Just like the Seattle Times, I too have budgeting advice for state House Speaker Frank Chopp:
With revenue forecasts showing no sign of recovery, a Republican majority in the US House virtually assuring the cutting off of federal money, and I-1053’s ridiculous requirements back in place, our state budget is now what economists technically refer to as “totally fucked.” So hell yeah, Frank, give the Republicans what they asked for: dismantle the welfare state and finally let Republican voters in rural Washington pay for their own roads, their own healthcare and their own goddamn schools.
Read the whole thing over on Slog.
Polls show voters are angry about the auto industry bailout even though it saved the economy and cost taxpayers almost nothing
“Both he and Obama were told that letting GM and Chrysler die would mean the end of Ford and the auto parts supply chain, erosion of the manufacturing base, the steep decline of specific regions, and dire systemic impact on the whole country. ‘My economic advisers had warned me that the immediate bankruptcy of the Big Three could cost more than a million jobs, decrease tax revenues by $150 billion, and set back America’s GDP by hundreds of billions of dollars,’ Bush writes. …
“Bush writes that he told aides, ‘If we’re really looking at another Great Depression, you can be damn sure I’m going to be Roosevelt, not Hoover.'”
Which goes to show that sometimes winning elections means nothing more than that the people who voted for you are stupid.
“Some conservatives are unalterably opposed to bailouts, even if they are temporary and profitable. As senator-elect Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania told me during his campaign, ‘The goal is not to have taxpayers bail out failing companies in the hopes that maybe they turn around and they can get out with some kind of profit. That’s a totally inappropriate role for the government.'”
Especially if you’re a teabagger. Those doctrinaire ideologues would rather let the economy fail and put millions of people out of work than yield an inch to practical necessity. Only idiots shoot their own balls off in the name of Second Amendment freedoms.
There’s an unnecessary apostrophe in your title, Goldy.
As with so many topics, what the Blethens like about Frank is exactly what’s wrong with him. And vice versa.
I concur.
Yeah, I agree, it’s time those eastern Washington voters who are sick and tired of propping up Seattle stopped supporting us! Let the wingnuts eviscerate the state budget so they can use their own tax money for their own roads and schools! And while we’re at it, let’s stop making farmers subsidize cheap irrigation water and cheap electricity for Seattle ratepayers! It’s time to let eastern Washington secede and force western Washington to be self-sufficient!
Roger, teabaggers (= Republicans) are not “doctrinaire ideologues.” If you leave out the dumb fucks who don’t know WHAT they really think (see Rachel Maddow interviewing Joe Miller fans on an Alaska street for an example), the ones who are left don’t give a SHIT about spending, bailouts, and/or deficits. They are opposed to government helping anyone or anything that will speed up the economy or put people to work from now until 2012 at least for purely political and electoral purposes. Any claims they make to an ideological or practical reason to the contrary are lies.
I’ve been personally saying this for months. I was really disappointed during the Murray – Rossi debate in Eastern Washington that, when asked about water rights and the dams, Murray didn’t forcefully connect the dots for our Eastern neighbors that the New Deal, a “socialist stimulus”, created those dams and allows the Red part of our state to exist.
Here’s something useful our Legislature could actually get done: Follow Minnesota’s lead and force disclosure of corporate political contributions.
Check this out: (AP wire story)
7 Sarge
I thought that our tate law already requires disclosure and that there is a court case currently pending on the issue. Or one before the PDC. I don’t remember which. Isn’t that the “Moxie Media” thing?
Yup Goldy..
Get rid of all the regulations and regulators and let Rural Washington take care of itself.
Ohhhh, you didn’t mention that the GMA designed by Seattle Leftists have strangled rural Washington.
Surely when you propose cutting Eastern Washington lose from the pursestrings…you also mean cut loose from the excessive regs too..right?
Frankly I think much of Eastern Washington would go for the Goldy Plan if it also included allowing them to regulate themselves and not be subject to an Urban created law that clearly limits economic development.
