An angry reader sent me the the following email:
From: Lu G
Subject: Shame!!!
Date: January 9, 2011 6:29:11 PM PST
To: Dan Savage, Goldy, Joel Connelly, Joni BalterDear third-rate journalists:
Don’t wait for the facts to emerge before expressing speculations and opinions.
As I write, the facts about the shooter are coming out from classmates, teachers, etc., and the nature of the gunman doesn’t agree with your pre-conceived notions.
Oh man, just to be mentioned in the same breath as Joni Balter and Joel Connelly, not to mention Dan Savage… my sudden rise in stature from fourth-rate to third-rate journalist has me feeling all tingly. At last, I finally know what it feels like to write for an actual newspaper.
Anyway, my reply:
You’re right Lu… even more outrageous and tragic than the shooting itself is the gall of commentators to suggest that violent political rhetoric and symbolism could ever lead to violent political action. It’s a good thing our nation has patriots like you and Mr. Loughner to protect our liberties from dangerous wordsmiths like me.
Just doing what I can to maintain the integrity of my fellow third-rate journalists everywhere.
…my sudden rise in stature from fourth-rate to third-rate journalist has me feeling all tingly.
Wow. Running with Joni (arrogant middle)Balter now, are we? What next, David Gregory’s spot? I’d wager that would probably be a massive improvement.
Keep on truckin’ bub.
The teapartier are pretty sensitive aren’t they? I mean, when they aren’t marking people with cross hairs and posing with guns.
tell me, goldenjew, did obama refer to the other side of the aisle as “oue enemies”. did he befriend a person who bombed buildings? did he say there are americans who “cling to religion”? did he say his grandmother was “a typical white person”?
i knew you were a scumbag when i first so you on oreilly and it still stands. do i get banned from your fucking kike loving blog?
Like Himmler’s angora wabbits, you are a futile inept failure. Banning you from here would be doing you a favor.
You just don’t get it, dojew?
When Sheriff Dupnik was confronted about his now well-publicized assertion he admitted that his department has not uncovered one shred of evidence to support his commentary yesterday. Well it looks like the Sheriff is backtracking…Oopsie. So much for hero worship by the most moronic of the HA Leftists.
Goldy you could research the Puma County Sheriff Dupnik and start your first Stranger byline.
Yes, let’s all look over there at the blogs and articles!
No way would we want to make the focus of attention an attack that was precipitated for months, if not years, by violent rhetoric coming from specific famous people!
No! No! The villains are those who point stuff out- Not the people who well could have incited the armed attack by some poor schmuck with a gun.
Oh, The Good Sheriff will now be harassed and threatened by the rightards, just like Giffords was…and if he is to meet the same violent fate, those very rightards who are decrying the observations from the left will be saying he deserved it.
Like Himmler’s angora wabbits, you are a futile inept failure. Banning you from here would be doing you a favor.
proud, the only reason you don’t want me banned is because it’d be no fun yapping amongst yourselves.
this picture is worth a thousand words:
You would think with all the experience she has that Snooki of the North would be a better liar.
Yeah, howie @ 9 – you are on the right track. Here is more from our friend TBogg:
@10 – yeah, but the surveyor marks don’t quite gel with this bit of crowing about said map of liar status:
Kind of hard to reconcile the claim of this weekend (and the scrubbed website) to the official tweet, isn’t it?
The pro-life right…
…the puddybitch is proud of his leaders evil spawn.
Rhetoric and symbolism like publishing the home assesses of GOP supporters?
Woo-hoo! You write for a free local “newpaper,” which many people use only to check upcoming concerts and find escorts.
When Goldy leaves, who here wants this to become my blog? I will take Goldy’s place. He will give me the password to the blog, and I will have the power to block and delete. Please write Goldy if you wish to see this happen.
I want everyone to start calling me Trolldy, as a nickname.
“The teapartier are pretty sensitive aren’t they? I mean, when they aren’t marking people with cross hairs and posing with guns.”
I’m still laughing.
If there was a mistake in prejudging the situation, it was to assign the shooter any familiar category of political ideology. All indications are that he is a severely unbalanced amateur linguist who may or may not have links to a white supremacist group (would that make him an unconscious-driven independent?)
While folks like me were prone to map the emerging data to the far right, talk radio category (the sort that in the recent past had shot doctors, shot up churches, and so on), trolls here and others saw his having read Marx and working at a book fair as evidence of him being “on [our liberal] side.”
