Good old Charlie Gibson has inadvertently done a great public service. From the transcript of his interview with Sarah Palin:
GIBSON: And under the NATO treaty, wouldn’t we then have to go to war if Russia went into Georgia?
PALIN: Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.
Wow. Maybe we shouldn’t get too far ahead of ourselves.
Pssst, John (I’m going to spell it the normal way. The way God intended), didn’t you get the memo? Bashing Palin isn’t working. In fact, it’s having the opposite effect. But hey, keep at it, if you want.
[Visual of girl plucking petals off daisy]
Announcer: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one …
[Visual of nuclear blast with audio of explosion]
Announcer: These are the stakes!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This ad worked for LBJ in 1964, and it’ll work for Obama in 2008, because wingnuts haven’t learned a damn thing in the last 44 years — they still want to blow up the world.
Goldy: Grasping again huh? Why did you leave out the lead-in?
GIBSON: Would you favor putting Georgia and Ukraine in NATO?
PALIN: Ukraine, definitely, yes. Yes, and Georgia.
GIBSON: Because Putin has said he would not tolerate NATO incursion into the Caucasus.
PALIN: Well, you know, the Rose Revolution, the Orange Revolution, those actions have showed us that those democratic nations, I believe, deserve to be in NATO.
Putin thinks otherwise. Obviously, he thinks otherwise, but…
GIBSON: And under the NATO treaty, wouldn’t we then have to go to war if Russia went into Georgia?
PALIN: Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.
Article 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .
Article 6 (1)
For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:
* on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France (2), on the territory of or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer;
* on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer.
Legal Cretin@2: Powerful stuff. Unfortunately we both know Obama will talk/negotiate to his “enemies”.
How do we know? He said so.
Palin Ignored Ethics Advice
CNN reports that Gov. Palin ignored the advice of her ethics adviser, a Republican and former U.S. attorney named Wevley Shea.
After Palin fired Alaska’s top cop on July 11, Shea wrote her a letter on July 24 warning that “firing her public safety commissioner would become a ‘grave concern’ for her administration” and “urged Palin to apologize to former Commissioner Walt Monegan and fire anyone on her staff who discussed her former brother-in-law, state Trooper Mike Wooten, with the commissioner,” according to CNN.
In the letter, Shea warned the governor that her political advisers had given her “poor counsel” and “the situation is now grave.”
(Quoted from CNN under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP’s response to this situation has been to dispatch lawyers to Alaska to try to shut down the investigation. That’s not what I call responsible behavior. It’s the same cover-up behavior that voters decisively rejected in 2006 when they threw enough ethically-challenged Republicans out of Congress to flip control of both houses to the Democrats.
Wow. Maybe we shouldn’t get too far ahead of ourselves.
As somebody else pointed out Jon, you missed the context of the questioning (speaking of getting too far out front):
GIBSON: Would you favor putting Georgia and Ukraine in NATO?
PALIN: Ukraine, definitely, yes. Yes, and Georgia.
GIBSON: Because Putin has said he would not tolerate NATO incursion into the Caucasus.
PALIN: Well, you know, the Rose Revolution, the Orange Revolution, those actions have showed us that those democratic nations, I believe, deserve to be in NATO.
Putin thinks otherwise. Obviously, he thinks otherwise, but…
GIBSON: And under the NATO treaty, wouldn’t we then have to go to war if Russia went into Georgia?
@4 Of course I’m a cretin! I’m a lawyer, aren’t I? Got a problem with that? Would you hire a lawyer who wasn’t? I sure as hell wouldn’t! For 250 bucks an hour, I want the guy representing me to be a flaming asshole! Who the heck wants a nice lawyer?! Are you that dumb?
Well, I’m not your lawyer, but I’m a liberal propagandist and my job here is to not allow wingnut trolls like you who come to this board looking to get their asses kicked to leave unfulfilled. No liberal wusses or wimps on HorsesAss! We don’t allow them in here. No wingnut shin shall go unkicked.
Now, what was it you were whining about? Oh yeah, you feel nuclear annihilation is preferable to negotiating with our enemies! I won’t try to dissuade you from this, but as I don’t care to get annihilated with you, I have a request: If you want to fight the Russkies, would you please do it with an infantry rifle instead of ICBMs, so you don’t take the rest of us with you? I have a used military rifle I can loan to you for this purpose and I’ll even throw in a couple clips of ammo and a donation toward your one-way airfare to Russia.
What say you?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This ad worked for LBJ in 1964, and it’ll work for Obama in 2008,
I think we learned our lesson when we elected that POS (LBJ) as POTUS. That guy was a close second to the worst president ever Carter.
The Busheviks goaded the Georgians into provoking Russia, and after the predictable happened, they not only left their erstwhile ally in the lurch but now their candidate says we should go to war against Russia because Georgia started a war with Russian by invading South Ossetia, 95% of whose people voted in a 2006 referendum to affiliate with Russia.
Even Barry Goldwater, who talked crazy enough to motivate 62% of the electorate to vote for LBJ, wasn’t this crazy.
Puddy and David,
First, if either of you had followed Jon’s link, it would have been rather clear that Jon didn’t leave anything out.
Second, a person has to actually work to be as stupid as you guys are on this. Mikheil Saakashvili has already shown that he’s quite willing to provoke Russia into a shooting war based solely on President Bush’s posturing and military assistance. Since Georgia is not a member of NATO, we aren’t obligated to get into a shooting war with Russia.
Now, let’s grant Georgia membership in NATO. This emboldens Mikheil Saakashvili even more than he was before. He, again, provokes Russia into a shooting war, only now we’re obligated to step in, thereby diverting military resources away from Iraq and Afghanistan.
And you idiots think this is a good idea?
The fucking wingnuts have been trying to provoke a nuclear exchange with Russia since 1948 and 60 years later they can’t get over the fact we’re still alive.
@10 “a person has to actually work to be as stupid as you guys are”
What do you expect when puddinghead can’t even figure out who wrote this thread? (Hint: Jon DeVore isn’t “Goldy”)
@8 Still can’t get over the 1964 Civil Rights Act, huh, Republican?
If I was Putin, and I saw American troops pouring into Georgia to fight Russian troops, I’d hit them with everything I had. Ask any of our generals if they’d act differently. Go ahead, ask them.
I tempted to say Palin’s idiotic comment is a gift, one that should reduce the McCain – Palin ticket’s vote tally to Goldwater’s 38%, but so many U.S. voters are now so stupid and irresponsible there’s no telling where this might lead.
I do, however, foresee the potentially best opportunities to invest in companies selling fallout shelters and survival supplies since 1962.
Still can’t get over the 1964 Civil Rights Act, huh, Republican?
No, we repubs voted for that and passed it over you racists dems. We all know LBJ’s great scoiety was a miserable failure. Of course anything dems run alsways is.
This is why you don’t put hockey rink hicks in charge of the nuclear launch codes.
You can put lipstick on a pig, but Obama will still be Obama with lipstick!!!
Uh, uh, Wabbit, a career guvmint leech, is here. Stand up, Wabbit. Let ’em see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about? I tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, though, pal. I tell you what, stand up for Wabbit.
And you idiots think this is a good idea?
No, this idiot thinks it’s a bad idea – which might mean it’s actually a good idea, I suppose!
Do you ever make it to DL, DJ?
@15 “we repubs voted for that and passed it over you racists dems”
Is that so?
Northern Democrats voted for it 94% – 6% in the House and 98% – 2% in the Senate, whereas northern Republicans voted for it 85% – 15% in the House and 84% – 16% in the Senate.
In the House, 7% of southern Democrats voted for it, while 0% of southern Republicans voted for it.
In the Senate, 5% of southern Democrats voted for it, while 0% of southern Republicans voted for it.
Fact: In both North and South, higher percentages of Democrats than Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
I used to think that we were going to trade off again…dem for pres rep for governor, now I am certain Republicans will take both.
Thank you Obama for putting lipstick on our pig!
GOP Working To Suppress Black Votes
Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter reports what everyone in the liberal blogosphere already knows: That Republican operatives are kicking the GOP black-vote suppression machinery into high gear.
“GOP proponents … say they are merely trying to reduce voter fraud. But … the problem Republicans claim they want to combat … doesn’t exist.
“The motive … is political [but] … the effort to suppress voting still amounts to the practical equivalent of racism. …
“To get an idea of how many African-Americans nationwide lack driver’s licenses, recall Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when thousands were stranded without transportation. …
“Consider Wisconsin, a swing state. Republicans officials there are suing to enforce a ‘no match, no vote’ provision in state regulations, where voters must not only show a photo ID, but establish that it matches the name and number in the Department of Motor Vehicles or Social Security Administration database. … These lists are riddled with errors in every state ….
“How error prone? … [T]he Florida software is … requires only an 80 percent match to the name of a convicted felon. ‘So if there’s a murderous John Peterson, the software disenfranchises everyone named John Peters,’ Andrew Hacker writes in a recent New York Review of Books.
Voters caught in these snafus … are granted ‘provisional ballots’ … [but] even obtaining a provisional ballot can require an appearance in front of a judge in some states. …
So … with the Crawford decision [upholding Indiana’s voter ID law] we are seeing a return to the days when one political party saw a huge advantage in preventing as many poor people as possible from voting.
“That’s understandable politically, but also un-American.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans want black soldiers to die for Iraqi democracy but won’t let them vote in their own country: In 2004, the GOP deliberately targeted black soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan for vote suppression by sending registered letters to their home addresses in the U.S. When the letters returned without signed postal receipts, Republicans used that to challenge the right of these soldiers to vote. In most cases, the soldiers didn’t even know they had been challenged and their ballots weren’t counted.
Why do these un-American Republican bastards do this? For the same reason they campaign on personalities instead of issues. They can’t win a fair election and they know it. They can’t win on their pathetic record and they know it. They know the only way they can win is by keeping American citizens in the dark about issues — and keeping them from voting in their own country … especially when they’ve been sent abroad to fight and die for their country.
Wasilla Assembly of God
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Address 125 West Riley Ave
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
Country United States
[1] According to the Wall Street Journal, congregants “speak in tongues and are part of a faith that believes humanity is in its ‘end times’ — the days preceding a world-ending cataclysm bringing Christian redemption and the second coming of Jesus.”[2]
Oh my GOD… she WANTS a war so Jesus can come back!
That reminds me …
A little reminder to all the African American Horses Ass readers out there, don’t forget to vote this November 5th. This is one of the most important elections in our lifetimes.
Mark your calendars!
Alter says the polls showing McCain slightly ahead of Obama are unreliable because early voting in mail-in states and voter suppression activities “make turnout predictions perilous” and “without knowing turnout, most polling is deeply flawed.”
One key state where Obama is likely to have an advantage: Ohio.
“In Ohio, where the governor and secretary of state changed in 2006 from Republican to Democrat, a new law allows voters to register to vote and fill out an absentee ballot at the same time between Sept. 30 and Oct. 6. This will mean … early voting in a key state. … With 470,000 students enrolled in Ohio’s public colleges and universities (and nine out of 10 are Ohio residents), expect a bumper crop of young voters.”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Newsweek’s latest estimates have Obama leading McCain in electoral votes by 228 to 185. If Obama wins Ohio (20) and Michigan (17), he would need only Minnesota, Colorado, or a combination of New Hampshire and New Mexico to win without Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, or any of the other swing states.
Bill Clinton, who knows more about political campaigning and counting electoral votes than any of our stupid wingnut trolls, predicted a comfortable win for Obama today.
We mustn’t, of course, get complacent. But all the analyses I’ve seen this week point to that Gallup poll showing McCain 10 points ahead of Obama as flawed. And if that poll’s wrong, then there’s a good chance the poll showing Rossi slightly ahead of Gregoire may be wrong, too. So, fellow Democrats, hold the cyanide and pick up the phone lists and keep working! We can beat these Republican bastards, and we will!
Truth, justice, and the American way are on our side.
@22 “Thank you Obama for putting lipstick on our pig!”
Don’t get too ecstatic over that. Your pig is still just a pig.
Unlike Obama without a script can’t say a word without stuttering she was marvelous tonight. The old media is finding some little thing wrong and are complaining.
This infuriates the majority of the population and gives her a more powerful appearances in the future.
Alter says the polls showing McCain slightly ahead of Obama are unreliable because early voting in mail-in states and voter suppression activities “make turnout predictions perilous” and “without knowing turnout, most polling is deeply flawed.”
Meaning we can’t trust any of the polls, regardless of their flavor, if Alter is correct.
Newsweek’s latest estimates have Obama leading McCain in electoral votes by 228 to 185.
And how was this determined?
Roger Rabbit spews:
Bill Clinton, who knows more about political campaigning and counting electoral votes than any of our stupid wingnut trolls, predicted a comfortable win for Obama today.
What do you think he said about Hillary’s run for the office Roger? Suck on your carrot and start praying if you have been good maybe a closes race otherwise we will win in a landslide.
To defend our country from maniacs eager to nuke the world, we need someone willing to go after Al Qaida. And after the rightist zealots in the Republican party.
Some things matter more than parties and presidential elections. Survival for example.
And Palin is a wacko, by any objective measure, with this as the latest example.Anyone who can casually assert that war with Russia must be done is way out of touch with military possibility, history, successful foreign policy methods or is wed to end-of-the-world cultism via religious delusion.
Thorazine is probably the only cure.
Via state by state reviews, such as Nate does at, it’s easy to make electoral projections of an Obama win.
Start with the states Kerry and/or Gore carried and see how many McCain might flip his way. The polls suggest there’s 2 or 3, but there’s several Bush-won states where Obama’s been leading throughout.
McCain has a tiny chance of eking out an electoral win, but the odds still favor a comfortable Obama win.
Why? Well, three of the highest unemployment rates in the nation belong to Michigan, Florida and Ohio. If Obama wins two of those three he’s won.And Michigan has gone Democratic for several elections in a row.
Bottom line: McCain might add New Hampshire but has little chance of adding others. But from the Bush-won states, FL, OH, VA, CO, NV, NM, IA and MT are all too close to call with Obama leading in several of them.
And Obama’s Fall campaign has waited for 9/11 to pass, as many predicted, so let’s see where the polls are two weeks from now. The trend should be clear to all by then.
Palin did not even know what the “Bush doctrine” was – has she been asleep the past 10 years. She is so lacking in the basics of foreign policy – she is a total JOKE.
Charlie had to explain what the Bush doctrine was to her – she looked like a deer in the headlights – no idea what it was or how to asnwer. How pathetic.
So she lies repeatedly, has no grasp of foreign policy, is under investigation for corruption, is NOT a reformer and what else do we need to know about this totally unqualified person?
Note to troll at #1: Sorry, I don’t read idiot memos. Palin is a godsend for the democrats showing the total lack of judgement of McCain.
@30: John You are a total moron. Most of Obama’s speeches are without ANY notes. Palin made a total fool of herself – if you can’t see that you are not even looking. Now she has been exposed as lacking ANY foreign policy expereince or knowledge and for lying incessantly. Her numbers will destroy any chance for McCain. Thank you Palin!
@21: Guess again Chuck – republicans are lying corrupt bastards and Palin is just the idiot to bring down the ticket. Thank you, god, for right wing idiots who show what a bankrupt republican party really is….and to think I used to believe their crap.
Here is the link to youtube where Palin panics and asks “In what respect Charlie?” and then Charlie has to explain the freakin’ doctrine to her – and she goes off answering the wrong question about Islamic terrorists – when the doctrine refers to ANY threat to the US.
Wow – this woman really is clueless – she will be ready on day one to take over as President – as long as someone is sitting there telling her what to do…what a pathetic performance…not only does she have no foreign policy experience – she can’t answer a third grade question on foreign policy. Is this the best that McCain can come up with? His judgement just went out the window…
If Palin becomes president, you might as well become a Christian if you aren’t already, because you’re gonna get raptured up whether you want to or not.
Rabbit: YOU ARE A RACIST LIAR! (In other words: A typical democrat!)
“The 1964 Civil Rights Act was an update of Republican Sen. Charles Sumner’s 1875 Civil Rights Act…”
” …the chief opponents were Democratic Sens. Sam Ervin, of later Watergate fame, Albert Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd. Mr. Byrd, a former Klansman whom Democrats still call “the conscience of the Senate,” filibustered against the civil rights bill for 14 straight hours before the final vote. The House passed the bill by 289-126, a vote in which 79 percent of Republicans and (only) 63 percent of Democrats voted yes. The Senate vote was 73-27, with 21 Democrats and only six Republicans voting no. Johnson signed the new Civil Rights Act into law on July 2, 1964.
Overall, there was little overt resistance to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The struggle was not yet over, however, as most Southern state governments remained under the control of segregationist Democrats.
It was a Republican federal judge who desegregated many public facilities in the South. Appointed by President Eisenhower in 1955, Judge Frank Johnson had overturned Montgomery, Alabama’s infamous “blacks in the back of the bus” law in his very first decision. During the 1960s, Judge Johnson continued to advance civil rights, despite opposition from George Wallace, Lester Maddox and other Democratic governors. ”
Rabbit: If you were a MAN, you would apologize! Lincoln freed the slaves and Dirksen made it so they could vote!
Gee Miklich – so WHAT?
Republicans used to be the party of civil rights – but ever since the southern strategy of Reagan (and since Kennedy and Johnson) republicans have become the party of white supremacists.
What is your point? Even Byrd has totally switched his views from 1964…so what. It is not about history – it is what the party stands for NOW.
And the republican party stands for Willie Horton ads, not counting black voters and what party had objections to the renewal of the civil rights act? Republicans.
@38 Unfortunately, as of tonight,’s latest projections show McCain winning both the popular and electoral vote.
But there’s still time to turn it around. Andrew Romano, writing in Newsweek, points out that Obama has failed to package his ideas in a way voters can hang their hats on, such as FDR’s New Deal or Truman’s Fair Deal or JFK’s New Frontier. Very few voters actually read the candidates’ positions or compare their policies. Independent voters, in particular, are prone to gravitate to the flashiest campaign, and right now that’s the other guys.
Republicans aren’t reticent about fearmongering, so what’s holding Obama back? Unlike them, he’s really got something to talk about: Palin’s crazy idea of going to war with Russia over Georgia. Obama should pull the “Daisy Ad” out of storage and put it on the air!
Obama can’t just go to town halls and talk about his policies to people who already support him. He has to aggressively go after the undecided voters. He not only has to give them reasons to vote FOR him, such as tax cuts, but also has to give them reasons to vote AGAINST the other guy, such as disappearing jobs and health care. And, above all, the likelihood that a hockey rink redneck who was a small-town mayor just two years ago and who doesn’t know a damn thing about foreign policy or the economy will be president within 2 or 3 years. In short, Obama needs to get out there and scare the shit out of people, because voters need to have the shit scared out of them about this woman.
I almost feel sympathy toward you Ditto Heads.
Sara the borderline “child abusing”, pot smoking, first responder hating, earmark loving, tax raising, debt creating, serial polar bear killing, flip flopper is way in over her head.
Even all 10,000 Republican lobbyists on the McCain 2008 payroll cannot program her properly in 10 days.
I guess it is Larry King and Faux News from now on. Maybe she can do the sports weather Fox Gameday.
Sarah Palin’s freshness date is aging faster than the Nazi who chose the chalice “unwisely” in that Indiana Jones movie.
@36 Reformed republican (NEVER)
Great News !
You don’t have to talk about her or McCain anymore as it’s is over.
We can now talk about Hillary running again for POTUS as obama can’t win first place in a dog show. Well, maybe if we give him a script.
Nah, I’m giving him too much credit. Even he said he wasn’t qualified two years ago.
Incredibly, an AOL straw poll shows 47@ of respondents reacting favorably to Palin’s suggestion of going to war with Russia.
Is America in the grip of a mass hysteria? Is the whole country (well, 47% of it, anyway) insane?
It seems so.
Or maybe this young generation of Republicans who don’t remember the Cuban Missile Crisis has completely forgotten that Russia has hundreds of ICBMs armed with thousands of nuclear warheads sitting in silos that can be launched with the flick of a switch.
Pelletizer: I’m glad you are honest about your cretinhood.
Oh for all you obama lovers.
Why can’t this kid debate McCain in town hall meetings. Cause he can’t think out of the box he is a meat head heavy on the fat.
Joe Biden says:
“Chuck, stand up, let the people see you,” Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. “Oh, God love ya,” Biden said. “What am I talking about?”
Chuck is a paraplegic!
“Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America,” Biden said Wednesday in Nashua, New Hampshire. “Quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me.”
I have to give McCain credit. The only way Republicans can win elections is to distract voters, who sadly are so distractable, from the issues. Sarah Putin’s selection has completely distracted the media and everyone else. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae went down this week and, unless you read the NYTimes, get almost no media attention. Sarah Putin does, however. Stupid is as stupid does.
Yes, she’d fit right in at an ACORN rally!
Roger, all the polls were taken 4-5 days ago. This is the best it gets for the Palin bump. Watch as America learns who is on heart beat from the Presidency.
Yes, it energizes the evangelicals. But that always happens. “Abortion” is the Pavlovian bell the Republicans always ring, one way or another. This time, the bell has a uterus all her own.
I will be more concerned if the trend continues. But, these polls reflect last weekend, when “Palinpalooza” was, I predict, at its’ peak.
In short, Obama needs to get out there and scare the shit out of people.
He has already did this to the majority of voters why else is losing a election that he should have been a head by 20 points at least.
We seen him and we don’t like him or his friends.
proud leftist: Fox had the Fannie/Freddie story front and center. Neil Cavuto.
But to you they are
B I A S E D !
Is ACORN something you evangelicals put up your ass before you speak in tongues?
bdm@51: Really?
Gallup Tracking 09/08 – 09/10 2718 RV 48 44 McCain +4
Hotline/FD Tracking 09/08 – 09/10 902 RV 46 44 McCain +2
uuuurrrnnnt! Wrong answer!
Former Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee today called Palin a “cocky wacko.”
“They’ve just thrown this firestorm, this tornado, into the whole presidential election,” Chafee told an audience in Washington D.C.
(Chafee quotes taken from an AP news story under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Palin, in both her convention speech and today’s interview, exhibited the cockiness of the neophyte, the person who doesn’t know what he’s doing.
The kind of cockiness you see among new arrivals to a combat zone, or among novice mountain climbers.
It comes from a lack of understanding of what they have gotten themselves into, how complicated the situation is, and how difficult it will be to navigate it successfully — and survive.
Not infrequently, know-it-alls entering dangerous situations end up dead. The right way to do things is keep your mouth shut, your ears open, ask the veterans to teach you, and do what they say. The minute you start acting like you know more than them, you’re on your own.
We live in a dangerous world, and the problem with moving a cocky neophyte to an office suite that’s way above her pay grade is that she isn’t the only one that could end up dead — she could kill us all, or at least, a lot of us.
No corporate board would entertain the notion of promoting a mail room supervisor to CEO without working his up the management ladder and testing him along the way. Yet that’s what the GOP Party is asking voters to do. They’re nuts, and it’s a nutty idea. Unfortunately, some voters are nuts, too.
We can only pray to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit that enough rational ones get past the Republican poll censors to keep it from happening.
No bigdumbmoron: ACORN and Obama are good friends
“U.S. Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an offshoot of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now for services the Democrat’s campaign says it mistakenly misrepresented in federal reports.”
But bigdumbmoron, you are a moron!
Golly Legal Cretin, Linc Chaffee?
You are really getting desperate.
Wasn’t 9/08 four days ago?
Lay off the cheap stuff, it will addle your mind….oh..never mind…too late.
As reported on March 12, 2008 in the Anchorage Daily News:
“Palin ruffled feathers when she announced – without giving the delegation advance notice – that the state was killing the Ketchikan bridge to Gravina Island, site of the airport and a few dozen residents.”
Yet today Obama claims outrage. OUTRAGE!
Don Joe another “messiah” reference for you:
Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee on the floor of the House. Barack Obama is Jesus, and Sarah Palin is Pontius Pilate:
Not that the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit is very interested in saving humanity. In fact, I wouldn’t count on Her to do that, if I were you humans. Humans take up a lot of space and there’ll be room for a lot more rabbits after you’re gone! And there’ll be a lot less toxic shit in our meadows and drinking water. GMRS’s plan for this planet is a world full of rabbits! If there’s any humans around at all, they’ll be a mere asterisk. Rabbits everywhere! That’s the grant cosmic scheme that GMRS had in mind when She clapped Her paws and the Big Bang happened. I really don’t know where you stupid humans came from; you weren’t supposed to happen. There should have been 3 rabbits per square foot on this planet by now. But GMRS is patient. She doesn’t have to do anything. You humans will do it to yourselves. Voting Republican is a good start. Giving Palin access to the nuclear codes is an even bigger step in the direction of a world run by rabbits with no humans! So, a lot of my rabbit buddies are gonna vote for McCain and Palin, so they tell me. I don’t agree with it, but I can’t say as I blame them. It’s like trying to hurry up the rapture instead of waiting for it to get here in its own good time. They admit a lot of rabbits will go up in smoke, but what the hey, they say we can always make more and if even 1 male and 1 female rabbit survive, with the humans gone this planet will have 100 trillion rabbits within 5 years! They’re probably right. We do a lot of fucking, and we can grow our population exponentially, and so quickly that even cars and nuclear bombs can’t eradicate us.
You such a dumb fucker Puddingdick, you cannot even count to four.
Did you home school your children? I’ll be at the Seahawks game on Sunday. Let your kids know in advance I want the large fries. Thanks. Oh yeah, tell them the large fries is the bigger of the two sizes.
@60 Do you believe she gave the money back to the taxpayers, puddinghead?
(Hint: She didn’t. The money for the “bridge to nowhere” — all $220 million of it — made a one-way trip to Alaska.)
I hope this isn’t true.
In 2007, Alaska Gov. Palin asked her state’s congressional delegation to request earmarks amounting to $800 for every Alaska citizen.
The U.S. average is $34 per citizen.
So yeah, puddinghead, Palin’s piggery is outrageous — and even more so because the piggiest state of them all has no taxes and gives money to its citizens.
In other words, not only does OPEC Sarah get your money for her coffers at the gas pump, she hits your wallet again in congressional appropriations bills.
Johnny Depp has nothing on this gal. He merely play-acts at being a pirate. She’s the real thing.
I have to give McCain credit. The only way Republicans can win elections is to distract voters, who sadly are so distractable, from the issues.
Right on, we have harped on these issues and have been very clear. Hope.. Change… Hope for Change….. Cange for Hope. Those are the real issues.
By the way I hope one of you can spare some change, I am low on train fare.
OPEC Sarah raised taxes on oil companies 4 times last year.
The oil companies passed those taxes on to consumers in the lower 48 states.
Rabbit @ 56: “Palin, in both her convention speech and today’s interview, exhibited the cockiness of the neophyte, the person who doesn’t know what he’s doing. The kind of cockiness you see among new arrivals to a combat zone, or among novice mountain climbers.”
How true. I was in a court hearing in eastern Washington today and witnessed precisely what you’re talking about. The lawyer who was losing, the judge filleting him with both deference and courtesy, just talked louder. The old adage, I believe, says that he with the least to say, says it the loudest (reminds me of Puddybud). The Rs are starting to scream. I’m feeling better. Obama’s ground game is better than McCain’s. By the way, Puddybud, you have no conscience.
In 2007, Alaska Gov. Palin asked her state’s congressional delegation to request earmarks amounting to $800 for every Alaska citizen.
Oh that, that is called a tax rebate. There will a lot of that in the coming years.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Gov. Palin charges American consumers
[ ] 1. less than
[ ] 2. the same as
the Arabs for Alaska’s oil.
Why did Sarah Palin stalk her sisters ex-husband?
Maybe she was mad that her husband found out about her affair with his business partner.
@70 And you’re gonna pay for it how? With the Republican Inflation Tax that has already tripled the price of gas and doubled the price of food? Why would anyone vote for that?
If gas prices triple and food prices double under McCain, you’ll pay $12 for a gallon of gas and $10 for a loaf of bread by 2012.
McCain ’08, military draft ’09.
The guys who voted that idiot Lyndon Johnson into office said they were trying to avoid a war in Asia. Yet they got exactly that.
At least if McCain does get elected, Sarah Palin might be able to teach Puddingdick how to count to four by 2012.
So, there is always a silver lining.
So, Sarah is exposed as a fraud by Charlie Gibson’s softballesque lobs.
What happens when ( I still don’t think she will be on the ticket by then)she “debates” Biden?
Lipstick on a pig?
I am sure all those ditto heads who hate LBJ will never apply for medicare, just on the principle of it.
Ditto head….Principle…in the same sentence..sometimes I write just to crack myself up.
Did anyone notice how I slipped “nazi” into the same sentence as “Palin” WITH an Indiana Jones reference in post in #43.
Try that, Josh Marshall.
Obama needs to quit saying that we honor Grampy McSame for serving this country. He quit serving this country long ago, and is now at odds with our nation’s needs. At the same time, I am going to quit saying that I think Puddybud is probably a decent person. The reality is that he is an idiot, who is working for our nation’s destruction, as all Republicans do.
McCain ‘08, Biden draft dodger “5 deferments”.
“Lipstick on a pig” is a phrase that has been around since Christ was a corporal. Palin had to know that Obama would exploit the phrase when she did the “lipstick on a pit-bull” sch-tick at the Rep convention.
Hell, the Dems, like the Reps, are in this gig to win, so they’ll do what they think it takes to get a victory in November. So will the Reps.
I just call her Putin. I think all autocrats need to be lumped together. I’m sure, like GWB, if Sarah stared into Putin’s eyes, she too would see the soul of a good man. How’d that work out for ya, GW? Kept Georgia free and easy, right? I’m sure your boy, Johnny McDecrepit, will keep the world safe. He knows, and surely Sarah Putin knows, who we can talk to and who we can’t.
PI @ 82
I think I agree with you more often than not. What the hell’s that all about?
I am sure all those ditto heads who hate LBJ will never apply for medicare, just on the principle of it.
Once most of of get to that age there won’t be medicare of social security. Social security and medicare is just a intergenerational ponzi scheme. Another liberal failure.
PL @ 84,
It’s about everyone making a stink about Obama using the phrase “lipstick on a pig.” He has every right to do so, and the Reps have no room to complain.
Inarticulate @ 85
Yup, nobody counts on Social Security or Medicare. Total fucking failure. You got that right. It’s hard to find genius at your level.
Palin had to know that Obama would exploit the phrase when she did the “lipstick on a pit-bull” sch-tick at the Rep convention.
Sure she did. We also knew we would pull the sexist card out when it happened….. heheheheheehe I love it when the donkey tactics are turned on you vermin.
“Social security and medicare is just a intergenerational ponzi scheme.”
Wasn’t Ponzi the guy who looted his current investors to pay his debts to the past ones, but then used the money for other purposes, say, like tax cuts for the rich?
You say Ponzi, I say Republican.
I’ll say this dogboy, you are consistently hypocritical. You’re only concerned about draft dodgers when Dick Cheney isn’t running.
Are you referring to me?
Ponzi was an immigrant from Italy. I have no idea if he had a party affiliation.
Inarticulate @ 85
Yup, nobody counts on Social Security or Medicare.
Anyone who is under 50 who counts on social security is an idiot. If you think the younger generation is going to pay 30% of their income just to keep you old farts alive your sadly mistaken.
Ok, goodnight…but first a joke.
How do you know Sarah Palin is lying?
Her lipstick is moving.
Did you hear liberman at the RNC?
It was only a few short years ago liberman was the dems choice for veep.
Lincoln chafee was the veep pick for??
Republicans are up to their old vote suppressing tricks again:
They’re pulling every dirty trick in the book and inventing new ones for next edition.
Ponzi was an immigrant from Italy. I have no idea if he had a party affiliation.
It is also a word in the dictionary
dictionary results for: ponzi Unabridged (v 1.1) – Cite This Source – Share This
Pon·zi /ˈpɒnzi/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[pon-zee] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun a swindle in which a quick return, made up of money from new investors, on an initial investment lures the victim into much bigger risks.
If Ponzi from Italy was a schemer than he definately is a democrat. hehehehe
Republicans are up to their old vote suppressing tricks again:
When a donk says this, you know they believe they are losing. They are always sore losers….. hell they alomost always lose. heheheehehe
bigdumbmoron@59& 63 (worse response): Yesterday when you asked the question it was 9/11. The polling ended 9/10
I guess one day to a libtard is like three (in your case four) to other libtards. After 24 hours y’all forget the facts, even ordinal numbering systems.
Hurt: Once again Puddy is prescient.
Go back into the HA archives and read about how I predicted the Donkey would not get full house and senate control if Obama, Reid and Pelosi kept saying “we ain’t offshore drilling nuthin” or as the HA idiotos here claimed, they haven’t drilled on the leases they already own.
The American Public are NET connected. But unlike yelling loser boy who got to know Obama through the NET (didn’t he also like Deadwards), they can make up their own mind on pocketbook issues.
Wow yelling loser boy@95. They disqualify Republican voters from absentee ballots and that’s voter fraud.
Still HAs clueless idiot.
Jane Balough’s Dog@97:
“Ponzi scheme” – ACORNs get out the vote effort.
In your guts you know the Donkey are nuts.
Only on the DUmmys web site.
But since idiotos like daddy/mommy love and rhp6033 can’t visit this link, it’s about more slime against Trig Palin on the DUmmys web site.
Even Hillary supporters think the DUmmys are DUmb.
The disgusting people called democrats
Maybe these 18,000,000 voter supports are nuts. This is funny though…
More proof the liberal MSM is liberal
“You know, this almost looks like what happened in 2004 where the Bush campaign was very, very good at defining John Kerry in their own terms, and he was on the defensive, and he was always trying to fight back against them. Do we risk, or does the Democratic Party here risk Barack Obama becoming John Kerry II?” – John Roberts Reporter for CNN
Yo Stupes!
In the past you said you didn’t like McSame. I can see why. He’s been “approving” the right wing bullshit (heh message) that Barack supported teaching the birds and the bees to kindergartners.
On the other hand, that’s the kind of right wing bullshit YOU LOVE!! So c’mon!
Gone home yet?
While my vigil has come to a predictable end, not everyone has given up the search:
This doesn’t seem to want to post, so I’ll give it one last try…
As you can see, it’s important to know that reporters are very good at repeating conservative talking points, and you don’t have to go to Fox News (sic) exclusively to get them.
Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing (and other Ol’ Perfessorisms):
American women with children are responding very well to Palin.
