That sick twisted freak Beck has made a laughing stock of your right wing bullshit.
The gas mask, gun and diaper outerwear is priceless!
Drug resistant TB is no joke and its spread is, yet another, good reason for everyone to have access to healthcare.
WHO Director-General Margaret Chan told health ministers and senior officials from 27 countries worst-affected by the new drug-resistant strains of TB that they must make dramatic improvements in detecting infections and build stronger health care systems.
“Call it what you may — a time bomb or a powder keg,” Chan said at the opening of a three-day meeting on drug-resistant TB in Beijing. “Any way you look at it, this is a potentially explosive situation.”
In a spur to action, software magnate Bill Gates’ foundation and the Chinese government announced a $33 million project to test new ways to diagnose drug-resistant TB, new treatments and better ways to track patients.
I’m in your district and would totally support you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Goldy, if you get elected and manage to stay elected, you might accumulate enough seniority to actually have a say on the budget by the time you’re 75 years old.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But as a novice legislator, not much.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I think Goldy should run.
He knows more about the issues than just about anyone…although his take on the facts often leaves much to be desired.
I think folks would be shocked by the amount of support Goldy would get. He’s a celebrity and would certainly get all the KLOWN support..which is vast in his District.
You only live once Goldy.
Have you ever run for office before?
Would you personally cut all ties with HorsesAss if elected?
Would you use less vulgarity as a Legislator?
These are some of the many questions you need to be prepared to answer.
You will also have to make a Financial Disclosure that shows your sources of income.
Perhaps that might be sticky.
But all told, I think it’s a great idea for you to run.
Only in Seattle, Washington and San Francisco and Berkeley et al could a KLOWN like KLOWNstein become a State Legislator.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Might I suggest a slogan for your supporters?
KLOWNS for KLOWNstein!
Nice ring to it…and no one could deny it’s accuracy.
Run Goldy Run!
Hopefully you will joining the legislature the same month Frank Chopp is removed from his seat, or from his Speaker’s post.
Dog catcher is more fitting. Just what we need, a bald screech owl fanatic that couldn’t get laid in a whore-house or hold a real job in Olympia. Nice April fools attempt though!
You’ll have a tough opponent, no matter which seat you choose. Sharon, Eric, and Adam are pretty damn good. OTOH, thanks to the goddamn Top Two, you’d have a pretty good chance of getting onto the November ballot.
Or do you have inside skinny on a potential retirement?
** Leisure of the Theory Class: HA’s beloved Slacker Rabbit continues to have time to explicate the theory and practice of everything on HA. Some call Rabbit’s contributions ‘pellets.’ I call them contributions, pearls of wisdom thrown at swine. Here’s a typical pearl … “Neener neener neener neener neener neener,” Rabbit explained;
** Love Daddy wants links to Gneral Obama’s prospecitve invasion of Pakistan. A google on this text string (Obama “invade Pakistan”) returns about 26,000 links. Or narrow it down to: Obama “invade Pakistan” 2009;
** Loco rentier YLB asserts that capitalist pig George W. Bush is really rentier George W. Bush;
** Steve improves descussion of the separation of art and state by showing that the state, Washington, gives only one-half of one percent of state-paid capital construction project costs to undeserving artists. Seattle gives one percent;
** Is Goldy’s post April Fool? Every Goldy post is April Fool. So is Goldy. And if the fool runs and if you fools elect him, then reformulate the rabbi’s blessing for the Tsar: May God bless and keep the fool … far away from us;
** HHS April Fool Kathleen Sebelius (surprise!) didn’t pay her fair share of taxes. No joke.
Quick, Marge, get the Haldol
Don Wardspews:
You’ve got my illegal vote. And my legal support if you do.
didn’t pay her fair share of taxes. No joke.
To the right wing fool (like the HNMT), swiftboaters like Sam Wyly always get a pass.
The Republicans announce a budget.
April Fools! Pulled straight from their butts is more like it.
Watch out Sharon!
Another April Fool’s joke: Judd Gregg’s “light-switch” tax:
The Republicans must go the way of Whigs because everything that comes out of their mouths is a lie. They just can’t stop lying.
Run Goldy!
You could hardly do worse.
Hey Stupes,
I bet you’re full of man love for Glen Beck. Steve Colbert shares your feelings:
That sick twisted freak Beck has made a laughing stock of your right wing bullshit.
The gas mask, gun and diaper outerwear is priceless!
Drug resistant TB is no joke and its spread is, yet another, good reason for everyone to have access to healthcare.
Hey, anyone up for running against Frank Chopp?
I’m in your district and would totally support you.
Goldy, if you get elected and manage to stay elected, you might accumulate enough seniority to actually have a say on the budget by the time you’re 75 years old.
But as a novice legislator, not much.
I think Goldy should run.
He knows more about the issues than just about anyone…although his take on the facts often leaves much to be desired.
I think folks would be shocked by the amount of support Goldy would get. He’s a celebrity and would certainly get all the KLOWN support..which is vast in his District.
You only live once Goldy.
Have you ever run for office before?
Would you personally cut all ties with HorsesAss if elected?
Would you use less vulgarity as a Legislator?
These are some of the many questions you need to be prepared to answer.
You will also have to make a Financial Disclosure that shows your sources of income.
Perhaps that might be sticky.
But all told, I think it’s a great idea for you to run.
Only in Seattle, Washington and San Francisco and Berkeley et al could a KLOWN like KLOWNstein become a State Legislator.
Might I suggest a slogan for your supporters?
KLOWNS for KLOWNstein!
Nice ring to it…and no one could deny it’s accuracy.
Run Goldy Run!
Hopefully you will joining the legislature the same month Frank Chopp is removed from his seat, or from his Speaker’s post.
Dog catcher is more fitting. Just what we need, a bald screech owl fanatic that couldn’t get laid in a whore-house or hold a real job in Olympia. Nice April fools attempt though!
Which LD are you, anyhow? Because if you’re up against Ross Hunter I’ll totally write a check.
You’ll have a tough opponent, no matter which seat you choose. Sharon, Eric, and Adam are pretty damn good. OTOH, thanks to the goddamn Top Two, you’d have a pretty good chance of getting onto the November ballot.
Or do you have inside skinny on a potential retirement?
Clubbing (with) Baby Seals edition …
** Leisure of the Theory Class: HA’s beloved Slacker Rabbit continues to have time to explicate the theory and practice of everything on HA. Some call Rabbit’s contributions ‘pellets.’ I call them contributions, pearls of wisdom thrown at swine. Here’s a typical pearl … “Neener neener neener neener neener neener,” Rabbit explained;
** Love Daddy wants links to Gneral Obama’s prospecitve invasion of Pakistan. A google on this text string (Obama “invade Pakistan”) returns about 26,000 links. Or narrow it down to: Obama “invade Pakistan” 2009;
** Loco rentier YLB asserts that capitalist pig George W. Bush is really rentier George W. Bush;
** Steve improves descussion of the separation of art and state by showing that the state, Washington, gives only one-half of one percent of state-paid capital construction project costs to undeserving artists. Seattle gives one percent;
** Is Goldy’s post April Fool? Every Goldy post is April Fool. So is Goldy. And if the fool runs and if you fools elect him, then reformulate the rabbi’s blessing for the Tsar: May God bless and keep the fool … far away from us;
** HHS April Fool Kathleen Sebelius (surprise!) didn’t pay her fair share of taxes. No joke.
Quick, Marge, get the Haldol
You’ve got my illegal vote. And my legal support if you do.
To the right wing fool (like the HNMT), swiftboaters like Sam Wyly always get a pass.