Worst. Campaign. Ever.
From Iowa State Daily:
Elborno said after seeing the people who were asked to leave, she was concerned that McCain’s staffers were profiling people on appearance to determine who might be a potential protester.
“When I started talking to them, it kind of became clear that they were kind of just telling people to leave that they thought maybe would be disruptive, but based on what? Based on how they looked,” Elborno said. “It was pretty much all young people, the college demographic.”
Elborno said even McCain supporters were among those being asked to leave.
“I saw a couple that had been escorted out and they were confused as well, and the girl was crying, so I said ‘Why are you crying? and she said ‘I already voted for McCain, I’m a Republican, and they said we had to leave because we didn’t look right,’” Elborno said. “They were handpicking these people and they had nothing to go off of, besides the way the people looked.”
So you think that girl is going to continue to vote for Republicans?
McPalin is alienating an entire generation with their abusive, paranoid style. Four years ago at Shrub rallies you at least had to possess something terrorist-related like a Democratic tee shirt. Now you just have to look like you might want to vote for Obama.
Truly unbelievable. Let’s hope we can put a permanent end to this iteration of the institution known as the Republican Party. They have not one redeeming feature as a major political party. If they get their clocks cleaned as we all hope, when the inevitable “what went wrong” discussions start in earnest, honest grass roots Republicans are going to need to point out that the first step is to stop being lying, paranoid, vicious morons who throw their own supporters out of rallies.
Or, you know, honest Republicans can come on over to the big Democratic tent. Friendly discussions about the appropriate marginal tax rate can be held among fellow citizens of good will. If one truly believes a certain rate is too high, we can investigate it, listen to economists argue, and legislate it and so on. That’s how it’s supposed to work. It’s called governing.
(Props to Atrios.)
Oh, from the title I thought this thread might be about Mr. Cynical. My bad.
Another incompetent campaign would be Norm Coleman’s. I see that he’s suing Al Franken. Good luck with that.
I wonder if Cynical could sue me for defamation of character for my having called him a goatfucker? Oh, wait, Cynical does fuck goats. Oh well, tough shit, Cynical.
Further proof that the Party of Lincoln has degenerated into a party of neofascist Christian Nationalist scum. I have a buddy who’s a dedicated Republican and Christian, but these idiots in Iowa would kick him out on his ass in two seconds because of his long red hair, tattoos and one nipple ring (I know these things about him because he’s a kick-ass death-metal drummer who prefers to play with his shirt off).
Norm won’t be the 4th most corrupt Senator in Washington for long. What’s the weekly unemployment allowance for a Senator, anyway?
Republicanism is all about fear-mongering and war-mongering.
People should just stop listening to right wingers. They’re nuts.
Choose the alternative and stay involved to make sure it serves your interest. The right wing had their shot and ran the country into the ground.
Ummmmmm, I hate to break this to you but only about a dozen regulars post on this Blog:
Conservatives—Cynical & Puddy
Lefty’s—Rog, YLB rhp, GBS, proud leftist Daddy Love
Lunatic’s–Steve (you), Rujax, ivan
That’s 11.
Another heartbreaker for you…
No one rushes home from work to log into HorseAss.org to see what you have to say about goatfucking.
Yet another heartbreaker–
No one has ever changed their vote due to comments on HorseAss.org.
Goldy has worked hard & sacrificed to build this Blog. I disagree with his ideology..but I admire his tenacity and respect his opinion.
Same goes for Darryl, Josh & John.
I sure they have hundreds of regulars who read the thread…period.
They do not care what commenters have to say.
Goldy is their news filter. Folks are busy. If they are on the Left…I can understand that.
Same is true for Stefan, Eric, Jim et al @ Sound Politics.
So Steve…I hate to break this to ya, but NO ONE gets paid to post on HorsesAss.org.
I’ve enjoyed the banter back & forth with many of you.
It’s a natural tendency to yell past each other.
But what it often comes down to is our ideas on the role, size, cost and who pays for government at all levels.
That’s the most common denominator on most issues, don’t you think?
And most of us want less costly, less instrusive government at some or many levels.
Perspective Steve is something you lack as do many of the fringe lunatic lefty’s like you. Good luck with you anger & fantasy!
@2: I hope Franken wins, but it’s close. Open Left shows Coleman ahead in MN.
Too bad the Democrats did not ask for support from disappointed Republicans by saying can we borrow your vote instead of can we have it. It was a strategy the NDP up in Canada did in 2006, gained them 9 seats in the House of Commons, but that strategy was not aimed at voters of all parties, just the Liberals. Would be great to have a viable, third party to keep the Democrats and Republicans honest, but that will never happen down here.
@6 What? No PIN-HEADED KLOWN remarks?
Indeed, Cynical fucks goats.
You have hurt my feelings. I have been around here for years. And I get snubbed!
Wow, and these are the freaks who believe we can export democracy to other nations. They hate democracy–it is, by nature, messy, loud, and often chaotic. Republicans like order, tedium, and deference to power. That is why democracy is anathema to them.
@10 Sorry he left you out but please understand that Cynical has gone mad.
One can easily glean from his complete overreaction to my posts that Cynical is fast losing it. Just as Marvin lost it. The only conclusion I can reach is that these wing-nut losers fuck goats and they hate being called out on it. Tough shit for them.
You’re going to be next to lose it, Puddz. Take a good look at what’s happening to Cynical. That’s what’s going to happen to you.
haha…you gotta laugh at the ignorance of the republican campaign. How the hell did they get W elected for 8 years. Someone help me.
2,7 I watched one of the Franken/Coleman debates on C-Span a couple weeks ago. It was surprisingly civil, with both candidates sitting together at a table, fielding questions from the moderator. It was also rather fun–turns out Coleman has a rather well-tuned sense of humor, and he and Franken did some back-and-forth humorous riffing to the extent that was appropriate to the occasion.
Not only was this refreshing as hell in a world where any political discourse is now expected to leave at least one participant on the floor bleeding, but it seemed to suggest a little tit-for-tat argument regarding qualifications. If Norm can effectively tell jokes, why not expect Al to be an effective Senator?
It’s really about time to leave the goats alone and just work on having a government that works.
“And most of us want less costly, less instrusive government at some or many levels.”
Cyn, I think we can all shake hands on that one.
@15 “It’s really about time”
Artfart, I actually dropped initiating this line of attack a couple of weeks ago, not that I’d expect anyone to notice. This thread is an example of how these trolls keep bringing the subject up themselves without any help from me. The good news? In less than a week they’ll be too irrelevant to warrant a response to any of their insipid posts.
@14 “Coleman has a rather well-tuned sense of humor”
A sense of humor is a difficult quality to find in a Republican these days. McCain actually has a pretty good sense of humor himself but he’s gone bitter and mean on us during this long campaign season.
You betcha’!
Me too. I’m probably more inclined to say more effective government than I am to say less intrusive, but less intrusive would be included in being more effective.
The only thing more fun than watching Republicans fight among themselves is watching them eat their own.
@6 ” … our ideas on the role, size, cost and who pays for government at all levels.”
I’ve seen nothing lately to indicate the Republican Party gives a hoot about any of this, except for the latter. Getting out of paying taxes seems to be the only thing they really care about.
@12 “they hate being called out on it”
I don’t think that’s the problem. A salient trait of Republicans is they’re not shy about their sexual perversions. No, I think he picked up a goat syphilis that’s transmittable to humans and is now suffering from advanced brain rot.
@15, 19 – One area where I want more intrustive government is the FDA. Instead of being a sieve through which new drugs pass, I’d like to see a more interventionist FDA keep drugs off the market before they kill people.
10. My Left Foot spews:
You have hurt my feelings. I have been around here for years. And I get snubbed!
17 Actually, McCain has shown a real talent for standup comedy. He seems to have that instinctive sense of timing that leads to hitting the audience with the next punch line just as they’re coming up for air from the last one. Also, he seems occasionally to display a gritty sense of irony, skating on the thin line between cheer and pathos. I’ve often seen this in comics who were able to synthesize it from a repository of emotional pain from some unpleasant experience earlier in life–many the great old troopers like Berle, Hope and their ilk no doubt got it from living through the Depression, a war or two, or the hard knocks of growing up in a trunk in a show-biz family. It would seem reasonable that a long stay in the Hanoi Hilton would provide that in abundance.
When cynical cannot win an argument with any kind of logic (most every time) – she turns to insults.
That is the way she operates – the poor loser who can’t stick up for themselves with an actual argument resorts to calling names.
I feel sorry for such a BIAW troll who can’t even put up a fight about the issues. Yup, cynical is despondent at losing most every argument and is now denigrating the site that she visits most every day. Most be sad to be a troll that is losing it.
I used to like McCain – back when he wasn’t robot controlled by the right. It seems he doesn’t even have control of his own campaign. How would he ever be able to make decisions as president when the right wing advisors call all the shots?
His administration would be as dysfunctional as Bush’s.
Kicking people out of rallies because they “don’t look right?”
Ahh, the wonders of redneck elitism.
@27 In 2000 he was a very interesting candidate and seemed much more deserving of the nomination than Bush. What happened to him in South Carolina in 2000 was a crying shame. Alas, it’s like he sold his soul for the nomination and his run for the presidency. Now he deserves to lose.
@26 Cynical is a true bore, a BIAW stooge and a PIN-HEADED KLOWN. I really shouldn’t bother with him but he’s so hilarious when he loses it. And he seems to lose it every day of late.
@22 “No, I think he picked up a goat syphilis that’s transmittable to humans and is now suffering from advanced brain rot.”
I’d have to agree with you on that first one. I’m not sure how one could tell that his brain is rotting, though. He’s always seemed to be suffering from brain rot, at least as long as I’ve been around. Of course, that goat thing of his might have been going on longer than I thought.
Did you hear the pathetic clip of McCain calling out for Joe the Plumber at his rally yesterday? Joe wasn’t in the house. Crickets. What a freakin’, goddammed buffoon.
Are the people of Arizona wondering how they ever elected that clown as dogcatcher, let alone senator?
Steve, you moronic idiot. I have it, haven’t lost it. The wife loves getting it. And… she isn’t a goat.
You need more anti-itching creme from doing your goat every waking second.
NUFF Said!
Norm Coleman may be trading his Nieman Marcus for prison pin stripes: