Following up on yesterday’s post about floundering Cornyn recruits, hey Dino… this is the sort of top-notch talent the other Washington’s “political smart set” has lured into running this cycle. So, um, don’t let the NRSC’s attentions go to your head.
I’m just sayin’.
The world’s biggest rabbit ought to be worth a PET scan at least.
What bothers me about Lowden’s chicken comment is that it reveals her attitude (which is common among Republicans and libertarians) that everyone is responsible for their own health care, and if they can’t afford it, it is because they are lazy or just not resourceful, and therefor don’t deserve health care.
It’s a typical IGMSFU mindset.
Lowden hasn’t been paying attention to the polls lately. President Obama was -15 2 weeks ago and now he’s only -11.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11
Klynical and the other wingnuts disappear when President Obama is on a roll.
How can a hacker basketball player like Chris Dudley even have a chance in the Oregon Governor’s Race??
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of the Oregon gubernatorial race shows former professional basketball player Chris Dudley emerging as the strongest GOP contender. He now enjoys the same level of support as the two leading hopefuls for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, neither of whom has gained ground this month.
When former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber is Dudley’s opponent, each candidate attracts 41% support from likely voters in the state. In February, Kitzhaber posted a 42% to 36% lead in this match-up. When it’s Dudley versus former Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury, it’s again a tie, with each receiving 40% support. Bradbury had a 39% to 36% edge in the previous survey.
I remember taking my grandparents to the doctor and them using Medicare.
So would it be one chicken for the deductible or co-pay?
And would keeping chickens be considered the same as a HSA account?
Would other poultry be acceptable? The possibilities are endless.
For my part, I just hope our KLOWN never has to chose between keeping the goat or getting a life-saving medical treatment.
Checking Lowden’s synopsis, on page 69 it clearly states that bear gallbladders will be the exclusive currency of sexual disorders.
@8 Maybe we should get him a blow-up goat so he can afford to see a doctor.
@10 That inflatable love-goat is very likely to be found in every giftbag handed out at wingnut conventions.
@10, Ewe must be joking?
If you kept chickens as part of your HSA plan you wouldn’t have to pay taxes on them.
We need to establish an exchange rate. Why raise chickens if ducks will get you better health care?
My friend Steve scores and scores again. Tell him to suit up and boycott the Diamondbacks.
Klynical must be out blowing all his profits on Gold Stock’s.
I hate it when that asshole is right.
This just in–
“U.N. elects Iran — a nation that condones lashings for ‘immodest’ women — to its human-rights monitoring Commission on the Status of Women”
Are they out of their minds?
What an inept organization the UN is.
We need to stop funding ridiculous stuff like this.
@18…but the UN is a “progressive” organization….LMFAO…
No, the UN is an international organization. That means the U.S. has limits to it’s enfluence on what it does.
But a “bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” and so would this be the amount of coverage less my deductible assuming “reasonable and customary costs”?
Ducks obviously provide better care options but Swans are clearly “cadillac” plans.
That’s a sheep, silly Rabbit!
But you’re on the “right” track.
Not surprisingly, in GOP circles, Lowden is considered a heavy thinker.
Deleted by author because it wasn’t funny enough.
“Swans are clearly “cadillac” plans.”
That one really did have me LMFAO!
@16 Amazingly enough, I’m a Laker fan this week. I never thought I’d see the day.
Speaking of OK, hmm, lot’s of chickens and ducks. I bet they get great health care down there. No wonder they don’t want Obamacare.
Hell, in Oklahoma, you can get an appendectomy for a squirrel, hemorrhoids removed for a couple possums, and a vasectomy a dozen crawdads.
@27 Yeah, single payer has got to be a tough sell in a place like OK where a dozen squirrels and a possum can get you a kidney transplant.
Somehow, I just get the feeling that Harry Reid’s gonna wind up keeping his seat, even though Nevada D’s don’t really care about him as much as you might think. Progressives still have an axe to grind with him for drinking the Bushies’ kool-aid as much as he did, for example. What could very well save Reid’s bacon is the clown-car full of R’s that are fighting for their side’s nomination. The ‘frontrunners’ (Lowden and Leslie) are diving for the bottom as fast as they can in trying to appeal to the Teepers as best they can, and the whole lot lacks any kind of crossover appeal. If only Bill Raggio weren’t 285 years old. There’s an R I’d actually consider voting for.
