I like Joel Connelly. I respect him. Hell… I’m one of those geeks who actually enjoys having Joel regale me with longwinded tales of Washington’s political history.
But this morning’s column… well… he simply has it wrong.
Late in the campaign, Sims’ advisers fed to a local liberal blog site updated news about the ongoing feud within Irons’ family. An old news story was given new legs, and fueled by new accusations. Sims won easily.
I have previously laid out the genesis of my story on the Irons’ family feud in excruciatingly boring detail, and I stand by my account. It was a Joni Balter column that initially piqued my interest in the story. It was longtime activist Steve Zemke who suggested I talk to Brian Derdowski. It was Brian who put me in touch with Di Irons, and it was Di who put me in touch with her mother. I did not know where this journey would lead me when I started down the path.
I put a ton of work into this story. Nobody fed me anything. It was a damn effective bit of muckraking, and I’m proud of it.
Why would Joel Connelly let the factsget in the way of a good opportunity to bash Ron Sims?
And why would Joel Connelly let the facts get in the way of a good opportunity to bash Howard Dean?
muckraking (2006)= actually reporting the news.
Goldy, you done just fine. I salute you!
Goldy has what is know as “rabbit-ears”.
Connelly sez:
“Late in the campaign, Sims’ advisers fed to a local liberal blog site updated news about the ongoing feud within Irons’ family”
Folks, you gots to remember what Goldy does for a living. He is a professional “wordsmith”. Goldy cleverly never actually denies that a “Sims Adviser”(that’s a pretty broad category as Sims has plenty of folks that give him advice…including the guys Goldy talked too) fed him anything. Hell, even GOLDY is a Sims Adviser….and I give Goldy credit for being able to feed himself AND feed his Blogsite.
Sorry Goldy….Connelly got this one right.
But I give you an A+ for “spinmanship”!!!!!!!
Mr Cynnical, I heard about your surgery. Hopefully you will be a little bit more careful when you feel affectionate towards your shetland ponies
Cynical @5,
Blah, blah, blah….
You gonna parse the word “nobody”…?
Joel is a great writer but far too often a lazy dope. One he gets a stupid idea in his head based on his lazy research it never dies. He’s stubborn, once he gets a fact wrong, he’ll spend the rest of his life making sure he keeps getting it wrong, if only to prove he was right in the first place. Watch for him to campaign regularly now against doing something sensible about the Viaduct. He’ll jam the same lazy one liners into his columns for the next several months in hopes that if he keeps saying something enough, people will actually believe it.
He should move on to novel writing.
I have to say Goldy.
I think you are full of shit.
What’s the timeline between Ronnie Boy being at the Katrina Fundraiser (or being a special Guest at Drinking Liberally) and your attack on Irons?
While I am not going back to look up the dates, it seems to me your attack on Irons was almost immediate to one of these meetings.
Again, How much were you paid by Simms for your services?
Bush had Jeff Gannon and Simms has you…….
Who the Good Golly Fuck Gives A Great Big Fucking Godddddammmm where Goldy got the info? It doesn’t change the fact that this lying, cowardly, republican piece of shit Irons beat his own mother? Why do we let the inbred morons on the right draw us into these discussions? Goldy, you fell for the bait. It doesn’t matter where you got it. What we should focus on is the fact that the Washington republican party put up a candidate for public office who beat his own mother. That was, that is and that will continue to be the real story.
Left turn…
Beyond wild accusations by an old woman who is clearly insane (did you actually listen to any of her interviews?) there is no proof for these accusations.
You have the democratic side of the Irons family screaming that he beat his Mom and the republican side saying that this was a bunch of BS.
As with every argument, there are two sides and then there is the truth.
Quite Frankly, Goldy was incredibly naive and irresponsible for being used as Ron Simms attack dog.
I go back to my Jeff Gannon comparrison. Both Goldy and Gannon have no Journalism backgrounds and both are partisan hacks.
re 10: tough beans. we won. you did not.
wa state has the most inept and incompetent people in the entire republican party. at least the others know how to get elected.
smash the diebold machines!
Saw mom on King 5 (as I recall), and she was plenty credible. You guys are just a bunch of sore loser pussies…boo hoo ya little crybaby!
Nicely raked, Goldy!
Momus @ 8, 10:
The FACT is we kicked your ass, and all you can do about it is whine on a blog. Whine all you want. It just shows you’re a loser.
I looked up the word “fed”. It’s a great dodge word for you depending upon the definition you choose.
