With Sarah Palin arguing that a handful of 13-year-old emails are enough to discredit and refute the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change, U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01) hits back with perhaps the best quote of the day:
“Before Sarah Palin writes a book, she should try reading a few,” said Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), who followed up with a series of peer-reviewed reports on rising sea levels, air temperatures and ocean acidity.
Just shows how desperate the climate change deniers are when Palin has become their most visible champion.
Palin and puddy are examples of what happens when science flies over the heads of lower life forms.
Here’s how science works. It begins with conjecture, then tentative conclusions emerge as data are gathered and analyzed, which later are refined or changed as a result of further reflection, more and/or better data, and/or more sophisticated correlation of data sets and analytical techniques.
Dilettantes like Palin and puttbutt seize on the inherent uncertainty of the scientific validation process to question scientific conclusions or even the scientific process itself.
On global warming, the big picture is clear, even though some details remain fuzzy. Global warming deniers like Palin and puddlehead claim this fuzziness of detail disproves the big picture. That is both illogical and dishonest.
It’s hard to tell whether these two characters are dishonest or just plain stupid, but I’m inclined to opt for the stupidity hypothesis. Puddy, for example, tosses around big words and concepts with the same furious energy, repetition motions, and lack of comprehension with which a toddler pounds on alphabet blocks with a toy hammer.
And that’s what science is to these juveniles, Palin and puddinghead — a toy to be played with for their own amusement; and to hell with the rest of the world.
The point will fall on deaf ears. Can you imagine that making one whit of difference to cyn, stamm or mark?
“…It’s hard to tell whether these two characters are dishonest or just plain stupid, but I’m inclined to opt for the stupidity hypothesis….”
Don’t forget, there is also the possibility of being BOTH dishonest AND stupid. For example:
Jay stole that line from Keith Olbermann.
Asarco To Pay $1.8 Billion For Cleanup
In a rare — extremely rare — piece of local reporting, the fishwrapper’s environmental reporter (I didn’t know Fairview Fanny still had any staff reporters, but apparently there’s one left), Craig Welch, wrties that Asarco and its corporate successor, Groupo Mexico, have agreed to pay $1.8 billion to clean up a century’s worth of pollution from mining and smelting activities.
The settlement includes $188 million for sites in Washington state (mostly in the Tacoma and Everett areas), and $436 million for northern Idaho where “a smelter … spewed so much heavy-metal contamination that it coats the bottom of Lake Coeur d’Alene and has poisoned parts of the Spokane River.”
“For more than a century,” Welch wrote, “The company spewed polluted dust into the air, dumped mine tailings into rivers and left a trail of hazardous waste that leached into farms and ranches.”
The federal government sued Asarco and Grupo Mexico under U.S. pollution laws, which are based on the principle that “the polluter pays” cleanup costs. Grupo Mexico responded by stripping Asarco of its assets and then having the subsidiary file bankruptcy, a common tactic of corporate defendants in Superfund litigation, the effect of which is to stick taxpayers with environmental costs while corporations keep the profits from the operations that caused the pollution.
Years ago I read somewhere that no hard-rock mining operation in U.S. history would ever have been profitable if environmental costs were factored in. Environmental costs are very high in the mining industry; and this industry — which is the most aggressively anti-environmental industry in the U.S. — has always sought to tranfer those costs either to taxpayers or the public at large. The legacy of mining in the U.S. has been serious public health problems, illnesses among workers and neighbors, serious and permanent environmental damage, bankrupt companies and shareholders, and huge unpaid cleanup bills that run into the billions of dollars and usually end up on taxpayers’ tab. The industry’s record is so bad one is tempted to want to ban domestic mining altogether; but if you do that, they’ll just go to third world countries and trash those places and run roughshod over their native peoples. That’s pretty much what they’re doing, anyway.
Now, a foreign company with one of the world’s worst environmental, worker rights, and corporate responsibility records want to dig a vast mine in the headwaters of Alaska’s Bristol Bay salmon fishery, the world’s best remaining sockeye breeding ground. Environmentally blind conservative politicians, who see only the temporary jobs and enormous corporate profits the project would bring, are all for it. Alaska’s state government is poised to issue permits. This calls for federal intervention, because the site is on federal lands, and because Bristol Bay’s sockeye fishery is of national significance — it provides food and permanent, sustainable jobs. It also calls for voters rejecting politicians like Palin because the planet and humankind can’t afford their environmental follies anymore.
@3 Upon further reflection, that seems like a valid revision to my original hypothesis. I honestly didn’t consider that possibility, because I’ve always assumed dishonesty and stupidity are mutually exclusive, as in “you’re too stupid to form a criminal intent.”* In other words, I assumed it takes a certain minimum amount of intelligence to be capable of dishonesty. But, considering the empirical markers, it appears that you may indeed be onto an idea that could lead us to new insights. We should conduct laboratory investigations of this.
Don’t forget, there is also the possibility of being BOTH dishonest AND stupid. For example:
“I don’t know the science regarding climate change, and I don’t care. I choose to believe that there is no such thing as global warming, for unrelated reason. I will latch upon any evidence to support my thesis, not caring that even I don’t believe the such evidence to be either valid or probative.”
In other words, it’s all really just a matter of “faith”.
Just like everything else in their lives. You can’t fix stupid. One of the more interesting aspects of the white supremacist/christian identity/holocaust denier/global warming denier movements in this country is the commonalities of personnel and belief systems that tie them all together. It always seems to be the same people saying the same things in all those circles of belief. Fascism is always the same. And it is always rooted in vehement selfishness and violent intention.
Remember fascists, a lie told a thousand times is still a lie. And no matter what big words you learn, you are still just as stupid as you were before you learned them.
Free Markets Run Amok, Part I
Why would anyone steal a TOTEM POLE from a public park? For money, of course.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I posted this to show what a no-government society would look like.
Free Markets Run Amok, Part II
Aside from stealing totem poles, destroying our food supplies, and polluting us off the planet, unregulated free markets also trash the entire financial system and bring down the whole economy, as we’ve recently relearned.*
* A lesson people apparently have to be retaught every 30 years or so, if you read history.
None of which makes any impression on Republicans.
The House passed a financial reform bill today, by a 223-202 vote. Not one Republican voted for it.
Why would anyone vote for these people?
@7 “You can’t fix stupid.”
Ain’t that the truth! Closing all the nut houses was a mistake. We need to reinstitutionalize Republicans.*
* Hey, just kidding! I’m imitating Ann Coulter’s concentration camp joke.
Add to @6: * Federal judge while sentencing a Republican congressman to prison for corruption.
@ 6
We should conduct laboratory investigations of this.
Isn’t that what we’ve been doing here for the past five-six years?
If these scientists FAKED data…they’ll get caught and run out of the business (hopefully). Even if they DO fake data, there are thousands of other scientists in hundreds of other institutions around the world to check, argue, agree with or discredit them.
Remember cold fusion in a jar? Just claiming it existed and having some good looking numbers didn’t pan out. Did those guys make it up for fame? Money? Honest mistake? Lazy research? Whatever. This isn’t religion. We didn’t JUST rely on that one source to tell us the magic truth about cold fusion. Hundreds of other scientists looked into it and called BS. If anyone fakes data on the climate, the same thing will happen eventually.
You can FAKE data from any one institution or study, but eventually it will be obvious when it conflicts with data from a hundred other institutions and new studies and methods of measurement.
You can only bullshit in science for a WHILE and get away with it…in politics and religion you can lie forever because you don’t have to EVER actual make anything work. In science your theory eventually gets tested out and the airplane flies, the nuclear bomb goes off, or the medical cure works….or not.
Don’t confuse the science with the politics and media AROUND it.
@12 In a manner of speaking, yes, but what I’m saying is it may be time to put them in frog jars.*
* Heh, just kidding! Formaldehyde joke. I read in the news today that the KGB kept a piece of Hitler’s jaw in a filing cabinet in case they ever needed to prove he’s not flapping it anymore.
@13 Forget about trying to discuss airplanes with the Man Will Never Fly Society types, or medical cures with the faith-healing crowd. They’re only interested in using The Bomb to wipe out Islam.
Gov. Palin has never denied climate change, just the man-made charge. Inslee is a typical asshole leftist who thinks it’s cute to get quoted. He is a do-nothing carpet-bagger (with tea-bagging desires) and I can’t wait to work against him in the coming election.
Blue John @ 2–
Jay DimsLee making a jealous slap at an incredibly sucessful author & True Conservative mean ZERO to me!
Merry Christmas.