So what do you say Goldy?
Let them live free or die?
Which specific regulations?
Also, would you be willing to go back in time and remove all Eastern Washington subsidies from, lets say the New Deal on, or are you taking everything that has been given to you (them) for granted and you just want out now since Daddy has already paid your biggest bills?
Go for it, Cynical. Get rid of that damned socialist electricity, that damned socialist irrigation, those damned socialist paved roads.
Those damned socialist police, fire fighters, CDC, and FDA (underfunded and corporately influenced, but I sure like to know that my canned food from Glenn Beck’s Food Insurance doesn’t contain botulism.)
Cogent comment from the second stupidest motherfucker on the entire godamned palnet (guess who’s first????).
Ty & N in–
Obviously there would be lots of issues to sort thru and your responses are a microcosm which shows Goldy’s idea is stupid and cannot be done.
Electricity & Irrigation are infrastructure.
I would get rid of GMA and all related development codes…essentially giving E. Washington the responsibility but also the freedom to create their own State. Perhaps just let them join Idaho??
Goldy’s brainfart is just another weakly thought out angry response.
Ultimately, the leftists want control over as much as they can grab.
I guarantee if east of the Cascades were allowed to be a part of Idaho, you would see hundreds of businesses flee to Ellensburg and Wenatchee.
We can waste time dreaming about something that won’t likely happen. That’s the progressive way. You can dream about how to divide things up and punish those who disagree with you.
That’s the Obama way!!
Thank you for your enlightening comments.
The KLOWN was a stupid goatfucker before the election. After the election, he’s still a stupid goatfucker. The teabaggers vote Bristol the best dancerand he still fucks goats. If Sarah Palin one day rules the earth, the KLOWN will still be a stupid goatfucker. Obviously, being a stupid goatfucker is the KLOWN’s destiny.
And you can dream that libertarianism could possibly work in the 21st century (again, without taking for granted every progressive infrastructure project).
The main issue is that conservatives don’t seem to understand just how expense infrastructure is to create and maintain.
GMA does not constrict nearly as much as you think.
…oh…maybe MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown should read Goldy’s entire post at Slog.
Bet he won’t.
More words of wisdom from the freeloading state of Montana. Maybe if you actually paid for something, we could take you seriously.
“Electricity & Irrigation are infrastructure.”
It wasn’t no dirt-poor farmers who built and paid for them, KLOWN. Eastern Washington would still be a fucking desert without what you call “socialism”.
I thought Zeig Hans was Goldy’s inner republican …
Good suggestions, Goldy, but they don’t go far enough. Let’s have an initiative…
State Funding must be allocated to the counties in direct proportion to the revenues received from the counties.
Any increase in allocation to a county must be approved by 2/3 of the legislature.
All approved increases in allocations to a county must be paid for by re-allocating funds from neighboring counties.
Hell, we could even hire Timmeh to pimp it for us.
Who’s on board?
“More words of wisdom from the freeloading state of Montana.”
The stupid goatfucker is from Wisconsin. He’s just another asswipe who moves here and complains about our state. I say we ride the SOB on a rail back to whatever hick, goatfucking Wisconsin town the dumbfuck originally came from.
So Idaho is a business haven? That why it is at the bottom, or nearly so, of every economic health and activity indicator? Lowest wages, fewest jobs?
Yeah, people are swarming there now. To found militia.
The Schools, roads, dams, are all subsidized and allow the eastside of the state to survive while they scream about tyranny.
@ 23 – exactly. If right wing economics worked, Places like Alabama and Idaho would be buzzing hives of job creation, and everyone would be moving there. None of the trolls here have ever been able to explain why that isn’t so…
@14 I guarantee if east of the Cascades were allowed to be a part of Idaho, you would see hundreds of businesses flee to Ellensburg and Wenatchee.
