Oh shit: “Mayor proposes tougher fines for owners of blighted property.”
The proposed legislation, Nickels said, is “important work that gets to the heart of keeping our neighborhoods safe and livable.” The mayor’s proposal, which requires City Council approval, would amend city codes to punish repeat offenders who allow their homes to become blighted, turn their open spaces into junkyards or let bushes and weeds take over sidewalks.
Damn it. Next thing you know, Animal Control will raid my house to remove the hundreds of dust bunnies I’ve been inhumanely breeding.
Blight is voting Republican. If he really wants to get rid of blight, Nickels needs to rent a ship and deport all of the Republicans to a desert island. Here’s a good place for them: http://tinyurl.com/ypfgsf
Give ’em two days’ food and water, then let ’em eat each other!
ANIMAL CONTROL?!!! Don’t you dare let ANIMAL CONTROL get your dust BUNNIES, Goldy!!! They’ll send them to a CONCENTRATION CAMP where they’ll be used for horrific MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS. Shreik!!! Blecchhh!!! Bunnies are for hugging: http://tinyurl.com/e4trp
Ooops — wrong photo. What the hell, you know what I mean!
Your link doesn’t work.
A slackly maintained yard is a far cry from leaving an empty lot to collect garbage.
That being said, Sisley is an idiot. Permits for big projects in neighborhoods take years. That’s the timeline. If you leave a lot empty expecting the city is going to approve your permit overnight, you match the old adage about a fool and his money. He’s been holding this land long enough that he should know better.
If you have nothing better to do with your lot, call in a paving truck and stick a Diamond Parking box on one side of it.
I am a pro-dust bunny activist. I don’t use a vacuum under the bed, it is inhumane to suck the little critters up like that. The pain they suffer and the displacement from the only home they have known is just too much for me to have on my conscience. SAVE THE BUNNIES!
I have been quiet here lately. That is because Teresa has accepted a new position that relocates us to my native Southern California, where we will be closer to my kids and any potential grand children. We have been house searching. Finding a place was easy, finding one at the price we wanted to pay was not so easy. California is out of control price wise. However we found a place that will allow us to keep all the animals and is close to a MetroLink station that Teresa can use to commute to L.A. for work.
(I wish she would retire, but she just complains about her deadbeat husband who won’t work. I know some wingnut will jump on this, but knowing the whole story might be a good idea first. Especially the part about how my good wife prefers that I don’t work).
I will miss the Northwest and its unique political ways. I will miss the daily connection that HorsesAss has given me with local politics. I will miss some of the commentors here, others, well, not so much.
Goldy, thanks for turning my interest in politics back on and for the hours of entertainment and information you have provided to all of us who read your blog. It really is one of the best local political blogs in the country.
I will check in from time to time.
God, I sure miss JCH. I wonder if JCH is actually another of Puddypud’s multiple personalities?
Well when you support the government to regulate your property rights without due process or compensation for any reason what would you expect . That they will only regulate for reasons you support ?
The Constitution protects the minority from the majority also .
Now if you buying a home , or moving into an area where those reulations were already written , I be more open to the zoning regulations . But when you already live there and they change the regulations on you , well welcome to the conservative movement .. And we could use your help .
Best wishes in California. I, too, will miss your commentary. There are plenty of wingnuts in your new place, of course. Keep your bladder full and piss all over them.
Hugh Sisley has been a menace in the Roosevelt neighborhood for a long long time. He routinely threatens lawsuits against neighbors for complaining about his properties. He skirts rental housing codes by claiming that the people he rents his houses to are members of a private club. He claims to provide low-income housing, but in reality he packs 10 to 20 people in a single family home, most with only a single bathroom. He refuses to repair his homes, even renting one that has a hole in the roof from an electical fire. It’s way past time that the City cracked down on slum lords like Hugh Sisley. Those who would make him out to be a martyr should read the inspectors report on one of his houses that had so many rats on both the inside and outside that city staff had to don protective clothing to enter. With private property rights come responsibilities. Hugh Sisley games the system and we all have to pay the price. Just thank god you don’t live next to one of his properties.
So why don’t you just shoot him?
MLF, all the best, and yes, please do check in and let us know what the California wingnuts are up to. Cheers!
Oh, and goats are good for keeping ivy in check. Is the mayor going to allow city residents to keep a pet goat around to keep the hedges in trim? Somehow, I doubt it. Fucking busybodies.
Tlazolteotl #13,
Of course. Everyone knows that mares eat oats and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy. But a kid’ll eat ivy too. (Wouldn’t you?)
Hugh Sisley….lessee, he must be related to Jim and Drake Sisley. I think that in spite of Richard’s efforts, Drake may still hold the record for running unsuccessfully for the most offices in the state of Washington.
What if Alberto “Torquemada” Shithead Gonzo declares the dust bunnies to be enemy combatants?
Is the Geneva Convention “quaint and obsolete” in this respect?
