But I do know when I’ll be back again. A week down the Jersey shore, a few days in Pittsburgh for Netroots Nation, and then a few days with my family in Philadelphia, flying back on the night of Aug. 19th.
Not that I won’t be blogging during the next two weeks… just not quite so much.
As a self-proclaimed liberal, you did buy carbon offsets for your flight, right?
And you contacted a local homeless advocacy group, and offered your unused home as temporary shelter for the homeless, right?
As a self-proclaimed idiot wingnut right winger, you have given up your job-sponsored health care to pay for it yourself, right?
Assuming you have a job, a rahter large assumption for a mind that malfunctions like yours.
Also, since you don’t believe in global warming or climate change – you have had no air conditoning running in your home, car and “supposed” workplace, right?
And your parents are not on SS, Medicare or any other government program, right?
And you don’t use the public highways, right?
And you don’t go to the national parks or forests, right?
and on and on….
Why, Goldy…
We’ll be in Pittsburgh at the same time – you at Netroots Nation and me at Americans for Prosperity’s RightOnline.
Maybe we can take in a Pirates game together…Or not.
Just think…
You’re not following me around, are you?
The Piper
Troll @1,
As a matter of fact, there is a homeless person staying in my house. Will. And maybe he’ll blog a little in my absence.
Local hoagies in either Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, best ever. Also, Lantz’ cheese-n-peanut butter crackers. Olivero’s sweet Italian peppers. PEPPERONI ROLLS!!!!
@3 “You’re not following me around, are you?”
How long have you had this penchant for self-flattery, pooper?
Yet Another Mass Shooting
This isn’t the America I grew up in. Do you ever get the feeling you’re living inside a gigantic insane asylum? A man walked into an L.A. Fitness Gym in Pittsburgh tonight and killed 4 strangers before turning his gun on himself. I wonder if he was upset over health care reform?
Right wingers gone wild!
A miserable party of fiends. Nice bunch you hang with trolls.
Deb @5,
I’m having my hoagie in Ventnor, NJ, on the fabled Atlantic City bread. Nothing else like it.
Have a safe tip, Goldy.
A good health care bill is going to pass. That’s why they are so crazy, because they rage in their impotence.
Americans for Prosperity’s RightOnline
Don’t forget to pack your brown shirt.
I say, let the teabaggers bring teh Crazy to this month’s town halls. The more America sees of their insane anger and the more that the REAL righty crazies out there latch onto what looks like a nice outlet for them (think about the weirdos who were showing up during the last weeks of the McCain campaign), the more America will throw up a little bit in its mouth in revulsion.
Bring it on. Ther birthers, the white supremacists, and the flat-earthers are coming with you.
For our info..
How do you afford all these trips & vacations without having a real job??
Does your family subsidize you??
Certainly it can’t be from the Tip Jar.
I’ll bet mommy is payin’!!
Criticize corporate America…then handouts from the folks,,,who made money from Corporate America???????
Say it ain’t so Goldy!!
13 Cyn
Classy as ever…
Rowdy Roddy:
Only if you get there by this Sunday afternoon. After that, the Bucs go out of town for a week. I, however, will be in the “crowd” at PNC Park on Sunday.
Deb Eddy:
Half right, Deb. Pittsburgh isn’t hoagie-land. Sure, they have similar sandwiches, and they sometimes even call them hoagies (probably because the speaker is originally from southeastern PA), but the only true hoagies are constructed in the Philadelphia-South Jersey area.
14. Daddy Love spews:
Hey, the money has to come from somewhere!
40 year olds getting allowances from money have a different perspective on life than guys like me who came from a Blue Collar Paycheck-to-paycheck family, worked my way thru college and made lots of sacrifices to build wealth.
But hey, my mom still sends me $25 for Christmas & my Birthday!!
Where you came from and how you support yourself tells a lot about an individuals CHARACTER!
