…Of course, that goes without saying. We all know I need help, and recognizing this is the first step towards recovery.
Specifically, what I need is some technical help.
Like many of you, I’m sick and tired of my own comment threads. Sure, they can be amusing at times, and certainly the trolls contributed to HA’s early success (inadvertently) in their own weird way. But I work hard on many of my posts, and once in a while I’d like to generate a little substantive discussion. It would also be awfully nice to finally expand some of the functionality on HA to enable user “diaries” or something like that.
But I just don’t have the time or the money to get to where I want to go.
Perhaps I just need some help to complete the final 10 percent of the transition to SoapBlox I started in February? Or maybe something like CivicSpace would be a better solution? Or maybe I should go all the way to Scoop? Or maybe there’s some other better solution out there I haven’t even heard of?
Anyway, if you want to play a role in moving HA to v2.0 (and by that I mean do a lot of work for no money,) please drop me an email or show up at Drinking Liberally sometime and let’s chat. I can’t pay you, but I can barter you some valuable promotional space on one of the most widely read local liberal blogs in the nation.
(Oh… and if you’re a top-notch graphic designer, I could probably use some help in that department too.)
About time.
I can understand your desire to move your little blog to a higher level goldstein.
But, you reap what you sow, babe.
You started this little blog to insult and mock someone you despise… fair enough. But is it any wonder that it has degraded into being just that? You want to blame the conservatives, but you have some pretty rank, petty and foul-mouth followers that you yourself have encouraged.
I’d be willing to bet not one single conservative posts here with the expectation that he will change any moonbat minds… hells bells, with the exception of a few baby ‘off the chart idealogues’, I doubt any of your lefty nutburgers do either.
H’ASS is a way to blow off steam, it is a source of amusement. It does both of those well
As much as you wish it to be, it is NOT a serious political site. As much as you NEED it to be with your new radio career, it is NOT a serious political site.
Perhaps you’d be better served by leaving this as is and attempting to create a serious blog.
Good luck with changing the stripes of your followers or mockers, goldstein, on ANY version of H’ASS.
Roger Rabbit seems to have PLENTY of time.
Abort your trolls, Goldy. (1st, 2nd, or 3rd term, who cares.)
#3 Unlike JC Herman, who is always doing good works. Oh, wait, always masturbating. Sorry.
Graphic designers are nothing more than parasites; you need them like you need a hole in the head.
Just ban the trolls and delete their comments and maybe people will engage in some serious discussion.
How will I earn a living if I have nowhere to post my stuff?
Okay Goldy, you said you’d have Mark Wilson on even if he weren’t shutting down his campaign. Now you can prove that you are an equal opportunity host: invite Hong Tran Democrat for US Senate onto your radio show. I’ll be waiting . . . :)
She’s on with Ross Reynolds right now. KUOW doesn’t shy away from equal access.
I agree with Will. You’ve got a great ability to generate interesting political talk, but your four wanna-be asses (Puddin’head, faux Redneck, Proudtobe . . . Stupid, and RPKKK) hijack every thread. Dump ’em!
That’s funny – a serious discussion! When I post what is a reasoned argument, of course in opposition to what has been written, many times all I get is obscenities and insults to me and my personal life. There are those who politely (or even with lots of snark) tell me where I am wrong, and I appreciate their commentary. But don’t blame the right for the degredation of the comments. You guys do that all by yourselves.
Which is why SP gets fewer comments but much more substantive discussions.
Here’s a simple troll reduction technique: Prior to a comment being processed, the writer must type something equivalent to “I Love Hillary” or “I Love Bill Clinton” or “George W. Bush Worst President Ever”- if they don’t enter those EXACT words, there post doesn’t get processed.
their, not there. So there.
I’ve only been reading this for a few weeks; but, Janet, I haven’t seen much in the way of reasoned arguments from you. I think you, like me, don’t get heard so why bother.
Do you think it might be because we libs don’t hijack your forum? Just maybe . . . hmmmm? Perhaps the proof is in the puddin’heads that hijack this one.
Janet, if you want an example of what I mean, read the comment just posted by RPKKK the the Drinking Liberally thread. If he is one of yours, you have a problem. I wish he would go over to SP cause that’s home for him!
I agree with #4 above. The only way you’ll get substantive discussion, short of having the comment threads moderated (à la Democratic Underground) is by banning the trolls. They don’t really add much other than their general ignorance and illogical thought processes.
I can sure do without HowcanyoubeproudtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH and her ilk.
I can recall when there WAS discussion here. There was really no place for me to go as a liberal and get the kind of information I needed to do verbal battle with the “forces of evil”. I really relied on HorsesAss, Eschaton, DailyKos, the late, REALLY GREAT, Counterspin, et.al. to help me find my voice.
Thanks so much to you, Goldy.
The trollfucks STARTED the name calling and the hate and the irrelevant posts (pretty “disingenuous” of you yourRoyalwizenedTwatness).
I’d sure like to see an end to most of it.
You can add to that Mark the (Redneck) Nazi’s calls for a muslim genocide, which certainly must be one of the most atrocious things he’s advocated for since showing up here.
Goldy, I think the intelligentsia is about to revolt. . . do we have a leader?
Anyway, if you want to play a role in moving HA to v2.0 (and by that I mean do a lot of work for no money,)
Oooh, sounds like grad school! Wait a minute… Grad school sucks!
On the other hand, I need some pubs; can I be third author?
(Sorry I can’t help. Seriously. Like so many, I’ve taken far more than I’ve given here, and, while I’d love to help, I have no expertise relevant to your current needs.)
David, if you’re bored with your own site already, you are welcome to post comments and diaries on Sound Politics.
2 (Part 1)
“You want to blame the conservatives, but you have some pretty rank, petty and foul-mouth followers that you yourself have encouraged.”
How’s that castor oil taste? Do you wingfucks like swallowing your own medicine? We learned how to do this from you fuckers — and now you’re whining? Crybabies.
2 (Part II)
“As much as you wish it to be, it is NOT a serious political site. As much as you NEED it to be with your new radio career, it is NOT a serious political site.”
What do you mean, not serious? You think I’m not serious when I say I’ll kill Ann Coulter if she tries to arrest me for being a Democrat? Hey — just kidding. ha-ha-ha
Let’s see — I get accused of being “KKK” for referencing a University of Minnesota study (publicized by the liberal The Nation magazine) showing that 93% of felons of all races voted for Bill Clinton in 1996?
It is unfortunate that 35% to 40% of felons tend to be African-Americans — which is disproportionately high. However, the most remarkable statistic is that over nine out of ten felons are DEMOCRATS.
Political preference is a far more powerful predictor of whether someone will commit a felony than is the color of their skin. When political preference is considered, African-American Democrats probably don’t commit felonies at a significantly different rate than Democrats of other racial and ethnic backgrounds.
“I’d sure like to see an end to most of it.” Commentby Rujax206— 7/11/06@ 2:14 pm
They can end it by offering their unconditional surrender.
” Like so many, I’ve taken far more than I’ve given here” Commentby Another TJ— 7/11/06@ 2:39 pm
My goal is to dish out at least as much as I take, and preferably more.
