Flew in late last night (and yes, my arms are tired), but have a meeting scheduled relatively early this morning, so don’t expect much from me until after noon. In the meanwhile, enjoy a little John Stewart.
“Looks like a man playing an Indian in a 1950’s Western”
Or “he’s jerkey”..
Too funny..
Why does it take a comedian to point out how intellectually and morally bankrupt the republicans are?
The idiot republicans are screaming about the deficit but their “best” plan increases the deficit as much as Obama and gives back the tax breaks to the uber-rich that are not needed while cutting jobs, education and health care.
Hmm, they are liars and dishonest for a reason. If the republicans actually said what they are in favor of – no one would vote for them. So they lie and obfuscate like the trolls that come on here.
Poster Child @1,
Actually, there are some ripe Stupice and cherry tomatoes. So there.
Troll @2,
I consider the 58 degrees I keep my house at during the winter as my carbon offset, not to mention my home’s total lack of air conditioning compared to my total reliance on it should I have settled in the hot and steamy land of my youth.
Re 6
Jon Stewart is supposed to be funny? Hmm. Who knew?
Thought you should know, as you seem confused about it- The democrats run the government right now. Blaming the republicans ‘plan’ is just stupid.
Poster Childspews:
glad to hear it. I fear the solitary tomato I picked last week was my entire harvest. Slugs galore, though.
Blue Johnspews:
For the first time in eight years, the East Point Housing Authority in East Point offered Section 8 housing applications. However, the day wasn`t a total success for the 30,000 plus people who showed up Wednesday. The event landed 20 people in the hospital, 62 to a medical doctor and even a baby went into a seizure due to the heat. It was almost a mob scene with people cussing, pushing and shoving. Only 13,000 applications were handed out.
A sign on the door should have calmed people down, it read; `The housing authority will be issuing applications Wednesday, August 11, starting at 9 a.m. Everyone in line by 1 p.m. on the 11th will receive an application. … No Section 8 vouchers are available at this time. There are no public housing units available at this time. You`re applying for the waiting list only.`
The current process is being conducted because, while all housing units are filled, the waiting list is depleted and the current group of applicants will be put on a new waiting list. There are a total of 655 housing spots available — 200 public housing units and 455 vouchers for rent assistance in private housing. East Point currently has five housing developments, but three of them will be closed or sold.
Lemish said it will likely be six months before any vacancies arise and that people could spend up to 10 years on the waiting list.
The last time there was an open call for people to get on the wait list in East Point was in 2002. That year, 2,400 applications were given out. Officials said they were planning for about 10,000 due to the economic downturn this year, but 30,000 people showed up instead.
So is this a sign that effective government has been starved to death by the conservatives?
Do conservatives see this story and see 30,000 lazy people who don’t want to get real jobs?
Is it the government’s mandate to be helping people not be homeless?
Sorry Blue John, but my housing costs are my responsibility, not those of fellow taxpayers. I can feel sorry for folks who planned poorly or were given insufficient tools from their upbringing to plan. And I can and do volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and donate to private charities.
But the federal government simply has no right to take one mans hard earned money and give it another for his housing. This is theft, no more and no less.
Re 6
You mean like Obama pretending to be a center right (sorry, I have to pause for an hysterical burst of uncontrollable laughter here. Okay, better now president?
You mean like Obama pretending to be anything other than a classic European socialist with a deep disdain for capitalism and this country?
You mean lying and obfuscating like that?
My favorite was ‘the way to combat socialism is to become communist’ …which makes me want to ask, is it even remotely possible for a political party to become more fucked-up?
Blue Johnspews:
But the federal government simply has no right to take one mans hard earned money and give it another for his housing.
Fascinating! Does this also apply to state and local governments?
@12 Will you ever back up your outlandish assertions of so-called fact? Or are you just in some state of delusion over what is indeed fact and what is simply another one of your nonsensical opinions?
Blue Johnspews:
on second thought. Never mind.
good thing you weren’t in ted stevens’ plane, g-man.
proud leftistspews:
Republicans in Wonderland. Trying to identify consistency in their ideological rot will cause you a debilitating headache. The GOP platform: there just ain’t no there there.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
7. Goldy spews:
Poster Child @1,
Actually, there are some ripe Stupice and cherry tomatoes. So there.
We have 6 cherry tomato plants and 6 stupices…we are getting about 2-3 dozen per day off of those.
