King County Election Director Dean Logan sent out a press release yesterday, reminding voters that they do not need to re-register in order to vote this fall. Why would Logan feel the need to remind voters of something that they shouldn’t need reminding of?
This week, King County received phone calls from a handful of alarmed voters who received blank voter registration forms in the mail with a notation suggesting that they were not registered to vote. Election officials across the state have received similar calls from voters concerned about the status of their registrations.
“The voters we’ve heard from are properly registered,” said Logan. “They participate in every election and haven’t moved or changed their voting information so the message in the mailing is particularly disconcerting.”
In one incident, a King County voter reported receiving a recorded phone call from a national political campaign committee stating their records indicate she might not be properly registered at her address. The county’s official voter registration records show the woman properly registered.
In fact, I’ve been hearing scattered reports of these robo-calls for the past couple weeks, and it’s not exactly clear what the motive is. Is this some kind of incompetent GOP GOTV campaign? Or is it yet another ham-fisted example of Republican voter intimidation and suppression?
We’ve all heard about the Republican National Committee’s “sophisticated” data mining operations, but if they are trolling for unregistered households with GOP-leaning demographics, they sure seem to be hitting an awful lot of registered Democrats. And whether the intent is voter registration or voter intimidation… March seems to be an awfully odd time to attempt either.
Whatever. Here’s a transcript of the phone message that’s been going around Washington State:
“This is the Republican National Committee with an important alert. Our records show that you may not be properly registered to vote in your district. These elections are very important.
You have the opportunity to vote for republicans who will stand up for your values or liberals who will fight for their own special interests.
Please take a moment to look into whether or not you are properly registered to vote, and if you are not, please take the time to fill out the form and send it in.”
A number of county auditors from around the state have reported receiving angry phone calls from confused voters, wondering why they need to re-register… and in most every case, there is absolutely nothing wrong with their registration.
And it’s not just happening in Washington State. The DNC has recently received reports of the same robo-call message hitting registered Democrats in Nebraska… and the RNC apparently tested a similar campaign in 2005 during the closely contested governor’s race in Virginia.
Hello, this is an important election alert. Our records indicate that you may not be properly registered to vote at this address. The race for Virginia’s next governor will be close. Every vote will count. That’s why it is so important that you are properly registered to vote. You’ll be receiving a form in the mail in the next couple of days. Please, take a moment to fill it out and return it by October 11 so you can exercise your right in the upcoming election on November 8. Paid for and authorized by the Republican National Committee 05077. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Regardless of intent, these calls can’t help but sow confusion. Listen to the audio; no wonder this robo-call had dozens of Virginians calling registrars, elected officials, and attorneys to find out if some change in the law required them to re-register to vote. And considering the recent noise here over plans by the GOP propaganda mill Evergreen Freedom Foundation to run an initiative requiring exactly that, it’s no surprise this recent round of robo-calls has WA state voters coming to the same conclusion.
Considering last fall’s voter registration challenge debacle, it is reasonable to be suspicious of any GOP outreach on such issues. Perhaps there really is no nefarious intent behind these robo-calls, but if you’re going to warn voters that they may not be properly registered, the least you could do is cross-check your list with the publicly available voter registration records.
In any case, it doesn’t seem to bother the GOP that their efforts are leaving hundreds — possibly thousands — of voters unnecessarily confused about their registration status. It’s the type of callous gamesmanship we’ve now come to expect from a party that views voter suppression as just another tool in their arsenal.
[Cross-posted to Daily Kos]
Of course it doesn’t bother republicans. They don’t want people to vote. They want dictators. But I think we should offer a little tit for tat. A group of us are thinking of going to the top five or ten republican counties and holding voter registration drives right before the next election. Of course, it could be a tragedy in the making since we are all sloppy people, we may looooose those registrations, leaving thousands of righties thinking they are registered to vote when they’re not. Boo hoo!
Isn’t it nicer for the GOP to send out voter registration forms so that “mailbox” voters can correct their addresses, instead of challenging their right to vote? Whatever it is, you can count on Dean Logan to shrilly complain about the Republicans every chance he gets.
I am inspired.
I will have to hang out my flag and multi language “register to vote here” signs and start registering all the new multicolor folks who just moved into the SHA project across the street. I better get another couple of packs of registration forms.
In honor of Richard “chockfull’o nuts” above.
Go – folks go.
Every progresive needs to register anybody in sight. More turnout, esp. I-5 – we win.
I and a friend have started placing 10,000 forms in business in the most communist parts of Seattle. Look for giant registration campaigns from queers – a key component to beat Eyman. Ref 65 is at the printers so to speak.
Will post his email on the topic. Schmuck indeed.
Going to kick Timmie in the ass at fundraisers all summer. Bend over Timmie.
Goldy, we will need a good barker, and isn’t he your nemisis el grande? – Get ready.
Here is the whole wretched mess- fresh from the ethers….
email from the schmuck himself- TIM EYMAN TO SUPPORTERS
From: Tim Eyman []
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: Tell Olympia NO! Referendum 65 signature drive starts today
Referendum 65 — Tell Olympia NO! No preferential treatment, no quotas,
no same-sex marriage
To: Folks supporting Referendum 65 — Tell Olympia NO! No preferential
treatment, no quotas, no same-sex marriage
From: Tim Eyman, co-sponsor of Referendum 65, ph: 425-493-9127, email:
RE: Referendum 65 offers voters the chance to veto Olympia’s arrogant
Today, a Thurston County judge removed the final roadblock in our
effort to put HB 2661 before the voters this fall. Judge Tabor assigned
the following ballot title to Referendum 65: ESHB 2661 would add
“sexual orientation” to the state’s law against discrimination in
employment, housing, credit, insurance, and certain contracts. “Sexual
includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality and gender
expression, identity, appearance and behavior.
We trust the voters, not the politicians, to make the decision that
best serves the interests of the citizens of Washington state.
We’re going full steam ahead with this referendum — the initiative
is still weeks away. The finalized petition for the referendum is
attached as a PDF file. We’ll have it posted on our website soon — — so that supporters can download it
from there themselves.
And based on the overwhelming response, we won’t be using paid
signature gatherers — they won’t be necessary.
Including today, we have exactly 89 days to get 112,440 valid
signatures for this referendum which completely repeals HB 2661 from the
books — it’s essentially a voter veto of Olympia’s arrogant bill. THE
MADE. Do it today.
The instructions for you and other supporters to reproduce
petitions are easy:
* Download the attached PDF file onto a floppy disk
* Take the disk to any copy center who can photocopy onto 11″x17″
paper (all petitions must be this size) which includes Office Depot,
Office Max, Staples, etc. Photocopies cost about 30 cents each. Or you
can take the file to any decent sized print shop to have them printed on
a print-press – takes a little longer but costs about 10 cents each.
* Ask the copy store or printer to reproduce the petitions using
the PDF file — petitions must be printed front & back, black & white,
on 11″x17″ paper.
* Then go crazy distributing the petitions to as many supporters
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email or call. Go get
Regards, Tim Eyman, ph: 425-493-9127, email:, (go to our website to do a secure
donation by VISA/Mastercard or print out the form below, fill it out,
and return it with a check or money order or credit card information). . PO Box 18250 . Spokane . WA . 99228 . PH:
425-493-8707 . FAX: 425-493-1027 . .
Thanks for fighting for a public vote on HB 2661. Please accept my
contribution for $__________
Your Name _____________________________________________________________
Mailing Address_________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _______________________________________________________
Phone #_________________________________________________________________
E-mail address (please print very clearly)
Occupation ___________________ Employer & Employer zip code
VISA or M/C number ___________________________________ Exp. date
(MM/YY) ___________
Enclosed is my check for $ ______________________ Made payable to the
Voluntary donations to “” are not tax-deductible.
Voluntary donations to “” are political donations
that will be used to qualify this important taxpayer protection
initiative for the ballot in 2006. A different political action
committee, “Help Us Help Taxpayers,” raises money for a compensation
fund for Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, & Mike Fagan for their effective
political work on behalf of Washington’s citizens. These two campaign
committees are kept separate and donations and expenditures for each
fund are publicly reported every month.
“Perhaps there really is no nefarious intent behind these robo-calls…..”
Surely you jest, Goldy. Then again there is always ineptness to consider. I say let all the republicans re-register and winnow their own voting base.
All you need to do is revise the PDF so it doesn’t meet the legal requirements, then leave piles of them around in appropriate places and let the public decide. Why not add a line asking for contributions to “Help Us Help Taxpayers” while you’re at it? Trust the voters, not the politicians!
“Please take a moment to look into whether or not you are properly registered to vote, and if you are not, please take the time to fill out the form and send it in.”
Ummmmm, sorry to burst your bubble Goldy but all this does is encourage folks to make SURE they are properly registered.
Big Deal.
Then we get our resident Homesexual with Hepatitis threatening bodily harm..
“Going to kick Timmie in the ass at fundraisers all summer. Bend over Timmie.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/11/06@ 4:20 pm”
Knowingly infecting someone Bob is a crime…even if it is Tim Eyman. Methinks you got your Hepatitis from “bending over” for the wrong dudes Bob.
“Our records show that you may not be properly registered to vote in your district. “
Lori Sotelo’s records showed a couple of thousand Seattle voters were not properly registered, so she did a mass challenge of them last year.
It’s clear to me that the intent is to make a veiled threat. Get out there and register, the GOP poll police are comint to snoop up your butt.
They are coming to snoop.
Now that our Republican prosecutor, Norm Maleng, has given the green light to felony vote tampering by WSRP operatives, we have to expect more of this criminal behavior. At least until we get a new prosecutor.
I used to respect Maleng, even voted for him, but he threw that away when he gave Lori Sotelo a free pass to commit crimes against our most fundamental right — the right to elect our government. Maleng has joined the ranks of the right-wing subversives who want to take that right away from us.
They called me. I am most likely the properly registered womean who received the phone call. As I live the the SE Captol Hill/Central Area I really doubt this was a get out the vote or any other legitimate party acivity. Not sure what they’re up to, but it can’t be good.
Hey all you donks…. Let us cry. (Sniff,tear, lip quiver) “Let every donk vote count”!! Booohooo. Ah now does that feel better.
We can also count on Richard Pope to fart every time he eats beans.
What do you expect from a judge who graduated from an Oklahoma Bible college?
“I say let all the republicans re-register and winnow their own voting base.”
I have a better idea, don’t let Republicans vote, because they’re too stupid to be trusted with so important a responsibility.
“the GOP poll police are comint to snoop up your butt”
I hope they do, because I have something stashed in my butt for them … BUNNY PELLETS!!!
Rufus: You’d be the one boo-hooing if I put you in a chokehold and made you do the funky chicken!
I took a stroll down the memory lane Goldy provided in his article.
The same righties were making the same baseless charges about KCRE 4 months ago.
Disinformation campaigns never die, they merely stink up the joint as they moulder.
The republicans need to do more of this. The dems will never take voter fraud seriously because they are the cause of almost all of it. A recent ACVR report backs up what we have known for years. Donks Cheat!!! Get used to this….. more is on the way.
Metaphor, as in football games, does not the rooter for his / her team chant ” Kick em, kick em,. kick em – way back – in the butt? Is there another way to cheer, or are you already cringing in fear, Mr. Oiinjj?
Ointkee, get a life. It was actually a good funding idea – sell cheap watches and do a stuffed doll into the dunk tank aka Timmie, a week on Broadway —- could net tens of thousands.
This is Hoseph, Bob is out registering at the bars this evening. He just called, 1,069 already and pledge cards for money totallying 6,666.
RR, can you find a date site for Oink — apparently Jim West and he – well let us say – could not work out the top / bottom thing. Too bad. Wih the right macho top, Oink could be a newly sweetened and softened Democrat in months.
This is all counter, of course, to the horseshit put forth by the GOP front group calling themselves the “non-partisan” American Center for Voting Rights (ACVR). As you’ll recall, they and other Rightwing operatives they’re tied to had released reports, propaganda and all sorts of unsubstantiated claims about Democrats and various non-partisan Voter Registration groups such as ACORN having committed all forms of Voter Registration Fraud (which they tried to suggest was “Voter Fraud” — which is quite different).
You’ll be surprised to learn, no doubt, that ACVR and friend were full of shit. It turns out that, one year later, the organizations they scurrilously attacked — in a transparent attempt to smokescreen the real Election Fraud that they were neck deep in — have been vindicated of the various bogus charges as virtually all of the frivilous lawsuits and investigations the GOP liars made so much noise about have simply collapsed.
Yep- The thugs in Ohio slashing tires on Vans and the guy in St Louis are just a few examples of how the Dems cheat. I laugh my ass off every time a donk cries about voter intimidation. Most union thugs ransacking election headquarters are democrats.
Facts RufASS @ 23, oh, sorry, factually bankrupt as usual
It is not my problem you dont read past the first page of the newspaper. Of course you dont know anything about facts, all you know is drivel.
In Ohio, rethugs cheated. In Florida, rethugs cheated. And right here in Washington they tried to cheat. . . and got their asses kicked by a republican judge no less in a republican county no less who said there was indeed voter fraud in the Washington Governor’s election, and then he threw out several votes for Rossi! How funny. The lying, scumbag, cowardly republicans cheat in every election. If they can cheat, why can’t we?
You donks better save up those rocks for the upcoming elections
You are going to need it.. hehehehehe
DOOFUS is still riding that phony ACVR hobby horse after it was long ago proven that ACVR is a GOP front.
DOOFUS entertaining us again with links from NewsWhacks! News for brainwashed Whackos like DOOFUS.
Florida is not Chicago or KC… they do the count right the first time.
Qestion for the donks. Do you give free cheese with the rocks in Wisconcin;thold=
Rufus is a complete idiot.
I don’t know what kind of drugs DOOFUS takes but he keeps recycling these warped wingnut delusions from whacko web sites. He’s addicted for sure.
The sites Rufus reads are like , The Enquirer, or Star. It looks like their next story might be about Elvis debating JFK IN OUTER SPACE.
They have to be Murdoch publications for sure or Murdoch wannabes.
“A recent ACVR report backs up what we have known for years. Donks Cheat!!!”
“Backs up?” Is that the euphemism wingnut liars use for “bullshit?”
For documentation that ACVR is a GOP front organization set up by GOP operatives, see
Here is how the donks do it in the heartland
Hey Doofus — I’ll bet you thought I’d forgotten ACVR was set up by a GOP operative and a lawyer for Bush/Cheney 04 to peddle Republican lies … even though I’ve posted links to Bradblog’s ACVR expose over a dozen times. Well, I have news for you, bunnies never forget anything, and every time you post this ACVR crap, I’m gonna call bullshit on it. Count on it.