But what kind of judgment is that? Can you really read enough Nome Chomsky or watch enough Amy Goodman that you would start trying to assassinate politicians that are Democratic, but not liberal enough?
The sheriff was telling everyone to chill and be civil, consider the effect of inflamed rhetoric on people who are nutso. He was not making a statement about the ideology of the shooter, as far as I saw. He was editorializing on how the immigration debate and other issues are being framed nationally, and in his state.
Made sense to me.
From Firedog Lake: “You police your side of the street, and we’ll police ours.”
Nuff said.
I want to come out and say I think assassinating people is wrong.
our stupid 24×7 TV industry demands they yap about this nonstop. TV yappers run out of intelligent comments after about 5 min; which is why they then have to resort to claptrap about how this is the fault of Palin or someone.
Sorry, typo for my man, Noam Chomsky.
@22, Not just Palin. A whole ideology of fear, intolerance, intimidation, personal attacks etc. Heck the Republicans can’t even say the word Democratic.
And the tea partiers, yeeeeech. They are so stupid they are blaming Obama for the fact that Wall Street, and our completely corrupt decadent form of crony capitalism is robbing them blind, and destroying their grand kids future.
The tea party fools have every right to be mad. It would help if they were mad at the right people. To hell with who Rush and Hannity tell them is causing the problems. And Reagan for that matter.
Pssst Ronnie. I know you can hear me from hell. Government isn’t the problem Reagan you piece of slime. Letting corporations and filthy rich people use government to steal from the folks that can’t hire an army of lobbyists is the problem.
What the rightwingers aren’t saying about the shooters reading list is that it included Ayn Rand.
Not that he really read any/all of the books listed. It really seems more like a list intended to impress, rather that a true broad range of interests by such a troubled, unstable person. Whatever.
Maybe the rightards are so illiterate that they do not know that We The Living, on his book list is Ayn Rand.
I would believe that.
haha….i outlasted the golden jew. he’s gone and i got the last word. woohoo
because it really is all about goldy.
@20 and 25 I usually ignore the two of you, but I’ll pay attention to you long enough to tell you that you can both go fuck yourselves.
I think if I watched Amy Goodman I would try to assassinate myself.
talk about a nutball….
who gives a shit what his reading list was. its irrelevant. i bet he read the sunday comics too..and played lots of video games….maybe he even eats bacon cheeseburgers.
@28 Amy Goodman. Hate to break it to you, but Amy Goodman does real news. You know. The stuff that doesn’t make it through the corporate filter. You know. News about real stuff and stuff…. Not window dressing to sell advertising.
@5 Or you could look on a fucking map to find out that it’s Pima County, you idjit, not Puma County.
Besides all of the political rhetoric the other issue is a long standing one, lack of funding for mental health treatment. Something cuts in basic health won’t improve. MOT-you need to change your record. Boring…..
Gee wasn’t Reagan and Brady shot by a deranged individual?
Was that Palin’s or Beck’s fault also…
And how about JFK
Was Beck, Palin and Rush promoting this in Gradeschool.
Bunch of Idiots here, look at that is going on in Arizona, and more important, get a clue what is going on in this nation.
14.2 Trillion and counting….9.4% Unemployment…record forclosures, etc etc etc.
Maybe forget a few Hawaian vacations and redo Nafta and the job killers.
So President Obama takes 1/3 of the vacation time Bush did in his first year, and somehow Obama has a vacation problem?
Unfortunately, Obama doesn’t have the power to change all the jobkillers into members of the Democratic party so the Republicans will still send jobs overseas.
Lead by example. The people of this nation are hurting, while he is basking in the sun. Somehow the pain is not being shown!
You leftist bloggers are a countinual crackup. Now we learn Loughner may have stalked Giffords for three years, way before the “rise” of Beck or Palin. So if this is determine true, it’s another nail in the HA leftist progressive lie jump to an immediate conclusion coffin.
So Goldy, as a writer for The Stranger newspaper, will this mean you’ll have to show patience to learn the real facts before jumping to useless conclusions? Is that why Jon DeVore is no longer here? He was so quick to jump to useless conclusions?
After Puddy provided the latest statistics on domestic DUMBOCRAT CEO job killers you act like Roger Dumb Rabbit and regurgitate useless crap?
Yeah, Odumba claimed he would create a new tone in WA DC. Yep. Oh you don’t remember David? He has. He’s brought all the crazy Communist and Socialist whack-jobs into his sadministration and taken lots of vacations. He really zeroed in on that jobs problem.
I missed something – are talking about Chris Christie?
Spot on commentary. Can Goldy provide this in The Stranger starting next month?
Can you say spot on? This is great stuff!
sure…real news….real news if your some nutball socialist that is.
that broad hates the US so much that I am surprised she still lives here.
love watching her make a fool out of herself.
I still get a chuckle out of goldy thinking he has hit the big time…
will goldy’s write up be smaller Dan Thavages weekly advice column on gay anal sex and how to deal with “make musk”?
time will tell…..
Gee, when I was in Crawford protesting with Cindy Sheehan, I swear I didn’t see one lefty walking around with a gun on their hip/back. And I never once heard anyone saying we needed a revolution, or we would have to take care of the problem with a bullet box if the ballot box didn’t work.
To say the rhetoric of the left is equivalent to the rhetoric of the right is like saying the moon is the same size as the sun.
You are exactly right.
As you’ll note, right on time, the “Puddy” algorithm spits out a Matt Bai quote with the gratuitous false equivalence and attack on the DailyKos community that we come to expect from mainstream punditry hacks.
Yesterday, on one of the treads that it was polluting, the “Puddy” was ranting about what the NYT would have tomorrow – Monday. I think he was crowing about finding out more about the shoot, precisely that he was not identifiable as a Teahaddist, per se (which of course no one here alleged – a main subroutine of the “Puddy” is to generate straw men)
Anyway, the NYT editorial page, diaried here – both the editors and Krugman (whom the “Puddy” has been curiously quoting lately) had interesting things to say about the climate of hate and violence fomented by the Western Taliban:
Read the whole thing.
A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.
Emily Dickinson
The wingnuts on this forum are in fine form today.
Troll, who in the past has tried to argue that this is really “his” forum, now is begging Goldy for the password, so he can take over. Hint to Troll: go to WordPress and build your own blog. When the dashboard shows that you are the only one reading it, it shows how many people really value what you have to say.
And MoT is crowing about “outlasting” Goldy. That’s like a thirty-year old third-grader making fun of all his other classmates who, for some reason, aren’t still in third grade after a year or two.
As this commentator points out, there’s no way Palin isn’t responsible:
“If politicians’ words incite hatred, glorify violence and pander to the weak-minded, then they are a part of the problem — and they need to be held accountable.”
And least we forget, the wingnut blog run by Goldy’s rival, Stefan Sharkansky, ran this hateful comment wishing death upon innocent Americans in order to bolster GOP electoral prospects:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
And, btw, this comment was not written by just any poster, it was written by a GOP legislative candidate, Mark Griswold.
Let’s not kid anyone about where the hate in American politics is coming from. It’s coming from the Crazy Right.
@44 I think there’s something wrong with the Minnesota district that Bachmann represents. I think you can make a plausible argument that a majority of the active voters in that district are as mentally unstable as their representative.
@16 33 comments later, it appears you have zero votes so far.
One of the facets of this tragedy is that Arizona has the nation’s laxest gun laws. In that state, we’ve learned, even the homicidally unbalanced can legally buy handguns and 30-round ammunition clips for them.
Another of the facets of this tragedy is that Republicans across the nation are defending Arizona’s lax gun laws, arguing (in essence) that we need to educate homicidally unbalanced people to be more responsible in this use of their legal guns and 30-round ammo clips.
A Cherokee Tale
A grandfather tells his grandson that there are two wolves inside of him, fighting for control. One wolf, is the wolf of love, peace, and kindness. The other wolf is a wolf of greed, hatred, and corruption. The grandson asks “Which wolf will win?” The grandfather replies “Whichever wolf I feed.”
If anything, we should reinstate the ban on large ammo clips. Anyone who needs more than three rounds to take down a deer is more of a danger to other hunters than to the deer.
@24: I guess the point is that it doesn’t matter what books he’s reading (it’s ‘Merica, we don’t burn books or condemn people who read).
I think the sheriff is right that mixing guns, violence, and politics and constantly ratcheting up the shock, is Constitutional, but irresponsible and stupid.
We can quibble about how crazy this guy was, and what kind of crazy, but we should take the opportunity to consider the corrosive affects of the rhetoric.
Another blogger’s ten cents.
@55: Some selected tweets from your link:
Speaking of scrubbing websites, this guy watched and captures screenshots of comments being scrubbed from Palin’s FB page in real time:
Except they didn’t scrub this:
@56 “It’s ok.”
It’s obviously OK with Puddy as well.
For what it’s worth, Jared Lee Loughner is a registered Republican.
Wonder if this will change the minds of wingnuts about felons being allowed to vote.
Reading Mein Kampf and being a registered Republican is sure proof of assassin Loughner’s left wing leanings — in WingTopia.
Republicans don’t smoke pot.
It took me a moment to quit laughing at that one. But I guess they might have transitioned from pot to meth by now.
I’m reminded of an event which occured while I was in High School. They had an “anti-drug” assembly, with a speaker brought in to scare the kids off drugs. He asked the entire football team to join him on the stage. We were all wearing our game jerseys, as we did every Friday before a football game. He swept his arms toward us, and spoke for a few minutes about how we were a great example, because we didn’t smoke pot, drink, or use drugs.
The assembly errupted in convulsions of laughter. Everyone knew that about 3/4 of the football team were the biggest pot-heads in the school.
I know a few of them went on into Republican politics, at one level or another. Whether they ever gave up smoking pot is an open question. But one of them became a Coast Guard pilot, and he told me a few years ago that one of the benefits of the job was that they got to “sample” any pot they confiscated. After getting out of the coast guard he went on to fly private jets for corporate bigwigs, who eventually funded his business start-up. He was a big Republican contributor by then.
You’ve got that right. And Palin’s appeal to the gunnuts has to have dropped when on “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” she couldn’t hit an elk with several shots – even while the elk was standing completely still, looking right in her direction. Obviously, her hunting skills have been exaggerated. Meantime, the network is reported to be preparing to drop “Sara Palin’s Alaska”. It’s initial ratings were good, probably due to curiosity, but it’s ratings have dropped considerably with each show.
I’ve always been taught that if you hunt, you’d better be able to bring down your target with the first shot. If you merely wound it, then it’s your responsibility to track the animal until you can catch up with it and kill it, so it doesn’t suffer needlessly. I’ve never releshed the idea of having to run down a wounded deer, over rough terrain, which was running for it’s life. That’s one of the reasons I don’t hunt, I just target shoot.
But not everybody is so careful. A friend of mine who does hunt tells me a story about a hunting trip where one of his party tells them about how he just killed a coyote. They go up on the ridge to check on the kill, and find that the “coyote” has a dog collar on it’s neck – it’s a German Shepard, somebody’s pet. They avoided taking that guy hunting with them after that.
re 60: Please. Sonny Bono never smoked pot?
I’ve been withholding comment until more information came out with regards to this tragic shooting.
Once again, both extremes of the political spectrum rush to blame the other side…
It’s Pathetic.
The dude was a nut job bent on killing for some perverted reason. He’s crazy, so we’ll likely never really understand why….
Sarah Palin? Tea Party? Really?
And to the other extreme-
Marx, Alinsky, Che, Obama? Really.
A political assasination IMO would have been this dude attempting to kill the Rep. and moving on. Is that what happened? No.
Crazy MF’er was shooting randomly at anyone he could point his gun at. A politically motivated person is not likely to go on to kill a 9yr old, IMO..
My heart is breaking for all the families and especially the parents of the little girl…
To all you blamers-haters-flame throwers on each side I say SHAME ON YOU…
An especially heartfelt FU to Goldy for once again demostrating that he is no better than those he criticizes. Goldy’s every bit the problem as those he blames…No Question
Whiny piece of shit @64:
Have a bullseye, along with your glycerin tears, motherfucker!
Then go the fuck away until you can think intelligently again.
Because that was nonsense — stupid whiny nonsense you can stick up your puckered little republican puddybud.
re 64: It was the work of one, lone, crazy gunman — who was motivated by God knows what.
You could have asked me days ago and I would have predicted that this would be your take on it.
You are intellectually dishonest if you really maintain that shootings like this happen in a vacuum.
AND: KNOWING that here are crazy people out there, don’t you think it a tad irresponsible to print a map with gunsights targetting your political opponents. Is it reasonable to assume that crazy people will see that as simply a rhetorical device?
You win the David Broder Middle of the Roader Oatmeal Head Award for the week.
Sarah Palin has the blood of an innocent child on her hands.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for an apology or even an acknowledgement of her responsibility.
mot @3,
why don’t you just ban yourself?
troll @16,
Goldy’s done all the hard work to build this blog up to whatever it is, trolls and all. Start your own blog and see if you can get anyone to visit it.
David, I also sent the following measured editorial from, which you chose not to include:
Rob @ 68: Troll’s just like most Republicans. He wants others to do the actual labor, incur the risks and expense, etc., and then he wants to step in and profit from it.
re 69: The only time the Right is eager for measured tones in the political sphere is when some great tragedy has been directly caused by their own actions and they wish to avoid responsibility.
Conservatives will not be able to slink away from their responsibility for this one. There are too many soundbites out there with conservatives directly implicating themselves in the speech that motivates madmae to action.
A pox upon your house!
Newt Gingrich declared political war upon us more than a decade ago — and the only satisfactory response is destroying the viability of the kind of kook konservatism that fosters things like this assassination attempt.
“Measured editorial” — Don’t be fatuous, Luigi.
In other news….the wife of a key Obama aide was found dead early this morning in what on the face of it looks rather like the Hollywood version of a Mafia hit:
No she doesn’t. I’m no Palin fan, but she is in no way responsible. It’s too bad that your desire for this to be a politically motivated crime blinds your senses.
Like I wrote above, the extremes (including you) are full tilt blame mode…..
Perfect. Thank you for the outstanding example of which I wrote. Pity really.
@75 Bullshit on her, and on you. The scenario is crazy people inciting other crazy people to do crazy things.
Can you say, “Charles Manson”?
I knew you could!!!!!
So I suppose you blame the Beattles for Charles Manson…
Thank you Art for making my point for me.
@77 You’re not a bad guy, Right Stuff. Please try to understand that we’re all upset and more than a little bit angry these past few days. I’ve dumped some serious anger on a few trolls the last few days myself. But I’m trying not to take it out on the trolls I’ve learned to respect, like yourself.
More BULLSHITIUM from Zitz
Typical Stupid Lefty.
Puddy dares Stupid Solution Steve to provide any post at any time where Puddy cheered someone’s death other that an idiot who everyone agreed on their death. You can even ask the databaze keepa dumb brick ylb for ASSistance Stupid Solution Steve.
Mo projection Psych 101 BULLSHITTIUM from the moronic Stupid Solution Steve.
Tondaleo AKA another of headless the racist lucy’s names,
Hey dipshit, the fool was a satanist, anti-God idiot, like most HA leftist progressives here. There is nothing in any realm of his following Sarah Palin.
Wow Right Stuff… Stupid Solution Steve likes you. That’s great isn’t it? The fool approves of DUMBOCRATIC women taking pine poles upside a Republican’s head trying to inflict bodily harm.
Yep Stupid Solution Steve is a piece of work! He shows no pity for little 9 year old girls getting offed by leftists. In fact he approves of violence against conservatives.
Yesterday Puddy called as more facts came out on Jared Lee Loughner, we’d learn he was a lefty with leftist tendencies. DUMMO Child (demo kid) accused Puddy of screen scraping righty sites. Well we learned today Loughner was a satanist.
FACTS explode leftist progressive moronic thoughts!
So, if the principal of a high school comments at a school rally that students should do whatever is necessary to defeat their opponent’s team — and a few weak-minded (conservative) students take that to mean that they should physically harm members of the opposing team prior to the game, the principal has no responsibility for creating a climate in which events like this can take place?
I think you would hold the principal responsible.
After all, conservatives hold Obama responsible for the words and deeds of Bill Ayers that happened prior to Obama’s birth.
You are not going to be able to shake yourselves loose from this assasin. After all, he’s a registered Republican who tried to murder a Democratic congresswoman — and that alone speaks volumes.
re 81: “Hey dipshit, the fool was a satanist, anti-God idiot, like most HA leftist progressives here.”
You make my point for me. You say something inflammatory and inaccurate that has no basis in fact in the hopes that a weak minded nit-wit will bw swayed by it.
Well, with Loughner, you can proudly say: ‘Mission Accomplished!!!’
Mr. Cynical seems like a repoitory of rectitude and reason compared to the blithering, drooling WaxxMann.
sorry man, but I gotta call bullshit on ya.
nobody held obama responsible for what ayers said.
However, people do hold obama responsible who he decides to buddy-up with…and in this case it was that piece of dog-shit-who-should-be-in-jail-for-life ayers.
there is a BIG difference between the two.
The Stranger is not the Big Leagues. The Big Leagues would be the WSJ, NYT or LAT.
But because Goldy has relied so heavily on invective and expletives instead of eloquence, he will never be considered for the Big Leagues. The trade-off of getting to The Stranger was to sell his soul as a provocateur and muckraker, thereby precluding him from ever reaching any real journalistic outlet.
Congrats though for the achievement of extending the American tradition of outrageousness which leads to success. Kinda like Jackass.