We also have 2 dozen Roma’s and other larger tomatoes. Those are producing about 24/day. This has been happening the past 2 weeks or so. We have canned some…but mostly eat and give away.
Washington sucks for tomatoes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Blue John @ 10–
You are a funny little man!
That disaster in Atlanta is a direct result of no jobs under ObaMaoism and the fool who is leading the charge.
His name??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
A poll just released shows that 76% of American Voters, including a majority of Dummocrats, what Barry “Hoover” ObaMao to stop blaming Bush and start taking responsibility!!
I told you KLOWNS it wouldn’t work….the Blame Bush scheme. You overplayed it…just like the race card. And in November, you will pay for both.
It is SO BAD, that Robert Gibbs is now demanding far-left lunatics (like you Atheist Progressives who infest HorsesAss.org) take Drug Tests!! How do you feel about that Lee?
Now, one of the Democrat Lunatic Congressmen is demanding Gibbs be fired.
This is too damn funny.
Talk about a great Campaign Ad to show the dysfunctional Progressive Movement and the great & growing divide in the Dummocrat Party.
It just keeps getting better.
Russ Feingold is down by 1 point.
Barry “Hoover” ObaMao is -20 in the Strong Approval Poll.
19 months after ObaMao’s Regime takes power, they are coming apart at the seams.
Blue Johnspews:
#20 Like Lost, Where is your proof? You make statements. Back them up.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Buck is +5 over Bennet in Colorado. Bennet cannot get above 42%!!
Republicans are way ahead for Governor’s Races in Wisconsin & Illinois.
When are you KLOWNS going to launch your attack?
Oh yeah, you already did and it has backfired…making things worse.
I’ve noticed that leftist whackjobs like y’all wake up pissed off and it goes downhill from there. Some of you are smart enough to realize Barry “Hoover” ObaMao’s Hope & Change was a Utopian Farcical Mini-drama that has not & will not work.
But hey, keep blaming Hoover ObaMao’s unpopularity on Racism and keep attacking the Tea Party.
A fool is someone who repeats the same actions over & over again and expects significantly different results.
You KLOWNS fit the definition perfectly. You failed to understand Politics 101…what got you in power will not work to sustain you in power. Once in power, you must lead…not jam stuff like ObaMaoCare down people’s throats.
I told you this early on…but you cannot help yourselves. You are obviously not leaders. Now you are fighting Robert Gibbs and others. You have Rangel & Waters fighting rather than leaving. The Ethics Hearings in September ought to be a real trip!! And helpful to the Dummocrats….helpful forcing you to plunge lower and putting you out of your misery.
You are a funny little man!
That disaster in Atlanta is a direct result of no jobs under ObaMaoism and the fool who is leading the charge.
His name??
About what I’d expect to hear from some dumbfuck KLOWN. Someone on the right disagrees with you. heh- It’s not like I’d ever expect a dumbfuck KLOWN to ever get it.
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) — “How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy.” Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, “Four Deformations of the Apocalypse.”
Get it? Not “destroying.” The GOP has already “destroyed” the U.S. economy, setting up an “American Apocalypse.”
Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: “If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation’s public debt … will soon reach $18 trillion.” It screams “out for austerity and sacrifice.” But instead, the GOP insists “that the nation’s wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase.”
Stockman says “the second unhappy change in the American economy has been the extraordinary growth of our public debt. In 1970 it was just 40% of gross domestic product, or about $425 billion. When it reaches $18 trillion, it will be 40 times greater than in 1970.” Who’s to blame? Not big-spending Dems, says Stockman, but “from the Republican Party’s embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don’t matter if they result from tax cuts.”
You’re a goddamned nation-destroying disease, KLOWN. Higher taxes on your teabagging ass is the cure.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
22. Blue John spews:
#20 Like Lost, Where is your proof? You make statements. Back them up.
The Dummocrats have had control of Congress for 4 years. ObaMao has been in charge for 19 months. Proof??? ObaMao is killing the Private Sector job market and skyrocketing the debt. He is determined to raise taxes and has increased regulations….all things that force the private sector to the sidelines in terms of job creation.
You and “Hoover” ObaMao continue to Blame Bush and fail to accept responsibility.
Who is in charge and what have they done??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve @ 24-
Good luck trying to sell that to the voters KLOWN. 76% want Barry “Hoover” ObaMao to stand up and take responsibility.
You are pissin’ in the wind steve…and you stink!
“you stink!”
I suspect that what you smell is most likely goatshit on your face.
You obviously have no rebuttal of David Stockman’s indictment of the nation destroying failure that was Reaganomics. It figures, as you’re just too much the dumbfuck KLOWN.
Blue Johnspews:
Taxes on millionaires and billionaires are going up? Big deal. How many more yachts and mansions are they going to buy? We have two wars to pay for. How about we tax the top 5% at a 90% rate till we are out of Iraq and Afghanistan. It won’t pay the bills but it will help.
I’ll grant you that the economy has not rebounded. The massive job loss has slowed and pretty much stopped under Obama’s watch but it has not reversed itself.
But the dems and Obama have done very little to change to economic rules, the economic playing field to bring jobs back. We need to rethink our trade policies so we make things here. So we keep jobs here. So it’s economically more profitable to keep the jobs here than to off shore them.
The republicans will never change that. the dems are too scared to change that except tinker around the edges. So this this where we are.
The Leftist Pinhead KLOWNS have dug themselves a deep-hole. STOP DIGGING YOU DUMBASSES!!!
Hoover ObaMao has screwed your Atheist Progressive Movement.
Blaming Bush, crying Racism worked for a short while…but no more & never again.
Marco Rubio hit a home-run off Harry Reid’s divisive drivel. Hispanics, Blacks & all Americans want an opportunity (not a handout). Handout’s don’t work. Reid just got Rubio elected for sure. Thanks Skeletor!!
Keep up the bad work.
This slobbering attempt to divide the country by race could very well cost him the election too. You see, folks DEMAND those in power LEAD…not rant.
You KLOWNS failed to make the transition…and now it’s too late for you.
I warned y’all.
But you could not help perpetuate Class Warfare, Racial divisiveness and show a total lack of LEADERHIP>
You still don’t get it, do you???
proud leftistspews:
Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be less relevant and more full of shit, you outdo yourself. Congrats, Cynny.
Just after ObaMao signs a $540 MILLION debt-increasing bailout so Gregoire can payoff her Union benefactors…she’s back at it. Crying for more $$!!
Watch, she will avoid cutting Government Employee benefits and FTE’s…AGAIN!
Tax Increases.
Regulation increases.
Unsustainable Budgets.
And she is shocked…SHOCKED..that this recession is so deep.
Therein lies the problem.
How could Gregoire not know??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
pl @ 32–
Ahhhhhh, there you go again. NOTHING of substance whatsoever. Just a weak effort to smear. You are really losing it pl.
Atheist Progressivism is on life support.
Sucks to be you.
Your chronic anger and inability to reason about anything are clear signs of the end pal.
Pathetic…but also a clear sign of the last-gasp desperation.
When you see Gibbs wanting you far-left boneheads to be drug-tested…and then a far-left bonehead demanding Gibbs be fired….you know things are a real mess for the Left.
All Republicans need to do is not make any mistakes and let these power-hungry juveniles destroy each other.
Too Damn Funny!
proud leftistspews:
Cynny at 34
Thank you for expressing your concern for me. It makes me feel all better to know I’m loved.
Shove it up your taxholespews:
Lets hope you left the stench of New Jersey back on the east coast….talk about real shitole that place is.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Great Article about Marco Rubio skewering the Skeletor Reid.
Harry just teed it up for Marco.
What an idiot.
Do you think Hispanic folks like Rubio’s message…or the Skeletor who is essentially saying they need handouts & are too inept to make it without them.
I love watching Democrats self-destruct.
You’d think they would have learned after watching the Republicans self-destruct….but noooooooooooooooo.
I guess being in DC & having power automatically causes 1/2 your active brain cells to become dysfunctional.
I didn’t like it when Bush puffed his chest and dared the Terrorists to bring it on.
And Real Americans don’t like watching those in power mock & ridicule the Tea Party for questioning Hoover ObaMao’s policies.
You KLOWNS really need a history lesson.
You can continue your sophomoric rantings on HorsesAss. It will have ZERO impact on the upcoming 2010 and 2012 slaughter of the Atheist Progressive Movement.
But hey, keep up your angry venting so your empty, pointy l’il noggins don’t explode!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
36. proud leftist spews:
Cynny at 34
Thank you for expressing your concern for me. It makes me feel all better to know I’m loved.
Where did I say I have “concern” for you.