ACVR = GOP bullshit
Brads Blog…. WTF
Talk about your donk websites.. heheheheahahahahaha
Why not talk about the Milwaukee tire slashing incident? That one was real, not a figment of a GOP operative’s ritalin overdose. Too bad those Milwaukee Democrats only slashed tires instead of throats. (If Ann Coulter thinks you guys can do it, then why can’t we?)
In general, I’m not for throat slashing, or even tire slashing, but I make exceptions for Nazis.
Brad was probably handing out the rocks right behind some guy name Maurice in Ohio. Brads Blog… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Newsmax? You gotta be kidding. Why don’t you just quote Ken Mehlman, he’s equally “reliable” as a “source.”
It’s clear to me that the intent is to make a veiled threat. Get out there and register, the GOP poll police are comint to snoop up your butt.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/11/06@ 6:19 pm
Dean Logan how is that audit going with the Feds? Dean did they find your ass for you?
Or try Drudge. With Drudge, at least you have a 1% chance it isn’t bullshit. With Newsmax, your odds are 0%.
Well since this is a lefty site I can see where a Brad may have some credibility. Does anyone know how may fake memos he has written?
DOOFUS is incapable of making a logical fact-based argument. ACVR, NewsWhacks and Freeperville are his sources?
When the new software comes out it’s bye, bye DOOFUS. Go circle jerk at (un)SP and freeperville.
Doofus @30
“Florida is not Chicago or KC… they do the count right the first time.”
Thanks for the laugh — I needed that. :D
Now let’s do a reality check:
“3-3-06: While Florida vindicates Ion Sancho, Jeb Bush threatens Sancho’s job
“‘You could steal the election and no one would ever know,’ Leon County (FL) supervisor of elections Ion Sancho says. Sancho arranged for an independent study by Black Box Voting with security experts Harri Hursti and Dr. Herbert Thompson, discovering critical security flaws in the Diebold voting system. These flaws were confirmed in a study ordered by the California Secretary of state. Today the state of Florida issued a Technical Advisory to all Supervisors of Elections based on these findings. And today, Sancho received a letter from Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sec. State Sue Cobb, threatening action by the state of Florida to take over Leon County elections.”
I think what Doofus meant to say was, “they do the count Far Right the first time.”
Hey Doofus, tell us something we don’t already know.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/11/06@ 6:19 pm
Dean Logan how is that audit going with the Feds? Dean did they find your ass for you?
Commentby klake— 3/11/06@ 10:03 pm
We republicans need to do what Dean is not doing. I wonder how Stephan is doing on Rabbits vote registration challenge?
Doofus @31
A link to a right-wing message board proves what … ???
Doofus, most of us here can find Freep without your help, thank you very much.
Not that we want to.
Black box voting heahahahahaha dot hahehahahahehaheha dot org.
Wow and organization out of KC dedicated to the diebold controversy. That is sort of like bank robbers concerned about shop lifting. This is too fucking entertaining.
Exactly what has Brad written that you are prepared to refute, Doofus? Please provide your evidence.
Why don’t you enlighten us? Proof, please.
Why don’t you enlighten us? Proof, please.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/11/06@ 10:21 pm
He is a lefty… guilty by association. With the lefts history of lying it is prima facie evidence.
Ahh, the proof.
Stefan and his bunch of jackals aren’t very good with proof. They are much better a baseless accusations.
That why they can’t win in court.
A lefty is only right when it is proven to a righty. Until then by definition he lying. You lefties are the only ones to blame for you lack of crediblity.
Guilt by association? Hmmm… DOOFUS is a McCarthyite like his heart-throb Anne Coulter.
Actually proving something is too much work. For DOOFUS repeating the talking points in NewsWhacks, WingNutDaily and Freeperland is enough. Nevermind it’s all bullshit.
Here ya go, Doofus … some FACTS about ACVR.
ACVR’s general counsel is Mark Hearne III, who served as “national election counsel” for Bush/Cheney ’04, and before that, as a Reagan administration official. He was photographed at a National Republican Lawyers Association reception in March 2005.
ACVR’s publicist is Jim Dyke, who previously served as the RNC’s communications director.
Brian Lunde, touted as a “Democrat” with ACVR, was a big donor to both Bush’s re-election campaign and Republican PACs.
ACVR’s “office” is a 3×3 postal box at a Dallas strip mall.
ACVR is a FAKE organization.
Ahh, the proof.
Stefan and his bunch of jackals aren’t very good with proof. They are much better a baseless accusations.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/11/06@ 10:28 pm
How can you provide proof against an entity that doesn’t keep proper records? How can you trust an organization that finds ballots midway through a recount?
ACVR is a FAKE organization.
Facts don’t stop DOOFUS. Repeats his lies night after night. Keeps him warm in the winter, I guess.
63 – What entity is that DOOFUS? Is it every elections office in the state? IIRC, most of them found votes during the recount.
The Republicans spent 2 million plus and didn’t prove squat before a Republican judge. Did you send in a check DOOFUS?
Here ya go, Doofus … a MSM newspaper calls ACVR a “fraud.”