Did you ever stop to consider that states like Idaho have to keep taxes low, because they basically suck as a place to do business? Lack of infrastructure, distance to market, lack of skilled labor, and limited financial resources, will kill any business faster than a few taxes or regulations.
Here you go.
Call your legislators. Demand that that all tax money must be spent in the county it came from. I’m going to call when I get home.
This all sounds like sour grapes over the failure of the state income tax to be enacted.
Hey, ya lost that one: move on.
Goldy’s spot on.
After that, I’d add a referendum from the leg to repeal the myriad of obviously stupid tax breaks, like the sales tax exemption for buying the poison they spray on our food — worth at least $100,000,000 a year according to DOR.
And there’s lots more where that came from — it’s a target rich environment.
Fuck them.
God Cyn, you’re still on that Canard? The GMA has been the law of the land for quite a while now. I noticed that you didn’t provide a single example of harm its done.
It has made Rural Counties dependent on Urban.
You cannot build anything near anywhere.
You’ve got to be kidding me, right?
Sour grapes is right.
The problem is these city-slickers can’t even grow tomatoes without a manual.
Yeah, lets get rid of the system that allows them to setup micro-hydro electric plants tax free and then forces us to buy any surplus energy they create at above market rates.
@7 We can take heart from the fact idiotic Supreme Court decisions usually don’t last forever, because there’s always the chance that succeeding generations will be smarter than preceding ones. See, e.g., Plessy v. Ferguson.
@9 “Ohhhh, you didn’t mention that the GMA designed by Seattle Leftists have strangled rural Washington.”
Really? How? By not letting them build upscale condo complexes in the middle of Adams County?
What’s strangling eastern Washington is competition from Chinese apples.
@14 “Electricity & Irrigation are infrastructure.”
And, like almost all infrastructure that allows businesses to exist and prosper (see, e.g., airports, highways, ports, etc.), it’s SOCIALIST INFRASTRUCTURE because it’s paid for and owned by taxpayers.
Rural counties were dependent on urban ones long before 1992. Where else would they sell their goods?
No, you’re the joker on this one. You still haven’t proven any great harm was done.
I’m sure there are a few farmers that were planning on turning their farms into subdivisions that couldn’t do that post GMA, but in the grand scheme of things those farms turned subdivisions create more harm and cost to the public than the GMA does.
@27 Nobody mentioned “state income tax” until you came along.
And over production that exists, in part, thanks to welfare farmers. One of my uncles gets about what his dad got for his apples in the 60’s.
@30 “It has made Rural Counties dependent on Urban.”
Waaaaahaaaaaahaaaaahaaa … The Columbia River dams were here looooooong before GMA was a gleam in anyone’s eye.
@14 That would explain why Coeur d’Alene (pop. 43,360) is so much larger than Spokane (pop. 202,319), and Moscow (pop. 22,798) is so much larger than Pullman (pop. 26,920).
Lewiston is larger than Clarkston–because freeloading Idaho congressmen insisted that their state have a deep water port, which is why the Columbia and Snake Rivers are kept navigable all the way there. And still, only 31,784 people want to live there. Fucking parasites.
Cynny is Exhibit 1 when eugenicists make their pitch. It’s too late to abort him now, but maybe his lineage could be stopped.
Which exists, in part, thanks to all the subsidies our electeds love to hand out to the oil industry. There’s no way to make an apple from China or New Zealand cost completive with one from eastern WA without subsidizing the fuel it took to get it here.
WHY NOT!?!?!?!?
sheeet….i am ready for fee based government…let’s defund fire and police too.
i make enough to cover my home so i don’t care about anyone else.
i’d rather my children be taught logic and reason so i too would not mind ending the education system…i work for myself anyway i could change my sked to home-school….plus too many fuckin’ christianists there that want to convert everyone.
fuck the rest of you…..
actually….maybe i should become a teabagger….i really can afford it…but can you??
