TPMTV has a clip of terrorism “expert” Michael Scheuer telling Glenn Beck that the United State’s best hope is for Osama bin Laden to use a “major weapon” against us. TPM uses the word “unhinged” to characterize Scheuer’s statement.
One shudders to contemplate where wingnuttery goes from here. Stamping their feet and holding their breathe hasn’t worked, and just makes people laugh at them. One huge problem for the GOP: the foot stampers and breathe holders represent their base.
But I’ve laid in a big supply of tea bags, BTW.
It’s going to be hot, you know, and iced tea is delicious on a hot day. I’m not going to walk around with tea bag earrings like a fool, that would be a waste of delicious tea. You kind of wonder if there is a secret tea conglomerate astro-turfing operation at work in this country.
In a similar vein, we should just tell the righties the Obama administration is going to ban candy corn so there will be a run on candy corn, and the candy corn makers can make big profits while fueling right wing fears of a world with no candy corn. They can have candy corn shows at fairgrounds and armories around the country, selling and trading cheap swag emblazoned with various candy corn themes. I’m pretty sure Patrick Henry said “Give me candy corn or give me death.”
Yeah, it’s getting nearly impossible to mock the righties. Sorry, I’ve given it my best shot. Have a nice day and remember to stay hydrated with delicious tea.
Faux has gone far enough that it raises issues about free speech.
If this acceptable fare, the why not pornography or straightout hate?
What a tool….both of them…
Glenn Beck is 1 cup of coffee short of a complete nervous breakdown..His manic demeanor and delivery are really disturbing..
And the panicked, fat, idiot who wishes for another US catastrophe?????
All I know is that they must have asked him to remove his tinfoil hat before going on TV..
Now, Back to “Breaking News” 24/7 coverage of Michael Jackson….This just in…He’s dead..
@1 Don’t you know that wingnuts have been saying all along they hope for more terrorist attacks to kill innocent Americans? There’s nothing new — or original — about this. It’s a consistent rightwing meme pioneered by Stefan’s sucky little anti-American blog immediately after Democrats mopped the floor with Repubs’ noses in 2006:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Btw, peripatetic HA investigator Richard Pope ID’d “FullContactPolitics” as defeated GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold, who lost 85% to 15% against Frank Chopp, which makes you wonder what’s wrong with 15% of the voters in Chopp’s district.
oh, deverberg, you’re so tiresome
If you think Republicans are kidding about killing people so they can win elections, you should read about Low Tax Looper, who literally murdered his opponent so he’d be the only candidate on the ballot.
@4 >> yawn <<
what makes me laugh is that you liberals think its just fine to claim conservatives hope/plan for terrosists attack on the us to win elections. but when people say, with a lot of evidence, i might add, that moassad planned 9/11 to foster a war on islam, its crazy or antisemetic to say so.
@7 You’re right, it’s crazy to say that, and people who say that are crazy.
P.S., what evidence? And please spare us the links to wingnut paranoiac sites.
Number of Arabs on 9/11 planes: 19
Number of Israelis on 9/11 planes: 0
Without getting into the demerits of DeVore’s crappy analysis (time precludes), I just want to say that we fought WW II to rid the world of scum like you (there’s always a moment to refute and debunk racists).
So, take your Hitler impersonation and your tin-foil-hat conspiracy theories and crawl back under the rock from whence you cometh.
You are not a conservative – conservatives believe in the truth and the inevitability of history. You deny history even as you try to recreate it. Been shopping for large-scale ovens lately?
It’s bad enough having to deal with the delusions that run rampant through the pea-brained HA Happy Hooligans without having to pour rhetorical slug bait over the likes of you.
The Piper
OK, if Mossad was behind 9/11, they recruited 19 Arabs to die for Israel. No problem, right? Of course, a wingnut wouldn’t see the implausibility of this scenario. After all, they think the world is cooling and the universe is only 6,000 years old, including stars billions of light-years away. Like I said, these people are crazy, crazy, crazy.
@10 Well done, Piper! If you keep it up, some of us may even tolerate bagpipes. But only momentarily, and only to humor you.
piper and roger. you’re right, and i’m sorry. only right wing conservatives hope or are involved in terroist conspiracies, as roger so rightly points out @5 where he said republicans are not kidding about killing people to win elections.
