Commenting about Goldy’s dismissal from KIRO this week, Mark Gardner at WhackyNation provided the following analysis:
Besides being an embarassing ass on the air, Goldy’s show appealed to a not very valuable demographic: Liberals. Just think how they spend their money (drugs, booze, tatooes and porn, etc.) and how little money they have. Not a very appealing demographic for advertisers.
After several failed attempts in the comment thread at defending his thesis, Gardner then reversed course and said he was only kidding. As an avid reader of WhackyNation, however, I found myself bewildered and unsure of myself. All of this time, I’ve assumed that Gardner, Guzzo, and the nutty professor were serious people presenting serious views. This illusion has been shattered. Now I’m wondering what else I’ve read at WhackyNation that was only in jest.
Was Lou just kidding when he argued that gambling should be outlawed nationwide? What about boxing? Or alcohol?
Was Mark only kidding when he tried to claim that the value of oceanfront real estate was proof that global warming was a hoax?
What about when Lou wrote that Hitler and Mussolini both won the Nobel Peace Prize? Did I miss the punch line?
And back in September, when Lou called for the liquidation of all weapons manufacturers in the world and then 24 hours later defended our right to own guns, which of those two posts was serious and which one was in jest? What about the time he called for a ban on all billboards, but then criticized people who complain about advertising? Can someone from WhackyNation please clarify which of those views was the serious one and which one was for laughs?
When Professor Manweller questioned the intelligence of southern Republicans because they voted for Ron Paul over Rudy Giuliani 2 to 1, I assume he was only kidding because any idiot could have used Google to see that voters in Michigan, Iowa, and Nevada voted that way too.
And I feel dumb that I didn’t consider that when Lou called David Postman a Socialist propagandist that he was just having a little fun with a fellow journalist.
All of this time, Mark, I never realized how much you guys are just a jolly bunch of jokesters. I always thought you were writing stupid post after stupid post because the three of you truly were idiots. Boy do I feel dumb knowing that you’ve only been pretending to be idiots.
” … only kidding when he tried to claim that the value of oceanfront real estate was proof that global warming was a hoax?”
What’s that, a market-based approach to fending off rising sea levels?
“When Professor Manweller questioned the intelligence of southern Republicans because they voted for Ron Paul over Rudy Giuliani 2 to 1, I assume he was only kidding because any idiot could have used Google to see that voters in Michigan, Iowa, and Nevada voted that way too.”
Maybe this comes from the fact that Mayor Giuliani was a bully and a vindictive prick who misused the power of government to retaliate against his opponents and critics, and Americans don’t want that kind of politics in their country.
It couldn’t be because Rep. Paul thinks the Federal Reserve should be dismantled or because of his other wacky ideas.
If gambling were outlawed – Faux News commentator and favorite of the GOP Billy Blackjack Bennett wouldn’t have anything to do with his money other than pay transvestites for sex.
Well, I certainly have no interest in tattoos, though I have to confess to liking them in my porn, especially when drunk and stoned.
@1 “Surf’s up!” Doesn’t it hurt to be on the wrong side of reality? I do feel compassion. Leave the dark side.
Of course, I’m just joking. I never get drunk and stoned at the same time.
@5 Your species is going to be extinct, Mark. Trust me on this. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit told me so. Then rabbits will take over this planet because there will be no cars to keep us from multiplying.
Lou Guzzo still has official permission granted by the State of Nevada to GO FUCK HIMSELF.
Factoid: Health insurance premiums “have risen four times as fast as wages since 2000.”
Source: Time Magazine,00.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking failure of wingnut economics … if you want something done, you have to elect Democrats to do it!
Speaking of what Neocon’s will say, give this a quick read.
I am not sure if I should laugh, cry or load my gun?
Roger, some advice?
@10 Wow … as I’ve been saying all along — LIBERALS MUST ARM!!! These people mean to harm us.
MLF @ 10
Nice pick off the net. I read the whole article. Remarkable insight into the core of the Republican Party. These people are crazy. Liberals must arm. Let’s thank our forefathers for the 2d Amendment.
@10 “Roger, some advice?”
As you know, I favor the AK-47 because it’s simple, rugged, foolproof, has a high rate of fire, it’s larger caliber bullet has more penetrating and stopping power, and it is less likely to jam than the junk we equip our armed forces with. But if you can’t get an AK then a 12-gauge pump should be your choice. And don’t forget to pack a .45 in an ankle holster for backup.
Read MLF’s link at 10. The whole thing. Are these the people with whom you identify? I’d actually like your comments. I’m not going to say that us leftists amongst ourselves don’t say things which are not meant for public view. None of us are perfect, after all (we all fall short of the glory of God, right?). Still, the Brit who took this cruise and wrote this article butchers the brutes of the rightwing.
Oh fer Gods sake…. You can’t tell me you actually think this crap is at all representative of “the right-wing”? I remember reading this article a year or two ago and being rather bemused at the angst and outrage it generated amongst the libs. Buy a clue folks. The fringe on either wing is scary. Believe it. I promise you if you go take a gander at DU on a regular basis you’ll find a whole lot of stuff just as frightening. They have the right to their opinion, even when it involves such odious desires as “re-educating” conservatives, the same as conservatives have the right to their own opinion. Unless/until the knives actually come out, take this kind of stuff with a grain of salt and drive on.
@15: How far into the fringe of the left would you have to go to find the equivalent of this? Can you produce a link?
