That introduction video for McCain was the corniest thing I have ever heard or seen.
@2 Troll: I think it was effective. Cindy McC was much more appealing to the “undecided” folks than Palin yesterday, I think, but people will now be looking for policy/plan…
Rick D.spews:
The Choice is clear in this election…
The Wartime hero (McCain)……….or the Peacetime Zero (Fauxbama)
Hey, where are the greek columns that the Boy king got last week? Did the movie set need back their plaster props to shoot a new film already?
I was making some oatmeal and raisin cookies and I ran out of molasses. I downloaded the video tribute to McCain and burned it to a DVD. I tossed the other ingredients in the bowl with the DVD and some of the treacle migrated over to my cookie dough. I was amazed!
If there are any Republicans reading this list, you can have the DVD. I think there is still plenty of treacle on it.
@4 Rick: They blew their budget on the holodeck stage. ;-)
Rick D.spews:
Dan Robinson was baking cookies? How very Seattle male of you Dan.
I’m sure you’ll make a nice wife for some lucky guy out there.
@6~ that, or having all of those ambulances on standby as people fainted during the deification of the boy king Obama as he spoke.
@ 8 ~ and Obama thinks eating at the local International House Of Pancakes (IHOP) makes him one….but he doesn’t waffle on that position.
It’s well established that the fainting stories were media BS. As for McCain’s qualifications, he believes that being close to Russia makes one an expert. That’s deep.
One thing I liked about Saddam Hussein is if one of those lesbo left wing kook protesters tried to interrupt one of his speeches, like they did McCain’s, he would have them hanged.
Rick D.spews:
Goldy and his marionettes say there is no such thing as “liberal fascism” while video of the leftist scum trying to shut down the RNC convention prove that theory wrong….alas, Goldy has his head so far entrenched in the bowels of his ideological beliefs, he refuses to acknowledge what he’s been witnessing down there.
Leftist scrum? You pansy. You wouldn’t know a leftist scrum if you tripped over it. Morons like you call any one who is not in lock step (or goose step, as the case may be) with the Republicans a leftist. Fucking clown.
@10 Rick: I’m not sure if I understand your argument, can you explain?
Main Entry: fas·cism,
ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-
Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition,
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
Vote McCain 2000.
Whenever McCain says “My friends…”, I hear: “Comrades…”
Rick D.spews:
@ 12…yes, and liberal fascism supplants nation with ideological views. The tactics are the same. The fascist liberal scum that hate free speech have descended on the twin cities in order to suppress a political thought different than their own.
Goldy is but a mere miniature Goebbels that feeds the haters more “red meat” in order to widen the chasm and instill groupthink. A fascist is running this website (at least until November when he loses his domain) and the minions that post here in blind obedience to him are little more than unthinking rubes.
Oh, and Dan, if you’re baking cookies and single, I hear that Goldy has quite the sweet tooth. You may have a shot there, Otis Spunkmeyer.
@15 Rick: That’d be “liberal asshole”. There are plenty of those. I think Goldy admits to being one. ;-)
W. Klingon Skousenspews:
Both candidates are corporate whores.
The success of Obama will only give us ‘radical nuts’, who want the planet to survive, an opportunity to push for better Democrats.
I remember those bumper stickers on the people of my parents’ generation that said: “We’re Spending our Children’s Inheritance!”
Well, Ha Ha! Wasn’t that a rich one? I’ll surely not honor their passing.
McCain delivered a good speech, and I think he probably picked-up some “undecided” voters tonight. Far, far better than yesterday’s Rant-O-Thon. Palin was a mistake, and the way they’re “handling” her is even a bigger mistake. Maybe there will be a resignation(?). The top of the ticket is completely misaligned with the bottom.
Having said that, McCain definitely failed to sway me (no big surprise there). Not only is it the judgement/risky behavior issue, but it’s also a matter of effectiveness and control.
This I say assuming we get pre-2000 McCain (i.e. He’s lying through his teeth in order to collect votes from the idiot neocon base). Post-2000 McCain is completely corrupt and worse than worthless.
