Goldy look at his rants this just was a nutjob for sure but he was no tea partier. You are being irresponsible right now, no different than the right wing hacks who right after the Ft. Hood shooting said it was a work of a terrorist rather than what he was just a nutjob who was disturbed.
This act of political violence occurred within a context of violent political rhetoric fomented by the teahadists and others on the right.
The shooting at the Holocaust museum, the plan to attack the Tides foundation, the threats against Patty Murray, Giffords and other Dems, today’s shootings… this are all just isolated incidents by lone nutjobs right?
Can you please link to all the comments when you disapproved of the eliminationist rhetoric from Palin, Angle, Limbaugh, Coulter, O’Reilly, Beck, etc, etc?
Or else kindly STFU?
hey goldberg, are you related to the crazy murdering jew baruch goldstein. lets see, he killed about 150 people in the name of israel. so israel should tone down its rhetoric.
Zotz sez: This space available! Previous wingnut tenant leaves to spend more time with his goat(s)!spews:
Pima County Sheriff:
Arizona has become a mecca for prejudice and bigotry.
Mike Jonesspews:
@ 9 No Goldy some of those were by tea partiers but it seems this one was not.
@7 Can you please link to all the comments when you disapproved of the eliminationist rhetoric from Palin, Angle, Limbaugh, Coulter, O’Reilly, Beck, etc, etc?
oh, you mean we should just shut down speech we dont like? i’m all for it.
lets start with the daly kos, michael moore, jon stewart, rachael maddow..etc etc
Any pretense of Palin not being at least a participant in the rhetoric is evidenced by this post that includes her own chart putting a bullseye on Giffords. I suspect that we will eventually find out how much this guy worshiped GB and RL. The Federal Judge was appointed by GHW Bush, and the others (including aides and a nine years old) are victims of vicious heinous violence generated by rightwing rhetoric.
proud leftistspews:
It surely has. I don’t plan to travel there anytime soon.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Remember Clay Duke! V for Vendetta a leftist movie. Spurred on by Media Matters. Shoots at the Panama City School Board.
Nuff Said Suckas!
Can you please link to all the times when Markos Moulitsas (of Daily Kos), Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, or Rachel Maddow encouraged their political supporters, jokingly or metaphorically or not, to commit an act of violence against one of their political opponents?
Can you link to even one?
No, you cannot.
Regarding free speech, I never suggested stopping anyone from speaking. I inquired as to whether you, yourself, ever spoke out against violent language. If you had, you would have some moral standing to speak now. But by your response, it is clear you did not and do not.
Hence, STFU.
zdp 189spews:
Goldy you didn’t just jump the shark this time, you jumped the moon. Are you going to denounce this bullseye map as well?
Your post and cartoon self-destructs, collapses of it’s own weight, or however you want to put it. If you really believed that the shooter was inspired by the Palin crosshairs map, would you really respond by putting up a crosshairs pic of your own?
The Unabomber, ELF, Monfort, Ayers…anyone not brain-dead is aware that there are violent crazies on both sides of the spectrum. If anything I would guess that there is a higher rate on the left, mainly due to the anti-WTO and ELF types. Not that it would matter either way. The entire debate is a lunatic’s errand.
oh, metaphorically? you mean like when a jew doctor sucks the brain out of an unborn baby we metaphorically call it “a womean’s right to choose”? oh, now i get it!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Ft. Hood shooting said it was a work of a terrorist
Uhhhh Mike Jones,
He was a disciple of the Yemeni fool Anwar al-Awlaki!
T E R R O R I S T!
Puddy glad to assist you with your FACTUAL education!
Since you bring it up, let’s talk WTO for a moment, since whenever I ask for folks to name an incident of lefty violence the righties all scream “WTO!”
How many people were killed by protesters at WTO? How many people were shot? How many of the WTO protesters were armed?
Yes there was some property damage, mostly from self-proclaimed “anarchists,” but most of the violence perpetrated against people was done so by the police.
So really… fuck off.
THere are individuals throughout the political spectrum who rashly incite violence. It is the right whose LEADERS use phrases like armed and dangerous and second amendment solutions. To refuse to see a difference there is willful ignorance, and I do mean you, Pud.
“When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous. And, unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the capital. We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry.
“It’s not unusual for all public officials to get threats constantly, myself included. And that’s the sad thing of what’s going on in America. Pretty soon, we’re not going to be able to find reasonable, decent people who are willing to subject themselves to serve in public office.”
The only thing I’d add is “prejudice and bigotry” FROM THE RIGHT WING…
Goldy is insane.
oh yeah, i forgot, david ben-gourian, founder of israel was wanted by the british as a terrorist. so if the chosen ones have their problem children. of course, that information as been expunged from our textbooks courtesy of the antidefamation league.
Just couldn’t hold it in could you?
Racist bastard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Sorry, but Palin is knee-deep in this shit, and is going to be made to take her share of the responsibility for inciting people like this, whether she wants to or not.
Puddybud, please show us a Homeland Security or any other official government or U.S. Military website that officially categorizes the Ft. Hood shooting as an incident of terrorism.
I don’t recall any right wing politicians characterizing the shooting that way.
zdp 189spews:
wow real classy goldy. A friend of mine was working at the Four Seasons during WTO. He told me he watched as a small group (maybe 4) of protesters spraypainted a parked limo. When the limo driver got out to object, the protesters all started beating the shit out of him.
Don’t EVEN try to claim that the WTO people were ‘peaceful protesters.’ Some, maybe, but a lot of them were violent. Shouldn’t take a genius to figure out that someone running around smashing windows is a pretty good bet to be also smashing faces.
You don’t even try to address the other stuff I posted, do you? hmmmm.
Luigi Giovannispews:
According to this news site, David, the shooter is on your side. This comes from a news site:
Luigi… right… of course… another example of lefty violence. Just like the guy who flew his plane into an IRS office building.
Absolutely fucking delusional. But keep it up, and one of these days lefties will start arming, and then we can have that civil war the right so longs for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Uh no, I don’t think so, the guy’s videos contain anti-government rhetoric and he shot a DEMOCRATIC congressperson.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Every wonder what happened to the potsmoking hippies of the sixties? They’re all wingnuts now.
Richard Popespews:
Luigi @ 28
From your link:
One former high school friend Tweeted about knowing the accused gunman:
“He was a pot head and into rock, like Hendrix, The Doors, Anti-Flag,” she wrote. “I haven’t seen him in person since 2007 in a sign language class. As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy. He had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in 2006 and dropped out of school. Mainly a loner, very philosophical.”
Maybe Loughner was pissed off that Giffords voted against Pelosi for house speaker a few days ago?
Zotz sez: This space available! Previous wingnut tenant leaves to spend more time with his goat(s)!spews:
@32: From personal knowledge, that’s not necessarily true, Roger…;-)
@35 I don’t see any lefties talking up the gold standard.
you’re right about that. they have been influenced (and had monetary contributions made) by george soros. georgie owns 5 billion in gold, so when your dollar is worthless , he will have all the money.
@11 – If by “speech we don’t like” you mean, hate-inspiring, eliminationist or other violence-inducing speech, then, yeah. Of course, by your list of “offenders,” it’s clear that you are unwilling to make any common-sense distinction between “speech you don’t like” and speech calling for people to, oh, I don’t know, shoot those they don’t agree with–you disingenuous dipshit.
Don Joespews:
So I wonder if this nutcase was registered to vote, and if so, whether he had stated a party affiliation?
Well, we could also try to argue that the old ABA didn’t really use basketballs, because the balls weren’t orange. There is such a thing as “defining characteristics”.
In this case, we have a nutjob who has no coherent political ideology. That, pretty much, describes every wingnut in existence, including the wingnut trolls who frequent the comment threads here.
@16 – Um, arguing that a drawing of crosshairs is no more ominous than the Target logo is as stupid as arguing that the Nazi swastika is no more ominous than the graphically similar Celtic cross.
Another conservative, another dipshit argument.
Let me see if I have this right. A guy whose blog demonizes Republicans is criticizing websites that demonize Democrats?
Liberal Scientistspews:
This blog does not ‘demonize’ Republicans – you guys do that all by yourselves via your manifest actions. Goldy just points it out and we discuss it. And we taunt Puddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Got your own self-admiration society now? After you couldn’t get anyone else to admire you?
you’re right about that. they have been influenced (and had monetary contributions made) by george soros
Pffffft. All the gold that’s ever been mined would be about the size of 1/4 the Washington Monument. Basing the global economy on that is flat out stupid.
What billionaire doesn’t have gold? What a moron!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Once again Lib Unscientist goes moron on all of us… Wait a minute, he’s all moron all the time. So easy to slap the fool with FACTS!
Per Roger Dumb Rabbit ad nauseum…
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the unholy living shit out of wingnut traitors.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. Klake is a nazi.
what is really wrong is when you, Goldy, advocate taking guns to political rallies, like you have in the past
and you can’t understand how you’re views are lumped in as the other side of the coin of the Teabaggers
After Goldy takes down a plane or goes after someone, all these posts will be broadcast over the media, just as this recent nutcase’s youtube & facebook rants have been
There are two reasons this is wrong. First, it’s wrong because the target is a conservative icon. Second, the crosshairs should be placed within the triangle formed by connecting the eyes and mouth.
This is why I’ve always thought that the difference between the ideologies of the Left and Right is not best illustrated by a simple straight line. A better example would be a circle, with a moderate, transparent democracy at the top of the circle, and tyranny at the bottom. And while the Left and Right in this country are pretty far apart, on the circle it’s really no closer to Tyranny than say, about 9:30 and 2:30.
When you think about what Tyranny is, the differences between a rightist like Hitler or Mussolini and leftists like Stalin or Mao are really only in style and semantics. Millions died needlessly as targets of one form of bigotry or another, while those closest to the madmen prospered.
We really cannot assign blame to one group of political extremists or another, regardless of the FACT that the Right in this country has fully embraced the kind of talk and belief that in theory would lead up to exactly what has happened. What we really should do, the only thing we should do, is to mourn the victims and seek justice for them.
Congratulations Goldy. You’re no better than Palin now.
I think her target thing was reprehensible, but any high ground you might have had…..gone.
The vitriol the Sheriff was talking about…includes your post and many responses.
It’s sad.
What’s next, a drawing of Mohammed? Oh, yeah, already did that.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
regardless of the FACT that the Right in this country has fully embraced the kind of talk and belief
Really Broadway Joe? Sadly you are mistaken AGAIN! You forgot your pals on the left.
Oh the list is so long. Goldy’s filter would catch some wonderful sites as “bogus”.
demo kidspews:
Oh, the mentally ill Puddybud rises again! And I mean, seriously… you’re tying the University of Alabama shooting to liberal politics? What kind of idiot are you?
What is telling here is that you’re a complete apologist. Yes, I’ll be the first one to admit that there are mentally disturbed people out there, and other folks that get so excited about their political causes that they go overboard. (Although I’ll say that the Bush as Hitler comparisons started up in earnest after he started a war that we didn’t have to fight — more appropriate than a black Fuhrer looking to provide universal healthcare!)
The difference — and in your comments you’ve proven yourself to be absolutely shameless about this — is that when your rhetoric includes statements about how your political opponents are traitors and you should be able to march on the government, weapons in hand, to oppose (or depose) elected officials, someone will eventually believe you, and try to do it.
Puddybud’s examples are apt and embarrassing to those of us who opposed Bush on more rational grounds. But here is why they don’t add up to an equivalency with what’s happening on the right at this time.
First of all, the rhetoric from the right isn’t just coming from a few crazies. It’s from people appearing on the ballot as Republicans and big-time media figures. Secondly, the rhetoric isn’t limited to a handful of high-profile public figures, but is aimed at all liberals and Democrats everywhere, for all time. This is eliminationist speech and should be outlawed as such. The consequences are predictable and avoidable.
your wife's pimpspews:
goldy, you are really looking like a joke now.
you want to “get some payback” and “get even”?
HAHAH, well then why dont you grab your pistol and come on over to my place. After I show you how to use it, I will shove it up your ass and send you on your way back to seattle.
talk is cheap, and you seem to be cheapest motherfucker on the planet right now.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh, the mentally ill Puddybud rises again! And I mean, seriously… you’re tying the University of Alabama shooting to liberal politics?
She was a mentally disturbed Odumba apologist! Tough to comprehend eh demoed kid?
And you demoed kid are a Bush as Hitler comparisons apologist!
62 – Ready to stab your “friend” GBS in the back with that Bushitler bullshit again?
It wasn’t exactly shameless the way you did it. It was SHAMEFUL – as you provided no links when you did it.
But the database was there to expose your ugly devotion to right wing bullshit.
demo kidspews:
She was a mentally disturbed Odumba apologist! Tough to comprehend eh demoed kid?
Find me some relevance to politics… otherwise, you’re just some damned fool that doesn’t really know shit.
Which, admittedly, you’ve proved over and over again.
And you demoed kid are a Bush as Hitler comparisons apologist!
No, I’m saying that both are not accurate, but that calling a President “Hitler” may be slightly more accurate if he, you know, took many of the actions that Hitler took — invading sovereign countries without just cause, increasing the police powers of the state, ranting about enemies from without and within, etc.
Politics did influence the Alabama shooting a bit – office politics. The professor was denied tenure.
I speculate Puddybud’s fascination with this case is related to his own self-loathing. This woman’s mental unbalance reflects his own and the path he is on.
This guy is so freaking delusional I hope his family commits him. He could end up being a danger to others.
demo kidspews:
@61: HAHAH, well then why dont you grab your pistol and come on over to my place. After I show you how to use it, I will shove it up your ass and send you on your way back to seattle.
I find it quite ironic that you don’t grasp that this is the whole nature of the problem — conservative lowlife thugs that believe political violence and threats of violence are okay.
Well, I should amend that! Political violence and threats of violence are okay when they come from white conservatives. Get a few threatening looking black folks around, and it’s a federal case.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
It’s from people appearing on the ballot as Republicans and big-time media figures.
So let’s see…
Rachel Maddow
Katie Couric
Dan Rather
Bill Schneider
Harry Smith
Ezra Klein
Bill Press
Bill Maher
etc. etc. etc
Barack Hussein Obama – Gun to a knife fight
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
It wasn’t exactly shameless the way you did it. It was SHAMEFUL – as you provided no links when you did it.
Still doing your look at me look at me eh ylb? Still trying to get people to “notice” you eh ylb? Still demonstrating those narcissistic qualities.
Sick fool!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
I find it quite ironic that you don’t grasp that this is the whole nature of the problem — conservative lowlife thugs that believe political violence and threats of violence are okay.
Where did anyone who thinks right say this demoed kid?
demo kidspews:
@69: I know that mental illness can often affect one’s view of reality, but why don’t you refer to comment 61, as I pointed to in my comment??
68 – Look at me??? You’ve only done that almost 30,000 times since April 2005.
Way more than you can ever accuse me fool.