Good luck Goldy!
borrowed from the Washington Monthly blog:
Cynical @ 16: No need for you to keep patting yourself on the back. Lots of people also work hard, educate themselves, make sacrifices, and still find themselves unable to “build wealth” due to circumstances outside their control. Some examples:
(a) long-term illness of themselves or a close family member resulting in loss of job, health insurance, savings, and eventually a home.
(b) cycle of unemployment caused by employers going bankrupt, out-sourcing, rescessions, etc. which disrupt job history to the point where the point where the career trajectory goes flat (or worse), and savings are exhausted.
(c) advancement being held up by prejudice/racism/sexism.
(d) lack of influential social and business contacts due to race, social status of parents, etc. which make advancement difficult regardless of education or hard work.
And no, such circumstances are frequently not foreseeable or preventable. I know quite a few hard-working, intelligent guys in their mid-50’s who are now trying to find new jobs/careers, through no fault of their own. In the meantime are paying COBRA premiums equal to their unemployment checks just to keep insured (both unemployment and COBRA benefits eventually expire).
As for myself, I had the benefit of an engineer for a father (he put himself through college on the G.I. bill), and a mother who was a school teacher (she worked her way through college waiting on tables). But my father died when I was sixteen, so I had to pay my own way through both undergraduate and grad school, working part-time and taking out lots of educational loans.
I did okay, but I found that my fellow students who had parents with business and influential social contacts did much better, regardless of their GPA or how hard they worked.
So be carefull not to trip while you pat yourself on the back, you might be surprised how quickly and how far you can fall.
Watch out for the murderous, robbing and raping heterosexuals.
And poll bearing cynics from the land of bestiality…..
I understand what you are saying.
I’ve always thought you were more than some snotty-nosed Lefty with a privileged life like some of these jokers.
Where you come from matters.
It shows.
Kudo’s to you.
But I guess where we disagree is the ROLE OF GOVERNMENT in dealing with unemployment and personal financial crises. Our grandparents went thru an ugly Depression. Our parents/families went thru various economic crises. All with little government support. And we made it!
I guess that is the essence of the debate that goes on here ad infinitum.
How much Big Government do we need?
Where does more & more Big Government ultimately lead??
This huge debt (and I have always blamed Bush too for deficit spending)…it will give us some short-term relief obviously. Just like getting a credit card and running it up to the max. But ultimately, the bill comes due.
Then what??
I believe Obama’s feelgood borrowing & squandering will ultimately lead to high inflation, tax increases for all and a bigger government ultimately impacting our basic freedoms.
Let me ask you this rhp–
What do you think will happen as a result of this huge National Debt?
What will happen 10 years from now?
20. Montana Sheepfucker spews:
C’mon steve, is this all the better you can do?
Keep up the bad work ruining Goldy’s Blog with your sick stuff.
@16 “Where you came from and how you support yourself tells a lot about an individuals CHARACTER!”
Seeing as how I came out of poverty and homelessness to earn my way through college and became more successful than you, that makes me the better man. Yes, indeed, I’m a man of better character than you. That is, by your measure I am.
Your values are all fucked up, Mr. Klynical.
Hey, got anymore of those racist jokes to share with us?
@22 That somebody else has also ID’d you as a stupid goatfucker isn’t my problem. I do give kudos to the guy for having come up with a slick screen name.
“ruining Goldy’s Blog with your sick stuff”
As a concern troll, you have a lot to learn, Mr. Klynical. By the way, hows about you elevating the discourse on this blog with a few more of your racist jokes?
SHEEP! SHEEP! I never accused him of goatfucking
He’s not equipped ..
Well, the sheep aren’t happy either, (maybe the rams).
Klynical says:
funny, I sure remember klynical strongly supporting wasting 1 trillion dollars in Iraq for an unnecessary war.
In fact, I remember Klynical criticizing Democrats all the time…but not Bush.
Freekin’ hypocrite Klynical.