It seems that the potential for some lively give-and-take rather than the members of the choir simply preaching to each other is one of the potential attractions to your site. There are several “non-libs” who post here who make an attempt at contributing something intelligent. They may increast our blood pressure a bit, but they also make us think.
Then there are the pinheads like JCH-HowCanYouBeProudToHaveABrain who post the same sensless crap over and over again, attempting to drive everyone away (and succeeding, to a degree). They should rot in hell, and their spewage filtered out.
The hard part, of course, is where to draw the line. Some of us can certainly help you with the technical stuff to make it happen, but it’s your site, so the decision as to who and what stays or goes has to rest with you, you lucky wretch!
Richard – are you saying 93% of Republican congressmen voted for their opponents?
ArtFart @27,
I think that where you draw the line is intent. If your intent is to engage in a real debate, however invective filled, that’s fine. If your intent is merely to disrupt or hijack the thread so as to destroy debate, change the subject, and make the forum useless, that is not allowed.
I do not want people to be troll rated because of their opinions. I want them troll rated because they are being destructive.
Hey Libs! Where is the “love”? Where is your “compassion”? If I was black, would you be sooooooooooo “hateful”? hehe, JCH Kennedy
This place is totally useless – Goldy asks for thoughts and ideas and as a results he gets comments like
‘I’ll kill Ann Coulter’ – ‘wingfucks’ – ‘you fuckers’ – ‘trollfucks’
Well, Goldy is the decider here. It sounds like he’s decided. :(
Funny you lefties name out various trolls, but leave off Roger Rabbit/Harry Tuttle/. Rujax is a borderline troll, in my opinion. I’ll agree with you on the righty trolls, with the exception of Pope.
I’d suggest the easiest to implement platform that allows users the option to ignore the comments of specific posters. If this requires e-mail registration, I’d be okay with that.
Graphics are overrated. To match your personality, you have to have a loud and obnoxious color scheme. I’m not sure this would be beneficial to your users.
Goldy, I’d like to help, but I’m still at least a “generation” (of blogs technology) behind where you are now. If something changes, I’ll offer what help I can.
Harry Tuttle talks sense. Roger overposts but he offers up some credible information while he’s at it. I don’t think they are appropriate comparisons to the trolls we named. I mean, RPKKK admits it. Read #2 . . . he thinks he’s right to totally trash everyone and everything. That is his mission. Don’t get all sensitive here . .
BTW, do liberals go over to SP and destroy the conversation there? Maybe Stefan deletes it . . . ? Or are we just more honorable people? :)
.Detroit, Philly, Harare, East St. Louis, Zimbabwe, Wash, D.C. What do all these DEMOCRAT cities have in common? hehe, JCH Kennedy
Harry Tuttle talks sense.
Commentby Skagit […..ROTFLMAO!!!!! hehe, JCH Kennedy]
Today I’d like to pay taxes at the 12% Federal rate that John and Therazzzzzza Kerry pays!!!
Your use of statistics is selective, since the study re Florida felons said 80% Second, I am somewhat suspicious of the studies since the person performing the study was likely trying to support some theory, and their methodology can slant the results by making assumptions. I would also be curious whether felons vote any differently than non-felons in comparable groups. For example, did African-American felons vote differently than African-American non-felons, and did white male felons vote differently than white male non-felons. If felons vote the same as others in the same demographics, the statistics quoted are of very little significance. It is apparent some assumptions were made by the authors, because we have a secret ballot in this country, so the authors could not tell for certain who anyone voted for.
However, Richard, with that as preface, what is the point you are trying to prove? These alleged studies would not be sufficient to show that democrats are more likely to be felons, given the numbers involved. If you are arguing democratic positions are bad because felons vote disproportionately democratic, you are engaging in an ad hominem attack, attacking the character of the person against whom you are debating instead of discussing the merit of his ideas. This is a typical GOP tactic, along with the strawman and the Big Lie. So, Richard, what exactly are you trying to establish?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Novak Learned About Plame From … Joe Wilson
‘I learned Valerie Plame’s name from Joe Wilson’s entry in ‘Who’s Who in America’…
Those tiny popping sounds you hear are HORSESASS.ORG dumb ass Democrat libs heads exploding.
July 11, 2006
Robert Novak Acknowledges Confidential Administration Sources
“In a column to be published on Wednesday, Novak said he told Fitzgerald in early 2004 that White House senior adviser Karl Rove and then-CIA spokesman Bill Harlow had confirmed for him, at his request, information about CIA operative Valerie Plame. Novak said he also told Fitzgerald about another senior administration official who originally provided him with the information about Plame, and whose identity he says he cannot reveal even now.”
That big popping sound I hope I hear is all that foam inside your skull spewing through your ears.
In a column that ran in the Sun-Times on Monday, Novak suggested he learned Plame’s identity partly from reading Who’s Who in America. A CNN source said a producer had placed a copy of Who’s Who on the set Thursday prior to the taping, apparently so it could be consulted while Novak was asked about the issue.
Melvin Schuetz from Baylor’s Moody Library forwarded Joseph Wilson’s bio from the 2003 edition of Who’s Who in America [Volume 2 (L-Z)]. He notes:
Wilson’s entry carries over about 5 lines to the next column, which is why it cuts off in mid-sentence at the end. The relevant text is “m. Valerie Elise Plame, Apr. 3, 1998,” which not only appears in the 2003 edition, but ALL editions from 1999-2005!
So, via Who’s Who, the name “Valerie Plame” has been associated publicly with Joe Wilson since the Clinton era – nice secret… ***
Skagit, Someone better frog-march that copy of “Who’s Who in America” off to jail right now! ROTFLMAO!!!!!! JCH
“I learned Valerie Plame’s name from Joe Wilson’s entry in ‘Who’s Who in America’…”
Could it get any funnier than this?
RPKKK . . . just get your facts straight next time. Oh, and how about a citation now and then . . . hmmmm?
Soapblox seems pretty compelling and you’ve done 90 percent of the work already.
What’s makes up the remaining 10 percent?
BTW, what your hero lying when he ‘suggested” or is he lying now? What do you think, Einstein?
BTW, what your hero lying when he ‘suggested” or is he lying now? What do you think, Einstein?
The secret was not that Joe Wilson was married to Valerie Plame. The secret was that she was a covert CIA agent.
However, Richard, with that as preface, what is the point you are trying to prove? These alleged studies would not be sufficient to show that democrats are more likely to be felons, given the numbers involved. If you are arguing democratic positions are bad because felons vote disproportionately democratic, you are engaging in an ad hominem attack, attacking the character of the person against whom you are debating instead of discussing the merit of his ideas. This is a typical GOP tactic, along with the strawman and the Big Lie. So, Richard, what exactly are you trying to establish?
It’s simple. In another thread, he wanted to say something vile, but he wanted the veneer of respectability, no matter how thin. He led off an off-topic post about the brutal murder of a Democratic activist in Washington, D.C. with the following:
That’s it. He was trolling for an emotional response, and he baited people with that disgusting header. Now he wants to use that as proof that people were mean to him. Well, boo-frickin’-hoo.
Nice of you to catch that, Wayne! i missed it. This guy is so confused . . . aren’t you, RPKKK? Poor baby. . .
Given goldsteins sudden burst of blog introspection, how very timely
In an article I just pulled out of my ass, RPKKK is actually the illigitmate son of his older sister and therefore is mentally and emotionally stunted
Your community is what you make it… Either you have an un-moderated hate fest infested with the putrescence of right wing trolls, or you clean up your community and police it the way YOU want it to be. No one has a RIGHT to post what they want here… we are here because YOU created this space.
I MUCH prefer moderated boards to most of the snivelling crap people like RR and RPKKK post here.
This just isn’t an enjoyable, progressive neighborhood to me.
Ban the wingnuts that don’t contribute intelligent thoughts, make some rules about decency and content. Keep people from posting 100x a day. All this contributes to a better community.
Goldy, this is out of my field of expertise. . .but, a quick search of Sourceforge pointed me to OutoftheBloo. It is object-oriented and has the expressed intention of being compatible with WordPress. It is at ver. 1.0. It may not be mature enough. . .but take a look. It is of course licensed under the GPL.
The call for Alpha testers was put out on March 23. Check it out at Thinklings.org. The call was accompanied by an offer to help set up and monitor
#56 “This just isn’t an enjoyable, progressive neighborhood to me.”
You are advertising this blog every Sunday night. People will be looking to see what you offer here. Time to make the community more hospitable. :)
This just isn’t an enjoyable, progressive neighborhood to me.
Commentby Frank […………………………………………………………………OK…..try Detroit, East St Louis, South Central LA, or Harare, Zimbabwe. You may feel “more comfortable” there!!!]
Commentby Another TJ [……………………………………..Hmmmmmmmmmmm….. Is this a crime? What am I to “feel”? Can the dead Democrat still vote in NOV? ]
61, cont,…….Does the dead Democrat need ID to vote, and what if his finger is already purple?
GOLDY! One more thing . . . you have something most bloggers don’t have and that is free advertising for three hours every Sunday. Are you able to count the hits your site get? I would imagine people view you for the first time after hearing you on the radio.
A stragetic plan would demand that the site be equal to the radio show and vice versa. This should be a place where listeners come to continue the conversation. Now that would be something. I bet Stefan would love to have an opportunity like this! You need to be coordinating the two and that doesn’t mean more money necessarily. It does mean making some management decisions. You might consider that screener . . . for your blog!
I would like to see you put up a message board like to Socialist Party has http://sp-usa.org/bulletin/index.php
to =the
What the hell are you doing wasting your time here, then?
get rid of the comments altogether, goldie. you want responses to your posts, have people email ’em and post the best, dump the rest. thenk yew.
We need to hear more about REP Pat “BitchSlap” Kennedy, DEMOCRAT, RI, Cindy “BitchSlap” McKinney, DEMOCRAT, GA, and last but not least, William J. “IceBox” Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA! hehe, JCH Kennedy
Oh my GOD!!! I didn’t catch this earlier… this whole “I need help” goldstein whine is in response to Stefans stepping up and stepping out!
Sound Events announced July 8, 2006 by Stefan Sharkansky at 11:47 AM
Sound Voices announced July 5, 2006 by Stefan Sharkansky at 01:00 PM
D L doesn’t just stand for “Democrat Liberal” or “Drinking Liberally”… it also stands for DESPERATE LOSER!
Here is a link to one of the studies cited by the liberal The Nation magazine for their proposition that felons vote overwhelmingly Democrat:
Or use the wonderful dKos model of Trusted Users being able to moderate the board.
The progressive, self-policing nature of dKos keeps me (and many others) coming back.
D L doesn’t just stand for “Democrat Liberal” or “Drinking Liberally”… it also stands for DESPERATE LOSER who’s a DAY LATE! …{snicker}well actually more than a few days late!
Well, one thing’s certain. . .This is going to be one of the last Boy’s Night out for the Trolls. Bu–bye, guys.
“felons vote overwhelmingly Democrat”
beats the ignorant bigoted assholes that vote Republican any day.
Or use the wonderful dKos model of Trusted Users being able to moderate the board.
The progressive, self-policing nature of dKos keeps me (and many others) coming back. –Commentby Frank— 7/11/06@ 7:15 pm
Oh yes, Kos is working so very well lately.
Given goldsteins sudden burst of blog introspection, how very timely. -Commentby howcanyou be PROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 7/11/06@ 4:54 pm
Is this the start of censorship of different viewpoints? If so, it confirms my view that modern liberalism is a throwback to Old Left Stalinism. At its heart, modern liberalism preaches tolerance of opposing viewpoints but doesn’t practice what it preaches.
Shouldn’t you be communing with one of your flower essences froggy?…
Flower essences are helpful whenever you feel physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually out of balance. This could be when you slam your finger in the door, you feel like you are getting a cold, or have a major illness. It could be when an emotion has you in its grip and you can’t break loose; when you can’t stop thinking the same self-critical thought; or when it is a challenge to be present, embodied or to relate to this Earth plane. Flower essences can help keep us balanced and moving forward during times of transition such as job changes, a new relationship or the passing of a loved one.
I just gotta love this part, froggy..
Please listen to your inner guidance when making any health care choices for yourself and your family. Flower essences treat the whole person and can be used to support the healing of specific symptoms. However, flower essences and any other products offered by Tree Frog Farm are not a substitute for necessary medical care. Seek the advice of a qualified health-care professional for all medical problems.
“Oh yes, Kos is working so very well lately.”
dKos is fine.
Since the piece you so kindly posted starts out with 4 or 5 glaring lies, its not exactly a good measure of the health of our community.
The saving grace is that your brand of fucktarded spewing wouldn’t last 5 minutes over there. Buahahahhaha.
Then again, neither would a post like this. :)
Hey Tree-Frog…. we were out your way earlier this year… we love the Island! Thanks for helping make THAT community special too.
Maybe when we get more moderation here we can actually have a real conversation about things here!
These sentiments were echoed by New York Magazine’s John Heilemann:
The sudden Democratic obeisance to the Netroots fills many in the party’s centrist cadres with despair bordering on panic–for they see the likes of [MyDD’s Matt] Stoller and Moulitsas as “McGovernites with modems,” in the choice phrase of Marshall Wittman, a Republican apostate now ensconced at the Democratic Leadership Council. More than a few leading GOP lights agree, happily foreseeing the liberal bloggers’ leading the opposition down (okay, further down) the primrose path into lefty irrelevance. As Newt Gingrich put it bluntly in Newsweek, “I think the Republican Party has few allies more effective than the Daily Kos.”
If Brooks, Heilemann, and Gingrich are correct, it is quite possible that the leaders of the Democrats are watching the goings on at Daily Kos the past four weeks secretly enjoying the carnage while hoping that the wheels totally fall off the psychedelic VW bus. After all, the MoveOn.org/Michael Moore left certainly didn’t help the Democrats in 2004. Maybe the powers that be are wisely starting to recognize how similarly damaging the Kossacks are to a successful campaign.
Of course, it is also possible that Kos – who is clearly no dummy – is starting to recognize this same inconvenient truth, and is indeed letting youthful idealism be replaced with a more ripened pragmatism: if the real goal is to get out of Iraq at all costs, some compromise on other issues might be appropriate in the grand scheme of things.
Heilemann appears to agree:
Kos and his allies see themselves not as ideologues but as pragmatists, aspiring players. And, indeed, time and again, Kos has declared that his main interest is in regaining power, by whatever means necessary. In his keynote at his Las Vegas convocation, he declared, “Republicans have failed us because they can’t govern; Democrats have failed us because they can’t get elected.” His mantra on other occasions has been “I’m just all about winning.”
Unfortunately, even Kos must understand that practicality and the desire to win at all costs are not strong traits amongst people with extreme political viewpoints, who obviously represents the bulk of his followers. As a result, this could leave him in the unenviable position of having to choose between his successful career as a blogger, or actually having a serious impact on politics, for it doesn’t seem likely that he can achieve both… at least, not with his current clientele.
If you moonbats are going to start banning conservative free marketers like me and the other Kennedy’s then I’d be proud to be the first one banned from HA. You will then be free to jerk each other off to your heart’s content. Have fun…
“at least, not with his current clientele.”
Haha… Clearly you aren’t paying close attention to results so far.
Stay tuned, the fun is just beginning!
You will then be free to jerk each other off to your heart’s content. Have fun… -Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 7/11/06@ 7:45 pm
Frank, if you check an earlier thread, you will see where Proudtobe AJackass thought he had “outed me” as running an herbal farm. Not so. Not me. However, he is so ful of himself, he doesn’t know.
The gentleman running the herbal farm has expropriated the name of one of my businesses. However, I did not register the domain name.
82………MTRK…Ban one Kennedy, we all go!! Goldy’s post count is cut by 50%. [Hello advertisers!]
So enlighten us Frank, what candidate has Nutroots been successful in getting elected?
I bet we can name a whole damned bunch he was UNsuccessful with!
Bet hey, I hope you and the rest of the rootNUTS keep sending KOS your money for whatever… he’s renovating the ol’ manse in Berkley and has his eye on a nice Sub-Zero combo.
Inhale deeply froggy, aroma essence is your friend!
“felons vote overwhelmingly Democrat”
beats the ignorant bigoted [taxpayers] assholes that vote Republican any day.
Commentby Frank […………………………………………………………..Er, Frank, The Republicans pay the bills. The felons are voting Democrat. Get the difference?]
I find it surprising how few ‘footprints’ I seem to have left on the Internet, considering how long I have been on it. Perhaps I should go and stand in front of a mirror to see if I am really there. . .
It was a very good year when I first connected to the Internet. I was inordinately proud of my Compaq 286 with its 80 meg hard drive. While I am not one of the “Gnomes of Zurich”, Tim Bernars-Lee was just popularizing his new computer language, HTML when I first connected. It did not matter to me, since I connected at a blazing 14400 bps and used a ‘comm’ program to emulate a terminal so I could connect with a rather large Unix computer acting as a proxy-client to a text browser called Lynx. Mosaic was still a University project at that time. Linus had just got his 386 and was feuding with Andy Tannenbaum. Usenet was all the rage and BBS were our answer to IRC.
A little research would show that ‘I’ am not the herbal farmer. But, bloviate at will.
Whoa dude… when I said inhale deeplyy, I assumed you knew I meant LEGALLY as well!
ProudtobeaJackass, the fantasy is all yours. But thank you for playing. . . . . . .
A little research would show that ‘I’ am not the herbal farmer. But, bloviate at will. -Commentby Tree Frog Farmer— 7/11/06@ 8:19 pm
Sorry sweetcheeks, you overestimate your importance.
MTR- you would not be banned for your conservative views, but rather for your refusal to engage in honest discussion. Did you ever open the EPA site I referred you to on CFC’s?
Your joyful embrace of dishonesty (remember your defence of Eyeman’s deceit) prevent you from bringing anything meaningful here.
Did you know that just over the last 11 quarters, dating back to the June 2003 Bush tax cuts, America has increased its entire economy 20 percent? In less than three years, the U.S. economic pie has expanded by $2.2 trillion, an output add-on roughly as large the total Chinese economy, and much larger than the total economic size of nations like India, Mexico, Ireland and Belgium.
Not bad for being the “worst economy in 70 years.” [SEN John Fing Kerry, DEMOCRAT, MASS]
Hey “K”……….Enjoy!!!!!…………….Did you know that just over the last 11 quarters, dating back to the June 2003 Bush tax cuts, America has increased its entire economy 20 percent? In less than three years, the U.S. economic pie has expanded by $2.2 trillion, an output add-on roughly as large the total Chinese economy, and much larger than the total economic size of nations like India, Mexico, Ireland and Belgium.
Not bad for being the “worst economy in 70 years.” [SEN John Fing Kerry, DEMOCRAT, MASS]
So tell us sweetcheeks, what do you suppose the odds are of TWO, count em, TWO tree frog farmers in Western Washington, both liberals, both strident eco-nutburgers?
Uh huh.
Buy me a lotto ticket, would ya, sweetscheeks.
Tell me about the deficit, REP Pat. ANd when do we start counting the costs of Iraq?
Shall we list and enumerate the assorted volumed of meaningful conversations brought here by liberals?
This is what I would call a recursive, self referential joke. . .all the more hilarious because you are unaware of it, and haven’t the sense of humour to appreciate it:
A little research would show that ‘I’ am not the herbal farmer. But, bloviate at will. -Commentby Tree Frog Farmer— 7/11/06@ 8:19 pm
Sorry sweetcheeks, you overestimate your importance.
So, NOW, you want to be taken seriously? Good Luck. Oh, and ban the “trolls,” all you will get is your laughable posts followed by even more laughable “yah, what he said” me too comments from jaxoff, tree fucker, etc.
This should be fun to watch.
I speak for myself. I also speak either from direct experience and generally provide backup.
I think your nasturtiums have mites, froggy.
William S. said something about protesting too much….
I will concur with a theme buried here somewhere that the exchange sinks to the lowest denominator. It does seem there is considerable assistance in the downward plunge by REP Pat in particular.
Isn’t it time for your Tookie reference again, Pat?
Isn’t it time for Roger to hijack the threads? Or maybe Rugrat to foul the playpen? How about MisssinghisLeftNut with his Tourette’s syndrome? or the ramblings of LSDLucy?
By: TRUTH · 07/11/2006 · Section:
Far be it from me to point out lascivious behavior, but I come from a time and place where a gentleman wears a shirt and tie on an airplane, opens the door for a woman, and never—repeat, never!—dresses in drag (unless he’s Rudy Giuliani).
Cue these photos (from a young Democrat source, no less) of Luther Lowe, a leading candidate for College Democrats National President, dressed in drag. “
hmm 1st link isn’t working properly…
“So enlighten us Frank, what candidate has Nutroots been successful in getting elected?”
Typical Freeper… wants me to do his homework for him.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wrong answer.
Try agin. It is all pretty easy to find!
Isn’t it time for your Tookie reference again, Pat?
Commentby K […………………….Now, I am the creator of the phase “Democrat Tookie Williams anal sex”! [We ALL know what this means!!!] Mr. “Tookie” may be dead, but he will again be voting straight Democrat in NOV. Jesse and Al will ensure he is not “disenfranchised”!!!]
Yes, the answer most definitetly IS easy to find… the answer is NONE, ZERO, ZIP, NADA nationally.
Nutroots: the candidate kiss of death!
Tookie Williams: the Willie Horton of 2006!!!! [Both fine young Democrats!]
” The Democratic netroots has demonstrated an ability to promote favored candidates and raise considerable campaign cash for them. But no candidate backed by the netroots has actually won — although Iraq War veteran Paul Hackett came extremely close in an August 2005 special election in Ohio.”
The post-election roll call of Moulitsas’ hand-picked beneficiaries reads as a litany of woe and defeat:
# Tony Miller – Lost
# Ben Konop – Lost
# Dan Mongiardo – Lost
# Richard Romero – Lost
# Samara Barend – Lost
# Jeff Seemann – Lost
# Nancy Farmer – Lost
# Ginny Schrader – Lost
# Jan Schneider – Lost
# Lois Murphy – Lost
# Jim Newberry – Lost
# Brad Carson – Lost
# Tony Knowles – Lost
# Stan Matsunaka – Lost
# Richard Morrison – Lost
All told, that’s $547,157.97 of donated money, squandered on the basis of the mass trust placed in Moulitsas by his readers. (This is, at least, what ActBlue reports – the actual figure is doubtless higher.) What lessons can we, as internet activists, draw from this? First and foremost, the fundraising power of the internet is powerful indeed. For a half million dollars plus to be raised more or less by a solitary weblog is a remarkable feat indeed, and deserves congratulations. But in a larger sense, this is a lesson we have long since learned – from the Dean campaign, and from the Bush and Kerry campaigns, as they used the internet to raise not hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of millions of dollars in online donations. The missing element in the Kos Dozen was sound, basic political judgment, informing the decisions on whom to fund, and in whom the donors could place their trust. And therein is the second lesson to be learned: mastery of the mechanisms of netroots mobilization is a different thing from mastery of the methods. Someone in the DCCC is laughing tonight at the humiliation of a bete noir who refused to grasp the value of wisdom and experience in politics – and paid for it with a hugely expensive and very public 100% failure rate.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Hmmmm. If one?electoral track record is the measure of one?s value, Markos isn?t worth a spit in a river. He and his community are zero for sixteen when picking candidates, and 0-1 with Howard Dean.
Posted by Jeff Wegerson on Feb 7, 2006 at 9:28 AM
Big talk from leftist losers.
The organization, fund raising, polls, endorsements, conventions, talk radio, and websites mean absolutely nothing until the left learns how to win elections. Winning elections depends on putting together a coherent philosophy and programs that appeal to voters. In this vital effort the left is losing ground, and is now engaging in internecine warfare that will further damage its decrepit credibility. In fact, leftist websites and political efforts generate noise and money, but not results. Conservative websites and efforts generate results. Consider:
Kos endorsed fifteen leftist candidates in his actblue website and raised one-half million dollars for them. Every single one of the Kos candidates lost in the 2004 elections.
Comment by howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASS — 5/23/06 @ 10:05 pm
March 08, 2006
The Netroots Lose Another One
Hotline On Call is reporting that Rep. Henry Cuellar won enough votes in the the 28th District of Texas yesterday to secure the Democratic nod without a run-off primary against former Rep. Ciro Rodriguez. That means that yet another favorite of netroots bloggers has gone down to defeat.
All of the major Democratic blogs, including Americablog, Daily Kos, Eshcaton and MyDD, had endorsed Rodriguez’ bid to reclaim the seat and had helped raise tens of thousands of dollars for his campaign in recent weeks. Rodriguez also began posting diary entries at Daily Kos starting in early February.
Their effort was looking good as early returns were posted, with Rodriguez leading much of last night. But the project ultimately fell short thanks to Cuellar’s strong polling in precincts near his home of Laredo. With 99 percent of the precincts reporting, Cuellar had won nearly 53 percent of the vote to Rodriguez’ 41 percent. He needed only 50 percent plus one vote to avoid a Democratic run-off.
The defeat is the latest is a long string of losses for netroots-backed dating back to 2004. Republican bloggers love to gloat about the fact that none of the “Kos Dozen” (actually 16 candidates endorsed by Daily Kos in 2004) won their respective elections. They crowed again when Democrat Paul Hackett lost to now-Rep. Jean Schmidt in an Ohio special election last summer. I expect to hear more of that talk today.
Comment by howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASS — 5/23/06 @ 10:14 pm
I’d say, all is not well in netroot land…
May 5th, 2006
by Philo @ 12:00 am
John Aravosis poses an important question to the netroots based on requests he?s received from Democratic leadership:
Some friends on the Hill recently asked me if the liberal blogs could lay off their attacks on Democratic members of Congress until after the election. The idea being that we need to keep promoting a public image of Dems good/Republicans bad, and that any criticism of Dems hurts our image and only helps detract attention from the Republicans? increasing number of failings.
It?s an interesting question. Is it time to sit back and shut up and hold our tongue?
I think at some point we can hurt ourselves by helping create a public perception that our party has no message and is spineless. Then again, it?s not like they need much help creating that perception – chicken and egg.
Fuck. That. Noise.
Give us something to support and we?ll shut up, but this is really the DNC asking the progressive netroots to stomach the lesser of two evils. And I say that as an ardent Democrat who cares about nothing more than watching Democrats retake our government. But it?s not going to happen by us silencing criticism of Dems who deserve criticism, while continuing to target Republicans. That?s the birthplace of hypocrisy and for all the time we spend berating the right about it, I think it?d be insane for us to suddenly stop caring about honesty, integrity and good government.
I disagree with Aravosis that this is a chicken and egg problem. It?s not. The failure of the DNC to find adequate, electable candidates cannot be blamed by criticism from the progressive netroots for that fact. We?re critical because the candidates are weak or slimy or NOT REAL DEMOCRATS (read: Lieberman, Cuellar, Nelson); when the candidates lose we can?t be blamed for the candidate being a weak DINO. It?s a circular argument, the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc – and I?m sure anyone with their head screwed on right at the DNC knows it.
Progressive Democrats were burned badly in the lead up to the Iraq war as Dem after elected Dem got in lock-step behind Rove, Rumsfeld, and Cheney?s war machine. The liberal voices weren?t listened to and look what we have as a result? Why should anyone on the liberal blogosphere have faith that these same Democrats are (a) the best we can hope for or (b) deserving of our fealty?
Now I understand the underlying political, Manichean motives for Aravosis?s question – it should be noted that he doesn?t answer it, only poses it on his site – but our individual political values whereby many of us would place Democrats as the only ?good? option in American politics exist separate from the goals that run common through the blogosphere. Good government, honest politicians, accountability, and an increase in the transparency of America?s democracy are what many on the blogosphere work for. When we criticize Bush, Rove, Frist, or DeLay for their shortcomings in these areas, it?s not just because we don?t like their views on abortion and gay rights.
I raise the distinction between good government and political spectrum issues on whole because one of the most important roles the blogosphere has played in electoral politics is one of investigatory journalism and paying attention to scandals that the traditional can?t see the importance of. No doubt the blogs will play a crucial role in helping Democrats unseat Republicans in Congress, but this is not because the DNC asks us to (though I?m sure that they hope for it these days), but rather because we believe rooting out corruption will, in the end, make our government stronger and more effective.
Obviously it?s no coincidence that liberal blogs focus our energies on Republican abuses primarily and conservative blogs do the same. But the Democrats the netroots are out to get are ones cut from the same cloth as corrupt Republicans who no longer have a moral compass (see, again: Lieberman, Joe). For us to turn our back on our values because the Democrats are concerned that a modicum of dissent might disrupt the careful machinations of their knighted consultants is to undermine the very functions and strength of the netroots. Silencing my criticisms of Democrats, whatever they may be, doesn?t just make me feel intellectually inconsistent and unprincipled – it makes me feel like less of a blogger.
If the DNC, DSCC, and DCCC are already looking to blame bloggers for failures they might experience in the midterms, then my guess is they?re already in position to fail. They are misdirecting their temerity by focusing it on their strongest allies and not on their weakest candidates and shoddiest incumbents. If the Democrats find a way to lose ground in 2006, it will go down as one of the greatest failures in American political history – likely on par with the Bush presidency. In that eventuality there?s no scenario where any meaningful iota of blame should fall on the progressive netroots. Schumer, Emmanuel, Reid, and Pelosi will go down as the architects of that failure, not Atrios, Kos, Aravosis, and Stoller.
Wake up and learn how to treat your base.
Democrats, 2006, 2008, blogs, bloggers
Comment by howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASS — 5/23/06 @ 10:18 pm
I’ll give you a few key words I typed in DonnieGETSNone – see if you can manage the rest on your own (although I don’t hold out much hope from a mommy government dependee such as you)… consider it alms to the liberally incompetent…
Comment by howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASS — 5/23/06 @ 11:12 pm
thank you
You might want to fast forward to the last round of primaries.
You know… stay current.
Primaries??? Give me a BREAK!
My dog could get “elected” in a primary for God’s sake.
ELECTED means chosen by the voters to serve out a term of office…
A primary “win” gets a candidate a chance to try to be elected.
Get the difference?
So, Frank, tell us again the nutroots candidates that have been ELECTED.
Fess up frank, are you even old enough to vote?
I agree about too many graphics. Keep it simple and easy to read. I love Talking Points Memo page. Sharp. Really nice.
There’s a republican one out there that has white print on black background – it is gawdawful! Keep the colors muted, please. Black background is impossible to read and bright colors fatigue the eye.
Oh, and a professional graphics person once told me you don’t mix up the fonts too much. Keep it simple.
That’s all I have to offer.
Yay!!! Death to trolls.
I have an idea..make people register with real names and do phone or address verification. That will eliminate 90% of the right wingers. They’re too cowardly to divulve their true identities. I’d have no problem with it myself. If there were a way to hold the righties accountable when they slander and lie, they’d run and hide like they always do. Or you could be like that bitch Steffy at USP and simply delete comments you don’t agree with.
Left turn, if you required real names every single one of your missives would turn up in a Google search. That’s a bit dangerous if the winger stay in power.
I agree with Skagit to keep the graphics simple!
The idea of having one “anything goes” section is an interesting one, because it would preserve the bizarre but nevertheless strangely compelling community that has developed here. Is it possible to turn off comments rankings for one section of a blog?
The winger arguments about censorship is pure bunk. Goldy, you’ve got exactly the right attitude about how to judge the healthiness of participation. Hold to your guns!
I have an idea..make people register with real names and do phone or address verification. That will eliminate 90% of the right wingers. They’re too cowardly to divulve their true identities. I’d have no problem with it myself. If there were a way to hold the righties accountable when they slander and lie, they’d run and hide like they always do. Or you could be like that bitch Steffy at USP and simply delete comments you don’t agree with.
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/11/06@ 10:31 pm
LeftTurn start with posting with your real name, for I find the folks on the left have the problem with ID themselfs. They have a fear that someone will out them at work.
The winger arguments about censorship is pure bunk. Goldy, you’ve got exactly the right attitude about how to judge the healthiness of participation. Hold to your guns!
Commentby Green Thumb— 7/11/06@ 10:36 pm
Coward with yellow shit runnung out of his ass.
Stefan, are you going to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit? If not, why not?
Also, Stefan, have you contributed $99 to http://www.operation-helmet.org/ to save a soldier’s life? If not, why not? You see to have plenty of money for suing King County. If you haven’t contributed to Operation Helmet, you don’t support the troops. I do, and I did.
“Coward with yellow shit runnung out of his ass.” Commentby klake— 7/11/06@ 10:44 pm
That would be you, klake.
Notice how the wingers who complain the most in this thread are the ones who most abuse the system at HA?
For example, Proud has no business frothing. Look at the way that he’s made a mess of this thread with his off-topic cut-and-pastes that show no willingness to have an actual discussion.
That’s too bad, because this blog COULD be a place where people with vastly different perspectives could learn from each other. Alas, that simply isn’t going to happen under the current system.
Before I forget … klake is a nazi.
Goldy — don’t censor the trolls. Let me have them. I know what to do.
Klake, is it possible for you to say something intelligent for a change? What’s wrong, does it hurt your brain?
Roger, I admire your intellect, passion and energy here at HA. I also think that the current system is a losing cause. It is driving away all but the hard-core “fight club” lefties. It does the progressive community no good if we can’t expand the dialogue beyond a handful of insiders willing to endure constant winger carpet bombing.
I agree Green Thumb. I’m hardpressed to censor the wabbit, but you post too much Toon! It might be fun for you and you do have some good stuff to say. But, too much of a good thing is still to much.
He’s poised to bring in a lot of new people but they won’t stay if all they read are the same profane posters all the time. Esp. if they haven’t got anything interesting to post.
boo flippin hoo… goldstein’s all depressed …helllp meeee… because Stefan took his blog, SOUND POLITICS to a new level with NEW CONTRIBUTORS and not just ONE (SOUND EVENTS announced July 8, 2006 by Stefan Sharkansky at 11:47 AM) but TWO (SOUND VOICES announced July 5, 2006 by Stefan Sharkansky at 01:00 PM) NEW FEATURES and left the leftover H’Ass lefties in the dust. That’s all this is about: boo flippin hoo and sour, jealous grapes.
Civics class obviously was wasted on these trolls.
I say ban the lot of them and lets have an interesting discussion about how to take back our country from the fascists that are stealing it.
ELECTED means chosen by the voters to serve out a term of office…
A primary “win” gets a candidate a chance to try to be elected.
Get the difference?
So, Frank, tell us again the nutroots candidates that have been ELECTED.
Registering with names isn’t a problem!
Proud @ 135:
Actually, Proud, it’s about getting rid of the crap you post. So Stiffy’s made some improvements to his blog. Good for him. Life is about change.
I’d like to see HA go in the direction of TPM.cafe, which allows a broader range of participation than its mother blog Talking Points Memo.