65 percent say they feel she is talking about them, and are delighted that they finally have a strong voice in the political arena, who understand their lives. (suspect these are not the stereo type militant feminist women, sort of that second generation of self aware women, 25 – 40 years od)
Just how many women have children and what does that mean? Ten million, 20 million – more?
I think most of the early assumptions about Palin have been off target and shallow.
She has shaken the bottle in a dozen ways – and it is interesting that many Dems. are thinking in one dimensional linear fashion about her…. at the peril of the Obama campaign.
Howls from midnight personal angst won’t change anything, either, even if they relieve frustration. Perhaps, Mc Cain made a brillant choice , and Obama made the political mistake of this era. ( and fuck you to irrational Clinton haters)
Sadly, it might come to simply that.
The looks like the right-wing America-haters are out in full force today.
Yeah, Like Obama on Stepalloverus show.
My Muslim faith. He said it so it has to be true!
Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,Obama is a Muslim,
My friends, reading all the post about Palin from last nights interview on ABC news makes me feel good however, the media is not really blasting her as we are.
What the hell is going on with the Media?
Who is the ignorant Puddy person? Someone who ignores the facts and picks pieces of info that are not sourced or dated? How intellectually dishonest….
Trying to give a quote from the Alaska paper out of context to try and show that Palin was against the earmarks?
What is the date of the quote? Why did she say she was for earmarks to begin with? Why did she actively lobby for them as mayor? Why did she hire a lobbyist to help with earmarks? Why did she thank Ted Stevens and Young for the great jobs they were doing with earmarks? Why did she support the bridge to nowhere when she ran for governor? She only turned against it after the uproar in congress and when the DEMOCRATS took control it was obvious that the bridge would not get built – but she kept the earmark money anyways.
She lied about being against the bridge
She lied about being against earmarks
She lied about using alaska money
Check out the AP today – even the biased AP is calling out Palin as a serial liar. This comes on top of her embarassing answers (her total lack of knowledge) about what the VP does all day (she did not even know the VP presides in the senate and breaks tie votes) and what the Bush doctrine is. Yup – the poll numbers will start to turn as MCain Palin start to be accurately portrayed as serial liars – and McCain has picked an unqualified and ignorant person to be VP.
@114 Bill – the media have stopped laying down. check out these recent articles, even from the biased AP. the reporters have had enough of the GOP liars:
Both are little and not the Big bash I would have hope for after her interview last night.
Maybe their waiting for the complete interview then attack. I hope so not to happy so far on the reporting.
I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.
She doesn’t understand what actual NATO membership is, or the process by which a country actually becomes a NATO member. When asked whether she agrees with the Bush Doctrine, her response was “huh?”
Not ready for Veep, not ready for the national stage.
If a country is in NATO we would protect them.
So what is your point on this/ I’m I missing something?
yeah…about 9000 nukes pointed at us, meatball.
What the heck are you saying we then should dump Nato cause it stands for nothing? If that is the case meatball let’s get out of the UN which is nothing but a waste of our money.
Hey Reformed Republican@115 – Up Yours Pal
Do your own due diligence. I find ’em you can check them. You are intellectually stupid.
You are one of those who think Obama is the “messiah” and Palin is Pontius Pilate. So I assume, rightly so, when obama is crucified by the voting public you’ll be right?
yelling loser boy – how is that PDS doing?
OK, so after all these rants about respecting international organizations, after all this talk about the importance of multilateralism, after all this stuff about how we need to have good relations with our allies, you guys say:
“Oh, we were only kidding about that.”
NATO is the single most successful international organization in the history of the PLANET. That’s not hyperbole, that’s a fact. And now you want us to pull out of THE central tenant of NATO – An attack on one is an attack on all. It would be a diplomatic disaster of epic proportions to not abide by NATO. It would make every problem we’ve had in Iraq look like fly swatting.
Nice to know that everything you guys say really IS partisan bullshit and you don’t actually believe it.
124 posts responding to something that wasn’t properly quoted and didn’t happen.
Sarah Palin answered the question correctly.
If you doubt that, go watch the unedited interviews.
Oh yeah, and the Bush doctrine crap.
Yeah, that’s right up there with manifest destiny, the great white fleet, and the Cuban missile crisis.
On the tips of every school child’s tongue.
Every Jeopardy episode includes at least one reference to the Bush Doctrine.
Bubble Gum wrappers ensconced with President Bush’s very own words.
Reprinted thrice weekly in BOLD TEXT in the Washington Post.
Hundreds of thousands of Bush Doctrine YouTube videos swamping the Al Gore Internet.
Warmly embraced at every diner table and roundly discussed over beers at the local pub.
Until a few days ago I thought it was the leftwing liberals that where the problem.
It is amazing how the Democrats where shocked at Gov. Palins answer on defending a follow Nato ally. Cliff, you’re absolutely right Democrats don’t stand for anything except for any, and all hand outs to themselves everything in their doctrine is pure B.S. to get elected.
ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview
I have a loss of hearing and read lips I noticed Sarah’s lips out of sync with the audio however, gibson’s was perfect.
Can this be an election complaint or FCC?
When will the seattle times correct this?