From Sunday’s Washington Post:
The traditional fundraising advantage held by incumbent lawmakers — which Republicans have regarded as a safety wall in their effort to keep control of Congress — has eroded in many closely contested House races, as many Democratic challengers prove competitive in the race for cash.
In a year of bad omens for the GOP, the latest batch of disclosure forms filed with the Federal Election Commission offers one more: Incumbency no longer means that embattled Republican representatives can expect to overwhelm weakly funded Democratic challengers with massive spending on advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts.
This trend is nowhere more apparent than in Washington’s 8th Congressional District where challenger Darcy Burner has outraised incumbent Rep. Dave Reichert two straight quarters. The Burner campaign has reportedly raised over $1.3 million thus far — more than any other 8th District Democrat at this point in the election cycle — with the overwhelming majority coming from individual donors.
Burner needs to raise another $1 million between now and November in order to have the resources to respond to the negative attacks that will inevitably come, so if you haven’t already contributed to her campaign, please give now.
Of course, even if Burner hits her target she will likely be outspent by her opponent, but not by nearly the margin necessary to drown out her message. Reichert had a helluva headstart, but he’s been struggling to raise cash even as his race has grown into one of the most competitive in the nation. Part of Reichert’s problem is that unlike his opponent, he’s simply too lazy to do the hard work necessary to raise money from rank and file individuals. (Imagine the Sheriff spending six hours on the phone, asking constituents for money.) But part of Reichert’s fundraising problem is that it’s simply not a good year to be a Republican in Washington state.
We all know President Bush isn’t too popular these days — especially in Reichert’s 8th district — a fact brought home by a rare presidential visit that only netted the congressman about $240,000. How disappointing was this total? Well, by comparison, a similar campaign stop by President Bush on behalf of 13-term Republican Rep. E. Clay Shaw Jr. (FL-22) brought in a tidy $800,000.
It’s hard to know for sure, but it’s quite possible that Bush’s visit may have actually raised less money for Reichert than the backlash raised for Burner. Ouch.
Either way, one thing seems perfectly clear… the traditional advantages of incumbency don’t seem to be so overwhelming for Dave Reichert this year.
Goldie- sorry buddy, but I’ll take sticking it to the Colts in Indianapolis over you any day. Now, if you tell me that in addition to being an Eagles fan you are a Phillies fan, and love Jamie Moyer…
Wrong thread, Jim.
Either way, one thing seems perfectly clear… the traditional advantages of incumbency don’t seem to be so overwhelming for Dave Reichert this year.
Don’t forget that Reichert maxed out his franking budget too. He’s supplemented his other natural incumbent advantages with your tax dollars.
Goldy and Gang do you compare Nancy Cunningham to Pat Nixon and did Nixon take bribes?
Duke Cunningham, who held seats on powerful House intelligence and appropriations committees, resigned from Congress in November. He was sentenced in March to more than eight years in federal prison after pleading guilty to accepting $2.4 million in bribes.
Nancy Cunningham, 54, said in the Aug. 28 issue of the magazine that it was her husband’s greed that led to his downfall.
But she dismissed luxury items given to him as bribes — including yachts, homes and antique furnishings — as “not that great” and described their $2.55 million estate as “a fixer-upper.”
Cunningham compared herself to former First Lady Pat Nixon.
KLake: What happened to the marriage vows of “for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.”? Nancy C is bailing. I’m sorry for her and Duke. I think what Duke did was wrong and I write it on this blog as wrong. Bribes or political favoritism is wrong.
Now, which part of NW moonbatmania decries Willaim Frozen Money Jefferson?
ATJ: What incumbent doesn’t implement his/her franking priviledges? Even Jim McDumwitt uses his and he has no reason to worry. Moonbats love him. Moonbats give him a large plurality. Moonbats agree with him. Yet, he uses his franking privs!
To use your dumb saying “Dismissed with prejudice!”
ATJ: What incumbent doesn’t implement his/her franking priviledges? Even Jim McDumwitt uses his and he has no reason to worry. Moonbats love him. Moonbats give him a large plurality. Moonbats agree with him. Yet, he uses his franking privs!
To use your dumb saying “Dismissed with prejudice!”
MWS @ 7 and 8
He is stuttering again. Happens when he realizes that his party is going down, not in a blaze of glory, but in flames just the same.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and keeping my eye on these sneaky fuckers!
I reside in the 7th district, and I have never received an official communication (that would be sent under the franking budget) from Jim McDermott which was not in answer to a communication from me.
I have not received any glossy brochure, from the campaign or official mail.
Has anyone?
Just heard an advertisement on the radio for Reichart, because he supports the elimination of the “death tax”, allowing family members to keep their businesses.
Here is a picture of one of the hard-working members of a family business which is being supported by Rechart’s opposition to the estate tax:
Yep, Paris Hilton has pretty much a meaninglwss life.
As far as the estate/death/inheritance tax goes, the idea of allowing an exemption of $10 million or so (indexed for inflation, of course) sounds pretty good. Tax the excess at a low rate, say 10% or so.
That way the small business and farm would pass to the heir pretty much intact and it wouls still generate some revenue.
I like keeping things simple. What do you think.
Libertarian at 13: Let me review your proposal and get back to you. I don’t reject anything out of hand.
Two important anniversaries coming up: the first anniversary of the virtual destruction of New Orleans via Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding, and the five-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in N.Y. and Washington D.C.
Which do you think the White House will ignore, and which will it try to continue to “commemorate” through the second week of November?
“We all know President Bush isn’t too popular these days – especially in Reichert’s 8th district – a fact brought home by a rare presidential visit that only netted the congressman about $240,000.”
That’s less than it cost taxpayers to fly him here … maybe we should just pay Bush to stay in D.C.
ATJ: What incumbent doesn’t implement his/her franking priviledges?
It appears you don’t understand how the franking privilege works. Look it up, and get back to me. I’ll check back later today.
Libertarian: I’m still analyzing your comment. I have this thought: Nobody really wants to destroy a small business where the heirs continue working in it. And by working, I really mean working – not just checking with the hired manager every few months to complain about the workers being paid too much.
Yet our current system, and every proposed system I have seen, attempts to treat all estates the same except to classify them by “net worth”, or to provide somewhat greater exemptions for farms and businesses.
Any suggestions along these lines?
Hey, after all that crap from the Right about Maria’s ratings…notice how silent they are that Maria has climbed to teh top 1/2 of all senators according to the latest Survey USA poll at ?
She’s even in the top 1/2 based on Net approval.
Hey klake — instead of plagiarizing copyrighted material, how about using quote marks (“”) and attributing it? So people know you didn’t write it.
Cunningham gets jail and his wife leaves him — and takes the loot with her. Cute! She must be a Republican, too.
Hey dumbass, it’s illegal to use franking privileges for campaign literature. What part of “illegal” don’t you understand? All of it … I’ve never yet met a Republican who knows what “illegal” means … that’s why so many Republicans are in jail.
The prison bus makes regular stops at Congress, the White House, and GOP headquarters.
Mike Webb Sucks @ 5
“…which part of NW moonbatmania decries Willaim Frozen Money Jefferson?”
He’d need a lot more decrying if the Demcratic Caucus had not already voted to strip Rep. William Jefferson of his seat on the Ways and Means Committee. If he is indicted (which, unlike some Republicans I know, so far he has not been due to the ongoing wrangling over the propriety/legality of the search of his offices), I personally urge him to resign. And I think that even the current appearance of impropriety should be enough for his constituents to replace him electorally. The charges against him, if true, are sufficient to warrant Congressional expulsion and jail time.
How about a $10 million exemption for wages?
Hey klake – instead of plagiarizing copyrighted material, how about using quote marks (“”) and attributing it? So people know you didn’t write it.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/21/06@ 9:22 am
Funny bunny
Let’s say Joe Republican’s granddad gives him $1000 of stock for his high school graduation. Because it’s a gift, no tax is paid. Seventy years later, when Joe Republican dies, the stock is worth $1,000,000 and his kids get it. Under the tax code, the basis is stepped up to $1,000,000 and his kids pay no tax. Under the GOP bill that would eliminate inheritance (not “death” but “inheritance”) taxes altogether, a waitress sees her base wage knocked down from $7.36 an hour to $2.13 an hour …
… that’s why I’m a Democrat.
Any questions?
The basic aim of the Republican Party seems to be to create so many disincentives against working that nobody will work, and we will become a nation of real estate flippers selling the same houses to each other over and over …
As best I can remember, the IRC has special rules concerning small businesses and farms and the transfer therein to the heirs. I can’t remember all the rules right now, but I remember one such “tax break” afforded such a situation is an alternate valuation date. This allaows the estate admin folks to select an alternate date for valuing the estate. Usually, the valuation is determied as of date-of-death, but this rule allows the administrators of the estate to choose a valuation date 6-months after the date of death. So, if the decedendt’s assets were tied-up in a closely-held business, such as a partnership of LLC, and the decedent was a major player in the business, his or her death would greatly impact the value of the business. The idea is to lower the valuation of the decedent’s estate to reflect the value of his or her contribution to the closely-held business.
You have pointed-out one aspect of the estate tax issue that usually isn’t discussed with small businesses and farms: often times the heirs have no intention of continuing the business after inheiriting it. They sell it off to the highest bidder and live comfortably instead. This is particularly advantageous because the basis of the inherited assets gets “stepped-up” to the date of death valuation (or the 6-month alternaate date, if applicable), so the capital gain on sale of the business is thereby minimized. What I would propose in no step-up in basis in this situation. That is, if the decendent’s basis was $100 and the heir(s)sold the business after inheiriting it, the heir (s) cost basis would be $100, just as the decendent’s basis was before he/she died. The capital gain wold be based onthe sales price minus $100.
I don’t know that there’s any way to accurately determine if the heirs were truly “continuing” the small business or just collecting pay checks and bothering the hired managers and other employees. Doctors, lawyers, dentists and other business owners are notorious for hiring their spouses and chldren to “work” in the business. Doctors hire their spouses so the spouse can get the benenfits of being an employee (participation in the pension/401K, dental bennies, etc). It doesn’t matter that they do any real work. It’s a manipulation of the tax code.
Anyway, I don’t know how to check-up to see if the heirs are really working in the inherited business or not. That one’s a dilemma.
Tax reform can be a dull subject. That’s why folks get into “buzzword” arguments, rather than actually looking at the issue.
Still, at the risk of boring everyone into a coma, I’ll take a swing.
When property is sold, taxes are paid on the increase in value (capital gain). Currently, when real property (land, houses, farms) is inheirited, the new owner gets a “stepped-up” tax basis, but no tax is paid on that gain. Then, when the property is sold, the capital gain tax is only paid on the increase in value from the date of inheiritance.
Example: Dad bought 100 acres just outside Puyallup at $500 an acre back in 1940. He dies in 2006, and his children inheirit the land. It is reassessed at $50,000 an acre. If they sell it, they pay capital gains on anything over the $50,000 per acre, known as the “stepped up” basis.
However, they also pay inheiritance tax on the entire value (after the deductable) as soon as probate is finished.
Here’s a thought. Inheiritance taxes to be paid on liquid assets immediately. Stocks, bonds, cash get taxed. But non-liquid assets get taxed when they are sold or traded on the entire amount of the gain, not just from the “stepped up” basis. They aren’t taxed as an inheiritance, but simply as capital gains. (One small difference. They would not be permitted to use the “exchange” provisions to avoid paying capital gains tax.)
If the kids keep the farm or business, great! There will be some tax to pay, but only on the liquid assets. If and when they choose to sell, they pay tax on the entire gain, all the way back to the price dear old dad paid back in 1940.
Too many folks around here are crying about heirs having to “sell the family farm”. While it does happen, more often the heirs are living in California, have high-tech jobs and have no intention of going back to the farm. The developers are writing a check before dear old dad cools down to room temperature.
Republicans are not long for their congressional seats this fall.
Say good-bye to the Republican death grip on our Great Nation and hello to Democrats and honest government again thanks to the brilliance of our Founding Fathers and how they framed the Constitutioin.
They did such a great job of it, that even when criminals in the Republican party run amok, there is a built into the system for the common people to evict them from power.
That’s why I love America. Unlike Republicans who hate America the way our Founding Fathers established our system of government.
Plus Republicans support Bush who is with the bin Laden family.
If you voted for Bush you sided with the bin Ladens. Way to go you unpatriotic sucmbags.
I’m confused. Is William Jefferson of Louisiana running against Reichert or McDermott? If not why does his name keep coming up in this thread?
Life-prolonging drugs now not being given to UK cancer patients. Too expensive, they’re being told.
Health care rationing continues in the socialist system. Would you REALLY want to be at the mercy of that system? Do you think they’re telling top British officials they can’t have those drugs?
Say good-bye to the Republican death grip on our Great Nation and hello to Democrats and honest government again thanks to the brilliance of our Founding Fathers and how they framed the Constitution.
Commentby GBS— 8/21/06@ 9:45 am
I don’t think anyone can say with absolute certainty that the Dems will be any more “honest” than the Reps. The Reps have been flamboyantly dishonest recently (Randy Cunningham, Tom Delay, Haliburron, etc.), but that doens’t guarantee the Dems will be honest once they get more seats in the House and Senate in the November election.
One thing is for sure, us non-aligned guys in other parties will be watching what they Dems do. Will they live up to their rhetoric?
Everyone should go look at and see Stoller’s analysis of Darcy’s 1st ad. It’s interesting.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Libertarian asked:
“One thing is for sure, us non-aligned guys in other parties will be watching what they Dems do. Will they live up to their rhetoric?”
Probably not, but I think we can do better than what we have now. Not a lofty goal, but an attainable one.
Because of that, I think that it’s probably a good thing that Mr. Jefferson of Louisiana comes up here occasionally. We tend to think of ourselves as completely right and virtuous, and the Republicans as completely wrong and evil.
Reality has a nasty tendancy to be less clear-cut. Still, for the moment it seems pretty obvious that we need to make changes.
Now, if the Libertarian party ever decides to stop being a spoiler and actually run some serious candidates, things could get really interesting.
Now, if the Libertarian party ever decides to stop being a spoiler and actually run some serious candidates, things could get really interesting.
Commentby John Barelli— 8/21/06@ 10:46 am
Yeah, but the Libertarians are still tryin’ te get their guys an gals elelcted. The Reps & Dems have had a couple-of-century head start! Heck, Ross Perot was a spoiler back in ’92, but that sure got the Reps attention. They weren’t so hot as they thought they were!
OK..A news flash from Maui……..Guess who is back at Kapalua, Maui, playing the Plantation [PGA] course, eating at the Ritz, Roy’s and the Plantation, and staying at the best hotel Maui has to offer in Kapalua. Yes, the New Orleans Levy Board, all black and all Democrat, and all armed with “guvment” credit cards, are running up huge tabs at “THE SPA” and the bars. Yes, these “Public servent Democrats” are “saving the poor black folk” in New Orleans by spending thousands for a first class junket in Maui!! Totally classic!! I don’t know if they flew “first class”, so I will save that info for later!! Yes, That evil George Bush destroyed New Orleans, and the liberal Democrat “Levy Board” are forced to travel to Kapalua, Maui to save the homeless and poor, forgotten black Democrats in the 9th ward!!!! This is soooooooo funny!!! More on this tomorrow!!!!!
Should we take up a collection from dumb ass liberals to send to the New Orleans Levy Board. Why should they drink Korbel when they could be drinking “DOM”? [or Black Velvet, King Cobra, or Thunderbird?] Dems LOVE to spend other people’s money. “Guvment” is just a smokescreen. BTW, ANY questions about and of this is racist and may not be “axed”. hehe, JCH
Lib at 26, JB at 27:
Both of you hit on an important point, often overlooked in discussions over the inheritance tax. Because the current income tax has a “stepped up basis” for gifts and inheritances, it must be considered in conjunction with the estate tax. If a person sells within their lifetime, it is taxed as a capital gain, if it is sold after their death (or as a gift), then it is subject to either the gift or the inheritance tax.
So if you eliminate the estate tax, you create one hell of a big loophole for the rich. Just hold onto it until you die, and nobody pays any taxes on the capital gains. As my old football coach used to say, “that’s a hole big enough to drive a truck through!”. Of course, Republicans never did like a capital gains tax anyway, so if they had there way they would then claim that it wasn’t fair for people to have to die to take advantage of the loophole, so why not do away with the whole shebang!
And you are correct that there are lots of businesses, large and small, that employ family members for “less than a full day’s work”, in order to take advantage of other benefits.
We all know the type of business we want to protect. The small farmer who is still working 14 hour days on the same land homesteaded by his great-grandfather. The small manufacturing plant which was founded by Grandad and now run by his hard-working grandson, who is desperately trying to find better markets so he can continue to employ American labor, while struggling against cheaper Chinese-made imports.
But why should we give a free ride to the heirs who don’t intend to materially participate in the business afterwards?
Of course, the Democrats have to be smart about this, too. What seemed like more than generous exemptions ten years ago are, due to inflation, beginning to dip into the upper levels of the middle class. That’s what caused the problems in California in the mid 1970’s which led to Proposition 13. We need to quickly index exemption levels and tax rates for inflation, so that it doesn’t become an issue which might really gain traction for the Republicans.
You and I are pretty much singing from the same sheet of music.
34: I would be more concerned about these types of posts, if executives of corporations didn’t spend FAR MORE money for personal entertainment at shareholder’s expense, and then just shrug it off and say they deserved it.
And public officials from all over the country go to “seminars” and “planning sessions” at resort locations all over the place. I’m sure if we took the time to look, there would be lots of Republicans in similar locations.
It’s a local issue. The taxpayers of the levy board in LA can address it. Big deal.
But I suspect the real problem you have is that you presume they are black and Democrats. In your mind, those sorts of priviledges you described are reserved for white Republicans. If you had a whip, you would tell them to get back on the plantation and back to work, and to quit getting so “uppity”.
After all, these were the same folks who were trying to access the FEMA assistance which Bush had promised was “in place”, but were told not to bother “Heckuva Job Brownie”, who needed to enjoy a good steak dinner without interruption.
@ 2 No, it was posted in the thread I wanted to post it in…
I don’t know how the Democrats will do once they retake power. Always in motion, the future is. However, I do know that things can’t continue the way they are, with Republicans trying to ram their destructive agenda down the world’s throat. I also know that, for instance, once John Conyers is heading up the Judiciary Committee the odds of accountability in government go up immeasurably, since right now with Sensenbrenner in charge the odds are zero.
JimKing@38 It is amusing to watch a pragmatic Republican scramble around trying to save something from this perfect storm for the current crop of ‘rethuglican’ party appartchiks.
Of course, there is always room for reasoned debate, and competing economic interests will always have to be mediated. . .but this present crew is drainward bound.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Since JCH decided to post his rant on two threads, I’ll reply on both.
JCH, if I hadn’t read some of your other posts, I’d swear that you must be someone deliberately attempting to make the right wing look bad.
“the New Orleans Levy Board, all black and all Democrat, and all armed with “guvment” credit cards, are running up huge tabs at “THE SPA” and the bars.”
“ANY questions about and of this is racist and may not be “axed”
First, do you know what the New Orleans Levee Board does? Among their other responsibilities is leasing land and water rights to hotels and marinas. Hmmm. Why would they be going to Hawaii?
Next, do you know who is on the New Orleans Levee Board? Six of the eight members are local business people, apparently serving without pay. I could not, in the limited time I was looking, find any reference to the race or political affiliation of any of the members.
Additionally, the board is currently in negotiations with Harrahs and several other hotel/casino companies trying to bring business back to the New Orleans area.
When I was in the Navy, I also went to Hawaii several times on the government’s tab. I even had a pretty good time while I was there. But – those trips were part of my job.
Of course, many of my fellow Sailors were black. You have a problem with that?
I used to travel on business quite often. I stayed in fancy hotels (sometimes), and ate at expensive restaurants (sometimes). I also stayed at not-so-nice hotels sometimes, and sometimes ate in whatever shithole little cafeteria or coffee shop was nearby because I had a flight to catch or there wasn’t much time between meetings, or I had to check into the hotel, register for the conference, attend an orientation session, help set up a booth for my company, and then try to find some food at 11 PM or midnight. And EVERY time I was away from my home and beloved family for days, or a week or so, doing things tht weren’t always a slambang good time.
One or two trips and the fucking Hilton looks a lot like the Days Inn. And a good meal at an expensive restaurant on your employer’s tab helps make up for what you give up to travel for them. Which is what my employers have thought as well.
Jimmy you cum drunk little bitch. Finally showed up here so I could slap you around some more. Welcome.
Now, tell me again how you like civil debate. That’s my favorite story.
TFF@40- “Competing economic interests”- yeah, an honest minimum wage hike combined with thoughtful addressing of small business concerns on the estate tax could have been a worthwhile mediation. The stew they cooked up became toxic for everyone.
People who question the combo of minimum wage/estate tax miss that need for “give and take” in legislation. Why were they combined?- because small business indicated to their Republican supporters that they could accept a minimum wage hike IF they got estate tax relief. The costs of implementing higher wages (and a minimm wage hike tends to boost wages for those just above minimum wage, too) could have been covered by savings from the costs of planning for the estate tax- all that money going to workers instead of financial planners and insurance companies. Could have been worked into a win/win for working folk and small businesses…
But, no- games must be played. It was the same when Democrats ruled the congressional roost, too- most of ya’ll just don’t remember it, it has been so long…
Left Turn- you besotted old ped, I’ve been popping in and out of here for two years. If you spent less time viewing MTR’s internet porn and more time paying attention to something other than whacking off to pictures of his son, you’d know that.
By the way, LT- Postman just smacked you down- HARD! Why don’t you spend the next forty-eight hours trying to come up with a witty retort… And after you fail at that, I’m sure MTR will have some more pictures for you…
Who cares what Postman or you thinks? Certainly not me. I just post on his blog to call you liars on your lies. You’re punks and I love reminding you of it and will continue to do so here, there and everywhere.
By the way, your wife says hi!
You call that a smack down? No wonder your shit is so weak.
I instructed Mr. Postman. As I often have to instruct you Jimmy. You don’t mind if I call you Jimmy do you?
And by the way, your mom says hi too!
@47 Shit, LT, you must have me confused with someone else. I do not
1) Do anyone young enough to have been my daughter if I’d only known her mommy in high school;
2) Do anyone young enough to be my granddaughter- although it isd the grandSONs you like, isn’t it;
3) Do ugly and obese;
4) Have never been married.
Of corse, I understand you are just looking for some meanining for your pitiful little worm, but MTR will have some new pics up for you soon. In the meantime, why don’t you just write a suicide note and implement it. Even “My Wife” (what a name to give your cock, LT) won’t miss you- she says your right hand isn’t even up to the usual male two-minute work-out, and your left hand is impotent. I think she wants a divorce, unless you are going to end it all soon.
Talk about weak shit. Postman will be soon telling you that as the blog owner, he knows which computer was used to post…
But you don’t know things like that, do you.
By the way, Mom asked who that little turd in the overcoat was- I told her to keep her grandson away from it.
First of all Jimmy, your fresh young 18-year old daughter says hi. Secondly, I doubt that Mr. Postman is the blog’s owner. Postman works for the paper and they own the blog. But hey, you wouldn’t understand that given the fact that you’re not employed and live off the government tit in the sex offender unit on McNeil Island.
Additionally, all you need is an account at and you can hide your IP address. Something you no doubt have to do since you’ve probably been busted collecting so much kiddy porn.
Now tell me the story about your desire for civil debate. I love that one. I’ll be linking all these posts over to Postman’s site so he can see your true inbred nature.
Sorry, buddy – no daughter. And Postman is considered the blog’s “owner”- he has access to all that supposedly “private” information. “Civil” debate is for his site- but then your reading comprehension is pretty low, isn’t it?
Anyway- I’d been waiting for you to get your sorry ass over here- since this is the kind of “debate” you like. But I’ve noticed no one here likes you either.
Nice of you to tell us how you think you hide the kiddie porn MTR sends you- but you really ought to know there are no secrets on the internet. Anonymizer only works for those not really trying to hide.
But you wanted to get into it- when are you going to start. Stop whacking off and put some thought into it. It will take all three of your brain cells to wake up to realize that you are way out of your league- but then MTR could wipe your ass- but he probably does…
Jimmy I don’t care who likes me or doesn’t but I do want to note that you as a sex offender, seem pretty obsessed with kiddie porn. Does your boyfriend know that you like kiddie porn? have you always been afraid Jimmy? And why are you constantly telling me I am irrelevant and then responding to my posts Jimmy? I’m way to old for you Jimmy. I wish you’d stop sending me messages telling me you want to suck my dick.
Oh and by the way, your Mom gives great head and said hello!
Left Turd- you wouldn’t know about great head because no one has ever been able to get past the tweezers to get to your cock.
As for why I keep posting- you are obviously looking for attention, and I am trying to keep you occupied and away from MTR’s kids- he really doesn’t like to share…
Consider it a public service.
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Evidently MWS still doesn’t know how the franking privilege works. Keep searching the internets, dude. Until you figure it out, you’re dismissed… with prejudice. :-)