That’s ironic… a daily newspaper telling Craigslist how to run its business:
This page has said in the past that Craigslist does the community a disservice by continuing to traffic in content no reputable media company would touch. Craigslist must be held accountable.
Huh. So does the Seattle Times do the community a disservice by repeatedly moralizing about Craigslist, without offering the disclaimer that its current financial struggles are largely due to Craigslist stealing away its lucrative classified ad business?
What’s the matter Goldy? Will your dick wilt over the loss of the prostitution section…ahem…I mean “exotic services” section? Poor thing….try Aurora if you need to get laid that bad (and I’m sure you do).
Can someone from the right PLEEZ tell me how to decide when free speach and personal property become subject to some higher set of unwritten rules?
If I have the right to read porn how can I not also have the right to buy and sell it on CL?
Or is it that you feel “exotic services” should not be advertised because they are illegal? You know like ads to join investment schemes or requuiring folks for illegal acts in Nicaragua or????
Goldy, just address the issue directly. Write an original piece of what you think about the Craigslist story, or whatever issue it is you’re interested in, and stop dragging in the Seattle Times’ take on the story.
Goldy: Nice job pointing out the hypocrisy of the Seattle Times. Their “holier than thou” condemnation of Craigslist just might be tainted by the business that Craigslist has taken from the Times.
You would think that a paper interested in “proper manners” would point out their own conflict of interest….
@3: Troll missed the whole point of the story again….it is like explaining to a third grader what irony is or what satire is.
Goldy can’t satirize what the Seattle Times writes without actully mentioning the Seattle times….
Phuck the Times! Who actually reads that PoS rag these days?
Part of the irony of the Time’s position is the claim that news aggregators and blogs are stealing the efforts of the Time’s staff.
Having read the times for 40 years, from the first time we came to Seattle we were shocked at how long it took news, even local news, to trickle into the print between he ads. For years. the Times ran stories on a regular basis that had already appeared in the NYT or the Economist a week or more before.
I am beginning to feel that Seattle would be better off with the Times going away. The vacuum would likely suck something better into the already empty space.
The Daily Stranger!
Tacoma Tribune, Seattle Edition.
I thought you were done with this blog Troll? Or was that just lie number 234,342 from you? And by the way do you teach your kids to lie like you do? Just curious.
Speaking of irony. Of the 234 people left in the country who aren’t ashamed to admit they are Publicans, a majority think WHATADICK Cheney is hurting the GOP!
I love watching the inbred right wing turds fight amongst themselves.
#1 – Wow, thanks for that intellectual contribution to the point at hand. Your point is well made. That really tells me a lot about the issue of Craigslist and modern newspapers. That’s the 3rd grade name calling Republicanism I’ve come to love lately.
What happened to them? The Republicans used to be the grown up party…the pragmatist party. Now they’re the childish magical anti-science anti-reality faith party. Just name calling and just saying things are “evil” or magically bad without having to provide actual real life evidence or reason. LOL. No wonder that party has become a national joke. Look for next weeks Republican legislation calling for renaming the Democratic party the “Democrat Socialist Party”…seriously. ROTFLMAO. What a joke. The Democrats should come back with a bill of their own:
“We, the Democratic Party, hereby recognize that we are rubber, and the Republican Party is glue, and whatever they say bounces off us and sticks on you (the Republican Party).”
Just make a joke of the level to which that Republican 22% of the population has sunk.
I note the Times is also calling The Weekly (yeah, I’m old school) disreputable (since they run all those ads that the ladies (mostly) come in to pay cash for). Nice!
Marky sounds like he knows a great deal about prostitution – what Marky? You out there turning tricks too?
Yes, the Repubs have jumped the shark.
By becoming Dem Lite.
Now BOTH parties suck
The Times might want to take a look at its own classifieds before making such pronouncements.
Craigslist should not shut down the erotic services section I mean come on, thats where I find my cuddly big bears to snuggle with at night.