From: David Goldstein
Subject: Rep. Reichert’s medical records
Date: September 30, 2010 9:27:31 PM PDT
To: Darren LIttell, Dave Reichert for Congress
While my recent Slog post, “What’s Wrong With Reichert’s Brain?” was generally well received, some readers wondered if it was fair to Rep. Reichert to speculate about his health, based on such limited information. And so in an effort to maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity, I am writing to formally request that Rep. Reichert release the medical records regarding his recent brain trauma.
Please rest assured that I fully understand the confidential nature of these documents, and as an advocate for the disabled, will treat their content with the utmost respect.
David Goldstein
“Politics as unusual.”
Ok, goldy. I’m on your side. While I agree with your premise, this is getting a bit tabloid. Let’s not go there without real cause. I think the camera cop congressman isn’t the brightest guy around, but let’s not stoop down to this level.
Hopefully, you’ll get a thoughtful, snarky, and funny reply.
I thought you needed a brain to be brain damaged….
Wise @1,
I’m not stooping. It’s a legitimate issue. And all Reichert needs to do to show he’s healthy is either release his medical records, or submit himself to the scrutiny of a public debate.
you just cut and pasted your request you wrote for bill clinton’s medical records when he refused to release them. no? you request clintons records?.
oh, then you cut and pasted the letter requested obama’s birth certificate that he has , curiously, refused to show.
Goldy, Do you pay Joan for mentions at Dkos? You sure get a lot of them!
Joan lives ’round here. She is a HUGE Goldy fan.
RE 3
How would you know?
Well played, sir.
It’s pretty shocking when one realizes he earned the nickname “Ditzy Dave 401” BEFORE suffering a serious brain trauma.
Who is really disabled when the Dems keep running candidates with no experience and now no consistent record of voting and with a ‘balanced budget’ message as brain damaged as Rossi’s? And what sort of brain damage does Goldy have for thinking Democratic Hooverism is great politics?
Maybe the Sheriff is hurt. That’s a legitimate concern. Calling him brain damaged earns you a snark point, but doesn’t really add anything of substance.
The Snark Point came when Goldy said he was an advocate for the disabled.
@ Darryl: I know. I’m sure the four of us have all been at DL at the same time once or twice.
Be careful Goldy, perhaps someone will dig up your past and the most certain skeletons in the closet.
I’m sure Reichert considers you a small irrelevant fruit-fly at best.
@10 “Maybe the Sheriff is hurt. That’s a legitimate concern. Calling him brain damaged earns you a snark point, but doesn’t really add anything of substance.”
I haven’t been exactly comfortable with how Goldy has written this up. I went back and reread Goldy’s HA comments on the subject. While I didn’t see where he actually claimed that Reichert was “brain damaged”, he did plenty of speculating using those words. I’d have to agree that the snark meter needle has redlined a few times and I would rather it didn’t on this particular subject. There are just too many possible reasons why the guy rambles, one of them being that he’s simply no brighter than Palin and O’Donnell and no more versed on issues. Perhaps there was a way Goldy could have raised this as a “legitimate concern” without the snark. But then, this is a blog. With blogs you get snark.
Many laughed, including myself, at Dr. Frist and his diagnoses by video of Teri Shaivo’s medical condition. I suppose there’s little reason why a blogger with no medical background speculating about brain damage after viewing a short video shouldn’t be held with similar regard.
I mistyped brain damaged when I meant the line about ‘helping the disabled’. I just don’t understand why calling Reichert stupid is going to help the Dems anymore than it did the last two elections.
So it’s OK if a candidate is stupid AND possibly disabled, instead of just stupid?
What a recommendation.
Goldy, ask for Obama’s secret college records too, plse
Dems are out of ideas on how to gain traction in WA-08 so they turn to their Alinsky bibles and focus on unfounded personal attacks hoping to destroy the opponent. Enter Goldy – tool for the failing, desperate left.
Give it up, Goldy. This just might be your lamest attempt yet at relevance.
Hey goldy, we can see reicherts medical records as soon as you show us your tax records.
BTW, whats the tax rate on “fundraising” money(even if its to pay your personal bills)??
why are you scamming the system? I thought all good little liberals loved paying their taxes?
I hope to god the IRS ass rapes you someday and throws your butt into jail for tax evasion – just think of all the other good democrats you will be joining for the same reason.
Reichert doesn’t want a public debate because he would have to explain how he’s been on taxpayer paid healthcare his entire working life, but doesn’t think everyone should have the same taxpayer paid healthcare that he had. I bet his bill was in excess of $100,000 and he paid NOTHING. What an ass.
Gen @20:
Not to suggest that Reichert isn’t an ass, but Gen is completely incorrect about Reichert’s healthcare coverage. If he’s on a Congressional insurance plan, he pays about 1/3 of the total premium out-of-pocket, has a deductible (probably $1000 per annum), and most likely has about a 20% co-pay on expenditures. There might be a ceiling on his annual out-of-pocket expenses, though that varies by plan. If Reichert’s bill for treating the subdural hematoma was $100K (probably a significant overstatement, but let’s accept the hypothetical), he might have been on the hook for as much as $20K.
My point is that the federal employee health insurance plan is pretty good, but it’s nothing special for a large employer plan. It’s certainly not “gold-plated”, as the anti-reform idiots had the public believing.
glort @19,
I declare contributions and ad revenue. But since I’m not running for public office, I don’t see why my tax or medical records should be made public.
@20 and @21
thanks for keeping the facts real N. Gen is obviously another stupid fucking idiot who believes everything they are told by MSBN and the likes of goldy.
good job Gen, way to Pwn3d yourself.
sure you do goldy, sure you do…..
Let’s see….Dave Reichert walks around for two months with a hand-sized subdural hematoma, he does not seek ANY medical attention until his entire right side goes numb, and he has several of the risk factors that indicate that improvement after drainage of a chronic subdural hematoma might be compromised, but somehow it is not cricket to ask our elected representative for objective evidence of his medical and cognitive fitness for office?
Heck, his performance (or, let’s say, the lack thereof) in his debates against Darcy Burner settled the question for me.
Ah, yes, glort, don’t defend, attack.
No, glort, by the likes of you. After all, I ended comment #21 with the phrase: