Sure, it’s a robo-poll, and within the margin of error, but Constituent Dynamics has just released its first poll of WA-08, and it shows Democratic Challenger Darcy Burner leading Republican Incumbent Rep. Dave Reichert by 49% to 46%.
It’s taken me a while to pull together my analysis of this poll because quite frankly, I’m still rubbing my eyes in disbelief. Don’t get me wrong, I honestly believe Burner has a better than 50-50 chance of winning in November, but intuitively, it just doesn’t seem possible given the circumstances for Burner to be within the margin of error, let alone leading, at this point in the campaign. I would have been thrilled simply to see her within single digits.
So struggling to wrap my mind around these numbers I gave a call to the only pollster I know, Bill Broadhead, who seemed a bit defensive when I started questioning the numbers. It took me a few moments to grok that the polling company in question, Constituent Dynamics (CD), is actually Broadhead’s firm.
Anyway, here’s the inside scoop. Broadhead, of course, vouches for his poll’s methodology, as well as the broader reputation of IVR’s (robo-polls) in general, which he says have proven very accurate in recent years. He emphasized, however, that CD does not rely on the less-expensive (and less-reliable) random-dialing technique, but rather uses the voter rolls in each district to prescreen for frequent voters. They then combine the age and gender data from survey responses with that on the voter rolls to create an automatic match-back between the respondent and a specific household member.
As for the somewhat surprising results that show Burner with an early lead despite having very little paid media and a huge name ID disadvantage, Broadhead sees this as part of a larger trend borne out across all 30 House races surveyed: that the 2006 election is in the process of being nationalized like no other race since 1994. The difference, as Broadhead reads the data, is that unlike 1994, when it was largely angry white men who turned against the Democratic-controlled Congress, the anger in 2006 is more broadly distributed across the electorate.
President Bush is proving widely unpopular amongst 8th CD voters, with his job approval/disapproval rating standing at a dismal 38% to 58%. So rather than this being the typical contest between two competing candidates, Broadhead sees this election shaping up as a referendum on President Bush and the Republican controlled Congress.
“What’s going on in the individual elections, while important,” Broadhead told me, “is not quite as important as what we see when there is not this national overlay.”
Um… that’s “the wave” that everybody keeps talking about.
Broadhead cautions that CD’s 30-race survey is not all gloom and doom for the GOP. The data shows no significant Democratic advantage in terms of motivation, and suggests that the national mood is strongly anti-incumbent rather than just strictly anti-Republican. Indeed, unlike most years, Republicans running for open seats are having an easier time of it than incumbent Republicans running for reelection.
Hmm. I suppose I can buy that analysis. Though until I see these results reproduced elsewhere I’ll have to keep the joyful gloating to myself and simply remain cautiously optimistic.
Still, there’s no doubt that the trendlines are very encouraging and that the momentum is now clearly on Darcy Burner’s side… despite the fact that Reichert has near universal name recognition, half a million dollars worth of franking and $300K in advertising (courtesy of the US Chamber of Commerce) on his side.
I bet there are some nervous folks over at Reichert headquarters this afternoon.
This is fantastic. Once Darcy starts using the word “BUSH” in her ads and lit, Reichert is history. She barely even has yard signs. We can do this – it’s a call to action.
BTW, everyone should head over to the Burner campaign this Saturday, 9/9. If Burner wins for most number of volunteers, she gets an extra boost from the DCCC.
That is so fucking cool. And Darcy matches or beats Davey dollar for dollar as well. Look out! Wait until she can start ads on Rove coming here to support good ol’ Dave. He’ll be tied to Bush tighter’n….something really, really tight.
It is going to get interesting. Has Dave ever been drinking with Mike?? Or perhaps pulled him over and let him off with a warning? Questions need to be asked.
WASHINGTON – A trio of oil companies led by Chevron Corp. has tapped a petroleum pool deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico that could boost the nation’s reserves by more than 50 percent. A test well indicates it could be the biggest new domestic oil discovery since Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay a generation ago [……How long will it be before the Democrats find an endangered Gulf of Mexico Kangaroo Rat and demand all drilling must be stopped. That is, American drilling. Note the commie lib “progressive” Dems have not said a word about the Chicomm and Cubans drilling off Florida. Democrats: TRAITORS!!!!!
Former US Vice President Al Gore predicts that his country will join the Kyoto Climate Treaty before President George W. Bush leaves office. … Gore said that he had discussed the matter with an unnamed key researcher for the Bush Administration. [OK…..Help me here………Wasn’t the Senate vote on this a few years ago 99-1 AGAINST? Is Al Gore a total democrat idiot? Why, yes, he is!!!]
[OK…Help me here…Is Doctor JCH Kennedy a totally brainwashed Republican tool who’s as stupid as the President whose ignorance is matched only by his malice and whose every retarded lie he regards as God’s word? Why, yes, he is!!!]
What? We haven’t heard from ASS and Janet Shrill yet?
“A trio of oil companies led by Chevron Corp. has tapped a petroleum pool deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico that could boost the nation’s reserves by more than 50 percent.”
Of course, there is a maximum estimated reserve of 15 billion barrels of “oil and gas” there, and we’re burning almost 6 billion barrels of oil a year, so it’s really not a lot of oil there, is it?
“Sure it’s a robo-poll…”
Goldy, automated polling is accurate, and has been more accurate than regular polling. Poke around a bit and you’ll find it’s true.
Yesterday President Bush made a speech to the Military Officers Association in Washington D.C. The transcript can be found in the reading assignments.
One part of the speech is especially interesting. Bush was discussing some of the messages that our intelligence forces have found in captured Al Qaeda documents. Here’s a portion of Bush’s speech where he discusses a letter from Osama bin Laden to Taliban leader Mullah Omar.
Secondly, along with this campaign of terror, the enemy has a propaganda strategy. Osama bin Laden laid out this strategy in a letter to the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, that coalition forces uncovered in Afghanistan in 2002. In it, bin Laden says that al Qaeda intends to “launch,” in his words, “a media campaign to create a wedge between the American people and their government.” This media campaign, bin Laden says, will send the American people a number of messages, including “that their government will bring them more losses in finances and casualties.” And he goes on to say that “they are being sacrificed to serve the big investors, especially the Jews.” Bin Laden says that by delivering these messages, al Qaeda “aims at creating pressure from the American people on the American government to stop their campaign against Afghanistan.”
So … a question. Are you living up to Osama’s expectations? If you’re a Democrat, or if you’re living in a tree house in Crawford, Texas, the answer is probably “yes.”
So typical of Bush and Rove to once again blame that favorite GOP stalking horse, the media. It’s because the media is finally waking up and reporting t the Boy Emperor has no clothes. They must be traitors!!
Is anyone still buying this crap? I mean, besides JCH.
“If we all convert to Islam, the terrorists said they will land the plane safely at JFK! I think we can trust them!” [Carl Grossman]
“The terrorists want us to chant “BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!” I think we can trust them!” [Carl Grossman]
Well, I think was all can see now why the wingnuts here have gone totally bat-shit crazy. Well, John Craig can blame Syphilis, but the rest seem to be driven insane by the fact that their lies are all falling apart, and the GOP is going down hard in two months.
Good Job Darcy! and lets look forward to more good news from Spokane.
Of course, there is a maximum estimated reserve of 15 billion barrels of “oil and gas” there, and we’re burning almost 6 billion barrels of oil a year, so it’s really not a lot of oil there, is it?
Commentby Daddy Love […… Already looking for the Gulf of Mexico Kangaroo Rat, are we, DL?]
There are 19 Republican House seats that are vulnerable in the Northeast region of the United States.
In that region the voter’s prefer Democrats to Repuboicans controlling congress at sligthly more than 2:1.
With the Democrats only needing to pick up 15 seats to regain control of the House of Representatives, it’s a far gone conclusion that Democrats WILL have the majority in the House come Jan. ’07.
The balance of the country desires change as well although not at the 2:1 ratio. Reichert’s seat is one of those seats that are in PLAY. It’s an absolute JOKE that the local Boy Wonder super sherriff is in the political fight of his life from a virtual unknown that is only 35 years old.
That my friends, is a referendum not only on Bush’s policy, the Rubberstamping Republicans in congress, but the whole model of conservative government is a failure. Period. Conservatism, like it’s supporters, are failures of democracy.
JCH, you still suck you lying piece of shit.
“Patea Beach”, Thailand!!! Classic!! An E-3 will always be an E-3! Dismissed, GBS!
Yesterday President Bush made a speech to the Military Officers Association in Washington D.C. [………………………..Sorry, GBS, E-3s were not invited. Now, swap the deck, and then report for mess cook duties.]
I hear you’re doing conjugal visits for Randy “Take it in the Duke-ster” Cunningham. Is that true?
Wow! You’re really “taking” one for the team, aren’t you?
Patea Beach”, Thailand!!! Classic!! An E-3 will always be an E-3! Dismissed, GBS!
Yeah, we all make mistakes, don’t we ASSHOLE?!?!
“Now, swapk, and then report for mess cook duties.]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/6/06@ 1:44 pm”
That’s SWAB the deck you dipshit. “CLASSIC!” And, you claim to be a Penn State educated naval officer?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Tell us again, JCH, how was it to FAIL flight school. Flying military jets isn’t for PUSSY Lush Limpdicks of this world is it? Nope, it certainly isn’t. That’s why you failed you pussy.
Special Ops wouldn’t be for you either, you homo queen.