Fact is, there just aren’t a lot of up-and-comers in Nevada right now – on either side of the aisle. The best the R’s have on offer are generally keeping out of the Congressional races (Ty Cobb III – no relation! – comes to mind), and the best the D’s have is Reid’s son Rory, who’s running for Governor, pretty much the only D challenger against the extremely unpopular sitting R Jim Gibbons, who himself is facing about a platoon or so of challengers in the R primary, last I checked.
@22 “That’s a sheep, silly Rabbit!”
Huh? WTF? Sheep too? Damned wingnuts!
They do a little noodling for catfish on the way to the dentist.
Go ahead and vote most of the fuckers out, they deserve it. But, you need to replace them with people who are sane and can do the job.
Maybe that’s the plan that the GOP suggests we should sell “across state lines” .
The “Roadkill” health-care plan.
Say what you want about the silliness of Lowden’s Chickens for Check-ups plan for health care reform, but unlike the majority of her Republican party calling for immediate repeal & replace of the historic 2010 Affordable Care Act, at least Lowden has something to replace it with.
Perhaps Reichert will step up and propose a hairstyle barter for health care plan.
It must hurt like hell to step on your own dick.
And with their well known lack of endowment, it’s not like it should be a difficult thing for Republicans to avoid.
Which begs the question:
Why do they keep on doing it?
35. Doc Daneeka
Because they have no sensation there. They can’t feel a thing.
35, 36
Limpdickedness is one of the major causes of wingnut bitterness.
It just occured to me, what’s my doctor going to do with all these damned ducks?
Why, pay the help, buy equipment, pay the lease, of course. Isn’t all this luminously clear to you?
Yeah, I did decide on the Duck Plan. The “Cadillac” Swan Plan was just too much.
I’m finding that most of my providers prefer Cornish game hens. Who would have thought?
@39 Well, I’m into the design of health care facilities and I tell you what, PL, this is going to be something we’ll to have to address sooner than later. Chickens and ducks are one thing, but think of some guy showing up at Overlake Hospital with a cow. We need to plan ahead for this. And there’s money in it for me on the planning side, so that’s at least one good reason to get on with it.
No dark meat on a cornish game hen.
@41 I’m not sure how that’ll work out for you, PL. I imagine that you’re probably going to need take as many of those game hens to the Doc’s office as an Okie takes squirrels. Maybe a few dozen or so just for a physical.
Perhaps we should come up with a government run, central exchange system. If I could just turn in just one big critter per year, that would make a lot of sense. If we think this through, there could be something set up where I don’t even have to raise, say, a steer. I could buy into a steer through some steer exchange market, government run, natch, and the steer would be over in eastern Washington somewhere. I’d probably never even see that darned steer. And I’m sure a lot of Doc’s still eat beef, especially the better cuts.
@38, Limpdick Republicanitis is covered; two grizzly gallbladders for a month’w worth of Cialis (see page 69).
@42, A cow! Holy shit….that’s cancer treatment.
29. Broadway Joe spews:
“Somehow, I just get the feeling that Harry Reid’s gonna wind up keeping his seat”
Nothing in any of the polls that indicates that. Harry Reid will wind up like Daschle.
Lots of Democrats hate Reid….especially Conservative Dems in Nevada.
Harry is gone.
@46, Everyone’s on to your fool-ass game, clown. Fuck you and the Trojan Horse you rode in on.
@47 Worse things could happen than Reid not being Majority Leader anymore. We can hope the next one will have a pair of balls.
The only poll that matters is still five months away. Plenty of time for more R’s to suffer from foot-in-mouth disease and give Reid a little more breathing room. And while a lot of Nevada D’s (more than a few of whom I know) want Reid gone for drinking the Bushie kool-aid, they’ll probably vote for him anyway.
BTW, since I-Burn moved to Vegas, I’d like to get his take on the races down there. Where you at, man?
Steve, Michael, and (I think) Zotz,
Your shit makes me roll on the floor laughing. We really should establish a Kitsap Drinking Liberally. Poulsbo, by chance?
Steve, who are you listening to, at the moment? Jazz stuff, or what?