A reader reports from the campaign trail:
Last night, I was listening to a bartender out in Quilcene who was completely in love with Rossi after his recent visit. In a moment of unintentional irony, she noted that he made a joke about Gregoire’s budget-cluelessness:
“If you’re going to hand a woman the checkbook, you’d better make sure she knows how to balance it.”
Yeah, sure, it’s only a third-hand account, and I would prefer to verify a macaca moment like this against an audio or video transcript of the August 9 event at the Olympic Timber House, but since Dino Rossi doesn’t allow video cameras into his events—apparently out of fear he’ll be caught saying something stupid, mean spirited or sexist (or all three)—I guess I’ll just have to run with it as a rumor.
And a very believable rumor at that, as it seems entirely in character from a man who opposes the right of a woman to control her own body, who opposes medically accurate sex education, and who quite frankly has come off as angry and bitter throughout this campaign, his patented shit-eating-grin notwithstanding.
Of course, if Dino would like to confirm or deny this third-hand account, and clarify his position on whether women are or are not inherently deficient at balancing checkbooks, I’d be happy to print his response in its entirety. Or… if somebody else in attendance at the event in Quilcene can confirm or deny the accuracy of the statement, I’d be happy to print that too.
Thanks for creating a false urban legend David
Did our God Sims tell you to do this?
You sound desperate.
I was talking to a friend of mine who used to do business with Rossi the other day. He said that before Rossi considered running for Governor, he was a complete jerk. He recalled one instance when they had a meeting scheduled together, and Rossi called in a few minutes after the meeting was supposed to begin to say that he wouldn’t be coming – because he was playing golf. Hell of a guy to be in charge of our government.
Mike @1,
Huh? Did your God Dino tell you to comment?
I’m just passing along an email from somebody I trust, who passed on an anecdote that sounded credible… and made very clear that it was a third-hand account. As always, folks are encouraged to read me in context.
But you know, this is the flip side to Rossi’s deliberate lack of openness. He doesn’t allow cameras at his events so that he can’t be caught on tape putting his foot in his mouth… but that means there’s also no footage to refute unflattering reports as well. That’s his choice, but hell if I’m going to dismiss everything that isn’t documented on video.
I’m surprised that Dino or anyone in his campaign knew where Quilcene is. What, did they have a flat tire?
This seems pretty consistent with stories of most of the neocons’ “meetings of the faithful” all the way up to Bush’s major campaign appearances–and presumably McCain’s.
The implication here is that no way is Rossi anything like the moderate Republicans Washington was once known for–he’s an extremist who would take a meataxe to anything in state government that his corrupt patrons might find inconvenient.
To be honest, I won’t ask for Rossi to address this point, any more than I would ask Obama to address the stupid “madrassa” rumors. But I would ask Dino Rossi to make his campaign more transparent, like Gregoire has done (loved the “attack video” video you posted here a while ago, BTW. http://www.horsesass.org/?p=5818 priceless!). It seems to me that you could treat persons who are doing nothing but videoing your speeches with a bit more dignity.
After all, as an elected official, practically every moment of your public life will be examined with a magnifying glass. If you’re worried about what others will see when they view you through a video camera (publicly, mind you), why are you running for office?
7 BP
Whether you not YOU would ask this, you propose a totally false equivalence. Here’s the deal:
Goldy mentions that this is “an email from somebody I trust, who passed on an anecdote that sounded credible” regarding what purports to be words that Dino Rossi personally uttered. This bears a resemblance to the purported John McCain “gorilla joke” of a few weeks ago. In other words, if true, it would certainly be damning, particularly for a candidate who has thus far avoided offending Washington women by effectively hiding his views on gender issues.
In contrast, there has never been any suggestion that Barack Obama has ever said that he was educated in a “madrassa.” This was a lie cut from whole cloth. It has also been extensively debunked (two links there). So you see, there is no “if true” in this case.
A guy in a bar huh? Sounds reliable. Did you confirm the source? Thought not. And in Greggy’s case, she has no concept of fiscal responsibility or restraint.
