McCain Shoots Down Aid For Poor, Elderly, Veterans, and Unemployed
The Senate today, on a 58-41 vote, failed to overcome GOP opposition to including benefits for the poor, senior citizens, veterans, and unemployed in the economic stimulus package. Majority Leader Harry Reid’s “no” vote was a parliamentary maneuver that will allow him to bring the bill up for a revote; he would have voted “yes” if there had been one more “yes” vote.
With 99 senators present and voting, the absent senator was John McCain. If he had been present to vote, and had voted “yes,” the bill would have had the 60 votes needed to bring it to a floor vote and passage. He is responsible for its defeat.
Voters should remember this in November.
Why does John McCain hate the poor, elderly, veterans, and unemployed?
Prosecutorial Misconduct May Jeopardize Moussaoui Conviction
“WASHINGTON (AP) – The lead prosecutor … against Zacarias Moussaoui likely knew the CIA destroyed tapes of its interrogations of al-Qaida suspects more than a year before the government acknowledged it to the court, newly unsealed documents show.
“The documents … detail efforts by Moussaoui’s attorneys to send the case back to a lower federal court to find out why the tapes weren’t disclosed and whether they would have influenced his decision to plead guilty.
In a Dec. 18, 2007, letter to the appeals court’s chief judge, the Justice Department acknowledged that its lead prosecutor … may have been told of the tapes’ destruction in late February or early March of 2006 ….
“During Moussaoui’s sentencing trial, prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema that no such recordings existed.
“Beginning in 2003, attorneys for Moussaoui began seeking videotapes of interrogations they believed might help them show he wasn’t a part of the 9/11 attacks. Brinkema … asked for confirmation of whether the government ‘has video or audio tapes of these interrogations’ …. Eleven days later, the government denied it had video or audio tapes of those specific interrogations. …
“Prosecutors … say the issue is moot since a jury failed to impose the death penalty in the case.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let me get this straight. Prosecutors get a defendant to plea bargain by threatening him with execution. The defendant and his attorneys base their decision on the evidence before them, which includes the government’s statements that it doesn’t have these tapes. The tapes potentially exonerate the defendant of the charges that expose him to possible execution. It turns out the government lied, the prosecutor knew the government was lying, and didn’t disclose the existence of these tapes to the court. I see two things happening here. One, the defendant’s motion to set aside his guilty plea and grant him a new trial is granted. Second, the prosecutor gets disbarred. In any case, that’s what should happen. Another clusterfuck brought to you by the ethically challenged incompetents of the chimp administration.
The last guy with the goatee.
Roger Rabbitspews:
what happened to my 2 posts in this thread?
Folks I found Carl who is licking his face?
1. Roger
2. Will
3. Goldy
4. Lee
5. Darryl
@5 Just for that, I’m not gonna post in your thread!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Jay Inslee? Ron Dims I Never Found a TAX I hated Sims?
Barack – A leader of men! Adam Smith? Wow.
Where was Chris Fraudoire?
I’m shocked and amazed, a thread that Pelletizer can’t pollute!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Yeah, Pelletizer took his Pellets and won’t pollute a vote on Saturday thread…
Why did the Clinton Supporters look so dopey while the Obama supporters look more alive?
Roger Rabbit says:
[Deleted — Carl, see HA Comment Policy]
02/06/2008 at 6:39 pm
Roger Rabbit says:
@5 Just for that, I’m not gonna post in your thread!
02/06/2008 at 6:54 pm
Roger Carl didn’t delete your post I did funny little Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 I don’t have broadband, so I can’t download video, so how am I supposed to know what’s in the video?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Are you saying you posted under my name?
Roger Rabbit says:
@9 Are you saying you posted under my name?
02/06/2008 at 7:08 pm
Thats not your name silly little rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 As usual, you make no sense whatsoever. You should lay off drinking wood alcohol.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Too much Sterno addles the brain.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
So Pelletizer, what has addled your brain function? We know it ain’t old age because every now and then some legal brilliance comes through or are those posts unattributed thought acquisitions?
Did you finally figger out the Haitian problem or as I suspect you left your pellet pile, and moved on when called on it? Maybe you can hook up a 55 year old ex-tyrant with one of your “bunnies”?
roger……….why don’t you have it?
“@8 I don’t have broadband, so I can’t download video, so how am I supposed to know what’s in the video?”
a “rich”, “successful” investing ‘bunny’ like yourself doesn’t have the ability to watch a video on his computer?
now…that’s interesting.
Roger TMspews:
roger……….why don’t you have it?
“@8 I don’t have broadband, so I can’t download video, so how am I supposed to know what’s in the video?”
a “rich”, “successful” investing ‘bunny’ like yourself doesn’t have the ability to watch a video on his computer?
now…that’s interesting. He is a dumb ass bunny rabbit and to cheap to pay for the service. Yep a government worker wanting the taxpayer to foot all his bills.Whe hillary gets elected he will get cheap medical coverage. Right now all his med’s come from China. Right funny bunnie.
If you spoof other users IDs or if you spoof any more deletions, you’ll be banned.
Gee – I have something to really look forward to when I retire next year. I can downgrade to dial up and post on all day long.
Roger TMspews:
Darryl says:
If you spoof other users IDs or if you spoof any more deletions, you’ll be banned.
02/06/2008 at 7:59 pm
Point well noted sweet dreams
creighton barilspews:
If I call myself ‘Pubbybub the ejaculater’, is that kosher?
HRC campaign is now push polling through a “research firm” here in WA. Our house just got a call and there was a whole series of questions designed to enhance HRC and degrade Obama. The caller could not even pronounce Christine Gregoire! My housemate finally had enough and told the caller where to go. This needs to be exposed.
I just gave my first political contribution I’ve ever given in my 30 years on this earth – to Hillary Clinton.
Side Note: I was up talking with people up at the Deluxe Bar & Grill on Capitol Hill, and as full as it was, I didn’t find a single person who was committed to vote for Barack Obama – most were ‘strongly leaning’ towards Clinton on the strength of her Economy and Health Care packages.
Most talked about the Economy as their #1 issue, and nearly all were in agreement that what they had heard about Clinton’s plan for the Economy turn-around seemed better than what Obama was talking about. Specifically, they liked that Clinton had specifics, while all they had heard from Obama is sound bites on 30 second TV commercials.
The latest polls in this state show it going about 55-45% in favor of Obama – I suspect this is going to carry or increase into the caucuses, since the Caucuses are for the political ‘elite’ and not the layman of Washington State. The working class, people like my mom and dad, are confused about how Caucuses even work, and just want to know why they can’t vote in the primary.
I suspect that there’s a lot of blue collar voters who would normally align to Clinton that don’t understand their vote isn’t going to count in the primary, and therefore won’t go to the caucus that seems confusing to them.
I think as the economy continues to tank, Clinton will gain ground, as the economy [and healthcare] really is Clinton’s strengths vs Obama’s rhetoric on her war vote. If the economy seriously tanks by Pennsylvania voting time, I suspect that Obama’s free ride on her war vote may come to a sudden halt with his lack of details on his economic policies, minus his $1.3 trillion tax increase partially on the backs of the middle class.
I suspect that this may gain traction, but I admit to being biased towards my candidate, but I’m trying to be objective as possible about postulating the future election curves.
@27 Awesome. Too bad you just caused an epileptic episode. Hey Roger, can I sue his ass?
My Left Footspews:
TWO epileptic episodes (type that fast)
Roger, we want to hire you. Do we have a case?
Anyone see the new Seattle P-I article about the NY times article in which, while giving a stump speech in Iowa, Obama claimed to have “passed” a bill regulating nuclear power plants.
The only problem, the measure he’s talking about never was approved by the Senate.
I’ve been saying it all along, that man talks out of both sides of his mouth, and flip flops his positions, votes ‘Maybe’ on controversial issues, and in this case lie about his work in the Senate to voters.
I keep hearing this argument about Hillary Clinton – “she’ll do anything to win.”
What about Obama? Is lying (not fudging, not spin) about him passing a senate bill okay? Is flip flopping on his positions for gun control okay? Progressives, why is it that he is your darling when he’s telling Idaho that he doesn’t want to take away guns when Hillary Clinton has been consistently for tough gun control? Is saying he was never for universal health care (even though there’s video proof) and now he is okay?
Just askin…
I wonder, why isn’t Hillary going to hold a major rally, Dusty?
Maybe because she cannot fill an arena? Not even with Ron Sims and Jay “yes I am made of wood” Inslee.
Oh no, she will be at that palace called Pier 30. Pier 30, you say? Yes, Pier fucking 30, because Pier 29 has customs issues, and Pier One has too many imports….and interns.
Hey Bill, could you loan Hillary another $5 million? Every time I hear that, I am going to contribute another $250 to the next president of the United States, Barack Obama.
He raised $4 million last night, BTW. Me thinks nobody in the Obama camp will have to work for free this month. Does this mean Bill will have to settle for uglier interns this month? Hey Bill! Pier One is having a sale! On interns!
Oh Dusty Boy:
BLOG by Joshua Micah Marshall
* print
* share
02.06.08 — 11:24PM // link | recommend
The Implications
I’ve been checking in on the Obama counter that’s measuring the money his campaign has taken in since the close of the polls — now at $5.8 million. And it occurs to me that he can now afford to hire Mark Penn.
–Josh Marshall
Sorry to all the Rethugs who were hoping for a Hillary as nominee scenario. It is Obama Time!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
29, 30 — We’re sorry, but the lawyer is temporarily unavailable. He suffered a seizure while reviewing the evidence in your case.
Roger Rabbitspews:
29, 30 – Probably not. If you’re not a wingnut, but you clicked on the link anyway, it’s your own damn fault for not following the printed instructions.
And then there is this
Nicholas Kristof, NYT:
When pollsters offer voters hypothetical matchups, Mr. Obama does better than Mrs. Clinton against Mr. McCain. For example, a Cook Political Report poll of registered voters released this week found Mr. McCain beats Mrs. Clinton, 45 percent to 41 percent. But Mr. Obama beats Mr. McCain, 45 percent to 43 percent. The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll found similar results.
Another wonderful facet to Hillary’s political shrewdness:
David Rees, the man behind the hilarious and trenchant Get Your War On, reminded me yesterday of another especially egregious – yet much less known – vote cast by Senator Hillary Clinton, which no one in the mainstream media is talking about:
But in the autumn of 2006, there was a chance to take a step in the right direction: Senate Amendment No. 4882, an amendment to a Pentagon appropriations bill that would have banned the use of cluster bombs in civilian areas.
Senator Obama of Illinois voted IN FAVOR of the ban.
Senator Clinton of New York voted AGAINST the ban.
Analysts say Clinton did not want to risk appearing “soft on terror,” as it would have harmed her electibility
Of course those cluster bombs will not hit any women or children, because Hillary is the candidate who will protect women and children at all costs.
Unless it effects her “electability”.
Creighton Barilspews:
Obama is also lying in his advertisement about having a ‘universal’ health care plan. It’s nothing of the sort. Check itout on his website.
I can remember a lot of young Boomers voting for Reagan after Jimmy Carter failed to save the world fast enough for them. Same thing will happen to Obama.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Headless @39: Just use your own name. An idiot always posts the same crap
and over…
and over…
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Hey Headless@39: Looks like your fat pig friend is weighing in on the donkey vote:
What a disgusting person. Headless and Michael Mooron, separated at birth?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Listen to Meredith Vieira over the weekend. She admits to whom she hangs with. Kind of tells you all about the MSM mindset!
Vieira: Let me tell you something that, that came up yesterday, I’m in the super market in my town, and people are talking and I was with a group of friends who, actually were trying to choose between Clinton and Obama and the, for example, the ones who were for Clinton said, “Well I want to vote for her but I think I’m gonna vote for Obama because I think he, he can win the general election.” And then some of the Obama people said, “Well I’m gonna vote for Clinton because I think she’s gonna win.” So how much is electability gonna be a factor tomorrow?
busdrivermike, so did you want to answer any of my questions, or did you just want to keep deflecting with your ‘answers’ of “hey, look how much Obama has raised.”
I know I gave my statutory max to my candidate last night, and I was up rallying on Capitol Hill getting others to contribute.
So, answers please to my questions that I posed?
@43: Sorry – Clinton is going to lose big in Washington state. Most voters recognize that she has little actual experience (despite touting her supposed experience and voting the wrong way on Iraq) and that the politics of confrontation got her nowhere the first time on her failed health care proposal.
She also has been unable to answer the basic question of how her health care plan will enforce the mnandatory provison she has – making her “universal” health care ALSO less than universal – and blowing away your argument over haelth care.
Her “stimulus” package for the economy is nothing special – the Obama website has a stimulus package up also – maybe if you stopped spouting Hillary talking points and started actually looking at the facts – you would see that.
As far as electability – Obama does better against McCain and voters trust him – precisely because of the scare tactics that Hillary has been using – like claiming Obama is not pro-life – which is totally false.
Ask yourself who will be the more effective president?
someone who is constantly divisive and harping about a right wing conspiracy – or someone who takes their case to the people and can convice republicans to vote for their self interest on some issues.
She admits to whom she hangs with.
Why would she want to hang out with a loser like you?
creighton baril,
“If I call myself ‘Pubbybub the ejaculater’, is that kosher?”
Thanks for asking. Play on names is fine.
Are you saying you approve of sockpuppetry on this blog? Is there a limit to how many different names one can use?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#30 My Left Foot says:
Roger, we want to hire you.
Hire a disgruntled government employee??? Your case better be a slam dunk otherwise…
Marvin Stamnspews:
#40 Puddybud, A Prognosticator… says:
Headless @39: Just use your own name. An idiot always posts the same crap
What is it about these dixiecrats? They think if they change their name people will forget? First they were dixiecrats, then democrats, then liberals and now progressives. What’s next?
Their continued name changing does prove that they acknowledge that others view them in less than a favorable light.
Blue Johnspews:
If I wanted experience I’d have voted for Richardson.
I want the devil I don’t know, not the devil i do
For example, a Cook Political Report poll of registered voters released this week found Mr. McCain beats Mrs. Clinton, 45 percent to 41 percent.
Conservatives HATE Hillary and many progressives dislike Hillary so much I can easily see McCain winning if that was the choice. Every conservative I know HATES Hillary. Every last one. Intensely. Every moderate I know dislikes her. Only the most liberal of my liberal friends like Hillary. These are the same ones who love Ron Sims.
“Are you saying you approve of sockpuppetry on this blog?”
No. I am saying that names that are variants on existing names are acceptable.
Spoofing another commenter’s name is not. Hence, if someone other than you uses Marvin Stamn, the comment would likely be deleted and the commenter risks being moderated or banned. On the other hand, someone could chose “Marvin Stamn’s Ugly Mama” as their screen name because there is no commenter who uses that screen name.
“Is there a limit to how many different names one can use?”
Mathematically there is, since there are a finite number of characters allowed in names and a finite number of symbols available from which to construct names.
YLB@27……that was very, very uncool.
as a person with epilepsy i had a lot of difficulty with that. there is a certain amount of trust that we put in each other here, though we have differing views, and what you did was despicable and childish. why am i not surprised?
goldy, you should remove that before someone does get hurt and you get sued.i don’t care what roger attorney said you were nuts to leave that up……..
it’s a health hazard and you now have prior knowledge. and since darryl and lee just LOVE to remove posts you have absolutely no excuse for being irresponsible…….please, i am asking you ,as a person with epilepsy, to remove that health hazard now.
53 – Oh – if that’s true and you’re so concerned about the health of epileptics why don’t you sic you attorney on Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs?
He’s the one who’s redirecting links from his critics’ websites to that file.
There’s a snowball’s chance in hell that will ever happen.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
ChristmasGhost: It won’t happen. If Goldy won’t denounce headless Creighton Baril lucy do you think he has the cojones to do the right thing?
puddy….no, i don’t. i used to think that goldy did have some decency in him, but not anymore….not after this.
btw….i think i get another “prognosticator” brownie button for calling mitt romney out first……heh heh heh
who exactly is YLB anyway? i have an amusing idea that you might be interested in…. care to email me at my site?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
ChristmasGhost: You mean Clueless Idiot? He’s just a shell of a man. His wife wears the pants of the family. His son is smarter than he is on American History. You are right about his children meeting the real world and being shocked at life.
McCain Shoots Down Aid For Poor, Elderly, Veterans, and Unemployed
The Senate today, on a 58-41 vote, failed to overcome GOP opposition to including benefits for the poor, senior citizens, veterans, and unemployed in the economic stimulus package. Majority Leader Harry Reid’s “no” vote was a parliamentary maneuver that will allow him to bring the bill up for a revote; he would have voted “yes” if there had been one more “yes” vote.
With 99 senators present and voting, the absent senator was John McCain. If he had been present to vote, and had voted “yes,” the bill would have had the 60 votes needed to bring it to a floor vote and passage. He is responsible for its defeat.
Voters should remember this in November.
Why does John McCain hate the poor, elderly, veterans, and unemployed?
Prosecutorial Misconduct May Jeopardize Moussaoui Conviction
“WASHINGTON (AP) – The lead prosecutor … against Zacarias Moussaoui likely knew the CIA destroyed tapes of its interrogations of al-Qaida suspects more than a year before the government acknowledged it to the court, newly unsealed documents show.
“The documents … detail efforts by Moussaoui’s attorneys to send the case back to a lower federal court to find out why the tapes weren’t disclosed and whether they would have influenced his decision to plead guilty.
In a Dec. 18, 2007, letter to the appeals court’s chief judge, the Justice Department acknowledged that its lead prosecutor … may have been told of the tapes’ destruction in late February or early March of 2006 ….
“During Moussaoui’s sentencing trial, prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema that no such recordings existed.
“Beginning in 2003, attorneys for Moussaoui began seeking videotapes of interrogations they believed might help them show he wasn’t a part of the 9/11 attacks. Brinkema … asked for confirmation of whether the government ‘has video or audio tapes of these interrogations’ …. Eleven days later, the government denied it had video or audio tapes of those specific interrogations. …
“Prosecutors … say the issue is moot since a jury failed to impose the death penalty in the case.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let me get this straight. Prosecutors get a defendant to plea bargain by threatening him with execution. The defendant and his attorneys base their decision on the evidence before them, which includes the government’s statements that it doesn’t have these tapes. The tapes potentially exonerate the defendant of the charges that expose him to possible execution. It turns out the government lied, the prosecutor knew the government was lying, and didn’t disclose the existence of these tapes to the court. I see two things happening here. One, the defendant’s motion to set aside his guilty plea and grant him a new trial is granted. Second, the prosecutor gets disbarred. In any case, that’s what should happen. Another clusterfuck brought to you by the ethically challenged incompetents of the chimp administration.
The last guy with the goatee.
what happened to my 2 posts in this thread?
Folks I found Carl who is licking his face?
1. Roger
2. Will
3. Goldy
4. Lee
5. Darryl
Hillary for President
[Deleted — Carl, see HA Comment Policy] [Not]
@5 Just for that, I’m not gonna post in your thread!
Jay Inslee? Ron Dims I Never Found a TAX I hated Sims?
Barack – A leader of men! Adam Smith? Wow.
Where was Chris Fraudoire?
I’m shocked and amazed, a thread that Pelletizer can’t pollute!
Yeah, Pelletizer took his Pellets and won’t pollute a vote on Saturday thread…
Why did the Clinton Supporters look so dopey while the Obama supporters look more alive?
Roger Rabbit says:
[Deleted — Carl, see HA Comment Policy]
02/06/2008 at 6:39 pm
Roger Rabbit says:
@5 Just for that, I’m not gonna post in your thread!
02/06/2008 at 6:54 pm
Roger Carl didn’t delete your post I did funny little Rabbit.
@8 I don’t have broadband, so I can’t download video, so how am I supposed to know what’s in the video?
@9 Are you saying you posted under my name?
Roger Rabbit says:
@9 Are you saying you posted under my name?
02/06/2008 at 7:08 pm
Thats not your name silly little rabbit.
@12 As usual, you make no sense whatsoever. You should lay off drinking wood alcohol.
Too much Sterno addles the brain.
So Pelletizer, what has addled your brain function? We know it ain’t old age because every now and then some legal brilliance comes through or are those posts unattributed thought acquisitions?
Did you finally figger out the Haitian problem or as I suspect you left your pellet pile, and moved on when called on it? Maybe you can hook up a 55 year old ex-tyrant with one of your “bunnies”?
roger……….why don’t you have it?
“@8 I don’t have broadband, so I can’t download video, so how am I supposed to know what’s in the video?”
a “rich”, “successful” investing ‘bunny’ like yourself doesn’t have the ability to watch a video on his computer?
now…that’s interesting.
roger……….why don’t you have it?
“@8 I don’t have broadband, so I can’t download video, so how am I supposed to know what’s in the video?”
a “rich”, “successful” investing ‘bunny’ like yourself doesn’t have the ability to watch a video on his computer?
now…that’s interesting.
He is a dumb ass bunny rabbit and to cheap to pay for the service. Yep a government worker wanting the taxpayer to foot all his bills.Whe hillary gets elected he will get cheap medical coverage. Right now all his med’s come from China. Right funny bunnie.
If you spoof other users IDs or if you spoof any more deletions, you’ll be banned.
Gee – I have something to really look forward to when I retire next year. I can downgrade to dial up and post on all day long.
Darryl says:
If you spoof other users IDs or if you spoof any more deletions, you’ll be banned.
02/06/2008 at 7:59 pm
Point well noted sweet dreams
If I call myself ‘Pubbybub the ejaculater’, is that kosher?
HRC campaign is now push polling through a “research firm” here in WA. Our house just got a call and there was a whole series of questions designed to enhance HRC and degrade Obama. The caller could not even pronounce Christine Gregoire! My housemate finally had enough and told the caller where to go. This needs to be exposed.
creighton baril,
“If I call myself ‘Pubbybub the ejaculater’, is that kosher?”
Thanks for asking. Play on names is fine.
I just signed up to attend a free Stand for Change Rally with Barack Obama in Seattle this Friday, February 8th.
You can RSVP here:
I thought you might want to come. Here are the details:
Stand for Change Rally with Barack Obama
Key Arena
305 Harrison Street
Seattle, WA 98109
Friday, February 8
Doors Open: 11:00 a.m.
A present for the wingnuts especially PSilly:
Don’t click on the link unless you’re a wingnut.
I just gave my first political contribution I’ve ever given in my 30 years on this earth – to Hillary Clinton.
Side Note: I was up talking with people up at the Deluxe Bar & Grill on Capitol Hill, and as full as it was, I didn’t find a single person who was committed to vote for Barack Obama – most were ‘strongly leaning’ towards Clinton on the strength of her Economy and Health Care packages.
Most talked about the Economy as their #1 issue, and nearly all were in agreement that what they had heard about Clinton’s plan for the Economy turn-around seemed better than what Obama was talking about. Specifically, they liked that Clinton had specifics, while all they had heard from Obama is sound bites on 30 second TV commercials.
The latest polls in this state show it going about 55-45% in favor of Obama – I suspect this is going to carry or increase into the caucuses, since the Caucuses are for the political ‘elite’ and not the layman of Washington State. The working class, people like my mom and dad, are confused about how Caucuses even work, and just want to know why they can’t vote in the primary.
I suspect that there’s a lot of blue collar voters who would normally align to Clinton that don’t understand their vote isn’t going to count in the primary, and therefore won’t go to the caucus that seems confusing to them.
I think as the economy continues to tank, Clinton will gain ground, as the economy [and healthcare] really is Clinton’s strengths vs Obama’s rhetoric on her war vote. If the economy seriously tanks by Pennsylvania voting time, I suspect that Obama’s free ride on her war vote may come to a sudden halt with his lack of details on his economic policies, minus his $1.3 trillion tax increase partially on the backs of the middle class.
I suspect that this may gain traction, but I admit to being biased towards my candidate, but I’m trying to be objective as possible about postulating the future election curves.
@27 Awesome. Too bad you just caused an epileptic episode. Hey Roger, can I sue his ass?
TWO epileptic episodes (type that fast)
Roger, we want to hire you. Do we have a case?
Anyone see the new Seattle P-I article about the NY times article in which, while giving a stump speech in Iowa, Obama claimed to have “passed” a bill regulating nuclear power plants.
The only problem, the measure he’s talking about never was approved by the Senate.
I’ve been saying it all along, that man talks out of both sides of his mouth, and flip flops his positions, votes ‘Maybe’ on controversial issues, and in this case lie about his work in the Senate to voters.
I keep hearing this argument about Hillary Clinton – “she’ll do anything to win.”
What about Obama? Is lying (not fudging, not spin) about him passing a senate bill okay? Is flip flopping on his positions for gun control okay? Progressives, why is it that he is your darling when he’s telling Idaho that he doesn’t want to take away guns when Hillary Clinton has been consistently for tough gun control? Is saying he was never for universal health care (even though there’s video proof) and now he is okay?
Just askin…
I wonder, why isn’t Hillary going to hold a major rally, Dusty?
Maybe because she cannot fill an arena? Not even with Ron Sims and Jay “yes I am made of wood” Inslee.
Oh no, she will be at that palace called Pier 30. Pier 30, you say? Yes, Pier fucking 30, because Pier 29 has customs issues, and Pier One has too many imports….and interns.
Hey Bill, could you loan Hillary another $5 million? Every time I hear that, I am going to contribute another $250 to the next president of the United States, Barack Obama.
He raised $4 million last night, BTW. Me thinks nobody in the Obama camp will have to work for free this month. Does this mean Bill will have to settle for uglier interns this month? Hey Bill! Pier One is having a sale! On interns!
Oh Dusty Boy:
BLOG by Joshua Micah Marshall
* print
* share
02.06.08 — 11:24PM // link | recommend
The Implications
I’ve been checking in on the Obama counter that’s measuring the money his campaign has taken in since the close of the polls — now at $5.8 million. And it occurs to me that he can now afford to hire Mark Penn.
–Josh Marshall
Sorry to all the Rethugs who were hoping for a Hillary as nominee scenario. It is Obama Time!!!
29, 30 — We’re sorry, but the lawyer is temporarily unavailable. He suffered a seizure while reviewing the evidence in your case.
29, 30 – Probably not. If you’re not a wingnut, but you clicked on the link anyway, it’s your own damn fault for not following the printed instructions.
And then there is this
Nicholas Kristof, NYT:
When pollsters offer voters hypothetical matchups, Mr. Obama does better than Mrs. Clinton against Mr. McCain. For example, a Cook Political Report poll of registered voters released this week found Mr. McCain beats Mrs. Clinton, 45 percent to 41 percent. But Mr. Obama beats Mr. McCain, 45 percent to 43 percent. The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll found similar results.
Another wonderful facet to Hillary’s political shrewdness:
David Rees, the man behind the hilarious and trenchant Get Your War On, reminded me yesterday of another especially egregious – yet much less known – vote cast by Senator Hillary Clinton, which no one in the mainstream media is talking about:
But in the autumn of 2006, there was a chance to take a step in the right direction: Senate Amendment No. 4882, an amendment to a Pentagon appropriations bill that would have banned the use of cluster bombs in civilian areas.
Senator Obama of Illinois voted IN FAVOR of the ban.
Senator Clinton of New York voted AGAINST the ban.
Analysts say Clinton did not want to risk appearing “soft on terror,” as it would have harmed her electibility
Of course those cluster bombs will not hit any women or children, because Hillary is the candidate who will protect women and children at all costs.
Unless it effects her “electability”.
Obama is also lying in his advertisement about having a ‘universal’ health care plan. It’s nothing of the sort. Check itout on his website.
I can remember a lot of young Boomers voting for Reagan after Jimmy Carter failed to save the world fast enough for them. Same thing will happen to Obama.
Headless @39: Just use your own name. An idiot always posts the same crap
and over…
and over…
Hey Headless@39: Looks like your fat pig friend is weighing in on the donkey vote:
What a disgusting person. Headless and Michael Mooron, separated at birth?
Listen to Meredith Vieira over the weekend. She admits to whom she hangs with. Kind of tells you all about the MSM mindset!
Vieira: Let me tell you something that, that came up yesterday, I’m in the super market in my town, and people are talking and I was with a group of friends who, actually were trying to choose between Clinton and Obama and the, for example, the ones who were for Clinton said, “Well I want to vote for her but I think I’m gonna vote for Obama because I think he, he can win the general election.” And then some of the Obama people said, “Well I’m gonna vote for Clinton because I think she’s gonna win.” So how much is electability gonna be a factor tomorrow?
busdrivermike, so did you want to answer any of my questions, or did you just want to keep deflecting with your ‘answers’ of “hey, look how much Obama has raised.”
I know I gave my statutory max to my candidate last night, and I was up rallying on Capitol Hill getting others to contribute.
So, answers please to my questions that I posed?
@43: Sorry – Clinton is going to lose big in Washington state. Most voters recognize that she has little actual experience (despite touting her supposed experience and voting the wrong way on Iraq) and that the politics of confrontation got her nowhere the first time on her failed health care proposal.
She also has been unable to answer the basic question of how her health care plan will enforce the mnandatory provison she has – making her “universal” health care ALSO less than universal – and blowing away your argument over haelth care.
Her “stimulus” package for the economy is nothing special – the Obama website has a stimulus package up also – maybe if you stopped spouting Hillary talking points and started actually looking at the facts – you would see that.
As far as electability – Obama does better against McCain and voters trust him – precisely because of the scare tactics that Hillary has been using – like claiming Obama is not pro-life – which is totally false.
Ask yourself who will be the more effective president?
someone who is constantly divisive and harping about a right wing conspiracy – or someone who takes their case to the people and can convice republicans to vote for their self interest on some issues.
She admits to whom she hangs with.
Why would she want to hang out with a loser like you?
Here’s a little link for you:
#25 Darryl says:
Are you saying you approve of sockpuppetry on this blog? Is there a limit to how many different names one can use?
#30 My Left Foot says:
Hire a disgruntled government employee??? Your case better be a slam dunk otherwise…
#40 Puddybud, A Prognosticator… says:
What is it about these dixiecrats? They think if they change their name people will forget? First they were dixiecrats, then democrats, then liberals and now progressives. What’s next?
Their continued name changing does prove that they acknowledge that others view them in less than a favorable light.
If I wanted experience I’d have voted for Richardson.
I want the devil I don’t know, not the devil i do
Conservatives HATE Hillary and many progressives dislike Hillary so much I can easily see McCain winning if that was the choice. Every conservative I know HATES Hillary. Every last one. Intensely. Every moderate I know dislikes her. Only the most liberal of my liberal friends like Hillary. These are the same ones who love Ron Sims.
Not that it matters, but I like black people.
Marvin Stamn,
“Are you saying you approve of sockpuppetry on this blog?”
No. I am saying that names that are variants on existing names are acceptable.
Spoofing another commenter’s name is not. Hence, if someone other than you uses Marvin Stamn, the comment would likely be deleted and the commenter risks being moderated or banned. On the other hand, someone could chose “Marvin Stamn’s Ugly Mama” as their screen name because there is no commenter who uses that screen name.
“Is there a limit to how many different names one can use?”
Mathematically there is, since there are a finite number of characters allowed in names and a finite number of symbols available from which to construct names.
But…practically, no.
YLB@27……that was very, very uncool.
as a person with epilepsy i had a lot of difficulty with that. there is a certain amount of trust that we put in each other here, though we have differing views, and what you did was despicable and childish. why am i not surprised?
goldy, you should remove that before someone does get hurt and you get sued.i don’t care what roger attorney said you were nuts to leave that up……..
it’s a health hazard and you now have prior knowledge. and since darryl and lee just LOVE to remove posts you have absolutely no excuse for being irresponsible…….please, i am asking you ,as a person with epilepsy, to remove that health hazard now.
53 – Oh – if that’s true and you’re so concerned about the health of epileptics why don’t you sic you attorney on Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs?
He’s the one who’s redirecting links from his critics’ websites to that file.
There’s a snowball’s chance in hell that will ever happen.
ChristmasGhost: It won’t happen. If Goldy won’t denounce headless Creighton Baril lucy do you think he has the cojones to do the right thing?
puddy….no, i don’t. i used to think that goldy did have some decency in him, but not anymore….not after this.
btw….i think i get another “prognosticator” brownie button for calling mitt romney out first……heh heh heh
who exactly is YLB anyway? i have an amusing idea that you might be interested in…. care to email me at my site?
ChristmasGhost: You mean Clueless Idiot? He’s just a shell of a man. His wife wears the pants of the family. His son is smarter than he is on American History. You are right about his children meeting the real world and being shocked at life.