I just received an email notifying me that HorsesAss.org has been chosen as the credentialed blog to represent Washington in the State Blogger Corps at the Democratic National Convention in August. From the DNC press release:
“Similar to the record-breaking voter turnout our Party has seen during the primary season, the demand for these coveted blogger positions is yet another indicator of the tremendous interest in this historic Convention,” said Governor Dean. “The Internet has played a critical role in connecting Americans to elected officials and candidates seeking office. The DemConvention State Blogger Corps will continue to foster this dialogue – in all 50 of our states and our territories too – as we head towards this year’s historic election and elect a Democrat to the White House.”
[…] As part of the new DemConvention State Blogger Corps, designed for bloggers covering state and local politics, bloggers will receive unparalleled access to state delegations and the floor of the Convention hall. In a truly unprecedented move, the DNCC will seat these bloggers with their respective delegations during the historic four-day event, providing even greater access for local coverage and perspective. Highlights from these blogs will also be featured on www.DemConvention.com in the lead up to and during the Convention.
HA intends to provide ground level coverage of the official proceedings and the parties and gatherings that go on behind the scenes. To this end my HA co-bloggers Geov Parrish and Darryl Holman plan to join me in Denver for what promises to be the most exciting Democratic National Convention since 1968 (though hopefully, for different reasons.)
The DNCC State Blogger Corps:
ALASKA: Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis
ALABAMA: Doc’s Political Parlor
ARKANSAS: Under The Dome.com
ARIZONA: Ted Prezelski – Rum, Romanism and Rebellion
COLORADO: SquareState.net
DELAWARE – TommyWonk
DEMOCRATS Abroad: Democrats Abroad Argentina
FLORIDA: Florida Progressive Coalition
GEORGIA: Tondee’s Tavern
GUAM: No Rest for the Awake – Minagahet Chamorro
HAWAII: iLind.net: Ian Lind Online
IOWA: The Iowa Independent
IDAHO: 43rdStateBlues.com
ILLINOIS: Prairie State Blue
INDIANA: Blue Indiana
KANSAS: EverydayCitizen.com
KENTUCKY: BlueGrassRoots
LOUISIANA: Daily Kingfish
MARYLAND: The Center for Emerging Media
MAINE: Turn Maine Blue
MICHIGAN: Blogging For Michigan
MINNESOTA: Minnesota Monitor
MISSISSIPPI: The Natchez Blog
MONTANA: Left in the West
NORTH DAKOTA: NorthDecoder.com
NEBRASKA: New Nebraska Network
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Blue Hampshire
NEW JERSEY: PolitickerNJ.com
NEW MEXICO: Democracy for New Mexico
NEVADA: Las Vegas Gleaner
NEW YORK: Room 8
OHIO: Ohio Daily Blog
OREGON: BlueOregon
PENNSYLVANIA: Keystone Politics
RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island’s Future
SOUTH CAROLINA: CracktheBell.com
SOUTH DAKOTA: Badlands Blue
TENNESSEE: KnoxViews/TennViews
TEXAS: Burnt Orange Report
UTAH: The Utah Amicus
VIRGINIA: Raising Kaine
VIRGIN ISLANDS: Dem Party of the US Virgin Islands
VERMONT: Green Mountain Daily
WASHINGTON: HorsesAss.org
WISCONSIN: Uppity Wisconsin
WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginia Blue
WYOMING: Hummingbirdminds blog
1968? This is going to be more like 1932.
Bravo HA !
Proud of you.
Congrats Goldy. Although I wouldn’t suspect that the DNC is THAT stupid to not have a voice that’s friendly to it not at the convention.
Now I suppose HA readers are going to have to endure a pledge drive to pay for HA airfare and hotel rooms…
Congratulations! What an honor. Give Howard Dean a big, sloppy kiss from all of us Seattle progressives for his 50-state strategy!
‘Now I suppose HA readers are going to have to endure a pledge drive to pay for HA airfare and hotel rooms’
Probably. God forgive us if Goldy actually has to get a real job. Not too worry, most of the posters here can’t afford to contribute anyway, that would require income other than their gov’t cheese.
Hey Mark – Some of us make real money at real jobs and we can’t stand to see it wasted by Bush and to see our kids having to pay off the republican national debt.
Maybe we should require a fee for all republican trolls – since they are costing us so much already. I think Republicans who support the war should pay off the 3 trillion it will cost.
I will pay the democrats elected in November to actually go after bin laden – unlike the cowardly republican chickenhawks.
It will be so good to get rid of the mental midgets of the republican party and elect true democrats and patriots to turn this country around from the ineptness and corruption rampant in the republican party.
@6 When this is all over we should send every Republican in the country a bill for everything they’ve cost us since 1994.
Lefties reporting on lefties
**Congrats none the less**
“I wish I could just wave a magic wand and lower the price at the pump!” George W. Bush
If any male politician can pull off the ‘wand waving’, It’d be a Republican.
But, seriously folks, even Richard Nixon knew that price controls work much better than magic wands. That, and releasing a bunch of cheap oil onto the world market from our oil reserves. No, my WingNut friends, you are being gulled and robbed by your fearless leader every time you buy gas.
The difference beteween you and me is that I know what’s happening. You’d rather search fruitlessly for a magic wand.
Magic Wand = Price controls and dumping cheap oil on the world market.
re 8:
“How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!” The real Sam Adams
@9 – The Senate has approved the oil reserves stock piling halt, now it has to pass the House. I read yesterday that we consume more than 10 times the amount per day than what is put in the reserves. So will stopping the stock piling really lower fuel pump prices? Or have they even considered using some of that stock piled oil? From what I understand the only thing so far is to stop adding to the stock pile, not releasing any of the current reserves.
Stock Quote, the real Sam Adams Beer Company
11 Fascinating that the Democrats in Congress finally found the courage to tell Bush to stop diverting oil into the strategic reserve, now that it’s nearly full anyway.
Why does Dumbya see a need to maximize available military fuel reserves? How many jets is he planning to send to bomb Tehran, anyway?
8 If you don’t like it, don’t watch. Go back to your beloved 24×7 right-wing circle jerk on Fox.
Well, well, well. Speaking of the democrat convention, remember when Huckabee was accused of having a SUBLIMINAL cross in his ad? B.H. Obama actually SHOWS an actual cross in his Kentucky literature. talk about being in you face. Does that make you guys here angry? (note: anyone who isn’t angered by the obvious crosss in Obama’s ad has lost cred if they taunted Huck for a supposed cross.)
11 Hannah
It will stop government oil purchases from competing with private sector purchasing, thus easing demand. In the big picture, it’s not a bad thing to do but in terms of price-per-gallon it is more of an election-year symbolism kind of thing.
What it says is that Congress is doing something concrete about oil prices in the short term. The President isn’t, and Republicans don’t have a plan other than pleading one more time for the rape of ANWR.
16 W
But I thought he was Muslim?
Congratulations, Goldy! May bigger and better things come to you!
And have a good time. Watch out for the riots. Ha!
@16: First: learn your grammer idiot! It is the democratic convention (it modifies a noun)- not democrat convention. Just cause our stooopid presnit can’t speak doesn’t mean his mentally challenged supporters have to emulate him. Repeat after me: NU CLE AR
Second: It is not illegal to show a religious symbol in a political ad. Just because that gets to you – don’t assume it matters to most people.
Third: I taunted Huckabee for being an idiot – just like I will taunt McCain for his pathetic flip flops on torture, his lobbyist connections (and how they run his whole campaign), his rich wife who won’t reveal her taxes, his support for the war in Iraq (saying it would be easy), his support for Bush, his support for Bush’s economic policies, his lack of knowledge of economics, his realy dumb gas tax holiday proposal, his lack of an energy plan, his “conservative” judges (non-activist, my butt) and his inability to understand foreign policy (his supposed strength).
Nice work, dawg. Congratulations. We expect real reporting though, like who all the hot delegates are, where they’re from, height-weight proportionate, etc, and soforth.
@8, The real Sam Adams was a total fucking, disgraceful prick. It looks like you did your homework as you seem to posses the same qualities.
15: I don’t watch FOX, but I do come here.