Damn socialists! Providing Eastern Washington with a free ferry.
another point about these free-market fucks…..i’d like to know how many work for other people….ain’t that a ‘handout’ too???
if a teabagger actually owned their own business then maybe i could buy their free-market bull-shit….until then they are like military personell…..sucking off the tit of another.
On a Federal level, we need a law that disburses Federal tax money in the same way to the Red states. All of them get more money than they put in, while states like Washington get back less.
We need to get these Red state welfare monkies off our backs and give them an opportunity to live by the principles that they espouse.
Why doesn’t the President say something about this? Mitch McConnell’s socialist welfare stae in good ole’ Kaintuck needs to get back NO MORE FEDERAL DOLLARS THAN THEY PUT INTO THE SYSTEM.
Does this fucking fuck know anything about ANYTHING?
And I’m getting in touch with my Inner Rangel, patron saint of Stephanie Miller’s show.
New York Times notes that Rangel’s a con running a con. Who’da thunk it, as Brother YLB might say.
Jackass Democrats and pigs fly, and the Democrat New York Times gets jackass poo in its eye.
in which gregoire gets in touch with her inner republican:
If I ever found out that I had an inner Republican, I’d strangle the little fucker.
re 48: Rangel’s a war hero who was wounded in battle defending your right to be an ignorant asshole.
You can’t say that about Bush or Cheney.
And, interestingly enough, Rangel has done nothing that’s illegal. So put that in your ‘special place’ and smoke it.
If gas taxes were spent in the County where they are collected, I-90 east of the Columbia River would be a wagon trail and I-405 would be a 36 lane triple decked speedway. Works for me.
It’s probably cheaper to move the folk in Keller out of there than to build a new ferry and continue to run it. Keller’s not much of a place, no jobs, have to drive a zillion miles (plus a ferry ride) to go to a decent grocery store, no community college, I’m not sure what’s there healthcare wise, probably not much. All that driving eats up a big chunk of the locals meager incomes. Higher gas prices will kill Keller off, if the lack of a ferry doesn’t.
Back in the 1960 Ireland moved a lot of folks off of small islands that dot their west coast. The costs to keep up services to them was too high and the people were very isolated and impoverished. It might be time to do the same sort of thing in America.
I really need to get a keyboard you don’t have to pound on to get the S to work.
so the fag goldy doesn’t believe we need basic amenities need to be provided to the people who provide W. Washington its electricity. How many urban Liberals are willing to move out there to run the Dam’s and windfarms?
55 – Urban liberals are there in droves.. They’ve moved a few big data centers out there to be near all the juice.
And it taint gun-totin’, Rossi votin’ farmers, loggers and ranchers running that juice production.
And uuhhh.. Quite a few of the projects if not most of them are federally or state owned or subsidized. So sorry gotta share..
Basic amenities???? Heh.. What happened to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps freeloader???
@53: I’m all for letting roads return to primitive / minimal grading conditions or decomissioning altogether. And not just in Eastern WA. It’d be sweet to wack dipshits like Sheldon and Hargrove and the extractive and development interests for which they shill.
And it’s time for the “rugged individualists” to actually fend for themselves or move. That would include some of the yahoo teabaggers that contaminate the Olympic Pen river drainages. It costs unbelievable amounts of $ to fix the roads after storms that cause more damage because of the shit they’ve done to the land and floodplains.
Also maybe a major opportunity for the state to buy remote lands at cheap prices and create more state trust lands, wilderness and recreation.
i never claimed to be a bootstrap freeloader, and if urban liberals were there in droves why did this area overwhelming decided to support Rossi? what proof do you have that the people maintaining the dams are died in the wool blue progeressives becuase while some might be democrats they sure as hell are not seattle democrats.
They may be state owned but someone has to run them and im saying the spoiled elitest liberal from the king county will no. the very second they relized they cannot get pho or tapas or have to drink a shitty beer instead of some 6-7 dollar a bottle fancy shit they would start to loose it.
and that is not even touching on going out and getting fire wood, or the guns, or anything else like that.
basicly were all interconnected and seattle liberals need to chill out, goldy perhapes you could work at the dam? but that would require more then being able to write something snarky online(which is done to mask his poorly developed sence of masculinity.)
hey goldy why did your wife leave you?
