Same here. Instead of some wingnut crone looking me up and down and asking that obnoxious question about my address, an attractive, fresh-faced young woman took one glance at my registration card and showed me where to sign in the registration book.
Word of advice, bring a pen. All the booths at my polling place were full but there were tables where people were filling out ballots. I had no pen so I had to wait and wait. I miss the punch card. It may not be as reliable in some ways, hanging chads and all but it is much faster than filling in ovals.
Ah, ah, ah – the luxe of the mail in ballot…
Giving a ride in ten minute to two co – workers who vote at Meany Middle School.
Hint, hint – every gay bar in the city is doing an election party. For those of you who like to drink, they pour strong, everyone is polite, and even when drunk few fights, killings, and other assorted problems at midnight when the rutting males all want the same female … gay men stumble out the door and go to the site of cruising, Plan B …
Purr, R-Place, Elite, Neighbours, very big space- disco, all into the election night.
Obama and Gregoire are universal favorites in Seattle’s GLBT community – 95 per cent support??? Very few Rs in this city among Queers, lots of real old fashioned Reds and Pinkos. Interestingly, some gay men who seem very estab., scratch the surface and they roar back with a political lefty game.
I have yet to meet a Lesbian Republican, ever.
The wife and I both mailed in our ballots last week, but our local polling place happens to be in a middle school auditorium. Since the advent of our current mark-in-the-oval ballots, lots of people have taken to sitting in the auditorium seats, getting comfortable and taking their time instead of using the booths. There’s plenty of room to sit apart from other people if you want some privacy.
The PTA used to sell coffee and pastries in the morning, but they haven’t done that for the last few years. That may have been due to concern over what would happen if the ballot counting machine ingested a glob of jelly from a sweet roll.
“I have yet to meet a Lesbian Republican, ever.”
I have, or at least they used to be. Come to think of it, in general I know a lot of people who used to be Republicans, and aren’t any more.
A few minutes after seven this morning, the parking lot of the local Lutheran Church was full, and a line stretched out the door.
The electronic voting machines crashed early, but they were optional, and most folks didn’t seem to mind using the regular paper ballot.
But about 45 minutes later, a smiling older lady was handing me two ballots (one for the Pierce County ranked choice election, one for everything else).
I’ll miss going to the polls on election day. Seeing my friends and neighbors at the polling place, getting breakfast at the bake sale (run by the church’s preschool), putting my ballot into the ballot box.
Vote by mail has lots of practical advantages, but as with any form of progress, something is lost along with the gains.
NBC says it will announce the winner of each state “as soon as it can be determined after the polls are closed”, based upon exit polling in key precincts. With most of the key states (Virginia,Ohio, Indiana, N. Carolina, Florida) having their polls closing before 5:00 p.m. PST, we MIGHT know the results shortly thereafter.
The MSNBC website has a banner which counts down, saying just a few minutes ago that Live Results Will Be Available in … 3 Hours 10 Minutes”.
Broadway Joespews:
I voted last week here in Reno. It’s a bit surreal, voting in a grocery store eight days before the general election, but it went quickly and without incident. I’ll be calling a few friends of mine to make sure they’ve voted, maybe even drive them to the polling places if necessary, then kick back and play with the grandbabies until this evening, when I figure I’ll be hearing Grampy McSame’s concession speech by 6:30pm.
I can imagine the parties they’ll have at places like that, been to a few rugby socials with my brothers in Seattle Quake at R-Place (three seasons with Budd Bay RFC in Olympia).
Proud To Be An Assspews:
right handed, huh? I’ll bet puttbutzer and cynKLOWN will find deep hidden socialistic tendencies in that.
My Left Footspews:
You don’t suppose that pudwhacker, mtr, pooper and cyniclown have gone underground? We have not heard from them for a couple of days……Now if only marvin and hal would join them.
Election problems cropping up in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. In Virginia, machine problems left some precincts closed for much of the day, with voters turned away entirely. At Virginia Tech, students were told to turn up to vote at a polling location which didn’t exist, the actual polling location was six miles away with limited parking.
In Pennsylvania, machine problem complaints have mainly centered on urban areas in Philadelphia and Pittsburg (presumed Obama precincts), and many voters complaining that they never received their absentee ballots.
In addition, battleground states expected to tip toward Obama are also reporting multiple election problems:
“Several other states like Florida, Ohio, Colorado and Michigan are reporting long lines due to problems with registration lists and poll locations.”
Poll watching note: when both Pennsylvania and Virginia turn blue, kiss john McCain bye-bye.
“kiss john McCain bye-bye.”
I’ll…uh, leave that to you, pal. At this point I’d even pass on snogging with Palin.
The stickers being handed out at my polling place this morning read:
farewell to polls i voted!
Shame that, I’m going to miss that church basement activity room.
I really prefer that my ballot be given to me, filled out, then returned all at once. Authentication is done up front, once I have my ballot it is just like all others and will be counted.
I don’t like this mailed in signature validation stuff. Too much trouble.
My Left Footspews:
Palin has five kids for a reason. First Dude can’t stand her voice either. He crams his dick in her mouth to shut her up, but she won’t swallow, so he moves to coitus (which goes really fast since she can talk and he wants to get away) and, BOOM, you get all kinds of kids.
Personally, I would rather do Cindy. Palin is just too evil for me.
There appears to be an unusual amount of spam making its way around the Internet purporting to be from the likes of Sears and Macy’s, proclaiming something like “One-time special sale, 6-9 PM this evening!” Might this be some ham-fisted attempt to influence what people plan to do after work? (i. e. not voting)
I voted early.
