Oops. Republicans are getting testy:
Gov. Jeb Bush, traveling with the attorney general and fellow Republican during a stop in Orlando, bristled when television reporter Steven Cooper interrupted another reporter to ask about Crist’s sexuality.
“Put a smile on your face and don’t be such a horse’s ass,” Bush said.
I’m shocked. Absolutely shocked that a respected elected official like Jeb Bush would get the phrase “horse’s ass” into dozens of family newspapers. What is this world coming to?
Candidate Darcy Burner
Experience that’s hard to find
Darcy’s Resume Gotta put the sound UP
ASS @ 1,2 – you’re a pretty sad sack. The Grossmans really put you in your place. And your empty threats – what fecklessness.
#1: The site to which you link includes the phrase “B-List congressional candidate: They run sloppy campaigns, take out-of-the-mainstream positions, and tend to say some goofy things.”
It also includes several grammar and spelling errors, and was authored by the Republican Party. Does that make it a B-List attack?
did jon cary git his perpel hart yet?
Honestly I like that response from the Governor. It was a ridiculous question.
The GOP and its supporters have been using tactics like that for years. Let’s keep hitting them hard with their hypocrisy, with their own methods.
For the Clueless @ 3
Thank you! It is time for proudofherfatlyingcheatingthreateninguglyass to just go away. The woman needs help. Perhaps a group discount with Foley and Haggard in rehab would do the trick?
But you know, three more day of her bullshit and then the real whining begins.
As a lifelong Democrat, I simply cannot vote for any of the candidates offered up by the Democrat party.
My party has been taken over by ultra left extremists whose only position is hatred of Republicans and George Bush in particular. One wonders whom they will run against in 2008 when Bush is no longer in office.
Bush hasn’t been perfect and it is only due to the utter lack of any semblence of a solution from Democrats to the multitude of problems this nation faces that I find myself, however painful, endorsing the vast majority of Republican candidates. Liberals running against Bush will never win. Bush will be in office whether or not Democrats control congress. And Democrats could get every single open seat and still not have a veto proof majority. So if they do get control, all we will see is lots of political investigations and distractions remeniscent of the Gary Condit scandal leading up to the 911 attacks. And I truly believe that if Democrats are allowed to distract the nation like this, we will be in for a nuclear terror attack.
Heathcare, schools and taxes mean nothing to a corpse.
Do you love your children? Well do you? If so, you’ll vote against Democrats rather than for Republicans.
You know Carl, someone like her will never go away. She’ll cling to some thread of her bankrupt ideology no matter how poorly she’s doing.
I’ve seen the pattern before, every November since the election contest – there’s a few whines and catcalls but overall there’s a shocked silence from the wingers. Why did this happen? We were so sure it would come out our way. It sure sucks to live in a blue state, it’s all Bill and Hillary’s fault, stuff like that.
Then there’s a regrouping as they listen to the rationalizations pouring forth from Faux News Channel, the right-wing hate talk shows and their favorite wingnut propaganda blogs, web-sites and publications.
Then they’re back at it again. It’s an addiction.
I like the group discount idea – it could be marketed through Wal-Mart and Sams Club.
Jeb Bush should lose his job. Not because he said it to a reporter, but because he did it in front of the children.
Dirt – Dirt _ Dirt Typical Democratic Play Book!
BIAW @ 1 & 2
Yes I see you fuckheads are at it again. When the hell is the state going to cut you jerkoff’s off?
As for JoeDemocrat – you’re a fucking troll and probably working for the BIAW… I’ve never read anything more stupid.
Well it looks like the guy that gave massages to the anti-gay, gay pastor was right. The church found the pastor guilty and booted him. Republican train wreck #929204734823! Way to go righties. You must be proud.
that’s what I love here…in-depth argumentation, qualified political commentary and eye-opening information.
15 – dutch
Obviously we are not receiving a ‘Dutch Treat’!
What do Republicans do when they are not lying, or being hyporcites? Oh, I forgot. Hitting on children…. Buying meth from gay hookers. Giving taxpayers money to their friends as earmarks, and no bid contracts, and firing auditors. Especially the ones that find your friends ripping off the taxpayers.
You know what is great about being a “liberal” folks? All Facts Support My Positions.
I can talk politics without straw men, imaginary scenarios, and outright lying to make my points.
All Facts Support My Positions.
I wonder what being a conservative really means these days…… I listened to a radio show inviting people to call in and explain what it meant to be “conservative” these days, and every single thing, every single caller said was not true….. I don’t feel sorry for these morons though. They choose to deny reality. It is a choice they make consciously. No matter now many lies are uncovered, and crimes are committed by the GOP they follow them like lemmings……
Sad. Very sad.
Just don’t call yourselves Americans wingnuts. You are more like the Good Germans in the 30’s……
Free SpeechA_DemLil KimLiberalsAreSerialKillersJohneWaneGacyByeByeBurnerClownsteinMicrosoftTempTheTruth2006JoeDemocrat @8…Um… reading your previous comments — under your 10 different pseudonyms — it certainly doesn’t sound you are a “lifelong Democrat.”
Do you really think that trolling this achieves anything? Do you really think that people are stupid enough to believe you?
Goldy – “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
I hope you guys can forgive me but I am busy. Mark the redneck is over here giving me a massage.
I think it’s great that Jeb is publicizing Goldy’s blog!
Hail Mary time for the wingnuts.
Read ’em and weep wingnuts! http://www.electoral-vote.com/
Senate – 51 (D) – 195 (R)
House – 240 (D) – 195 (R)
Read ‘em and weep wingnuts! http://www.electoral-vote.com/
Senate – 51 D – 49 R
House – 240 D – 195 R
Did you pay your gambling debt yet? Take care of that, then we’ll talk.
“As a lifelong Democrat, I simply cannot vote for any of the candidates offered up by the Democrat party.” Commentby JoeDemocrat— 11/4/06@ 2:21 pm
Yawn. Another wingnut pretending to be a Democrat. You need a new pickup line. This one’s worn out.
Republicans don’t lose their jobs for that.
“You no-good fucking son of a bitch, I will never fucking forget what you wrote.” — George W. Bush to journalist Al Hunt in presence of Hunt’s 4-year old son, 1986.
How’s your constitutional amendment to require revotes in close elections coming along, sillyguy? Any progress to report?
that’s what I love here…in-depth argumentation, qualified political commentary and eye-opening information. Commentby dutch— 11/4/06@ 3:16 pm
Not really. We just kick around troll traitors on this blog.
“Hey Free Speech A_Dem Lil Kim LiberalsAreSerialKillers JohneWaneGacy ByeByeBurner Clownstein MicrosoftTemp TheTruth2006 JoeDemocrat @8…
Um… reading your previous comments – under your 10 different pseudonyms – it certainly doesn’t sound you are a “lifelong Democrat.”
Do you really think that trolling this achieves anything? Do you really think that people are stupid enough to believe you? “
I have been a Democrat longer thatn you have been in Washington State. While you were cruising the hood with your homies in Philly, I was voting for Warren Magnesun and Tom Foley. You come waltzing into Washington State with your foul mouth and think your someone? You are nothing but a foul mouthed punk.
I have been a Democrat longer thatn you have been in Washington State. While you were cruising the hood with your homies in Philly, I was voting for Warren Magnesun and Tom Foley. You come waltzing into Washington State with your foul mouth and think your someone? You are nothing but a foul mouthed punk.
Veeerrrry believable. [snicker]
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