I recently read a book by a couple of University of Washington scientists called “The Life And Death Of Planet Earth” which explains why and how, during a very brief window of geologic time, our planet is capable of supporting advanced lifeforms.
They paint a picture of a planet, probably unique in the universe, that will be capable of supporting human civilization for, at most, a few tens of thousands of years. The hospitable-to-life phase of Earth’s life cycle, they say, is already in its old age.
What this book reveals is the physical processes and chemical compositions that make intelligent animal life possible on our planet are extremely delicately balanced. Unstated, but strongly implied, is that it won’t take much to upset this balance. And the carbon dioxide cycle is at the very core of things.
@17 If you’re referring to Palin, she didn’t even write the book, idiot! Like all such books, it was ghost written.
My idea of a “successful author” is Chaucer, Shakespeare, Cervantes, de Tocqueville, Dickens, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Twain, Faulkner, Hawking, etc.
Klown’s concept of a “successful author” is Palin (who didn’t even write the book!).
We may live on the same planet, but we’re worlds apart.
Maybe Klown and I could find some literary middle ground, e.g. Dan Brown — which to him would represent the most serious literature he’s ever read; but to me is just light entertainment for when I’m too tired or lazy to read something requiring mental effort.
“Gov. Palin has never denied climate change, just the man-made charge.”
No shit, dumbass. Nobody denies natural climate change.
By all means lets trash our economies, just to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
The issue of man-made global warming tests the core principles of Conservatives, not Liberals.
The connection why Conservatives should be leading the charge to stem Global Warming can be connected to their arguments on abortion, stem cell research and the Terri Schiavo case.
The underpinning logic in each of their core arguments is that “life is precious and we should always err on the side of life.”
IF, they are to give meaning to their words and their core principles then they should be erring on the side of life in order to save the entirety of humanity and reverse Global Warming.
Because right now, if Conservatives are wrong and Global Warming is indeed caused by mankind, then the survival of the human species is at risk. Not just one fetus, or a human egg that’s been preserved as long as it usefully can and will be destroyed anyway, or one brain-dead woman. We’re talking about every man, woman and child that is alive NOW and every single human being yet to be born!!
If, it turns out that Global Warming isn’t man made and won’t end the world, then what’s the harm in just living a sustainable life that doesn’t pollute God’s greatest gift to humans –a place to live that exists nowhere else in the infinite universe?
This is the fulcrum point in which the conservative’s core argument, principles, and world point of view falls apart.
@20. Roger, you’re using the wrong definition of “successful”. In Klynical’s dictionary it means “making money”. For Palin to profit from the work of others fits perfectly with the Republican ideal.
Mmmmmmm, hmmmmm.
And, sending $700 billion dollars plus each year to Muslim nations that hate us is keeping our economy humming along.
I know you probably still have an 8-track player, but, the rest of the world IS moving away from fossil-based fuels.
Why should America get left behind because of your short-sighted point of view instead of continuing our role as the world’s leader in technology and innovation?
Wrap your mind around this thought because it’s worth repeating “The rest of the world is moving away from fossil-based fuels.”
Get it?
If we “stay the course” our economy will fail just a sure as George W. Bush failed as a wartime Commander-in-Chief.
@22 Can’t we get some better trolls on this blog? (Don’t answer this — it’s strictly a rhetorical question. I know the answer.)
@23 No, let’s keep doing what we’ve been doing, so there won’t be any economies or humans. Then we rabbits will get to run this place.
@24 Don’t forget, conservatives believe in the End of the World, followed by the Rapture, and they want if anything to speed it up.
@25 Palin’s book will be one of the least-read “best sellers” in history. Most of them will end up in landfills or recycling plants. The publishers aren’t fools and know that. Even unread and recycled, they will have served their purpose of getting Palin’s face and name back in the limelight, and putting profits in the publisher’s coffers.
@26 I think that recyled hippie’s idea is stick with the low-cost fuel and to hell with future generations (or ours, for that matter).
Well, there’s no question that fossil fuels have a lock on low-cost energy solutions. They’re the cheapest fuel around, no question.
That’s why I invest heavily in oil, coal, and gas companies. Here’s how it works. It takes incredibly expensive infrastructure to get that “low cost” fossil fuel. After I hit up the suckers for that infrastructure, and lock them into using my “low cost” fossil fuels, I’ll raise the price. This will be easy to do when the supplies run down — you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Then I’ll be rolling in clover and they’ll wish they had invested in wind farms and solar panels! But by then, my companies will own the wind and solar farms too, and it’ll be too late for the suckers!