RR @ 13… Your advice is wrong. A .45 in an ankle holster is too heavy, it will have you walking in circles.
@17 Get a Detonics, dummy!
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking failure of wingnut economics … if you want something done, you have to elect Democrats to do it!”
What the hey! Let’s try a world where government makes all the decisions about prices and production of goods and services. Yeah, that really worked well in the old Soviet Union. Let’s give it a try!!
Jeesh! Roger, were you paying attention for the past 60 years?
GOP Hypocrites Target Democratic Earmarks
After years of gorging themselves at the public trough, Republicans have found a new cause:
Democratic Earmarks = Bad
Republican Earmarks = Earmarks? What earmarks? We don’t know nuttin’ ’bout no earmarks!!
“WASHINGTON (AP) – Earmarks are only pork when someone else is feasting on them. … If John McCain is true to his rhetoric in the Republican presidential campaign, he would take a broad ax to spending that voters, upon closer examination, might wish were cut in a more discerning way. …
“The Arizona senator’s criticism of pork pleases crowds …. ‘No earmarks,’ he says. ‘Not 10,000. Not one. Zero.’ And he got an … assist from President Bush, a convert to the anti-pork cause ….
“But McCain’s spending plan does not make such distinctions between waste and worthy. In his accounting, if it’s an earmark, it’s bad and it’s gone. He counts on saving all the money now spent on earmarks to help pay for his tax cuts. …
“Now Bush vows to veto any spending bill that does not cut the number and cost of pet projects by half. He’s having agencies disregard earmarks that members of Congress insert into documents that accompany legislation. …
“Evidence that pork can be filling at times was under McCain’s nose recently, although he apparently did not know it. Campaigning in South Carolina, he visited a factory and praised the armored, mine-resistant military vehicles made there to be used in the war. Sen. Lindsey Graham … noted to an Associated Press reporter that the plant … had received money from an earmark.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know how Republicans gorged on earmarks; that needs no mention. (They also used earmarks for partisan purposes — to reward districts for electing Republicans and punish districts that elected Democrats.) Now that Democrats control Congress, the GOPers are on a tear to “save” taxpayer money … by taking it from programs that benefit poor communities and spending it on more tax cuts for the rich. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
I see in today’s news that France’s rightwing president Nicolas Sarkozy has married Italian supermodel Carla Bruni only 4 months after ditching his wife. I wonder if he got that idea from American mayors? Hey, weren’t France and Italy enemies during the war? Has anyone checked to find out whether France’s new first lady is an Italian spy? P.S., she’s rich too — she’s an heiress to the Pirelli tire fortunre.
Roger @ 20,
I wish I were as lucky as that guy in France! A hot babe with lots of money – man, it don’t get any better than that!!
Never forget it was your man, Bill Clinton, who signed both NAFTA & GATT. Have those treaties helped average working Americans?
Clinton is now off brokering mining deals in Khasakstan!
Hillary is made of the same ilk.
I really think folks want HONESTY is a President…although honesty alone isn’t what we need. Look at Jimmy Carter. Pretty honest guy….but a complete nincompoop about the Economy and had economic advisors as lost in the woods as he was. Obama reminds me of Carter. Obama is having the time of his life running for office. That is the fun part. If elected, I don’t think he has much of a plan for us. Therein lies a big problem.
I believe Mitt Romney is the best remaining candidate.
Sneering and condescending comments from someone with an ideological bent and an axe to grind are supposed to fill me with angst? Not hardly. To inversely phrase a theme from one of my favorite all time movies, Pollyanna (Karl Malden was fantastic!), “When you look for the worst in people, you will surely find it.”
A lefty cruise would feature, it’s own Ward in disgraced race baiter and plagiarist, Ward Churchill, who would sign on because he heard the cruise line had complimentary dental services.
Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon would be there to offer the deep intellectual perspective of the Hollywood glitterati all of whom have read a book between them, but only if the print was large and the pics sexy.
Intellectual rigor would demand Rosie O’Donnell be given front and center to spout 9/11 Truth theories and how Donald Trump impregnated her in a dream via a turkey baster.
Dessert service courtesy of disgraced Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson, D-Kelvinator, who would serve a variety of frozen treats in non-sequentially serial numbered denominations of $50 and $100.
A special “Memories” night would be hosted by Jimmy Carter who is even now preparing a slide show of his foreign policy successes including how he encouraged the former Shah of Iran to come to the US in order to die thus pissing off the Ayatollahs sufficiently to sanction storming the US embassy. Thanks for the hostage crisis, Jimmy, it gave Ted Koppel a career.
Let’s not forget his infatuation with Leonid Brezhnev (Jimmy always wanted such manly eyebrows) and his open invitation to the Soviets to scarf any sphere of influence they chose. Only problem? He didn’t really mean it as the Russkies took him at face value, and the Christmas Eve invasion of Afghanistan was the result.
And Jimmy would also be responsible for pricing the event in his vaunted stagflation amounts.
The intellectual honesty seminars would be moderated by Rev. Al Sharpton featuring panelists Cong. John Murtha, D-Earmarks; Jesse MacBeth (born Jesse Adam al-Zaid), the left’s favorite war hero and poster boy for the truth of how disgusting it regards American soldiers and Marines; disgraced former NY Times reporter Jason Blair; and the entire editorial board of the NY Times itself for continuing to stand by the widely discredited reporting of Walter Duranty and refusing to return the Pulitzer Prize awarded him for his Stalin-era tales of how wonderful, free, and open things were in the Soviet Union.
At a special ceremony, the NY Times will unveil its new motto, replacing “All the news that’s fit to print,” with “We make this crap up!”
Sasha Baron Cohen will go out of his way to show attendees in their worst possible light as he mocks them by tricking them into awkward moments. He will then package all the filmed footage of these encounters and make millions off your humiliation.
Michael Moore will co-produce but will be banned from the all-you-can-eat buffet line, and he will be required to shower at least twice during the week.
NY Times columnist Paul Krugman will speak on how to make every positive thing miserable since no success can be had without it being the result of a crime against humanity. He will continue speaking until every smile is wiped off every face and all hope is lost.
Wesley Snipes will offer tax advice…for an additional fee.
Special arrangments would be made for low-cost ship-to-shore communications courtesy of our own Cong. GasBaghdad Jim McDermott, D-Ethical Lapse, with all proceeds going to pay off that part of the judgment against him that he hasn’t already paid.
A nightly laugh-fest will be held in the cruiseship bilge where The Darcy will have all in stitches telling blonde jokes based upon her own copious experience in public life as Prexy of the Ames Lake HOA and are as yet undisclosed accomplishments as just another ex-Micrososft employee.
Special etiquette and decorum training will be conducted by the editorial staff of the Daily Kus, headless/brainless/headlice lucy and Roger Rabbit, who will be available each evening save the last night banquet where he will be featured as both guest of honor and, in his braised style, entree.
Late evening pharmocological libations will be provided on the fantail by Lee. Since no lifeguard will be on duty, hallucegenically induced man/woman overboard distress calls will be ignored, and you assume all risk. This event sponsored by the estates of Jimi Hendrix, John Belushi, Chris Farley, Sid Vicious, and Heath Ledger (participation pending autopsy results).
An intimate candlelight lido deck moment will be hostessed by Arianna Huffington who will share touching moments from her personal life and marriage to ex-husband, Michael. In a rough paraphrase of the famous exhange between Winston Churchill (no relation to Ward) and Lady Astor, attendee eyes will moisten at the following:
Arianna: “Michael, you are my husband, but you act so totally gay.”
Michael: “I was straight before meeting you, Arianna, but a man with you for a wife has no other recourse! Good bye!”
George Soros’ billions and billions will be used to purchase the souls of all who attend.
Cruise spiritual guidance will be provided by Bishop John Shelby Spong and Osho a/k/a Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
The newly unemployed Goldy will bus tables.
Care to book passage? Best hurry, view cabins on the promenade deck are going rapidly.
The Piper
@15 and @16
To go a little further, most of the views of the boat people are basically in line with what Ann Coulter wrote in “Treason” (which I have read). There is no book or worldview on the left that is even in the same ballpark as that, let alone one that allows for New York Times bestsellers (as “Treason” was). To just say “the fringe on either side is scary” ignores the size of each fringe.
@19 Why don’t you explain to us how someone being carried unconscious on a gurney into an emergency room makes decisions about which medical services he wants to purchase and comparison shops for the best prices?
The whole point of my comment, idea, is that no free market mechanism exists in health care. How can consumers shop for health care when prices aren’t disclosed? How is an insurance company bureaucracy deciding what services you can get any different from a government bureaucracy deciding what services you can get? (Answer: Private insurance company bureaucrats have profit incentives to deny services.)
And when private health bureaucrats charge us 50 times as much for A & O (administration and overhead) as government health bureaucrats, then isn’t government-administered health care at least worth a second look?
The private system isn’t working, dolt! It’s a fucking failure. Employers have incentives to drop health coverage; the number of uninsured grows every year; costs of treating the uninsured are secretly shifted to paying patients (isn’t that, um, SOCIALISM??? what’s this, the private health system is fostering SOCIALISM??? sure looks that way); health insurance premiums and prices consistently rise several times faster than wages and general inflation; quality of care ranks behind many third-world countries … how much more evidence does it take to convince you that our health care system sucks?
Of course, what YOU think is unimportant. What matters is the American people are fed up, have had it, are angry and disgusted, aren’t going to take it anymore — change is coming. Democrats will bring that change, because Republicans stand for more of the same old bullshit. In fact, health care has become Democrats’ marquee issue, the issue that is driving so-called “Reagan Democrats” away from the GOP and back into the Democratic fold.
Thanks for the gift, sucker! Guess what, when we get back in, we’re going to raise your taxes. You’ve got it coming.
@24 re 15 — just another troll attempting to defend the outrageous behavior of the right by falsely asserting they’re just like the left.
Even your crack-fueled fantasies of the left aren’t as ridiculous as the real thing on the right. How fucking sad is that?
This is awesome! The following two lines somehow appeared in the same comment:
I really think folks want HONESTY is [sic] a President
I believe Mitt Romney is the best remaining candidate.
Has everybody noticed how rightwing scoundrels always seek refuge in the false argument that we’re just as bad as they are?
Of course, I’ve long been a proponent of Democrats behaving just like Republicans. For example, I think we should throw them into concentration camps and maybe even execute some of ’em to whip the rest into line.* I crack Ann Coulter jokes** and I get paid for not working or producing anything. I learned all of this stuff from them.
* Just kidding! See **.