Effectiveness: Congress will be under the custody of the Democrats. Ronald Reagan, who was much more skilled than McCain, was nearly impotent when he was misaligned with the Congress. I can’t see McCain doing anywhere near as well. Very likely much worse.
Control: McCain’s real friends don’t have much power or influence within the “Republican” Politburo or Washington. All his friends who do have power and influence in the Politburo are all complete asshole extremist panhandling bums living off of the government dole. That’s the price one pays as a so-called “maverick”. Unfortunately, that’s no comfort to me.
Both parties are socialist war-mongers. They’re both big spenders, and big liars and over-promise. The neocon “Republicans” are bigger spenders and bigger liars; the Democrats are bigger at over-promising.
I know what I can expect when it comes to over-promising (from either/both parties), and I absolutely reject the bigger spending and bigger lying the neocon “Republican” Politburo offers.
The “Republican” Politburo offers a socialist government which will provide me with a larger absolute number of dollars, but significantly lower purchasing power while pushing my upper middle-class standing closer to the poverty class and farther away from the ultra-mega-elite class. And they want to fuck with every minute detail of my personal life.
The Democrats offer a socialist government which will help keep rude panhandlers away from me on the street. I might have higher taxes, but my purchasing power will increase, and my standard of living will improve. And they won’t fuck with my personal life anywhere the astronomical level the “Republican” Politburo will.
Did you see those America-hating, anti-free speech left wing kooks trying to shout down McCain and prevent him from speaking?
I don’t want those Nazis running America.
Cindy McCain – rehab grad
Michelle Obama – law school grad and Mother
John McSame – Same old bullshit comes first
Barack Obama – The people’s business comes first
Love it! A cameraman is buried in balloons!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I thought he was quite good at the end, after he got warmed up and began sounding like a Democrat. In fact, listening to him, you’d think he was the Democrat and it was the other party that’s been fucking things up for the last 8 years! I must say, though, that as good as it sounded his transparent attempt to woo Democrats and independents rings mighty hollow in light of him putting that Bible-thumpin’, book-burnin’, earmarkin’, hockey-rink redneck on his ticket. It’s all bullshit.
I skipped the speech.
Who cares for more of the same?
I don’t. That’s what you get with McSame.
@24 Troll: Those very well may have been Ron Paul Republicans, given that they got onto the convention floor… (I don’t really know tho).
Roger Rabbitspews:
When McCain says he’11 invite “Democrats” into his administration, he means that he’s going to offer posts to Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller. And maybe even Troll — he’s a “Democrat” too. Or at least he claims he is.*
* Of course, you can’t believe anything a Republican says. It’s all bullshit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
He stumbled over his speech so many times I thought he was gonna have a stroke right there on the stage! The big shit-eating grin on Palin’s face was palpable. She can hardly wait to be president.
18 – Can’t say I agree with all of what you said but you made the right choice.
After seeing those protesters, and the protesters outside, I am worried about them winning in November.
To me, the choice is clear. Do I want McCain, or those protesters running America.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sounds like McCain wants to give community college vouchers instead of unemployment checks to laid-off workers. Typical Republican batshit. You can’t eat a fucking A.A. degree if the economy isn’t producing jobs.
a mere miniature Goebbels that feeds the haters more “red meat” in order to widen the chasm and instill groupthink.
Hey little Rickie Dumbass – you’ve got Palin pegged! Miracles never cease.
@27 Rabbit: That’s going to mess things-up for McCain–i.e. campaigning as though they’re not the incumbent party. Given that, along with the Palin misalignment, a significant number of voters will be put-off by the perceived chaos and instability.
One thing is for sure: The next week or twe will bring a lot of confusion.
Don Joespews:
Um. Wingnuts. “Cogent” is not something you drink after dinner while smoking a cigar.
Just thought I’d point that out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “I am worried a Democrat is going to bring harm to McCain between now and Nov. so Obama is assured the Presidency.”
Well, let me reassure you that nearly all of the prominent public figures who have been harmed in recent decades have been Democrats shot by rightwing whackjobs, so the odds for McCain surviving this campaign are a lot better than Obama’s.
