George W. Bush and his gang of neocon warmongers have destroyed America’s reputation. It is likely to stay destroyed, because at this point the only way to restore America’s reputation would be to impeach and convict President Bush for intentionally deceiving Congress and the American people in order to start a war of aggression against a country that posed no threat to the United States.
America can redeem itself only by holding Bush accountable.
As intent as Republicans were to impeach President Bill Clinton for lying about a sexual affair, they have a blind eye for President Bush’s far more serious lies. Bush’s lies have caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, injured and maimed tens of thousands more, devastated a country, destroyed America’s reputation, caused 1 billion Muslims to hate America, ruined our alliances with Europe, created a police state at home, and squandered $300 billion dollars and counting.
America’s reputation is so damaged that not even our puppets can stand the heat. Anti-American riots, which have left Afghan cities and towns in flames and hospitals overflowing with casualties, have forced Bush’s Afghan puppet, “President” Hamid Karzai, to assert his independence from his U.S. overlords. In a belated act of sovereignty, Karzai asserted authority over heavy-handed U.S. troops whose brutal and stupid ways sparked the devastating riots. Karzai demanded control of U.S. military activities in Afghanistan and called for the return of the Afghan detainees who are being held at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
Impeach Bush? America’s reputation in tatters? This must be the rantings of some commie-lib, hate America first, left-wingnut whacko, right?
Actually, this is from a column by a man with impeccable conservative Republican credentials: Paul Craig Roberts, a former assistant secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan. Formerly of the Cato Institute, and currently a senior fellow a the Hoover Institution, Roberts is also a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and Investor’s Business Daily. Read his bio… it’s quite impressive.
Equally impressive is his scathing criticism of President Bush. Remember that secret memo that I wrote about, that the US MSM is afraid to acknowledge? Well, Roberts says this alone is enough to put Bush behind bars.
Abundant evidence now exists in the public domain to convict George W. Bush of the crime of the century. The secret British government memo (dated July 23, 2002, and available here), leaked to the Sunday Times (which printed it on May 1, 2005), reports that Bush wanted “to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. . . . But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. . . . The (United Kingdom) attorney general said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action. There were three possible legal bases: self-defense, humanitarian intervention or UNSC (U.N. Security Council) authorization. The first and second could not be the base in this case. Relying on UNSCR 1205 of three years ago would be difficult.”
This memo is the mother of all smoking guns. Why isn’t Bush in the dock?
Has American democracy failed at home?
Not yet. But we’re awfully damn close.
Your fault we got Bush again. Giving us Kerry as the choice was stillborn.
Good stuff Goldy. Please run for president next time around.
wrongon @ 1
Don’t blame the libs, blame those that voted for Bush. Remember, 50% of the people are stupider than average.
Kerry may not have been perfect but he didn’t:
1) Start a war on false pretenses,
2) Torture people,
3) Commit treason (remember Valeria Plame?),
4) Bribe journalists,
5) Arrest people because he didn’t like their bumper sticker,
6) Send soldiers into battle without body armor,
7) Cut veterans benefits.
Bush’s coke-fried brain has inflicted havoc on this country. A jackass would be a better president than him. Hell, Goldy’s dog would be a better president than him.
Are you changing the subject because Rossi is going to win the trial?
Oh boy, this should be a great read! Too bad it (impeachment) will never materalize. As we all know (or should if we just open our eyes) aggression, justified or not is basicly acceptable, and sexuality is taboo. Seems to be woven into the fabric of this country.
I don’t think that even Jesus Christ himself could convince Congress that the President is a lying, deceptive poster child for adult functioning brain damage. But considering we (as a country) didn’t learn from our mistakes in Vietnam, what makes anyone think we’re smarter now (or more inclined to culpability)?
The truth is out there, reguardless if one wants to believe it or not…kinda like global warming.
Great post! I would add: Turned a budget surplus into an all-time record deficit.
And yet it is BUSH that is president. Better go back to the therapist.
pbj @ 8 “And yet it is BUSH that is president.”
All this horror could change. The neo-con machine has thrown a rod and is about to implode.
What? A Republican who disagrees? I guess THIS now puts a nail in your theory that we are all goose steppers eh?
Oh boy…this should be a great read!
Too bad that impeachment will never materalize. I don’t think Jesus Christ himself could convince Congress that the President is the lying, decptive poster child of living brain damage. Although it seems to me that aggression/retrubution is acceptable and sexuality is not, hence the furvor over Bill & Monica and the collective silence over the invasion of Iraq.
Folks just cannot avoid allowing their brains to be washed, 50% of the country is proof of that. The truth is available, and yet our elected officials are more concerned with pro sports and steroid use, while the general public ooh’s and aww’s about Michael Jackson, the “runaway bride” or what cleb is screwing who now.
As much as I agree with Mr. Roberts statements, Americans themsleves have created this monster. We built Frankenstien and let him loose upon the world and have gall to wonder WHY everybody hates us? We can ignore anything we want, then stick our dicks where its not wanted and still find a way to justify it. How about the African nations where millions have been slautered? How about Bush treating the Tsunami funds like a game of Texas hold’em? How about real threats like North Korea? HOW ABOUT FINDING BINLADIN?!? WHAT ABOUT THAT?
Naw, forget it. It’s no more a reality than global warming, right? Afterall, all the evidence in the world can’t be right if your to dense to understand it.
Are you changing the subject because Rossi is going to win the trial?
Comment by pbj — 5/20/05 @ 1:30 pm
Yo PBJ, even if that were true (and it isn’t) – it’s a blip on the radar compared to what Goldy is talking about here. Ya got’s no sense of perspective….
Rossi who?
Unfortunately we might have to wait a few decades until our economy totally crumbles to realize what GW has done to this country. Wait until China stops subsidizing our dollar and then we’ll have to pay the piper. Clinton left office with America a proud and ethical country with an economic surplus: Five years later we are on the verge of becoming a theocracy with the largest dept in history.
George Galloway for President!
Reply to 9, which merely proves that a considerable number of people can manage to be stubborn and stupid at the same time.
Reply to 11, there may be some Republicans who can think for themselves, but I’ve yet to see any evidence you’re one of them.
DamnageD @12
How about the African nations where millions have been slautered?
Yeah, how ’bout it? Why did the UN allow slaughter to occur? Rwanda has resonance after the fact, but during the occurrence not a peep was heard from either the White House or the UN.
Not sure what you are talking about with the tsunami funds. My donations went to the IRC, a disaster relief organization that understands and can deal with the logistics of relief for, um, international disasters, unlike the federal government.
Agree with your Q’s on North Korea and Bin Lauden, but just how do we deal with them? March into Pakistan’s northern provinces and ask nicely where we can find Mr. Bin Lauden? Give the NK’s double the amount of their GDP in a given year to act in good faith and dismantle their nuke capacity in return (something already tried, to potentially disastrous result)?
Comment on 17, I don’t understand the knock on the U.S. government’s tsunami efforts. Uncle Sam sent ships and helicopters with relief supplies and, as I recall, provided something like $250 million of relief funds. The U.S. military has the world’s best trained, best equipped, and most highly skilled rescue personnel and these folks were on the scene plucking survivors from tsunami wreckage and providing technical and material assistance to local authorities. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the Army and Coast Guard have been rescuing injured and stranded hikers, mountain climbers, recreational boaters, and commercial mariners and fishermen for many years — sometimes in very challenging conditions, and at considerable peril to themselves.
The answer to NK is the same as with Russia, China, and the other nuclear powers: deterrence. That’s what we have our nuclear arsenal for. Let ’em know if they ever launch those weapons, they’ll get some back. Kim Il Jong wants the world to believe he’s unpredictable, but far from being suicidal, he’s a smart, shrewd, and calculating operator. We have to make sure he understands with perfect clarity how we will respond to a nuclear attack launched from North Korea. That strategy kept the peace through half a century of Cold War and it will work on him, too.
A terrorist group getting a nuke is a different story altogether. They don’t have a country and a population to lose in a retaliatory strike.
