We’ve been anticipating major programming changes any day, so when 710-KIRO management called an all-staff meeting for today at noon, everybody pretty much expected the other shoe to drop. Starting tomorrow the Dori and Ron & Don shows each slide an hour earlier, with a new long format news show hosted by Tony Miner moving into the 6-7PM slot. Ron Reagan and New York Vinnie are gone, with a yet to be announced new show coming soon in the 7-10PM slot. Frank Shiers will host from 10PM to 1AM, and while I’m sure he doesn’t mind losing that dreaded fourth hour, I’m pretty damn sure he would have preferred trimming the last hour rather than the first.
I can’t comment on the changes from a programming perspective (the general reaction seemed to be favorable,) but I can tell you that Ron Reagan will be missed around the office. I’ve only had the opportunity to chat with him a couple of times, but Ron is uniformly thought of as a “really nice guy” in an industry where niceness is nowhere near a prerequisite for success. Likewise, I will personally miss Vinnie, who I’ve gotten to know a bit from my occasional fill-ins on weeknights. I wish both Ron and Vinnie the very best.
As for me, I’m still here. The Orb and my other righty critics will be disappointed to learn that these programming changes impact weekdays only; my 7-10PM weekend show remains untouched. I intend to try to make the most out the tremendous opportunity that I have.
The second best show on KIRO just got axed. Reagan was insightful, funny and thoughtful. Monson should have been relegated to the 2 a.m slot if kept at all. Ron & Don are harmless as well as uniformed.
Good on you Goldy. Hey you’ll still fill in for Shiers once in a while?
as for the “Orb” – Goldy is still here and in “Brainless Baloney”‘s old spot to boot. You lose Drudge-alike.
No doubt the right wingers are angry that you get to have a voice Goldy. Fuck em. I am sorry to see Ron go. He will be missed. His only foible was that he was TOO nice. You have to have a take no prisoners attitude when it comes to the traitors in the GOP and he pretended you could be reasonable with them. You can’t. They’re liars, cheaters and scumbags and should always, always, always be treated as such.
And that’s too bad about NY Vinnie. I really liked his coverage of the Mariners in that magical season of 2001.
Vinnie is down to earth and a monster sports fan. He really made following baseball a lot of fun.
I hope he gets another shot at it.
Oooops. I meant Ron & Don are uninformed, not in uniform.
I used to listen to New York Vinnie over on KJR AM, back when we had Sonics season tickets; I never quite understood why he was on KIRO, it didn’t seem like a great fit. Hopefully he can find a good spot to talk sports.
Nobody is listening anyway Goldy. The only reason anyone may hear you is by accident when they run out for milk at night and the radio was still tuned to Dori.
KIRO is obviously run by morons if they cannot find a way to tap the talents of Ron Reagan.
He is one of the most insight political analysts I have ever heard. I mean, my god, the man has the experience of seeing a presidency, first hand, from an unique angle. How do they replace that? They should have found a suitable radio guy to team up with him.
They should have given him a raise, a corner view office, and prayed he did not leave. Anybody in radio who thought otherwise should have been given a bus ticket to Cle Elum.
Book ’em Danno! What an idiot your parents raised. Apparently those who know disagree with you. Jackass!
As for New York and Ron, any idea where they will land? I have come to really respect Ron and his views. I really enjoyed his election coverage on TV with MSNBC I believe.
In an April 2003 interview, Ron Reagan said, “The Bush people have no right to speak for my father, particularly because of the position he’s in now. Yes, some of the current policies are an extension of the ’80s. But the overall thrust of this administration is not my father’s – these people are overly reaching, overly aggressive, overly secretive, and just plain corrupt. I don’t trust these people.”
Bravo! Nothing has changed in the past four years. It has gotten worse.
seems like a sidewise change. I will miss Vinnie but w/o a KIRO team to back he has been less than 100%.
Ron Reagan was never well used in hi slot. He is more than a bit of an enigma. He seems like Mr. Rogers. I never could figger why people thought he knew much about politics, but he was as nice as imaginable.
I have mixed feelings about Sheirs. While he is not exactly a Limbaugh-shock jock, he borders on that. Certainly he is more or less an entertainer than anyone with a real knowledge of and commitment to the issues he addresses. To be honest, I usually turn the radio off when he is on. Frankly, I would rather listen to Dori. He is an idealogue but I do think he is bright.
Ron and Don make more sense at an earlier time. They are typical drive by entertainment. Harmless in their own way. Moreover they have a big problem .. they compete with ATC on NPR.
So that leaves us with the new show at 7-10. That is an odd time. The good news is it is during meal time for most of us so the sur-sur is OK. The bad news is I think the 7-9 part of this is family time .. that suggests a sports show or something of the sort … maybe will sell KIRO’s watts but nit much interest for me.
I wonder about the overnight time. I guess from Goldie the recording will still be there?
2 left feet-
You may have something, at least Goldy is slightly less irritating than Mr. Wonderbrain Webb.
Oh, go ahead and stick both left feet up you ass next to your head, moonbat.
right wing moron @ 7
If no one is listening why does he still have a show – after over a year?
Another silly losing wingnut.
That’s too bad about Ron Reagan, I really enjoyed his show.
Book ’em Danno at 12:
Danno says:
“Oh, go ahead and stick both left feet up you ass next to your head, moonbat.”
Did you graduate from high school yet? No wonder the standardized tests scores are so low in WA.
As for your views of what’s on the radio, you probably don’t even listen. If you did surely you would have learned something by now. In particular Ron Reagan is bright, intelligent and honest. His opinion and views are well thought out and clearly communicated. Shame we can’t say the same for yours.
Fuck you, Danno! Your parents must be so proud.
“I intend to try to make the most out the tremendous opportunity that I have.”
Temper your ambitions, Goldy! Making a living and saving America from the fascists will be enough.
@3 Hell, just shoot ’em.*
* Just kidding! Joke courtesy of Ann Coulter Humor, LLP.
It’s not about being “nice” or “informed” … radio is a business, and it’s about ratings. Looks like the wingers who asserted Goldy has only 4 listeners … um … were wrong.
@8 It must gall the wingies to no end that Saint Ronnie’s son thinks his pap’s politics sucked.
@12 You’re too insignificant to be irritating. And you don’t have a radio show. neener neener
The Radio Station will go down the same road as Air America. Only one point of view. Then dead airrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I never quite understood why he was on KIRO
He was stabbed in the back by KJR. After being let go, he referred to KJR as the “College Station”.
He landed at KIRO which worked great while they covered baseball – his passion. One of the best things about that 2001 season was listening to his post game talk shows.
He was a true fan and fans loved to talk baseball with him.
Now that Goldy still has a radio show and Sharkansky, well, not so much….does this mean Goldy is still smarter and more relevant?
Just sayin’…..
@21 “Only one point of view. Then dead airrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.”
What do you think rightwing radio is?
Then dead airrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Like what’s between klake’s ears?
@ 6 and @ 22
Dave Grosby (“The Groz”) used to be on KIRO, and would do a sports show. NY Vinnie was on KJR. Then they both sorta switched. I really liked Groz, as he was a thinking man’s sports guy. I never really got into NY Vinnie, but the times I did listen, he was good.
The Groz’s late night coverage of the M’s win over the Yankees in the ’95 series was legendary. He did the show from FX McRory’s, and the place was insane. I was 14, and it left an impression.
21 Klake Sucks Dick – if that’s the truth then a bunch of right wing hate talk radio will go out of business.
re 21: Yeah! Like the balanced views of HANNITY and colmes….
They should be sued for false advertising. Fair and Balanced?
My ass!
They are to fair and balanced what the lions were to the Christians.
To be honest, I don’t listen to any of the other folks, so I can’t comment. Only listen to Goldy. Happy he is staying on the air at reasonable timeframes!
Go Goldy! HA is what made me a fan!
BTW, my bank sent me another of those irritating wads of blank checks in the mail trying to get me to do some switcheroos from other credit cards….