The bad thing about hearing bagpipes is it usually means someone has died. The silver lining is there’s a 20% chance the deceased was a Republican.*
* Just kidding! Death humor courtesy of Ann Coulter Jokes, LLC. All rights reserved.
@13 You’re sorry, all right. A sorry piece of shit. But please don’t go away! Your bigotry-spewing, gutter-crawling comments are useful to show the world what wingnuts are really made of. Every time you open your mouth another moderate Republican becomes an independent.
@10 There aren’t many true conservatives around, Piper, and never were to begin with. The so-called “conservative movement” was hijacked almost at its inception by people who are anything but conservative. You know that, of course. So why do you have truck with these interlopers? They are, after all, ideological derivatives of Trotsky. Turns out the people who went around hating commies for 60 years are themselves commies. Talk about having a self-loathing complex! Freud would have a field day with this one.
Today, “conservative” is synonymous with Big Government, cronyism and corruption, racism and bigotry, belligerent xenophobia, warmongering and torture, lying and chicanery, and stealing little old ladies’ social security checks. (See, e.g., http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....bs28m.html.)
Why anyone would associate themselves with this label or these vermin is a fucking mystery. That’s like going around wearing a sign that says, “Kick me, I’m a Nazi.” It’s likely people will.
I’m not real big on iced OR hot tea, but I’m always open to some teabagging.
10 PS
Yes, no TRUE Scotsman would ever say such a thing.
I didn’t say what I said to curry your favor, which is if no interest to me since I regard you in almost the same league as DorkofLies – you stand condemned out of your own mouth.
And you haven’t the foggiest notion of the historic, cultural, or contemporary significance of the bagpipe, so your commentary thereon is ignorance-based, which prompts the old retort: So what else is new?
The Piper
by the wasy roger, i hope your pension isn’t stolen like mo greenburg stole the aig pension ir maxwell stole the british railroad pension. that money is now safe in israeli banks never to be see again. oh wait, i must be lying again
oh, and also roger, since you’re retired you must be on medicare. you worked years for that benefit. i’m sorry that after obama’s health plan comes into effect, your benefits will go down and go to people who never paid into anything, even people who werent born here. but you’re a good liberal, so you want to give to the poor.
What “conservatism” is all about nowadays is attempting to recreate and perpetuate the “cold war”, substiting “Islamic fascism” or some other construct if the Russians aren’t kind enough to become our sworn enemies again. The Cold War itself served as a perpetuation of the wartime mobilization of the 1940’s, with its attendant unchallenged patriotism and oodles of Uncle Sam’s money poured into the great factories making the accoutrements of combat. This essentially defines the “American Way”, and maintains dependence of our entire economic and social fabric, on the continued slaughter and opression of human beings in foreign lands.
by the way seattle jew. for you to actually say that fox news makes you think they crossed the line of free speech means either you are an idiot (which i doubt), or you truly feel christians are a threat to cause another holocaust and the only solution is to have one large jew controlled media.
@23 “He murdered six million…
In the ovens they fried…
But old Adolph Hitler…
Had God on his side…”
What specifically has Obama done so far that meets your agenda?
The Porkulous Package?
The failed Auto bailouts??
Is that your agenda Jon.
Obama is in trouble–
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Obama has some very weak somewhat approve support…from folks still hanging on to that “hope” thing….and that Obama is the Messiah. Ain’t happening, is it.
What most strikes me about mot’s post @7 isn’t the underlying antisemitism and race hatred. Sadly, I’ve come to expect that sort of thing from the modern Conservative movement in the U.S. It certainly isn’t pleasant to contemplate the substantial numbers of GOP voters who share these sentiments. But I’ve come to accept that most of these beliefs and values based upon fear and hatred are learned early in life and are difficult to dispel. We can change the laws to forbid a society based upon hatred and fear. And to some extent we have. But the hearts of men are not so easily changed. And it takes time for generations of men like mot to pass away and with them their burden of lies, fear, and hatred.
No, what most strikes me about mot’s post @7 is the incredible and yet routine way in which he conflates readily observable manifest reality (the ongoing expressions of “hope” among modern conservatives that a major new terrorist attack will restore their electoral credibility) with what can only be described as paranoid speculations worthy of Oliver Stone.