Btw, I notice a partisan Republican U.S. Attorney refused to file any federal charges against 3 white supremacists who admitted they planned to kill Obama and had sniper rifles and silencers to do it with.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Re #23: See #20 & #22.
@37 DJ: LMAO! :-)
Could someone explain to me how the Iranian Revolution of 1978 was the first act in the bombing of the twin towers in NYC on 9/11/2001?
Or was I hallucinating when I saw that on the video tribute to the 9/11 victims at the RNC?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I kept looking for the IV bottle on the podium. They hid it pretty well. The old man looked like he was gonna fall over, though. I wonder how they kept him propped up. He must’ve been suspended on wires from the ceiling.
Why does McCain repeatedly use the word fight, when the word work would suffice? Fight for this, fight for that. It’s disturbing. But still not as disturbing as those America-hating protesters.
#23 was written for you.
You mean you were looking an IV like yours? How about the oxygen tent, tank and mask?
It was Code Pink protesters. Leftist Pinheads!
Ground Noise and Static. Like most HAs posters.
Just think a First Lady who builds race cars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Why thank you puddy! I’m glad you like my work. If you rub my fur and touch a doorknob, you’ll be electrocuted! Go ahead and try it — I dare you!
No Pelletizer, I pray for the oxygen starved brain you possess. Code Pink, friends of yours.
I see you additionally edited it with coughing
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 I can find women like that at my local hockey rink. Loads of ’em. I wouldn’t hire them for a waitress job let alone vice president. But then, you stupid assholes hired Dickless Cheney …
Didn’t Roger Rabbit just get married? And now he’s asking men on the internet to come over and polish his doornob? Is he a Republican?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of whom, I read a followup story just a couple days ago about the guy Cheney shot. Seems he never fully recovered. He’s still practicing law but has dropped out of Republican politics.
Over Al Gorebasm who couldn’t carry his home state!
What a loooooooooser!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 About 30 years ago. I can’t remember the last time I fucked Mrs. Rabbit, but I can remember the last time she hit me with a rolling pin … ohhh shiiitt … I gotta gooooooo …
[crashing noises]
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I am worried a Democrat is going to bring harm to McCain between now and Nov. so Obama is assured the Presidency.
Don’t give these moombats ideas, it’s about the only way they can win a POTUS election with over 50% of the vote. hahahahahaha
Web Administratorspews:
Roger Rabbit is experiencing technical difficulties and will not be back on this board until he gets out of the ER.
David Gregory of NBC-Obama News was booed on the floor.
We you are partial people will react.
@38 Maybe they should get some college
voucher money too! Silencers rule!
Just kidding. Roger rabbit humor!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
No one expects a coward like you to relate to a hero like McCain.
That’s why you prefer O-blah-blah….he’s a coward too.
You are pathetic…..again.
“I am very glad to hear that. I know of three ads they have run. The most recent one says that Obama was nominated through a corrupt process at the convention.”
I’m the coward? At least I don’t hide behind a pseudonym like you do. Everybody knows who I am and where I live.
But you…?
Hey Goldy, don’t worry about what happens to you and this site after November, Johnny McC’s “small government” is gonna guarantee you a job for life! He said it: “We’re going to help workers who’ve lost a job that won’t come back find a new one that won’t go away.” All aboard the welfare state gravy train!
McCain seems to understand how fucked up the Republican record has been for the last eight years. We can agree on that. He is wrong to think anybody trusts Republicans to make things right. The Republicans bring to us two candidates who together couldn’t find Iran on a map. All they can give us is a snarly 72 year-old backed up by a vendetta-driven Christian End-timer who would make the Monica Goodling run DOJ seem like the good ol’ days.
Rick D.spews:
Goldy just needs some retraining in a field more suited to his qualifications. Like sewer maintenance worker…this site has provided at least a few years experience of him as shop steward so he’s got a shot. Since your marionettes are so fond of baking, why not hold a bake sale or at the very least put together a cookbook for sale? November is still 2 months away so there’s still time Goldy.
Too bad for David that his radio voice is that of a pre-pubescent 13 year old boy..otherwise, it could have been a longtime dream realized.
Voice synthesizers.