Goldy, since I’m a fan & all, can I get your autograph? I’ll supply the papers even!! hehehe! Actually, when I called the phone number, asking them to STOP sending those ads w/checks, the bank lady wouldn’t take “No” for an answer. Kept pressuring me, that it was such a great deal, was I sure? Was I really REALLY REALLY sure that I don’t want blank checks showing up in my mailbox? It’s such a good deal, you know? Can you believe, I had to snarl at her so that she would press the button and my 60-day wait starts before they will stop sending checks? With all the identity theft going on, dumb clucks keep pushing!
Rant over.
So glad you’re hanging in there Goldy!
Perhaps that weekday 7-10 slot is being reserved for you until they find a replacement for your weekend show?
Could happen.
Now that Goldy still has a radio show and Sharkansky, well, not so much….does this mean Goldy is still smarter and more relevant?
It might also mean that Sharkansky has no interest in hosting a radio show.
Just sayin’ …
You are our last remaining liberal voice, Goldy. Go for it!
What’s a “Sharkansky”?
I see we have a new sock puppet: (perhaps not, but if it is the genuine article at 32 I apologize for doubting)
My guess is that Stefan, sir, you have never been offered a show. Your clown politics aside, you are boring, stogy, egotistical…………
Goldy on the other hand does not have a well paid wife to support his “hobby”. So working for a living is what he does. It is the Democratic way.
You wouldn’t know anything about that would you, Stefan?
Just sayin’………..
@32 Hey Stefan! I know you read this blog … how’s your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County Elections coming along? Did you survive the motion for summary judgment? Why haven’t you shared the proceeds with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit? Why are you so quiet about this? What are you hiding?
@34 I misspelling of “Sharansky.”
Even Stefan prefers to read HA instead of his own boring blog.
Goldy has a radio show and Stefan doesn’t, neener neener
I thought “nice” in talk radio went off the air with Jim French when he retired from KIRO back in ’94 or so. (Yeah, he still does the Mystery Theater stuff, which is a great throwback to the radio I heard as it was busy dying off when I was a kid.) I guess it’s gone now. An unfortunate casualty of the popularity of the train-wreck school of talk radio.
People like Ron Reagan and NY Vinnie tend to land on their feet. Maybe now that he’s released from obligations at KIRO Vinnie’ll be free to join up with KOMO or FSN to do more Mariners coverage.
Oh, and Will, re: Groz doing the all-nighter during the Mariners’s Cinderella run in 1995 — that was definitely great. I remember staying up late listening to Seattle having something to celebrate.
@35 Now go easy on Stefan. It may not be his fault that he can’t hold a job. Not even a $9 an hour temporary job. Maybe no one ever taught him how to …
1. Follow simple one-step instructions
2. Respect the supervisor’s authority
3. Read the fucking manual and do what it says
That punk Steffy would sell his ugly wife to get a radio show. He’s a fucking megalomaniac of the highest order. He cannot STAND not to be in the limelight and uses EVERY chance he can to get some lamebrain, bullshit story in front of the media. He can talk shit – because that’s ALL he can do – but you know deep inside, this turd of a human being is utterly eaten up inside that Goldy has a show and he doesn’t. Man it must suck to be Steffy!
Your show sucks..and so do you.
Your 6 retarded listeners will be thrilled you survived the cut though.
Goldy, are you a candidate for the new 7-10 weekday slot?
Hey Berferd at 44:
Have you tried putting the firecracker up the furball’s ass yourself?
That’s what I thought.
Hey left out-
still pretty bitter, huh.
Sure all seven of you dumbasses listen.
Good luck with that.
Yeah, Ronnie is bright. That is why he is bailing out. Do you think he needs KIRO?
KIRO isn’t very astute in dropping Ron Reagan – besides Goldy they give little reason for most Seattle area people to listen to them. It’s good to have some variety on radio -Ron Reagan was always a pleasure to hear because he was refreshing and came up with original independent thinking in his commentary unlike so much of the right wing monologue crap.
Hey, Danno! Do you think we need you?
Do you think ANYBODY needs you?
Do you think your brilliant comments make the slightest difference to any of us?
Just another useless vandal, eh?
Keep it up, the amusement value of you coming in here and hissing is worth the mall space your commentary (and cerebral cortex) take up!