** See *.
Lee @ 28–
All your shrill ranting does not change this FACT
And here is another fact…
Besides Perot, it was PAT BUCHANAN who lead the outrage @ NAFTA & GATT and accurately predicted all the unwanted consequences.
It was your man Lee, BILL CLINTON, who signed NAFTA & GATT.
Keep screeching….doesn’t change it.
How has NAFTA & GATT helped the working class folks Lee???
There is a rally supporting Barack Obama downtown Seattle at the Westlake Park today, starting at 11 AM and continuing to approximately 1 PM.
It has been put together in the span of a week by grassroots supporters of Obama starting with two simultaneous marches coming from Occidental Park and the Seattle Center starting at 11 AM. The marches are to meet in the middle at Westlake Park in downtown Seattle at approximately 11:30 AM. The rally will then start with speakers including Norm Rice, Bob Santos and many other local activists speaking on why they support Obama as the best choice for President.
All your shrill ranting does not change this FACT
I’m aware of this, nor have I ever claimed the opposite.
And here is another fact…
Besides Perot, it was PAT BUCHANAN who lead the outrage @ NAFTA & GATT and accurately predicted all the unwanted consequences.
I have never once argued that NAFTA & GATT are wonderful things. I think they were agreements specifically designed to help big businesses in this country expand and cut costs, and that this is an area where Buchanan has often found agreement with unions and others on the left who can be negatively affected by this.
It was your man Lee, BILL CLINTON, who signed NAFTA & GATT.
Keep screeching….doesn’t change it.
How has NAFTA & GATT helped the working class folks Lee???
I guess I’d have to start screeching in order to keep screeching, but apparently I haven’t kept up to date with what my persona has been doing while inside your imagination. No, NAFTA & GATT have not helped the working class folks. But since very powerful interests want them anyway, Democrats couldn’t get elected unless they played along. Is that an excuse for Clinton? Not at all. Is it a reason for you to stop attacking me and start attacking the people who think that NAFTA & GATT do help the working class. I’d say so.
Lee @25: Agreed. “Both sides are scary” is a right-wing rhetorical tactic, call it the Satterberg fallacy! :-)
Long time, no hear from you!
How goes the battle? Especially in the health department?
The Piper
Romney? That guy is a walking parody. He’ll say anything and spend almost anything to get elected. An animatronic energizer bunny of pandering talking points.
Watch a huge portion of the base of that corrupt R party stay at home under Romney.
I have little to no enthusiasm for Hillary but I’ll hold my nose and vote for her.
You just don’t reward incompetence, graft and corruption with a pull of the lever for more or less the same crowd who delivered it to you in the first place.
How about some historical perspective:
World War II $3.2 trillion
Iraq and Afghanistan To Date $695.7 billion
Vietnam War $670 billion
World War I $364 billion
Korean War $295 billion
Persian Gulf War $94 billion
Civil War (both Union and Confederate costs) $81 billion
Spanish-American War $7 billion
American Revolution $4 billion
Mexican War $2 billion
War of 1812 $1 billion
Anyone still for Republicans in the White House?
I would like to defend conservatism … but first, I need help.
Can anyone here tell me wahat underlying, consistent philosophy unites conservatives?
Let’s start with the most basic fact that unites the Reps?
Jesus the saviour and the literal truth of the assorted documents approved by the Pagan Emperor.
Are the repubs roman wannabees?
This might be called state-religion.
@31 What I want to know, Mr. C, is how does CEOs controlling captive boards of directors who reward failure with bonuses and stock options help shareholders?
Case in point: Washington Mutual stock declines 75% and the CEO gets stock options on which he’ll make millions if the stock goes back up to half of what it was before — and will make even more if the company is taken over.
Your answer is imaginative. I’ll give you credit for that. I’ll even agree we have a small and loud (although uninfluential) fringe on the left. I think the important point we can draw from the article, however, is that the rightwing’s lunatic fringe is the heart and soul of the Republican Party. Man, it must suck to be a Republican right now.
Mr. Cynical faults Bill Clinton for signing GATT and NAFTA. The truth is, those agreements have brought net gains to the U.S. economy — but none of those gains went to the working class. In fact, none of the economy’s productivity gains and growth gains have gone to the working class since 1970 — the Owner class has hogged them all. Workers’ inflation-adjusted incomes are no higher than they were 35 years ago and have actually fallen 8% since chimpface became president. Yet the overall economy is much richer. Thus, it is clear the problem is not trade agreements per se, but how economic gains have been distributed. WORKERS ARE NOT GETTING THEIR FAIR SHARE. The portion of GDP going to labor has fallen from 60% to under 50%, while the rich get ever richer. Clearly, there are fundamental underlying problems in the distribution of wealth in the U.S., and these problems go hand-in-hand with Republican control of the government and economy. IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE! Workers need to do two things: Vote Democrat, and quit working and start owning! That’s what I’ve done. I’m voting a straight Democratic ticket in 2008 (as I did in 2006), and I don’t work anymore because I’m an Owner now. If you can’t change the system, then go with the flow — do what I do, instead of buying consumer goods, buy stocks! and do no work! Congress doesn’t want you to work. That’s why they tax wages at 3 times the rate they tax capital gains and dividends. I get paid more and taxed less for not working. So, I don’t work or produce anything. If you think this is crazy, don’t complain to me, write a letter to Rep. Rubberstamp because he helped to vote in these crazy tax laws.