One of the dangers of expanding too quickly is that staffing becomes more problematic. Talking Points Memo solved that by doing some fundraising and hiring paid staff. It isn’t clear to me how Goldy would handle this issue, but it would seem that an all-volunteer blog has limits to what it can accomplish.
I would donate to this blog if it had functional comment threads.
I guess Stephanie Herseth and Barack Obama will have to clear out of their offices.
The ‘Net as a whole suffers from The Perennial Twelve Year Old. Here, on HA we are particularly plagued because of the openness of the forum.
Some mailing lists I have participated in used the metaphor of the local Pub. If you really don’t like the discourse or company at one end of the bar, just move on down to t’other end. Of course, your average pub is better behaved than here, because our typical troll would either be 86’d straight-away or worse ‘glassed’.
The metaphor of a pub breaks down on this forum largely because in politics,particularly the better sorts of politics, the group is seeking a consensus. People incapable of an honest brokerage in ideas and discourse have nothing to contribute. And so we arrive at our current impasse, having fostered an adolescent Fight Club merely suitable for subliminating raging hormones.
Liberals talking amongst themselves, liberals taking to themselves, is like watching monkeys pick nits off each other… deadly boring and the nits just hate it.
To have REAL DISCUSSIONS rather than non-productive group thinks shouting indoctrinates at each other, requires TWO points of view.
The fact that you hate conservatives, that you hate anyone with whom you disagree or who does not share your world view is inconsequential to any debate. Locking them out of the debate won’t harm them.
And therein lies your problem: liberals don’t want debate they want acquiescence; the immature liberals HERE particularly want acquiescence and have demonstrated a penchant for juvenile tactics and tantrums when they don’t get it.
This little blog that started its life as a mocking insult naturally progressed itself right to where it is now. But the bottom line is, the site needs the Conservative ‘rabble rousers’ to keep discussions interesting far more than the ‘rabble rouses’ need this site to find interesting discussion.
As I pointed out way ^up^ there, H’ASS is a way to blow off steam, it is a source of amusement. It does both of those well. As much as you wish it to be, it is NOT a serious political site.
Your time is limited. Make the best of it Jackass.
“To have REAL DISCUSSIONS rather than non-productive group thinks shouting indoctrinates at each other, requires TWO points of view.”
There’s not much real discussion going on over at SP, as far as I can see.
Personally, I’m all for having people of differing political views discussiing their opinions here. But, if you want substantive discussion, the threads would then have to be moderated, with simple rules, e.g. no ad hominem attacks, no wildly off-topic posts, etc. Such comments would then need to be deleted and the poster warned or possibly banned.
Substantive IDEAS (you know those inconvenient things liberals seems to be missing) vs choir preaching and playing to the “base”.
“To have REAL DISCUSSIONS rather than non-productive group thinks shouting indoctrinates at each other, requires TWO points of view.”
There’s not much real discussion going on over at SP, as far as I can see. -Commentby Dr. E— 7/12/06@ 9:20 am
That’s the pathetic tactic my kid uses when he’s in trouble with me: ‘yeah but (brother) Mike does this and Mike does that’… ‘Sorry kiddo, we aren’t talking about Mike, we’re talking about YOU’.
So, sorry Doc, we aren’t talking about SP and its needs, we’re talking about H’ASS and goldsteins cry for help.
Dr.E@ In true troll fashion,Jackass will not conced that any rules are necessary. He will only attack you and hector you. You are dealing with part of the problem not part of the solution with Jackass.
Attack and hector.
Actually I prefer to mock.
Rules, sure I’d like to see rules:
Rule 1. no foul language.
Rule 2. one identity ONLY per user
Rule 3. a time limit btween posts by the same person (see Roger rabbit for an example)
But the bottom line stands… this blog is NOT a place of substantive discussion… it wasn’t created as such and it was allowed to be exactly what it is by the owner.
When you allow your kid to be rude and spoiled, you can’t one day expect to wake up and demand he be a proper young gentleman.
#139 – I would donate to this blog if it had functional comment threads.
Commentby Green Thumb— 7/12/06@ 6:35 am
You know, so would I. I think Goldy misses that point. He’s not going to get a lot of help as long as he lets the trashers continue to trash his site. Who wants to support that?
#141 Tree Frog Farmer
Your analogy of the pub breaks down for me at one point: if guys entered the pub only to trash it, they’d be thrown out by the proprietor if not by some of the regulars. Problem here is that the trashers are the regulars. Why do you suppose that is?
OK I admit it… I don’t know what “functional comment thread” means.
Ah, Proud . . . Stupid: You sound like a child throwing a tantrum because he’s afraid his favorite toy is going to be taken away. Well, if parents aren’t smart enough to put him in time out by the time he’s eighteen, he can always be thrown out of the house then. Take your trash talk over to SP! See what the shark does.
What the hell are you blabbering about?
Look back a few months kiddo, I STAYED away from positng here for about 4 months.
I asked a legitimate question.. I don;t know what “functional coment thread” means and yo respond… not with an answer, but as an ASS with insyults.
Pot:kettle mr trash talk.
I asked a legitimate question
No you didn’t. You confessed your ignorance.
yet anothe ASS heard from… but still no answer.
Like I have said repeatedly… not a site for substantive anything.
I think functional may relate to purposeful . . . not my comment so can’t say for sure. But, it is the trashers purpose to trash so is functional from their point of view. The rest of us wish the purpose were to generate and sustain reasonable political discourse. It is not functional in that regard.
one more time
Can you be bothered to STOP playing your obtuse ‘one upmanship’ games to just answer the damned question?
About the four month abstinence form HA? Why did you come back?
Are you psychotic? Slow down and read. . . you might learn something.
I was ready to be amused again after the death of my Dad.
So what you are saying is that ‘functional comment thread’ is not a technical term but simply something you called it to describe it. I’m sorry, I thought it was a specific term with a specific meaning.
So you were a trasher all along . . . you just ran into a grim moment. Hmmm. Sorry about your dad.
“That’s the pathetic tactic my kid uses when he’s in trouble with me: ‘yeah but (brother) Mike does this and Mike does that’… ‘Sorry kiddo, we aren’t talking about Mike, we’re talking about YOU’.”
I’ve read the threads there, there ain’t much substantive discussion going on.
Not a trasher… the correct term would be MOCKER :)
Thanks. It’s humbling to suddenly have no living parents.
Man, you come on this blog, abuse Goldy and his hospitality. Then you whine, OFF TOPIC, MIND YOU, on this blog about the death of your father. . .as though THIS WAS YOUR COMMUNITY, THAT YOU CAN ABUSE,MOCK AND DESPISE. And then you come back and repeat.
Child, you don’t have issues. . .you have subscriptions.
First of all, it wasn’t my comment (second time I’ve said that) so it is not something I called it. But, I think it does describe what we are looking for . . . function/purposeful for what we want to do.
See that’s the problem with you sourpuss little libs.. you take it all soooo seriously, while most of us come in for a good laugh.
Hells bells, even Roger Rabbit is only here for the guffaws 95% of the time.
You kiddies are thumping your chests and banging your heads while the rest of us are simply taking a break from reality.
You kiddies need to get a grip… it doens’t all have to be oh so serious.