Honestly, I don’t. You are supposedly an adult, however you fail to ever make a cogent argument. Perhaps you are A-D-D???
I’d be concerned about that because it’s treatable.
Get tested pl.
Smoking pot all those years is known to make it much more likely and deb
proud leftistspews:
38: “You can continue your sophomoric rantings on HorsesAss.”
Oh, Cynny, that’s just too rich. You’ve made my afternoon. Keep it coming, buddy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Are you having fun?
Watching the self-destruction of the ObaMao Regime and it’s Atheist Progressive supporters is quite entertaining.
It’s hard to make up the crazy stuff the Dems are saying & doing. They are in power…yet questioning their actions them causes derangement!
The mental health institutions will be overflowing come November 2010…and by November, 2012, the Hoover ObaMao derangement syndrome will destroy the American Left for an entire generation.
Lots of Constitutional Conservative groups forming on College Campuses. It is now cool to be a Conservative. It’s all intellectual all the time. Clearly the Moonbat leftists are all about emotion, class warfare, racial divisiveness and handouts.
The kids with brains have figured out Hoover ObaMaoism’s Utopia is not achievable…nor desirable.
Hope your family is well Puddy
Funny. The trolls here are trying to make the current rescession, which started in 2007 and crashed to the bottom in Dec. 2008 and Jan. 2009, the fault of Obama because he’s been in office a full 19 months.
Ignoring completely that they have filibustered in the Senate every bill of consequence, delaying their emplementiation by months, if not years, and resulting in watered-down bills.
And as Rossi indicated in Spokane recently, they still want to blame the 2007-2010 “Great Rescession” on – wait for it – Clinton, and the Community Reinvestment Act!!!! (Boy, how’s that for a bomb with a long-delayed time fuse! It conveniently stops clicking anytime a Republican is in office or in charge of Congress, and then suddenly is the cause of all our problems only after the Republicans have screwed things up to the point of disaster and the Democrats are back in charge!
How is you gold collection treating you? Making you feel good ???
Isn’t the right’s motto “Divest in America, Buy Gold?”
While I am at it, I understand that a new cigar bar in Seattle has human placenta on the menu. I’ll bet you $10,000 you do not have the courage to eat there!
winner, first LEGO award.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Like Barry “Hoover” ObaMao, you are at the sorry point of your life that all you 2 and the rest of yur KLOWNmates have left is
In case you need to know what that means–
jive (jv)
Slang Deceptive, nonsensical, or glib talk: “the sexist, locker-room jive of men boasting and bonding”.
v. jived, jiv·ing, jives
2. Slang
a. To talk nonsense; kid.
b. To talk or chat: “You just jive in one big group, putting each other on, trying to top the last line” (Time).
v.tr. Slang
To cajole or mislead.
adj. Slang
Misleading; phony.
You KLOWNS are a bunch of JIVE talkers!!!
Too Damn Funny.
When he gets all rabid on us as he is today, I can easily imagine the dumbfuck KLOWN slobbering on his keyboard. Or the goat. It’s a metter of whichever one he’s pounding on at the moment.
I take it that the KLOWN’s little black visitors were calling him their jive talkin’ bitch. He finally Googled it. heh- Obviously.
When the KLOWN is going all Bold and CAPS on us, you just know that the goat’s in for a rough night.
proud leftistspews:
I so wish we knew Cynny’s address. I’d have the Humane Society at his place in a heartbeat. I feel so sorry for that poor goat.
Something really should be done about it. If Goldy would just out him, we could take care of the rest. I think it’s a matter for the SPCA, and maybe the DEA as well, as I suspect he’s on meth.
proud leftistspews:
I’ll be back in Montana next month. I’d rescue that poor goat myself if I just knew where to go. My heart goes out to that poor suffering beast.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Was busy today. Gotta love how Scary Reid is chasing his panicked peeps to the other side. Now that’s
Once again a DUMMOCRAPT in leadership shows his true colors!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Puddy also notices when the ad hominem attacks fail, they start ith the goat attacks, especially the under medicated and over stimulated with Stupid Solution Steve Steve Steve.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
These KLOWNS and head KLOWN ObaMao are a bunch of JIVE talkers!
“I’m back in Seattle again”
Isn’t that an Aerosmith song?
Look what the complete idiot and liar Klynical says:
You are supposedly an adult, however you fail to ever make a cogent argument.
