– SDOT, man.
– Always sad to see planned transit routes not go through.
– Cougar on Haystack Rock, your argument is irrelevant.
– I love seeing the Rent a Ruminant goats around.
– Get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– SDOT, man.
– Always sad to see planned transit routes not go through.
– Cougar on Haystack Rock, your argument is irrelevant.
– I love seeing the Rent a Ruminant goats around.
– Get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Congratulations to Queen YLB’s fucked kids, who are stuck servicing the debt on $39 billion of education loans forgiven by my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president. They didn’t benefit from those loans, but they’re sure gonna pay for them.
@1 and your paying for The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, and you will be for the rest of your lifetime and the horse’s.
There it is.
Another claxon from beyond the Orange Event Horizon admonishing all us naive liberals about our “anxieties”.
Presumably another criminal child porn indictment of a Republican or Goat Porn Cult scandal is about to drop. Maybe Laura Loomer shit her pants in public again? Fat Midget allowed himself to be filmed eating? Stray dogs have begun digging up all the dead hookers buried in Stephen Miller’s back yard? A new tape of Trump bragging to strangers about his undefeated record as a rapist?
As the much faster of the two famous hunters running from the Grizzly once observed, “All anxiety is relative”.
Look at the bright side, Steve. It’s the closest you’ve come to getting a hand job – or anything else – from a woman in at least a decade.
Look on the bright side, Steve.
Despite not having posted with any regularity in these comments in a few years, you’ve taken up such a commanding presence inside the Shit-lord Crybaby’s head space that you drove him to expose another one of his many sock puppet pals.
“Conservatives” just continue to lose, continue to beat the shit out of themselves, and then claim they are the victims of the mean, unfair, Woke/Cancel liberal agenda.
When you were little, you’d feel some sympathy for that misguided kid who fucked himself up somehow and pissed everyone that one day or that one week. But not the kid who persisted week after tiresome week for the rest of the school year. Eventually you’d admit to the imperative logic of the mob. That kid has to change or go the fuck away. That’s not bullying. That’s a self protective instinct of society at work.
America would be better off if we had a steeply progressive income tax structure.
greedy racist incel logic:
Education loans forgiven = Bad cause it went to non conservatives.
PPP loans forgiven = Good cause it went to conservatives.
And the greedy racist incel complains why we mock him.
I’ve lost count of the number of high-profile mistakes this dumb twat has made.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal walks back her comments calling Israel a ‘racist state’
Dennis Ross watched the two-state solution slip away in person, and it wasn’t Israel’s fault.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
@ 7
Education loans forgiven = Bad cause it went to non conservatives.
This last round went largely to people who have been paying their loans for well over a decade. This isn’t to say that they didn’t deserve it, but it is to say that since they have been out for quite awhile, they are well into their careers and don’t have the same needs as the younger set, which was the target of the original across-the-board forgiveness my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossile of a president falsely promised to them.
You understand that, don’t you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron? This round of forgiveness is going to the six-figure income crowd.
Would the self-annihilating definition of “high-profile mistakes” vis-a-vis Israel, include, for example, brokering Iraqi oil to procure WMD’s for Libyan terrorist groups?
Or is it suddenly time for he House Republican “whisltleblower” to just go the fuck away?
Nobody likes being called a racist. Even racist Jews don’t like it.
Know what they like even less?
Having their passenger airliners shot out of the sky by terrorists with SAMs.
Jayapal didn’t do this. Democrats didn’t do this. And they didn’t do it to Republicans.
Republicans do this shit to themselves.
Did someone say electric trucks?
Ford down quite a bit today, while Tesla shares are rapidly closing in on $300/share.
Hope all y’all had fun mocking TSLA share prices last Fall and early Winter. I’m having fun watching them approach a doubling of my December purchase prices.
Oh, and Tesla hopefully avoids the problems Ford is having:
Better late than liar.
Hey all.
It’s Hunter here. I really really need to get me hands on some of that sweet sweet booger sugar right now!
I’m not asking for much…just a couple to get me through the day.
In exhange, I will arrange for you one hour of private time with dad….a few extra snorts and I will throw in a Kamala titty show!!
It’s the deal of the century!!!
When someone abruptly denies committing a crime nobody suspected them of, doesn’t that make them a suspect?
George Santos wants us to think he’s another Rosa Parks. You know, victim of “back of the bus” discrimination, y’all.
@1 “they’re sure gonna pay for them”
It’s time to call bullshit on this argument, which assumes taxpayers will pony up the $39 billion. Really? What taxes are being raised to pay it? What taxes are being collected to pay for it? What if the government simply borrowed the $39 billion, and added it to the national debt it will roll over forever? What if the government also borrows the interest on that debt and keeps rolling it over, too? Sure, “forever” might not be forever; the United States might cease to exist someday, perhaps soon (e.g. the violent revolution Republicans are threatening). What happens to this debt then? Probably the same thing that happened to the Russian imperial debt when the tsarist regime collapsed: It gets repudiated, and the poor saps who bought the notes (think China’s central bank) end up holding worthless paper. I’m not arguing there’s such a thing as free money, although we can’t ignore the fact our government can and does create money out of thin air. All I’m saying is the dumbfuck will be hard-pressed to prove that any descendant of YLB will ever pay a penny of taxes for this $39 billion.
@13 More greedy racst incel’s fever fantasies. Whatever
Republicans block wider loan forgiveness then complain it’s so unfair that loan forgiveness is not going to everyone.
On average, women graduate owing almost $22,000 in student debt, while that number for men is $18,880. Black women graduate with an average of $37,558 in debt.
Once Black women graduate, they’re likely to make less than their white counterparts. The median wage for Black women in the U.S. is $36,303 per year, compared to $57,005 annually for white, non-Hispanic men.
By their actions, conservatives like the greedy racist incel, don’t want loan forgiveness going to black women. Nobody here is surprised.
@7 And “PPP loans forgiven” doesn’t even scratch the surface of “PPP funds stolen,” which far exceeds the $39 billion of perfectly legitimate student loan writeoffs under long-standing policies that should have been written off in the first place, but weren’t because private loan services didn’t properly count payments made.
Republicans’ attitude toward student loans is of a piece with their attitude toward bankruptcy laws: Not for consumers, only for business owners who gamble with SBA funds.
@8 “Dennis Ross watched the two-state solution slip away in person, and it wasn’t Israel’s fault.”
I’ve heard Benjy is a big fan of the two-state solution, as long as one of them is a conquered, subjugated, occupied, and colonized state.
@12 You need help and as I’ve been saying, I’m here to help you.
First I’m going to introduce you to the type of therapy you will experience in the coming weeks.
You don’t come here to talk about politics. You come here out of a desperate need to convince everybody here, including other professionals, but most importantly yourself, that you are a far more superior man than anybody here. You believe this because you believe you have more money. Here’s a clue. You do not. I’m wealthier than you. By a lot.
First, money does not make a man, it is quality of character. A Walmart greeter may well have more character than a billionaire. That is to say that he would be a better man than the billionaire. He would certainly be better man than you. That’s because you are utterly lacking character. Nada. Zip.
Sigmund Freud’s first book, Studies on Hysteria, published in 1895, was written by Freud and Josef Breuer. What Freud saw in his patients at the time scared the fuck out him. He ran away from what he and Breuer were doing like a rabbit being chased by a coyote. Next thing you know, Freud is into the conscious and unconscious; the id, ego, and superego; dream interpretation; and psychosexual development. In other words, talk therapy, which is as useless as the horseshit in a radiologist’s barn. In fact, horseshit has far more value. At least one can compost horseshit.
The Primal Scream: Primal Therapy, The Cure for Neurosis, written by psychotherapist Arthur Janov, was published in 1970. The publisher sent copies to a few rock stars but John Lennon was the only one who read it. John and Yoko flew to LA, met with Janov, and soon he was their therapist’.
To understand it’s impact on John, just listen to John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band, his landmark solo album.
Janov thought he had come up with something new. He did not. He also sought celebrity status, which was very lame of him. What he was doing was abreaction therapy, which was the subject of Studies on Hysteria. Some attribute abreaction therapy to Breuer, who had previously been Freud’s mentor. No matter. At the time of the release of Janov’s book, there were already several psychologists providing abreactive therapy in America alone.
To be continued.
@10 “they are well into their careers and don’t have the same needs as the younger set”
Are you referring to the teacher now making $54,000 a year instead of the entry-level teacher’s pay of $36,000 a year?
@12 “Ford F-150 Lightning loses about a quarter of its range when carrying maximum payload”
I understand the gas version does that when towing a trailer of horses up Snoqualmie Pass, too.
@18 “conservatives … don’t want loan forgiveness going to black women”
Now I understand why they’re so worked up about student loan forgiveness.
They probably feel that way about PPP loan forgiveness for black business owners, too.
As an unserious twat, I hate being serious. But for the sake of helping the other unserious twat become a man instead of the pathetic wretch he is, I will be so for a few comments I’ll post this week.
I do hope you people will read these comments. I hope they’ll help you have deeper understanding of the character-lacking fucked up piece of shit that is the other unserious twat.
Just like Nazi Germany! Cool!
‘On day one we rip all the woke out’: DeSantis vows to remake US military
I love Raw Story. I take it that you guys love it too.
Why do Republican politicians keep falling for internet hoaxes and spoofs? Don’t they ever look anything up?
That’s a rhetorical question, by the way.
I can see through the other unserious twat as though he were a freshly washed window pane. What I see is a not-a-man who is seriously fucked up in the head.
@29 Greg Abbott being dubbed as one of the “dumbest people in the country”? And here I thought everyone who isn’t MAGA or a dumfuck already knew that.
My question about student loans is this: Are the people who are complaining about the student loans paying anything on those loans? It appears a lot of them just think the government is going to forgive the loan. With that kind of attitude, forgiving the loans is a horrible idea because it allows irresponsible people to make bad decisions and not have to answer for those bad decisions.
@32 Go fuck yourself, you fascist POS.
Fascism is not repaying one’s loans.
Try again, cupcake.
Can I use student loan money to buy BOOGER SUGAR!?!?!?!?!
My question about PPP loan forgiveness is this: Are the people who are complaining about the PPP loans paying anything on those loans? It appears a lot of them just think the government is going to forgive the loan. With that kind of attitude, forgiving the loans is a horrible idea because it allows irresponsible people to make bad decisions and not have to answer for those bad decisions.
Tens of thousands of fraudsters splurged on Lamborghinis, vacation homes, private jet flights and Cartier jewelry by fleecing the PPP loan system in a $200 billion heist
Address that, greedy racist incel
I used PPP money to get BOOGER SUGAR!!!
Congratulations to kount kreepula, shit-lord of widbee’s soon-to-be fucked-up grandkids, who are stuck going to a klownservatic thug education kamp who will probably skate paying any taxes as they will service a fascist repuke like kon-klown in the DEESatanist youth thug brigade. A lifetime of hunting and killing anyone a fascist repuke doesn’t like.
Here’s a preview of their “education..”
Just swap in a likeness of kon-klown DEESatanist. Well if it can get any repuke to like it anyway.
Fascism is not repaying one’s loans.
We’ve already got one fascist dumbfuck posting here. We don’t need two.
Go fuck yourself before I sic my cat on you.
Courting the youth vote?
“Fuck millennials it’s not like our older skewing voters are ever going to turn on us so we’re fine.” -The Pain, 2022
Vrooom, vrooom, vroom. Me Neanderthals.
@34 “Fascism is not repaying one’s loans.”
Well then, by your definition 6-time bankruptee Donald Trump is a fascist.
@40 Swami Ramaswamy’s answer to that is raising the voting age to 25.
Why do Trump’s legal filings make me suspect he’s a closeted sovereign citizen?
I can see why Trump appeals to people with warrants for missed court appearances and unpaid traffic fines.
Well then, by your definition 6-time bankruptee Donald Trump is a fascist.
Since Trump really is a fascist, perhaps the troll’s definition is the one to use.
dearest hubby kreepula…
Amtrak ticket no workee…
Only a narc phrases things that way.
A couple what? Bumps, lines, grams?
Write what you know is the best advice for young aspiring comics, hack.
It’s as up to date as talking about a ‘lid of grass’
Tell your Sargent your cover’s blown and send in someone under 60 next time.
so….like….you gonna talk all night or are you gonna open up the trunk of that Ford LTD and hook us up with some blow?!?!?
Mumblin Joe has an open slot tomorrow at 2pm…you could ask him to forgive your student loan – cuz we all know that Masters Degree in Women’s Study aint gonna pay itself off…
forgiving the loans is a horrible idea because it allows irresponsible people to make bad decisions and not have to answer for those bad decisions.
Yeah, right.. See repukes and PPP… 72,100 grand average per loan forgiven.
MetLife: Institutional Investors Could Own 40% Of Single Family Rental Homes By 2030
Wall Street has purchased hundreds of thousands of single-family homes since the Great Recession. Here’s what that means for rental prices
You can’t buy an affordable home? This is part of it.
Why would it be in a trunk?
Are you trying to score 43 kilos?
Why is your guy driving a 30-40 year old shitbox?
@47 Since when is anyone’s personal medical records the business of the government? Why aren’t Republicans all over this? Oh wait, a Republican is doing it.
@49 What we have here is someone who thinks education isn’t worth having unless you can monetize it.
It’s as up to date as talking about a ‘lid of grass’
That takes me back to when a lid sold for $10, and a matchbox for $5.
Seems Clarence’s free yacht trips have inadvertently landed a billionaire in a potential felony bit of tax evasion or at the very least blow up any claims this was just a thing for a personal freind.
It now appears Harlan Crowe set up a shell company who ‘owns’ the yacht. Harlan then bills himself when he uses the yacht and makes a point of always bringing a business associate to write off the cost of the trip he ‘paid’ for. The company posts a loss on the operating expenses, depreciation and expense to purchase the yacht in the first place. Because the company is owned by Harlan, he then ALSO takes a deduction on the losses on his personal federal tax filings because one of the businesses he owns is operating at a lost and therefore, in theory, lowering his overall annual income because he has to keep propping up the “yacht” company with his own money.
And yes, there are plenty of legal ways to shield vast wealth in shell companies but getting caught taking the deduction on both ends is an intentional act.
Heat? What heat? Everybody knows global warming is a hoax.
Honestly, Republicans have been so terribly wrong about so many things that only stupid people listen to them now.
@56 And his friend Clarence voted to strike down student loan forgiveness for struggling teachers …
What an idiot! Although waiting for more details, but should not be any visitors in the DMZ
A common enough dodge.
And one that talented accounts and tax lawyers defend frequently.
When listed as an asset by the “real” company much of the tax benefit to the individual taxpayer benefitting from the asset disappears. But placed outside of the ownership of the beneficiary taxpayer and their real, for profit company, the avoidance scheme can work.
But only if the fake company’s records can demonstrate some tissue thin relationship between the company’s operations in general and a legitimate business objective seeking growth or profit.
That’s easier than ProPublica wants to believe. And easier than it should be. Lots of unprofitable companies out there. Some that just do nothing but burn through billions of investor dollars generating offsets.
Just ask Elmo.
Found this amusing. An art bro who made a AI image generator tuner wants to be paid for his work, but recoils when the artists who work was scrapped, for free, to train the AI image generators want to be compensated for their work.
He won’t let himself see the parallels.
It’s called mental compartmentalization. It’s common in narcissistic personalities like artists and politicians.
Looks like the US National who is in North Korean custody is a soldier, and a disciplinary case. Last time we got a deserter back from them, he got only 30 days, but he spilled the beans on everything he learned while there. If we get this guy back, whatever disciplinary issues he glad before this will pale in comparison.
There are so many reasons they want to shut down TikTok.
Take for example Kimiko Glenn. She’s become much more well known over the last week. She was in over half of the episodes, becoming a full on regular character in the final two seasons of Netflix’s “Orange is the New Black” a show nominated for 150 awards, won 53, and 4 Emmys. The final episode, which she was in, has now been streamed 72 million times. Her monthly ‘residuals’ from the show are $27.00. She did a check ‘unboxing’ that has a few million views over on the TickyTocky. She’s making more off the Studios’ current obstinance as a social media influencer than she makes from, ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK.
She was also a voice actor in the Animated “Into the Spiderverse” film ($663m worldwide box office). That film had a resurgence in the run up to this summer’s sequel generating an estimated 4 million streams in the month of the new film’s release. For that she was paid about $500.
This is where we point out that for an actress of her age she has been remarkably successful. But at 34 she’s hit the point where roles for women start to dry up unless you are an A-lister. And yet if she does not continue to land roles in high profile projects she can never rely on the use of her past work to pay the average rent in Los Angeles. Because she does a lot of voiceover work her future is absolutely in jeopardy. And the pay scale for VO work is now a fraction of what it was just a decade ago. The residuals? Gone.
And the studios are digging in and claiming in any FUTURE Spiderverse movies or Voltron shows or Animated Star Wars including the character she voiced it is their right to take the voice recordings of any actors and create an indistinguishable AI version of all the voice actors. The base claim by the studios is no actor ever has any right to the intellectual property of their performance or likeness. And they really don’t ever have to have voice actors again once they have a big enough collection of recordings.
She should be the kind of working actress who is by no means wealthy but living a comfortable middle-class existence and would have been before streaming. Netflix has grown from close to $10b in gross profit in 2020 to $12B last year and Q1 2023 posted $3.3B so they’re on pace to another $12B.
“FUCK YOU! Our shareholders and CEOs are way more deserving of our profits than you. You’re just an actor!”
I think our understanding of the ownership of intellectual and creative property is going to have to change.
Creators of all kinds deserve the same rights in ownership to the value of their work as any other worker. And our laws must reflect that or people will cease to do the work.
But our ideas about separating the display, consumption, and enjoyment of creative works, from the commercial exploitation of that work, are being challenged by advances in technology.
For example, though many people don’t know it, the rights in ownership to an architectural design are normally retained in perpetuity by the architectural firm or individual architect that created it. Obviously architectural creations are capable of being copied. And they frequently are. But traditionally the challenges of even approximately copying a unique architectural design surpass any significant economic savings, once the design becomes sufficiently complex.
But we are rapidly approaching the technological capability for automated systems to very precisely generate through scanning, high res photography, and other methods, a very nearly precise, and fully executed replica design of any given structure that can be seen or observed from a public space. Many artists and certainly many architects have come to rely on this very technology to enable and enhance some of their work.
Unique works are created to be seen, enjoyed, and reacted to by people. But what does it mean when the mere process of viewing, attending, or listening can be accompanied by precise recording?
In the very early days of the internet, when network speeds, server capacity, and browser capability first began to offer some rudimentary graphics capabilities, visionaries began to speculate about what the future would bring. And companies like Microsoft began investing in building their own creative infrastructure. We mocked Bill Gates’ high resolution digitally displayed “art” collection in his Medina home. But that was accompanied by warnings to the creative community to be careful and thoughtful about how they used technology to share and expose their work.
Some of these technologies have the potential to obliterate our traditional ideas about ownership of creative work product. And we really needed to think about developing new ideas about that ownership thirty years ago.
64 -What’s that got to do with narcissism?
Trump announced this morning that he received a target letter from Special Counsel Smith Sunday night relating to the criminal investigation into Jan 6th terror attack on the Congress.
I have to admit, I was not expecting this at this point. I’m honestly surprised at the speed of it. And I was even a bit skeptical of the popular idea that Trump himself was neck deep in the conspiracy that preceded the attack.
There are still a lot of unanswered questions about this investigation. But it would seem that it has reached a mature stage already and that some criminal indictments may be in the near future. This may also indicate that some sealed criminal indictments of co-conspirators have already occurred and are due to be unsealed (partially) in later proceedings.
One big unanswered question would be the criminal statutes at issue and the theory of the prosecution relating to those statutes. About that there’s been endless speculation so far. But I’m still skeptical about the value of that speculation. Much has been made about potential “incitement”. But I’m very dubious. I’ve wondered a lot about the potential for some kind of smoking gun record tying Trump to the planners and ring leaders at the Willard Hotel. There are several potential fraud, and conspiracy statutes implicated by the work of the lawyers and string-pullers based out of the suite of hotel rooms since late December of 2020. But I would not have expected them to have allowed Trump’s fingerprints to appear on their work.
Now that Trump is certainly the presumptive nominee, this kind of recklessness will have devastating consequences, not just for 2024, but for the GOP for years and maybe even decades to come.
An incredible display of carelessness. But merely the latest.
It’s called mental compartmentalization. It’s common in narcissistic personalities like artists and politicians.
What’s that got to do with narcissism?
Siggy! Long time no see! I’ve been meaning to ask you for the longest time how much it must have truly sucked to see Janov claim credit for what you and Breuer revealed about neurosis and narcissism in your work that led to the publication of Studies on Hysteria. What a jerk! I hope you guys never forgave that fucktard.
Speaking of narcissistic personality disorder. The dumbfuck troll has that in spades. So full of himself and he has no clue that he’s become a laughing stock! Priceless!
Time for me to switch it up to meth….who’s got some for me?!!!
Same deal applies with a private visit with the old man.
Gimme dat rock!!
I’m guessing we are going to learn that one or two of the co-conspirators, either within the White House or at the Willard Hotel have already entered into an agreement with Special Counsel Smith to testify in exchange for a negotiated guilty plea.
We know that Giuliani, who was nominally “in charge” of the team at The Willard Hotel, has already entered into a proffer agreement with Smith. Early last month, shortly before the first criminal indictment of Trump over his theft and hoarding of classified materials after leaving office was announced, The Independent reported that Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, would plead guilty to unspecified charges in exchange for testifying against his former boss. Meadows’ attorney at the time described the claims that his client would plead guilty as “bullshit”. But the attorney pointedly stopped short of denying any sort of agreement or immunity.
When artists post their work to be seen to drum up more work, the scrapers steal their work without permission or compensation, and then use the algorithms to make images in the style of the artists that the client no longer has to pay.
GOP candidates hoping to unseat Donald Trump from his commanding position in control over their party might consider this next imminent indictment alleging Trump’s direct criminal involvement in a violent plot to overturn a fair and democratic national election an opportunity to create separation from all that criminal conduct and to draw a useful contrast to their own campaign and candidate.
But doing so would require things like character, courage, dignity, and reverence for democracy and the rule of law.
As candidate running in a GOP primary it goes without saying that they have none of those things.
It might be especially useful to the rapidly collapsing Fat Midget campaign to take advantage of this terrible news and to use this news cycle to set a new course going forward, one that is not fated to wither and die in Trump’s looming, political shadow. It would probably be the one thing Fat Midget could really do to set himself apart, not only from Trump, but also from the rest of the field of cowering dwarfs. And it might be just the trick to win back the backing of the billionaires that he so desperately needs. And just as likely it might serve as the trigger to bring out the voices of support from so-called “moderate” conservatives who, at the very least, have finally had enough Trump.
But that assumes that Fat Midget isn’t one of the dumbest humans to run for national office in living memory. And it would also require the kind of personal character that has been completely absent from his political identity from the very beginning.
The guy who giggles and smirks while watching innocent detainees getting tortured is probably not the guy who can take on Trump and his flying monkeys.
Mark it down, folks. This is yet another golden opportunity for “conservatives” and Republicans to pivot.
And they won’t do it.
Keep that in mind later on when they try to Etch-a-Sketch their disgraceful and humiliating string of failures over the last few years by insisting that they were being “victimized” by “weaponinzation”. At every single opportunity to do something decent and honorable, Republicans will always choose cruelty, humiliation, and defeat.
It’s their choice. And it always has been.
The plot thickens.
A group of a dozen investors is seeking to buy all the assets of Anchor Brewing in the liquidation by Sapporo. Most prominent is Mike Walsh of Structure Capital a VC guy who was an Angel Investor in Uber and Salesforce.
Sapporro bought Anchor for $85m and expected to take a significant loss in selling it through liquidation.
Turns out Walsh lives in a very nice spot on Potrero Hill and was a quiet regular at the brewery taproom. He’s putting a group together to make an offer.
Using scripts to replace humans has already been used for advertisements and the like with AI faces and voices being generated from the likenesses of real human beings that will never be paid for their uses again.
“Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) battles in Washington have only boosted his political standing in Alabama ….”
It’s always important to remember jerkoffs like him wouldn’t be in public office without jerkoff voters.
Alabama has already lost the Space Force headquarters; it may be time to start thinking about moving the rest of the military out of Alabama, too.
“An Air National Guardsman accused of leaking classified documents online is asking a federal judge to treat him like former President Trump and allow him to be released ahead of his trial. Attorneys for Jack Teixeira argued in a motion filed Monday that the government’s efforts to keep the 21-year-old detained are ‘squarely undermined’ by its ‘reasoned decision’ not to seek pretrial detention for Trump or his personal aide, Walt Nauta. Each of the cases involve the alleged mishandling of classified information and conspiracy to obstruct justice, the filing reads.”
To the contrary, Trump should be treated like Teixeira.
Hey, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, is this one of those days that gave you a FIVE! FIGURE! GAIN! ??
@73 DeSantis is now saying Trump should’ve been “more forceful,” but it’s not entirely clear to me whether he means more forceful about trying to stop the riot, or more forceful about trying to overthrow our democratic processes.
We will never cease to celebrate the breaking of the Shit-lord Crybaby.
Behold the wonder and majesty of its debasement and irrelevancy.
It’s the future of the entire GOP.
@74 I was thinking just this morning that Anchor is ripe for a Necco-style resurrection; the product’s just too beloved to be taken off the market for good.
Breaking news — Michigan’s attorney general has criminally charged all 16 of that state’s fake Trump electors.
“Not entirely clear” is how he accelerates his imminent failure.
Going “full Hillary” won’t win over any Ride-or-Die MAGATS, shy-Trumpers, or burnouts. Nor will it inspire the billionaire donors to resume funding his disorganized and as yet still hyper-local campaign. Fat Midget hasn’t given GOP primary voters in Des Moines, Charleston, or Manchester any reason to choose him over Trump. He has to make it a referendum, instead of a deli order.
He doesn’t have it in himself. And the people around him are too dumb.
Portrait of a group of delusional, modern “conservatives” who are about to receive a decidedly unpleasant introduction into the outer limits of criminal conspiracy law. They’re fucked.
But I guess they can always appeal.
I assume that none of them was smart enough to cooperate and deal their way out of the jackpot they are in. That’s too bad for them. Because it means they are going to have to convince at least one juror that all that shit they did, that they documented and recorded themselves doing, that was directly in furtherance of an underlying criminal offense, and that was all directly pursuant to an agreement they entered into with other conspirators, was all just merely “a funny coincidence”
Ha ha! Hee hee! Get it? Big joke, right?
@ 74, 81
So many good beers out there these days. Anchor was in decline when Sapporo bought it. Anchor then diluted its efforts by making new products that were essentially me-too.
Why is Anchor Brewing worth more than, say, Reuben’s Brews? Anchor’s got a name but it doesn’t have momentum, and one guy willing to throw good money at a loser won’t turn it into a winner.
Look at Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who threw his money at AT&T and 3M, as an example. Ill-considered investments, both.
Next Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will support bringing back the Oldsmobile.
Q: How do you make people forget Willie Horton?
A: Law Enforcement Officials Suspect a Multnomah County Man Released Early From Prison Is a Serial Killer
Just think how much Queen YLB’s fucked kids are gonna need 30 years from now.
Trump’s support down 5 points since April.
@70 Hunter Biden spews:
Tuesday, 7/18/23 at 11:39 am
Time for me to switch it up to meth….who’s got some for me?!!!
Same deal applies with a private visit with the old man.
Gimme dat rock!!
My cat wants me to tell you that he’s glad that you’re willing come here to show him how stupid you are and how he loves to ROFL laughing at you. For my part, I don’t read your comments because to me you’re a just a stupid fucking bore.
Dumbfuck Troll alert @78 Dumbfuck Troll alert@78 Dumbfuck Troll alert@78 Dumbfuck Troll alert@78
Well done, Kitty, but if you’re thinking that you’re going to have a second troll alert for that stupid fucking bore, that’s going too far. I delivered your message and that’s all you get. Well, except for a kitty treat.
Trump’s support down 5 points since April.
Are out of your fucking mind. Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot that you’re overly sensitive about that being said of you.
Trump is still +14 in New Hampshire. The latest poll shows Trump is now +20 in fucking Florida, +12 over the previous pole.
This is not going well for you. Not at all.
Try to get this through your thick fucking skull. Top Gov DeFuckface will never be your president.
You are a dumbfuck for the ages. So fucking stupid.
Just fucking give it to him.
He’s lost fucking everything else.
Let the pathetic groveling cuck have his shitty seven or eight NH convention delegates.
Maybe after Trump crushes them in Milwaukee they can all form a circle-jerk in the parking lot outside the arena.
Yo George, your pussy……it stinks.
Please fix. No amount of meth is gonna overpower day smell
Maybe after Trump crushes them in Milwaukee they can all form a circle-jerk in the parking lot outside the arena.
Yo George, your pussy……it stinks.
Um, that was my male cat and that’s why your face is now profusely bleeding.
This episode informs me that you’re not just a stupid fucking bore, you’re too fucking weird for words.
I’m wondering if Siggy and unserious twat can help you with this, but I kind of doubt it. Their talking about neuroses and stuff. Your problem is more serious.
I have an idea! Have you ever considered suicide as a life choice, as in end-of-life? My suggestion would be for you to try thinking of it as self-euthanasia.
85. The greedy racist incel’s fever dream mix of insults and his favorite soothing fantasy that he’s got more money than Rabbit. Fact and logic free. So sad.
Nope….it didn’t work. Your pussy still stinks.
The dumbfuck troll has never noticed how many luxurious yachts there are in all the marinas around Seattle. As with many people in the Seattle area, I bought MSFT at its IPO price of $21. If I had bought $5,000 worth and held, it would be worth over $10,000,000 today. I bought a lot more than that. I sold MSFT in early 1997 and invested in Amazon in the May IPO that year. I’ve held it ever since.
I consider our radiologist’s so-called wealth to be chump change. He lives on Whidbey Island. My modest log cabin is on Cypress Island, One fourth of the island is my lot. Friends own the other three lots and homes. The dock is too small to take our yachts to the Island and we wouldn’t want to do that anyway. It’s not a good look.
Roger’s investment advice is quite sound. Now look at the so-called wealthy radiologist. He’s trading options in retirement. This informs me that he has lost everything and the reason he’s trading options in retirement is because he is desperate to get it back. He’ll end up penniless.
The radiologist comes off as one pathetic POS. I hope that’s the same for all of you. I’d hazard a guess that he now a “FOR SALE” sign on his home on fucking Whidbey Island.
Roger’s modest home in South Seattle is likely worth over $1,000,000. Odds are, the radiologist doesn’t have enough money to buy it from him. Look at how desperate he is to tear down Roger. It’s a “tell”. He has blown it all by trading options. His fucked up dreams are presently swirling down a flushed toilet which, like himself, is full of shit.
Keep being you, Roger. You’re a fine man who I have no doubt served your country well and with honor.
The radiologist is a fucking disgrace and he knows it.
Nope….it didn’t work. Your pussy still stinks.
Just so you know, you’re coming off as someone who has been seriously pwned. I’m proud of my little kitty for being the who did it to you.
Did yee a doctor yet about what my cat did to your face? If not, you really should do it soon before an infection sets in.
Has anybody here seen my worthless son? He sold my house, took the money and ran, and now I’m homeless! He even has purse! By God, when I find that worthless bastard, I’m going to fucking kill him!
You are a lying whore and everybody knows it. Bitch, when are you going to pay me the bail money for that time you skipped out on bail on the drug arrest in Snohomish County?
Hey Gramps! Butt out, Butthead, you worthless, molding POS. Bail money? I let you live with me rent-free and fed you for 15 fucking years!