I was thinking as much of SW Washington as Eastern WA.
so basicly anywhere that doesnt have a democratic rep? would you be saying the same thing if Koster had won his election too?
Hey shit-for-brains! Where did the MONEY come from to build that stuff???
Any CLUE, asshole?
ok you missed the point but being a faggy liberal i can see why. it doesnt matter who pays for it and builds it, what matters is who runs it and what they expect for their quality of life and im just saying no seattle liberal democrat will give up there ethnic foods, night life, and art dedications to do real work
Rujax what do you do for a living? let me guess you live either capitol hill or farther north? maybe west seattle?
How many urban Liberals are willing to move out there to run the Dam’s and windfarms?
How many do you need?
as many as we can get i don’t personally care for the religious right, but i cant stand the sanctimonious left. and what is stopping you from doing that right now Blue John?
Wow, looks like we have yet another thoughtful, articulate, and cordial troll here on our threads. Roger, perhaps you could give liberals are pussies the ground rules for posting here?
give me the ground rules but one its no worse then what others on this site say and two the truth hurts you can speak out as much as you want about letting the republicans have what they want but you would just be hurting your selve when no one is willing to man the wind farms and dams becuase thoses potential workers cannot care for their familes.
where are you from Proud leftist and what do you do for a career? are you willing to give up your ethnic foods and nightlife so others in your community can have cheap electricy?
Nope! The Olympic Peninsula has Democrats on it and is part of the 6th CD (Norm “I suck cooperate” Dicks) . The 5th CD used to be represented by a Democrat and probably will be again at some point.
Political parties come and go and I’m not real thrilled with either of them at the moment.
Fixing up damage from logging, mining, road building and pulling out of areas that are no longer economically viable would provide lots of jobs in the short run and would save money and provide free food in the form of increased fish and game in the long run. And we’re talking about places that will probably be, mostly, abandoned in the future anyway. Most of the jobs have left and they aren’t coming back and increased fuel costs will force people to leave.
What about the 87,490 people in Spokane that voted for John Kerry in 2004? Or the 94,446 also in Spokane that voted for Maria Cantwell, or the 60525 in Clark County that voted for her.
Earlier when I mentioned maybe pulling out of places that are no no longer economically viable, there’s probably a few of those in Grays Harbor County which 57.8835%/ 38.6996% for Cantwell. So ,no, I’m not just talking about “Republican areas.” Anyway, even in “Republican areas” Democrats still get votes, 45.42 % of Klickitat County voted for Gregoire in ’08 and Obama took Whitman County 51.57% to 46.07 %.
Im not the one saying the west side of the state should cut the East side off that is the is the feminin fag goldy who is saying that. Im just saying the seattle liberal fags would hurt themselves a lot more then easterners if they went through with his plan. I still want to know why goldys wife left his.. either he was lame in the sack or she grew tired of his female attack style.
also Spokane isnt were the dams or wind farms are. Yakima, Ellensburg, mosses lake, wenatchee,George, the Tri’s have more to do with energy production
Dude, there are dams WITHIN the city limits of Spokane. Hell, there are two hydro plants right in the middle of down town. Plus a bunch more on the Spokane outside of the city. There are also dams just north of the city on the Pend Oreille River, and Grand Coulee’s only 70 or 80 miles away.
Want me to dig the numbers for how many people vote for Democrats in those places? There’s no shortage. I’d note that newspapers in Walla Walla and the Tri-Cities endorsed Patty Murray this go round as well. Some of those liberals probably even work in power production.
It’s the WSRP that’s been saying that- for years. They even introduce bills in the state house and senate to do just that every now and again. Goldy’s just mocking them and having a little fun at their expense.
The funny thing is, is that while people in Eastern Washington claim the have no voice and no power they fail to notice that the head of the State Senate is from Spokane.