Hey, Klynical, you fail to make ANY cogent arguments since you CAN’T THINK. You are just too STOOPID to even realize what a fool you are (but we are all lauging AT you not with you).
Have you ever refuted anything we have called you on – all your dumb lies, how you kept saying Obama was failing because the stock market was going down, how you supported drill, baby, drill, how you ignore evidence and fail to see any of big picture, how you thought there WAS NO RECESSION when Bush was in office, how you opposed the GM bailout and said it would cost billions (it hasn’t).
When a total idiot like you is wrong so OFTEN – maybe it is time to look and think about WHY you are wrong. Maybe you need to stop repeating the blathering lies from your rightwingnut sites and start to actually read something other than rightwingnut sites that have totally FAILED you.
You are so dumb you don’t even see how much fun we have making fun of such a total idiot like you.
Thanks for the entertainment, though, it is nice to know that the rightwing fools who have your point of view are also as dumb as you are.
welcome back, Goldy. Your tomatoes still aren’t ripe.
Goldy often lectures us on climate change, so I would like to know if he bought carbon offsets for his flight.
Hey everyone, take off your conservative and liberal asshats and put on your thinking caps, this is interesting!
And no it has nothing to do with Rush.
Another troll selling Krugerrands.
“Looks like a man playing an Indian in a 1950’s Western”
Or “he’s jerkey”..
Too funny..
Why does it take a comedian to point out how intellectually and morally bankrupt the republicans are?
The idiot republicans are screaming about the deficit but their “best” plan increases the deficit as much as Obama and gives back the tax breaks to the uber-rich that are not needed while cutting jobs, education and health care.
Hmm, they are liars and dishonest for a reason. If the republicans actually said what they are in favor of – no one would vote for them. So they lie and obfuscate like the trolls that come on here.
Poster Child @1,
Actually, there are some ripe Stupice and cherry tomatoes. So there.
Troll @2,
I consider the 58 degrees I keep my house at during the winter as my carbon offset, not to mention my home’s total lack of air conditioning compared to my total reliance on it should I have settled in the hot and steamy land of my youth.
Re 6
Jon Stewart is supposed to be funny? Hmm. Who knew?
Thought you should know, as you seem confused about it- The democrats run the government right now. Blaming the republicans ‘plan’ is just stupid.
glad to hear it. I fear the solitary tomato I picked last week was my entire harvest. Slugs galore, though.
So is this a sign that effective government has been starved to death by the conservatives?
Do conservatives see this story and see 30,000 lazy people who don’t want to get real jobs?
Is it the government’s mandate to be helping people not be homeless?
Sorry Blue John, but my housing costs are my responsibility, not those of fellow taxpayers. I can feel sorry for folks who planned poorly or were given insufficient tools from their upbringing to plan. And I can and do volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and donate to private charities.
But the federal government simply has no right to take one mans hard earned money and give it another for his housing. This is theft, no more and no less.
Re 6
You mean like Obama pretending to be a center right (sorry, I have to pause for an hysterical burst of uncontrollable laughter here. Okay, better now president?
You mean like Obama pretending to be anything other than a classic European socialist with a deep disdain for capitalism and this country?
You mean lying and obfuscating like that?
My favorite was ‘the way to combat socialism is to become communist’ …which makes me want to ask, is it even remotely possible for a political party to become more fucked-up?
But the federal government simply has no right to take one mans hard earned money and give it another for his housing.
Fascinating! Does this also apply to state and local governments?
@12 Will you ever back up your outlandish assertions of so-called fact? Or are you just in some state of delusion over what is indeed fact and what is simply another one of your nonsensical opinions?
on second thought. Never mind.
good thing you weren’t in ted stevens’ plane, g-man.
Republicans in Wonderland. Trying to identify consistency in their ideological rot will cause you a debilitating headache. The GOP platform: there just ain’t no there there.
7. Goldy spews:
We have 6 cherry tomato plants and 6 stupices…we are getting about 2-3 dozen per day off of those.
We also have 2 dozen Roma’s and other larger tomatoes. Those are producing about 24/day. This has been happening the past 2 weeks or so. We have canned some…but mostly eat and give away.
Washington sucks for tomatoes.
Blue John @ 10–
You are a funny little man!
That disaster in Atlanta is a direct result of no jobs under ObaMaoism and the fool who is leading the charge.
His name??
A poll just released shows that 76% of American Voters, including a majority of Dummocrats, what Barry “Hoover” ObaMao to stop blaming Bush and start taking responsibility!!
I told you KLOWNS it wouldn’t work….the Blame Bush scheme. You overplayed it…just like the race card. And in November, you will pay for both.
It is SO BAD, that Robert Gibbs is now demanding far-left lunatics (like you Atheist Progressives who infest HorsesAss.org) take Drug Tests!! How do you feel about that Lee?
Now, one of the Democrat Lunatic Congressmen is demanding Gibbs be fired.
This is too damn funny.
Talk about a great Campaign Ad to show the dysfunctional Progressive Movement and the great & growing divide in the Dummocrat Party.
It just keeps getting better.
Russ Feingold is down by 1 point.
Barry “Hoover” ObaMao is -20 in the Strong Approval Poll.
19 months after ObaMao’s Regime takes power, they are coming apart at the seams.
#20 Like Lost, Where is your proof? You make statements. Back them up.
Buck is +5 over Bennet in Colorado. Bennet cannot get above 42%!!
Republicans are way ahead for Governor’s Races in Wisconsin & Illinois.
When are you KLOWNS going to launch your attack?
Oh yeah, you already did and it has backfired…making things worse.
I’ve noticed that leftist whackjobs like y’all wake up pissed off and it goes downhill from there. Some of you are smart enough to realize Barry “Hoover” ObaMao’s Hope & Change was a Utopian Farcical Mini-drama that has not & will not work.
But hey, keep blaming Hoover ObaMao’s unpopularity on Racism and keep attacking the Tea Party.
A fool is someone who repeats the same actions over & over again and expects significantly different results.
You KLOWNS fit the definition perfectly. You failed to understand Politics 101…what got you in power will not work to sustain you in power. Once in power, you must lead…not jam stuff like ObaMaoCare down people’s throats.
I told you this early on…but you cannot help yourselves. You are obviously not leaders. Now you are fighting Robert Gibbs and others. You have Rangel & Waters fighting rather than leaving. The Ethics Hearings in September ought to be a real trip!! And helpful to the Dummocrats….helpful forcing you to plunge lower and putting you out of your misery.
About what I’d expect to hear from some dumbfuck KLOWN. Someone on the right disagrees with you. heh- It’s not like I’d ever expect a dumbfuck KLOWN to ever get it.
You’re a goddamned nation-destroying disease, KLOWN. Higher taxes on your teabagging ass is the cure.
22. Blue John spews:
The Dummocrats have had control of Congress for 4 years. ObaMao has been in charge for 19 months. Proof??? ObaMao is killing the Private Sector job market and skyrocketing the debt. He is determined to raise taxes and has increased regulations….all things that force the private sector to the sidelines in terms of job creation.
You and “Hoover” ObaMao continue to Blame Bush and fail to accept responsibility.
Who is in charge and what have they done??
steve @ 24-
Good luck trying to sell that to the voters KLOWN. 76% want Barry “Hoover” ObaMao to stand up and take responsibility.
You are pissin’ in the wind steve…and you stink!
“you stink!”
I suspect that what you smell is most likely goatshit on your face.
You obviously have no rebuttal of David Stockman’s indictment of the nation destroying failure that was Reaganomics. It figures, as you’re just too much the dumbfuck KLOWN.
Taxes on millionaires and billionaires are going up? Big deal. How many more yachts and mansions are they going to buy? We have two wars to pay for. How about we tax the top 5% at a 90% rate till we are out of Iraq and Afghanistan. It won’t pay the bills but it will help.
I’ll grant you that the economy has not rebounded. The massive job loss has slowed and pretty much stopped under Obama’s watch but it has not reversed itself.
But the dems and Obama have done very little to change to economic rules, the economic playing field to bring jobs back. We need to rethink our trade policies so we make things here. So we keep jobs here. So it’s economically more profitable to keep the jobs here than to off shore them.
The republicans will never change that. the dems are too scared to change that except tinker around the edges. So this this where we are.
Cynny is running for governor of Tennessee:
Trolls in general, and Mr. C, MOT, esp.
Are you aware that most of the world’s gold comes from South Africa’s regime, a regime lead by communists, and from Russia?
What better way to undermine the US economy than to invest in Gold?
This reminds me that a number of true patriots and conservatives support legalization of marijuana. Unlike gold, MJ is a LOCAL product! If we legalize it, I would be willing to bet $10,000 by investing it in the first private MJ firm!
