Washington State Republican Party chair Luke Esser explaining Susan Hutchison’s lopsided loss in the King County executive race…
“King County is a tough place to do business if you’re not a left-wing Democrat,” Esser said. “Inside the city of Seattle I could probably bring Abraham Lincoln back from the dead and he wouldn’t win…you’ve got to have a ‘D’ next to your name.”
Though the county executive’s position is now officially non-partisan, Republicans thought they had their best shot at the office in more than a decade with former television broadcaster Susan Hutchsion in the race. Hutchison ran as an independent but has ties to GOP candidates and causes.
Hear that? The state Republican Party chair admits that Republican Susan Hutchison lost because voters figured out she was, of course, a Republican.
Like I said… the most dishonest campaign ever.
And as for Esser’s crack about Lincoln, that brings us to our poll of the day:
He would never get elected, he was chosen through a process that is unimaginable today ,,, back room machine politics!
Folks also ought to remember that Abe was NOT antislavery, he was about as “moderate” on this issue as a Republican can be ans was seen by many as pro-South because he placed the Union over emancipation.
On other issues? WTF knows? He was generally pro business and I suspect he would be as likely to favor WalMart as he would the AFL/CIO,
Where ol’ Abe would NOT have been comfortable is with the right wing loonies on their flat earthism.
re 1: In the Lincoln/Douglas debates, Lincoln was most definitely anti-slavery. His actual position was that he would not rend the union over slavery — if he could avoid it.
Puddy already commented long ago on Lincoln’s slavery position based on a liberally respected black author and his research. Ask ylb arschloch for the PuddyLink. Puddy notices no one ever asks ylb arschloch to produce the facts.
Yes ,,, but
Seward and Chase were well to his left on this issue. Lincoln also served as an attorney in at least on case where someone was sent back to his “owner.” Abe cam across as pretty unable to see Douglas as his equal.
One of the strangest things I have ever read is a suggestions that Lincoln and Lenin be compared. Both put ideology above law. Both put their goals above what we would later call morality. Both were brilliant.
It is worth wondering iand how different the 20th century might have been if Vlad had survived or Stalin fallen as Lenin’s assassin.
#3 Puddy ..
Perhaps this would be a good issue to blog rather than Troll?
A similar issue, but harder fo you, may be Jefferson’s relationships not just to Sally but to the rest of the Hemmings family.
I assume all 29 of Puddy’s sockpuppets voted for “Republican”.
Is magician Doug Hemmings in any way related to the Hemmings’s of Jeffersonian fame?
Luke Esser said “It’s hard to win an election with guys like me in charge.”
Or words to that effect.
Has it ever occurred to the Repugs that if they’d ever back good candidates, one might actually get elected?!!
Encouraging Broadcaster Barbie to run because of her name (face?) recognition is cynical politics at its worst, and Susie played that game too, with unvarnished glee.
Is it because of liberals that every reputable paper in King County endorsed Constantine? (Take THAT, Seattle Times!) Do Repugs think Hutchison is capable because she wanted to overturn the will of a majority of voters and reroute a light rail across Lake Washington via 520? Or that she is competent because she doesn’t know the first thing about disaster relief procedures?
Repugs are always complaining about “liberals” not taking responsibility for their decisions; maybe they should start accepting responsibility for the fact thatif they back an unqualified candidate that candidate will lose. That maybe voters are smarter than they are.
You have.
I have.
Cynical has.
One of the things you have to watch when trying to nail down Lincoln’s views on race and slavery is that they were constantly evolving. Before the war he made comments to the effect that slavery was bad, but once freed the slaves ought to be sent back to Africa (despite the fact that few were alive who had ever lived in Africa). That was a pretty popular position for people in the north at the time, they didn’t like slavery but they didn’t want a lot of freed slaves coming north and competing for their jobs, either.
The emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in areas where the Union didn’t, at the time, have any power to enforce the proclamation. By it’s definition, it excluded slaves in border states such as Maryland and Kentucky, and in former Confederate areas which were already occupied by Union forces. It only actually freed slaves once Union forces occupied new territory during the course of the war. It was a wartime expedient which had several purposes, including depriving the south of a labor source, discouraging Britian and France from recognizing the Confederacy, and giving legal grounds for Union commanders to refuse to return escaped slaves back to their southern masters.