History will be harsh on Bush and his band of brutish neoconmen. They have cynically manipulated the American people through perpetuating fear, stifling the media, and igniting the culture wars. The manner in which the Bushites have so viciously divided the American people is one of their greatest sins. Reading the posts on this blog shows how deep and wide that divide is. By governing to the exclusion of at least half the electorate, with no attempt to reach out to those who would disagree with him, Bush teaches that blind partisanship is just fine and, unfortunately, our future. Bush is a small and unaccomplished man, thrust onto a stage where he does not belong. Who, thirty years ago, would ever have dreamed that this nation would be where it is politically today? Time for a beer . . .
Patrick @18,
You can call me marks, if you like, or you can call me dirtbag if it suits your needs…”Comment on 17″ seems so impersonal…
I don’t understand the knock on the U.S. government’s tsunami efforts.
It was a roundabout knock to the roundabout knock that DamnageD implied. The mission of the military is simple: Follow the orders of your superiors. Whether you think they are superior or not, or the mission does not seem relevant to national security, the mission must be accomplished per the orders given. We can debate the many facets of moral authority, but that is how I see it at the moment…
Is Kim Jong Il crazy like a fox?
proud leftist @19
I can agree that it is time for a beer…
Yeah, I agree w/ you there are serious questions here.
I wish Bush & Co. would be replaced by somebody more smart, more moderate – like Rossi & Co. or McCain…
Josef, go back to your one man no comment show…….the best place for Rossi and Co would be in Iraq. McCain is another story. One of the last semi-honest Republicans….a dying breed… Rossi and his harpie’s (M)political futures
History will show that in America’s time of trouble, one man- George W Bush stood up to them Unlike the Clinton coward who sacrificed our people at the feet of the terrorists, Bush fought back. Clinton’s term was marred by attack after attact, 1993 WTC bombing, US Embassies, Somalia, The USS Cole and Khobar Towers.
As a result of Bush’s leadership, Al-Qaeda hasn’t been able to attack us on US soil, most of their leadership is dead or on the run and Democracy is blooming in the Middle East in places like Afghanistan, Lebanon and Iraq. The liberals said Iraq’s couldn’t possible have elections, but they did. Liberals said the invasion woul cause the US 150,000 casualties – they were wrong. Liberals only response has been to undermine the war effort at every turn.
Yes, history will record that when the people of the Middle East yearmed for Democract, the Democrat party looked the other way.
Yet these very same liberals said nothin when William Jefferson Clinton went without UN approval into Kosovo. They said nothing when William Jefferson Clinton allowed the Rwanda genocide.
For some reason I am hungry for something I haven’t eaten since grade school…
Anyway, GWB may be remembered for many things, and indeed they may be justified. Same as Clinton is remembered for many things, also justified. I am just not sure that your characterization of either @23 & 24 is justified…at least, not yet…
pbj wrote @6, “Are you changing the subject because Rossi is going to win the trial?”
And lest we forget Bush’s lying about his traitorous military record, you can download copies of the evidence here:
Georgie put lipstick and wings on pigs and damn(!!!) if they ain’t flyin’.
Reply to 20, having been in the military I can assure you there’s more to it than “following your orders.” That’s like saying the only thing you need to to be a succesful investor is make money! The soldier’s problem is HOW to carry out his orders. That’s where he has to draw on his training, knowledge, experience, physical strength, courage, God, mother …
Comment on 23, excuse me??? Are you high? Bush’s negligence led directly to 9-11. Clinton tried to warn Bush about Al Qaeda and Clinton’s administration had prepared a plan to fight terrorists, but Bush would have nothing to do with anything wearing a “Democrat” label. He would rather sacrifice 2,800 American lives than listen to a Democrat, which is exactly what he did. And you have the gall to say Clinton didn’t do anything to stop the terrorists? You have some nerve!
Comment on 24, Clinton STOPPED
Comment on 24, Clinton STOPPED the Kosovo genocide without losing one American life! And you criticize Clinton for that? You are one cheeky individual. Do you know what would have happened if Clinton had sent troops to intervene in Rwanda? Republicans would have criticized him mercilessly for risking American lives where no U.S. security interests were at stake. If he had done it, you’d be yelling the loudest on this board.
