Because I’m too stupid to get it through my thick skull that nobody cares what I have to say about the minimum wage anymore, now that I don’t have a media outlet to say it through, I’m spending my day at Seattle’s Income Inequality Symposium listening to people discuss a lot of things I already know. I’m nothing if not stubborn.
“The most pro-business thing you can do in a capitalist economy is invest in the middle class,” billionaire(ish) keynote speaker Nick Hanauer stressed to the crowed. Can’t get much more unequal income-wise at the moment than me and Hanauer, but it sounds like we’re mostly on the same side of this issue.
Balky web site and balky Internet connection permitting, I’ll post some updates throughout the day. Or, follow me on Twitter for more frequent and reliable updates.
UPDATE: Lot’s of informative Tweets from me today, but also this:
.@bruceharrell reminds PhD economist on panel that there are elected officials in the room. That means T A L K S L O W L Y. #SeattleWage
— David Goldstein (@GoldyHA) March 27, 2014
You mean reporting from the Jealousy Symposium.
@1 Right. Because speakers Nick Hanauer and Howard Wright are jealous of low wage workers.
Billionaires are a dime a dozen. A billion doesn’t even get you a seat on the board of a major corporation anymore. The real money has tens of billions. Meanwhile, the wannabes think asking for ten bucks an hour is piracy.
re 1: The Lord God Himself reports in his cannily unerring way, that he is a ‘jealous God’. So what if there is an element of jealousy in the outrage of a poor working person trying to get a living wage? I have heard many a preacher exhort his flock to try in all ways to resemble the Lord. This may be one of the easier ways.
You probably feel the same sort of jealousy when you are in the company of literate and clever people. But don’t be. Just hike up your pants and start gimping around doing your best Walter Brennan impersonation.
Why not?
@2 Hey Goldy,
I’m curious. Did any of the other political reporters for the Stranger have kids?
@5 Dan, Charles, and I were the only members of the editorial staff with children during the three-plus years I was at The Stranger. Some writers were young enough to be my child, though.
@6 Was it three years? Seemed more like three months. How time flies …
Did Chief Bailey’s sock puppet Ed Murray have anything substantial to add to the conversation? Or did he just sit there like a paler Clarence Thomas, staring into space while the grown ups talked?
I wish you were still with the Stranger, reporting on low-income stuff and everything else. Now I have to cycle back and forth between Slog and HA (which is pretty weak compared to you not having a job). However, the way Slog is going, there’ll soon be nothing left but music and food.