Why am I drinking Mike McGinn’s wine? Because he was out of beer.
Yeah, sure, I didn’t actually work for McGinn, and in fact, I voted for Mayor Nickels in the primary. But I gave McGinn my vote in the general election, and since I don’t expect a job offer in return, and he was holding a victory party down in my neck of the woods, I thought I’d stop by and grab myself a free drink or two.
And it was quite a party, filled with folks celebrating not just a new mayor, but a new regime in which the powers that be, no longer are.
That said, there were still quite a few familiar political faces in attendance, but fortified by the good cheer of the crowd (and a little of Mike McGinn’s wine) I’m willing to give the new mayor and his supporters the benefit of the doubt. At the best, we could be on the verge of one of the most progressive and effective administrations Seattle has ever seen. At the worst, it’ll at least be fun to watch.
You libs sure do like stuff thats “free”. I used to go on vacations with some neighbors and they would bring their own booze to restaurants and then order one coke and ask for two glasses. Then, after the wait staff left, they would mix their own drinks. Other patrons would notice and I would roll my eyes. I’ll give you one guess which party they vote for. They could well afford to buy their drinks too but talk about cheap, holy fuck. Yep, they would bowl your ass over if there were appetizers. Then, while they were chomping down on “free” shit, they would bitch about the owners not paying the staff enough
because of evil business owners and maybe leave a 2 percent tip. Real awesome folks.
@2 We have to be cheap because Republicans hog all the money.
Maybe Democrats could afford restaurant prices for drinks if Republicans weren’t continually busting our unions, cutting our wages, outsourcing our jobs, and making us pay all the taxes. But as long as that kind of shit goes on, don’t pretend there’s anything graceful about Republicans flashing their bankrolls in public places like restaurants.
Geez Goldy, that stuff looks like somebody made it in their bathtub from berries growing in their backyard. Not that there’s anything wrong with homebrew …
It doesn’t matter if slugs crawled over the berries if the alcohol content is high enough to kill germs.
“and since I don’t expect a job offer in return”
(but can I please have one, ’cause I’m broke ass deadbeat. Pleeease.)
Sounds like most of the Republicans I know. But I would imagine anybody YOU call friends would be lying about who or what they are.
If they’re YOUR friends they’re doubtless subhuman and it hardly counts.
Not only do I enjoy enjoy free wine, I also enjoy free lunch.
Sounds like your a good solid republican. Willing to put up with abhorant behavior ’cause they’re are friends. (See Pinochet, The Shah, Ferdinand Marcos, Samoza, and on and on and on…)
The democrat mantra.
Goldy wanting and getting something “free”? Nah, how could that be? Perhaps next they will be giving out free Propecia samples Goldy. Try it.
Did you know that some wine actually comes in a bottle with a cork in it??
The bubbles in your wine glass are indicative of cheap boxed wine. It will flair up your hemorrhoids, give you a headache and actually kill brain cells. You must really love boxed wine!
Maybe it’s just the picture, but that wine really doesn’t look appealing.
I think it’s the cheap Dollar Store cup…although that cup probably cost more than the wine in it.
Man, if Goldy gulped down 2 cups of that shit, I wouldn’t want to be within a mile of his bathroom this AM!
So, Goldy, after you spent all evening schmoozing with the new power elite who you had initially voted against and downing FREE cheap wine, did you do the responsible thing and WALK home?
@10 I suppose the next thing you’ll say is Republicans pay their own way … ROFLMAO
13, 14 — It’s two-buck chuck.
No two-buck chuck for me! I drink good stuff now. If you quit your job and flip stocks, you can live like a Republican, too! Nobody should work. Taxes on wages are too high. Sitting around all day on your fat ass, making 1 stock trade a month (which takes all of 5 minutes), is the only way to go! It’s less effort, there’s no commute, no psycho boss to put up with, you can’t be fired or laid off, and the taxes are a lot less. Why the hell work and be productive when Congress rewards idle sloth?
@18 Why the hell work and be productive
For those not in the know, this has actually been Roger Rabbit’s creed for many years, GOING BACK to when he first started “working” for the state as a lawyer.
The transition to retirement was seamless!
Roger @17,
Actually, I believe it was Hogue.
@19 Actually, I worked my ass off for 45 years, which got me very little. The entire workforce of this country gets far less than half of GDP. The capitalist class gets the other 60%. The marginal tax rate on middle-class wages is 32.65%; the top tax rate on capital gains and dividends is 15%. A wage earner gets a $3,200 exemption; an heir gets a $3.5 million exemption. It’s obvious working is the worst way to get money from every standpoint. I didn’t really start to live until I quit working and began owning. You don’t get money by working for it; you get it by owning stuff. Republicans have known this for 200 years; all I’m trying to do is educate Democrats about the realities of what it takes to live like a Republican. You won’t get there by working for it.
@20 Never heard of Hogue. Is that a Gallo brand?
Can’t you and cynical get a room somewhere? Was your mama street person that you think sucking each others’ dick in a public forum is a great idea. You 2 manage to lower the level in here substantially, way beneath contempt. Fine for you, probably, but the rest of us have some standards.
Trust me, Goldy, if you knew Wayne Hogue, you wouldn’t touch the stuff. He was Cynical’s twin. He was the worst hypocrite on the planet. He hired more illegal aliens than any 6 other places in the Yakima Valley and exploited them to the hilt. He cheerfully broke the law whilst proclaiming himself a member of the Episcopal Church
His kid that took over the Prosser branch is, I am told, OK.
But Wayne (if he hasn’t gone to his richly deserved place in hell yet)is all that you would despise in a person.
@1 Mark: Stop in at the Mustard Seed Newport Hills and ask Gina how the tips are from the monthly drinking liberally group.
(Hint, she has commented to me several times that we tip really well).
Are you old enough to be on the computer without supervision?
The reason I ask… I picked my girlfriend up from the school she teaches at yesterday and some 3rd grade boy on the playground was using the same exact insult. Of course the names were changed, but the same juvenile insult was the same.
Here’s a better question… Why do YOU consider gay innuendoes to be an insult?
Strange, last night the three banditos, Cyn, Steve and myself were kickin back at the end of this open thread talking about music and golf. Hopefully next time we can talk hoop.
Sorry you weren’t there to pull out the “suck dick” card you and byebyegop/rujax seem to always have in your hand. Still dealing from the bottom of the deck?
Only 3 hours and 8 minutes to go until the defeat of the GOP’s cloture motion!
Sorry sarge, that’s a common trick that waiter/waitresses have been using for decades.
While complimenting, it puts a little more pressure on the customer to tip a little more than he would have.
I hope it worked and the waitress went home with a couple extra bucks from you and the other drinkers in the group.
If your point was that you learned something from the third graders, then congratulations, you have indeed exceeded my expectations.
Ummm, Roger, that would be the passage of the Democrats’ cloture motion. Cloture ends debate, allowing the proposed legislation to reach the floor.
Been a long time since that “civics” course, eh?
Once again, your skills at judging expectations have fallen short. I even learn from 1st graders. I’ve even learned from you.
From you I’ve learned when I ask you a question you are ashamed to answer, you ignore it-
Why do YOU consider gay innuendoes to be an insult?
@30 Hey, don’t sweat the small stuff, those are technicalities! The important thing is all those teabaggers are going to eat shit just 40 minutes from now.
Because I know that it pisses off you conservative anal-retentives with your platform of homophobic “family values”
Now was that so difficult to figure out, moron?
Now I understand that your head is occupying so much of your ass that you would not be available for any anal encounters (presuming a human could be found with low enough standards and expectations to wish to perform same. Probably be accused of bestiality)) but the idea has merit.
You are welcome. You may go back to your burrow now.
Roger: I just sampled Filipino CHEESE Ice Cream (well, Mellorine) I believe it to be a useful weapon to dispatch Republicans.
The implications are staggering (as am I, at the moment) and an entire arsenal of cheesy puns can be built therefrom.
details upon recovery.
I can respect that answer. That was the answer I expected from Steve and gbs.
I guess it really was that difficult to figure out if you thought that was going to offend me.
20. Goldy spews:
Probably the 10th press on reject grapes.
32 cents per bottle.
As literal an example of sour grapes as is humanly possible.
Well done, Cynical. You exemplify it.
N in Seattle–
You think I’m envious of GOLDY???
Now that is sour grapes!
@39 Please feel free to celebrate Suzie’s smashing victory* with your favorite expensive wine.
* She beat cigaret smoke by 2 points.
@21 Actually, I worked my ass off for 45 years, which got me very little . . . You don’t get money by working for it
Oh, come. Good attorneys can do very well financially in private practice, whether as a solo practice or for a firm. Seattle doesn’t have the billable rates of California or the East coast, where a few New York firms breached $1000/hour just before the financial bubble popped, but let’s not kids ourselves – talented and even just good attorneys can do very, very well for themselves in this city. If making a lot of money was your thing, you had the opportunity “to get money by working for it,” unlike the great majority of people. For whatever reason you chose to practice law for state government. Wrong choice, I guess.
Sarge, that is a technique to say what a cheap bunch of fucks you guys are and to get a few more bucks out of yerdumass! I’ve proven my point.
@41 The whole fucking world isn’t just about money, dolt! Many people go to law school for other motives. Being a lawyer isn’t even a particularly good way to make money. Contrary to your assertions, few lawyers get rich from practicing law.
In fact, the law is one of the hardest ways to make a living there is. One of my law school professors told us, “Practicing law is a fine hobby if you can afford it.” At the time, I thought he was kidding. He wasn’t.
A private law practice is a small business; and, like any other business, it requires capital that not everyone has. Plus it takes several years for a new practice to start making money, and you need a way to live in the meantime. All my classmates who started their own practices after graduation had working wives. Of course, it’s easier if there’s a family firm to get hired into; my personal lawyer inherited a law firm from his grandfather and father.
I didn’t go to law school specifically to work in state government, but I did go to law school specifically to be in public service. The idea of being a “hired gun” didn’t appeal to me. The idea of helping people, especially those who need help the most, did appeal to me. I became a lawyer in order to have a positive impact on the lives of people whose lives weren’t going well. If you want to knock me for doing that instead of chasing the almighty dollar, go right ahead — that says a lot more about you than it does about me.
@42 You haven’t proven shit until you and your fellow wingnuts pony up for the war in Iraq that you wanted and we didn’t want. It was put on a credit card, you know. That debt is still owing. So put up or shut up.
You want to know what a “cheap fuck” is? I’ll tell you what it is. I gave $100 to Operation Helmet to buy a battle helmet for a U.S. soldier or Marine that his own government wouldn’t buy for him (when Republicans ran it). Not one of you trolls contributed a dime to Operation Helmet. Not one of you.
I’m not the cheap fuck here. You bastards are the cheap fucks here.
Now you’re being a dumb bunny. You said:
Actually, I worked my ass off for 45 years, which got me very little.
If you went to work for state government to be in public service, you got exactly what you wanted, and plenty of it. So what’s the complaint about unless you’re referring to not making money? You worked your butt off for 45 years and didn’t make money – that’s your point.
As far as making money practicing law, starting salaries for new attorneys are much higher than those those of most other professions, and even higher if you go to work for a firm. And if you have talent and work hard, you can do much better. That goes to this point:
You don’t get money by working for it
which is inane. Plenty of people across plenty of professions do quite well for themselves working for money. You just weren’t one of them. By choice.
Lawyer = parasite on society
State Lawyer = stupid parasite on society
Lawyers produce no tangible goods and most times their services are for benefit of themselves (see class action law). The principal reason to employ a lawyer is to keep somebody else’s lawyer out of your wallet.
John Edwards, 12 year career in medical malpractice netted $175 million in judgements. What did the rest of us get? Higher health care premiums to pay for bad junk science awards for things no doctor should be blamed for. I’m sorry your kid has CP, but nothing the doc did caused that, despite what the smarmy fuck in the suit told the jury.
If they all keeled over dead tomorrow, the planet would be better off.
@3 Rodent:
‘….continually busting our unions….‘
Funny, I didn’t know State “Judges” had unions. Oh that’s right, everything is subjective here. Just admit that you maybe once aspired to be an attorney or a judge, but fell flat on your face. There is still some honor in retiring with 45 years (supposedly) of service as the head courthouse janitor. Angry little bunny loses once again….
And @46: Well stated.