Mr Cynical @ 9
If by “strangled” you mean “saved”, then we’re in total agreement. The only people hurt by GMA has been build and dump developers. (Such as yourself?)
My grandpa’s farm has been subdivided for track housing.
The whole of Kittitas Valley is being subdivided for retirees.
GMA wasn’t nearly restrictive enough.
I agree there is no shortage of tradtional democrats on this side of the state but progressives leftist are a little more rare. talk about guns with a non king county democrat and you will get the picture
in regards to faggy goldy whose wife left him point on mocking. perhaps but there are still too few elitist liberal fags who would be willing to give up their big business designed transit oriented communities, ethnic food, and art dedications to actually work for a living.
pussies @ 68
Was there a point in there somewhere? I encourage you to experiment with grammar, sentences, topics, etc. Might improve your communication skills.
pussies @ 69
And please add logic to your study list.
“Roger Rabbit spews:
@27 Nobody mentioned “state income tax” until you came along.
11/17/2010 at 1:18 pm”
But it was in the back of your little feeble hare brain, asshole!
Hurry up and die, rodent!
pussies @ 76
Hey now. We homosexual sugar daddies will cut you off welfare queens.
Make nice. Or no more pork rinds for you.
LiveVote Freeloaderorand Die!@ Jason Osgood
will work on it but i am a troll
also what do you do and would you be willing to climb up 20-50 200 foot long wind mill every day to check on the turbine status?
Also by all means cut off the welfair queens you wont be hurting me im doing fairly well.
Jason @ 77
No kidding. pussies doesn’t seem to know a comma from a capital letter from a dependent clause. I was always taught that the person who can’t write clearly, can’t think clearly. We have a shining example in pussies.
Most of my dad’s parents farm is now Yakima River access and owned by Kittitas County.
You just keep getting stupider and stupider…
hey proud leftist you never said what you did and what upscale neighbor hood you lived in.
still smarter then a whiny liberal faggot who doesn’t know where his electricity comes from
proud @ 50
There was a local country duet that say one of my all time favorite songs:
I’m Kicking The Dog I Named After You
I wish I could remember their names.
pussies @ 81
No way. Really?
@86 pussy
Here’s where my power comes from…
and without the money we put into some of these areas, there would be few jobs.
Most of mine comes from Lake Cushman.
Even with the money we put into those areas there are few jobs.
Interesting how the notion of cutting off the money feed from the rich liberal lands to the poorer conservative lands really brings out the trolls and the push back.
Don’t mess with their welfare.
go ahead mess with it belive me W. Washington democrats will take more damage then can be imagined when companies start to accerlerate there pull out from washington state. its painful how fake all you progressives are. if this was a real time of economic downturn your true conservative selfish natures would come out.
@93. By your logic then, if liberals are only liberal because they are well off, the only reason conservatives are conservative is because they are poor?
Near as I can tell he thinks that liberals are really selfish conservatives.
Commentary: Steven Cowan? Bet it was Darryl Holman.
Bristol Palin? That’s Darryl Holman.
I’d know that crotch anywhere.
These KLOWNS are alleging a vast right-wing Tea Party conspiracy theory resulting in Bristol being in the Dancing with the Stars finals.
Despite the fact that young folks with cell phones vote for young folks like Bristol…Steve Cowan is indicative of how the Left has totally lost control of it’s emotions after the election.
I heard Steve Cowan as a frequent reader of HorsesAss.org.
I guess that means Goldy is like Glen Beck.
Inciting untoward behavior.
Yeah, it must be Goldy’s fault.
Serious suggestion, Goldy: Take some time and catalog the net subsidy from King County to Eastern Washington. I’m very interested in the numbers and the specific conduits.
Gee, would guvment have to cut benefits or wages or even have employees pay into them like in the private sector…what a D shame.
We can Watch Gregoire roll back all the illegals health care and BS spending spree she has been on.