly?
What’s the future of the commercial aircraft market when the damage that planes do to the environment is taken into account?
19 posts on this thread alone by Roger “OCD” Rodent. Diagnosis:
Definitions of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder on the Web:
An anxiety disorder marked by the presence of obsessions and compulsions severe enough to interfere with the activities of daily life. …
an anxiety disorder that present with upsetting thoughts and repetitive behaviors, Hoarding is considered a symptom of an Obsessive Compulsive …
A disorder in which individuals are plagued by persistent, recurring thoughts (obsessions) that reflect exaggerated anxiety or fears.
Psychological problem that affects a number of footballers. Sufferers cannot go even 30 seconds of any interview without mentioning a product they endorse.
@57 “It’s a pop-pop-pop vs. BOOM thing, Cynical”
Do you mean BOOM as in the stock you road down the tubes??