My righty critics sometime email 710-KIRO, accusing me of being a “hate talker,” apparently in the hope that I’ll be fired from my weekend hosting gig. (Tip to righty critics: management sometimes actually listens to my show.)
Well, if I’m a hate talker, what do you call this…?
Over at AMERICAblog, John Aravosis responds, “If you or I said this, we’d be arrested.”
Hmm. Would we? Let’s give it a try:
If I’m going to say anything about Vice President Dick Cheney in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.
There, I said it. Come and get me. It’s Tuesday night, so you know where I’ll be… sharing a beer or two with my fellow terrorists at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally, the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E., Seattle.
Elizabeth Edwards responds, and Coulter gets pwned:
Hey Limpdick -Have I been banned?
I thought that was kinda funny. Why are all you lefties all offended? Ah that’s right; you pussies can dish it out but can’t take it. Nevermind.
Here’s what’s funny: President Hillary Clinton in 2009 using all the powers bestowed to her by years of precedent laid down by Dick Cheney, and locking up Ann Coulter in the Supermax in Colorado, piping her Celine Dion campaign song to her cell 23 hours a day.
(24 hours would be cruel AND unusual).
Anne hasn’t been getting buggered enough lately. She misses it!
Looks like the right wing wall is tumbling down as the Publicans start to get worried about their own skins.
The Bush regime will be all alone and oh yes, I hope Ann Coulter gets raped tonight and is left with a bad case of AIDS. I also hope her cat gets run over by a car and that any woman she sleeps with gets an STD. I hope her relatives all die of the flu and that anyone who supports her gets ALS.
It’ll be even funnier when Coulter has to live through eight years of President Edwards. Her, and all the wingnut trolls on this blog.
I hope the Bush twin whores get more STD’s the next time they pull a train on the local football team.
My oh my, such nasty incivility from you dirty bloggers. I’m going to clutch my pearls, take a dose of smelling salts, sadly decry the lack of civic decency in our political discourse, and then read Sound Politics whilst listening to Limbaugh, with Bill O’Reilly on my TV.
#4 Stupidman: MSNBC is right wing BULLSHIT – Cluelessman
So how can you trust it?
“If you or I said this, we’d be arrested.”
not really have you read Roger Rabbit trash lately?
#6 Stupidman – You mean like your wimenfolk in yer famly?
Puffybutt – your wife, sister and daughter all say hi. Why did you marry a Muslim? Are you supporting terror? Do the feds know you support terror? And lastly, I hope you and your family all get horribly sick and die a slow and painful death. I curse you in the name of Jesus! What you think of that you cum-drunk traitor?
Oh yes, I hope your grandkids all get run over by cars.
This blog has people who speak about a drunken lying, torturing , murdering, religious, fanactic as the President and you get upset about this ?
“New Poll Finds That Young Americans Are Leaning Left
“Published: June 27, 2007
“Young Americans are more likely than the general public to favor a government-run universal health care insurance system, an open-door policy on immigration and the legalization of gay marriage, according to a New York Times/CBS News/MTV poll. …
“The poll … found that substantially more Americans ages 17 to 29 … have continued a long-term drift away from the Republican Party. And although they are just as worried as the general population about the outlook for the country … they retain a belief that their votes can make a difference, the poll found.
“More than half of Americans ages 17 to 29 — 54 percent — say they intend to vote for a Democrat for president in 2008. They share with the public at large a negative view of President Bush … and of the Republican Party. They hold a markedly more positive view of Democrats than they do of Republicans.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Suck on it rightys! The GOP is already irrelevant, and soon will be extinct.
Coulter is just a low-life nasty bitch!!!
@9 Yeah, but I was only kidding! BTW klake, I hope you get a pimple on your eyeball! Hey — just kidding! Ann Coulter humor, ya know?
Click here for photo of klake’s eyeball.
klake is mistaken about who is promoting terrorist attacks against Americans, though. In addition to Coulter, another individual who thinks a terrorist attack against America is GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold, who posted the following on Sucky Politics:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(Note: HA poster and Democratic county council candidate Richard Pope ID’d Griswold as “Full Contact Politics.”
@12 “This blog has people who speak about a drunken lying, torturing , murdering, religious, fanactic as the President and you get upset about this ?”
Who’s upset? I’m not. It’s not surprising that a country with a drunken, lying, murdering, religious fanatic as its President has citizens hoping for a terrorist attack on their own country! When you’re dealing with Republicans, you have to be ready for anything, because there is no line they won’t cross.
Hey klake! Your girlfriend got in trouble again!
I’m just waiting for some smartass techie to come up with the Official HA videogame: Roger Rabbit’s Whack-A-Troll! Wouldn’t it be fun to whack Puffy, Klake and their ilk on the Easy (local) setting, then move up to the Easier (national) setting and smack the shit out of Coultergeist, Lim(p-dick)baugh and the rest of the America-haters?
I don’t wish for a terrorist attack on Cheney. I only wish for a pacemaker failure. A terrorist attack might take innocents with him!
“Ms. Edwards Asks Coulter to Stop Attacks
The Associated Press
Tuesday, June 26, 2007; 7:33 PM”
“If I’m going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot,” Coulter said Monday, picking up on remarks made by HBO’s Bill Maher. Maher suggested in March that “people wouldn’t be dying needlessly” if Vice President Dick Cheney had been killed in an insurgent attack in Afghanistan.
So if a Democrat says it, it is OK – You all are very foolish.
Just kidding! Wingnut humor.
@22 Maher looks like a Democrat alright:
“Maher describes himself as a libertarian …. He supported Bob Dole in the 1996 U.S. presidential election on the basis that Dole was … the kind of ‘old-fashioned’ Republican he appreciated …. He has expressed disdain for many of the liberal positions regarding hate crime, sexual harassment, etc.”
OK, Maher shouldn’t have said that. Happy now? Ready to repudiate Coulter?
But see, Maher made one impolitic statement. Coulter does it ALL. THE. FREAKIN’. TIME.
Roger? I’m sure you can provide us a list of Annthrax Coulter’s Greatest Hit(piece)s.
Maher ain’t no Democrat, cuz Coulter only fucks Republicans:
“Maher and republican media voice Ann Coulter confirmed a short lived relationship on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor, that occurred in 1994 while Maher circuited in California.”
All you need to know about Maher is that he and Coulter once were fucking buddies! That says it all.
Fucking Coulter has to feel a whole lot like having slug slime on your pecker.
@20 Man, I wish I knew how to write game software! You just gave me an idea for a killer game …
@25 “OK, Maher shouldn’t have said that.”
What do you expect from a Coulter fucking buddy?
The only thing funny about Maher is some troll labeling him a “Democrat.” Nope, he’s one of theirs.
Poor Cheney! Maybe we should feel sorry for him — his approval ratings are in single digits, and even Coulter’s fuck buddies want him dead.
@25 “Roger? I’m sure you can provide us a list of Annthrax Coulter’s Greatest Hit(piece)s.”
I just want to hear her moan while Pat Robertson and Bill Maher lick her at the same time.*
* God that’s gotta taste baaaad!!! Eating Coulter must be like drinking slug slime.
On the other hand, anyone who eats Coulter and wants Cheney dead isn’t all bad … he’s just not funny, that’s all.
Let me get this straight. The Washington Post thinks it’s okay for Coulter to hope for Edwards’ death because Coulter’s fuck buddy, Maher, hoped for Cheney’s death?
Hate, fear, and intolerance: nobody can be a contemporary Republican without those essential components. Somehow, Republicans believe they can fence off the world and live in some disgusting little place ruled by those who are inhuman: Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Dick Cheney. Democrats, on the other hand, believe we can make things better. And, as a matter of fact, who would want to live in a world where we don’t believe that? John Edwards, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Hillary Clinton—we have such a luxury of choices. Oh, Lord, thank you, for what you have given us who are Democrats. Amen.
Relax, Roger, and get some rest. Who the hell cares if Maher fucked Coulter so many years ago?
Maher is not one of theirs. Give it up.
OK, if things are copacetic, SeattleTammy and I will drink liberally next week, bringing some friends in tow. We’ll be nice, but we can’t answer for our friends.
It’s so funny hearing you dems whine. hehehehehe I guess that is why the military is all republican. You pussies can’t take a little of your own medicine. No wonder you dont let the soldier vote. hehehehehe
@36 ” Democrats, on the other hand, believe we can make things better.”
I no longer feel so sure that we can make things better without some killing.*
* Just kidding! Coulter humor.
@38 I merely want to remind everyone that it’s the Republicans who don’t let soldiers vote:
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. … While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
“For the full story of caging lists and voter purges of 2004, plus the documents, read Greg Palast’s … bestseller, ARMED MADHOUSE: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, Armed Madhouse: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China Floats Bush Sinks, the Scheme to Steal ‘08, No Child’s Behind Left and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
RightEqualsStupid @ 6– You mean there’s a train we haven’t pulled? An STD we haven’t had? Surely you jest!
Dan Rather @ 38, my nephew has served a tour in Iraq. He voted for Kerry. Ah, yes, your monothlic Army buddies. They all think the same.
Poor Ann Coulter! She can’t find enough guys to fuck her ass. Of course, right-wingnuts can’t get it up, so she has to go sneak over to the blue side…
I calls ’em as I sees ’em, and if he indeed said that, he shouldn’t have. But my point still stands. Kerry makes one lame joke and everyone’s on him like red on salsa. Maher says one impolitic thing and it’s the freakin’ end of the world. Coulter, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, they spew vitriol and violence OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again and slide through it like shit through a goose.
The reason Coulter has to make personal attacks is she knows she can’t actually back up any of her beliefs with reason and critical thinking. She admitted it on national television. She can’t talk or write if she can’t make vile personal attacks.
Course, she also admitted that she doesn’t know what she writes.
Goldy, you’ve made Orbusmax! Then again, with a title like that, a rightwinger would have to be RETARDED to miss it.
Will @ 47
But where is the graphic language that OrbusMax.Com is supposed to be warning against?
*** GRAPHIC LANGUAGE WARNING ***: 710 KIRO TALK SHOW HOST BLOG – “I’ll just wish Dick Cheney had been killed…”
Maybe in the Ann Coulter video clip that Goldy has linked?
Roger Rabbit says:
“New Poll Finds That Young Americans Are Leaning Left
“Published: June 27, 2007
Puddybud commentary: With east coast family in the Education field – NEA Lefty Kool-Aid delivering brain-washing outfit. If you question your teacher you get lower grades.
Colleges and Universities: There are many many more Ward Churchills’ in universities then David Horowitzs’.
Nuff said!
The “Terrorists” should kill all right wing pundits while they are at it! How do these fascist enablers get the right to walk around without fear? They have been the cheerleaders for nothing less than the destruction of our country!! And, to top it all off, they have done it in the interests of foreign powers and corporations! They are all traitors who deserve to die!!!!!! I bet they are much easier to get at than the fascists themselves, too.
Two Items:
1) Since you are all ASS, how can you LYAO?
2) I noticed you started using Tiny URLs for the last month. You are ADMITTING to all the ASSWipers here you never noticed the preview feature until this week? What a jackASS!
Still Clueless after using tiny url for a month!
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
@51 What would you know about teachers … never having met one?
Hey father felch: The terrorists will slit your throat just as fast as the “right wing pundits”. They have no compunction to delay you “meeting your maker” just because you are a left wing idiot!
Pelletman@54: If you only had humor you could be dangerous.
Notice the operative word “IF”. You missed that definition in law skuul!
Whatever Puddy’s smoking this morning, it sure ain’t legal.
@56 Who said I’m trying to be funny?
Why did ONLY Democratic politicians get GOVERNMENT MADE anthrax (that only a handful of people in the U.S. have access to) in the mail?
The right wing uses assassination as a political tool in the U.S. — and they’ve been getting away with it since JFK.
Something needs to be done about that.
Masters of Death and the Apocalypse (pro-life?) = GOP
Progressive politicians need to stay away from small aircraft.
From The Washington Post:
“A GOP Plan To Oust Cheney
“By Sally Quinn
“Tuesday, June 26, 2007; 12:00 AM
“The big question right now among Republicans is how to remove Vice President Cheney from office. Even before this week’s blockbuster series in The Post, discontent in Republican ranks was rising.
“As the reputed architect of the war in Iraq, Cheney is viewed as toxic, and as the administration’s leading proponent of an attack on Iran, he is seen as dangerous.
“As long as he remains vice president, according to this thinking, he has the potential to drag down every member of the party — including the presidential nominee — in next year’s elections.
“Removing a sitting vice president is not easy, but this may be the moment. … Until recently, there hasn’t been an acceptable alternative to Cheney — nor has there been a persuasive argument to convince President Bush to make a change. Now there is. The idea is to install a vice president who could beat the Democratic nominee in 2008.
“It’s unlikely that any of the top three Republican candidates — former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Sen. John McCain of Arizona or former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — would want the job, for fear that association with Bush’s war would be the kiss of death. Nor would any of them be that attractive to the president. … That leaves Fred Thompson. Everybody loves Fred. He has the healing qualities of Gerald Ford and the movie-star appeal of Ronald Reagan. He is relatively moderate on social issues. He has a reputation as a peacemaker and a compromiser. And he has a good sense of humor. He could be just the partner to bring out Bush’s better nature — or at least be a sensible voice of reason. …
“Cheney is scheduled this summer for surgery to replace his pacemaker, which needs new batteries. So if the president is willing, and Republicans are able, they have a convenient reason to replace him: doctor’s orders. And I’m sure the the vice president would also like to spend more time with his ever-expanding family.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, I’d like to see Cheney go, but I don’t think replacing him in order to promote Fred Thompson (or any other candidate) in ’08 would work for the GOPers — too transparent. And, the country is just plain fed up with the partisanship, incompetence, and corruption of the GOP. The whole party is tainted, and the Bush disaster will drag all of them down. No matter what Bush does, the next election will be decided in the Democratic primaries.
re 62: Yes. The GOP is TAINTED — with the smell of death!
Let’s use that word alot for ’08.
“Oooooooooo — ooo, that smell!” The smell of the GOP is around you.
That’s actually the smell of unburied bodies … the GOP has a lot of them, and some of them are still in Congress.
I’m sure it flies over the heads of all the righty trolls that Goldy didn’t actually say he wished Cheney had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot. Goldy said, “If …”
“Puddybud Who Left the Reservation says:
Hey father felch: The terrorists will slit your throat just as fast as the “right wing pundits”. They have no compunction to delay you “meeting your maker” just because you are a left wing idiot!”
Puddybud, how often do you worry about terrorist slitting your throat?
You should talk to a Democrat to cure your fear anxieties about the terrorists. Yeah, sure we need to kill those bastards, instead of the debacle the Republicans are conducting with our national security in Iraq.
If you don’t worry about the terrorists slitting your throat then it proves Republicans fear monger.
So which is it, Puddybud, you’re terrified or you’re trying to terrorize others?
Ann Coulter “IS” the GOP.
Dan blather,
Ahem, pardon my french, but you sir, are a *fucking* idiot.
As a matter of fact, yeah, my brother is more or less a republican – actively enlisted, army 82nd Airborne, stryker currently deployed in northern baghdad. He keeps a damn berreta in is minivan. You know what though? He hates your fucking guts. You know why? Because you are (and I’m quoting to the best of my recollection) “a pussy ass, pansy motherfucking warmongering COWARD” – who has never been on the battlefield but is willing to sit and cheerlead from the sidelines while our apeshit administration starts useless wars and opens up whole new fronts for terrorism. And he’s far from alone in that opinion. So do the world a favor, shut the fuck up already, and for the sake of the rest of us, don’t breed.
What’s really funny is how you all hammer this half wit Coulter and ignore, oh, I don’t know:
Rachel Maddow
Rhandi Rhodes
You can hear some of if not exactly the same kind of visciousness listening to them.
How funny to start listening to Air America radio and then come back here and see their content treated like it was the writers in this blog and comments threads own. Talk about “talking points”. sheesh.
And then you see the FULL clip from Coulter and find out that what has been posted is entirely out of context. That darn internet thingy.
This is priceless. Oops hear about it on the liberal rags – post it on your blog a little later – debunked the next day as thinly veiled attempt to twist somebody’s words that are already easily twistable.
I would call it mighty left spin. Be brave Goldy and air the ENTIRE interview. I don’t like her but let’s put her name-calling into context.
while we’re at it jeepers, we could really use your help putting her “I’d comment on John Edwards but I hear that using the word “faggot” lands you in rehab” remark in context as well. seriously. STFU already.
Here comes the clue train, last stop… you!
There is no context under which coultiergiest is anything other than a wacko hatemongering shill… 70% of her diatribe is namecalling and threats… the other 30% consists of conjunctions. You make me laugh.
Amazing retort. UmUmUm Ann Coulter is a name caller so to prove how bad that is I’ll do the same.
Weeee thoughtlessness is fun.
The people who are sending our soldiers off to senseless wars will eventually have to answer to them.
@76, I never said I wasn’t, asshat
It gets better and better. “I never said I wasn’t…” Phew. I’m humbled. Crushed maybe. Well not actually, I am however wiping the tears from my eyes I’m laughing so hard. Then to top it off “asshat”.
Wow. A wingnut engaging in lack of perspective. Imagine my surprise. Or are we supposed to infer that because you don’t like the “clue train” comment in 75, this is to be equated with Coulter’s logorrheic stream of vitriol? Her call for assassination of Supreme Court justices? Her homophobia? Her racism? Her xenophobia?
Mr. Rcguy,
you are a moron. you should be humbled. Let me dumb it down a bit for you. You made the ludicrous claim that Ann Coulter’s comments were somehow being “twisted” into something they were not, e.g. idiotic threats and hate speech. You claimed Goldy was taking her BS “out of context” somehow. Then to follow it up, you distort MY words and make it seem as though I was implying that name-calling was bad, and that I was a hypocrite for it. I implied nothing of the sort, and called you an asshat for good measure just so you’d understand but apparently, my point was lost on you.
And you’re the one that’s laughing? hmmm…
Try being a little less dense. Your dumb just might be contagious…
Actually many of the comments here can be equated with her on a vitriol scale. The stuff I’ve read here is amazing, and more often than not completely uninformed. Kind of like the origin of this thread. I saw the clip on this thread and went “that’s terrible” then went and found the entire clip and watched it in context. So the stuff on this site can be aweful, nothing like KOS or democratunderground, but wow. Just the fact the my post is immediately wingnutty. No it is just an observation of the utter hypocrisy that happens here and on repug blogs.
No room for middle ground. No room for introspection. Just the I’m right, You’re wrong attitude that can be found everywhere.
Hey since you’re so smart, mr. rcguy,
maybe you can put this quote from skeletor (aka Ann Coulter) in context as well:
“We need to be less concerned about civilian casualties…we bombed more people in Hamburg in two days … I’d rather have their civilians die than our civilians… we should kill their people.”
(Coulter on Hardball the other day saying that our problem in Iraq is because we haven’t killed enough civilians)
Nice try at a save. Of course I don’t support her and that was pretty obvious from the first post. But I’m not expecting you or -Yer killin me- to read for content. But getting a rise out of you sure was fun.
Oh, I read for content. I just didn’t find any with substance.
Why do you keep posting here if you’re so disappointed with this blog?
I think s/he needs a better hobby.
‘Cause sometimes there’s good stuff here.
As for Daily Kos, I don’t agree with everything that gets posted there. Why should I? Lots of people post lots of things there, everyone has their own opinion, and sometimes the opinions are contradictory and downright strange. The right does not have a monopoly on nutjobs, although their nutjobs tend to get better exposure and better pay than ours.
Heck, if you could point me toward some of my posts over there from 2003, I might not even agree with them. Good luck finding them, though.
I did read one thing over there today that I found interesting, though. Apparently lately, whenever Coulter has taken to the airwaves to slam Edwards, his fundraising takes a significant spike. So, while I hate to see Skeletor’s mug on TV and hate even more to hear what comes out of it, if her presence helps raise the money John Edwards needs to become the next President of the United States, maybe they should keep trotting her out!
Who gives a rat’s ass what you think about Liberals.
Your party is the anti-American party.
Your leaders are the ones in prison.
Your leaders are the ones who are being indicted on various crimes from bribery to cocaine.
Your party (RNC) is the one with a Federal restraining order preventing them for engaging in voter fraud (voter caging).
Your party is responsible for $8.7 trillion dollars of the nearly $10 trillion dollars of the national debt.
Your party took a $300 million dollar surplus and squandered it into a 450 million dollar deficit spending.
Your party is losing the War on Terror.
Your party is breaking our military.
Your party consistenly votes against funding for our troops.