38 – It’s historian Rick Perlstein’s thesis that conservatism as it’s known in this country today is a total fraud. He calls it “the big con”. The initial boosters that became Goldwater fanatics were family-owned manufacturers who fought unions tooth and nail. Of course they didn’t want to be taxed and thought it was perfectly ok to pollute and thought “tough luck” if a worker got injured on the job.
Their eyes brightened with the words “small government” because that meant they could do whatever they pleased when it came to avoiding reponsibility for shoddy products, their fair share of the tax burden, the environment, worker safety and a living wage for workers.
Enough linking right wing nuts to those of us who don’t support the lefty agenda. I happen to believe that the liberal agenda would be disastrous to the country my kids will inherit, and I’ll vote “anti-lefty” every time. Doesn’t have diddly to do with the nut job linked above.
You lefties are masterful at the shell game of ignoring the real issues while pointing to some loser’s ideas as evidence that anyone supporting Repubs (including all of us who vote for the lesser of evils) is evil. Just because I don’t support Hillary or Obama does not mean I agree with the nut cases that are also out there voting Republican. Grow up. Tell me many Democrats aren’t bought and paid for by big biz and “special interests” (aka NGO’s with dough), just like many Repubs are.
Oh and by the way “fighting global warming” has already morphed into a scam. Heard about the mercury in those mandated earth-saving light bulbs? Don’t eat the fish, starting about 3 years after all those poison bulbs start burning out. Thanks, lefties!
Stockholders get exactly what they deserve for their complacency & allowing captive Boards. It is one of the key things you should look at in making investment decisions.
Captive Board===Shareholders eventually get screwed!
Frankly, I think more & more companies are starting to get it. Boards exist to protect the SHAREHOLDERS and provide OVERSIGHT over the CEO.
Washington Mutual is a great example of lack of Board leadership. Ought to be some shareholder lawsuits on that one. I can’t sue because I sold my WaMu YEARS ago. Stopped liking the Company management.
Now you answer me this Rog—
How do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA & GATT.
It took Silly Billy’s signature Rog.
Lee says Democrat’s had to “play along”…..WHY??
It was ill-conceived and Pat Buchanan & Perot articulated that very clearly. Unwanted consequences.
Every piece of Legislation proposed should be vetted for Unwanted Consequences…especially when it results in outsourcing your Manufacturing Base!!
Manufacturing & exporting is how real wealth is created in a Country….not breeding more & more Money-Changers and Guv’mint “workers”.
YLB @ 42
Thanks for illustrating my point. Nicely done!
@33 “I have never once argued that NAFTA & GATT are wonderful things. I think they were agreements specifically designed to help big businesses in this country expand and cut costs, and that this is an area where Buchanan has often found agreement with unions and others on the left who can be negatively affected by this.”
Actually, Lee, many economists thought NAFTA and GATT would benefit the U.S. economy across the board; but the premises underlying that belief are now being questioned. NAFTA and GATT haven’t worked out quite the way that was expected, and while few (if any) economists support protectionism, there is a growing chorus of voices — not just labor, but economists as well — who think those agreements need to be revisited with a view to making some adjustments.
@34 It’s rightwing pap. Basically their argument goes, “We’re scary, so you guys must be scary, too.” What a load of b.s.
Those energy saving bulbs are another great example of unwanted consequences being IGNORED in favor of feeling good about using less energy.
Same goes for the HyBrid Car batteries.
What a disaster the disposal of those will be.
Lefty’s===Half-truths + Emotion==Unwanted Consequences worse than the problem they are trying to fix.
LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS (not all the HA Lefty Posters…but waaaay too many are LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS) seem willing to jump on board every feel-good wet-dream of the day.
Wake up, get FACTS, question consequences.
@36 The problem is, who should I vote for in the Republican primary on Feb. 19? There are only two guys in the race, so a vote for anyone else is a wasted vote. Do I vote for McCain the warmonger, who wants to attack Iran, or Romney the animatronic energizer bunny? He who flip-flops on every issue. At this point, I think I’ll have to go with Romney simply because McCain is so toxic.
On the other hand, it’s likely the GOP race will be over and only one candidate will be left by the time Feb. 19 rolls around, in which case I might vote for Huckabee just to help my fellow Washington Republicans* look bad.
* I’m going to be a Republican on Feb. 19, but only temporarily. I’ll be a Democrat again on Feb. 20.
40 – The Pooper serves up a menu that pops up ad nauseum on dozens of wingnut scream sites.
One journalist actually attends a desultory confab cruise of the hopelessly brainwashed like himself and the Pooper wonders what’s the problem. He’d fit right in.
Not a clue about what’s in store. Indeed it sucks to be a right winger stuck with nothing but the same old lame talking points and sorry excuses for right wing failure.
Rog @ 46–
For God Sake Rog, much of our manufacturing base has been exported, China is holding our paper, service jobs are leaving in droves……………….
and you want SOME ADJUSTMENTS???
Where have you been on this? Living in a hole?
Oh yeah, I forgot, you do live in a hole.
@38 “Can anyone here tell me wahat underlying, consistent philosophy unites conservatives?”
“Let’s start with the most basic fact that unites the Reps?”
“Are the repubs roman wannabees?”
@38 (continued) What Republicans want is the advantages of slavery without the inconvenience of having to actually own workers.