But by the end of the war, Lincoln’s views were much more toward equality, including him putting in motion the steps toward the 14th Amendment. Some have suggested that references to him by adoring newly freed slaves as being their “Moses” touched him deeply.
As for the rest, I mentioned it in a previous post, where I said the following:
The more you try to bring a person out of one historical context and plug him into another, the more you find it doesn’t work. Essner’s comments were rather ridiculous in that context alone. But if we are going to engage in such comparisons, admittedly strained, we see that a modern Lincoln would indeed have more in common with Democrats than Republicans.
For example, which party has again taken upon it the mantle of “states rights”, and called for seccession from the Union? (the Republican party of Texas, for example). Which party has again brought forth the notion of “nullification”, that a state can ignore federal laws with which it disagrees? (Republicans in S.Carolina, of course – and it comes up again in Republican attempts to have health care reform have “opt out” provisions by individual states).
Which party has most agressivly fought against federal income taxes? (the first federal income tax was enacted under Lincoln, Republicans have usually opposed progressive income taxation).
Which party insists that it doesn’t need federal oversight of compliance with voting rights laws? (the Republicans in Mississippi and Alabama, although Lincoln started the process to give equal rights to blacks under the 14th Amendment).
Which party tried to make war profiteering a crime, and which party has profited enourmously through recent wars? (the Republicans under Lincoln tried to stop war profiteering, with limited success, but the Republicans under the Bush administration turned war profiteering into official administration policy, by out-sourcing combat and support functions to private companies that enjoyed a cozy relationiship to the Republicans).
I could go on, but that’s enough, for now.
And don’t bother bringing forth arguments from southern Democrats prior to 1968 – by that year they were driven out of the party or they had reformed. By then George Wallace was a third-party candidate, although he became a Democrat again after “reforming” on the race issue. It was the Republicans who gladly accepted bigots into their party, as part of Nixon’s “southern strategy”.
# 9: When I was young, I was proud that Howard Baker Jr. was one of my Senators. He may have been a Republican, but he was a reasonable person willing to find the facts as part of the Joint Committee investigating the Watergate scandal. His repeated question of each witness: “What did the President know, and when did he know it?” kept cutting through the BS of Erlichman, etc., and formed the basis for their prosecutions later.
But Republicans today simply haven’t been cut from the same bolt of cloth as Howard Baker Jr. Until they field candidates of the same calibre, they can expect the same results as they saw Tuesday in King County.
I hope you’re feeling better today Steve.
Something I find helpful I would like to pass along, when you see a name like at #3Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget, that’s not a sockpuppet. Puddy is not trying to fool anyone with the name change.
Something else I do is read a few words of the message, for example #3, Puddy already commented. That’s another clue that the commenter was Puddy. If you haven’t noticed, part of the Puddy persona is writing in 3rd person.
I hope this helped Steve.
Have a good day.
One of my favorite Lincoln quotes:
“…labor precedes capital…”
amply demonstrates why Lincoln would be a Democrat today.
Until Reagan there used to be a consensus that people mattered before money. Rs and Ds both understood that no value was created without production and that trickle up made everyone richer.
Those Rs and Ds are just Ds now — a big tent of full of cats. But that’s better than the pup tent that what’s left of Rs have to share — really cramped, in lots of ways.
Breaking News: Two suspects have been arrested in a shooting at Ft. Hood army base. So far at least 12 dead, 31 injured, including four swat team members. Other details are scarce.
Correction: one suspect dead, another in custody.
“I hope you’re feeling better today Steve.”
Huh? Whatever.
“Something I find helpful I would like to pass”
Idiot. I’ve been kidding Puddy about having umpteen zillion sockpuppets for a very long time.
Yep Puddy received it in my WA Post update. So my question is What did Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm know and when did he know it? Seems as CiC this is a real change.
Steve sez
And Puddy been shaking his head in sadness knowing you are still taste testing Steve’s Stupid Solution. Did Ekim EPIC Fail as your primary taste tester?
Puddy not trolling on Lincoln’s position because Puddy raised his metamorphosis on this on HA when it was a topic long ago. Puddy also discussed John F. Kennedy’s and Robert F. Kennedy’s reaction to Martin Luther King before he became president and after he became president. The HA Libtardos are the “trolls” on this issue!
“I hope you’re feeling better today Steve.”
Must be projection. It must have been a sucky day for you yesterday, what with the news of KC, R-71, I-1033 and last, but not least, NY-23. First Dem since the 19th century? That must suck for the bat-shit crazy wing of the Republican party. Of course, when the crazies are finished running out the remaining moderates, it’ll just be the Bat-Shit Crazy Party. Funny how you freaks have even turned on Newt. I take it he just wasn’t bat-shit crazy enough for you fucks.
@19 At least you got it, Puddy, unlike that dumbfuck friend of yours.
How bad did the election results make the obama look?
Bad enough that david axelrod had to go on fox news.
I like how Steele aligned the GOP with the nutcases today, warning Republicans in moderate districts that “we’ll come after you”.
Oh, please do, Michael, please do.
Steve @21, I have been hearing some interesting debate on how long the NY23rd had been in Republican hands. Some saying since Grant was president, others saying Lincoln, some saying more recently represented by a Whig than a Democrat. My favorite was the last time someone other than a Republican held the district, the only traffic jams were on the Erie Canal.
If Hoffman had lived in the district, he would have known the local issues. Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC was saying that the editorial board of one of the local papers made their decision just on that, and they put their questions they would be asking in an editorial, but Hoffman did not read it because he had never seen that paper. This was a district with counties FDR never was able to carry, whether as Governor or President.
The New York Congressional election may, or may not, mean anything. The Republican candidate wasn’t from the area, and quickly revealed that he didn’t know anything about the area and his issues. When questioned, he just tried to dodge the questions and say they weren’t important, he wanted to talk about national issues. But the voters wanted to know if he could bring home federal funding for some needed projects in the state, and didn’t like him dismissing those projects as “unimportant”. Like they say, “All politics is local”. It might have been more of a self-implosion than a referendum on Obama’s popularity. The same with the N.J. and Virginia governor’s races.
Like Puddy, I too am saddened Steve.
For instance, you wrote “At least you got it, Puddy.”
And what did Puddy write that he “got?”
19. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
And Puddy been shaking his head in sadness knowing you are still taste testing Steve’s Stupid Solution.
I don’t feel your “Puddy got it” comment helps you with your self image. Puddy is just kidding around, you shouldn’t take it serious.
Good luck Steve.
What this week’s election clearly demonstrated was that Tea Bag candidates and their backers are not going to win elections.
The only successful Republican candidates have been MODERATES. Period.
There have now been 5 Special Elections in reliably REPUBLICAN seats and a Democrat has won every single one of them.
Like I’ve said for a year now, the only salvation for the Republican Party is to come far, far to the left from their radical, right-wing fringe agenda.
If not, they will lose elections in 2010. Their best, and perhaps last hope of surviving as a national party will then be in 2012.
If they continue to radicalize, then they will go down in flames and an alternative 3rd party conservative movement will emerge.
Thus, splitting the conservative vote and ensuring multiple generations of Democratic control.
Just like when the Republicans radicalized on the communist movement of the 50’s. After that, they did not control congress for 40 years. And even then, there run controlling congress was, in hindsight, short-lived.
Republicans, too stupid to learn American history and REAL American values, too dishonest to put Country and Honesty First.
History, and the actions of Republicans bear this truth out. Not my wishful thinking.
Jesus, Marvin, grow a fucking brain, will ya? What, did all that goatfucking dumb you down? Oh, that’s right, it did.
Seems as if ALL you can do is troll.
What purpose does that have? You wann trade insults?? Lesseee …
Lincoln —> Civil War, and almost losing it!