‘Study’ is political fraud
“By Dimitri Vassilaros
“Monday, August 8, 2005
“The organization’s 368-page study “Vote Fraud, Intimidation & Suppression in the 2004 Presidential Election,” which was released last week, indicated that Democrats were the instigators in every case from Alabama to Wisconsin — except two.
“It also said that the two complaints regarding Republicans had no merit.
“The ‘findings’ about Democrat wrongdoing are not surprising considering that the three public faces of the nonpartisan group are very partisan Republican operatives — including one who claims to be a sounding board for senior White House adviser Karl Rove.
“The supposedly nonpartisan American Center for Voting Rights — which purports to expose voter fraud — is a fraud.”
Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention? — Brian Lunde is a Karl Rove confidante, in addition to being a big GOP donor.
ACVR’s “office” is a 3×3 postal box at a Dallas strip mall.
ACVR is a FAKE organization.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/11/06@ 10:37 pm
So what. Now if the ACVR was saying the postal box was their place of residence you may have something. I regret you comparing the ACVR to a registered democrat in King county.
Liar, liar, pants on fire! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Doofus is a liar!
Hey Doofus — is your ass a little warm?
The ACVR probably doesn’t want to give out their physical office address because they dont want a bunch of democratic hacks shooting holes in their building.
Poor DOOFUS needs help bad. Can’t stop lying.
Of course it would make sense that maybe the people most concerned with voter fraud would be republicans. Why would democrats exposes voter fraud… fraudulent voters are a big part of their base.
Hey Doofus, you want to see election fraud? I’ll show you election fraud …
Keep making an ass of yourself, Doofus! It gives me something to do! I’m enjoying this!
BTW, dumb shit, BBV is based in Renton not KC. But then, YOU don’t get ANYTHING right!
Kevin Carnes a.k.a. Rufus —
Having a bad night, are you?
“Why don’t you enlighten us? Proof, please.
“Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/11/06@ 10:21 pm
“He is a lefty… guilty by association. With the lefts history of lying it is prima facie evidence.
“Commentby RUFUS— 3/11/06@ 10:28 pm”
Whatever. Hey Doofus, I have an idea — why don’t you go to law school and become a GOP lawyer? Democrats could use more Republican mouthpieces like you.
Speaking of guilt by association, here’s one of your buddies.
He needs to pull Kevin’s dick out of his ass, too.
“Of course it would make sense that maybe the people most concerned with voter fraud would be republicans.”
Republicans do seem to make an industry out of voting fraud, I’ll give you that.
You mean like this Wabbit….
Which is why we maybe should hang ’em all.
I’m not sure what your point is, but to be fair, I’ll post what you linked to in entirety:
“We are sorry, but we are unable to locate the page you requested on the Department of Justice Website.
“Please try the following:
“Use the Search function to search for words or phrases.
“Use the Site Map to understand the organization of the site.
“If you typed the page URL rather than cutting-and-pasting it, make sure that it is exactly as it originally appeared. Our server is case-sensitive.
“Some files associated with the previous administration have been moved to the Archive section of the Department web site.
To return to the previous page, use the back button on your browser.”
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said:
“Claude Allen is a strong advocate for family values and will undoubtedly provide the President trustworthy counsel on key domestic issues. Mr. Allen’s appointment is a hopeful sign that President Bush is committed to a pro-family agenda for his second term. While we would have liked to have seen Mr. Allen confirmed as a federal judge, his new post within the White House suggests that the ‘values voter’ will have a strong voice within the administration on policy decisions affecting the family”
I’d hate to think Doofus is a product of our public schools. I don’t think he is. I’ve heard he was raised in a cave by wolves.
Well hey, families that shoplift together, stay together. Right?
GOP = crime family
Don’t Republicans do background checks before they nominate people to be federal appeals court judges? Never mind …
… and the prison bus stops in front of the White House yet again.
You mean like this
Lot of blue in those places.
Click here for picture of White House carpool van.
So? Your point is — ??
… other than you can’t copy and paste a link until your kid sister shows you how …
You want more wabbit.. I see you are already changing the subject.. I will take that as a no.
This one is so funny I’m gonna post it again! Sometimes I crack myself up!
Click here for picture of White House carpool van.
Check out ex-judicial nominee Claude Allen’s new ride!
Are you still here? Why haven’t you left yet?
So? Your point is – ??
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/11/06@ 11:17 pm
Yeah, Voter fraud is so prevelent for donks they think it is normal. Yeah- No big deal they have to monitor donk polling places. Hahahahaha
It’s past your bedtime, Doofus. Your mommy is calling … it’s time to tuck you under your bankey.
GreenLib @ 85
Is a “values voter” someone who likes to get a 100% discount at Target?
Dobson introduced Allen with profuse praise. “I just said how much I love and appreciate you, and it comes directly from my heart,” Dobson told Allen. Allen responded in kind, declaring, “It is such a privilege to be on your program. You too have been just dear to me and my family, and so we’re very grateful for that. And thank you for your leadership on so many issues that are important to the family and our nation.”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I dont blame the wabbit on getting off the voter fraud subject. Can’t hang with the facts.
And here’s the Young Republicans vanpool vehicle.
other than you can’t copy and paste a link until your kid sister shows you how …
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/11/06@ 11:18 pm
With democrats and voter fraud it is just that easy. Just cut and paste. You have thousands of articles to choose from.
Not now, Doofus … I’m busy.
And here’s the West Wing conference room.
You want more wabbit…. huh you want more more
…… crickets……..
I thought so.
Republican judicial nominees line up for a group photo! http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.....m-7722.jpg haw! haw! haw!
Well, it’s time for me to go eat Stefan’s garden and shit on his lawn! Later.
Rufus: Read something really factual:
Don’t confuse Doofus with FACTS — his head might explode.
This is merely a desperate Dean Logan “sideshow” to deflect attention away from Stefan’s nearly 6-month old Public Record request for the Transaction Logs. Logan takes a few phone calls from Democratic Party activists and makes it news. Why?
Transaction Logs documenting each & every entry into that Voter Registration Datadase is a FUNDAMENTAL component of any database system like this. It shows who made the entry & when.
Logan is a very desperate man….Stefan has him checkmated but Logan is still looking for another move. Watch, Logan will try to get Stefan to look away for a second as Logan cunningly shifts a piece, hoping no one will notice.
Too bad for Dean Logan, it’s all on TAPE (or a Disc)!
Mr. C — do you have any idea why Stefan isn’t going to share the fines and attorney fees he collects from KCRE with the generous donors to his “legal action fund” instead of keeping all the money for himself? Is Stefan is a disgruntled ex-employee of KCRE, or just a selfish prick? Do you think there’s any chance he’ll go postal?
On the other hand, maybe there’s a chance the judge will conclude Logan and KCRE complied with the PDA when they gave Stefan access to 600,000 documents, a taxpayer-provided room to work in, and six weeks of a county employee’s time to assist him.
No judge will be looking at the 27 screen shots with circles and arrows, each with an arrow pointing out what each one is.
Stefan’s case is a bunch of hot air.
that should be “case”
Cyn — what I mean is, don’t you think there’s some chance a judge would realize Stefan is only one of 6.2 million Washington citizens entitled to access KCRE’s public records, and Stefan’s special privileges need to be balanced against the rights of other citizens?
For one thing, KCRE needs to accommodate journalists as well as public records hobbyists.
As in “enough is enough”.
Anyone remember the movie “Alice’s Restaurant” with Arlo Guthrie?
Stefan is a lot like Officer Obie.
Roger and Gang you all are fast to chastise the Republicans, promote hate from your side of the state, and your success is quite apparent in this Blog. You blame everyone else except your self when there is shortcoming that do not meet your expectation, but provide no real answers to this problem. The question is when are you going to clean up your own house before you stick you nose into everyone else house? Seattle likes to steal from everyone else bank account but do not want to use their own money. When called foul you defect the attention to something else while you clean out every one’s wallet like a pickpocket. That is how Ron Sims, Greg Nickels, Dean Logan, and Seattle School Board appears to the folks out side your city limits. You are fast to steal but don’t share your success with the poor in this world, which makes you all a bad Robin Hood. Below is an example of what I’m talking about.
In calling on Sen. Stevens to drop proposed bridges in Alaska and support federal funding for the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle, you also fail to mention that his colleague, Alaska Congressman Don Young, was key to the viaduct securing $220 million in federal highway funds. Young could have been petty and vindictive, like your editorial, but he wasn’t and the viaduct received one of the largest amounts in that law, SAFETEA-LU.
Many Washingtonians consider Alaska our “second state.” We consider the Alaskans you taunt to be part of our family. I grew up here, admiring Alaska and its independence and beauty. I have had the privilege of working with Alaskans for 25 years. Like many here in the Puget Sound area, I consider Alaskans to be part of my family — their concerns are our concerns. We may differ sometimes, but they deserve respect and fairness, which is more than your newspaper has demonstrated.
That’s what I like Klake, right on topic. . . .wait a while. . .Buh-Bye!
Now, now, stop dissing Klake. Can’t you see that his intellectual range is so great that the world desperately needs him to start his own blog?
I am completely serious. Klake, it is time for you to move to the big leagues. You are such a strong voice of reason that I’m sure Mr. Cynical/Oink, JCH, Janet S., Rufus and all of your other friends will join you in your righteous crusade.
Come on, folks, let’s show Klake some support. Vote for him to start his very own blog!
I know many Alaskans. None of them are as right wing as their people in congress…. confounds logic, ballot corruption perhaps?
Amazing how these dour and sour ultra right wingers come from a state so full of good things.
Alaska needs a Patty M. clone …… or would that undermine the egos of the macho crowd too much.
Lkaje – we love Alakans and Alaska – their current poitical leaders are wretched fools.
Did anyone mention how much money the state has from oil. Yet they want the Fed to build the bridge to no where— a bit over the line, Ted. You are soiing your own political bed in the lower 48 – as they say.
Folks the sun is out enjoy.
‘What’s our platform? We ain’t sure.’