45 – zipster, thanks for your utter failure to move your corrupt, bankrupt party to something beyond a total embarrassment. Keep trying though. You certainly have got your work cut out for you.
What a disaster the disposal of those will be.
Poor ignorant, irrelevant Mr. C. languishing in retirement, clinging to his miserable prejudices.
@54 What poisonous bile. Who are you to say what “Republicans” want? Grow up Roger!
Democrats want to make everyone poor, and dependent on the government.
Is that a statement of fact? It is from my point of view. That doesn’t make it true, just what I believe. Use some of those critical thinking skills for a change.
@43 “I happen to believe that the liberal agenda would be disastrous to the country my kids will inherit, and I’ll vote ‘anti-lefty’ every time.”
Well let’s see how “disastrous to the country” the liberal agenda has been:
“Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
“By John Gray Cincinnati, Ohio
“Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.
“All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
“Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; his bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained.
“Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air.
“He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
“Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union.
“If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should loose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
“Its noon time, Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.
“Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.
“Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dads; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards.
“He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electricity until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republicans would still be sitting in the dark)
“He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.
“He turns on a radio talk show, the host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day)
“Joe agrees, ‘We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have’.”
(continued) Here’s some more information about how “disastrous” the liberal agenda is:
“Thanks to the liberals:
“If your workplace is safe; if your children go to school rather than being forced into labor; if you are paid a living wage, including overtime; if you enjoy a 40-hour week and you are allowed to join a union to protect your rights — you can thank liberals. If your food is not poisoned and your water is drinkable — you can thank liberals. If your parents are eligible for Medicare and Social Security, so they can grow old in dignity without bankrupting your family — you can thank liberals. If our rivers are getting cleaner and our air isn’t black with pollution; if our wilderness is protected and our countryside is still green — you can thank liberals. If people of all races can share the same public facilities; if everyone has the right to vote; if couples fall in love and marry regardless of race; if we have finally begun to transcend a segregated society — you can thank liberals. Progressive innovations like those and so many others were achieved by long, difficult struggles against entrenched power. What defined conservatism, and conservatives, was their opposition to every one of those advances. The country we know and love today was built by those victories for liberalism — with the support of the American people.”
— Joe Conason, writer for
(continued) A couple years ago and copied and saved this letter to the editor from a local newspaper. It’s about what the liberal agenda has done to America:
“We all live in a liberal democracy in which, ironically, the word liberal is being distorted and made negative. If one looks up the word ‘liberal’ in the dictionary, one will find defining words such as: freedom of individuals, representational form of government, tending to give freely, generous, tolerant of ideas or behaviors of others. Which of these thoughts do you find offensive? Which of these would you like to have taken away from you, or your neighbor, or your country?”
@24 Piper
A more likely scenario is watching you, all bundled up against the cold, pushing your way to the front of the crowd to proudly watch your sons marching down Pennsylvania Ave., in their snappy uniforms, at Hilary’s second inaugaration parade in January 2013.
(continued) Part of the problem, it seems to me, is that wingnuts have no idea what liberals stand for. Hell, they don’t even understand what THEY stand for, as is evident every time they post some inane comment on a blog. Well, I’m here to help! Here’s what liberals stand for:
“The American Liberal Creed
“Liberals recognize the value and rights of all people;
“Liberals recognize that we share the world with others;
“Liberals support the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and champion their equal application to all citizens;
“Liberals champion knowledge above ignorance, learning above dogma;
“Liberals recognize that the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is futile without education, healthcare and employment;
“Liberals recognize that government of the people, by the people, and for the people is for the service and protection of all, regardless of economic status;
“Liberals recognize that public works and institutions serve the public interest, and taxes support those works and institutions;
“Liberals recognize that ‘every person for themselves’ leads not to a diverse, enlightened and viable society, but only to jungle-like ‘survival of the fittest’;
“Liberals recognize that an individual, not government, controls their own body;
“Liberals recognize that neither government nor commerce is suitable to meet all of our nation’s challenges, that there is a place for both;
“Liberals propagate this message, defend it, and vote for and support those who do.”
© Warren Brown; quoted under fair use.
YLB @ 56–
You think some company called Battery Solutions will successfully recycle HyBrid Car Batteries??
Have you even followed the scientific discussions about the difficulties & ENVIRONMENTAL COST of recycling these damn HyBrid Batteries??
You are typical of the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS who glom on to the “Progressive Brainfart Du Jour” and run with it like there is no tomorrow.
Stop & ask questions.
For example, why don’t recycling operations publish annual reports on the ENVIRONMENTAL COST of recycling….driving Trucks around, employee commuting, processing….Recycling has an ENVIRONMENTAL COST. When I have repeatedly question what the environmental costs are, the Lefty’s Pro-recycling guys brand me as anti-recycling!!
I just want the facts.
You should too.
A pre-requisite for being a Progressive seems to be a high dose of emotion (heavy levels of Estrogen) and missing a whole lot of key brain cells that enable a human to do comprehensive fact-gathering & analysis.
YLB is totally devoid of those important brain cells.
@44 “Stockholders get exactly what they deserve for their complacency & allowing captive Boards.”
Huh? Since when do shareholders get a say? With insiders and institutional investors controlling 80% of the outstanding shares, why should the owner of 100 shares or even 1,000 shares even waste a postage stamp on returning the proxy ballot? I never have, because my votes don’t count for shit — the big boys are going to do as they please anyway.