Day 16 September 6 2006 Where’s Goldy?
Mayor Nickels’
unprecedented tax increase proposal and
Tim Eyman’s opposition campaign not only screws the taxpayers into paying extra for basic services, but it also really puts Goldy and the rest of you seattle moonbats in a helluva predicament. I’ve been taunting Goldy for some time now with my “Where’s Goldy” series, and he still won’t tell us where he stands. No doubt, he’s between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. So as a true compassionate conservative, I’ll lay out the options here for ya Goldy:
1) Open up your wallet and pay more and more property tax every year until you are forced out of your home. Even if you can do it, do you want to make seattle a place where only the rich can live? Or do you not give a fuck about anybody else?
2) Join Eyman’s campaign to fight defeat the tax increase, and expose yourself to be the fucking hypocrite that you are. Admit that you are wrong about taxpayer rights, and thank Tim in pubic for giving you the right to vote on major policy issues.
3) Support the tax hike and agree that the tax money has to be raised, but make somebody other than you pay. You could take the tried and true class envy approach and make those “rich people” in Magnolia and Queen Ann pick up the tab. Remember, a “fair tax” in moonbat parlance is a tax that the other guy has to pay.
4) Or just keep quiet and hope I go away. That’s not gonna happen.
You didn’t answer my question yesterday; Where are you going to watch the impeachment of George W. Bush?
Me, I’m going to crack a cold, union made Miller Genuine Draft, grill a nice New York strip steak, steam a Maine lobster, make a baked potato, or potatoe for you Dan Quayle type of stupid ass Republicans, and enjoy watching the light of truth make the Republicans scurry like the cockroaches that you are.
Mmmmmmm. . . 2007 is going to be a great year for Americans.
Moonbat Economic Theory:
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
MTR @ 22:
I’ll go for answer #3 since you never paid Goldy on the bet you made with him.
Let’s see, what’s the Chi analysis on the interest owed for the bet you never paid?
Best of GBS:
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
Dim Dave is looking pretty vulnerable. I can’t believe his constituents are going to be impressed with Karl Rove coming out to do a “closed fundraiser in Medina” for him. Could there be a campaign event as antidemocratic as a closed fundraiser in Medina with Karl Rove? That would be the heart of darkness. Dim Dave had better be getting his curriculum vitae updated. He’s going to need to be looking for work in the private sector.
Government does make private wealth possible. What part of that don’t you understand????
Jesus H. Christ, you’re fucking stupid.
GBS – Thanks. That’s one for the collection.
You crack me up…
GBS – Any more gems? Keep ’em coming.
How ’bout doing one on “tax cuts for the rich”. I need one…
10 “Yesterday President Bush made a speech…”
…and JCH was no doubt playing with himself as he watched.
@ 25:
That blurb you keep repeating is a microcosom of how Republcians constantly lie. You can’t possibly be honest. Therefore, no ONE will give you credence for you political positions.
It IS the reason why conservatives will lose control of the House of Representatives this year. No doubt about it.
Even the Senate is in play, although not likely to swing compeltely to Democratic control, it will be close. And, given the fact that Republicans do NOT have a backbone, they won’t vote like Rick “I’m gonna lose my Senate seat” San-bore-em votes with Bush over 98% of the time. No, they’ll start thinking about their political lives and start voting with mainstream America. No more radical, right-wing, conservative Christian, kool-aid drinking legislation.
Then we can return to the America framed by our Founding Fathers instead of the Bush Crime Family that is aligned with the bin Laden terrorist family kind of America.
OK MTR, how is my comment at 27 wrong?
I’m ready to take your ass to the alley and beat you like the fucking terrorist sympathizer you are.
Bring it you fucking pussy.
I’m in Bellevue right now. I can be to you office in a few minutes. Where you at pussy?
Ummm… show me where it says that in the constitution
And get the fuck out of Bellevue and back to seattle where you belong.
Come on big boy. Pick a corner we can meet at in 15 minutes.
GBS, Time for your blood pressure meds!
“Where you at pussy?”
Commentby GBS [………………A little Ebonics from GBS. This helps other Democrats to understand him!]
I’m in “Patia Beach”, GBS!!
I’m so pleased to see you posting today. I was hoping you could help me with some questions. I’ve posted them for you before, but you haven’t responded. I assume you must not have seen them before, as I know you are very diligent in responding to any inquiry directed to you. In any event, here are my questions again:
1. Do you dispute that the earth has been getting measurably warmer over the past 100 years or so? If so, what is the source of your information?
2. If the world is getting warmer, then what is the likely cause? (Hint: “the sun” is surely part of the equation, but not an adequate answer.) Is such warming solely a natural phenomenon? If you so contend, are there any identical periods of climate change in the historical record that match this one for rate and degree? Please cite the source of your “facts.” A peer-reviewed scientific article in a reputable journal would be a necessary start.
3. Have you entirely ruled out carbon emissions as a source of climate change? Is your analysis based on a peer-reviewed scientific article? Can you tell us by what percentage carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere since industrialization began? Please explain what accounts for this increase, other than industrial activity.
I am struggling with these questions and so hope you can help me. I seek your input as you seem to be the smartest person who posts here. Indeed, the depth and breadth of your wisdom is truly mind-boggling. I know that I can trust you to rely only on science in addressing these questions; you would never let ideology impact the way you see the world.
“Ummm… show me where it says that in the constitution
“Dumass???” Classic, you Dumb ASS!
OK, I’d be happy to show you, but it’s all words and your crayons won’t help you very much. But you may want to read the parts about how the government regulates commerce, contract law, courts to enforce those laws, a military that keeps us safe and protects our national interest abroad, an educational system that enables people to gain skills for employment, etc., etc., etc.
Care for more? I’ll be happy to dish out more ass beating. Faggot.
Leftist: Shove it up your ass. Here’s why:
YOU are the one making the wild fucking claims that are unfounded. The burden of proof is on the one making the allegation. All I’m doing is asking a real basic question. The fact that you can’t answer it kicks the whole foundation out from under the global warming house of cards.
Did you WASHOUT of flight school? You said you kept “blowing the mask.” Are you sure that you weren’t trying to blow the flight instructor who wasn’t queer like you? You dick sucking faggot.
GBS never got over the rake that whacked him in the face a year ago. That was great.
Hey GBS, call me “chilling” and “morally repugnant” again.
Just like living in fear is giving into terrorism, responding to trolls only encourages them. Getting a rise out of people is all they are really after. Ignore the trolls and they’ll move on.
Mark The “I’m as big of a Pussy as Rove, Cheney, Bush, Limpdick, Medved et al republicans” Retard.
All credible scientist back that fact that humans are causing global warming. You’re the type of fucking idiot who’d put someone in jail for claiming the world is round despite the credible scientific fact.
Conservatives haven’t moved passed the dark ages, just like their terrorist muslim counterparts.
42, Nope. My washout [drop] was as a “Midshipman”. You can’t understand the difference.
Yeah, that’s just what I thought, you cock sucking pussy. Really, where’s you’re office? I’m close. Let’s go!
Commentby GBS […………………………………..You seem to have “faggot” on your mind constantly. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????]
Funny how the Republicans really feel about government. They say they want smaller government, but they really don’t. What they really want is a government which lets them do pretty much as they please.
They love the IRS when it collects taxes from the working people and gives it to Republican-connected businesses (Haliburton, et al).
They love the Bankruptcy laws which allow them to void union contracts and benefits.
They love Bankruptcy laws which compels students to pay userous interest rates on credit cards and payday loans, under the “Bankruptcy Reform Act”.
They also love Bankruptcy Laws (and state exemption statutes) which protect their multi-million dollar mansions in Florida and executive pensions from suits by small stockholders and pensioners who seek to recover money they looted from their company.
Lots of other examples, but I don’t have all day…..
“cock sucking pussy”
Commentby GBS
[…………………………………..You seem to have cock sucking pussy” on your mind constantly. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????]
New ABC Docudrama Blames Clinton For 9/11, Praises Bush
Path to 9/11 graphicOn September 10 and 11, ABC will air a “docudrama” called “The Path to 9/11.” It was written by Cyrus Nowrasteh, who describes himself as “more of a libertarian than a strict conservative,” and is giving interviews to hard-right sites like FrontPageMag to promote the film.
What will it say about President Clinton? Here’s Rush Limbaugh with a preview:
as I thought a rightwing propagada piece…..
Hey, Penis State, I mean Penn State boy, punctuation marks go inside of the quote marks.
PS: You’re lying again about your military service. No “Midshipman” has EVER flown a military jet. That is strictly for people who have become commissioned officers. God Damn it!! JCH you’re caught in another fucking lie.
51 – Socialist you must be a troll. Not a single mispelled word in that comment.
Day 245 of the Great Mark the Yellowback Watch:
Mark still hasn’t paid a bet that he entered into with Goldy. Will Mark the Yellowback:
1) Continue to have no honor and not pay his debt?
2) Continue to post wingnut talking points to cover up for his lack of honor?
3) Avoid the subject because he knows he is a dishonorable, cowardly yellowback who doesn’t pay his debts?
The Chinese are indeed drilling for oil off the northern coast of Cuba…and who’s been leading the effort to do something about it? Bill Nelson.
Surely you know that John Craig is a bottom. Some of the Cunningham’s old friends send JCH to him so the can whip out the little “dukester” and have some fun. JCH was making some good money off of this, wearing his crakerjack suit so Cunningham was happy, until he started calling out “Tookie” when his ass was pounded.
What a poor old queer John Craig is.
Redneck @ 41
I made no claims nor allegations. I simply asked you some questions. The burden of proof, my boy, is on you. Your position is at odds with the vast majority of the scientific community, so you are the one with some explaining to do. Answer the questions–they are simple. By the way, ideology should never trump scientific inquiry. That it does with people like you and Bush is perhaps one of the most dangerous aspects of the current crop of conservatives. Mark, you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are. The certainty with which you express yourself reveals your ignorance. You’re on the wrong side of this debate, and on the wrong side of history.
MTR is a fuckig CUNT.
You big pussy. You YELLOW BACK terrorist. Pay your fucking bets.
Jesus Christ, if there is ever a God I hope I get to meet you in a dark alley or a fucking bar some time. I’ll enjoy beating the snot out of you.
JCH, same goes for you. Fly over to Seattle sometime when you’d liek a good ol’ fashion ass kicking. My treat.
Isn’t it fun to see just how wacko the local wingnuts get as they see the GOP going down like JCH at a Villiage People look alike party?
52, Midshipman cruise, Jr year, includes 4 weeks of naval air orientation, including a flight physical. Now, EXACTLY, what does a fucking E-3 know about Navy ROTC Midshipman training? NOT A FUCKING THING!!!!!!! That is exactly why you are a POS E-3, not trusted to do shit!!!!!!!
A week and a half now, and Mike McGavick still hasn’t publically called on the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader to pass Cantwell’s Sales Tax Deduction bill through the House.
I guess it just proves what we knew all along. When it comes to what’s important to Washington families, all McGavick is concerned about is something which he can use to make a misleading campaign ad.
What’s the matter, Mike!???? You must be an incredible negotiator, convincing Safeco board members to pay you 28.4 million for two months at a no-show job (part-time work doesn’t even begin to describe it). Surely if you are as independent as you claim, you can talk your own party leaders into doing what’s right for Washington families!
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
GBS, don’t pick on the Recruit. It’s not his fault he has delusions of adequacy.
SR JCH, don’t you have mess cook duties to attend to? Did your leading Seaman tell you that you were done?
JCH, same goes for you. Fly over to Seattle sometime when you’d liek a good ol’ fashion ass kicking. My treat.
Commentby GBS [GBS, I think I’d “liek” to meet you in “Patai Beach”, you fucking “E Man” dumb ass!!!!!
Sean Hannity says it is worth dying to prevent Nancy Pelosi from being speaker of the House.
Question of the day for the local wingnut hordes:
When are you all taking to the barricades?
Follow up question of the day:
If Sean Hannity is still alive on Wednesday, Novemeber 8, 2006 and Nancy Pelosi is speaker instead of that disgrace Hasert, will you be disapointed that he doesn’t have the courage of his convictions?
Crashing through boundaries of space and time, here is how I foresee the conversation between McGavick and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (if McGavick bothers or dares to make the call):
Frist: “Hello?”
Mike: “Uh, Sen. Frist, Sir, this is Mike McGavick.”
Frist: “Mike? Mike who?”
Mike: “Mike McGavick. You know. Mike! The Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate from Washington Sate.”
Frist: “We have a Senate candidate in Washington State?”
Mike: “Uh, Yes Sir, we do. It’s me.”
Frist: “Isn’t that Cantwell’s seat?”
Mike: “Correct, Sir.”
Frist: “Oh, sorry, buddy. I didn’t realize we had found a sacrificial lamb, err, stooge, err, candidate to run for that seat.”
Mike: “Well, yes Sir, we did, and its me.
Frist: “Oh, I remember now. You’re the guy that got all the Safeco money. It took Rove and a team of lawyers a month to figure out how to turn that campaign contribution into a ‘bonus’. “
Mike: “Yes, Sir, that’s me. And I intend to earn the money when I get to the Senate, Sir.”
Frist: “Well, Mike, that’s what was intended. Make sure Safeco gets it’s money worth. Got to keep the big contributers happy, don’t we? Now, what can I do for you? Make it quick. We’re going out to dinner, and I intend to stiff the waitress on the tip….”
Mike: “Well, Sen. Frist, that’s kind of what I was going to call you about. “
Frist: “Oh?”
Mike: “Well, you see, I was making the whole minimum wage/sales tax deduction/estate tax repeal a campaign issue against Cantwell. You know, telling voters that she voted against the sales tax deduction bill, and it will cost them money.”
Frist: “Well, that’s why we did it! It’s a win-win proposition for us. We knew that there was no way in hell the minimum wage bill would pass with the estate tax repeal added to it, so it gave us a free pass to toss in a few more “hand grenades” while we are at it. This one was aimed right at Cantwell. We already had the ads scripted before the bill even made it out of the house”.
Mike: “Yes Sir, and I appreciate it. But see, now I’m in a bit of a bind.
Frist: “How can you be in a bind? We gave it to you on a silver platter! What could be easier?!”
Mike: “Well, see, when I was working for Slade Gorton, I was his campaign manager, and I made this misleading negative ad about his opponent….”
Frist: “So? That’s what you were expected to do!”
Mike: “Well, I kind of apologized for it….”
Mike: “Well, they told me that I needed to be “more human”, and that if I apologized for some minor things, it would make it more difficult for my opponent to criticize me for it….”
Frist: “Well, I hope you didn’t do something stupid and apologize for anything else, like getting arrested for drunk driving in another state where nobody knows about it…”
Mike: “Well, Sir, I know you are busy, so instead of getting off on that tangent, I’d better get right to the point.
Frist: “Please do (getting impatient).”
Mike: “Well, it seems that since I apologized for one misleading ad, I’m getting a lot of heat from the papers about running the current misleading ad. What with Cantwell being the main sponsor of the legislation to continue the State Sales Tax Deduction and all, it IS kind of misleading to argue that she voted against it in the bill we loaded up with poison pills….”
Frist: “Well, screw the papers! Most of our voters don’t read anyway. Just keep hammering away with those ads!”
Mike: “Well, its been pointed out pretty clearly that if I really wanted the state sales tax deduction, all I had to do was ask you to have the Republicans in the House vote for Cantwell’s bill, which has already passed in the Senate.”
Frist: “So? I’m not sure I like the way this conversation is heading….”
Mike: “So, if I ask you to have the House Republicans approve the Senate bill, and they do it, then I can take credit for saving the Sales Tax Deduction!”
Frist: “You IDIOT! We don’t give a rat’s ass about the sales tax deduction! It doesn’t really affect our base anyway, it’s pocket change to them. The income tax is the only thing that concerns them! If we extend the sales tax deduction, then it might make it harder to get more income tax cuts for our rich contributors! Hell, even my own state is going to be hurt by the expiration of the state sales tax deduction, but you don’t see me trying to save it, do you????”
Mike: “But, I don’t think I can win if we don’t do it….”
Frist: “Look, Mike, I thought you were smarter than that. There is no way in hell you are going to win anyway. I’m surprised you even took the job. But just keep hammering away with those ads. Like I said, most of our supporters can’t read newspapers anyway, so it is bound to have some effect. Even though it won’t get you elected, it might bring in more contributors from Washington state we can add to our database for national fund-raising.
Just like that election challenge to your governor’s race. We knew it was all bogus, but we got our folks so riled up by blaming the Democrats for vote-stealing, the money is just pouring in! It was well worth the money we spent on it. Hell, now when somebody catches us stealing elections anywhere in the country, we just start blathering about King County, and even the newspapers get tired of it and move on.
Well, Mike, I’ve gotta go! Good Luck!”
SR JCH, don’t you have mess cook duties to attend “to”?
Commentby John Barelli […………………….”E Man” John, Try not to end your sentences with prepositions. This shows your lack of formal education.]
I’ve posted many times how contract law works. The offer was voided when goldy wanted to negotiate terms. No contract. Issue dead. Besides, I have a moral obligation to work for the defeat of moonbat fucking Liar Cantwell. It is unconciounable for anyone to support her and her librul foolishness.
From now on when I make a challenging post and you respond with “pay your fucking bet”, I will interpret that to mean “shit…I can’t win the intellectual argument with MTR so I’ll attempt to impugn his character with baseless attacks.”
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
SR JCH, at 2:48 PM
“John, Try not to end your sentences with prepositions. This shows your lack of formal education”
Thank you for the English lesson, Recruit. Now report back to your leading Seaman. He’s looking for you. Several of the toilets you were supposed to scrub were not done to his satisfaction.
………………………………………………………………“Attention: Sit down, everyone! The Muuuuuuuuuslims promised us they will land the plane safely if we are nice to them. We need to trust them! They have human rights and we must not offend their believes! We need to chant, “BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!” [Democrat GBS] ]
– Socialist you must be a troll. Not a single mispelled word in that comment.
I used spell check in my e-mail program :-)
Which I actuily do use most of the time onless it;s something really short
“Thank you for the English lesson.”
Commentby John Barelli [………………………………………..Your welcome. That’s is why I get to write your E7 eval, and why you will never make E-8.]
“I used spell check in my e-mail program
Which I actuily do use most of the time onless “it;s” [“it’s”] something really short[“.”]”
Commentby The Socialist Do you know Chief John Barelli? Perhaps he could get you through third grade. Perhaps not.]
Mark the Yellowback:
An offer is not necessarily void if you negotiate terms. As has been demostrated several times, you never repudiated the contract until you lost.