Your party promised not to engage in nation building then engaged in the most costly nation building adventure since WWII.
Your party has ruined America’s reputation around the world.
Your party is trampling on our Constitutional rights.
Your party is the intolerant party.
Your party apologized to the NAACP for its racist polices known as the Republican Southern Strategy of the ’60s, 70’s & 80’s.
And you think we’re out of line because the mother of a dead child confronts the “woman” who spreads lies and ugly remarks about her dead child and husband?
FUCK OFF! You punk ass bitch.
Goddamn, what an absolute sewer this place is.
Truly you folks are the cream of the leftist crop… Proof that the Republicans are completely off base on abortion.
Personally, I couldn’t care less about Ms Coulter, or the empty suit of which you “people” are so enamored. I just hope enough people in this country are sick of the way you Dems and the Repubs play to open up the field for the Libertarians
My party? Hardly. And did I comment or EVER say I approve of Coulter? No. I equated her to bullshit spew to the lefty talking heads and also pointed out that the snippet Goldy showed was off base as to what she actually said IF you listen to the entire exchange.
I wouldn’t expect someboy who has bullet points like yours ready to cut and paste to catch that though.
Look at schizo and yer killin me. Good comebacks. Some research. Things germain to the actual topic we were trying to flog each other over.
You? Talking points with no relation to what we were having fun at.
My oh my!
Listen to all of the lefty frigtards spew hate.
No Surprise there.
Can any of you do anything here besides share rage and hate?
Billary, Edwards, Obama. You name it. If I was any one of those people, I would distance myself from you freaks.
re 93: Shove it. Freak.
re 93: Is investigating, jailing, and impeaching Repuplican crooks “spewing hate”?
Everytime Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, O’Reilly open their mouths, it’s to spew hate.
How dare you, you asshole!
That’s totally fair (jailing, etc). As long as that sentiment works cross aisle. I would like to see everybody with taint (One of the best Daily Show skits ever), but the illegal kind, tossed.
Again @95:
As a matter of fact on a discussion email thread I was on the other I was pointing out that I think Bush has completely, or close to, circumvented the Constitution and should be booted from office. BUT I don’t think Democrats will do it for fear of mobilizing the right wing base for the next election cycle.
This is great.
First the Moonbat!s attacked Thomas Trainwinder for calling a thread as strange. He was savagely attacked. He is a liberal. He may not be one of the NEW Progressive Libtards but he is a lib. The no memory Moonbat!s forgot he is a liberal.
Now I viewed the above tete-a-tete and I bust a gut laughing. The vitriol from the Moonbat! libtards cracked me up.
Ya know, a Moonbat! can’t carry an argument without name-calling!
So you condone the commentary of Jeneane Garafalo and Randi Rhodes.
Or this from left Chris Matthews MSNBC. I like using MSNBC as it’s right wing BULLSHIT – Cluelessman:
MATTHEWS: Welcome back to “Hardball.” We’re back at the “Hardball” plaza with the inimitable Ann Coulter.
MATTHEWS: And what deeply concerns me, more than the very existence of Ann Coulter, is the presence of many like-minded people here.
MATTHEWS: My God, is this “Deliverance”?
I thought liberals liked people taking a dick up the ass!
Its good to know the world listens to what the folks who are on the liberal cutting edge are saying . The mainstream will not .
a Moonbat! can’t carry an argument without name-calling
headless lucy says:
“re 93: Is investigating, jailing, and impeaching Repuplican crooks “spewing hate”?
Everytime Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, O’Reilly open their mouths, it’s to spew hate.
How dare you, you asshole!”
Thanks for proving my point.
Why act the same way as the people you are allegedly talking about?
Let me guess. You live at home with your parents, are narrow minded, and think about conspiracy theories all the time
So go ahead, let’s hear another of those uneducated comebacks of yours. So far all you have demonstrated is that you are good at cussing. And making a fool of yourself
BTW what is a Repuplican?
“GBS says:
Who gives a rat’s ass what you think about Liberals.
Your party is the anti-American party.
Your leaders are the ones in prison.
Your leaders are the ones who are being indicted on various crimes from bribery to cocaine.
Your party (RNC) is the one with a Federal restraining order preventing them for engaging in voter fraud (voter caging).