And @8 Mommy Love,
Being a member of the fairer sex yourself, can you balance a checkbook?
I denounce this blog as nothing more than a propaganda vehicle designed to brainwash its readers.
Day after day, it’s some variation on: Darcy Burner good/Dave Reichert bad. Christine Gregoire good/Dino Rossi bad.
I’m not kidding when I said I think Joseph Goebbels would admire the propaganda going on here. It’s persistent, it’s repetitive, and it never waivers in staying on-message.
But is that all you people, the readers of this blog, want? Do you like being brainwashed? Do you like repetition? Unlike most of you, I don’t get sucked in to each propaganda post here. I take a step back and look at the big picture of what’s really going on here. Am I the only Democrat here who is tired of the repetition?
Rossi DOES allow cameras. Except those being used by lying, crooked Democrat operators who’ll edit the tape to make Rossi look bad and beatify Fraudoire. Get the facts straight.
RE: Republican Mindset — as follows:
“For every problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.” H.L. Mencken
Rossi sure knows how to play the rubes. The Republican strategery is to play to the predjudices of the ignorant and small-minded in order to garner votes.
I denounce Troll as nothing more than a propaganda vehicle designed to brainwash its readers.
Unlike the readers here, Troll gets brainwashed by the Repugnant Right.
I am a proud and unapologetic liberal/progressive Democrat.
@14 “I am a proud and unapologetic liberal/progressive Democrat.”
Nah, I’d say the goatfucking gives you away as being just another commie-fascist, America-hating piece of right-wing shit.
I denounce this blog as nothing more than a propaganda vehicle designed to brainwash its readers.
Fine. Leave if you don’t like it and don’t let the door leave a bruise on your ass.
Troll is a republican ass-licker. And if you want to identify with Nazi’s Troll – that is your right. Why do you come here? Are you worried that voting republican is a sin for which you will burn in Hell? It is!
As for the Rossi stuff – this wouldn’t have so much credibility of the cowardly prick would simply be remotely open to the public he pretends to want to serve. But the motherfucker hides out like a mafia boss on the run. The guy is a coward and he’s hiding something and that will all eventually come out.
Imagine the crap spewing from Rossi lips when he’s alone with his commie-fascist BIAW buddies.
Somebody should go to one of those spy or private detective stores where you can buy a camera/mic hidden in a pair of fake eyeglasses or somesuch.
Somebody has to get this bastard Rossi in a macaca moment.
Stop Republican goat abuse!
http://buttons.cafepress.com/i tem/baa-means-no-goat-abuse-35 -button-100-pack/209341556
Baa means no!
I must also denounce myself, as I plan on stealing this post and using it on my own horribly redundant blog.
Remember, Dino/bad. Dicks? Phallically challenged.
Quilcene? Great bathroom at the Hood Canal Ranger District office.
Troll said:
“I denounce this blog as nothing more than a propaganda vehicle designed to brainwash its readers.”
Troll, what did you fucking expect? This is a liberal blog where the left attacks the right and the right attacks the left. Some of us are are neither side and enjoy attacking both and sometimes agree with both sides.
Go over to Stefan’s blog and you’ll pretty much see the same thing with the exception of words that Stefan won’t allow. Goldy doesn’t censer the “profanity,” Stefan does.
The hate is the same on both.
Lens1 said:
“…Quilcene? Great bathroom at the Hood Canal Ranger District office.”
Is it true that if you’re sitting on the can in that bathroom and tap your foot twice, you’ll meet a US Senator in the next stall?
Troll, I’d consider a “denunciation” from the likes of you to be a high compliment, except that your opinion is so worthless that it doesn’t matter.
I was at a Dino event in Prosser where Dino allowed the Democratic camera guy in, they just didn’t let him film. Dino even pointed him out to the crowd.
Maybe you should go listen to Dino speak and you can confirm the rumor yourself? They would let you in you know, even if they knew you were a Democrat, they just won’t let you film.