Strange how a coward like you would want to back out then.
Bush admits to CIA secret prisons
President Bush admits the existence of secret CIA jails as 14 top terror suspects are sent to Guantanamo.
what a suprise Bush lied!!!! I guess Doctor JCH Kennedy AKA(Bowel Movement) B.M. for short will now be leaving the un ethical and criminal Republican party .?
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
SR JCH, at 2:48 PM
“Your welcome. That’s is why I get to write your E7 eval, and why you will never make E-8”
Recruit, the day you are allowed to evaluate a Chief Petty Officer I will be concerned on many levels.
Oh, and the term is “You’re welcome”, not “Your welcome”. You’re is a contraction of “you are”, while your is a pronoun denoting possession (the possessive form of “you”).
Now, as I said before, your leading Seaman is still waiting for you to finish scrubbing those toilets. Please do it right this time, as I’ve told his Second Class that he can’t go home until you finish that job properly.
JDB – You best not get into contract law business. Leave that to the adults..
An offer is either accepted or rejected. A counteroffer is a rejection of the original offer. Deal is dead at that point if offerer chooses to ignore. That’s what happened here.
I think B.M. is probibly bizzy licking the toilets :-/
I got a heaping pile of time team today off of usenet YEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAA
I luv Time team :-)
When someone explains to Dave Reichert that 49 is higher than 46, he’s gonna be really pissed.
Don’t get all excited:
I sent ABC a letter saying I would never watch there creepy ass channel again because there putting on this 911 propaganda piece.
I sead I wouldn’t buy any thing that is advertised on ABC to .
Freaking assholes any ways ……
I want my country back from these freaking neo fascist republicans criminals…..
” Doctor JCH Kennedy ”
What are you a doctor of? Swallowing Bush’s lies whole? You need a Doctorate for that?
Did you hear Bush now admit the CIA runs secret prisons, just like the ones they denied existed.
If it came out of a Republican’s mouth, it is not to be believed. Remember what Harry Reid said? Whatever Bush says, believe just the opposite.
Bush is a liar. When are you going to get it? Oh I understand. You think he is lying for our own good right?
Doctor JCH Kennedy you will be a “liberal” soon enough. All facts support our positions. You will get tired of being on the wrong side of history eventually. Either that, or you will retreat farther into your cave….
Doctor JCH Kennedy AKA(Bowel Movement) B.M. for short
Like most Christian republicans will never believe there leaders are wrong…
There basically mentally ill like that Hage fellow ….
They need some serious help.. Im not sure what could be done for them
Hopefully maybe some day they will realize they were wrong and come in to the
family of Human being and help us build a better future and un do all the harm that they have done with their ass back ward policies.
Don’t worry I’ll pray for you B.M.
46 “I sent ABC a letter”
Me too, not that I expect anyone to read it. Perhaps the most obscene irony here is that the chairman of Disney (ABC’s parent) is George Mitchell, the Democratic former Senate Majority Leader who was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bill Clinton in 1999!
Anyone for holding a Burn-Mickey-In-Effigy party this weekend?
Doctor JCH Kennedy AKA(Bowel Movement) B.M. for short
Like most Christian republicans will never believe there leaders are wrong…
There basically mentally ill like that Hage fellow ….
They need some serious help.. Im not sure what could be done for them
Hopefully maybe some day they will realize they were wrong and come in to the
family of Human being and help us build a better future and un do all the harm that they have done with their ass back ward policies.
Don’t worry I’ll pray for you B.M.
” Doctor JCH Kennedy ”
What are you a doctor of?
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— [..Hey MTR Kennedy, Remember Democrat “Doctor E”? I guess we ran him off!!!! Best regards, JCH Kennedy
Anyone for holding a Burn-Mickey-In-Effigy party this weekend?
Hey thats a great Idea . We should do it right in front of the local ABC office in Seattle . And call all the other news stations to come and cover it .
The MSM is just beginning to look at the Cantwell/McGavick race, but the national reporters obviously haven’t done much homework. It seems they pulled out articles written several months ago, pulled together a handfull of quotes, and are using it as a summary for the current status of the race. Generally, pretty poor journalism.
An MSNBC “2006 Key Races” Map merely describes the race as follows: “Win or lose, McGavick has already helped the national GOP by forcing Democrats to spend money to hold a seat. The more dollars the Democrats have to send here (or to Maryland, New Jersey or even Minnesota), the fewer resources they have for Tennessee or Virginia.” There’s some element of truth in that, but that applies to both parties, and the Republicans need every cent to defend their vulnerable incumbents, not to support challengers who haven’t made much progress in the polls. Indeed, there are no references to the polls or a realistic evaluation of the qualties of the candidates or their likelihood of success. Kind of like the weatherman reporting that rain or shine, the sun will still come up tomorrow – a safe bet.
Another article says that the GOP will be spending lots of money on the Cantwell/McGavick race because it is one of “… only two Senate contests out of all 34 this fall where the GOP could take away a Democratic-held seat.” It goes on to discuss how Cantwell is facing liberal opposition for her lack of strident opposition to the Iraq war (which is now generally a dead issue here). It then quotes McGavick as proof that McGavick has a chance to win, saying (quoting McGavick): ““she’s part of that crowd back there that is making such a mess of things.” Quite an interesting spin he’s trying to put on it – he assumes that the average voter is a complete dolt, and doesn’t know that the Republicans have been in charge of all three branches of government for several years. It’s like watching an arsonist blame the firefighter for the fire. The article doesn’t even bother to mention the polls, which show McGavick failing to gain any significant traction against Cantwell despite several months of campaigning and a significant war chest.
In another article entilted a href=””>A House battleground in Seattle’s suburbs, Reichert didn’t even make himself available to be interviewed, but that didn’t stop the reporter from including a quote from Republican State Senator Pam Roach, saying: ““My reaction was ‘why don’t you just take care of your child and grow up a bit and then think about running for office?’” It does reveal the Reichert strategy: don’t acknowledge the existence of your opponant, leave the mad-dog attacks to others to make. But I think Reichert will suffer for this strategy – does he really intend to piss off every single mother in his district that has to work for a living?
Correction to # 88: Sorry, I didn’t close the hyperlink. It should be:
A House battleground in Seattle’s suburbs
B.M. is a Dr of Gasteraliduse
When are we going to know the results of the primaries?
You no having the primaries so late is really stupid
Hong Trans is not going to have very much time to get organized for the main election
But Im sure she will beat Mike handily…….
71 “Thank you for the English lesson.â€
Commentby John Barelli [………………………………………..Your welcome. That’s is why I get to write your E7 eval, and why you will never make E-8.]
This is rich, Engish lessons from John Craig Herman..He can’t spell, and he does not know the difference between your (ownership) your’re (you are). This man claims to be a doctor. His posts scream middle-school dropout.
I’ve updated to include some analysis.
RE: the Update:
Okay, it seems that McGavick does have a reason for his idiotic rambling about Cantwell “being part of the problem over there”. He can read polls to, and he figures if he can confuse enough people over who is the Democrat and who is the Republican, and fruther confuse people over who it was that screwed things up in the nation’s capital so much, then he might have an outside chance.
Time for us to get to work. Make sure you talk to your neighbors about the reasons why Mike McGavick would make a terrible Senator, and why Reichert has failed as a Congressman. Point out that as long as Reichert remains in office, or if McGavick wins, they will have two more loyal supporters for the Bush administration’s failed policies of government. Keep talking to them every day, while you are watering the lawn, raking leaves, or throwing a ball to your son, or throwing a stick to your dog. Make a point to keep repeating the message, and to add five new people to your “talking club” ever day. If we do this right, Cantwell and Burner won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.
Or you can just tell people to read JCH or MTR’s comments on this forum, and point out that these are the type of people who support Reichert, McGavick, and Bush. That should be enough to do the trick.
Correction to 93: “He can read polls too…”
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 67
“I’ve posted many times how contract law works. The offer was voided when goldy wanted to negotiate terms. No contract. Issue dead.”
You lying motherfucker!!! Need I point out again that you acknowledged that you had a bet and you admitted you lost the bet and you agreed you owed Goldy $100? Ohhh…why not…here is the link to your words!
“Besides, I have a moral obligation to work for the defeat of moonbat fucking Liar Cantwell.”
Yes…you do have a moral obligation. You made a bet in good faith. On your terms. You are not fooling anyone, you twisted idiot.
“It is unconciounable for anyone to support her and her librul foolishness.”
You should have considered that before you offered a bet asshole!
Pay the fuck up, Mark the Pussy Redneck, or get the fuck out of here!
Hardball on MSNBC just reported that Mike? flat out said he does not want Bush to come campaign for him. ROFLMAO!!!!
Mark the Yellowback Limbaugh:
First of all, dj has you dead to rights. (Thanks dj, I was hoping you would lay down the law on this). Second, the offer of additional or alter terms does not repudiate a contract. Go find someone with a JD and ask him what Article 2 of the UCC is for.
“When someone explains to Dave Reichert that 49 is higher than 46, he’s gonna be really pissed. ”
Stop, you’re killing me!
MTR – you’re a spineless bet-welshing cur. You can’t even just snail mail a C note to Goldy or e-mail $100 to his paypal account.
HE WON. YOU LOST! You acknowledged it but you can’t follow through on your obligation because you’re a coward.
You are beneath scum.
