But as for whether another pursuit of national office, as she did less than a year ago when she joined Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the race for the White House, would result in the same political blood sport, Palin said there is a difference between the White House and what she has experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House, she said, the “department of law” would protect her from baseless ethical allegations.
“I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw them out,” she said.
There is no “Department of Law” at the White House.
[via Atrios]
O.K. Even I’m willing to cut her slack on this one. The Alaska State Equivilent of the justice department/Attorney General’s office is “The Department of Law.”
I still call the mini-mart by my parents’ house “Franks” even though it hasn’t been named that since I was about 16.
It’s hard to jump on this one without seeming petty.
czechsaaz @2,
Okay then, how about her implied sentiment that it’s the Justice Department’s job to protect the president from ethical allegations, baseless or otherwise? Are you willing to jump on that?
Sorry @2, you aren’t allowed to run for Vice President and not know even the most basic information about the Executive Branch.
This lady is so frighteningly dumb.
Yes, that’s the real point here. The “Department of Law” isn’t meant to protect the President from ethical allegations. She obviously knows it’s not true in Alaska (she’s complaining about that), but she clearly doesn’t realize that it’s not true in Washington DC (maybe Cheney told her otherwise).
And you’d also think that someone who was running for Vice President last year would know that it’s not called the “Department of Law” at the Federal level…
This is no lady. This is Sarah Palin.
Was just thinking that. Kind of reminds me that Gonzo never figured out that he wasn’t White House Council anymore. But the commentary I’m seeing focuses on the lack of a Department of Law rather than the larger ignorance.
On the surface, it seems to me that with the Howitzer’s worth of ignorance coming from Palin, this is like coming after her with a .22.
@5: Actually, under Bush and Gonzalez the Attorney General and the justice dept. (the dept. of law) did JUST that! They protected Cheney and Bush and their cronies from “allegations” and gave them legal cover.
I think she is just stating things as they were under Bush :)
@7: Sorry – some minds think alike….
Even the White House Counsel’s office isn’t empowered with protecting the President from charges of ethics violations, or breaking the law in general. Ask John Dean about that one. There isn’t even an attorny-client priviledge between the President and the White House Counsel. The real client of the Counsel’s office are the citizens of the United States. The officers of the Executive Branch are required to retain their own counsel with respect to ethical charges.
Speaking of ignorant, where in the Constitution does it allow for Obama to give powers to “tzars”? Also, Palin can talk without a teleprompter. Obama can only stutter.
Google “Obama stutter” and be prepared to be entertained. God what a moron, and you tards would suck his cock on the fifty yard line at the superbowl.
Speaking of ignorant – our poor trolls can’t tell the difference between intelligence and stupidity.
Thanks Mark – your total ignorance is certainly on vivid display!
Obama went to Harvard Law, was on the Law review and taught constitutional law.
Palin doesn’t know where Africa is, went to Pudunk U., can’t answer basic questions and is incredibly stupid – like you.
@11: Tell me, what powers to “czars” have beyond regular “assistants”? The term is more PR than practical.
And Palin can ramble without a teleprompter. She’s not an orator.
Mark, the problem with bringing up irrelevent arguements…
Tsars, you act as if it’s a new thing (See 1982, first referenc to federal Drug Czar, Reagan in office.) Show me in the constitution where it says a president CAN’T appoint someone to head a committe, special investigation or task force and then refer to them as, say, Drug Chief, Bagwan, Quaterback, General, Allah, or even Messaih. It just happens that czar became a commonplace term, during REAGAN’s administration. 25 years later, you think it’s an issue?
And, sure. Palin can talk without a teleprompter. And that leads to Turkey’s being slaughtered over shoulder, “In what way, Chalie?”, “I read all of them (newspappers)”, or “Department of Law.”
Go with that. She’s a winner!
Bear with me, this isn’t really off-topic:
Boeing machinests and engineers are accostomed to working in a highly regulated environment, where the workmanship has to be at a high level, mistakes reported promptly so they can be remedied, and the documentation of the work performed is just as important as the work itself.
One of the more frustrating things Boeing workers have been faced with over the past two-plus years is the product they are receiving from Vought in South Carolina. Not only are their lots of mistakes which have to be re-worked, but a lot of mistakes/changes weren’t reported or documented, and some cases there is no documentation at all, which required the work to be all be pulled apart and re-done so it could be properly documented. Boeing workers have grumbled repeatedly that if they had just been allowed to do the work in the first place, it would have been completed properly over a year ago, and the 787 Dreamliner would already be flying.
Because Vought was a “risk-sharing” partner with Boeing in the 787, and because Boeing has multiple claims against Vought related to the delays in the 787 program, Vought pretty much had to sell out to Boeing in order to offset those claims. Vought simply couldn’t afford to finish the job, and Boeing’s purchase of the Vought facilities in S. Carolina recognizes that fact, as confirmed in a statement by Vought released this morning.
Now to bring it full-circle with this topic, lots of anti-union people have been saying that Vought facilities in S. Carolina is a better place for the second 787 line (or even the first and second line) because their workers are non-union, get paid less, and work harder. I’m sure there are some Boeing management who believe that, but those are obviously not ones who are regularly on the factory floor observing the multiple problems encountered there.
One of the problems is simply that it takes quite a while to train a workforce in aerospace technology and working in a highly-regulated environment. Some will say that you need people with decades worth of experience on every work team, people who not only know how to solve a mechanical problem, but also who know how to navigate the maze of engineering and regulatory issues which allow the solution to be adopted. The “damn the paperwork, just git’er’done” is not going to fly with the FAA.
Bringing it back to today’s topic – Palin’s celebrated “maverick” style is much the equivilent of the “git’er’done” philosophy which has caused so many problems for Vought (and Boeing) in South Carolina. You can get away with cutting corners and hammering through the opposition for a little while. But after a while the mistakes encountered along the way start to mount up, and eventually they have a cummulative bad effect which is far worse than slowing down and following the rules in the first place. Now that Palin is seeing the results of that cavalier attitude, it seems to have overwhelmed her.
As for a “Czar”, wasn’t that first brought up during the Nixon administration? Dang if I can remember the details, though. I do remember there were some early Doonesbury cartoons on the subject, with the “Czar” being outfitted in royal crown, etc.
Update: It was “Energy Czar”, under the Nixon administration. From Wikipedia:
“Drug Czar is an informal name for the person who directs drug-control policies in the United States. The ‘czar’ title was first used to refer to an appointed government official in a Time Magazine article in December 1973, referring to William E. Simon’s appointment as the head of the Federal Energy Administration.[1] The ‘drug czar’ title was first published in a 1982 news story quoting Joe Biden by United Press International which reported that “Senators… voted 62-34 to establish a ‘drug czar’ who would have overall responsibility for U.S. drug policy.”[2] Since then, several ad hoc executive positions in both the United States and United Kingdom have been established which have been subsequently referred to in this manner….”
It gets better:
#11 – LOL. Yes the super smart guy (editor/president of the Harvard Law Review) is dumb, and the dumb lady (5 colleges changes in 5 years to become small town TV sports reporter) is smart. RIGHT! LOL. No wonder Republicans are a laughing stock now a days. Just no sense of reality. Republicans have become the party of anti-science, anti-intellectual, anti-reality. Dude, gravity and evolution are real, the earth is not 6,000 years old, the moon is not made out of green cheese and we did go to the moon. I’m kinda tired of Republicans who aren’t just wrong, but are psychotic with a world view that is 180 degrees off from reality. Bitching about taxes (tea bagging) when their taxes were just LOWERED. Saying we need to ‘take back’ government when we JUST had an election a few months ago and we DID take back the government (from Republicans). Bitching about czars when they were created by Republicans. Bitching about big government when the last two Federal departments and the last domestic welfare program were created by Republicans.
It’s one thing to be wrong occasionally. But Republicans are making an art form out of just ignoring reality and picking the opposite of whatever is true. They live in a magical 6,000 year old world where Reagan eliminated the IRS, Dept of Education, won the cold war single handedly and Jimmy Carter sent Federal troops into their homes to steal their guns and red meat. It’s a fascinating world…crazy and made up…but fascinating.
Is there any new information yet about the rumors that Governor Quitter is being investigated for embezzling funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena? Has she been exonerated yet, or are these rumors still flying around Alaska?
In other news, the 60th senator was sworn in today, and the latest pop star to kill himself with a drug overdose is getting a bigger send-off to the Hereafter than Saint Ronnie. But then, he didn’t funnel arms to Central American nun-killers.
@2 What you don’t seem to grasp is this thin-skinned woman — who sicced her lawyer on the New York Times and Washington Post simply for sending reporters to Alaska to ask questions — is lusting to get her hands on the law enforcement powers of the federal government so she can deploy FBI agents and federal prosecutors against anyone who criticizes her. After what she tried to do to Mike Wooten there can be absolutely no doubt that power in her hands would be abused. Only a damn idiot thinks that’s “petty.”
@7 There isn’t a White House Council that I’m aware of. But if there is, confusing it with the White House Counsel demonstrates a person’s lack of knowledge of how the White House functions.
@14 The term “czar” (as in “drug czar”) also happens to have been coined by the media, not the White House, which our civics-challenged friend Mark doesn’t seem to realize.
@15 In Palin’s case, it’s more than flawed execution; there’s a design problem.
@18 “It’s a fascinating world…crazy and made up…but fascinating.”
Wilder than any novelist could come up with. You wonder where these people get their inspiration from. Are they aliens? Have we been invaded by a hostile planet?
@22. You’re right, counsel, not council. Though I suppose you could refer to a meeting of all cabinet heads as a “White House Council” without being fully off-base.
Now if I could just get Capital and Capitol straight… One has something to do with Marxism, right?
Re: the president’s power to appoint “tsars,” i believe that it resides in the Constitution in Article II, Section 2:
Of course, knowing that requires actually reading the U. S. Constitution, as ‘mark’ has apparently never done.
Interestingly enough, the US Constituion also makes no mention of the word “Cabinet.” So how the HECK does the president have Constitutional authority to appoint Cabinet officials? (hint: think Article II, Section 2)
“Critics are spinning, so hang in there as they feed false info on the right decision made as I enter last yr in office to not run again.”
Sarah Palin tweet to her supporters. Priceless.
@15 If Boeing built airplanes the way people like Palin want to govern, I’d be a hell of a lot more nervous about living underneath the Sea-Tac approach path.
To tickle the off-topic sub-thread a bit, it’ll be interesting to wait and see how the Vought deal plays out. Boeing has a history of buying out troublesome suppliers, and moving in their own management, engineers and line leads to clean up the mess–basically what they did long ago with Iron Fireman. The problem at Vought can probably be solved, and it’s not fair to explain it by tarring Southerners as sloppy or dumb.
@4 Sure you can…there’s no law that says you can’t run for any office in the land even if you don’t know shit from Shinola. However, you have no right to expect the majority of Americans to be dumb enough to vote for you.
I think it’s pretty clear that she was talking about the Department of Legalities, where the General Attorney issues writs of mandingo briefs to the appellate courts. You betchya! Also.
Sarah Quitter appeared on the morning talk shows today to declare, “I am not a quitter!” She’s stealing Nixon’s famous line: “I am not a crook …”
Btw, is there any new development today on those rumors that S.Q. is being investigated for embezzling funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena? Are those rumors still flying around Alaska? Just asking.
@26 “Now if I could just get Capital and Capitol straight… One has something to do with Marxism, right?”
Here’s an easy way to remember:
Capitol taxes Wages more than Capital.
Karl Marx would call it “socialism for the rich.”
Art @ 15: I didn’t mean to tar southerners as sloppy or dumb (or lazy). I grew up in the South myself, and know otherwise. I’m confining my comments to the Vought problems (and by extension, to Global Aeronautica, of which Vought and Alenia were partners).
The “git’er’done” philosphy isn’t confined to the South, I can see it here sometimes in the Seattle area, as well. In some fields it actually works quite well. Unfortunately, aerospace and government aren’t such fields. There are very good reasons for the highly regulated environment attached to those fields, and although some may chaffe at the added paperwork and restrictions involved, they are necessary. Those that ignore them do so at their peril.
(By the way, about a year ago Boeing was trying to get IAM Machinists to go out to Vought to teach them how to do it right. But if they go, they lose seniority during the time they are out there, and have to accept non-union pay and benefits. Obviously, not a lot of hands went up to accept that offer – especially since management has been making noises about transfering all 787 production out there. “Let me get this straight – you want me to go out there, get paid less, so I can teach these guys everything I learned over the past twenty years so they can then take my job at lower pay? I don’t think so!”)
@32 That’s good! Can I use it in a legal brief sometime?
– Nathaniel Fick, One Bullet Away, the Making of a Marine Officer, pages 150 & 270
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@38 What a load of crap.
Election Night, 2004: BM Big Media made a perfunctory and grudging announcement that Chimpface had done it again. Despite slam-dunk certainty from exit interviews that good had triumphed over evil and that Kerry had triumphed over Bush, Bush had won (i.e. stolen) another election.
Then MSM got to 2004’s top story, celebrating the transfiguration of Senator-Saint Barack Obama.
Almost five years later MSM is still swooning. And is still failing to do its job of holding its confection Obama to the same level or to half the level of scrutiny it lavishes on Republicans and their young children. And then we’re slammed for sniveling when we complain about disproportionate assault.
Wow… The crazy is off the charts today.
while still collecting and cashing a Senate paycheck.
– via Matt Bai, New York Times Mag, 7 June 2009
To help offset the crazy, a collection of lies told by crazy rightwing baglady and former smalltown news anchor Ms. Palin:
Andrew Sullivan? The guru of gynocology who assured us that Palin’s son Trig was really Palin’s grandson via Bristol?
One of you phuktards asserted that Amity Shlaes is ‘discredited’. When does Sullivan get the discredit he deserves? Probably when or if he goes back to being a crypto-neo-conservative.
Being liberal means never having to admit you’re wrong or to say you’re sorry.
Who let this Alinsky out of his cage?
I second 39:
Just more crying because she could not take the heat of public scrutiny. She wimped out. She quit. She abandoned ship.
She can’t hang with the big dogs. She is emotional, wrong headed and her family needs her. We certainly don’t.
When are Republicans going to apologize for the last 8 years?
Until then, STFU.
Joe Biden…nuff said.
Why do wingnuts think things should be repaired in 6 months of Obama? It took BushCo 8 years to fuck it up.
One must be delusional to think that we should be fine now.
‘Nuff said.
Hi puddy. Looks like you picked up another sock puppet name.
Dick Cheney.
‘Nuff said.
Whenever I need a good laugh I recall the Republican pedophile who was recently busted wearing a panda costume. Lordy, Republicans are fucking funny bastards. Sick, sure, but in a funny way.
So after the “Department of Law” charges the infidels does the “Council of Twelve” then hold a tribunal? At the Queen’s Castle? Off with their heads?
Whatever happened to Marvin? Did his head explode again?
Isn’t it droll that we let post-Marxist Rabbit out of his cage to spew, dribble, eat, bleat, excrete, and to squeeze his unearned increment of surplus value and capital gains from the sweat of labors’ brow?
Check this, Roger, then report back with an addendum to your capitol/capital bullshit about socialism for the rich.
[This J-curve, unlike Weird Al Gore’s, is the real deal via the dept chair, Economics, UC-Davis. In his book he shows that the pre-capitalist flatline could be extended back in every known culture for about 100,000 years of human history. Then capitalism happened and gave us fuckshits like you and an epidemic of fat poor people.]
Thanks, Steve.
Nonsense. WE didn’t vote for Palin because Palin is ignorant and voting for her would have put her in a bad light with God.
No one who calls themselves a Christian can take an oath to protect the Constitution when they have no idea what it says.
Whomever “Alinsky” is, starting at # 38, he/she seems to have drawn the duty of re-writing history by publishing complete fiction. He/She cites as a source “David Kahane”, which NRO acknowledges is an anonymous psudonym from a poster who would prefer to not be known, for obvious reasons.
Source: A Pseudonym Is Born [David Kahane]
“David Kahane” claims to be a conservative with some special insight into what liberals are thinking, which he purports to record, because he claimis to be a freelance writer of fiction for TV and movies, and thus is a “Hollywood insider”.
But as the material quoted in # 38 above shows, his writing has more in common with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion than it does with geninuine conservative intellectualism. (For the un-informed, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a forgery used by anti-semites to claim that the Jews had a secret plan and organization which aimed to rule the world). His choice of a psudonym is chilling: it mocks Rabbi Meir David Kahane, the Jewish-American Israeli nationalist and founder of the Jewish Defense League who was gunned down in Manhattan in 1990.
“David Kahane”s use of “quoted material” is complete fantasy, jumping from the assumption of what he believes to be true to manufacturing the facts to make it appear to be true. He is constructing the proverbial straw-man which is easy to attack because it has no substance. Just to get maximum benefit from bigoted readers, he makes sure to use a presumably Jewish name “David Kahane”, and to make references to being Gay (as the reference to belonging to “Code Pink” in # 38, above). So the writer hopes the reader will assume that the writer is presumably liberal, Jewish, and gay, who is presumably writing secret confessions to those with similar (leftist) leanings.
This is but one example of the current Republican strategy of trying to create an “alternate reality”, urging their faithful to ignore news from any source other than those under the control of the right-wing forces (Fox, Murdoch publications, etc.) This is also a favorite tactic of holocaust deniers – they urge people to ignore the mountain of documented evidence proving the Holocaust did in fact exist, in favor of believing the most unlikely theory that it didn’t.
Allinsky’s entire strategy is evil, in that it tends to subvert rational discussion of policy based upon known facts by creating evil characatures of his/her political enemies so that hatred can be fomented against them. These writings are not confessions of an “insider” into the liberal mindset – they are pure fiction.
On the other hand, if you want to view the right-wing mindset, it’s not really a secret. You just watch Fox & Friends, Hannity, Rush, Glen Beck, O’Reilly, and you can see their mindset at work – if your stomach can stand it.
We know you mean well, rhp, but shit. David Kahane or “David Kahane” is writing blatantly obvious satire. Dig it for what it is. Don’t try to knock down a straw man or straw dog that isn’t standing or barking.
We love you, but you’re too tedious, tendentious, and turgid for your own good.
Now for something different:
Reprinted by arrangement with G.P. Putnam’s Sons, a member of Penguin Group (U.S.A.), Inc., from “Armageddon in Retrospect,” by Kurt Vonnegut, copyright 2008 by the Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Trust.
Some folks, like Alinsky, would like you to believe that Palin was crucified by the liberal media. But to reach that conclusion requires you to completely ignore Palin’s own comments. Nobody forced her to appear on CBS news, she just answered some standard questions, and her complete lack of the basic knowledge for the job became apparant. Even the softball interviews she did for Good Morning America and Fox News left viewers with the impression that she hadn’t proven her qualifications for the job.
@37 In Nam, REMFS didn’t get the respect that grunts got. All REMFS got was hot food and cold beer, a mattress and clean sheets, daily mail and nightly movies, USO shows and in-country R&Rs, and a nice safe bunker to hide in on the rare occasions when Charlie shot at them. In other words, being a REMF beat being a grunt all to hell, in the same way that being an executive beats being a worker.
For those of you who don’t know, “REMF” stands for “rear echelon motherfucker.”
Their Left Foot: Puddy not using sock puppets. Not me dude.
The Amity Schlaes comment was from clueless wonder, still clueless after all these years.
Libtardos never have to apologize for nuthin.
@38 et seq.: Why do wingnuts pose as liberals? Are they ashamed to have people know they’re Republicans? I sure understand that — if I were a Republican, I’d either kill myself, or at least wear a burkha. I sure as hell wouldn’t want anyone to know I was a Republican.
@46 Why should we settle for an apology from these asswipes? We should hang them!*
* Just kidding! A Coulter joke! I’m against killing Republicans, because there’d be no business for lawyers. Let’s just make them pay for the damage they caused — on a contingent fee basis, of course.
@47 Another wingnut pretending to be a Democrat … sigh … what can you say?
Maybe we should get a bunch of paper grocery bags, poke holes in them for their eyes and noses, and hand them out to the trolls.
RHP @ 15:
I wasn’t sure where you were going with your analogy at first, but you tied it perfectly with your summation.
I couldn’t agree with you more and you can take that generalized theory out over the Republican Party in general since the Contract on America fiasco led by Gingrich.
Over the years their cumulative mistakes and errant policies have taken a major toll on the believability of their political message.
Thus, they find themselves in the unenviable position of being the party where only 1 in 5 Americans identify with them.
That ain’t gonna git-er-done, now is it?
Swept up a few of yesterday’s rhp/Rabbit pellets here, but one of the advantages of being a revolving-name REMF is that I can tell truth about Kennedy/McNamara while convincing the unwary that I’ve somehow defended Nixon.
Or that the inattentive can infer that I support Sarah Palin because I correctly deplore her Democrat media assassins.
@53 What happened to Mark the Redneck? Did Goldy feed him to the sand sharks for welshing on his gambling debt? Or did the ghost of his dead crack-whore wife come back and get even with him?
rhp6033 – tedious, tendentious, and turgid
clueless wonder – monomaniacal
rhp6033, Puddy realizes it’s tough being libtardo but do you need to see the fake “Palin doesn’t know about Africa” story again from the NY Slimes discussing M Stuart Eisenstadt, who planted it and is a fakir?
I say we should just rape their children in panda suits, Roger.
* Just kidding! A Letterman joke!
@54 Maybe the fact England taxes the shit out of capital explains that curve. (Why do you think all the British rock musicians live in the U.S.?)
NutsTooTight: See this smackdown.
Pelletizer farts
Why does anyone cum to America?
Better life fool. If capitalizm is sooooooooooo bad why don’t you HA Libtardo moe-rons run to Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, or Venezuela? Thems your peeps leading and you all love them suckas!
Welcome back, Puddy. Now I can return to the cloister for vespers.
Pray for YLB.
@54 (continued) Where I live, middle-class wage earners pay a nominal* marginal tax rate of 32.65% (25% + 7.65%), whereas taxes that millionaires pay on capital gains and dividends top out at 15% (although 10% is more common). Plus the rich get all kinds of nifty deductions and tax credits on things like hunting lodges, jet planes, and yachts whereas working stiffs can’t even deduct their carfare to work.
So — what are the taxes in the Wingnut Fantasyland you live in?
* Many economists consider the payroll taxes paid by employers as actually being paid by the employee, because most employers calculate employment compensation as a total labor cost, and compensate for the costs of payroll taxes and non-cash benefits by offsetting these costs against cash compensation. Figured this way, the marginal rate on middle class wage earners is at least 40.3%. Contrast this with the 15% tax rate paid by hedge fund managers earning in excess of $1 billion a year. As a leading hedge fund manager pointed out himself, he pays lower taxes than the janitor who empties his office wastebasket. Some folks justifiably refer to this as “socialism for the rich.”
@58 Vonnegut was a very good writer. He was also a very smart man. He hated war, and had no use for those who love war. He criticized his own government for what its terror bombing of Dresden and other German cities did to the enemy who treated him so badly as a crime against humanity. He knew the difference between German civilians and SS soldiers. And he had nothing but contempt for an American president who couldn’t tell the difference between Al Qaeda and Iraq.
@73 To quote Merle Haggard, “If you don’t love America, you should leave…If you do love America, stay here and fix the sumbitch.”
Or to paraphrase Lou Reed
“Stick a fork in her ass and turn her over. She’s done.”
There’s no Department of Law, just like there aren’t “57 states,” as Obama once said.
What is clear is that Gov. Quitter was not ready to hold the office of Vice President of the United States of America.
When a 72 year old cancer survivor is the president and Sarah “I’m a quitter” Palin is one heart beat away from the presidency it really demonstarates that John McCain was not ready to assume the role as Presdient of the United States of America.
His decision to pick Gov. Quitter is proof positive that his decision making process is fundamentally flawed.
He was, and is, in a phrase; “not ready to lead.”
Or how “the messiah” told all of us what he thought of sum peeps:
Well Puddy ain’t like an HA libtardo either. Puddy remembers…
What is clear is that Gov. Quitter was not ready to hold the office of Vice President of the United States of America.
I’m so disappointed in you people. Especially you, GBS.
The proper nickname is “Bailin’ Palin.” Duh.
Now straighten up and fly right.
@82 Bailin’ is what you do when you get on a sinking ship whose bilge pump doesn’t work. I.e., like what Bailin’ Palin did last summer.