Democrats didn’t have an easier time than the Republicans and were mocked for being in disarray over their party’s message and strategy, its position on the Iraq war and even whom to field for president in 2008.
“What do we stand for? We don’t know. What’s our platform? We ain’t sure. All we know is Dubya’s got it wrong,” reporters sang, using a nickname for Bush.
The travails of House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California also came in for a ribbing.
“This job is a zoo, I don’t have a clue,” a reporter sang. But then “Dubya messed up with the ports. I don’t know why, but thank you, Dubai.”
Bush made his fifth appearance and speech at the white-tie dinner.
Reporters dressed as sick chickens for a bird flu skit, as the Incredible Hulk to poke fun at Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who likes to wear a Hulk tie while waging fights in the Senate, and as Cheney hidden behind a Darth Vader mask.
I’m with Jerry here.
The link is posted here…have at it, man. With your intellect and grasp of the salient issues of the day, you’ll be drawing …shit…50-60,000 hits aday in no time.
Go for it, Big Guy. I’m SURE all your troolfuck buddies will be GLAD to guest post.
What’re you waiting for! Yer burnin’ daylight, dude!
“Yeah, Voter fraud is so prevelent for donks they think it is normal. Yeah- No big deal they have to monitor donk polling places. Hahahahaha Commentby RUFUS— 3/11/06@ 11:24 pm”
That’s not what your DoJ link says. Ask your kid sister to read it to you.
What facts? All you did was (a) refer to a phony report by a fake organization called ACVR, and (b) link to a DoJ web site page that says DoJ monitors elections. Well, duh, because federal law says to!
You’re pathetic. You don’t even understand what a fucking idiot you are, or how silly you look!
“With democrats and voter fraud it is just that easy. Just cut and paste. You have thousands of articles to choose from. Commentby RUFUS— 3/11/06@ 11:29 pm”
All written by the same guy working in a GOP boiler room.
We don’t hate you guys — we merely despise you because you’re stupid, ignorant, dishonest, corrupt fascists.
As for minding our own business, how is Ted Stevens’ proposal to increase oil tanker traffic in Puget Sound only Alaska’s business and none of ours? Do you think Puget Sound is in Alaska? Look at a fucking map, for God’s sake.
As for Seattle “stealing from everyone else,” it’s probably useless to point out to an ignorant fuck like you that Seattle electric ratepayers, not eastern Washington farmers, pay for the electricity that runs the irrigation pumps in eastern Washington. Seattle taxpayers, not eastern Washington taxpayers, pay for eastern Washington’s schools and farm-to-market roads.
Hey — if you don’t like our city money … SECEDE!!! Petition Congress for your own fucking state. Then you can pay your own taxes and support yourselves. Good fucking riddance.
What voting machines do they use in Alaska? Who owns the company that makes them? Is this a Nebraska deal, where the voters “elect” a guy to the U.S. Senate who just happens to own the company that makes the voting machines that “elected” him?
And on top of all the shit that Republicans pull to steal our government from us, we have to listen to Motor Mouths like Doofus preach to us about “Democrat voting fraud.” Yeah right Doofus. Fuck you and your fascist friends.
You right-wing assholes want to fix our country’s “voting fraud” problems? Okay, I’ll tell you how to fix it. Printed paper ballots. Mark an “X” in the box. Count by hand. No exceptions.
Who cares if it takes 6 weeks to find out who won the election, and costs a lot of money? Nobody needs to know on Election Night who won — they don’t get inaugurated the next day, you know. Lots of senior citizens need the part-time work, and it’s well worth the cost in dollars to end all this partisan squabbling and GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME!!!
How about it, righties? Will you join me in supporting the ELIMINATION OF ALL VOTING MACHINES and returning to hand-counted paper ballots?
And we can even put purple ink on voters’ thumbs if it’ll make ya happy.
Otherwise, shut the fuck up. All your pissing and moaning about voting fraud is hot air. Republicans, not Democrats, are stealing elections. The fact they’re in office is all the proof you need of that, because nobody in their right mind would actually elect these lying, thieving, corrupt, warmongering fascist assholes.
Unlike the GOP, the Democratic Party is actually an open, participatory party in which the platform is written at the grass roots and sent up the hierarchy, not the other way around. And unlike Republicans, Democrats are not mindless clones who are drilled to parrot the party line, they think for themselves and believe it or not Democrats sometimes actually disagree among themselves and with their party leaders!!! Imagine that. Well, no, if you’re a Republican acclimatized to shouting “seig heil!” on cue, you can’t imagine that.
Hmmm…I see Timmy Boy is running his “grass roots” anti-gay referendum campaign from a PO box in Spokane. Seems to me he could have saved a couple of bucks and used Jim West’s closet.
And we can even put purple ink on voters’ thumbs if it’ll make ya happy.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:31 pm
Roger that is a great idea to restore voter’s confidence in King County tainted election system. You and I know that Dean Logan would not allow the Feds to do an audit on his flawed department. Lets not forget Ron Sims smoke and mirrors routine on how that department is run better that the local Banks. The last thing the Governor would want is that she was appointed and not elected into office. Roger what will her legacy be if she does not clean up King County and restore the voter trust. Avoiding doing the house cleaning is a disservice to both parties and discourages folks to vote on Election Day.
“You and I know that Dean Logan would not allow the Feds to do an audit on his flawed department. ”
Do you know that RR? If so, fill me in. I’ve heard it only from klakker, and I don’t put much stock in his say-so.
Unlike the GOP, the Democratic Party is actually an open, participatory party
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:35 pm
Yeah everyone participates in Voter fraud.
What facts? All you did was (a) refer to a phony report by a fake organization called ACVR, and (b) link to a DoJ web site page that says DoJ monitors elections. Well, duh, because federal law says to!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:12 pm
You’re pathetic. You don’t even understand what a fucking idiot you are, or how silly you look!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:13 pm
Wabbit wait until I am gone and then shows me up. You want more
Sorry RR –
BPA provides the cheap power – and real truth, several of the big PUD s over there own part of several of the dams – Wanapum . I think, below Vantage.
But, yes, gas tax money from KINg Co has long been exported to the E. Red Counties. They are such fools when it comes to tax – equity.
Back and forth and back and forth; nastiness, name calling, and childishness. And many of you wonder why a majority of us do not vote. My conviction to that civic obligation has been numbed by one-too-many deceptions and manipulations. After the election of last November I petitioned and successfully removed my name from the list of registered voters. Never, ever, again. Voting is truly a waste of my time.
Former Voter –
You don’t vote becaue you do not understand the difference between a democracy and a King.
Long live the King – don’t have to vote.
Silly twit. Move to the United Emirtates, no voting there.
Do you care if schools are funded – or any of the ssues? If people turn you off, grouch, then suppot issues. It is your society. Or is it the county of the Czar?
Read again – this is a Rossi fan. Still crying those tears of moral superiority.
God – I hate people who do not vote. Just hate them. I feel like I have to make for for their political sickness – and it frosts me.
My Great Granny walked 10 mile barefooted to vote for the first time in rural Arkansas. Very true family story. My Granny used to rant because her mom was “an Indiana Republican” — Mr. Hoover cured that trend for my grandmother.
Her gouhst would appear in my dreams forever if I did not respect the acred right to vote.
Go away. Loser. Bad dream.
Do you care if schools are funded – or any of the ssues? If people turn you off, grouch, then suppot issues. It is your society. Or is it the county of the Czar?
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/12/06@ 10:28 pm
No Bob this isn’t a country of the Czar, but that Statue of Linn in downtown Seattle does make folks wonder. Former Voter is one of those Democrats who has no faith in the system maybe Dean Logan can help?
BPA power is cheap because it’s subsidized by billions of dolalrs of no-interest federal loans for dam and powerhouse construction. For example, Grand Coulee’s Third Powerhouse cost $500,000,000 … at zero interest. If a market interest rate of, say, 5% was paid that would add $25 million a year to ratepayers’ bills.
You may find this article interesting … it talks about how the eastern Washington promoters of the Columbia River project expected to get FREE electricity FOREVER. http://content.lib.washington......cerpt.html
I wonder how many western Washington ratepayers know they’re paying not only for their household electrical consumption, but they’re also paying for the electricity that runs the irrigation pumps in eastern Washington.
To ‘BOB from BOEING’
Your rude, uninformed and woefully misspelled comments merely serve to prove my point. Thank you.
What point – your head problem. Or is it that bad spelling is not patriotic campared to not voting.
You repluse me. Rude – wel, well – you hate your country.
Even Dino would not agree.
To ‘Klake’
Your offhand comment is a supposition.
Wrong. Interest rates on those bonds could be as low as 1 or 2 per cent and be market rate – 1939 or three years ago.
Payment schedules for all of BPA back to the US Treasury are ahead of schedule.
The added value of thse hydro projects to the NW economy is tens of billions – where does that mean subsidy?
Coulee power was tapped for nationa Defense in the WW eras – what did that subsidey mean?
Getting too linnear – all attorneys are brainwashed to some degree, think concept once in a while.
OH HORROIS OF HORRORS – BAD SPELLING. ON that desk of high scholarship —- the blog.
THIS IS BAD FORM TOO. but ttttttttttttt – I VOTE.
To ‘BOB from BOEING’
The continued shrill, smug, incoherence – from the Left and Right – is precisely what drives so many of us away. Any measured, respectful, civil discussion of civics would appear lost. Participation becomes problematical and voting – for ever increasing numbers – becomes an irrelevancy.
re 154: Democracy is not a coffee klatch. You don’t deserve to vote. We won’t allow an uninformed jerk like you to vote.
To ‘headless lucy’
“we won’t allow an uninformed jerk like you to vote.” How positively democratic of you. Thanks to you, too, for making my point. The voting booth is all yours.
I’m sure someone beat me to this, since i only read the post itself, not the 156 prior comments…
Heck, Logan doesn’t even care if you are a legal voter, he ought to also remind us you don’t even have to register to begin with..