21: The name was picked at random so don’t get your panties in a bunch.
Yeah. Congrats., Goldster.
“In any world except Wingnut Universe, people get to choose their own fucking religion. Even you, dumbass.”
Hyper Rabbit misses the point, as usual. Luttwak, in the liberal “news”paper of record, is less concerned with a senator’s choice of fucking religion than with the response of 1+billion world citizens to the senator’s choice of apostate religion.
The buzz about President Obmam is that he’ll reverse the Islamist animosity ginned up by Chimpface Bush. Luttwak is informing ignorant simian-bigot rabbits that our elevation of an apostate to leadership will pump steroids into Islamist hatred.
As for my dumbass religion, dumbass, I genuflect in the Irgun wing of Great Mother Rabbit mosque. Got a problem with that?
(Link 2 Luttwak: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05.....ef=opinion)
“First: learn your grammer idiot! It is the democrat(ick) convention (it modifies a noun)- not democrat convention.”
Lesson learned. Democrat(ick) it is. And it looks like you’re on a spiffing roll. Get it while you can.
“I taunted Huckabee …” and probably for the teevee spot in which Huck seemed to be backlit by a cross, a crass violation of the inviolable wall of church and state.
So let’s taunt St. Obama, here.
Don’t you effing left-wing hypocrites ever get tired of your effing left-wing hypocrisy?
Mark at 5
Fuck you, Mark. A larger asshole there has never been here on HA. Your parents must be proud. Now get back to your 7th grade homework.
Goldy, start the drive for travel funds. Teresa and I will contribute some of our hard earned cash.
#20: I didn’t know that “grammar” was spelled with an E.
But surely you must remember when Huck got totally attacked and spat on for having something that MAY have looked like a cross on it. Remember, #20? What did you think about all of your democrat friends who were flopping on the floor about it back when??
#18: He apparently isn’t muslim now, but when he was a kid he was registered as a muslim in the indonesian school he attended.
That still doesn’t make him a Muslim.
Good job, Goldy.
You EARNED it.
Enjoy bearing witness to American history in the making. You will be at an event that will be recorded in future American History books throughout the nation and you will get to watch it unfold.
Wish I could be there, too.
Nothing like reinforcing the myth that liberals look down their noses at those less educated.
Marvin Stamn,
“Nothing like reinforcing the myth that liberals look down their noses at those less educated.”
There is no “myth that liberals look down [on] those less educated” you fucking inbred, retard, Wingding.
It is a fact that we look down on ignorance, which these days amounts to being a Republican.
Let me guess…you retarded Wingnuts are in favor of ignorance.
Dickless Darryl, thick as a brick and Irony Impaired: “First: learn your grammer idiot!”
Read again that line of deathless down-your-Donkeycrat-nose liberal condescension. Savor it. Deconstruct it. Dig it.
Stamn right it’s ignorance, and all on your side, retard Wingnut.
YeeeeeeeHAAAAAAAAAAA, Do us proud!
Congrats on the invite, Goldy. I just wish that they’d have picked someone from outside Lost Wages to represent Nevada. Nothing against Hugh or his site, but it would’ve been nice……
Let us know if you need $ for the convention trip.
Jim, still never having attempted to operate a bagpipe assembly.
’27. My Left Foot spews:
Mark at 5….’
That was your comeback? Guess I shouldn’t expect more from a leech. Did you pass 7th grade, or did they not let you out of the trailer park for school? Let me guess, you’re unemployed too, right? I’m shocked!
MY left foot continued….
Just sign over your gov’t checks to Goldy for a contribution there W/T.
@32, There’s a cut of Limpbaugh telling his listeners yesterday how stupid it is to attend or finish college and become an elitist like Obama. Seriously.
@22, Adams was the quintessential Republican. He made his political career, in large part as an anti-tax rebel. But he took a job (after squandering his inheritance) as a tax collector and later stole tax money from the Boston City coffers.
It is just another sign of the kind of mistake our disorganized party can make by acting quickly.
What he really said was “We have to invite this prominent blogger even though he is a Horsesass!”
Not “We have to invite Horsesass because he is a prominent blogger.”
Have fun anyway Goldy.