“Now you answer me this Rog — How do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA & GATT. It took Silly Billy’s signature Rog.”
I didn’t vote for Clinton and I opposed NAFTA and GATT.
“Lee says Democrat’s had to ‘play along’…..WHY??”
I give up … because most Democratic officeholders are spineless robots who do what they’re told?
“Every piece of Legislation proposed should be vetted for Unwanted Consequences…”
Well, I couldn’t agree with you more. For example, I wish more of the spineless robots occupying Democratic seats in Congress had considered the potential unwanted consequences of giving someone as dishonest as George the authority to attack Iraq as a last resort.
“Manufacturing & exporting is how real wealth is created in a Country….not breeding more & more Money-Changers and Guv’mint ‘workers’.”
Yes and no. You won’t have any manufacturing or exporting without government-provided infrastructure (highways, ports, airports, etc.) and let’s not overlook gummint’s role in subsidizing industries, enforcing anti-dumping laws and taking other steps to prevent unfair foreign competition from undermining our domestic industries, etc.
It’s like this, Cynical. Government is man’s greatest invention. Without government, you would still be cracking open bones with rocks to eat marrow the hyenas left behind, just like your ancestors did 2 million years ago. Government creates and enforces the rules of commerce and property ownership that make a modern economy possible. Government defends the property and social order that makes private enterprise possible. Without government, you would have absolutely nothing.
Saying a capitalist economy doesn’t need government is like saying a factory doesn’t need labor or markets because only capital matters and workers and customers aren’t capital therefore they are unnecessary.
I submit to you that a functioning system of government is every bit as essential to a manufacturing enterprise as is capital, plant, equipment, workers, and customers.
So why do you hate government? And if you hate government, why did you work in government? I understand you were a city official over on the Kitsap peninsula. Do you get a government pension? I do, and I’m not ashamed of it — I worked damned hard for it, and the work I did benefited the citizens of our state in many ways. I more than earned my keep. So why do you have a problem with people who earn their living doing necessary work in the public sector? Why is that less honorable, and why should it be rewarded less, than doing necessary work in the private sector? Both are necessary to our economy and society.
You are blinded by dogmatism.
I would add that if Mr. Cynical worked for BIAW, then every cent of what he was paid came from L & I taxes.
@52 I take it you’re a big fan of tariff walls, protectionism, and devaluing the dollar?
Cynical is just pissed because his Republican chairman of the Federal Reserve appointed by his Republican president is cutting interest rates and Cynical isn’t making squat on his retirement investments.
63 – Mr. C. – nice to have you back. I present facts, solutions you present name-calling.
Lead-acid batteries have been recycled for years. All the new generation of batteries will be recycled and properly disposed of as well. And yes preserving the environment has a cost that shouldn’t be passed on to future generations.
@57 “Who are you to say what “Republicans” want? Grow up Roger!”
I know very well what Republicans want, because they’re taking it from me.
@57 “Democrats want to make everyone poor, and dependent on the government. Is that a statement of fact? It is from my point of view. That doesn’t make it true, just what I believe. Use some of those critical thinking skills for a change.”
You’re right, it’s nothing more than your point of view, which doesn’t make my observations as worthless as your opinions. Not all opinions are equal. Let’s test yours against some facts:
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003:
–Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs, Republicans 36,440,000. Per Year Average: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Republicans had 9 presidents during the period and 6 presided over depression or recession.
–The Dow average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–GDP grew 43% more under Democrats.
SOURCES-Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Economic Policy Institute (
Global & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003
See a pattern here? Democrats not only do a better job of managing the economy overall, but also, when Democrats run the economy the benefits are more broadly distributed. All Republicans care about is lining their own pockets and to hell with everyone else.
This recent kuow program discussed greener electronics and “e-cycling”.
YLB: “All the new generation of batteries will be recycled and properly disposed of as well.” is a fact? You are naive, pal.
It has been a while. Been very active behind the scenes with the Obama campaign and have not been following HA as much as I would normally like. The shoulder seems to have stabilized but is still having way too much of an impact. So have you seen the light yet and switched to the Democratic Party?
72 – Believe what you want zipster. How’s it worked out for you so far?
Did you get a piece of that 695 billion I listed in 37?
If so congrats. Future generations will be in your debt.
I would like to remind everyone …. just to let you know how little he knows about politics …. that Roger Rabbit actually said this a few weeks back “Republicans don’t care who the Democratic nominee is.”
I don’t know about you, but that’s one of the stupidest statements I’ve ever heard.
75 – All of you trolls seem to live to attack Roger Rabbit – Stamm, MTR, PuddySilly, Name Morphing Troll, and on and on. Not that he cares – it rolls off his back and he continues to speak out like he always has.
How much does it pay? A dime or a quarter per attack with a two attack per day limit?
YLB, are you saying that people should not stand up against intolerance, hate, and violence, when they see it?
BTW, I have a strong feeling that the guy played a role in getting Goldy fired. I would not be surprised if the PD of KIRO visited this site, to see what the “great blogger revolution” is all about, and when he saw all the intolerance and hate, especially in the comments section, and especially by one person in particular (and not being denounced by the bloggers, by they way. I was the only liberal here to stand up against his hate-filled bigotry), he was concerned about…. to be continued, I have to make an international business call to Tokyo.
#77 You call Tokyo for your phonesex? Isn’t that a wee bit expensive?
@77: LOL. Yeah, that’s right. Excuse me, I have to get back to my drink, drugs, and tattoo porn.
YLB: “All the new generation of batteries will be recycled and properly disposed of as well.” How can you claim this as fact?
I guess you must be “only kidding” as Goldy criticizes above. Don’t trot out a bunch of facts if when called on one you have no answer.
77 – Everything Roger Rabbit says against Republicans, I agree with it. Hell he used to be a Republican. Does he exaggerate? Maybe. Anyway you cut it, he’s an entertaining read and he’s 100 percent spot on about the miserable crowd who has screwed up the future of this country.
Intolerance, bigotry, hate – that’s all on the wingnut side.
You call yourself a liberal? I bet you’re one of those “classical” liberal jokes like Jonah Goldberg.
You’re not fooling anyone.
“Alles Hitler sagt gegen die Juden, ich übereinstimmen mit.” Translation, “Everything Hitler says against the Jews, I agree with.”
Heinrich Himmler, 1939.
82 – Screw you right wing loser. The Republicans have become a joke, a crowd so drunk on looting money they hardly even hide it anymore. Oil and Gas, Insurance, Real Estate Development/Construction, Big Pharma and military contracting – that’s the true interests of the Republican party.
Go ahead and vote for Rossi in November, he’s BIAW and Real Estate’s candidate just like McGavick was the candidate of the Insurance Industry. Vote for McCain who’ll do everything he can to keep the Iraq contracting gravy flowing.
81 – Just google battery recycling. How hard is that for you? Listen to the Kuow show. One of the guest verifies a consortium of battery manufacturers who are committed to recycling and disposal.
Haha, you’re arguing with a guy named Troll who makes up quotes. You’re an idiot.
Haha, you’re arguing with a guy named Troll who makes up quotes. You’re an idiot.
I’m pretty sure he’s not the idiot here.
Roger Rabbit says: Nuthing important:”I see in today’s news that France’s rightwing president Nicolas Sarkozy has married Italian supermodel Carla Bruni only 4 months after ditching his wife. I wonder if he got that idea from American mayors? Hey, weren’t France and Italy enemies during the war? Has anyone checked to find out whether France’s new first lady is an Italian spy? P.S., she’s rich too — she’s an heiress to the Pirelli tire fortunre.”
Does this libtard pay attention to anything other than his teeny tiny penis?
Pelltizer – No he didn’t get the idea from anyone you dumb moron. His previous wife left him because she couldn’t stand the pressure of being the first wife of France. He went into mourning and Carla happened along. Research it you moron.
I know you don’t research and just sling as much shit as possible.
Roger Rabbit says: “GOP Hypocrites Target Democratic Earmarks”
Dumb Bunny: Did you forget Nancy Pelosi’s Earmark Promise for the 2006 election?
Google it!
YLB says: “It’s historian Rick Perlstein’s thesis…”
Clueless you trying to tell us Rick Perlstein is a historian again? Or as I stated before…
Come on Clueless, you know who’s reading your BULLSHITTIUM!
You did say something true though: “Roger Rabbit marches lockstep with the “audacity of dopes”.”
YLB says: 63 – Mr. C. – nice to have you back. I present facts, solutions you present name-calling.
Yes: Let’s regurgitate your facts
Rick Perlstein – Paid MoveOn Maggot
Take the test. Oh it’s fake test
American History – I don’t know that
Democratic Underground isn’t bad
What a moron
The problem is that FDR has died, and the Democrats wouldn’t have him in the party if he were alive. The Democrats have turned into socialists.
FDR was way more socialist than either Obama or Clinton.
89 – PuddyLiar, you misquoted me. I was referring to Mark1’s hatred of women AND Roger Rabbit.
You chopped the sentence to your own purposes. You are lying, being dishonest, an asshole.
I’m going to ignore you from now on. It was fun toying with your insanity and I’ll watch from a distance as you become more and more twisted as November approaches.
Until the final moment when you throw the lever for Obama or McCain/Romney if Hillary comes out on top. Anyway you cut it, you lose and you’re once again denied gloating from the perch of your overstuffed ego.
Nice knowing you.
I am a liar Clueless? Did I put that into pixels? Awwwww Poor Clueless. I used the Clueless debate technique for political enemies and he throws a fit? Chop chop! That quote will benefit me for a long time.
If you don’t want your words used against you then be careful what your write.
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeeee hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeeee hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeeee hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeee heeeeee hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo
BTW Clueless I never knew you.
You hide behind your hatred.
You hide behind empty words.
You hide behind the kool-aid.
So who are you?
mr.cynical@48…… are absolutely right about the bulbs…..most people[insert mindless libs here] don’t bother to do any research into new things when they first come along. the bulbs manufacturers state that you “should” put down a drop cloth under whatever light you are replacing the bulb in “just in case you drop the bulb”.
yup….that mercury sure is fun.
and they trigger seizers in people with seizure disorder.
recycling of them costs more in fuel and resources than they save.ditto for batteries.
and roger@58.sorry hon, i don’t care what that “journalist” wrote. it’s fiction. my husband is one of the people that have made clean air and water possible and he is as far from a liberal as you can get. come to think of it, short of university “professors” who play at research, i don’t know ANY liberal scientists in the chemistry field.and those are the people that are responsible for cleaning up the environment roger. better living through chemistry. what you guys don’t know would fill an ocean.
troll@82 and 85……excellent shot…….i am still laughing.