I’m gonna be John D. Rockerabbit!
25. ArtFart spews:
Authors get books published.
People buy books.
Sales generate $$
If you make huge sales, you would be considered “successful”…except in ArtFarts KLOWNville where apparently writing a book no one reads is successful.
Is this new to you??
@32 Klown, I’ll concede that the Ignorati Class are a very nice profit center for publishers of religious and political mythology. I’ll bet pornographers do well with that group, too.
The right is creating a whole new classification of literature known as Contemporary Mythology.
The idea of free money appeals to Americans so much that we’re rapidly becoming a society in which all income will come from owning capital and no one will get paid for working.
My dear fellow HAers, the holidays are upon us and the year is nearly done. Such events trigger both charitable urges and reflection in the hearts of those members of the Goat Academy who pause long enough from their December Bacchanalia to draw a sober breath and lace a couple coherent thoughts together. As unlikely as it might seem, a quorum of the members recently found themselves in a state of mutual sobriety, or at least a state of passable sobriety. They reflected on the joy and amusement our trolls provides us, day in and day out. They regretted the lack of attention the Academy has recently devoted to our trolls. They ruminated over how to somehow make up to our trolls for how unappreciated they must feel. Then, it dawned on one of our more veteran members–how about giving our trolls something to yearn for that is even more prestigious than the irregularly bestowed Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat)? Indeed, why not? So, full of the warmth and cheer that so flood our hearts at this time of year if we just open our hearts, let me proudly announce the first Troll Lifetime Achievement Award (aka The Garishly Gilded Goat).
Now, naturally, Academy members had to determine what criteria should be considered in picking a winner. As usual, slight disagreements turned into screaming matches, which produced shoving and bumping, which resulted in utter mayhem. When order was restored, the members compromised by slightly tweaking the usual criteria. They determined that the criteria instructive to choosing a winner would include: abhorrence of logic; absolute certainty, no matter the issue; the elevation of feeling over reason in matters of policy; frothy love for Glen Beck; disdain for education; the inability to string two sentences together and treating the rules of grammar and punctuation like hostile forces; refusal to condemn anyone on the same side, no matter how ridiculous or offensive the position espoused; the volume at which nonsense is spewed; consideration of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann as anything other than silly; viewing polls as more important than elections; blaming Obama for everything bad in the world and in their own personal lives. And, given the nature of the award, persistence and consistency over time in ravaging political reality had to be valued. (Again, remember that while such criteria are helpful and lend some objectivity to the selection process, ultimately the determining factor is more intuitive—we simply know true trollness when we see it.)
Now, down to business. Sorting through the many trolls who visit here and trying to limit the giving of this prestigious award to just one of them brought some sadness down upon the deliberations. After all, we love all of our trolls and don’t want to hurt any of their feelings. Ultimately, however, Academy members recognized that manning up was necessary. We couldn’t act like the kindergarten teacher who gives trophies to every student who simply participates. We had to choose a true winner.
Once Academy members steeled their resolve to move forward, choosing the winner became relatively easy. He’s always on our threads, always has an opinion, is always correct. We adore his inability to recognize that what he considers the Gospel of Christ is actually the Gospel of Wingnuttia; he is blissfully unaware that his “religious” beliefs are actually political beliefs. He gives us hope that we too, like him, can lead perfect lives, without sin, self-doubt, or suffering. The way he mangles our native language is so endearing. We envy him for the way he can so effortlessly and guiltlessly cast judgment on others, casting such judgment without even knowing those whom he judges. He knows that all things and persons Republican are godly and right; he knows that all things and persons Democrat are heathen and crazy. His rigid and righteous principles stand as a beacon for all of us to move toward. Oh, I could go on and on about the remarkable attributes of this troll, but even cyberspace imposes limits. You all know by now of whom I so fondly speak.
And the Gilded Goat goes to—
Puddy. Yes, indeed, my friend. You have won the inaugural Troll Lifetime Achievement Award. You are now at the top of the trash heap in which you and your troll friends reside. Now, you have bragging rights that no one can take from you. Now, you have achieved something that any troll would die to include in his obituary. Now, Rush Limbaugh will take your call. Take the missus out tonight, Pud, and celebrate. How about a Whopper—no, make it a Double Whopper, fries, and a shake? And, when you get home give the gal some pleasure—find that old strap-on dildo and give her a ride. Live it up. You won’t win this one again.