Your party is responsible for $8.7 trillion dollars of the nearly $10 trillion dollars of the national debt.
Your party took a $300 million dollar surplus and squandered it into a 450 million dollar deficit spending.
Your party is losing the War on Terror.
Your party is breaking our military.
Your party consistenly votes against funding for our troops.
Your party promised not to engage in nation building then engaged in the most costly nation building adventure since WWII.
Your party has ruined America’s reputation around the world.
Your party is trampling on our Constitutional rights.
Your party is the intolerant party.
Your party apologized to the NAACP for its racist polices known as the Republican Southern Strategy of the ’60s, 70’s & 80’s.
And you think we’re out of line because the mother of a dead child confronts the “woman” who spreads lies and ugly remarks about her dead child and husband?
FUCK OFF! You punk ass bitch.”
Way to go, nice way to end your worthless post.
Selective hypocracy at its finest from GBS.
And unbelieveable at that.
Your are so full of BS with your fake support for the military.
The only Constitutional rights you care about are the ones you want to change. Grow up and get your mind out of the gutter. Or go back in kitchen and finish baking your pot brownies.
“GBS says:
Who gives a rat’s ass what you think about Liberals.
Your party is the anti-American party.
Your leaders are the ones in prison.
Your leaders are the ones who are being indicted on various crimes from bribery to cocaine.
Your party (RNC) is the one with a Federal restraining order preventing them for engaging in voter fraud (voter caging).
Your party is responsible for $8.7 trillion dollars of the nearly $10 trillion dollars of the national debt.
Your party took a $300 million dollar surplus and squandered it into a 450 million dollar deficit spending.
Your party is losing the War on Terror.
Your party is breaking our military.
Your party consistenly votes against funding for our troops.
Your party promised not to engage in nation building then engaged in the most costly nation building adventure since WWII.
Your party has ruined America’s reputation around the world.
Your party is trampling on our Constitutional rights.
Your party is the intolerant party.
Your party apologized to the NAACP for its racist polices known as the Republican Southern Strategy of the ’60s, 70’s & 80’s.
And you think we’re out of line because the mother of a dead child confronts the “woman” who spreads lies and ugly remarks about her dead child and husband?
FUCK OFF! You punk ass bitch.”
Way to go, nice way to end your worthless post.
Selective hypocracy at its finest from GBS.
And unbelieveable at that.
Your are so full of BS with your fake support for the military.
The only Constitutional rights you care about are the ones you want to change. Grow up and get your mind out of the gutter. Or go back in kitchen and finish baking your pot brownies.
Very convenient how you edited the video clip to not include the comments prior to the quote you are so up in arms about. How about being honest, if that is at all possible? But being honest would not perpetuate your political agenda. It must suck to have to lie and mislead to have your positions have any foundation. The reality of the situation is Ann Coulter, just prior to what your clip reveals, was saying that Bill Maher had said he wished Cheney was killed in a terrorist attack and he did not get any of the media criticism that Ann receives for her comments about Edwards. So her point in the clip is she should just say she wishes Edwards would get killed in a terrorist attack since it’s seems to be ok with the media to make such statements. Those kind of statements don’t seem to offend. And she was successful in revealing the hypocrisy of the media (and dumbass bloggers like you) that give Bill Maher a pass but the minute she says anything “controversial” you attack. Let everyone hear the whole comment and its context and let them see your bias and deceit. Here is the link;
When you have to be a lying ass to get support for your positions, your positions are not worthy of support. The truth is clearly your enemy.
that Bill Maher had said he wished Cheney was killed in a terrorist attack
“Yesterday [10 May 2004] on her Air America radio show, Randi Rhodes said (killing’s) exactly what should be done to President Bush. Rhodes commented that Bush was like Fredo Corleone and that either Poppy or Jeb should take W. out for a fishing trip and blow him away.
“After imitating the sound of gun going off Rhodes said, ‘Works for me.’ Nice.”
(The clip is available via Cynical Nation.)
Ann’s just getting in a preemptive strike of the fairness doctrine … not fair that sensitive, compassionate progressives should have a monopoly on kill-crazy hatred, or at least a 91% corner of the market. Ann’s getting a little, too. That’s progress. Get used to it.
I was visited by the Secret Service BECAUSE I QUOTED ANN COULTER. Details here: