In August of 1998, Huckabee was one of 131 signatories to a full page USA Today Ad which declared: “I affirm the statement on the family issued by the 1998 Southern Baptist Convention.” What was in the family statement from the SBC? “A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.”
The ad wasn’t just a blanket, “we support the SBC statement,” but rather highlighted details. The ad Huckabee signed specifically said of the SBC family statement: “You are right because you called wives to graciously submit to their husband’s sacrificial leadership.”
Huh. If my wife had “submit[ted] herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband,” I suppose she never would have divorced me. Now that’s what I call a Defense of Marriage.
How did Wikipedia miss this one? Add it to Huckabee’s Willie Horton moment, support for making the federal tax system as regressive as Washington’s state tax system, jailing terminal cancer patients who smoke pot for pain relief, eliminating social security, and mandatory teaching of creationism in public schools as reasons to hope the GOP actually nominates this nut. With a little luck and common sense by voters, he’d finish sixth in a field of 5 candidates (1 Democrat, 1 Republican, and 3 independents).
If I converted from Nativist to Southern Baptist, I wonder if Mrs. Rabbit would hop behind me, and speak only when spoken to?
[crashing noises in background]
I guess that isn’t going to work …
I wonder how Mike gets HIS wife to do that?
And the doozies just keep popping up. From his speech to the National Pastor’s Conference in 1998:
Just what we need now, a GOP team of theocrats (Romney, Huckabee, Paul, et al) that would make Bushco look only mainstream fascist and corporately conservative. Huckabee’s wife must be on her knees all the time cleaning off his, since he apparently spends so much of his time praying and propitiating his gawds.
Dear Lord,
Your faithful servant, proud leftist, humbly beseeches that ye grant that the good Reverend Huckabee be the GOP nominee.
Shut up bitch! Go get me turkey pot pie!!!!
Jesus, save me from your followers!
@1: RR
Please don’t compare Willie Horton to Wayne Dumond. It is not even close. the republican governor of Mass. changed the parole roles – dukakis just happened to be governor when Horton was paroled.
Huckabee actively campaigned (lobbied the parole board) for the release of Dumond – claiming his minister buddy had seen that Dumond had a change of heart and had become a Christian.
Huckabee argued that Dumond had been treated unfairly by Clinton, since the 17 year old cheerleader Dumond raped was a distant cousin of Clinton. the right wingers all supported the “evil” Clinton theory – Dumond
was treated unfairly.
So – after the parole engineered by Huckabee, Dumond goes on to kill at least one (conviction) and probably a second woman.
It is not even close – Huckabee intervened to let a rapist go free and he went on to kill two women.
Once again – the right wingers were wrong and clinton was right.
Gee- who was the last president to have a budget surplus?
Reagan? No
bush1? No
Bush 2? no
Only clinton did.
Republicans: Can’t balance the budget either.
I wonder if Jerry Falwell REALLY believed as he was grasping his chest and dying, that his 2,ooo year-old invisible pal, Jesus, was going to come and save him for all eternity?
Yes, folks, it’s just that childish and stupid.
@8 Amen.
@9 I especially like the part where Dumond’s victim hissed in Huckabee’s ear that she wanted him to remember her face.
The Dumond case is bigger than Huckabee’s judgment lapses and dishonesty. It also implicates the Clinton-hating movement, because it was Clinton-haters who claimed Clinton railroaded Dumond to prison, lied about Dumond’s previous criminal record (they claimed he didn’t have one), and campaigned for Dumond’s release.
They got their wish, and Dumond killed two more women. (He had previously been involved in a murder in Oklahoma, and also had a rap in Washington state for molesting an underage girl.)
Huckabee got sucked into this vortex, in the process demonstrating both his gullibility in listening to the Clinton-haters, and his poor judgment. And then he demonstrated his own bad character by lying about his role in securing Dumond’s release, and blaming it on others.
In a 2005 article, the Arkansas Times said its reporting “shows the extent to which Huckabee and a key aide were involved in the process to win Dumond’s release. It was a process marked by deviation from accepted parole practice and direct personal lobbying by the governor, in an apparently illegal and unrecorded closed-door meeting with the parole board ….”
The man behind the rightwing campaign to free Dumond was Steve Dunleavy, a writer for the New York Post, a Murdoch-owned tabloid. Dunleavy also frequently appeared on the now-defunct Fox channel TV show, “A Current Affair,” and wrote a swiftboat-style book about the Dumond case called “Unequal Justice: Wayne DuMond, Bill Clinton, and the Politics of Rape in Arkansas.”
Dunleavy claimed Dumond was innocent. He was wrong, and two innocent women are dead because of Dunleavy’s successful efforts to spring Dumond from jail. Dumond had been sentenced to life without parole.
If Huckabee wins the GOP nomination, look for campaign ads featuring Dumond’s victims speaking in a heartfelt way directly to America’s voters.
@10 As he rushed toward the white light, Falwell wondered why it kept getting hotter and hotter.
I can only wish that Huckabee is the Republican nominee – the guy can’t even keep up on curent events on top of all the baggage he has.
Oh – and he doesn’t believe in evolution and thinks the world is 6K years old…that and dinosaurs and humans lived together. I think I was disavowed of that notion before kindergarten.
The only one lamer is Thompson – who looks like he is sleeping most of the time. Maybe they didn’t cue him for his lines?
Gulliani is clearly a joke, a crook and carries more baggage than Imelda Marcos had shoes.
Mitt – well, it will be fun to go after him as a waffler on moral and political issues. Just quote his Masachsetts record and statements – and then compare them to what he says now. Weasel!
McCain – he is the only one with some credibility. Unfortunately, he lost most of it pandering to the religous wing of the republican party. He also looks and acts old. I can’t see anyone under 80 actually voting for him – the first national crisis might give him heart palpitations.
The connection of this whole unfurtunate affair with the fanatic, well-organized and plentifully funded campaign to destroy the Clintons, from the original Whitewater accusations through Ken Starr’s Three Ring Circus would seem far-fetched, were it not for the plethora of shocking revelations that have already emerged about that whole conspiracy.
Is there nothing–nothing at all–in the actions and policies of the present-day Republican party that isn’t drenched in corruption, deception and pure slime?
Go back and revisit your facts on Massachusetts and Dukakis. I posted the truth but as it is, facts and liberalism can’t be in the same room. Kind of like a lit candle entering a dark room.
David: I won’t say something similar to the God-less ones here.
Pelletizer (TM) @15, that was a chuckle.
Goldy says:
Huh. If my wife had “submit[ted] herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband,” I suppose she never would have divorced me. Now that’s what I call a Defense of Marriage.
Of course she would have divoced you. She in no way could have become more subserviant than a sniveling liberal.
re 21: If you knew anything at all about ‘authoritatarian personalities’, you would know that it is their SUBMISSION to authority that is their most arresting feature.
You’d also know that Republicans are, by and large, authoritarians.
Of course, most who quote the scripture about wives submitting to their husbands, conveniently forget the rest of the chapter:
Ephesians – Chapter 5:25-33
25. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
26. to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
27. and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
28. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
29. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church-
30. for we are members of his body.
31. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”
32. This is a profound mystery-but I am talking about Christ and the church.
33. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself…
Now remember that Christ loved so much that he gave his life in payment of the sins not only of the Church, but also for every one of us in this world, without exception.
So before you start feeling comfortable about making your wife subservient, you had better first make sure you comply with the rest of the chapter.
My personal opinion: one who loves his wife as described in the book of Ephesians respects her enough not to make her subservient, but treats her as an equal.