Go ahead – play some more in your favorite sandbox silly.
@71 I’d guess that he’s refered to himself in the third person roughly 150,000 times. Nothing crazy about that! heh-
@71 At about five minutes per post, including his searching for his links to nowhere, that’s only 2500 hours posting here at HA over five years. That’s only 500 hours per year. Nothing crazy about that! heh-
Pudz, you really are a fucking idiot. While you throw your lunatic’s spaghetti against the wall, as usual, nothing sticks. Give me a legitimate claim of a major lefty talking head or other major political figure talking about killing righties (not to mention judges and innocent men, women, and children), and then…. well, you won’t be able to, so just fuck off. There’s no blurb of Jon Stewart exhorting his viewers to kill The Boehner, no clip of Rachel Maddow insinuating that we’d have gotten a public-option if we’d just bumped off a few congressional R’s. As usual, it’s another PuddyFail!
One more thing. ‘Odumba’? Child, please. Prove to me he’s dumb. Challenge the Harvard Law grad to a debate, fool.
There’s no post on Joe Biden’s website putting the crosshairs of a gun on ‘vulnerable’ congressional districts……
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Odumba BJ?
He said measure him by the people he surrounds himself with. Well loved found Communist Van Jones. First failure. Cass Sunstein. John Holdren.
Nothing else needed to be said.
Randi Rhodes – Shooting four gunshots on the air against George W Bush.
“A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn’t safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here’s your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of four gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little bastard. [audio of gun being cocked].”
See ya
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hey Broadway Joe…
Paul Krugman said “A message to progressives: By all means, hang Senator Joe Lieberman in effigy.”
Odumba said “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh Broadway Joe,
“Time to Take Up Pitchforks If Tax Rates Remain” – Claire McCaskill
I sense no sadness or remorse in you, Puddy. Do you believe, like you do the woman who was curb-stomped, that Gabrielle Giffords had it coming to her too?
Liberal Scientistspews:
I see Puddles is really beating the “Knife to a gun fight” cliche to, um, death.
It is interesting, and likely a statement about latent, subconscious violence in our culture that any sort of contest or conflict lends itself to violent terminology and idiom.
However, it takes conscious and willful denial to somehow equate the use of the cliche above with the systematic worship of the gun coupled with the unvarnished eliminationist and violent rhetoric that together characterizes the modern American right wing.
I still wonder if Puddles is real or an act – either way these posts reflect a sad, tragic reality: either that of a person imprisoned by the savagery of the conservative mindset, or a malignant impostor impelled to portray an irrational buffoon just for the abuse of it.
I’m reminded of some of Professor Hunter S. Thompsons’s wisdom:
There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge…
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
I still wonder if Puddles is real or an act – either way these posts reflect a sad, tragic reality:
Puddy has no doubt you are an act. A sad sack act too!
Enjoy your ether binge.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Very stupid question Stupid Solution Steve. Not worthy of answering it. Where has Puddy ever cheered a person getting shot. PROVE IT fool!
To Lib Unscientist, thems da words of the man you voted for!
Prove it? Prove otherwise, you hate-filled freak. Show us your comments expressing sadness that people were murdered. Show us your comments condemning the man who curb-stomped a defenseless woman. All you’ve done is pollute these threads with false equivalencies and hate.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Steve – the posting algorithm identified as “Puddybud” is nothing more than a very odd novelty or diversion.
What is fascinating is how compelling it can be – to me included. What seems to be so fascinating is the profound lack of any empathy or insight or humility. Many posters here, myself included, certainly, have tried to engage it, with the expectation that there is a human being behind the typing, one with reason and earnestness and a recognition of others as valid interlocutors. Nothing of the sort over happens. “Puddy”‘s posts are a weird synthetic syntax meant to carry insult and derision and division. I think that it is expressly designed to infuriate and derail otherwise interesting or insightful conversations. The “Puddy” posts pop up, drop inflammatory statements minimally related to the topic at hand, and draw away attention – sort of like a (deranged) golden retriever relentless dropping its tennis ball on your foot while your trying to have a conversation with your neighbor. “Puddy” is all about getting people to respond to it, preferably on his level of insult and invective.
I think this lack of any sympathetic human characteristic is oddly fascinating – like watching a multicar pile up in slow motion – horrible, but you cannot look away. I think that is what compels people to try to engage – there is a baseline disbelief that anyone could be so relentlessly inhuman. The execrable MOT and YWP and troll are all half-assed imitations and cardboard cutouts – “Puddy” is troll 2.0.
Ultimately, though this fascinating study in sociopathology is empty and dissatisfying and a waste of time. The algorithm will never engage earnestly, there will never be simpatico or even a respectful truce. I think it’s a cleverly construed bot meant to waste all of our time.
That, or there’s a really REALLY disturbed human actually writing what they think. And that’s profoundly troubling.
Faceless Bureaucratspews:
Is Puddy some functionary deep in the bowels of the RNC or some affiliated group in DC with a list of web-based publications to “service”? Or is he some local; perhaps a shut in of some sort?
I would like to see members of the TEA party join me in solidarity to refudiate the use of bullseyes or crosshairs in any political metaphors.
Marshawn Lynch????
Congrats SEATTLE Seahawks!
goldberg, its just as wrong as when you wrote a post threatening to blow up an airliner.
That’s an excellent cartoon by the way.
It should win an award.
Goldy look at his rants this just was a nutjob for sure but he was no tea partier. You are being irresponsible right now, no different than the right wing hacks who right after the Ft. Hood shooting said it was a work of a terrorist rather than what he was just a nutjob who was disturbed.
Mike Jones @5,
This act of political violence occurred within a context of violent political rhetoric fomented by the teahadists and others on the right.
The shooting at the Holocaust museum, the plan to attack the Tides foundation, the threats against Patty Murray, Giffords and other Dems, today’s shootings… this are all just isolated incidents by lone nutjobs right?
Can you please link to all the comments when you disapproved of the eliminationist rhetoric from Palin, Angle, Limbaugh, Coulter, O’Reilly, Beck, etc, etc?
Or else kindly STFU?
hey goldberg, are you related to the crazy murdering jew baruch goldstein. lets see, he killed about 150 people in the name of israel. so israel should tone down its rhetoric.
Pima County Sheriff:
@ 9 No Goldy some of those were by tea partiers but it seems this one was not.
Can you please link to all the comments when you disapproved of the eliminationist rhetoric from Palin, Angle, Limbaugh, Coulter, O’Reilly, Beck, etc, etc?
oh, you mean we should just shut down speech we dont like? i’m all for it.
lets start with the daly kos, michael moore, jon stewart, rachael maddow..etc etc
Any pretense of Palin not being at least a participant in the rhetoric is evidenced by this post that includes her own chart putting a bullseye on Giffords. I suspect that we will eventually find out how much this guy worshiped GB and RL. The Federal Judge was appointed by GHW Bush, and the others (including aides and a nine years old) are victims of vicious heinous violence generated by rightwing rhetoric.
It surely has. I don’t plan to travel there anytime soon.
Remember Clay Duke! V for Vendetta a leftist movie. Spurred on by Media Matters. Shoots at the Panama City School Board.
Nuff Said Suckas!
Can you please link to all the times when Markos Moulitsas (of Daily Kos), Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, or Rachel Maddow encouraged their political supporters, jokingly or metaphorically or not, to commit an act of violence against one of their political opponents?
Can you link to even one?
No, you cannot.
Regarding free speech, I never suggested stopping anyone from speaking. I inquired as to whether you, yourself, ever spoke out against violent language. If you had, you would have some moral standing to speak now. But by your response, it is clear you did not and do not.
Hence, STFU.
Goldy you didn’t just jump the shark this time, you jumped the moon. Are you going to denounce this bullseye map as well?
Your post and cartoon self-destructs, collapses of it’s own weight, or however you want to put it. If you really believed that the shooter was inspired by the Palin crosshairs map, would you really respond by putting up a crosshairs pic of your own?
The Unabomber, ELF, Monfort, Ayers…anyone not brain-dead is aware that there are violent crazies on both sides of the spectrum. If anything I would guess that there is a higher rate on the left, mainly due to the anti-WTO and ELF types. Not that it would matter either way. The entire debate is a lunatic’s errand.
oh, metaphorically? you mean like when a jew doctor sucks the brain out of an unborn baby we metaphorically call it “a womean’s right to choose”? oh, now i get it!
Uhhhh Mike Jones,
He was a disciple of the Yemeni fool Anwar al-Awlaki!
T E R R O R I S T!
Puddy glad to assist you with your FACTUAL education!
fuckhead @16,
Since you bring it up, let’s talk WTO for a moment, since whenever I ask for folks to name an incident of lefty violence the righties all scream “WTO!”
How many people were killed by protesters at WTO? How many people were shot? How many of the WTO protesters were armed?
Yes there was some property damage, mostly from self-proclaimed “anarchists,” but most of the violence perpetrated against people was done so by the police.
So really… fuck off.
THere are individuals throughout the political spectrum who rashly incite violence. It is the right whose LEADERS use phrases like armed and dangerous and second amendment solutions. To refuse to see a difference there is willful ignorance, and I do mean you, Pud.
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, speaking about Arizona:
The only thing I’d add is “prejudice and bigotry” FROM THE RIGHT WING…
Goldy is insane.
oh yeah, i forgot, david ben-gourian, founder of israel was wanted by the british as a terrorist. so if the chosen ones have their problem children. of course, that information as been expunged from our textbooks courtesy of the antidefamation league.
Just couldn’t hold it in could you?
Racist bastard.
@5 Sorry, but Palin is knee-deep in this shit, and is going to be made to take her share of the responsibility for inciting people like this, whether she wants to or not.
Puddybud, please show us a Homeland Security or any other official government or U.S. Military website that officially categorizes the Ft. Hood shooting as an incident of terrorism.
I don’t recall any right wing politicians characterizing the shooting that way.
wow real classy goldy. A friend of mine was working at the Four Seasons during WTO. He told me he watched as a small group (maybe 4) of protesters spraypainted a parked limo. When the limo driver got out to object, the protesters all started beating the shit out of him.
