It’s snowing in Portland. Stop being a dumbass, carry chains or have traction tires. Slow down you idiot, I’ve got kids in the car.
We now put on the football game you were going to watch. If you want to know if it’s snowing at your house, look out the window.
If bloggers ran the TV stations…
And this would be a change?
And if things stay the way they are, we’ll know all about sick todlers and grandmas. Also, fires and traffic accidents.
I wonder how they would cover the Wasilla Bible Church? Would they bias their report. Of course they would.
Using Pelletizer’s lefty logic, it has to be Donkey who set the fire.
I guess John Barelli you agree with the “personal touch” of RACHEL D’ORO in the article:
“The 1,000-member evangelical church was the subject of intense scrutiny after Palin was named John McCain’s running mate. Early in Palin’s campaign, the church was criticized for promoting in a Sunday bulletin a Focus on the Family “Love Won Out Conference” in Anchorage. The conference promised to “help men and women dissatisfied with living homosexually understand that same-sex attractions can be overcome.”
Yes, no media bias here.
Where is the bias? Please point it out. I see a report that tells me who, what, where and why. Do you object to the openness of the of the report in telling us just exactly what the “Love Won Out Conference” was really about? I know you Republicans crave secrecy so that must be it. Maybe you don’t that the church was criticized?
A little MLFact for you.
Just ignore the pudwhacker, he’s obviously gone completely around the bend. Hopefully when he decides to commit suicide he won’t decide to take a few “libtards” with him.
Carl@3, how are you doing? Merry Christmas to you and your tribe. When you heading back up to Seattle?
I thought you were smarter than your average Chris Stefan, butt since I see you are not, what does this have to do with anything about the church fire:
“Early in Palin’s campaign, the church was criticized for promoting in a Sunday bulletin a Focus on the Family “Love Won Out Conference” in Anchorage.”
Nuff SAID!
If bloggers like the HA Happy Hooligans ran TV stations, you’d be up to your armpits and then some in FCC fines, you’d have no advertisers because your business skills are non-evident, and you’d end up banished to public access cable, which no one watches anyway.
The Piper
Have you figgered it out yet Carl?
Rachel used the article to disparage Focus on the Family (and Sarah Palin again). I thought you libtards said to move on the election is over? She also went out of way to remind her readers that (in her opinion) the church is a haven for bigots.
I realize for Chris Stefan, I needed to explain and make it plain, but Carl, come on now, you are much smarter than this…
I just see her explaining why the church might have been attacked. I DO NOT AGREE with the attack. Simply stating that the church came under criticism for its activities is not biased reporting, it is just reporting. Churches are not immune from criticism nor should they be.
I am fine, the tribe is fine, I gained a grandson this year, Oren. He is a redhead like me and my gramps.
Teresa is making the final decision on a transfer and promotion to Houston, TX of all places. I have no desire to live in Texas, but this would be the cap on her career. I hate the Cowboys, can’t stand the Texas Longhorns and think the Rangers are a joke. The state is full of rednecks (both Reps and Dems) and GWB lives there too.
8 Pud
Wrong. The article does not “disparage” anyone or anything.
The quote in question is the journalistic equivalent of saying, “You may have heard of this church before in connection with the a recent issue in the news.” It makes a connection for the reader to explain why anyone in the lower 48 would report on a church fire in a remote Alaska town.
Article (in the January issue of Harper’s Magazine, not online yet):
“The $10 Trillion dollar hangover: Paying the Price for the Bush years.”
Bilmes and Stiglitz further state, “the total bill for Bush-era excess — the total new debt combined with the total new accrued obligations — amounts to $10.35 trillion.”
In that time — that is to say, in the time that Washington was racking up that excess, using that money for something-or-other; the time from when President Bush took office to now — the cost of a family health insurance premium has gone up 87%; the number of uninsured people has gone up 19%; the number of families living in poverty has gone up 19%; real median household income has dropped 1%; and corporate profits have gone up 68%.
Daddy Love: Depends on how you see it. Rachel could have sold the article without that paragraph.
But as you and Carl postulate from the criticism in her article, it has to be a left wing moron who set the church afire.
3 I’m just glad that apparently nobody was hurt, and I feel for the poor firefighters who had to put the thing out in minus 20 degrees.
Carl@9: The new Cowboy Stadium will be impressive. Arlington Stadium is really nice. Austin is very “progressive” so you’d enjoy it there. I guess the only redeeming factor for you will be the Dallas Stars.
Butt you can always get around the Dallas traffic by taking the George Bush Tollway.
Daddy Love,
Does that number include illegal aliens like all the other uninsured used by the Donkey?
The last line made me laugh. Thank you.
Carl@16, glad to increase the endorphins!
Carl, have you heard about this Donkey loser?
NEW YORK,NY 10022 KASOWITZ BENSON TORRES & FRIEDMAN,/ 4/16/08 $5,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte (D)
NEW YORK,NY 10022 DREIER LLP/FOUNDER AND MANAGING PAR 5/3/07 $2,300 Richardson, Bill (D)
Puddy, you should take a trip to Wasilla, they could use your skills in detective work, solving crimes up there. Maybe you could even get a job with the Palin Campaign.
I think it’s kind of curious that these stories are breaking after the election…
Tommy, send me round trip the money. I’ll recommend you as the “court jester”.
Hey Puddy, put your detective skills to use, let me know if Bernard Madoff was a Democrat or Republican. Thanks.
Local stations need hyped up weather stories (this leaf wasn’t here 5 minutes ago), dancing dogs and singing parrot clips. It saves them from reporting on actual events taking place in the here and now. Like reporting on the GOP Action Alert, for example:
or maybe let us know that the German auto industry will be asking the US Government for financial support for its American markets:,00.html
or maybe that Saudi Arabia is probably responsible for the 9/11 attacks, the insurgency in Iraq, and a dozen other large scale attacks against the US and other western countries:
But nah, let’s don’t risk upsetting the sponsors.
Who the fuck really cares, anyway eh? Hell, we might get another 1/4 inch of snow.
Let’s check in with Dave Martin who is up on Snoqualmie Pass where it looks like a leaf has moved 4 inches since we checked in with him five minutes ago. Is that right, Dave? Four inches?
# 1: No, that wouldn’t be change. That would be Fox News.
i don’t think i’m angry enough to comment here. i’m sure that’s only temporary.
Tommy Thompson, check all the other threads. I already answered the Bernie Madoff question, BIG TIME with prejudice!
Thanks for admitting to all you have NO detective skillz.