For the most part, I’ve been happy with the coverage of the 1st Congressional District primary. While there’s some bullshit coverage of Darcy Burner, that’s sort of what you expect from the mainstream sources. There are plenty of good candidates, and for the most part they’re covered about as well as you can expect.
But one thing in particular just drives me off the wall. And that’s whenever I read that they’re competing for “Jay Inslee’s old seat.” The fuck they are. They’re competing to fill a seat with the same number as Jay Inslee’s old seat, but since the redistricting looks nothing like that seat. Hopefully this will die down a bit since there will be an election to fill the old seat until redistricting kicks in.
But don’t we all miss the days when HA was all Darcy, all the time?
@1 Darcy hugs rabbits! What did Shurriff Hairspray ever do for a rabbit?
@2 – Good point! But, I don’t even know who the Repub in D1 is… maybe he or she is a rabbit hugger? And how about Suzan Delbene? Where is she on the lagomorph issue?
@3 Are you kidding? Republicans think the only thing rabbits are good for is target practice. Why would any rabbit vote Republican? I sure don’t!
FWIW, the one and only Republican in the new WA-01 is teahadist John Koster. He lost narrowly to Larsen in the former WA-02 last time.
Thanks to Slade Gorton’s fleecing of Tim Ceis, Larsen now has a safe seat and Koster’s in the open-seat CD. It would have been simple, and geographically far more sensible, to keep Skagit and Whatcom in WA-02 while adding small pieces of King and Snohomish to WA-01 (basically, making I-5 the dividing line). But that would have made two seats that were both approximately D+3 or D+4, and Skeletor made sure that didn’t happen.
Paying $770,000 for an election where the person will server 3-4 weeks is why this state is in such a financial mess. That is a rediculous waste of money.
6 – 0h but it’s made up for by all the booze you and your fellow birfers will be swilling from the local Costco while devouring the latest ebooks by Sheriff Joe’s “investigators”.
And I remember hearing on the radio (it was either Stephanie Miller’s or Thom Hartman’s program on SXM Left) a few weeks ago that Dennis Kucinich was pondering a move to Seattle to take a shot at WA-1 after losing his seat to redistricting, then losing to Marcy Kaptur in the primaries for Ohio’s Ninth District.
@6 Let’s just seat the Democrat by acclamation and then we won’t need an election.
@8 Kucinich stayed in Ohio and lost his primary. So now he will go on the speaking circuit and make millions.
Hell I’d be for seating a democrat by acclamation if it is for 3-4 weeks and saves $770,000. The seat could remain empty for the amount they do in any given day, and it is rediculous to put someone in a new office for 3-4 weeks.