Don’t EVEN try to claim that the WTO people were ‘peaceful protesters.’ Some, maybe, but a lot of them were violent. Shouldn’t take a genius to figure out that someone running around smashing windows is a pretty good bet to be also smashing faces.
You don’t even try to address the other stuff I posted, do you? hmmmm.
According to this news site, David, the shooter is on your side. This comes from a news site:
@27 “Some, maybe, but a lot of them were violent.
Actually, about 20 people out of 50,000 were violent, and all of them were members of an organized group of anarchists whose violence was preplanned.
Anarchists, by the way, are the ultimate manifestation of the anti-government philosophy espoused by those on the right.
Luigi… right… of course… another example of lefty violence. Just like the guy who flew his plane into an IRS office building.
Absolutely fucking delusional. But keep it up, and one of these days lefties will start arming, and then we can have that civil war the right so longs for.
@28 Uh no, I don’t think so, the guy’s videos contain anti-government rhetoric and he shot a DEMOCRATIC congressperson.
Every wonder what happened to the potsmoking hippies of the sixties? They’re all wingnuts now.
Luigi @ 28
From your link:
One former high school friend Tweeted about knowing the accused gunman:
“He was a pot head and into rock, like Hendrix, The Doors, Anti-Flag,” she wrote. “I haven’t seen him in person since 2007 in a sign language class. As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy. He had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in 2006 and dropped out of school. Mainly a loner, very philosophical.”
Maybe Loughner was pissed off that Giffords voted against Pelosi for house speaker a few days ago?
@32: From personal knowledge, that’s not necessarily true, Roger…;-)
I don’t see any lefties talking up the gold standard.
Arizona has party registration for voters. So I wonder if this nutcase was registered to vote, and if so, whether he had stated a party affiliation?
i’m going to finish watching the colts and the jew york jets. so you can all go fuck yourself.
I wonder who sold the nutcase the gun? And if was a legal sale why is it legal for a complete loon to buy a handgun?
@ my own 37….wow that was almost as vulgar as goldberg.
Pretty good post up at the NYT.
I don’t see any lefties talking up the gold standard.
you’re right about that. they have been influenced (and had monetary contributions made) by george soros. georgie owns 5 billion in gold, so when your dollar is worthless , he will have all the money.
@11 – If by “speech we don’t like” you mean, hate-inspiring, eliminationist or other violence-inducing speech, then, yeah. Of course, by your list of “offenders,” it’s clear that you are unwilling to make any common-sense distinction between “speech you don’t like” and speech calling for people to, oh, I don’t know, shoot those they don’t agree with–you disingenuous dipshit.
So I wonder if this nutcase was registered to vote, and if so, whether he had stated a party affiliation?
Well, we could also try to argue that the old ABA didn’t really use basketballs, because the balls weren’t orange. There is such a thing as “defining characteristics”.
In this case, we have a nutjob who has no coherent political ideology. That, pretty much, describes every wingnut in existence, including the wingnut trolls who frequent the comment threads here.
@16 – Um, arguing that a drawing of crosshairs is no more ominous than the Target logo is as stupid as arguing that the Nazi swastika is no more ominous than the graphically similar Celtic cross.
Another conservative, another dipshit argument.
Apt and funny summation here.
Taken from a tweet from someone named Melissa:
“Flag-Burning, Anti-Religious, Marx Supporter Kills Bush-Appointed Judge… The Left Blames Tea Party & Sarah Palin”
My god that was the most incredible run I have ever seen. Marshawn!
I’m all lubed up and staring at my very sexy nude painting of Hitler…yum.
Let me see if I have this right. A guy whose blog demonizes Republicans is criticizing websites that demonize Democrats?
This blog does not ‘demonize’ Republicans – you guys do that all by yourselves via your manifest actions. Goldy just points it out and we discuss it. And we taunt Puddy.
@39 Got your own self-admiration society now? After you couldn’t get anyone else to admire you?
Pffffft. All the gold that’s ever been mined would be about the size of 1/4 the Washington Monument. Basing the global economy on that is flat out stupid.
What billionaire doesn’t have gold? What a moron!
Once again Lib Unscientist goes moron on all of us… Wait a minute, he’s all moron all the time. So easy to slap the fool with FACTS!
Per Roger Dumb Rabbit ad nauseum…
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the unholy living shit out of wingnut traitors.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. Klake is a nazi.
what is really wrong is when you, Goldy, advocate taking guns to political rallies, like you have in the past
and you can’t understand how you’re views are lumped in as the other side of the coin of the Teabaggers
After Goldy takes down a plane or goes after someone, all these posts will be broadcast over the media, just as this recent nutcase’s youtube & facebook rants have been
There are two reasons this is wrong. First, it’s wrong because the target is a conservative icon. Second, the crosshairs should be placed within the triangle formed by connecting the eyes and mouth.
This is why I’ve always thought that the difference between the ideologies of the Left and Right is not best illustrated by a simple straight line. A better example would be a circle, with a moderate, transparent democracy at the top of the circle, and tyranny at the bottom. And while the Left and Right in this country are pretty far apart, on the circle it’s really no closer to Tyranny than say, about 9:30 and 2:30.