As you wish…
I can assure you that my 11 years in the service proved that a person can carry out orders and still hold to personal values.
Comment on 24, Clinton STOPPED the Kosovo genocide without losing one American life!
Ummm…where were you during that one? I can doubly assure you that lives were lost there on “our” side (I know of two)…funny how the media differentiates how a person dies will dictate the advertised life-losses of war…
first, sorry about the double post…the first didnt seem to go thru
Marks @ 17
The discussion about Rwanda is simple, it happened and we did nothing, saw nothing, said nothing…cause we and nothing to gain…unlike Iraq. Shame!
My point on the tsunami support is the fact that WE, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, should have put up the pot to help those people, not keep following the ante when other countries made us look cheep. My comment is entirely focused a Bush and his enept admin, NOT ANYTHING towards our troops or military.
I am proud of us for all that was donated and offered…i sure hope its done its part since the western world has moved on to greener dollars. ops, i mean passtures.
penut butter brain @ 23
Another perfect example of crainal bleach in effect. Makes all those stains of truth and conscience vanish with out a trace…removes blood from politicians hands too.
Do you smell that? Its the clean fresh scent of stupidity.
marks @ 34 Yeah, and funny how the Chimps administration differentiates between war deaths/casualties and American soldiers that just happened to get killed while making the mandatory runs to the battle zones. The ones that get blown up while delivering diesel or supplies are not ‘casualties of war’ just their bad luck at being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I appreciate your military service to the USA….but you do need to start learning some facts…when was your service? The WWI or WWII? Seems likely WWI because most of the neocons are in the age bracket 60+
2 dead = bad
1600 dead = good!
Typical winger logic, bro’.
U2 @37
Chimps administration
Which administration is that?
And no, I was in the Iraq whatchamacallit…
DamnageD @35
The discussion about Rwanda is simple, it happened and we did nothing, saw nothing, said nothing…cause we and nothing to gain…unlike Iraq. Shame!
See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil…Wholeheartedly agree, and I am ashamed…for my planet under the United Nations…
What should have been done? What could have been done?
rujax206 @38
I am so happy you contribute … When I find out what you contributed, I will let you know…
Marks…no hurry.
The issue, bro’, is CONTROL. This is a bunch of re-cycled Reagan-era thugs and military-industrial-oil barons with the punching power of the Christian far-right behind them.
The suits want the money and the power…ALL THE MONEY. ALL THE POWER.
The theocrats want control of the culture. They are NO DIFFERENT than the mullahs.
Enter the Smirking Chimp (chimpy to his friends), George Walker Bush (worst) President of the United States (ever), Karl Rove, Dickie Cheney, and the rest of the Mayberry Machiavelli’s. Ever read the Texas Republican Party Platform? A truly vile document. A blueprint for what this bunch of corruption conservatives and zealot zombies want to perpetrate.
Nixon, Ray-gun, Bush I, Bush II. Each time it gets worse. But don’t worry, we’ll all have Social Security to fall back on…oh…sorry.
Thanks for passing on this article, Goldy. Something that I read just recently; a recent CNN press release shows that Fox News Channel’s ratings have dropped 58% since November 2004.
Here are FNC’s month-by-month weekday primetime averages in the 25-54 demographic:
Oct. 04: 1,074,000 /
Nov. 04: 891,000 /
Dec. 04: 568,000 /
Jan. 05: 564,000 /
Feb. 05: 520,000 /
March 05: 498,000 /
April 05: 445,000
This is a 58% drop in 6 months
Also: In April 2005, FNC’s weekday primetime demo average decreased 25% compared to the year-ago, while CNN increased 27%
From the TVNewser
I hope all this means the American public is starting to figure out the neocon game. Prominent conservative writers like Paul Craig Roberts have waited too long to speak out.
Reply to 34, there were no American combat deaths in Kosovo. Maybe you’re counting a couple people who got run over by jeeps, I don’t know. You don’t have to go all the way to Kosovo for that. You can get run over in front of my house.