9 M1
Don’t have to.
11 J425
AND, significantly, not from the press.
Not if he allowed the press to film him. He’d have irrefutable proof of Democratic meddling, wouldn’t he?
But that’s not why he keeps anyone but friendly shock troops from filming him. It’s because he actually DOES say shit like that, and he can’t afford his real views to be aired.
The central point remains…Chris Gregoire (notice she no longer goes by Christine) can’t balance the state checkbook because she’s let spending explode all to kowtow to her big campaign donors.
Tribes, teachers’ unions, public employees all get their whatevers greased while serious and real issues – the Viaduct, 520 – aren’t a real priority for her.
I guess commuters didn’t pony up enough campaign or re-count dough.
At least with CHRIS Gregoire, you know the key to her heart is through your checkbook, no matter how it gets balanced or who balances it.
The Piper
A good friend of mine told me he heard you were an abusive father. 3rd Hand accounts are kind of silly…and a desperate way to dig out of the Budget TRAINWRECK issue…the one Gregoire created and is trying to blame on everyone from Bush to Rossi to HorsesAss.org!!
Trying to create us an alleged silly comment to deflect attention away from the REAL issue is silly Goldy.
Bad Try==No Sale!
You write a long post using the word “pussy” as a term of denigration, and now you are calling out Rossi on his alleged women bashing? hah
28 Piper, I’m not a state employee now, but I was one for many years. In response to your implication that state employees don’t work as hard as anyone else, or that their work isn’t of value, I offer you in their behalf a hearty one-fingered salute.
28 PS
Nope. The central point remains that Chris Gregoire (and the legislature) are kinda REQUIRED BY LAW to balance the state budget, so of course they did.
They also put $441 million in the so-called “Rainy Day Fund” and ended the biennium with a budget SURPLUS of $801 million.
The rest of your story is just the same old tired deceptive claims hyping a budget forecast featuring projected aggregate deficit over six years that, in due time, she will work out with the legislature to balance the budget again, because, you know, it’s REQUIRED BY LAW. The budget “deficit” implied by the forecast was $2.2 billion when she took office, and look how well she (and the legislature) did. So shut the fuck up.
Show me where I made mention of the quality of state employees’ work.
What I said is that their political clout resulted in goodies for them while the average non-public employee citizen gets screwed.
The Piper
33 PS
Seems to me that your conclusion is that a lot more workers should be unionized.
@33 “their political clout resulted in goodies for them”
Can you name the so-called “goodies”? Or do you just pull that shit out of your ass to try to demonize our good state government employees?
Baa means no!
Stop Republican abuse of innocent goats!!
re 22: “Go over to Stefan’s blog and you’ll pretty much see the same thing with the exception of words (and ideas) that Stefan won’t allow.”
Now it’s an accurate statement.
The State Constitution does indeed require a balanced budget.
When State spending is allowed to grow like a weed, then how will that budget get balanced?
And what is the amount of the shortfall currently being projected (remember – these projections are coming from Democrat controlled offices)? And how will CHRIS Gregoire cover the checks she’s currently kiting throughout the state?
How about the cozy deals she’s cooked with the tribes?
Go here to read what the Legislature’s budget people have to say about red ink in the 2011 – 2013 biennium:
Check out the $2,684 number that’s IN PARENTHESIS, which usually means that’s a negative number.
Track the rate of growth in state spending, then ask yourself: Who’s gonna pay for all this stuff?
The Piper
How about the tribal gaming compact? And the sweet deal they get to run mega-gas stations that don’t charge the gas tax meaning no revenue for the state and running legit gas station owners near reservations out of business.
And on that gaming compact…Isn’t Washington now the only state with tribal gaming that doesn’t get a piece of the action? Of course, that must mean that the tribes in those other states don’t pony up enough money into the election and re-count coffers of gubernatorial candidates.
I’d say that ol’ CHRIS Gregoire spends like a drunken sailor, but that would be an insult to sailors.