When you think about what Tyranny is, the differences between a rightist like Hitler or Mussolini and leftists like Stalin or Mao are really only in style and semantics. Millions died needlessly as targets of one form of bigotry or another, while those closest to the madmen prospered.
We really cannot assign blame to one group of political extremists or another, regardless of the FACT that the Right in this country has fully embraced the kind of talk and belief that in theory would lead up to exactly what has happened. What we really should do, the only thing we should do, is to mourn the victims and seek justice for them.
Congratulations Goldy. You’re no better than Palin now.
I think her target thing was reprehensible, but any high ground you might have had…..gone.
The vitriol the Sheriff was talking about…includes your post and many responses.
It’s sad.
What’s next, a drawing of Mohammed? Oh, yeah, already did that.
Really Broadway Joe? Sadly you are mistaken AGAIN! You forgot your pals on the left.
Really? – She loved Odumba
Really? and Really? – Remember to liberals and progressives these movies and books were “edgy” and “provocative.”
Oh the list is so long. Goldy’s filter would catch some wonderful sites as “bogus”.
Oh, the mentally ill Puddybud rises again! And I mean, seriously… you’re tying the University of Alabama shooting to liberal politics? What kind of idiot are you?
What is telling here is that you’re a complete apologist. Yes, I’ll be the first one to admit that there are mentally disturbed people out there, and other folks that get so excited about their political causes that they go overboard. (Although I’ll say that the Bush as Hitler comparisons started up in earnest after he started a war that we didn’t have to fight — more appropriate than a black Fuhrer looking to provide universal healthcare!)
The difference — and in your comments you’ve proven yourself to be absolutely shameless about this — is that when your rhetoric includes statements about how your political opponents are traitors and you should be able to march on the government, weapons in hand, to oppose (or depose) elected officials, someone will eventually believe you, and try to do it.
Puddybud’s examples are apt and embarrassing to those of us who opposed Bush on more rational grounds. But here is why they don’t add up to an equivalency with what’s happening on the right at this time.
First of all, the rhetoric from the right isn’t just coming from a few crazies. It’s from people appearing on the ballot as Republicans and big-time media figures. Secondly, the rhetoric isn’t limited to a handful of high-profile public figures, but is aimed at all liberals and Democrats everywhere, for all time. This is eliminationist speech and should be outlawed as such. The consequences are predictable and avoidable.
goldy, you are really looking like a joke now.
you want to “get some payback” and “get even”?
HAHAH, well then why dont you grab your pistol and come on over to my place. After I show you how to use it, I will shove it up your ass and send you on your way back to seattle.
talk is cheap, and you seem to be cheapest motherfucker on the planet right now.
She was a mentally disturbed Odumba apologist! Tough to comprehend eh demoed kid?
And you demoed kid are a Bush as Hitler comparisons apologist!
62 – Ready to stab your “friend” GBS in the back with that Bushitler bullshit again?
It wasn’t exactly shameless the way you did it. It was SHAMEFUL – as you provided no links when you did it.
But the database was there to expose your ugly devotion to right wing bullshit.
She was a mentally disturbed Odumba apologist! Tough to comprehend eh demoed kid?
Find me some relevance to politics… otherwise, you’re just some damned fool that doesn’t really know shit.
Which, admittedly, you’ve proved over and over again.
And you demoed kid are a Bush as Hitler comparisons apologist!
No, I’m saying that both are not accurate, but that calling a President “Hitler” may be slightly more accurate if he, you know, took many of the actions that Hitler took — invading sovereign countries without just cause, increasing the police powers of the state, ranting about enemies from without and within, etc.
59 – Hey DK,
Politics did influence the Alabama shooting a bit – office politics. The professor was denied tenure.
I speculate Puddybud’s fascination with this case is related to his own self-loathing. This woman’s mental unbalance reflects his own and the path he is on.
This guy is so freaking delusional I hope his family commits him. He could end up being a danger to others.
@61: HAHAH, well then why dont you grab your pistol and come on over to my place. After I show you how to use it, I will shove it up your ass and send you on your way back to seattle.
I find it quite ironic that you don’t grasp that this is the whole nature of the problem — conservative lowlife thugs that believe political violence and threats of violence are okay.
Well, I should amend that! Political violence and threats of violence are okay when they come from white conservatives. Get a few threatening looking black folks around, and it’s a federal case.
So let’s see…
Rachel Maddow
Katie Couric
Dan Rather
Bill Schneider
Harry Smith
Ezra Klein
Bill Press
Bill Maher
etc. etc. etc
Barack Hussein Obama – Gun to a knife fight
Still doing your look at me look at me eh ylb? Still trying to get people to “notice” you eh ylb? Still demonstrating those narcissistic qualities.
Sick fool!
Where did anyone who thinks right say this demoed kid?
@69: I know that mental illness can often affect one’s view of reality, but why don’t you refer to comment 61, as I pointed to in my comment??