How could releasing billions of tons of CO2 possibly affect the environment? I don’t get it.
But then again, I’m just a Caveman. My mind is simple and pure. I instinctively run across the road when I see headlights coming.
But what can you expect? I’m just an Unfrozen Caveman Economist who went to the University of Chicago on a minority scholarship.
@36 In the spirit of genuine bipartisanship that curently prevails across our land I want to wish all birthers, teabaggers, gun wavers, White House dinner crashers, obstructionists, shouters, eliminationists, racists, draft dodgers, tax evaders, warmongers, torturers, and whiners a Merry Drop Dead. I’m sorry, but I don’t like those people, and that’s the best I can do right now.
@36 Maybe it’s time to tweak the rules a bit so someone else has a chance to win the Gilded Goat. Why should puddy have a monopoly on it? He wins it every year.
Wow Proud Leftist renamed his namesake Golden Goat award and gave it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Puddy isn’t shocked and amazed. Having to name it the Troll of the Year almost takes the sting from it originally named the Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist Award. Only someone so vain would name the award for himself.
So, Puddy humbly rejects this “Bestowed Honor”. You should look in the mirror and accept the award in your own behalf.
See ya!
Roger, You’ll always be the Dumb Bunny. From the first picosecond HA Libtardos went live until the end of time.
re 40 & 41: Hey. You are even more inchoate than me!!And I don’t even know what that means. But I’m just an unfrozen Caveman. My linguistic skills are linited to grunts, stammers and one sylable words. My thought processes are akin to the literary stylings of Ernest Hemingway. Short and sweet.
Like you.
“I know you probably still have an 8-track player”
Hey, that’s pretty damned new-fangled. I’m still into reel-to-reel and vinyl.
Damn headless, how many sockpuppets do you have?
The last of those “13 year old emails” was sent Nov. 12th, 2009.
And one of those went to Al Gorebasm!
Puddy counts 42 so far… The word inchoate tipped Puddy off…
@36 Maybe it’s time to tweak the rules a bit so someone else has a chance to win the Gilded Goat. Why should puddy have a monopoly on it? He wins it every year.
Yea, right. I mean, you would be winning this going away if it weren’t for the fact people might begin asking why the “selection committee” wasn’t in the running as well.
And speaking of the selection committee, are you being paid by the word for that mountain of blather?
The climate of the planet is changing, it always has and will continue to do so. The real questions is whether we sacrifice the world economy to try and stop it. I say no.
The selection committee are the vast number of voices echoing in head of Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist. Post #36 is living proof!
Is this a joke? East Anglia is considered to have the real inside info on a subject and the release of their e-mail is a revelation? Gimme a f@#&$^%ing break!
And if East Anglia university revealed there were no WMD in Iraq I assume the same folks would give the same credibility?
re 47: All you have to do is click on the name and the same picture comes up.
“Tipped off’ by the word ‘inchoate’.
The trouble you go through to be a buffoon is truly astounding.
Re 49: You change and adapt to changing conditions. Conditions are changing and you and your ilk are shouting the equivalent of ‘Get a horse!!’
Don’t you see any new economic opportunities in green power?
re 47: Go ahead. Click on the name.
Yeah, the Tacoma paper had a big spread on that. It looks like really good news for T-Town.
Puddy @ 40
I am heartbroken. You refuse to accept your award? How can this be? You have worked so hard for this honor. Ah, I guess I just don’t understand wingnuts, no matter how hard I try . . .
@41 It’s good that you finally realized I’m eternal. When my mortal body is no more, some other rabbit will take up the cudgel, and keep issuing Puddy Bullshittium Alerts under the Roger Rabbit logo. Roger Rabbit is immortal, and you’ll NEVER be free of me!
@48 #36 didn’t write that quote.
@49 “The real questions is whether we sacrifice the world economy to try and stop it. I say no.”
I say no, too, because there’s no need to. Curbing CO2 emissions will cost at most 1% of global output. That’s less than economic growth even in these recessionary times. In fact, converting to non-polluting energy might even boost economic output and create millions of new jobs. P.S., you can’t breathe CO2.
