Per Joel Connelly’s suggestion in the comment threads, I’ve added to my gallery of prophets by drawing a cartoon of myself.
Note that unlike the previous two cartoons, I’m ignoring my own thirst, while offering a bowl of water to my dog, Feisty. Because I love dogs, even more than Jesus does.
NeXT up-Steve Jobs talking to his dog via FaceTime.
Your cartooning career will not be as lucrative as HA has been for you, but practice, practice; who knows what could happen? This city once supported two cartooning weathermen on the teevee.
Thus sayeth the LORD:
Thou shalt not make images of Goldy, for he is detestable in my sight. And whomsoever is guilty of this crime shall be put do death by FedEx van, and his guilt shall be on his own head, for I am the LORD.
I think you may have been a lttle “liberal” with the squiggles on top of your head, Goldy.
@1 Seattle’s native son, Gary Larson, did okay with his stick drawings.
Zotz @3:
Call it “poetic Rogaine”.
@5: My cheeks are cramping I laughed so hard at that!
Pretty funny Goldy & very telling..
As I suspected, you finally admit you have no balls!
Okay, forget my previous comment (my fault for reading the entries in order). Thanks to J-schoolmarm Joel.
Goldy: perhaps from now on you should write all of your entries in the royal we?
You should draw more. Is funny!