Now there’s no turning back. We’re at war with this corrupt and illegal administration. Call them on their lies and don’t back down. Anyone who knows about the lies and supports them is a traitor. Anyone who thinks it’s clever to game a bunch of religious zealots for political advantage is beneath contempt.
*Impeach Bush*
One can only hope.
But please take the rest of the zealots with him when he goes. This is a collective at work.
look at all you lefty’s frothing over 1 article. your new bible. lol republicans are kicking your butts.
monday may 23rd
chelan county
king county vote fraud
do not get distracted
Even you lose when you win.So, we’ll find some people on your end of the election that filled out some paperwork incorrectly. .And all this is not a new story. It’s months old. It’s just been resurrected as a last ditch effort.
Don’t forget those three missing “black box” voting machines. The Dems.are playing that card close to the vest. I can’t wait to see you experience once again the shame of your true colors exposed for all the world to see.
And, furthermore, that skinny, stinky Republican whore should never disgrace the cover of a national magazine ever again.
Ooooooooh…bitter grape packs the smackdown. Oooooooooh.
I see the LEFTIST PINHEADS have a thread they can really get their fangs into.
If the LEFTIST PINHEADS didn’t have folks to demonize, facts to twist and fear-mongering they would be in a perpetual coma.
By the way…wasn’t Clinton the man for NAFTA and GAT????
Patrick Buchanan called those 2 disasters for what they were didn’t he!! The problem with the LEFTIST PINHEADS is they would rather support losers like Kerry & Dean than recruit an honest, straight-shooter like Buchanan.
I bow before thy withering attack Mr. Non-Sensical. My LEFTIST PIN-NESS will never be a match for thy RIGHTIST PINHEADEDNESS.
Gawd, how long must we suffer this RIGHT WING TRIPE??? Tripe(!), I say!
rujax206, in the state of Washington until Bridges rules in favor of Gregoire. In the nation as a whole it will be until the elections of 2006. As of now the percentage of people that want a Democratic lead congress is 47% against 40% Republicans. The crazy right will be sitting around, complaining about the smaller than expected SS payments, getting drunk with Mr. Cynical and with hazy eyes ask again and again…where did we go wrong? We had it all and then it was gone. A few more years and POOF gone.
PBJ@23: The WTC security vulnerabilities were known before Clinton took office in 1992. The previous Bush administration and the intellilgence communities were well aware of the WTC vulnerabilities before 1992 and they were well aware of Osama Bin Laden. The vulnerability assessment of the WTC was done by a US company sometime before 1992. Though the 1993 attack occurred on Clinton’s watch, it was the only foreign terrorist attck on US soil for the next 8 years, until 9/11. Clinton’s administration went 8 years without an attack on US soil; In contrast, the cowboy’s administration went three years. Since then, this administration has used the WTC as an excuse to invade Iraq, and ignore Osama Bin Laden. The capon elected as our sack of shit in chief is ignoring the war on terrorism in favor of oil. Marilyn
Awe, that’s nothing. I got a secret memo that’s guaranteed to get an impeachment of Bush. It’s folded up and hidden in a shopping cart in Fremont near your beloved Lenin statue.
That’s right, Lucy. Only Democrats should ever get to be featured on the cover of Time!
Did you guys know you can now pick up your “Newswee lied, people died” bumper stickers? They really are available. I know you’ll be falling all over each other to get one. avoid the rush
Newswee=Newsweek. But you knew that.
Newsweek lied. People Died. Yep, that’ll be popular here.
Newsweek only “lied” by retracting the story.
From the LA Times: Dozens Have Alleged Koran’s Mishandling
Ok, soiling Lewinsky was obviously a worse crime than lying your country into war.
So spare a thought then for Margie Schoedinger. She files a lawsuit against G W Bush for rape, then dies of shotgun wound to the head before it gets to court. The documents are still on the Fort Bend courthouse website and can be viewed here
Any American press get the story? Of course not. Except the local Fort Bend paper. But Russia knew about it
There’s an interesting story here
In fact run a Google search on “Margie Schoedinger”
And allow yourself to think the unthinkable once in a while.
steadily.carves.along attentiveness protection soothes:askance:Baldwin