Yes, Reagan will be missed, by KIRO management especially when they realize what they did.
I’m at work when Goldy is on, except rarely, but I enjoy him when I can.
Stefan @32,
And I have no interest in being a porn star. It is a healthy thing not to have aspirations toward a career in which one is unequipped to succeed.
Truth-Teller @47,
I don’t think so. But stranger things have happened.
You inform my drive from Seattle to Tacoma after work occasionally, and since I’m taking my life in my hands at those moments, you provide a wonderfully surreal diversion from the I-5 construction purgatory.
Goldie, congratulations for making the cut. Your show is a breath of fresh air on KIRO especially now that Ronnie is gone.
KIRO was so lucky to be able to get Ron Reagan, Jr. and they have really blown this one. He is so perfect for Seattle radio. I don’t know what his ratings were but I am sure they were strong. What a shortsighted move.
As for Vinnie, the man was a Seattle institution. These new guys are totally unaware of it I am sure, but for a time the Mariners considered him to be their good luck charm. A-Rod would rub his belly for good luck, and he insisted that Vinnie travel on the Mariners plane when they played away from Seattle. I hope he finds a place on the Mariners or KOMO broadcasting teams.
But anyway, we still have you, buddy. Congratulations! You have big shoes to fill; I am thinking of Mike Webb and Bill Gallant and Allan Prell and a bunch of other liberals that are gone from KIRO. You de man, Goldie!
Book ’em Danno @ 49:
I am not sure what you are referring to when you say that I am bitter. Why don’t you unwrap your lips from the crack pipe long enough to let your head clear AND THEN post something that at least makes an attempt at communication of a cogent form. (You can google the words you don’t understand).
Abandoning the crack won’t be enough to clear Danno’s head. It’s so far up his ass that it’s irrelevant.
Behold 59, another of Danno’s personalities. Hasn’t heard of antipsychotic medication.
Or, doesn’t want any….
I see you have been projecting your bitterness and can’t even keep your identities straight, can you Danno. Must hurt to hit the send button and realize you just made complete ass of yourself. If that were anymore possible.
Again, I implore you……Unwrap your lips from around the crack pipe and take a deep breath. When you exhale Goldy will still have a radio show, Sharkansky won’t, that firecracker you have will still be in your possession only it won’t be in your hand anymore. Hint: If you bend over you may be able to displace some of the concussion out the same orifice in which the fire cracker was placed.
Berferd Lipshitter,
One last thing, firecracker is ONE word. More evidence of a very low standardized test score.
Someone on another thread suggested using Firefox as a browser because it has a spell checker built right in. It would be a big help to you.
And the chances of him installing Firefox are:
63 oops
God, it’s contagious. Just being in the same thread as these people…
For years, 710 KIRO has done bitched-up blunders. It put on Prell and President Reagan’s son, the ballerina. It took off the Midnight Truckers. Then, even worse, it gave a gig to the ridiculous Goldstein.
All’s forgiven. Yesterday and today, KIRO did something counterintuitive and amazing: it put on real talent for its morning talent. Mix is so good that he’s almost as good as Boze on KTTH … high praise, indeed.
So here’s a modest proposal: give Mix the weekend swing shift, 7PM – 1AM, to build some buzz. Then let him keep weekends while adding the main even, weekday mornings, 9-Noon. For fairness and balance, let the excellent Dori have everything else. KIRO’s problems solved. It could again be a contender.
(Mr. Ross, the centrist, can try to hook a consolation contract from Suge Knight, assuming Knight’s still alive and is still a player.)
Duplicating yourself across multiple threads again, asswipe?
Can’t manage to have consecutive original thoughts?
Why would we expect more from you?
Looked like it fit better here. Have a nice day, darling.
68 A nice day for me would be a Requiem Mass for you and your lot, dearest….
to clarify:
I wish you no ill, of course, I just know we’d BOTH be happier
Uh huh. No “ill” intended by your death threat, but we’d both be happier if I were dead. Get started on Kaddish, yenta, and I’ll try to follow thru over here.
I guess the right wing had a problem with a Reagan being a Liberal and the left had a problem with a Liberal being a Reagan.