Steve another dose of Steve’s Stupid Solution last night?
Since McCain was ridiculed by your side for going to Iraq and meeting with General Petraeus (oh… you know him as General Be-tray-us), we all know this presidential candidate knows where Iran is and doesn’t need the three major news anchors to assist him in his global country identification activities.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Please God, make it stop. I wrote better speeches in jr high school. I just can’t take it anymore.
Then get a job writing speeches.
By the way, how did you do on your predictions for the presidential races in 2000 and 2004?
Marvin Stamnspews:
54. Roger Rabbit spews:
I can’t remember the last time I fucked Mrs. Rabbit,
Damn, that sucks for both of you.
Marvin@71: I almost felt pity, but knowing Pelletizer needs an oxygen tent, he would be “streesed” in that activity. Remember Viagra, Cialis and other needed medical assists require someone to be in good working order.
Have pity on Pelletizer Marvin. Working for the WA State guvmint all those years left him a decrepit man!
Reformed republicanspews:
Puddy says:
Since McCain was ridiculed by your side for going to Iraq and meeting with General Petraeus (oh… you know him as General Be-tray-us), we all know this presidential candidate knows where Iran is and doesn’t need the three major news anchors to assist him in his global country identification activities.
Actually, poor McCain has trouble remembering where Iran is – in fact he thinks that Iraq borders Pakistan, that Czechoslovakia still exists, that Iran trains sunni al qaida insurgents and that the surge started before the sunni awakening.
Just because an airplane can fly him to the right place doesn’t mean that he knows where it is or what it means.
Oh, and McCain was ridiculed for claiming that Iraq was safe – and then going into a market with a flak vest, after it was cleared by marines, walking with a marine contingent in a helicopter assisted stroll – where a few hours later there was a bombing after the marines cleared out.
He is not just a hypocrite – he is a stupid hypocrite.
What is his campaign theme? Vote for McCain for change so he can be just like Bush? That goes over real well…how stupid do the republicans think we real americans are?
Which oddly, was the last school you’ve successfully attended.
That introduction video for McCain was the corniest thing I have ever heard or seen.
@2 Troll: I think it was effective. Cindy McC was much more appealing to the “undecided” folks than Palin yesterday, I think, but people will now be looking for policy/plan…
The Choice is clear in this election…
The Wartime hero (McCain)……….or the Peacetime Zero (Fauxbama)
Hey, where are the greek columns that the Boy king got last week? Did the movie set need back their plaster props to shoot a new film already?
I was making some oatmeal and raisin cookies and I ran out of molasses. I downloaded the video tribute to McCain and burned it to a DVD. I tossed the other ingredients in the bowl with the DVD and some of the treacle migrated over to my cookie dough. I was amazed!
If there are any Republicans reading this list, you can have the DVD. I think there is still plenty of treacle on it.
@4 Rick: They blew their budget on the holodeck stage. ;-)
Dan Robinson was baking cookies? How very Seattle male of you Dan.
I’m sure you’ll make a nice wife for some lucky guy out there.
@6~ that, or having all of those ambulances on standby as people fainted during the deification of the boy king Obama as he spoke.
@ 8 ~ and Obama thinks eating at the local International House Of Pancakes (IHOP) makes him one….but he doesn’t waffle on that position.
It’s well established that the fainting stories were media BS. As for McCain’s qualifications, he believes that being close to Russia makes one an expert. That’s deep.
One thing I liked about Saddam Hussein is if one of those lesbo left wing kook protesters tried to interrupt one of his speeches, like they did McCain’s, he would have them hanged.
Goldy and his marionettes say there is no such thing as “liberal fascism” while video of the leftist scum trying to shut down the RNC convention prove that theory wrong….alas, Goldy has his head so far entrenched in the bowels of his ideological beliefs, he refuses to acknowledge what he’s been witnessing down there.
Rick D @ 10
Leftist scrum? You pansy. You wouldn’t know a leftist scrum if you tripped over it. Morons like you call any one who is not in lock step (or goose step, as the case may be) with the Republicans a leftist. Fucking clown.
@10 Rick: I’m not sure if I understand your argument, can you explain?
Vote McCain 2000.
Whenever McCain says “My friends…”, I hear: “Comrades…”
@ 12…yes, and liberal fascism supplants nation with ideological views. The tactics are the same. The fascist liberal scum that hate free speech have descended on the twin cities in order to suppress a political thought different than their own.
Goldy is but a mere miniature Goebbels that feeds the haters more “red meat” in order to widen the chasm and instill groupthink. A fascist is running this website (at least until November when he loses his domain) and the minions that post here in blind obedience to him are little more than unthinking rubes.
Oh, and Dan, if you’re baking cookies and single, I hear that Goldy has quite the sweet tooth. You may have a shot there, Otis Spunkmeyer.
@15 Rick: That’d be “liberal asshole”. There are plenty of those. I think Goldy admits to being one. ;-)
Both candidates are corporate whores.
The success of Obama will only give us ‘radical nuts’, who want the planet to survive, an opportunity to push for better Democrats.
I remember those bumper stickers on the people of my parents’ generation that said: “We’re Spending our Children’s Inheritance!”
Well, Ha Ha! Wasn’t that a rich one? I’ll surely not honor their passing.
McCain delivered a good speech, and I think he probably picked-up some “undecided” voters tonight. Far, far better than yesterday’s Rant-O-Thon. Palin was a mistake, and the way they’re “handling” her is even a bigger mistake. Maybe there will be a resignation(?). The top of the ticket is completely misaligned with the bottom.
Having said that, McCain definitely failed to sway me (no big surprise there). Not only is it the judgement/risky behavior issue, but it’s also a matter of effectiveness and control.
This I say assuming we get pre-2000 McCain (i.e. He’s lying through his teeth in order to collect votes from the idiot neocon base). Post-2000 McCain is completely corrupt and worse than worthless.
Effectiveness: Congress will be under the custody of the Democrats. Ronald Reagan, who was much more skilled than McCain, was nearly impotent when he was misaligned with the Congress. I can’t see McCain doing anywhere near as well. Very likely much worse.
Control: McCain’s real friends don’t have much power or influence within the “Republican” Politburo or Washington. All his friends who do have power and influence in the Politburo are all complete asshole extremist panhandling bums living off of the government dole. That’s the price one pays as a so-called “maverick”. Unfortunately, that’s no comfort to me.
Both parties are socialist war-mongers. They’re both big spenders, and big liars and over-promise. The neocon “Republicans” are bigger spenders and bigger liars; the Democrats are bigger at over-promising.
I know what I can expect when it comes to over-promising (from either/both parties), and I absolutely reject the bigger spending and bigger lying the neocon “Republican” Politburo offers.
The “Republican” Politburo offers a socialist government which will provide me with a larger absolute number of dollars, but significantly lower purchasing power while pushing my upper middle-class standing closer to the poverty class and farther away from the ultra-mega-elite class. And they want to fuck with every minute detail of my personal life.
The Democrats offer a socialist government which will help keep rude panhandlers away from me on the street. I might have higher taxes, but my purchasing power will increase, and my standard of living will improve. And they won’t fuck with my personal life anywhere the astronomical level the “Republican” Politburo will.
It’s Obama/Biden for me.
I am worried a Democrat is going to bring harm to McCain between now and Nov. so Obama is assured the Presidency.
Cindy McCain Humanitarian
Michelle Obama Hater
John McCain Country First
Barack Obama Me First
@19 Troll: More likely one of the anarchistic Ron Paul wackos will do that. ;-)
Notice over 33% of Obama’s speech hating McCain
Notice over 8% of McCain speech comparing policies of Obama.
So who was more positive? The Latter.
Ground Noise and Static
Did you see those America-hating, anti-free speech left wing kooks trying to shout down McCain and prevent him from speaking?
I don’t want those Nazis running America.
Cindy McCain – rehab grad
Michelle Obama – law school grad and Mother
John McSame – Same old bullshit comes first
Barack Obama – The people’s business comes first
Love it! A cameraman is buried in balloons!
I thought he was quite good at the end, after he got warmed up and began sounding like a Democrat. In fact, listening to him, you’d think he was the Democrat and it was the other party that’s been fucking things up for the last 8 years! I must say, though, that as good as it sounded his transparent attempt to woo Democrats and independents rings mighty hollow in light of him putting that Bible-thumpin’, book-burnin’, earmarkin’, hockey-rink redneck on his ticket. It’s all bullshit.
I skipped the speech.
Who cares for more of the same?
I don’t. That’s what you get with McSame.
@24 Troll: Those very well may have been Ron Paul Republicans, given that they got onto the convention floor… (I don’t really know tho).
When McCain says he’11 invite “Democrats” into his administration, he means that he’s going to offer posts to Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller. And maybe even Troll — he’s a “Democrat” too. Or at least he claims he is.*
* Of course, you can’t believe anything a Republican says. It’s all bullshit.
He stumbled over his speech so many times I thought he was gonna have a stroke right there on the stage! The big shit-eating grin on Palin’s face was palpable. She can hardly wait to be president.
18 – Can’t say I agree with all of what you said but you made the right choice.
After seeing those protesters, and the protesters outside, I am worried about them winning in November.
To me, the choice is clear. Do I want McCain, or those protesters running America.
Sounds like McCain wants to give community college vouchers instead of unemployment checks to laid-off workers. Typical Republican batshit. You can’t eat a fucking A.A. degree if the economy isn’t producing jobs.
a mere miniature Goebbels that feeds the haters more “red meat” in order to widen the chasm and instill groupthink.
Hey little Rickie Dumbass – you’ve got Palin pegged! Miracles never cease.
@27 Rabbit: That’s going to mess things-up for McCain–i.e. campaigning as though they’re not the incumbent party. Given that, along with the Palin misalignment, a significant number of voters will be put-off by the perceived chaos and instability.
One thing is for sure: The next week or twe will bring a lot of confusion.
Um. Wingnuts. “Cogent” is not something you drink after dinner while smoking a cigar.
Just thought I’d point that out.
@19 “I am worried a Democrat is going to bring harm to McCain between now and Nov. so Obama is assured the Presidency.”
Well, let me reassure you that nearly all of the prominent public figures who have been harmed in recent decades have been Democrats shot by rightwing whackjobs, so the odds for McCain surviving this campaign are a lot better than Obama’s.
Btw, I notice a partisan Republican U.S. Attorney refused to file any federal charges against 3 white supremacists who admitted they planned to kill Obama and had sniper rifles and silencers to do it with.
Re #23: See #20 & #22.
@37 DJ: LMAO! :-)
Could someone explain to me how the Iranian Revolution of 1978 was the first act in the bombing of the twin towers in NYC on 9/11/2001?
Or was I hallucinating when I saw that on the video tribute to the 9/11 victims at the RNC?
I kept looking for the IV bottle on the podium. They hid it pretty well. The old man looked like he was gonna fall over, though. I wonder how they kept him propped up. He must’ve been suspended on wires from the ceiling.
Why does McCain repeatedly use the word fight, when the word work would suffice? Fight for this, fight for that. It’s disturbing. But still not as disturbing as those America-hating protesters.
#23 was written for you.
You mean you were looking an IV like yours? How about the oxygen tent, tank and mask?
It was Code Pink protesters. Leftist Pinheads!
Ground Noise and Static. Like most HAs posters.
Just think a First Lady who builds race cars.
@44 Why thank you puddy! I’m glad you like my work. If you rub my fur and touch a doorknob, you’ll be electrocuted! Go ahead and try it — I dare you!
No Pelletizer, I pray for the oxygen starved brain you possess. Code Pink, friends of yours.
I see you additionally edited it with coughing
@46 I can find women like that at my local hockey rink. Loads of ’em. I wouldn’t hire them for a waitress job let alone vice president. But then, you stupid assholes hired Dickless Cheney …
Larry King Barely Alive:
Michael Moron
Michael Dukakis
Mario Cuomo
Now there’s a lineup.
Didn’t Roger Rabbit just get married? And now he’s asking men on the internet to come over and polish his doornob? Is he a Republican?
Speaking of whom, I read a followup story just a couple days ago about the guy Cheney shot. Seems he never fully recovered. He’s still practicing law but has dropped out of Republican politics.
Over Al Gorebasm who couldn’t carry his home state!
What a loooooooooser!
@51 About 30 years ago. I can’t remember the last time I fucked Mrs. Rabbit, but I can remember the last time she hit me with a rolling pin … ohhh shiiitt … I gotta gooooooo …
[crashing noises]
I am worried a Democrat is going to bring harm to McCain between now and Nov. so Obama is assured the Presidency.
Don’t give these moombats ideas, it’s about the only way they can win a POTUS election with over 50% of the vote. hahahahahaha
Roger Rabbit is experiencing technical difficulties and will not be back on this board until he gets out of the ER.
@54 Mrs. Rabbit here:
David Gregory of NBC-Obama News was booed on the floor.
We you are partial people will react.
@38 Maybe they should get some college
voucher money too! Silencers rule!
Just kidding. Roger rabbit humor!
No one expects a coward like you to relate to a hero like McCain.
That’s why you prefer O-blah-blah….he’s a coward too.
You are pathetic…..again.
From the DUmmys web site.
I ain’t
like some leftist pinheads here.
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
“I am very glad to hear that. I know of three ads they have run. The most recent one says that Obama was nominated through a corrupt process at the convention.”
Well was it?
Cynical @61,
I’m the coward? At least I don’t hide behind a pseudonym like you do. Everybody knows who I am and where I live.
But you…?
Hey Goldy, don’t worry about what happens to you and this site after November, Johnny McC’s “small government” is gonna guarantee you a job for life! He said it: “We’re going to help workers who’ve lost a job that won’t come back find a new one that won’t go away.” All aboard the welfare state gravy train!
McCain seems to understand how fucked up the Republican record has been for the last eight years. We can agree on that. He is wrong to think anybody trusts Republicans to make things right. The Republicans bring to us two candidates who together couldn’t find Iran on a map. All they can give us is a snarly 72 year-old backed up by a vendetta-driven Christian End-timer who would make the Monica Goodling run DOJ seem like the good ol’ days.
Goldy just needs some retraining in a field more suited to his qualifications. Like sewer maintenance worker…this site has provided at least a few years experience of him as shop steward so he’s got a shot. Since your marionettes are so fond of baking, why not hold a bake sale or at the very least put together a cookbook for sale? November is still 2 months away so there’s still time Goldy.
Too bad for David that his radio voice is that of a pre-pubescent 13 year old boy..otherwise, it could have been a longtime dream realized.
Voice synthesizers.
Steve another dose of Steve’s Stupid Solution last night?
Since McCain was ridiculed by your side for going to Iraq and meeting with General Petraeus (oh… you know him as General Be-tray-us), we all know this presidential candidate knows where Iran is and doesn’t need the three major news anchors to assist him in his global country identification activities.
Then get a job writing speeches.
By the way, how did you do on your predictions for the presidential races in 2000 and 2004?
Damn, that sucks for both of you.
Marvin@71: I almost felt pity, but knowing Pelletizer needs an oxygen tent, he would be “streesed” in that activity. Remember Viagra, Cialis and other needed medical assists require someone to be in good working order.
Have pity on Pelletizer Marvin. Working for the WA State guvmint all those years left him a decrepit man!
Puddy says:
Actually, poor McCain has trouble remembering where Iran is – in fact he thinks that Iraq borders Pakistan, that Czechoslovakia still exists, that Iran trains sunni al qaida insurgents and that the surge started before the sunni awakening.
Just because an airplane can fly him to the right place doesn’t mean that he knows where it is or what it means.
Oh, and McCain was ridiculed for claiming that Iraq was safe – and then going into a market with a flak vest, after it was cleared by marines, walking with a marine contingent in a helicopter assisted stroll – where a few hours later there was a bombing after the marines cleared out.
He is not just a hypocrite – he is a stupid hypocrite.
What is his campaign theme? Vote for McCain for change so he can be just like Bush? That goes over real well…how stupid do the republicans think we real americans are?