Harding –> Depression
Ike ..> lies about Korea
Nixon —> violates US Constitution
Ford —> pardons Nixon
Reagan —> huge increases in US debt, almost loses cold war DESPITE the good will of Gorbachev
Violates US Constitution
GHWB —-> almost destroys US economy, blows the peace dividence, promoted racism
GWB ===> may have caused seciond Depression. commits perjury as President, etc.
Does any of this make you feel better?
So riddle me this,
In the Remainder of the Repubolican Religious Remnant, extol, praise, describe hust ONE notable who has a realistic chance at leading the uS to better times or even REALLY good ideas.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm … can the black cat grow some spots?
“If not, they will lose elections in 2010. Their best, and perhaps last hope of surviving as a national party will then be in 2012.”
They’re cruising towards a “Palin/Bachmann 2012” debacle.
The GOP is dead. At this point it’s no more than the Batshit-Crazy Party.
Rob mckenna won KC when he ran for relection in 2004, so much for that argument.
The current system is driving the moderates out of both parties.
But this is especially true in the Republican Party, where the moderate Republican voters have deserted the party in droves to either be Democrats, Independents, or not bothering at all. That leaves the real nutcases to vote in the primaries. Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity are leading the mob, insisting that the only way back for the Republican Party is to go EVEN FURTHER to the right.
If this trend continues, you could fit the Republican Voters for King County under a picnic shelter at the local parks.
Right-wing left-wing values.
Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity Friendly At Yankees Game
Which one taped his show earlier, which one called in sick and had a sub do the show?
Got proof?
Hmmm Looks like SeattleJew had an aneurysm. WTF happened dude?
If Abe Lincoln were alive today would he..
stand in the way of health insurance reform?
@ 35:
Proof of what?
So Puddy asks again in the Fort Hood shootings when did Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm know about it? It seems he went ahead and gave that speech to India peeps instead of canceling it. It seems it’s all about him instead of being a CiC and respecting his dead soldiers. He AIN’T a friend of the military.
So much for Goldy’s Fort Dix stupidity.
If Lincoln were alive today, he’d raise taxes and institute a draft – just like he did during the Civil War! How does that fit in with today’s so-called conservative agenda?
If Abe Lincoln were alive today would he..
be involved health insurance reform? That’s the correct question ylb arschloch.
Did you find a yob today jlb arschloch?
@40 He’d be thrown under the bus where he’d have the company of Jesus and Newt. Newt! You just know the wingnut tent is shrinking to teabag dimensions when ol’ Newt gets tossed.
What does this sort of comment say about Esser’s performance as State Party Chair, and more importantly his approach to his job?
Dave Reichert gets elected in pinko, hippie, liberal King County. So do Sam Reed, Rob McKenna, and Dan Satterburg. Wouldn’t a responsible professional examine those candidacies and those elections and do some polling to see if there aren’t some patterns there?
I’m willing to bet that if Esser pulled his head out of John Stanton’s greasy fat ass for just long enough he might be able look around and figure out that moderate, competent Republicans with a proven track record and legitimate political credentials can run for office all day long in King County.
Sure, candidates like that aren’t willing to whore themselves to the BIAW (mostly). And sure, candidates like that don’t stir up the snake handlers and end timers. But since when was it the responsibility of the State Party to cater to the extremes? It might be more gratifying to Luke’s ego, but ego self-gratification isn’t in the job description.
I sure hope these clowns never quit huffing paint, or whatever it is that tea baggers do, and figure out that their party leadership in this state is a bunch of obsequious, incompetent d-bags who are in it for no reason other than to snuggle up to the money.
Your obvious anger at being on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of American values has gotten the best of you.
This CiC has paid his respect to soldiers coming home in flag drapped coffins. Something “W” never did.
This CiC is giving deep, thoughtful contemplation to his war strategy. Something “W” never did.
This CiC understands he has other duties to carry out on behalf of this nation. Something “W” never did.
But, there is one thing “W” as CiC that Obama never did. Being the most vacationed president in the HISTORY OF AMERICA!! While his soldiers were doing 15 month tour of duty.
Where’s the respect in that??
The ONLY thing you have any more is critisim. No plans, no thought provoking ideas, just attack, attack, attack.
What’s bad for America is good for Tea Baggers.
‘If Abraham Lincoln were alive today…’
He’s know little Davey Goldstein is an irrelvant, chronically unemployed, douche bag. And I’m sure he’d pray for a cure for liberalism and be ashamed to what most of this country has become. He would see this site and ask with curiosity: “Why are so many of you unemployed?” He’d ask YLB arschloch: “Why do you sit around all day while your wife works? What kind of man are you!?”
Anything else?
mmmmmmmmmmmmm … can the black cat grow some spots?
no stroke, just wishing for better comments.
As for Abe and healthcare .. that is an idiotic questions since most of what is NOW healthcare did nto yet exist.
OTOH, I ‘spect he owuld regard the flat earthism of your colleagues as unpatriotic and very much against the needs of the US.
That said, you never responded to my last challenge is there a single Reprican left who desrves respect as a statesman or economist?
If Puddy were hiring a Prexy, which of the following would he offer a job too?
Sarah Palin
Steve Forbes
or maybe Liebermann?
rather meagre pickins ….
mpw the remnant is running the failed pres of HP for senate in Cal BUT apparently she is too librul!
Then there is Bloomberg .. smart, rich guy. Watcha think of the chances of the christian creationist cabal supporting s kike?
Now look at the other side …imagine
Bill Gates
Steve Chu
etc etc.
Do you know why? Did you know only one family out of 14 agreed to have Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm do the photo-op. Bush didn’t agree to doing photo-ops of dead soldiers.
Huh? Steve’s Stupid Solution?
Regarding deep thoughtful strategy, it’s been his strategy since March 2009. Do you have 24 hour moronic memory malady too?
Yes, but he’s already starting on the vacation jaunts… Oh so his multiple Sunday golf outings… more in 9 months than Bush did in 2.5 years…
Oh so his weekend outings in NYC or Chicago with the full entourage… sure GBS sure… And you know no president is ever really on vacation 24×7.
Puddy glad you agree with Puddy on ylb arschloch’s idiotic Abraham Lincoln question!
Weak question. Why? There is no correct answer in your mind. Puddy knows you. When you ask questions like this you already formed the answer before asking it.
If Abraham Lincoln were miraculously re-animated today and crawled out of his coffin, he’d probably look around, listen to some of the shouting, heave a great, sad sigh and crawl back in. If he were so unfortunate as to encounter Puddy, he might make some comment about emancipation having been a waste of time.
The media promoting the GOP’s modest little successes in NJ and VA is just like a bitch setting up a dog fight.
The VA Guber. cand. stressed his conservatism and attempted to distance himself from Obama. That’s why he lost.
If it looks like the Gooppers are making a comeback it will be easy to motivate the young voters to come out and vote again.
re 50: Careful. You’ll have the Waxxster posting a million word march on this thread with his Uncle Remus-like 3rd person gibberish.
‘Puddy say you Libtardo fool!! Smell Puddy’s finger, dumb Libtardo Porkulus.’
Great to see ArtFart@50 thinking like headless@51&52.
Way to go Lib-tar-dos!
Duddy @
R-E-S-P-E-C-T For our fallen heroes.
Personal family choice. Irrelevant like
mostall of your drivel.NEXT!
Bush would rather not digest the reality of war. That’s why Poppy moved “W” to the front of the line at the TANG. Plus, Bush would rather hide the heroes instead of HONORING them publicly. After all, they gave their lives for the public, why shouldn’t we honor them?
Wasted pixels instead of acknowledging the truth! A common occurrence with you and the Tea Bagger crowd.
President Obama fulfilled the general’s on the ground request for more troops that languished on Pres. Bush’s desk for 8 months. Bush, who, according to many commanding officers on the gourd “under resourced” the war effort in Afghanistan. You know, the WAR ON TERROR. The reason this country went of a war footing. Bush FAILED to properly prosecute the WAR ON TERROR.
Moronic Memory is your problem, not mine.
Yes, BUT . . . ’nuff said. Most vacationed president in the history of Republic. NO CiC has ever vacationed as much as Bush, especially during WAR.
but, but, but quite making excuses for your failed choice as president.
Make up your mind as to which side of your mouth your going to speak out of. The hypocrisy spewing from your mouth in a single paragraph is stunning.
Oh, yeah, your out of bullets in this contest of wits, intelligence and honesty.
Like I said, at one time you WERE a worthy opponent.
Now, you’ve fallen to the ranks of pathetic trolls like Mr. C.
Too bad your anger has gotten the best of you.
Actually, after the frenetic mental pud pulling that Pudpuller has had to do to compensate lately, he must be getting tired and really, really sore.
I bet he needs a shave and his diaper hasn’t been changed in days!
During his two terms, Bush made 149 visits to Camp David, spending a total of 487 days. And I don’t recall any of them being a summit to get a peace agreement in the middle east.
But that’s not the majority of his “off time”. He made 77 visits to his ranch in Texas, spending all or part of 490 days there.
So Bush spent 33.45% of his Presidency on vacation. Sure, he had to have a daily national security briefing, and some were probably “working vacation” days.
But we get a sense of how hard he was working when in August 2001 he received a security briefing where he was informed that Al Quida was determined to attack targets inside the U.S., and he rudely dismissed the agent briefing him by saying “OK, you’ve covered your ass”, and then turned and walked out of the room.
And Puddy wants to compare that with Obama golfing on Sundays????? If Obama wanted to match Bush’s record, he could continue with his current schedule, get re-elected in 2012, and then take off all the years 2014, 2015, and 2016.
The one saving grace is that with Bush working so little, it limited a bit the damage he could do.
Have I mentioned yet today that Kathi Lambert is batshit crazy and a pathological liar? A worthless turd floating in the ladies room toilet at the council chambers that somebody forgot to flush? If Abraham Lincoln were alive today he would barge right in there and flush her, perhaps after first relieving himself on her heavily botoxed face.
“Left-wing Democrats?” Oh please, Luke! Spare us the hot-button rhetoric. This “left-wing” b.s. doesn’t sell to the electorate anymore. Democrats aren’t “left-wing,” we’re middle of the road, maddeningly moderate, and about as non-ideological as you ever see in politics — we’re pragmatists who simply want this country to work for us, too, not just the filthy rich.
To you and your ilk, “left wing” is anyone who wants to belong to a union to bargain for better wages and working conditions.
To you and your ilk, “left wing” is wanting to get paid enough for our work to support a family at a middle class standard of living.
To you and your ilk, “left wing” is wanting health care, job security, and being able to retire someday.
To you and your ilk, “left wing” is wanting reasonable protections for consumers and the environment.
And you and your ilk? You start wars, torture people, spy on political opponents, put us in debt to give tax breaks to millionaires, send American jobs to other countries, etc. — in short, Republicans behave like they don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves.
Want to know why you’re losing elections right and left? C’mon Luke, you’re not a stupid guy, so I shouldn’t have to explain it to you.
In Lincoln’s time 1/5th of the people in America were slaves, and Republicans dedicated themselves to freeing them. In our time, Republicans are dedicated to putting 95% of the people in America back into slavery. My how things have changed!
It’s really pretty silly how today’s partisans are claiming that so and so from generations past would belong to their party. The issues and values debated way back when personages such as Abe Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson lived was way too different from those of our own time.
@60 Hell, there’s plenty of people living now who don’t recognize today’s Republican Party. It’s nothing like the GOP of Eisenhower’s time. It doesn’t even resemble Reagan’s GOP. It has morphed into an alien space monster.
nothing weak other than your knees.
The facts of life are that radicalized republican party does not have a single viable candidate for Pres.
Where did you get this info from GBS? Whackamole sites? Puddy uses Stratfor.
Regarding Truths, here GBS read some truths.
Bush didn’t want to photograph fallen soldiers out of respect to the families and their privacy. He said this many times. Puddy will use the HuffPo because of your love for whackamole sites…
His name was Dale R. Griffin, an Army sergeant from Terre Haute, Ind. He was the last fallen soldier to come before Obama. And his remains were the only ones to be honored in full view of the media with the permission of his family. An 18-year ban on such coverage was lifted this year under Obama’s watch.”
Of course the leftist pinhead wrote this in the article contradicting what he wrote above. “The lifting of the ban on media coverage of bodies returning to Dover was done to keep the human cost of war from being shielded from the public.”
Plain and simple… another Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm photo op! 18 died on his watch during his dithering since the August troop request came in.
Did you know only one family out of 14 agreed to have Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm do the photo-op. Personal family choice. Irrelevant like most all of your drivel. How GBS? Puddy just used HuffPo to DESTROY that comment!
While Obama panders to the Taliban and Muslim World…stuck on stupid.
American troops die in America at the hands of an anti-war Muslim.
@58 That’s about the most lucid explanation of the current political situation I’ve ever read. Also like the 59 post.
We don’t know why he did it and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said don’t jump to conclusions until the facts are out. And he is very conservative not some liberal.
Um, Lincoln would most likely be a libertarian or Constitution party member. He’d certainly be a Republican before a democrat because he cherished life while Democrats are the party of death (abortion, assisted suicide, lenient sentences for sex offenders,etc) Lincoln believed in the rule of law, Democrats think if the law isn’t for them, they shouldn’t obey it. Lincoln was anti slavery, One of today’s top Senators (and respected no less by his fellow democrat colleagues) is a former grand keagle of the KKK who filibustered the civil rights act of 1964 at the age of 47 (which passed because of Republicans), voted against both SCOTUS Justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas (both black) and has been known to use the word “nigger” quite frequently even during interviews with 60 minutes.
It’s retarded to even think for a moment that lincoln would have been a democrat. He most likely would have challenged them outside and horsewhipped them for pissing away the country he helped build. I’d be cheering him on.
Luke should pick up and drag his road show to one of the shit-hole, right-leaning Republican, christo-faschist southern states instead of trying to turn the PNW into said shithole.
re 67: One of Lincoln’s biggest fears was that the suppliers of goods to the military would become powerful corporate forces that would negate the political clout of the individual.
Oddly enough, this circumstance that Lincoln feared is the circumstance that conservatives and libertarians enthuse about the most.
I think you’ve got your head up your ass.
69. Mr. Always Right Constiturion Interpreter and Flag Worshiper spews:
Thanks for making the best argument someone with a single digit IQ could possibly make to my comment at 67. In the future though, put an adult with an education beyond the 8th grade on the keyboard and perhaps there could be at least a modicum of intelligent back and forth dialogue.
Actually, Lincoln understood that there is a fundamental tension between freedom and equality, and he was the first to realize that government, yes big government, was necessary to helping achieve the proper balance. He rewrote Jeffersonianism as a form of activist government. This was his great accomplishment. Teabaggers, Repubs, and Conservative party members of today would throw him out, and strom the Capitol to tear up copies of the Gettysburg address and his second inaugural.
While its obvious empty suit doesn’t care about facts or reality, or have even basic contact with reality, let me point out the obvious- we just finished the most lawless eight years in our history, and Senator Byrd has recanted and apologized for his views, while today’s repubs welcome, support, and accomodate those views. Witness Joe Witless Wilson and his white supremacy groups and new found hero status as one manifestation.
Blatantly revisionist histroy is dangerous- see, “Revisonist history of Vietnam, Invade Iraq.” Some of you really amaze me.
@ 71.
Read my response @70 and apply it to yourself
rinse. repeat.
@33 “where the moderate Republican voters have deserted the party”
It’s worse than that — the GOP’s crazy right is now deliberately targeting Republican moderates for political extinction … which is how they lost that congressional seat in New York on Tuesday.
@67 If you think Republicans “cherish life” or believe in the “rule of law” it’s been at least 9 years since you read a fucking newspaper.
@64 “While Obama panders to the Taliban and Muslim World…stuck on stupid.”
Speaking of “stuck on stupid,” it wasn’t so long ago that Candidate Obama was criticized for wanting to go into Pakistan after them. You must have missed that.
“American troops die in America at the hands of an anti-war Muslim.”
I’m not making excuses for him but early reports indicate this has nothing to do with politics and a great deal to do with bullying and hazing because of his religion.
@ 75
…and now we have President Obama too chickenshit to commit the troops to win the conflict we have already in Afghanistan- something he called as “candidate Obama” the “necessary war”. My times have changed since someone lost their courage in the oval office. As a great man once said (I believe Chesty Puller) “Lead, Follow or get the hell out of the way”….Obama sits on his hands thinking about past beer summits instead. Pathetic.
…and the Afghanistan commander wanting the troops was handpicked by boy blunder.
This is what happens when you have amateur hour at the whitehouse. When you go from the janitor to the CEO, there is always a learning curve. Just as Obama is finding out just over a year into his On the job training.
re 70: “…at least a modicum of intelligent back and forth dialogue.”
Nigger, please….
re 70: I think that the FACT that I brought up about Lincon’s fear that the necessity of fostering corporations for the sake of preserving the union and the simultaneous fear that they may well grow big enough to squelch the very freedom that Lincoln was trying to foster was a concept very wothy of yours and any other person’s serious attention.
The very fact that you would have the mental density to characterize my statement as: “… the best argument someone with a single digit IQ could possibly make to my comment at 67.” only serves to convince me that my original assessment of the location of your head was correct.
@ 78~ please explain what a “Constiturion” is…
Is that like a centurion that believes in the constitution? Help me out here, son.
re 76: What about Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney and their woefully inadequate 100,000 Iraq invasion army? Generals, Democratic politicians, and anyone with the common sense of your average Capon knew that 400,000 to 500,000 soldiers would have been needed.
You are such an ignorant, lying sack of shit, that I hardly know where to start with you.
re 80: Cheezy deflection on your part. You know very well that the issue is not the spelling of constiturion, but Lincoln’s fear of the duality of the situation of fostering a corporate entity that would ultimately enslave more people than the south ever did.
But let’s look for the important thing here. A misspelled word.
Wow, that hatred is really shining through there, Constituturian. Nothing I stated was a lie, simply a truth you know is true deep down inside, but don’t want to admit. Get an education and then maybe we can have an intelligent conversation regarding Obama’s lack of planning, experience, etc. with regard to being “commander in chief” which in his case, is a completely symbolic title as the man has no clue what he’s doing.
re 83: Well, I have to admit that Bush’s experience as a military deserter and Cheney’s multiple deferrments are more military experience than Obama has.
Thanksgiving is coming up. Maybe he can surprise the troops with a rubber turkey — looks better in the photo op.
re 83: “Wow, that hatred is really shining through there.”
Calling a liar a liar isn’t an act of hatred. And, in a very protean way, aren’t we all sacks of shit?
The only difference between you and me is that you are a lying sack of shit and I’m not.
Go in peace — liar.
The first part of your blathering post wasn’t worth responding to as it didn’t have a lick of truth anywhere. Bush Served in the TX national guard, as did Cheney as the Secretary of Defense. And Obama’s?……….zero
The only turkey this Thanksgiving season will be the Jive turkey in the white house.
More revisionism from Roger Dumb Bunny.
That criticism came from his SoS Hillary Clinton. BTW Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s Predator attacks have made friends with Pakistan, eh dumb bunny?
78,79,81,82,84,85 headless please…
What a fool. Who taught you your Lincoln facts? Arizona State University, Party Skuul of America 24X7?
re 88: Which is{are} wrong and why. You and your cohorts are being very vague and deflective here.
What’s wrong with parties? I’ve been to some killer ones at Bob Jones and Oral Roberts. The morning after you’d be pleading: “Jesus please heal this headache!”
The only girls that fuck harder than born again Christians are Mormons.
re 86: “The first part of your blathering post wasn’t worth responding to as it didn’t have a lick of truth anywhere.”
In addition to being a lying sack, yer also a hysterical bitch.
abe lincoln is so over rated.
A. Blinchon — great moniker.