It is truly chilling to think that modern conservatives have lost the ability to distinguish between the observable facts of manifest reality all around them (including those facts that make them uncomfortable) and speculations, however wild or grounded, about the origin of events or their own political fates. It does not portend well for our nation’s political future when a core constituency of a major historical political movement has lost the basic ability to recognize and understand reality.
Perhaps there’s a very good reason why it’s getting harder and harder to make fun of “the righties”. Maybe it’s just not so funny anymore.
What’s the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead bagpiper in the road?
There are skid marks in front of the snake.
You want weird? I’d say that a Republican pedophile wearing a panda costume is pretty far out there.
@10 My God in heaven!!!! A moment of agreement with Piper. Next he’ll be demonstrating wheezy plumbing that can actually produce an enharmonic diatonic scale!
And be relatively painless for the innocent
lets see, bernake runs the federal reserve, that used to be run by alan greenspan. the board of governors are also all jewish. the fed answers to no one. there is a bill in yhe house to audit the fed, yet barney ann frank is sitting on it. yeah, i really believe the jews are not trying to get back at christians. you are all be taken, you fools
… Anonymous.
Isn’t this special. At about 7:18 in the A.M. I hear Stephanie Miller’s stupid stand-in pewling about Scheuer, and at 8:18 A.M. there’s big bad Jon stealing the stand-in’s stuff.
Just because Biden’s a plagiarist and Obama’s larcenous doesn’t mean all you Democrat hacks have to sneak and steal. Got anything useful and more-or-less original to add to anything, JD? Or are you too busy bottom feeding?
Time was, when Scheuer was coming out of anonymity and seemed to be bashing Bush, that the left liked him. He was almost as hot as John Dean and Richard Clarke.
What you didn’t get was that Scheuer bashed Bush about Bush’s tendency to act like a Democrat. Woodrow Wilson in particular.
Scheuer understood then and understands now that Osama is an existential threat to us, and that Obama is abetting Osama’s existential threat by putting numbnutz like Panetta in charge of the CIA.
Unlike Jon DeVore, Rabbit, and Goldstein, Scheuer and Beck are not wingnuttas. Beck didn’t want and doesn’t want violence or treason against a duly and stupidly elected Democrat majority. Scheuer does not want us to be hit again, but was saying ineptly that if we are obsessed with Wacko Jacko’s septum or Michelle Obama’s garden, then somebody like Osama is going to set us straight and reintroduce us to reality.
by the way, i see the light. the government getting involved in healthcare will be the best thing ever. dont worry that the government cant run the post office, this time its different.
Piper: Whatever could you possibly mean about the, “…inevitability of history.”
Are you a Marxist? Can you cite any reputable historian who belives in this inevitability? (Oswald Spengler is not a reputable historian.)
The only thing inevitable about history is that once the moment has past, that is what it is.
Innominate Idiot @31
Beck didn’t want and doesn’t want violence or treason against a duly and stupidly elected Democrat majority.
Yup. All us citizens that didn’t vote for The Far Righteous are stupid. Stupid is as stupid does. And we all need to be ruled over by rocket scientists like Bush II and Cheeeney,
The public spoke very loudly and clearly, so whine on to someone who cares and might change your diaper for you.
xad, the public didnt speak you idiot. it was the jews supporting acorn to have uneducated blacks vote fraudulently.
Wot the ‘ell is OBAMARAMADAM sniveling about now? Antisemitism and race hatred in the modern Conservative movement?
In the United States as in Europe antisemitic race hatred is front-loaded on the left. It’s the left there and here that seems to see Israel as the last bastion of Bush, and that pushes its hatred of Israel into a an antisemitic racialism that’s virulent and viral.
Forget mangledtruth. He sounds like a leftwinga in drag. He sounds like the leftists who desecrate synagogues and Jewish cemetaries in France, or like the pro-“Palestine” pukes who demonstrated against our modern Conservative pro-Israel demonstration after Jenin.
You want to do a do-over, 34? Put your brain in gear (low-slow, so the rest of you can keep up) and make another attempt at making sense?
Oh, Jeeesus. Now they are coming in matched pairs
Roger Rabbit, are you in love with me or something? You just can’t seem to let that comment I made go. You’re really quite obsessed.
As for the rest of you, just keep on, keepin on. Pride goeth before the fall and whether that fall comes at the hands of the Republican Party (and I think the point the speaker was making on Glenn Beck’s show is that too many of the people in the Republican Party are too far gone for that even to be the case) or it comes as a result of your own liberal policies coming back to haunt us, the fall will come. Socialism has NEVER worked. Name me one society where universal health care or punishing capitalism has led to a better quality of life for that society as a whole. It doesn’t exist.
Furthermore, you all don’t get what true conservatism is about. I bet you if we had a well reasoned conversation you’d actually find out that you’re a conservative, which is someone who just wants government out of the way as much as possible. If you want universal health care and money for the arts that’s fine with me. Just don’t make me pay for it. You see, there are many people that are never going to agree on many things in this country so the best way for us all to get along is to just let people spend their own money on their own causes. I won’t make you pay my NRA dues as long as you don’t make me pay your ACLU dues, okay?
39: “Socialism has NEVER worked. Name me one society where universal health care … has led to a better quality of life for that society as a whole.”
Japan and South Korea, to name only two. Both have a national health care system. Both are operated at a fraction of the total cost of U.S. health care. And despite preconceptions of Americans who remember both countries only from their immediate post-war years, both now actually provide BETTER health care, on average, than under the U.S. system. My colleagues from Japan and Korea all complain that they got better health care at their home countries than here, with a minimum of hassle and virtually no out-of-pocket expense. (Exception: the Korean program doesn’t cover major medical, so individuals purchase private insurance to cover cancer, transplants, and other high-expense treatments).
No one in the world wants America to be hit by massive terrorists strikes than Republicans right now.
It’s the ONLY way to their political salvation.
Republicans and al Qeada are on different teams but hoping for the same outcome.
The basic supposition of free-market theory is that the profit incentive will produce the highest profit for the producers, with the lowest cost, greater availability, and better quality being desirable by-products.
Unfortunately, when it comes to health-care, that hasn’t been the case. Part of the problem is that the majority of the costs are being paid by a third party (the employer), who isn’t the ultimate consumer. So the insurance company has an interest in increasing profits and decreasing services. The employer (who contracts with the insurance compan) has an interest in keeping costs at the lowest acceptable level, just short of having everyone quit in disgust. The employees are left paying a portion of the cost (over which they have little control), and taking whatever services the employer and the insurance company deem willing to provide.
There’s a former co-worker of mine who decided to blow off working as a technoid, moved to Thailand and opened a yoga studio. In the last few days he developed severe flu symptoms and figured it’d be well to get checked out and make sure it wasn’t H1N1.
He got seen, without an appointment, at a clean, up-to-date medical center, including 20 minutes with a doc (none of that 8-minute-limit bullshit), several tests and an X-ray…for about $35.00.
Dessite what the hard-over idealogues keep screaming at us, “socialism” versus “capitalism” ain’t a strictly either-or proposition. In some situations, the profit motive encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. In situations where the market for something (like energy or medical care) is already dominated by an oligopoly of mega-corporations, and where there are hundreds of millions of people who so desperately need the “product” that they’ll put up with anything, the result seems to be that unfettered greed under the alias of “value to the shareholders” runs everything into the ground.
As far as health care is concerned, where do things work a helluva lot better with more “socialism” than we have here? The countries mentioned above, our neighbors to the north and south (really, how many Canadians have any of you personally seen checking into Swedes lately?), most if not all of Europe, even Iraq before we marched in with “free-market reformists”…in fact, just about everywhere but here!
hey irgun, is that the jewsish irgun that bombed and killed the british in the 40’s to force a jewish state? and if you go to school in the us you’ll never see that in a history book? getting away with murder because jews run all forms of information? you mean that irgun?
43. ArtFart spews:
Art, lawyers aren’t feeding at the trough in Thailand like here.
How abot major Tort Reform, let Max Baucus continue to cut deals with Drug Companies and then see where we stand.
I think if there were significant Tort Reform, some folks would be willing to compromise a bit.
re 41: I disagree. They are both on the same team because they wish to control people through fear by whatever means possible.
I can see alot of these wingnuts imagining themselves manning a roadblock and blasting anyone they didn’t like the looks of.
re 45: Yes. Significant tort reform — except for the nuisance suits broght by the likes of Robert Bork.
You are just a string of compartmentalized talking points.
@45 “Art, lawyers aren’t feeding at the trough in Thailand like here.”