Even though voters in the tourist, gambling, prostitute economy of Nevada aren’t quite ready to legalize and tax marijuana, here in Washington State 36% of the people responding to Gov. Gregoire’s request for budget ideas support legalizing MJ as a way of saving money!. In contrast only 47% support making it illegal for any state money to support services for illegal aliens!
winner of first LEGO Award
The Leftist Pinhead KLOWNS have dug themselves a deep-hole. STOP DIGGING YOU DUMBASSES!!!
Hoover ObaMao has screwed your Atheist Progressive Movement.
Blaming Bush, crying Racism worked for a short while…but no more & never again.
Marco Rubio hit a home-run off Harry Reid’s divisive drivel. Hispanics, Blacks & all Americans want an opportunity (not a handout). Handout’s don’t work. Reid just got Rubio elected for sure. Thanks Skeletor!!
Keep up the bad work.
This slobbering attempt to divide the country by race could very well cost him the election too. You see, folks DEMAND those in power LEAD…not rant.
You KLOWNS failed to make the transition…and now it’s too late for you.
I warned y’all.
But you could not help perpetuate Class Warfare, Racial divisiveness and show a total lack of LEADERHIP>
You still don’t get it, do you???
Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be less relevant and more full of shit, you outdo yourself. Congrats, Cynny.
Gregoire needs more welfare!!
Just after ObaMao signs a $540 MILLION debt-increasing bailout so Gregoire can payoff her Union benefactors…she’s back at it. Crying for more $$!!
Watch, she will avoid cutting Government Employee benefits and FTE’s…AGAIN!
Tax Increases.
Regulation increases.
Unsustainable Budgets.
And she is shocked…SHOCKED..that this recession is so deep.
Therein lies the problem.
How could Gregoire not know??
pl @ 32–
Ahhhhhh, there you go again. NOTHING of substance whatsoever. Just a weak effort to smear. You are really losing it pl.
Atheist Progressivism is on life support.
Sucks to be you.
Your chronic anger and inability to reason about anything are clear signs of the end pal.
Democrats have hit rock-bottom…wishing Sarah Palin were dead.
Pathetic…but also a clear sign of the last-gasp desperation.
When you see Gibbs wanting you far-left boneheads to be drug-tested…and then a far-left bonehead demanding Gibbs be fired….you know things are a real mess for the Left.
All Republicans need to do is not make any mistakes and let these power-hungry juveniles destroy each other.
Too Damn Funny!
Cynny at 34
Thank you for expressing your concern for me. It makes me feel all better to know I’m loved.
Lets hope you left the stench of New Jersey back on the east coast….talk about real shitole that place is.
Great Article about Marco Rubio skewering the Skeletor Reid.
Harry just teed it up for Marco.
What an idiot.
Do you think Hispanic folks like Rubio’s message…or the Skeletor who is essentially saying they need handouts & are too inept to make it without them.
I love watching Democrats self-destruct.
You’d think they would have learned after watching the Republicans self-destruct….but noooooooooooooooo.
I guess being in DC & having power automatically causes 1/2 your active brain cells to become dysfunctional.
I didn’t like it when Bush puffed his chest and dared the Terrorists to bring it on.
And Real Americans don’t like watching those in power mock & ridicule the Tea Party for questioning Hoover ObaMao’s policies.
You KLOWNS really need a history lesson.
You can continue your sophomoric rantings on HorsesAss. It will have ZERO impact on the upcoming 2010 and 2012 slaughter of the Atheist Progressive Movement.
But hey, keep up your angry venting so your empty, pointy l’il noggins don’t explode!
36. proud leftist spews:
Where did I say I have “concern” for you.
Honestly, I don’t. You are supposedly an adult, however you fail to ever make a cogent argument. Perhaps you are A-D-D???
I’d be concerned about that because it’s treatable.
Get tested pl.
Smoking pot all those years is known to make it much more likely and deb
38: “You can continue your sophomoric rantings on HorsesAss.”
Oh, Cynny, that’s just too rich. You’ve made my afternoon. Keep it coming, buddy.
Are you having fun?
Watching the self-destruction of the ObaMao Regime and it’s Atheist Progressive supporters is quite entertaining.
It’s hard to make up the crazy stuff the Dems are saying & doing. They are in power…yet questioning their actions them causes derangement!
The mental health institutions will be overflowing come November 2010…and by November, 2012, the Hoover ObaMao derangement syndrome will destroy the American Left for an entire generation.
Lots of Constitutional Conservative groups forming on College Campuses. It is now cool to be a Conservative. It’s all intellectual all the time. Clearly the Moonbat leftists are all about emotion, class warfare, racial divisiveness and handouts.
The kids with brains have figured out Hoover ObaMaoism’s Utopia is not achievable…nor desirable.
Hope your family is well Puddy
Funny. The trolls here are trying to make the current rescession, which started in 2007 and crashed to the bottom in Dec. 2008 and Jan. 2009, the fault of Obama because he’s been in office a full 19 months.
Ignoring completely that they have filibustered in the Senate every bill of consequence, delaying their emplementiation by months, if not years, and resulting in watered-down bills.
And as Rossi indicated in Spokane recently, they still want to blame the 2007-2010 “Great Rescession” on – wait for it – Clinton, and the Community Reinvestment Act!!!! (Boy, how’s that for a bomb with a long-delayed time fuse! It conveniently stops clicking anytime a Republican is in office or in charge of Congress, and then suddenly is the cause of all our problems only after the Republicans have screwed things up to the point of disaster and the Democrats are back in charge!
How is you gold collection treating you? Making you feel good ???
Isn’t the right’s motto “Divest in America, Buy Gold?”
While I am at it, I understand that a new cigar bar in Seattle has human placenta on the menu. I’ll bet you $10,000 you do not have the courage to eat there!
winner, first LEGO award.
Like Barry “Hoover” ObaMao, you are at the sorry point of your life that all you 2 and the rest of yur KLOWNmates have left is
In case you need to know what that means–
jive (jv)
Slang Deceptive, nonsensical, or glib talk: “the sexist, locker-room jive of men boasting and bonding”.
v. jived, jiv·ing, jives
2. Slang
a. To talk nonsense; kid.
b. To talk or chat: “You just jive in one big group, putting each other on, trying to top the last line” (Time).
v.tr. Slang
To cajole or mislead.
adj. Slang
Misleading; phony.
You KLOWNS are a bunch of JIVE talkers!!!
Too Damn Funny.
When he gets all rabid on us as he is today, I can easily imagine the dumbfuck KLOWN slobbering on his keyboard. Or the goat. It’s a metter of whichever one he’s pounding on at the moment.
I take it that the KLOWN’s little black visitors were calling him their jive talkin’ bitch. He finally Googled it. heh- Obviously.
When the KLOWN is going all Bold and CAPS on us, you just know that the goat’s in for a rough night.
I so wish we knew Cynny’s address. I’d have the Humane Society at his place in a heartbeat. I feel so sorry for that poor goat.
Something really should be done about it. If Goldy would just out him, we could take care of the rest. I think it’s a matter for the SPCA, and maybe the DEA as well, as I suspect he’s on meth.
I’ll be back in Montana next month. I’d rescue that poor goat myself if I just knew where to go. My heart goes out to that poor suffering beast.
Was busy today. Gotta love how Scary Reid is chasing his panicked peeps to the other side. Now that’s
Once again a DUMMOCRAPT in leadership shows his true colors!
Puddy also notices when the ad hominem attacks fail, they start ith the goat attacks, especially the under medicated and over stimulated with Stupid Solution Steve Steve Steve.
These KLOWNS and head KLOWN ObaMao are a bunch of JIVE talkers!
“I’m back in Seattle again”
Isn’t that an Aerosmith song?
Look what the complete idiot and liar Klynical says:
Hey, Klynical, you fail to make ANY cogent arguments since you CAN’T THINK. You are just too STOOPID to even realize what a fool you are (but we are all lauging AT you not with you).
Have you ever refuted anything we have called you on – all your dumb lies, how you kept saying Obama was failing because the stock market was going down, how you supported drill, baby, drill, how you ignore evidence and fail to see any of big picture, how you thought there WAS NO RECESSION when Bush was in office, how you opposed the GM bailout and said it would cost billions (it hasn’t).
When a total idiot like you is wrong so OFTEN – maybe it is time to look and think about WHY you are wrong. Maybe you need to stop repeating the blathering lies from your rightwingnut sites and start to actually read something other than rightwingnut sites that have totally FAILED you.
You are so dumb you don’t even see how much fun we have making fun of such a total idiot like you.
Thanks for the entertainment, though, it is nice to know that the rightwing fools who have your point of view are also as dumb as you are.