The Piper
@38 Nice try at diversion. You weren’t talking about gaming. You were talking about “goodies” for “state employees” @33. I take it that statement was a lie intended to falsely demean state employees and our state government as you completely fail to back up it up.
Baa means no!
Stop the abuse!
This is not regarding the recent “macaca moment”, but I was at a dinner with other elected officials four years ago in Olympia that featured Dino Rossi. I am a former Duvall city council member. I sat next to Toby Nixon, who’s now running again for state representative, if I recall correctly. The former mayor of Kirkland was also seated at the same table.
The moment the ballroom doors closed, Rossi turned into Red Meat for Republicans. He obviously felt himself among friends. The comment that still rings in my head? “A family of four making $32,000 a year and on Washington Basic Health (catastrophic insurance coverage, for those who may not know,) is gaming the system.” Mr. Rossi does not have the first idea how much anything costs anyone else, and he’s the last guy who should be questioning anyone’s checkbook skills. I might also submit that most women know full well how much it costs to feed, clothe, house and educate children; I’d like to know who handles the finances in the Rossi household, and what shape they’re in.
Rossi thinks he can keep this stuff from getting out by preventing videotaping at his campaign events? Every time he makes a comment like this, there are witnesses present. He’s a neocon masquerading as a moderate. Furthermore, the owner of the blog is welcome to verify my story. I was in his Camp Wellstone class, for instance.
Hey Pooper – you would be more comfortable with Rossi giving away millions to the BIAW? And of course I guess you’ll vote Dem in the Presidential election – given you’re the kind of guy worried about balanced budgets and spending etc. and George Bush created the largest federal deficit in US history. Or you won’t and you’re just another republican turd. I think we know the answer.
40 Even four years ago, to accuse a family of four living on thirty-two grand of “gaming” anything would have been suggestive of a serious disconnect with reality. This is on the same level as Marie Antoinette, or George W. Bush attempting to lecture one of his professors at Harvard Business School that all poor people are poor because they’re “lazy”.
Or…another example. My wife used to work as a nurse for the Seattle/King Co. Public Health Dept. Their clinics used to offer immunizations for foreign travel, for a fraction of what they’d cost anywhere else. One night she came home from work livid over the well-heeled executive who came in for some shots prior to a business trip to Europe. The guy drove up in a Mercedes, was wearing an Armani suit, and kept up a stream of invective about how she and any and all government employees were shiftless, good-for-nothing freeloaders and how great a day it would be when they had to “go find honest jobs”. The real kicker was that after he got his shots, this jerk spent another 20 minutes haggling over the price. I told her I thought it was too bad she didn’t have a supply of nice dull needles.
Art @ 42: She should have insisted that all the shots be done in the posterior. Then applied the hypodermic with the force of a jackhammer. If he complains, say “What do you expect? I’m an incompetent state employee!!!!”
W. Klingon Skousen @ 36,
The folks over at Stefan’s actually accuse me of being a Democrat! There’s not much censering of ideas, but I admit to not reading that blog very much.
@3 At least he called . Most jerks dont even
call. Besides, he was playing with the Men of
the BIAW. Goldy, did you get the new calendar?
I’ll send you a copy if you didn’t.
In my dealings with Rossi he was polite and on time. As to the comment, I don’t think this would be his typical humor.
@14 You mean like a guy who acts like a girl?
I have to credit Steve @46 with relaying a decidedly unbiased anecdote. It’s good to get perspective from people who have actually met, or interacted, with folks in the public eye.
Now Goldy, why you fudging the truth?
We know King 5 and Komo were there. So your bud was kicked out by others.
Good try at NOT telling the truth!
Are you serious? Two TV crews in Quilcene at the same time? They’ll be talking about that at the Whistling Oyster for years. Provided it hasn’t fallen over yet. My wife and I stopped there for a beverage a few times back in the day….
The Timber House in Quilcene. Impressive. The tidal wave of votes from that visit will surely sweep him to victory.