Hey, I’ll bet I answered that poll. I got called last week or early in the Labor Day weekend (can’t remember which). Said I was going to vote for Darcy.
The funny thing is, I was watching CNN this morning and they had Howard Dean on (I missed his segment) and then the “Deoputy COmmunications Director” for the RNC or some such crap, and this guy was trying to tell us how Congressional races are decided on local issues, and I said to my wife that it didn’t seem to me like any of our local Congressional races were turning out to be about local issues at all, and I went on to comment to her that I thought that this would be one of the most nationalized Congressional elections we had ever seen. Turns out I was prescient, huh?
From now on when I make a challenging post and you respond with “pay your fucking bet”, I will interpret that to mean “shit…I can’t win the intellectual argument with MTR so I’ll attempt to impugn his character with baseless attacks.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 9/6/06@ 2:50 pm
Geez, it looks like Algore is full of shit… as usual:
Quoting from the gawd of global warming: “Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, engaged in the most elaborate, well organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind, have produced long-since a consensus that we will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the underlying causes of global warming. Ladies and gentlemen, the warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.”
Unfortunately, the facts don’t support Algore’s ill informed alarmist predictions.
Decade Category 3,4,5 Hurricanes
1941-1950 10
1951-1960 8
1961-1970 6
1971-1980 4
1981-1990 5
1991-2000 5
2001-2004 3
2005 10
2006 (as of 9/1) 0
For you moonbats who know how to use Excel, try this: Take the above data and plot it in chart form. Then apply a second order polynomial trendline to it. Notice the strong downward trend and an R^2 value of 89%. Clearly the number of major hurricanes has been decreasing for 60 years while industrialization and human activity has been accelerating. 2005 is what is known in the adult world as an “anomaly.
If Algore was right, we should have had at least 15 major hurricanes in 2006 by now. How many have we actually had? Umm…. Zero. None. Zip. Nada. So where is the “string of terrible catastrophes”?
Could it be that Algore is full of shit? Could it be that the link between hurricanes and global warming is weak at best? Could it be that there is no fucking “crisis”? Could it be that you koolaid drinkers need to re-examine your position? Nah….
This is just too good. In Goldy’s own words:
Oh… and PussyMark…
Just to rub it in… days before the election you repeated that I-912 would pass by 15 points… how does it feel to be 22 points off on that prediction? Just a little stupid? What’s the view like inside your colon?
Commentby Goldy— 11/12/05@ 5:12 pm
LMAO at that bet-welshing scumbag!!!
re 102: “Polynomial” is not an MTR type word. Nor is expertise at using Excel. Cut ‘n Paste instructions from “Word for Dummies”. That’s our troll dummy, MTR!!!
For those how actually know how to use Excel, try entering the data using consistent time intervals.
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 102
“For you moonbats who know how to use Excel, try this: Take the above data and plot it in chart form. Then apply a second order polynomial trendline to it. Notice the strong downward trend and an R^2 value of 89%.”
You stupid fucking moron. The bin sizes are unequal. To properly fit a polynomial you would have to group the last categories into a similar 10-year category.
But, since you only have 5 years for the last bin, you have a data problem called “right censoring.” One can deal with the right censored data by using a method based on maximum likelihood.
But, given the amateurish statistical errors you make over and over again (e.g. your famous call for an inappropriate chi-squared analysis), I highly doubt you have ever heard of maximum likelihood, let alone have a clue about how to do the analysis correctly
I mean…really, Mark the Thieving Redneck, did you even pass your undergraduate statistics course? Didn’t think so….
Go the fuck away you ignorant gnat…
Any scientist who would use hurricane data from one year (actually less than one year as hurricane season is not over) to extrapolate that global warming is not a threat is not worthy of being called a scientist. One year a trend does not make. The earth is warming over the past 100 years–ocean temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting. That is data which only those who still believe in Martians deny. The only interesting question is causation. The earth plainly has had warming and cooling periods through its history (unless, of course, the earth is only about 6,000 years old as many evolution-denying Republicans believe). These periods occurred without any human involvement. Now, however, when we see, among other things, the acceleration rate of the current warming trend, any rational scientist will look to phenomena other than historically-understood phenomena for an explanation. Anyone who would rule out a human explanation for such acceleration rate, as you do, is not a scientist but simply an ideologue. By the way, fuckhead, you are incapable of “intellectual argument.” Ranting does not count as discourse.
Like everything else in MTR’s sorry excuse for a life, he’s on the wrong side of history, science, politics, morality, intellect, and family life.
What an absolute LOSER.
Dude, get over it. Your side convinced America to try conservatism at its finest — Tom DeLay, Bill Frist and George W. Bush. The result? The governing model of Conservatism is akin to Communism; it simply does not, and will not work.
The world is round, the Earth’s atmosphere is warming at dangerous rates, conservatives can’t manage wars, control spending, and are socially regressive.
Americans believe we are going the wrong way. Only dead-enders believe otherwise. Americans, at leat mainstream Americans, want political change this fall and WE will get change. The inept, corrupt and weak Republican party will no longer be in power this fall.
Get used to this news headline:
“Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D), filed articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. The Senate will take up the impeachment hearing later next month.”
Corrupt Republicans?!?!
Yep, another Republican is going to PRISON!
Here’s the story link:
Oh, Redneck,
I forgot to tell you that misogyny is not manly. If you weren’t so full of yourself, you might not have to pay to get laid. How do misfits like you get so arrogant?
Don’t miss the “O’Reilly Factor” today…….Live from San Diego, illegal alien “Democrats-to-be” beat the shit out of a FOX reporter. Bottom line: These illegal Mexicans are sub- human scum and need to be exterminated. 20 million of these human time bombs are in the USA from Mexico, with another 20 million on their way, and all will vote Democrat in the “Land Where Everything Is Free”! California will become a “Baja Norte” Hillary Third World Shit Hole within 10 years. It is half way there, now. The solution: Start killing them. Ship their bodies back to Mexico.
Wow! Great! Headless Loocy is back. Here’s some of her best of:
Don’t talk to me about “core beliefs…”
Commentby headless lucy— 3/25/06@ 7:07 pm
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives…”
Commentby headless lucy— 4/13/06@ 5:14 pm
“Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7. Believe me , I know.” Commentby headless lucy— 9/16/05@ 10:12 pm
Thanks Cynical though for your help with the Negro problem.
Commentby headless lucy— 9/17/05@ 7:47 am
Leftist – One year? WTF? Read again. It goes back to 19fucking40. Uh… that’s about 66 years worth of data. It is you who looks at one year and extrapolates far beyond any reasonable means.
GBS – Look for Newt to soundly tromp TSWITW in the 08 election.
Loocy – Tell us. Have you had any more problems with those awful negros? Have you solved the “negro problem” yet?
I actually think it could be good to let Nancy Pelosi be speaker for a couple of years. Dangerous of course, but it would certainly ensure GOPs continued domination over the long term. With GOP still in control of Senate, White House, and SCOTUS, the threat would be easily contained while exposing lunacy of the left. Murkan people need to be reminded just how fucking out of touch you people are.
DJ still doesn’t offer any alternative analysis. Just throws rocks at me because he knows he can’t win intellectually.
Any of the rest of you care to try? Didn’t think so…
Hey Puddy – Headless Loocy is back. She says there’s still a “negro problem.” Can you help her with that? Shit, we gotta figger it all out ya know wut I’m sayin’…
117 – pay your gambling debt and we’ll gladly hand your ass to you.
Puddy – Sheet… muthah fuckah… Headless Loocy says black people are stressful to be around 24/7. C’mon now.. are you the bruthah that make the bitch thank like that ya know wut I’m saying?
117 – What’s wrong, scared?
Great news! Hopefully the ole lawman brings Captain Clueless back or even old shotgun Cheney.
Keep up the good work.
Don’t miss the “O’Reilly Factor” today…….Live from San Diego, illegal alien “Democrats-to-be” beat the shit out of a FOX reporter. Bottom line: These illegal Mexicans are sub- human scum and need to be exterminated. 20 million of these human time bombs are in the USA from Mexico, with another 20 million on their way, and all will vote Democrat in the “Land Where Everything Is Free”! California will become a “Baja Norte” Hillary Third World Shit Hole within 10 years. It is half way there, now. The solution: Start killing them. Ship their bodies back to Mexico.
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 117
“DJ still doesn’t offer any alternative analysis. Just throws rocks at me because he knows he can’t win intellectually.”
Actually, Mark, I didn’t discuss the idiotic nature of your claims at all. I just pointed out that you are a fucking imbicile when it comes to statistics. And…um…yes, I did give a pretty strong hint at the proper way to analyze the data. You are just too fucking stupid to recognize it.
Finally…I’ll repeat the offer I first made months ago to you: Make good on your bet to Goldy’s satisfaction, and I will fully take you on in an honest, scientific debate over global warming.
It’s that simple. Of course, I realize this is probably a disincentive for you to make good on your bet, because you know I rip you to shreads…ya fucking chicken-shit!
Mark the Thieving Redneck,
There are a lot of people who have never learned statistics. Fair enough. But the real imbecile is someone like you who has learned only enough statistics to be dangerous, but not enough to know what you are doing.
Before posting your bullshit, go back to the books and figure out the underlying assumptions of the method you intend to use. It might save you from looking like a fucking idiot next time (at least as far as proposing statistical analyses…).
LOL I think Goldy is MTR in disguise. Look at the above posts and tell me that a Liberal isn’t baiting the post count.
There isnt one coherent post.
MEXICO CITY – In a horrifying show of brutality, gunmen barged into a bar in central Mexico early Wednesday and tossed five human heads on the dance floor, after covering patrons with their weapons, officials said. Heavily armed men fired their guns in the air as they entered the bar in Uruapan in the central state of Michoacan, said Magdalena Guzman, spokeswoman for the state prosecutor’s office. […………………………………………………………………………………Coming to a urban Democrat city near you!!! Look for lots of similiar “fun” in South Central LA, San Diego, and Chila Vista!!! Democrats: Losing your head while dancing “La Vita Loco”!!!]
gbs married a beni boy from the pi
gbs @51 ever hear of enlited fucking idot stay with the skimer scum navy you dont know what your talking about.
john@61 go back to the goat locker you fuckin idiot.
Proper interpretation of DJ – “shit…I can’t win the intellectual argument with MTR so I’ll attempt to impugn his character with baseless attacks.”
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
YO commented:
“gbs @51 ever hear of enlited (expletive deleted) idot stay with the skimer scum navy you dont know what your talking about. “
Always glad to help someone with such a firm command of the English language. Friend of the Recruit, are you?
They discontinued the enlisted pilot program in 1948, and the last one retired in 1981. (Those that were already in the program were allowed to continued on to retirement.)
History lesson over, I can go back to the goat locker. (Actually, choir practice).
Have fun, boys and girls, but don’t go too hard on Seaman Recruit JCH. Remember, he suffers from delusions of adequacy.
For those of you who went to public schools, or were maybe even too fucking lazy or stoopid to get a taxpayer funded education, let me enlighten you:
Statistics is the art of separating “signal” from “noise”. In most processes, there is a certain amount of natural variation even when all influencing variables are held constant. This is the “noise” in the process. But sometimes, there can be a “statistically significant” shift in the range of the measured quanitity that is attributable to a change in the underlying parameters that control the process.
One of the tests of statistical significance is called “Chi squared”. In a chi squared analysis, two sets of data are compared to each other to determine if there is a meaningful difference between them. You can look up the computational mechanics of the process on the web, but what you do is compare the random variation in each set of data, and then look to see if there is a significant difference between the two samples that is outside the noise range.
The fact of the matter with “global warming” is that current temps are well within historical ranges. There have been dozens of period of warming and cooling over the past few thousand years due to factors that are NOT related to whether MTR drives a luxury SUV.
What drives moonbat kooks like DJ and Algore over the edge with this is that it completely destroys the entire premise of human caused global warming. Think about it…. if we’ve had period like this many times before the industrial age, then how the fuck can anybody claim that it’s somehow different this time? The answer is you can’t.
I’ve been issuing the challenge here for months for somebody to prove that current temps are beyond historical norms and are therefore cause for concern by application of a simple statistical test. Because I am right (as I always am), the global warming kool aid drinkers instead attack my character or suggest that there is something wrong with my approach while never quite getting around to suggesting an alternative or doing the actual math to prove me wrong.
Global warming is a myth. 100 years from now (or maybe sooner), this will look as foolish as when they thought the earth revolved around the sun or when they thought illnesses were properly treated with leaches. The reality of the matter is that the FUCKING SUN causes global warming and the fluctuations in temperatures that occur over long period of time are due to natural rhythmic changes in the energy output of the sun. That’s why us adults call it “solar warming”.
So it’s time to grow up moonbats. The earth’s environment is not “fragile”. Humans are not parasites who are fucking up the earth. And global warming is moonbat bullshit.
Any questions?
should read…”sun revolved around the earth…”
Oh before I forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy you Nazi libs
Hey, MTR, unless and until you can address the Science Magazine findings regarding peer review of Global Warming articles
STFU about it. You are too cowardly to engage. I’ve hit you with this several times in the past, and you are either too dumb to respond or you are smart enough (a loog shot) to know you cannot refute this.
Don’t give me your BS questions, answer mine.
Here’s the finding in a nutshell:
The 928 papers were divided into six categories: explicit endorsement of the consensus position, evaluation of impacts, mitigation proposals, methods, paleoclimate analysis, and rejection of the consensus position. Of all the papers, 75% fell into the first three categories, either explicitly or implicitly accepting the consensus view; 25% dealt with methods or paleoclimate, taking no position on current anthropogenic climate change. Remarkably, none of the papers disagreed with the consensus position.
Rufus Limbaugh:
Once again, thank you for pointing out that it was only after he was baptized by a far right wing Christian church that his problems begin. I appreciate how you keep calling to our attention that Mr. Haq was apparently a non-violent, average person until he came under the influence of idiots like you.
K – Just answer the simple fucking question. You can’t can you? So just drink kool aid… dumasss…
A good sign that Liberals are doing well:
John Craig is playing schoolmarm.
First part of series of why Democrats are Nazis:
CAPITALISM: business is privately owned, and privately controlled.
COMMUNISM: business is collectively owned, and collectively controlled.
SOCIALISM: business is government owned, and government controlled.
FASCISM: business is privately owned, but government controlled (what most Democrat politicians want).
I think Mark the Yellowback has finally lost it. He keeps calling out for Headless Lucy like a lost lover.
Sad, really.
JCH, at 2:48 PM
Simply wrong. Not even a rule from a style guide. There is absolutely no rule in the English language against ending a sentence with a preposition. The “rule” was hatched full blown, ex nihilo in 1672 by the essayist John Dryden. It has never been adopted by any major guide to English grammar. This has served as little more than a crutch for poorly educated, anal retentive scolds for decades.
To see for yourself how ridiculous this is, why not try to rearrange John Barelli’s sentence in a way that is more pleasing to you. Can’t do it? No wonder. The whole rule about preposition stranding is purely mythical.
“That is the kind of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put”! – Winston Churchill
JCB and MTR can suck GWB’s balls
Once again, thank you for pointing out that it was only after he was baptized by a far right wing Christian church that his problems begin. I appreciate how you keep calling to our attention that Mr. Haq was apparently a non-violent, average person until he came under the influence of idiots like you.
Commentby JDB— 9/6/06@ 7:41 pm
So if you baptize a known lefty who often complained about conservatives they might hall off and kill Jews. Thanks for the insight. What is your explaination of the other Seattle liberal who killed Jews in LA? Oh I cant wait for this. hehehe
First Part in a Series of why Mark the Yellowback is a total putz:
Fascism is not an economic system. What the dishonorable welcher is calling Fascism is Stateism. Note well: 1984 is not a Fascist parable. You would get a D if you handed in that paper in English 101. The only thing saving you from a F is that you somehow were able to use the word parable.
Also, note by the simple categories used by Mr. Yellowback, there are no Capitalistic or Communistic societies. Hell, by his definition, Mississippi is a Fascist state. As is all of Europe. Heck, England under Labor in the 70s is a Fascist state. Heck, the Chinese don’t even qualify.
Yep, heck of a job there, Yellowback.
Rufus Limbaugh:
Buford O Furrow? Hardly a Seattle Liberal, he was a neo-Nazi fuck from Yelm as I remember.
Did he seem liberal to you when you were at the rallies with him Rufus?
Yeah, Rufus, I’m waiting for this. What has given you such great insight on what made these Men anti-Semites after they joined far right organizations?
Come on Rufus, what is your secret insight? Oh, I can’t wait for this.
MTR- Question!!, I don’t need your stinking questions. You answer mine. I gave you a citation from a respected journal. You give bullshit.
I’ll give you a hint, peer review has nothing to do with pee. You figure out the rest.
And seem to think you have the right to insist others answer your questions.
Did he seem liberal to you when you were at the rallies with him Rufus?
Commentby JDB— 9/6/06@ 8:06 pm
No you got me confused with Robert Byrd. hehe
@136, and elsewhere- even if it is conceded that human activities are responsible for 50% of the increase in average temperature/climactic changes in recent decades, what is the scientific consensus for the optimum average temperature or climate?
Given that one thousand years ago the Earth was significantly warmer than it is today- such that the Vikings were enjoying a very productive agricultural economy on Greenland and Iceland, trading with northern Europe without fear of ice in the North Atlantic shipping lanes; the English wine industry was competitive with France’s; and there was significantly greater arable acreage in the Swiss Alps- who is to say a few degrees of warming is a bad thing no matter what the cause?
The Medieval Warming Period was- when technology is factored out- one of the most prosperous times in human history. The misery that followed in its wake during the Little Ice Age is something we would want to avoid one would think. That the end of the Little Ice Age coincides with the massive rise of human industry may be causal or coincidence, but the fundamental question that those crying that the sky is falling never answer is what temperature should we want the Earth to be?
After all, what would be bad about increased agricultural production in Canada, Siberia, and Patagonia- or the return of the wine grape to England?
Is it simply that we want things the way they are, whether that is for the best or not? Are we being very conservative, or self-centric, in not wanting change?
After all- if the glaciers in Greenland recede, are they just returning to the position they held one thousand years ago when the Vikings thought they had found an agricultural paradise?
THOSE are the questions the left has yet to answer, while in their hubris they believe they can control the global climate.
They have no clue to what degree they should even turn the thermostat, if they could.
Yeah, Rufus, I’m waiting for this. What has given you such great insight on what made these Men anti-Semites after they joined far right organizations?
Come on Rufus, what is your secret insight? Oh, I can’t wait for this.