6 I’ve ben wondering about JCH as well. It seems we haven’t heard from him in quite a while. Alice and I are planning to spend a few days on the Big Island in September, and I wouldn’t have minded meeting him some place for tall cool something-or-other. Assuming he’s for real, that is.
I’m glad I don’t live up in the U district, but there sure are some bad deals going on up there. From Google, it looks like Hugh Sisley has been pissing off the neighbors for the better part of a decade, if not longer. Check out this story from earlier in the year about a property manager who used to work for him: Sentencing for white supremacist Gilbert postponed until April 6
I’ve ben wondering about JCH
A Real Horses ASS blogged: God, I sure miss JCH. I wonder if JCH is actually another of Puddypud’s multiple personalities?
Carl: I would have been outed by Voice of Chalk Scratching. He has no ethics. I love how that name rolls off the tongue!
Good luck in the real libtard state. I’m sure PacMan can tell you all about Phil Angeledes and Grey-Out Davis, and the LA County Libtards.
You know, somebody might take you seriously if you did not use words like “libtard.” I suspect at one point you might have had a heart. Something caused you to reject having a heart, and and to give up on giving a damn about people. What was it? C’mon, buddy, you can share. After all, we’re all libtards, and, if nothing else, we can listen.
@5 ??? The links in 1 & 3 work when I click on them.
@6 Everything is out of control price-wise. You are about to see $4 gas, $4 bread, and $4 milk. The administration’s inflation figures are bullshit. We have double-digit inflation in this country right now.
Just like we did when Nixon put a war on our credit card.
And the trolls blame it on Carter.
@8 Rabbits are immortal. I will soldier on forever.
Or until I drop dead, whichever occurs first.
Mrs. Rabbit just asked me what Stefan does for a living. I told her that he’s a “gentleman of leisure” while his wife earns at paycheck as a law-firm lawyer. She replied, “He’s no gentleman, he’s a Republican.” Touche. She got me that time.
@10 He probably votes Republican, too.
@17 You’d better get clearance from Homeland Security before you visit a terrorist training camp.
I just called JCH a terrorist. If he doesn’t like it, he can go fuck himself, and pet the armadillo he rode in on.
@21 “What was it? C’mon, buddy, you can share.”
His dog rejected him.
@5 Sisley is worse than an idiot. Anyone who would hire a criminal to “manage” his rental properties is himself a malicious person. Here’s one small part of Gilbert’s C.V.:
“In 1985, he was convicted in Idaho of violating the Federal Fair Housing Act, including threatening black children. According to court papers, he sicced his Saint Bernard, named ‘Nigger Eater,’ on one little girl and ‘drove his car at’ a little boy.”
Add to that: Did time in San Quentin for assault; formed an Aryan Nations splinter group; arrested for possession of 1,400 lbs. of dynamite; convicted on weapons charges (felon possessing more than 100 guns) … ad nauseum.
Sisley didn’t know who this guy was? Bullshit. Sisley is a scumbag, not a kindly 80-year-old benefactor who provides “affordable housing” to “poor people.” If prosecutors really put their shoulders to the wheel, they could get him 160 years just for the environmental violations.
Proud Leftist: I do have a heart. I give my money to charity. Do you?
Proud, ever drive in the middle of a very large inner city? When I woke up and realized the Great Society passed the black people by and after the death of MLK Jr, the Moonbat! party only used us for votes. I have many more anecdotal stories but you need to walk in my shoes, meet libtards like Headlice Loocie: They smile in your face, all the time they knife you in your back!
Well Mr Mayor, I do have to tell you, your Seattle Police are awfull quick to lay massive parking tickets, especially in the neighborhoods a few blocks to the north of the Rep and Opera houses, when the no parking signs are either covered partially or totally with Ivy, or they are so damn bleached out that their detail is literally unreadable any more, before you come looking at our yards. Your Seattle Yard, Parking signs, Roads, and Highways for that matter, are a disgrace, and in massive need of repair.
Clean up your own damn yard before you come with your fines to mine.
Hey My Left Foot, I’m sorry to see you leave.
I’ve only been hanging around a fairly short time, but have enjoyed reading your comments! I don’t blame you for wanting to be closer to your kids. Good luck, you will be missed.
– – –
To Ivins, “liberal” wasn’t an insult.
“Even I felt sorry for Richard Nixon when he left; there’s nothing you can do about being born liberal — fish gotta swim and hearts gotta bleed.” ~ Molly Ivins
To Ivins, “liberal” wasn’t an insult.
Whoa, and I always thought she was a progressive. You learn something new every day.
Welcome to ALL the aspects of the soft tyranny of the nanny state.
34 Sisley seems to have succeeded in becoming the Riley Pease of Roosevelt.
For those of us who live in the Roosevelt/Ravenna neighborhood, Sisley is just a menace. I can only hope his heirs won’t keep up this nonsense and continue to blight what is otherwise a great neighborhood.