Goldy, I 100% admire your wordsmithing abilities. They are something I’m sure you take great pride in.
I always thought Irons was the love child of Ellen Craswell and Lon Maybon.
Goldy – people with brains and ego will never be happy with enough credit. I think there are many old sayings about an idea that gets used is the compliment of the ether- or something like that.
Your result was fine, it worked. I think it was true. There are rewards in life from people far more important than Joel C. Me. My accolade.
Trust me. Karma is real. But you may choke your game spending too much time waiting for a lot of compliments and / or credit for good ideas.
Your mom and dad, maybe a close sissy- the rest are / will be typical ingrates.
Yes, I must confess that I did tell Goldy to contact Brian Derdowski about David Irons. Yes, I have heard David tell me he liked Ron Sims and his courageous leadership, like when he ran for Governor and proposed a state income tax.
Just as David said, we discussed the Joni Balter column which seemed rather mild compared to how I remembered the Irons family story when it first came out some years earlier. David did not have any facts about the Irons family feud fed to him by the Sims campaign or others before this because frankly he didn’t know very much about it at all when I talked to him.
I told him that if anyone knew anything about it, the best first person to go to was Brian Derdowski since David Irons had run against Brian Derdowski for the County Council seat Derdowski held until Irons beat him. I thought that because of the nastiness of that race where Irons had tried to smear Derdowshi that Brian would certainly have an insider’s perspective of the details that most people wouldn’t.
I have known Brian for a number of years going back to when he supported the Initiative 547 Keep Washington Liveable! Campaign for Growth Management in Washington State in 1990. I was the campaign director, Brian was on the steering committee of that effort.
David and I previously met with Brian Derdowshi about 2 years ago, when I set up a meeting with Brian and invited David. We talked to Brian about our efforts fighting Tim Eyman’s rabid anti-tax proposals.
David did not have a phone number or e-mail for Brian which shows some disorganization on his part since I thought he would have this from this previous contact but maybe he was trying to not have any records of contacts with anyone in his possession for when Bush’s FBI agents come to question his loyality to Bush’s God and Corporate America but anyway I gave them to him and urged him to contact Brian.
As a matter of fact this urging of David to talk to Derdowski was not the first time I urged him to do this. I can remember telling David that he should talk to Derdowski about Irons on several previous occasions, which he did not follow up on. It was only logical if you are trying to get the lowdown on a candidate, check with previous candidates who they have run against.
So I have to say that much as I also like Joel Connelly’s perspective on politics, it was not the Sims campaign that “fed updated news about the ongoing feud within Irons family” to “a local liberal blogger.”
What should be more the story is why didn’t the mainstream media track down this story first since it was actually an old story in the public record that was being ignored. It took “a local liberal blogger” to pursue the story and follow up on leads one by one, just like investigative reporters of old did. In fact, just like Joel Connelly has done in the past like when he went after alerting the public to the growing financial disaster of the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS)in the late 70’s and early 80’s. But that’s another story.
Thanks Steve. ‘Nuff said.
Nobody fed me anything.”
You gonna parse the word “nobody”…?
Godly, you need to learn to think like a wing nut.
Nobody. Well, we all know that Noh Theater consist of people chanting. Chanting is a form of communications. Plus Noh actors wear masks to hide their identity. And body undoubtedly means someone from the body politic. So clearly you are saying someone, quite likely of Japanese decent, told you this information but wants to hide their identitity.
But, as Ms. Chickenhawk has pointed out, it goes deeper. Fed can mean “federal agent, officer, or official.” http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary So clearly the information comes not from the Sims campaign, but the Feds. And, as we all know, the Republican Federal Attorney for Seattle has refused to charge Ron Sims for his crimes in the voter fraud that allowed Christine Gregoire to become governor. Clearly he has a Japanese female aid who is also sleeping with Ron Sims and Goldy. She is clearly helping Sims out by keeping John McKay from following up on the great election fraud while she has also “fed” information to Goldy.
But, wait, it gets deeper. Judge Bridge found that there was no Democratic fraud, but did find fraud on the part of the GOP. A “Bridge” is “a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle.” http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/bridge Clearly, Judge Bridge was chosen so that he could carry Christine Gregoire over an “obstacle,” i.e. the well thought out and research case that was presented to him by the GOP. See: http://www.soundpolitics.com/a.....tml#004567
Don’t you see, Goldy, once you begin to think like Ms. Chickenhawk or the minnow, it becomes very easy to know the truth. And the great thing is that you don’t need a single thing like a fact. Truthiness in more important.
Wow, I guess I can be a contributor to Un(sp) now. And, to think, I actually include more links and proof than any post that has been put up there in the last two years.
TFF – ‘NUFF Said’ is my line. So is ‘The Prosecution Rests’. Choose something else and stop hijacking my lines here on ASSes! Oh that’s right; never an original thought with TFF!
Bwaaak…Bwaaak..p-duddy is BACK!
So I am curious…..
What’s Steve Zemke’s connection to Debbie Zemke?
That’s RancidButtPutty, the parrot par excrement.
I have no connection to Debbie Zemke that I am aware of.
Nice of Connelly to be on vacation (Out of Office AutoReply: Goldstein / Irons) when I’m trying to “straighten him out”.
Oh wait…maybe it’s “Pee-Booty”-the o-fay brother.
Non-Chocolate…non-addictive, and non-habit-forming.
Just wondering about the last name Steve… Figured she was your niece or daughter or something and Sims, not wanting another Tim Hatley incident during his campaign, had you feed this trick to Goldy instead of having you post this on your Blog.
I do find it laughable that a yellow dog Democrat such as yourself, as well as a seasoned campaign strategist, can call a recommendations to play dirty politics with the Irons Story, anything less than feeding Goldy this story.
Or for that matter that Goldy is insecure enough to take credit for this. let’s face it, he may have done the legwork, but this is all you.
Clearly, you two have identified your teams as well as strategies and as bloggers, are not bound by ethical journailsim, so we should expect more if this kind of crap between yourself, Goldy & the NW progressive Institute in the future.
Still whining. Iron’s is an outed motherbeater. End of story. Sorry you BIAW freaks fell in love with his candidacy. His personality is a multiple car accident looking for a place to happen. . .you guys chose the time and place. . .live with it.
Tree frog, Glad to see where you stand.
“Dirty politics are just fine, as long as you get your way.”
Tree Frog Farmer— 3/10/06@ 2:09 pm
Lying, distorting, and misrepresenting what is said is your game Mom’sAss.
When you put quotes around a statement and assign it to someone who did not say it, you confirm your status as a lying sack of shit Momus.
” I Like young, tender Boys – Nambla is an excellent organization”
Tree Frog Farmer— 3/10/06@ 2:31 pm
“me love you long time GI”
Roger Rabbit, Vietnam – 2/14/67 @ 2:21 am
by Goldy, 03/10/2006, 12:10 AM
“Nobody fed me
anythingnothing.”I think that would be more accurate, given your sensitivity on this issue I think Connelly’s onto something.
goldy….you are busted on this one. why don’t you just admit that you were used and then tossed [ron wasn’t exactly kind to you in his remarks]….because no matter how many times you say otherwise…this story does have legs [unlike the iron’s story] and you gave the legs to it by your inability to admit the truth.
momus…you are absolutely right about all these people.
goldy….. i really thought you had more integrity than this…..very disappointing.
you are no different than gannon now…….
re 20: “nuff said” is from the comic strip , Pogo, Benson.
And I didn’t call you Leroy or whatever you said. I called you , Lionel. Now I’m calling you Benson.
“Oh”, Benson! Could you get the door?”
Political ‘Possum’s are a favorite. Particularly when they are discussing the Jack Acid Society.
Momus you really don’t no shit on this issue. In the 5th LD and Issaquah everything Goldy posted was already well known and it had been reported on before but the papers thought a close race would sell more copies so they were going to look the other way. Well I say good for all those involved. David Jr is a sick scumball and Goldy used restraint if anything in his detailed post.
No no no no, Goldy. Don’t you know? We can’t report anything that fails to fit into Joel Connelly’s storyline.
That storyline being: Nasty far-left moonbats and bloggers — which which is to say, those people who managed to point out five years ago that everything Bush touched turned to shit — are the reason for Democrats’ failures. Pure, decent-minded moderates — you know, those who have only managed to observe in the past six months or so that Bush is a walking disaster area, and that Republicans have become a pathological power cult — remain our only hope. Heavens knows we don’t want to risk the wrath of their propaganda machine by actually playing hardball back with them.
It’s one thing to be a moderate (I actually am one myself). It’s completely another to be unwilling and unready to fight back in a street brawl. I think he ought to go talk to our mutual friend Cece Andrus about the difference between moderation and spinlessness.