Commentby JDB— 9/6/06@ 8:09 pm
Probably when he got baptized the true self came out as a lefty Jew hating killer. Either that or he couldn’t make up his mind on wether to blow away a Christian or a Jew?
Mark the Thieving Redneck,
“One of the tests of statistical significance is called “Chi squared”. In a chi squared analysis, two sets of data are compared to each other to determine if there is a meaningful difference between them.”
Sorry, dolt, but a Chi-Squared test is not used with time-series data. Once again, your knowledge of statistics is…um…underwhelming (to put it politely). Better go back to doing something you are good at—like surfing the web for animal porn….
“I’ve been issuing the challenge here for months for somebody to prove that current temps are beyond historical norms and are therefore cause for concern by application of a simple statistical test.”
Yes, but I’ve agreed to take you on in your challenge and debate the real evidence for global warming. But, you must first make good on your bet with Goldy to his satisfaction—you made the bet, asshole, now make good on it. Otherwise don’t bore us with your fiction.
“Because I am right”
No…you are a fool…
”(as I always am)”
And a demented fool, at that!
[people] “suggest that there is something wrong with my approach…”
Umm…it isn’t a suggestion, there, Sparky. It is a fact that anyone with a moderate degree of training in statistics knows. You simply don’t understand the proper uses of a chi-squared test. And, apparently, you don’t have the common sense to know when you have exceeded your limitations, ether.
“…while never quite getting around to suggesting an alternative or doing the actual math to prove me wrong.”
…just as you never quite get around to making good on your bet with Goldy….
“Global warming is a myth.”
No…it is a strongly supported theory with thousands of papers written to evaluate the hypothesis from hundreds of perspectives, using scores of separate lines of evidence. And the work is largely written by scientists…you know, those guys who are actually trained to do the research…
‘The reality of the matter is that the FUCKING SUN causes global warming and the fluctuations in temperatures that occur over long period of time are due to natural rhythmic changes in the energy output of the sun. That’s why us adults call it “solar warming”.’
This is couch-science from Mark the Amateur…[*snicker*].
Make good on your bet, asshole, and I’ll be happy to correct your misunderstandings about global warming…oh…and statistics, too.
Let’s recap again:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
Wow. All you Jews watch out for lefties. Peace.
Buford Furrow was a mentally-ill baptized Christian – like Haq – like DOOFUS.
We now know that one of the signs of a potential Jew killer is complaining often about conservatives. All you Jews in Seattle run for your life.
Let’s recap:
It wasn’t until Haq was baptized by a fundamentalist Christian church that he started to act like Burford O. Furrow, Jr., a white supremist neo-NAZI fuck.
I’m not sure which is a better indication that you are a total fool, that you can’t see the one plausible conclusion your own logic demands, or that Furrow is, to you, a liberal.
Rufus at 155:
Please give one case? Based on the only case you cite, it is baptism that is the one sign that you will kill a Jew.
Why do you hate the Church so much? Did a priest touch you in ways he shouldn’t? Or did he tell you were bad because you wanted to touch him in ways you shouldn’t?
Only liberals vote for white supremists (aka Byrd). We know that at his core Haq was a liberal because of what he said. He might have been mentally ill but a lot of liberals are. We need to study why Haq’s liberalism made him lash out like this. This is serious. Peoples lives are at stake.
Poor DOOFUS – Seattle is full of Jewish community centers, schools and synagogues. Most Jews vote Democrat. I’m sure most Jews who live in Seattle like living here because it’s a open-minded, tolerant place – a great place to work, play and raise a family.
Most Jews would consider DOOFUS a complete moron.
Come on RUFUS, even you don’t believe @159. Remember George Wallace? His supporters were not exactly liberals. And the “Southern Strategy”, not exactly a liberal plan.
Don’t waste space with absolute idiocy.
Nobody needs to study why DOOFUS is such a moron. It’s plainly obvious to anyone of average intelligence.
Doofus Limbaugh:
Don’t actions, like getting baptized, count more than words? Or did you take your baptism so lightly?
And it is nice of you to point out that there was racism in the Democratic Party until we got rid of them, and they moved over and became the core of the Republican Party. Or do the names Strom Thurman and Jesse Helms mean nothing to your demented mind?
Oh, Redneck, I forgot to tell you that misogyny is not manly. If you weren’t so full of yourself, you might not have to pay to get laid. How do misfits like you get so arrogant? Commentby proud leftist— 9/6/06@ 5:39 pm
You can always spot a moonbat by their traits, words, deeds or inferred actions. There was only one person who called MTR a misogynist or used misogyny.
Live Free or Die – General John Stark, American Revolution Hero
Vaginas make women stupid – Mark The Yelownecked Dick, American Traitor and misogynist. Comment by Donnageddon — 12/24/05 @ 2:51 am
I suggest proud leftist is donnageddon as a drag queen!
Don’t actions, like getting baptized, count more than words? Or did you take your baptism so lightly?
Commentby JDB— 9/6/06@ 9:18 pm
You are right. There is no better indicator then his actions of having one friend in a conservative city. His actions of moving to Seattle was another one that speaks volumes. Still more evidence that Haq was a disturbed liberal. I am glad you asked.
Meanwhile, over at UnSound Politics, the camera-thieving Snark is working overtime to protect the identity of his secret source smearing Julia Patterson. Posts are deleted- per the Snark’s usual methodology. But here for the record is the truth, archived where NOTHING gets deleted- just cussed at, cursed at, and spit upon- not to mention “Tookied”…
As a disclaimer- the account given by the Snark’s anonymous source would have taken place in 1995, not 1996- and there was a complete, bipartisan loss of decorum that sine die that is matched in the annals of state legislatures only by the infamous toga party on the floor of the Massachusetts House in 2000.
There is no record of Julia Patterson herself behaving as described, but there were plenty of members of both parties who were well in their cups and did not stay out of the limelight. A certain Federal Marshall wold be very embarrassed if there were any tapes. It was because of the behavior of our elected representatives that night that all future Sine Die celebrations were moved off campus. Or at least the official ones were…
But here, where the Snark’s delete button does not work, that which was at at 9:15pm tonight, but was gone by 9:20pm…
12. Stefan continues to erase this post. He doesn\’t want us to know who is real source is for this bogus story.
His source is Julie Anne Kempf. The corrupt 33rd District Dem official, turned lying and then fired KC elections worker who is now being investigated by the KC Sheriff. Patterson helped turn her in on the PCD charge and she has never forgotten. I know Julie Anne was at this event she speaks of in post 3 above, cause I was there too. In the post Kempf is telling a tale as large as what she told King County voters in 2002 before she was fired. Why is Stefan working so hard to protect this corrupt Democratic official? Julia Anne, how is the investigation going?
Posted by: Steve on September 6, 2006 08:46 PM
13. 1999 article about Stefan\’s source for this bogus story.
Earlier this summer, Julie Anne Kempf, the county\’s Assistant Superintendent of Elections, turned up a set of documents that had been missing since November 1998. She claimed that the records — monthly reports from King County\’s 33rd District Democrats — had been in the office all along, but that they had been misfiled. Kempf\’s statement wouldn\’t have warranted a second look, except that the woman who was in charge of filing the reports in the first place is Kempf\’s mother, the 33rd District Dems\’ treasurer, Lucille Kempf. Julie Anne Kempf\’s sudden \”discovery\” of the errant documents has raised eyebrows among people familiar with the situation. They say Kempf may be pulling a fast one on state regulators (even going so far as to backdate the records) in order to cover her mother\’s behind.
It took a nosy Republican activist to first discover the missing records. Last November, Don Mason, then chair of the 33rd District Republicans, went down to the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) office in Olympia to look up the financial records on his rival organization, and couldn\’t find reports for the entire 1998 election cycle. Districts must file these records with the PDC and King County Records and Elections to ensure that their finances and contributions are on the up and up.
Mason complained to the PDC, and investigator Doug Ellis took up the case. He found that neither the PDC nor King County had any record of receiving the required reports from the 33rd District Dems between September 1, 1997 and November 22, 1998. He also found minor contribution violations and fined the 33rd District Democrats $2,475. The 33rd District had just issued a heartfelt apology to their members when Julie Anne Kempf made her remarkable and puzzling discovery.
The way Julie Anne Kempf tells it, she was the last person in the elections operations office on July 7 when she fielded a call from someone who wanted to see the 33rd District Dems\’ filings. The caller had just read the newsletter statement from 33rd District Democrats Chair Dave Upthegrove explaining that the group had been fined after their treasurer (Lucille Kempf) failed to turn in a year\’s worth of reports. Julie Anne, aware that her mother\’s credibility was at stake, says she started rummaging through various filing cabinets looking for the missing documents and turned them up — with the correct date stamps — in a file marked Republican District 33.
The following day, she asked for conflict-of-interest relief from the matter. Julie Moore, who works under Kempf as Election Operations Supervisor for King County, took over. Moore immediately sent out two memos — one to Susan Harris, Assistant Director of Compliance at the PDC, and another to Upthegrove at the 33rd District Dems — explaining that the records had turned up. King County had goofed in November, she wrote, when they originally told the PDC they didn\’t have the files.
Meanwhile, Julie Anne Kempf tried to clear her mother\’s name with Upthegrove and the 33rd District Dems\’ board. On July 18, Kempf attended an emergency board meeting in Burien, which was called to discuss whether or not the group — in light of the \”recovered\” documents — should appeal the fine they\’d been saddled with by the PDC. Kempf, sitting beside her mother, told the 15 board members that King County had received the files in a timely manner. \”She was there to defend her mom,\” recalls District 33 Vice Chair Emily Willoughby, who was at the meeting.
Julie Anne Kempf\’s claims, however, are clouded by more than a few mysteries. First, and most obviously, why would the missing documents suddenly show up at the King County offices, but not at the PDC offices when they were supposed to have been filed at the same time?
Second, if the \”original\” files were discovered at King County, there should be two copies of the files there. Here\’s why: According to Ellis, after contacting Lucille Kempf about the missing records, it would have been standard procedure for a longtime treasurer like Kempf to send second copies to the county and state.
Lucille Kempf couldn\’t be reached for comment, but Julie Anne Kempf says her mother never sent second copies to the county, a claim that doesn\’t make sense. The Stranger obtained three faxes sent by Lucille Kempf to King County Elections offices. They were faxed in December, immediately after the PDC launched its investigation. The elder Kempf\’s faxes notified King County of the PDC investigation. Why would Kempf alert King County about the missing files and then fail to send them? More importantly, if King County was aware the files were missing as early as December, why didn\’t the files show up until July — when Julie Anne went looking for them?
The most compelling evidence of a cover-up comes from Ellis\’ PDC investigation, which found inconsistencies in King County\’s records. His report concluded that usual procedures were not followed when the documents were filed. While checking King County\’s database, Ellis found instances where the computer record of receipt differed from the date stamped on the hard copy, including one instance when the computer database listed a document as \”received\” prior to the date on the hard copy. He also found strange dates on the hard copies, like \”August 34.\” In King County\’s defense, former staffer Jen Porter says the errors could be explained by the fact that records are often entered by unpaid volunteers.
Finally, when contacted by The Stranger, Bob Bruce, King County\’s Superintendent of Elections, completely contradicted Kempf\’s story. In two separate phone conversations, Bruce stated that King County\’s computer records show the files were not received in 1998, and that the hard copy records had been backdated. \”They were not here in 1998, and they were not here when the PDC was looking for them,\” Bruce said. \”They were subsequently received and backdated. I admit it looks curious because of the relationship between Julie Anne and her mother.\”
Posted by: Steve on September 6, 2006 08:48 PM
14. Stefan also erased this post about his run in with the Kitsap County Sheriff\’s office in April 2005 after he left harassing messages on the home voice mail of Dean Logan. Stefan escaped arrest, but spent a Saturday out on the penisula with Sheriff officials. Care to tell us more Stefan.
Posted by: Steve on September 6, 2006 08:53 PM
By 9:20pm, Stefan had erased posts twelve through fourteen above, and the following had been posted:
12. I noticed the comments identifying ” Exasperated with Politics as Usual” and perhapses the original source, as Julie Anne Kempf have been removed. Covering up your anonymous sources there Stefan. Perhapses next time you’ll check your facts before posting the paranoid rantings of a discredited criminal.
Oh and if your going delete posts for not having valid emails, I suggest you start with Kempf’s.
Posted by: Giffy on September 6, 2006 09:22 PM
it is quite obvious from all of the above that MTR ( a stupid, ego-inflated, self bloated, Authoritarian Follower ) and JCH ( an equally stupid, racist, mother f’n liar) are wasting their breath on the likes of the progressives on this blog.
I therefore suggest that MTR and JCH stop breathing.
Here is Stefans response to Giffy:
14. “Giffy”, I deleted that spammer’s comments because he/she posted some off-topic news articles multiple times. He/she also posted a completely made-up story about me. I have no idea who posted the anonymous comment signed by “Exasperated with Politics as Usual” and as with most anonymous comments, I can’t vouch for the content. I certainly don’t consider anonymous comment posters to be my “sources”. The source for my post about Patterson in the legislature was someone who was there at the time.
Posted by: Stefan Sharkansky on September 6, 2006 09:57 PM
Yeah- a typical Snark lie, as`all that Steve did was post some truth that was VERY relevant to the story. If Stefan wanted real truth, he’d be posting the BIPARTISAN hall of shame from that night- and his “source” would have gotten the year right.
Or he would have deleted “Exasperated With Politics As Usual”…
Everyone knows that Shark doesn’t need proof or evidence of any kind. He lives off phoney sources and “stories” he makes up out of whole cloth.
He suffers from the worst case of penis envy when it comes to Goldy. Goldy is gaining respect, readers and has his own radio show. Shark has a blog with hardly any readership and he affects local politics about as much as pouring a glass of water into the ocean affects the ocean’s temperature.
Normal behavior by Mr. Sharansky. He just railed last week for a correction from the PI, but he doesn’ t hold himself to that standard. I have more than once called him out, shown why what he said is a lie, and told him to post a correction or be shown to be a propagandist with no regard to the truth. Time and time again, he has refused to post corrections.
There is a reason that the minnow has so little influence with the GOP, they now his stuff is bull, and they don’t dare get called on it. Hell, Eymann is more reliable than Steffy.
MEXICO CITY – In a horrifying show of brutality, gunmen barged into a bar in central Mexico early Wednesday and tossed five human heads on the dance floor, after covering patrons with their weapons, officials said. Heavily armed men fired their guns in the air as they entered the bar in Uruapan in the central state of Michoacan, said Magdalena Guzman, spokeswoman for the state prosecutor’s office. […………………………………………………………………………………Coming to a urban Democrat city near you!!! Look for lots of similiar “fun” in South Central LA, San Diego, and Chila Vista!!! Democrats: Losing your head while dancing “La Vita Loco”!!!]
Site the source. And what relevance does JCH believe this has to the thread?
Cite, not site.
Sorry I am not sure I saw this before on HA, but I found it on Cool Aqua. And since we are now Mike? 24/7…here you go.
Interestingly enough, a significant contributor to the Speakers Roundtable appears to be Safeco Insurance. It seems that Safeco, while Senatorial Candidate Mike McGavick was its President, donated usage of a Skybox at Safeco Field (Mariners) to the Speakers Roundtable.
As we read day after day about how Jack Abramoff used a Skybox to Lobby on his and the RNCs behalf in Washington, I couldn’t help but notice the similarity with Safeco’s action.
Is it just a coincidence that while Mike McGavick was CEO, that Safeco funded the Speakers Roundtable, which is now attempting to slander his Senatorial opponent, Maria Cantwell (D), by sending out mass mailing to a significant number of Washington legislative districts that try to associate Democrats with sex offenders?
Dream on, HA, dream on…
Left Foot:
You have to give John Craig a break. The Syphilis gets to him at times. What the thought he was posting was:
“I John Craig Herman gave five Guatemalans head on a dance floor while other Patrons covered me with there urine. If only I could find a big black man to have fucked me afterwards, I would have lost my head while dancing La Vita Loca.”
@175- danw- see the rebuttals on the next thread…
Come on RUFUS, even you don’t believe @159. Remember George Wallace? His supporters were not exactly liberals. And the “Southern Strategy”, not exactly a liberal plan. Don’t waste space with absolute idiocy. Commentby K— 9/6/06@ 9:06 pm
George Wallace? K why you talking about yo “daddy” like that? And he paid your IVY League University bills too. George Wallace was donk through and through!
MTR @ 116
“I actually think it could be good to let Nancy Pelosi be speaker for a couple of years. Dangerous of course, but it would certainly ensure GOPs continued domination over the long term. With GOP still in control of Senate, White House, and SCOTUS, the threat would be easily contained while exposing lunacy of the left. Murkan people need to be reminded just how fucking out of touch you people are.”
Well, it’s going to be Nancy Pelosi AND Harry Reid as Majority Leaders, and what the American people will see is just what they voted for–a Congress that will HOLD THIS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTABLE for their many, many failures and corrupt practices. And the Supreme Court can’t save them from exposure. Far from cementing GOP dominance, this will cause the GOP to be shamed, distrusted, and reviled for a generation, much as the corrupt GOP idiots who brought us the Great Depression lost the government for THEMselves.
MTR @ 133
“The reality of the matter is that the FUCKING SUN causes global warming and the fluctuations in temperatures that occur over long period of time are due to natural rhythmic changes in the energy output of the sun.”
Gee, if only the thousands of climatologists worldwide who are working on this problem were aware that there is this thing called “the sun” and that they should factor in the measured variability in its energy output. Oh, that’s right; they are and they do.
Good thing you’re an “adult” and all, or I’d think you might be a smug idiot.
Jim King @ 150
“They have no clue to what degree they should even turn the thermostat, if they could.”
Although no one “knows” what will hapen, clatic trends have been modeled and can be assigned rough probalilities of occurrence. However, your statment should be revised to say that we ARE turning up the thermostat without really knowing whether the consequences will be disastrous or not, or even when or WHETHER the heating will stop, and that perhaps slowing down that turning a bit would be a prudent course.
Darcy Burner is squeaky clean; so how will reichert’s attack dogs semar her?
I think I’ll go gve her some more money.
hmmm…TWB “smear”
-Normal behavior by Mr. Sharansky. He just railed last week for a correction from the PI, but he doesn’ t hold himself to that standard.-
Limbaugh’s excuse over the years was always “I’m an entertainer” and “I was just kidding when I called Chelsea Clinton a slut.”
Sharkansky is such a whacked out ideologue, he doesn’t even bother to find an excuse, let alone offer a correction.
Remember, Shark joined the Bush cult, and separated himself from the “reality based” community a while ago.