Same here. Instead of some wingnut crone looking me up and down and asking that obnoxious question about my address, an attractive, fresh-faced young woman took one glance at my registration card and showed me where to sign in the registration book.
Word of advice, bring a pen. All the booths at my polling place were full but there were tables where people were filling out ballots. I had no pen so I had to wait and wait. I miss the punch card. It may not be as reliable in some ways, hanging chads and all but it is much faster than filling in ovals.
Ah, ah, ah – the luxe of the mail in ballot…
Giving a ride in ten minute to two co – workers who vote at Meany Middle School.
Hint, hint – every gay bar in the city is doing an election party. For those of you who like to drink, they pour strong, everyone is polite, and even when drunk few fights, killings, and other assorted problems at midnight when the rutting males all want the same female … gay men stumble out the door and go to the site of cruising, Plan B …
Purr, R-Place, Elite, Neighbours, very big space- disco, all into the election night.
Obama and Gregoire are universal favorites in Seattle’s GLBT community – 95 per cent support??? Very few Rs in this city among Queers, lots of real old fashioned Reds and Pinkos. Interestingly, some gay men who seem very estab., scratch the surface and they roar back with a political lefty game.
I have yet to meet a Lesbian Republican, ever.
The wife and I both mailed in our ballots last week, but our local polling place happens to be in a middle school auditorium. Since the advent of our current mark-in-the-oval ballots, lots of people have taken to sitting in the auditorium seats, getting comfortable and taking their time instead of using the booths. There’s plenty of room to sit apart from other people if you want some privacy.
The PTA used to sell coffee and pastries in the morning, but they haven’t done that for the last few years. That may have been due to concern over what would happen if the ballot counting machine ingested a glob of jelly from a sweet roll.
“I have yet to meet a Lesbian Republican, ever.”
I have, or at least they used to be. Come to think of it, in general I know a lot of people who used to be Republicans, and aren’t any more.
A few minutes after seven this morning, the parking lot of the local Lutheran Church was full, and a line stretched out the door.
The electronic voting machines crashed early, but they were optional, and most folks didn’t seem to mind using the regular paper ballot.
But about 45 minutes later, a smiling older lady was handing me two ballots (one for the Pierce County ranked choice election, one for everything else).
I’ll miss going to the polls on election day. Seeing my friends and neighbors at the polling place, getting breakfast at the bake sale (run by the church’s preschool), putting my ballot into the ballot box.
Vote by mail has lots of practical advantages, but as with any form of progress, something is lost along with the gains.
NBC says it will announce the winner of each state “as soon as it can be determined after the polls are closed”, based upon exit polling in key precincts. With most of the key states (Virginia,Ohio, Indiana, N. Carolina, Florida) having their polls closing before 5:00 p.m. PST, we MIGHT know the results shortly thereafter.
The MSNBC website has a banner which counts down, saying just a few minutes ago that Live Results Will Be Available in … 3 Hours 10 Minutes”.
I voted last week here in Reno. It’s a bit surreal, voting in a grocery store eight days before the general election, but it went quickly and without incident. I’ll be calling a few friends of mine to make sure they’ve voted, maybe even drive them to the polling places if necessary, then kick back and play with the grandbabies until this evening, when I figure I’ll be hearing Grampy McSame’s concession speech by 6:30pm.
I can imagine the parties they’ll have at places like that, been to a few rugby socials with my brothers in Seattle Quake at R-Place (three seasons with Budd Bay RFC in Olympia).
right handed, huh? I’ll bet puttbutzer and cynKLOWN will find deep hidden socialistic tendencies in that.
You don’t suppose that pudwhacker, mtr, pooper and cyniclown have gone underground? We have not heard from them for a couple of days……Now if only marvin and hal would join them.
Election problems cropping up in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. In Virginia, machine problems left some precincts closed for much of the day, with voters turned away entirely. At Virginia Tech, students were told to turn up to vote at a polling location which didn’t exist, the actual polling location was six miles away with limited parking.
In Pennsylvania, machine problem complaints have mainly centered on urban areas in Philadelphia and Pittsburg (presumed Obama precincts), and many voters complaining that they never received their absentee ballots.
In addition, battleground states expected to tip toward Obama are also reporting multiple election problems:
“Several other states like Florida, Ohio, Colorado and Michigan are reporting long lines due to problems with registration lists and poll locations.”
We voted 10/26. It felt terrific.
Poll watching note: when both Pennsylvania and Virginia turn blue, kiss john McCain bye-bye.
“kiss john McCain bye-bye.”
I’ll…uh, leave that to you, pal. At this point I’d even pass on snogging with Palin.
The stickers being handed out at my polling place this morning read:
Shame that, I’m going to miss that church basement activity room.
I really prefer that my ballot be given to me, filled out, then returned all at once. Authentication is done up front, once I have my ballot it is just like all others and will be counted.
I don’t like this mailed in signature validation stuff. Too much trouble.
Palin has five kids for a reason. First Dude can’t stand her voice either. He crams his dick in her mouth to shut her up, but she won’t swallow, so he moves to coitus (which goes really fast since she can talk and he wants to get away) and, BOOM, you get all kinds of kids.
Personally, I would rather do Cindy. Palin is just too evil for me.
There appears to be an unusual amount of spam making its way around the Internet purporting to be from the likes of Sears and Macy’s, proclaiming something like “One-time special sale, 6-9 PM this evening!” Might this be some ham-fisted attempt to influence what people plan to do after work? (i. e. not voting)