68 – Look at me??? You’ve only done that almost 30,000 times since April 2005.
Way more than you can ever accuse me fool.
Go ahead – play some more in your favorite sandbox silly.
@71 I’d guess that he’s refered to himself in the third person roughly 150,000 times. Nothing crazy about that! heh-
@71 At about five minutes per post, including his searching for his links to nowhere, that’s only 2500 hours posting here at HA over five years. That’s only 500 hours per year. Nothing crazy about that! heh-
Pudz, you really are a fucking idiot. While you throw your lunatic’s spaghetti against the wall, as usual, nothing sticks. Give me a legitimate claim of a major lefty talking head or other major political figure talking about killing righties (not to mention judges and innocent men, women, and children), and then…. well, you won’t be able to, so just fuck off. There’s no blurb of Jon Stewart exhorting his viewers to kill The Boehner, no clip of Rachel Maddow insinuating that we’d have gotten a public-option if we’d just bumped off a few congressional R’s. As usual, it’s another PuddyFail!
One more thing. ‘Odumba’? Child, please. Prove to me he’s dumb. Challenge the Harvard Law grad to a debate, fool.
There’s no post on Joe Biden’s website putting the crosshairs of a gun on ‘vulnerable’ congressional districts……
Odumba BJ?
He said measure him by the people he surrounds himself with. Well loved found Communist Van Jones. First failure. Cass Sunstein. John Holdren.
Nothing else needed to be said.
Randi Rhodes – Shooting four gunshots on the air against George W Bush.
See ya
Hey Broadway Joe…
Paul Krugman said “A message to progressives: By all means, hang Senator Joe Lieberman in effigy.”
Odumba said “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
Oh Broadway Joe,
“Time to Take Up Pitchforks If Tax Rates Remain” – Claire McCaskill
I sense no sadness or remorse in you, Puddy. Do you believe, like you do the woman who was curb-stomped, that Gabrielle Giffords had it coming to her too?
I see Puddles is really beating the “Knife to a gun fight” cliche to, um, death.
It is interesting, and likely a statement about latent, subconscious violence in our culture that any sort of contest or conflict lends itself to violent terminology and idiom.
However, it takes conscious and willful denial to somehow equate the use of the cliche above with the systematic worship of the gun coupled with the unvarnished eliminationist and violent rhetoric that together characterizes the modern American right wing.
I still wonder if Puddles is real or an act – either way these posts reflect a sad, tragic reality: either that of a person imprisoned by the savagery of the conservative mindset, or a malignant impostor impelled to portray an irrational buffoon just for the abuse of it.
I’m reminded of some of Professor Hunter S. Thompsons’s wisdom:
Puddy has no doubt you are an act. A sad sack act too!
Enjoy your ether binge.
Very stupid question Stupid Solution Steve. Not worthy of answering it. Where has Puddy ever cheered a person getting shot. PROVE IT fool!
To Lib Unscientist, thems da words of the man you voted for!
Prove it? Prove otherwise, you hate-filled freak. Show us your comments expressing sadness that people were murdered. Show us your comments condemning the man who curb-stomped a defenseless woman. All you’ve done is pollute these threads with false equivalencies and hate.
Steve – the posting algorithm identified as “Puddybud” is nothing more than a very odd novelty or diversion.
What is fascinating is how compelling it can be – to me included. What seems to be so fascinating is the profound lack of any empathy or insight or humility. Many posters here, myself included, certainly, have tried to engage it, with the expectation that there is a human being behind the typing, one with reason and earnestness and a recognition of others as valid interlocutors. Nothing of the sort over happens. “Puddy”‘s posts are a weird synthetic syntax meant to carry insult and derision and division. I think that it is expressly designed to infuriate and derail otherwise interesting or insightful conversations. The “Puddy” posts pop up, drop inflammatory statements minimally related to the topic at hand, and draw away attention – sort of like a (deranged) golden retriever relentless dropping its tennis ball on your foot while your trying to have a conversation with your neighbor. “Puddy” is all about getting people to respond to it, preferably on his level of insult and invective.
I think this lack of any sympathetic human characteristic is oddly fascinating – like watching a multicar pile up in slow motion – horrible, but you cannot look away. I think that is what compels people to try to engage – there is a baseline disbelief that anyone could be so relentlessly inhuman. The execrable MOT and YWP and troll are all half-assed imitations and cardboard cutouts – “Puddy” is troll 2.0.
Ultimately, though this fascinating study in sociopathology is empty and dissatisfying and a waste of time. The algorithm will never engage earnestly, there will never be simpatico or even a respectful truce. I think it’s a cleverly construed bot meant to waste all of our time.
That, or there’s a really REALLY disturbed human actually writing what they think. And that’s profoundly troubling.
Is Puddy some functionary deep in the bowels of the RNC or some affiliated group in DC with a list of web-based publications to “service”? Or is he some local; perhaps a shut in of some sort?
NikkiTaMere @53,
Try actually reading my posts for a change, instead of being such knee-jerk, fucking idiot. I mean, really reading them.
pimp @61,
What’s your address?
Puddy apparently thinks “Effigy” is a place.