It’s not just the lawyers, pal…it’s the management-heavy insurance companies (some of ’em now grafted to the Wall Street mega-bank-brokerages that brought us the real estate/derivatives meltdown) and to a degree, mega-corporate “non-profits” running health care facilities. Oh, yeah…also the big drug companies. Too many folks dipping their paws into the money stream too many times.
Hey…before they lapsed back into trying to lie and buy their way out of any governmental action, the big insurers conjured up a proposal claiming that with a few “minor adjustments” they could save us all some humongous amount of cash versus the premiums and copays we deal with now. Isn’t that something of an admission that they’re presently gouging us?
I found this thread:
“Yeah the turnaround is probably going to be pretty slow. But one reason that it’ll be slow has more to do with how our economy is structured than anything else. More specifically:
The obvious conclusion: we recover more slowly. But the question is why? The reason is that back in ’74, we were largely a manufacturing driven economy. In manufacturing, if the economy hits the skids, you see this reflected in rising unsold inventory. So when that happens you idle plants and temporarily lay off workers that aren’t needed in an idle plant.
Once the unsold inventory is sold, then you rehire the same people you just laid off because they have the skills and knowledge to work those positions in your plant. So when you lay people off, unless it’s so bad that you are shutting down the plant entirely, you generally end up hiring them right back a few months down the road.
Of course as you see things have gotten worse, largely because we’re a service economy. The service economy is driven by general business activity, rather than inventory. Furthermore, there’s greater flexibility in terms of how many staff you need to do a given amount of work. So layoffs tend to have greater permanence in a service economy.
So a manufacturing sees quick drops in employment followed by quick returns to full employment once plants come back online. In the service sector, the drops are more gradual, but the return to full employment takes a lot longer.”
How do we change the US economy to promote manufacturing again?
We need to cut personal and corporate taxes and that will bring back manufacturing.
Like it has over the last 30 years.
What else you got?
Blue John @ 45: You are absolutely correct. But to take it a bit further, note that our traditional methods of combating an economic downturn are still designed for an early 1970’s economy.
First, you keep the downturn from spreading by providing unemployment insurance, thereby softening the secondary blow to businesses which rely upon the spending by the newly unemployed person (corner grocer, etc.).
Second, you reduce taxes (temporarily) as a method of freeing up extra cash in the economy. (Of course, this presumes that you have a balanced budget or a budget surplus to begin with, so you have room to make some minor temporary cuts).
Third, if the downturn is more severe than usual, you pump money into the economy at the consumer level by putting money into jobs programs. This can be done most simply by financing public infrastructure/construction projects (which has the added benefit that the money is not “lost”, but “invested”.
Fourth, you see these added infusions of money into the economy as creating new pent-up demand for manufactured goods. The manufacturers bring back their laid-off workers , thus pumping even more money back into the economy.
The problem in the “new economy”, where manufacturing jobs are quickly becoming non-existent in the U.S., is Items # 1-3 may temper an economic downturn, but they do little to bring about the recovery seen in # 4. Cash infused into the hands of consumers don’t create a lot of jobs if it’s spent on goods manufactured outside of the U.S. That was the problem with the tax “rebates” during the Bush administration, where taxpayers received a few hundred dollars in the mail – the money went to pay down debt or to buy plasma TVs made in China or Korea, not to create jobs here in the U.S.
And anything tied to a tax reduction doesn’t have any impact if the individuals or companies are making so little money that taxes are an inconsequential matter for them. It doesn’t matter what percentage (tax rate) you multiply zero by (profits), your answer is still zero (tax owed). So tax reductions in such cases merely do more harm than good, putting the government in a postion where it is least capable of responding to the crisis, as is the situation in California right now. Of course, this might be the whole point of the Conservative argument to cut taxes in response to a rescession – it’s not the tax bill they are so worried about, it’s just that they don’t want the government spending it on unemployed people or public projects, etc.
And speaking of “increasingly wierd and marginalized…”
It seems that Tony Hawk (apparantly the first professional skateboarder, I had to look it up) rode a skateboard down a hall in the White House, and photographers happily snapped pictures.
But this set off a Fox commentator named Greg Gutfeld, who’s analysis is so laughable you have to wonder if he’s intentionally trying to create a satire, like Colbert does:
Actually, considering the comments of other Fox News commentators, this isn’t that much worse than the others.
Oops, forgot the link.
Time to Ground President Obama
Glad to see you all are wathcing Fox News. Maybe that’s why they’re killing the competition.