@56 He’d accept it if it came with a $5 honorarium. That’s more than he gets per 500 words.
You often remark that we need better trolls. We actually do, don’t we? Our regulars have become more than a bit boring. I never liked the guy way back when, but now I miss him much–bring back Barry Goldwater. Contemporary wingnuts make Barry look like a freaking progressive.
@61 Maybe we should take up a collection, then contact Wingnut Central and tell them we’ll pay $15 an hour for a competent conservative troll.
62: “a competent conservative troll”
Yeah, right, like there are plenty of them running around nowadays.
Re: 62-
That’s a “moron” without the “oxy”
Wonderful read, Mr. Rabbit et al.
I have one question tho:
If Pudpuller wins the Garishly Gilded Goat Fucker of the Year Award, who’s cleaning up the goatorum*?
A related question: Does Pudpuller’s mom smell like goat cheese when she queefs?
Alki Postings wrote:
“Remember cold fusion in a jar? Just claiming it existed and having some good looking numbers didn’t pan out.”
I suggest you learn something about cold fusion. See:
Cold fusion was replicated by thousands of scientists in hundreds of laboratories. They published 3,000 papers, including 1,200 in peer-reviewed journals, which I copied from the library at Los Alamos. You will find about a thousand papers at this web site.
I’d like to give an award to rhp…as the only HorseAss leftist Christian.
Although, he doesn’t really need a reward from us.
His reward will come from the Father.
Nothing better than that.
It’s the only reward that matters…and all you have to do is BELIEVE!
re 67: Same with supply-side economics:”…all you have to do is BELIEVE!”
Poor Klown is disappointed that he didn’t get the lifetime war..
It is sad considering he’s the oldest veteran troll here…
Yawwwnnn… l8r..
Cynical @ 67
Who are you to judge? Surely, you recall the verses suggesting that none of us are to judge others. You do, don’t you? Were you deified recently?
As said by the person that judged Puddy @36.
The 3 million-year-old permanent Arctic sea ice is gone.
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide causes warming.
We humans add 27 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year (2004 rate).
But I blame e-mails.
ya, because the planet has never changed its climate before….
keep swallowing the kook-aid…
Finally got the fool to admit all his sockpuppets are him.
Yep, Puddy strikes again. What a moronic tard!
Sorry Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist… Puddy can’t accept something originally concocted and named after you! You and the selection committee are a few peas rattling around in that empty skull you call a hat rack.
Dumb Bunny… way to cheeeeep!
Projection again eh fool? You got tired of smelling jo mama’s panties?
Being a stupid libtardo Proud Leftist isn’t covered by God’s rules. He’ll quote them ad nauseum though! He judges everyone.
I have to say, I do judge people.
I am a flawed person.
I was once a democrat.
Puddy and Marvin
There is a difference, a fundamental difference, between judging and offering an opinion. I didn’t judge Puddy above; I made no statement concerning whether he is Christian or headed for eternal damnation. That is not my place. You might see the difference when you compare the Cynical post to which I responded above. I do think Puddy confuses rightwing talking points for Scripture. So do people like Sarah Palin. It is a common mistake that rightwingers make. Puddy’s recent epistle about the Christianity of war was one of the more remarkable examples in this category. Sorry, gents, but just because you believe something doesn’t mean that your belief is consistent with Scriptural teachings.
@49 delbert
Delbert is not special. He’s not stupider than your run of the mill Republican troll, nor is he more adherent to Der Feuhrer’s message than other trolls. It just seems that way when he says stupid shit like this.
Here are his logical flaws. They WILL show up again in other responses, because apparently the Feuhrer’s talking points are well-followed.
Ooh, deep. Over the last 3.8 billion years Our planet’s climate has been changing. I would just like to point out what an amazing scientific discovery this is. Surely the Ph.D.s and other climate scientists who have painstkingly constructed climate models are now eternally grateful to you, Mr. Dr. Genius Delbert, for pointing out this blindingly obvious fact which you just somehow KNOW they never took into account.
Uh, no it isn’t, no matter how hobbled your own imagination of possible scenarios is.
For example, it is possible that solutions to the problems of burning fossil fuels could be beneficial to the US. If they are not, you present nothing to support your idiot viewpoint. Please, PLEASE try to tell us how expensive cap and trade would be so that we can eviscerate your stupid know-nothing ideas.
In fact, I would think on a common-sense basis that, given that we’ve reached peak oil and that our climate cannot take much more atmospheric CO2, that if the US were to be a leader in new alternative energy technologies we would be big WINNERs in the world of the future instead of big LOSERS holding on to the fuels of the past as they become increasingly rare and expensive. How damaging is ThAT shit to the US economy in the next century?
Hey, I don’t care if your party is in the thrall of the dying fossil fuel industry. That’s fine. You can die with them or be part of the solution.
@73 MR
Yes, the planet over the last 3.8 billion years has had many different temperatures and climates. However, in none of the previous billions of years have a civilization of humans been trying to maintain 6 billion lives through agriculture and high science.
Hey, maybe the “planet” will end up 5 degrees or more hotter. The planet won’t give a fuck. However, if we watch a billion or so people die maybe that won’t seem so cool. Will you think it is?
Good thing you’re not judging Puddy or Palin.
If you didn’t tell me, I’m not sure I could have told you were not judging. Especially considering you have NEVER met Palin or know what all “rightwingers” think.
Sorry gent, but have you seen me citing scripture or talking about any religion?
Got link?
Obviously this is an issue dear to your heart.
How close are you to a zero carbon footprint?
Why not closer?
This is from Proud Leftist who couldn’t remember his way out of Biblical Game Show.
These fucking blockheads just have got us ALL FIGURED out!
HOW THE FUCK does this moron know who PL is and what hiss experience is and what PL knows or doesn’t know?
Colsandersfavoritechicken is a super superstitious freak with a boat load of hate to dump on whoever doesn’t truck with his particular brand of asshattery.
Hey PuddyDumpster…who was it that your jesus wanted to KILL again? I forgot.
Sorry this is off topic…but it IS hilarious!
Let’s say you lose control of your car, time is moving slow as your car is spinning out of control straight towards the 18 wheeler…
Are you going to ask God for help?
Do you feel he’s going to help you when you do ask?
Let’s say marvie-poo has one of his big spending cabana–clients cock in his mouth and he sees out of the corner of his eye a BIGGER spending client to about to be blind sided by the twinky pool boy in the house cart. Does marvie-poo ask the jesus to blow up the pool cart? Hmmmmm…moral dilemmas abound….
@90 Driving on black ice among 18-wheelers is a great way to find out whether God exists. Unfortunately, Marvie Poo won’t be able to tell the rest of us when he finds out, but we’ll somehow manage.
According to University of Washington scientists, the existence of human life on Earth depends on a very delicately balanced Carbon Cycle. I’m gonna miss you stupid humans. But not very much. Mainly, I hope you take out all the dogs along with yourselves. Dogs are even more useless than humans!
I have a feeling carbon dioxide-eating bacteria are gonna do fine. For a few million more years, anyway.
Watch Puddy DESTROY the fool AKA rujax AKA the dumbest cinder block in the HA Libtardo Universe
1) Fact – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist is a lawyer
2) Fact – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist practices law in Kitsap County
3) Fact – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist has a father who is a Lutheran Minister
4) Fact – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist has a limited understanding of the Bible
5) Fact – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist can barely quote the Bible as needed
6) Fact – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist loves to judge others and then say he doesn’t
More Facts
1) rujax is a dipshit
2) rujax is a dumbshit
3) rujax is a Dumb Bunny Pellet
4) rujax can’t find his brain. He never possessed one
5) rujax and a dumb brick tie for HA bottom feeder rights
Wait for it… something really stupid will appear real soon from rujax!
Sorry Puddy don’t do stupid. You do it so well!
rujax sure has a cock fetish. Must be his koro disease!
@93 See last sentence of fifth paragraph @1 above.
@95 “rujax sure has a cock fetish”
More likely your and Marvin’s presence here reminds him of a couple of dicks.
Hey puttbutt, how come you aren’t in bed? Did your mother finally fall asleep so you could sneak downstairs to the computer?
Roger Dumb Bunny,
Oedipus complex again fool? Momma been dead many years. Keep projecting and leaving pellets everywhere.
Fuck…looks like the PuddyDummy beat me to it!
OH…I’m so destroyed.
That damned PuddyDummy got me AGAIN!!! OW. OW. that soooo hurts. OW.