Jeffrey Feldman caught Rep. Jay Inslee in the hall yesterday at Netroots Nation, and I couldn’t help but eavesdrop as they talked about what we (that’s you and me) need to do to help pass real health care reform. Shorter Inslee: show up!
I guess it’s not surprising that Reichert supports the party line: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.
Kudos to Mr Cynical for the use of his cynicism fear gun and taking over.
And to think the democrats believed if they had control of the white house, senate and congress they could do as they want.
Speaking of netroots nation, AKA yearlykos. (ever notice how democrats/liberals always have to keep rebranding themselves?)
Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg has conducted a straw poll of the participants and found-
a majority of those surveyed, 53 percent, say they “cannot support a health care reform bill that does not include a public option.”
attendees voice near-unanimous approval, 95 percent, of the job Barack Obama is doing as president.
Greenberg presented respondents with a list of policy priorities and asked, “Please indicate which two you think progressive activists should be focusing their attention and efforts on the most.”
…passing comprehensive health care reform, with 60 percent, and number two was passing “green energy policies that address environmental concerns,” with 22 percent. Tied for eighth place, named by just eight percent of respondents, was “working to end our military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Wow, the same people that cared about troop deaths no longer care. I wonder if the netroots nation finally understand that the war was just. Or maybe since a democrat is in the white house they no longer care about troop deaths.
What Goldy hasn’t reported is that pollsters at Netroots Nation told the assembled masses yearning to destroy freedom that the Dems can expect expect to LOSE 20 to 50 seats in Congress come 2010.
What Goldy hasn’t reported is that pollsters at Netroots Nation told the assembled masses yearning to destroy freedom that the Dems can expect expect to LOSE 20 to 50 seats in Congress come 2010.
The anecdotal reports I repeatedly heard said that the mood was glum.
The Piper
Loose them to whom? What little is left of the Republican party will have self destructed by the time elections roll around.
It too early to talk about 2010, if early polls were true Clinton would be President now.
Oh? Too early? Trust me…if they’d made a prediction the other way, Goldy would have trumpeted it from Pittsburgh all the way home.
August is barely half over, yet it’s been a month of hell for ObamaCare and other wasteful, profligate, pork-laden, high-tax, big-government initiatives.
There is hope…
The Piper
Whole Foods is everything leftists talk about when they talk about “corporate responsibility.”
And yet lefties want to boycott the company because CEO John Mackey wrote an op-ed that suggests alternatives to single payer health care? It wasn’t even a nasty or mean-spirited op-ed. Mackey didn’t spread misinformation about death panels, call anyone names, or use ad hominem attacks. He put forth actual ideas and policy proposals, many of them tested and proven during his own experience running a large company. Is this really the state of debate on the left, now? “Agree with us, or we’ll crush you?”
You people don’t want a dicussion. You don’t want to hear ideas. You want people to shut up and do what you say. Or- they will punish you.
Remember Katy Abram and her conversation with Arlen Specter and now the libtardos are attacking her.
Katy Abram is a great example of the caricature modern Republicans/conservatives have become; all emotion and no facts. And this fool was watching MSNBC, near the gutter in ratings.
Poor Katy Abram! Her life has been turned upside down in 6 months ’cause a black man is in the White House!Is that guy clueless wondermoron posing again? The fool has brown eyes and we all know wondermoron is full of shit!
Is Katy Abram A “Great American” Or A Liar?
blah, blah blah, with a barely coherent, tearful and rambling litany about socialism, communism, the Constitution being ignored, and wanting her country back. This is the moronic mantra that we’ve heard from Katy’s fellow Townhaller, Teabaggers, and the crowds who attended McCain/Palin rallies where the Vice-Presidential candidate echoed the same barely coherent talking points.