You are not mocking. . . you are trashing. Mockery is an art and can be interesting. Your posts often lack coherency, relevancy and are unreadable. This is the first time I’ve even stopped to think of your as a person. Mostly, I’ve just scrolled past you. Who wants to read a blog where you’re scrolling past everybody.
Well, you said it yourself. You are taking a break from reality. You have hijacked a space that isn’t yours. Back to the spoiled kids analogy. If it makes you feel good, do it. But, you guys are pretty much talking to each other. So, continue to amuse yourselves. Sorry it is at Goldy’s expense.
Like most trolls, Jackass has some serious FUNCTIONAL deficits to his personality. Let’s get one thing straight, Jackass, THIS IS NOT YOUR ‘T’ Group. Nor is the internet a sheltered workshop for you kind of emotional retardation.
So tell me skagit, it’s oh so horrible when I or another conservative do “it”.
What is it when Killatroll/saveaBlog, Rujax, Leftturn, Lucy et al do “it”?
Pot/kettle, goose/gander sweetcheeks.
…Something about getting your own house in order berfore you deign to criticize how I keep mine.
What does that mean?
You’ve read their recent comments. You guys started something. In order to play, they started playing by your rules. Even I did it at first . . . my very first posts on this blog were stupid. I finally quit. But, I kept looking and commenting occasionally. Like most of us, we keep looking. But, it isn’t fun. Left Turn doesn’t like it. Said so. Lucy doesn’t post much. Rujax doesn’t like it – said so. It is just you guys that don’t get it. You have trashed the place and nobody could put it back in order . . . and now you blame others. Killatroll I don’t know so isn’t on here all the time. Everybody is reacting to you guys . . . the four of you slam every single poster. You post irrelevant and stupid comments. It is relentless and it completely overtakes the space.
It means police yourselves before you attempt to police others.
It means stop telling others what they can and can’t do if you aren’t willing to enforce the same demands of yourself.
It means ‘do as I say, not as I do’ is not the way to go.
It means live the example you expect others to live.
Who can have a conversation with the four of you hurling yourselves into every other post? Don’t you guys have a life outside this blog?
You’ve read their recent comments. You guys started something. In order to play, they started playing by your rules. Even I did it at first . . . my very first posts on this blog were stupid. I finally quit. But, I kept looking and commenting occasionally. Like most of us, we keep looking. But, it isn’t fun. Left Turn doesn’t like it. Said so. Lucy doesn’t post much. Rujax doesn’t like it – said so. It is just you guys that don’t get it. You have trashed the place and nobody could put it back in order . . . and now you blame others. Killatroll I don’t know so isn’t on here all the time. Everybody is reacting to you guys . . . the four of you slam every single poster. You post irrelevant and stupid comments. It is relentless and it completely overtakes the space. -Commentby Skagit— 7/12/06@ 11:21 am
Excuse me, the number one reason this little blog has devolved into a gang war amongst 5 year olds is not because of Conservatives.
You don’t see the conservatives calling people vile names with foul language. You don’t see conservatives talking about the children and wives of others and using scatological references to describe them.
There is a huge difference between good natured mocking and THIS tripe:
Barnyard Ass-Commentby Proud To Be An Ass— 7/11/06@ 6:03 pm
yourRoyalwizenedTwatness -Commentby Rujax206— 7/11/06@ 2:14 pm
HEY TROLLFUCKS!!! -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/11/06@ 9:22 am
Laura Bush killed a guy. -Commentby BushWentAWOL— 7/10/06@ 7:54 pm
Speaking of impotent, how are you righties feeling about your hero LimpDickLimbaugh these days? HE HE HE HE! -Commentby LeftTurn— 7/10/06@ 8:05 pm
RancidButtPutty@37 – Commentby Tree Frog Farmer— 7/10/06@ 9:33 pm
What a TOTAL fucking ‘tard.Dave’s dumber than a sack of hammers. -Commentby Will— 7/10/06@ 9:49 pm
When George Bush’s daughters were arrested for being drunken whores, do you think they pulled a train on all the guys in the jail? -Commentby LeftTurn— 7/10/06@ 10:54 pm
I hear that Mrs. Bush fucks Georgie with a plastic dick every night. Then Georgie returns the favor. With the plastic that is. – Commentby BushWentAWOL— 7/10/06@ 10:55 pm
If you don’t want to lick my furry cottontail, you could get your sex by licking a tampon instead. For a good time, call 1-800-LICK-ROG. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/10/06@ 11:38 pm
The only nutjobs we hear about are in Limbaugh’s
nut-free scrotum.
CONSTIPATED CONSERVATIVES, such as yourself have no sense of humor. You are all full of shit and it can’t come out.- Commentby PUTT PUTT— 7/11/06@ 7:41 am
klake is a nazi Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/8/06@ 1:54 pm
… all from the kiddies on YOU side of the ideological fence.
Tell me, how do gems like that further serious discussion?
Two Dogs @3
In case you’re new here, I’ll explain the HorsesAss posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anybody can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. Our job, as liberals, is to verbally kick the living crap out of the wingnut neo-nazi fascist trollfucks who are stupid enough to spew their crapola here.
5. They deserve no mercy, and you should offer give them none.
6. Should the wingers wish to negotiate with us, our terms are unconditional surrender. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/12/06@ 11:26 am
“wingnut neo-nazi fascist trollfucks”
A impressive use of ones native language and really furthers substantive discussion, don’t you think?
I guess all I can do is repeat what I’ve already said. You made the rules. If people want to play, they play by your rules. You set up the expectations and the quotes above acquiesce to your demands.
Leftturn already said he didn’t like it. Rujax said he’d like to end it.
You keep looking for ways/reasons to keep doing it. I don’t think I can say anything that will change your mind. So, continue to hijack the space. You will have your way.
Roger is about the only one who plays the game like you do! (LOL) I scroll past him just ike I scroll past you four.
I guess this will continue to be the personal playgound for a few trolls and some of their playmates. I don’t know how Goldy can afford to keep it up. It is a pretty expensive playgound. And it is not much fun for a lot of us – even when we post.
BTW, Roger does not make the rules for Goldstein.
I am THRILLED that I have gotten under ProudASSLick’s skin to the point that he’s cataloged some of my responses. Memorize them bitch. They’re the truth and it can set your cowardly self free.
“wingnut neo-nazi fascist trollfucks”
You might not like the description, but, aside from the first and last ad hominem terms, it’s a pretty apt description of the Bush administration’s agenda, which is both neo-Nazi and fascist. I think it would be reasonable, therefore, to describe an avide Bush supporter as a neo-Nazi fascist. The problem to me seems to be that most right wingers here do not understand what this government has done and continues to do in their name. It’s an appalling list of absolutely heinous criminal activity, and it boggles the mind (or at least should boggle the mind) to consider how anyone could support this administration in any way.
I agree, Dr. E! Also, if you read these last few posts, Proud, it was nice to “talk” to you instead of our shooting bullets past one another.
Long-time lurker here. I’ve been thinking about your post off and on all day, and I’m starting to lean toward keeping the trolls. Last time you brought up the possibility of switching to Scoop (maybe close to a year ago), I was all for the idea and for starving the trolls.
But then shortly after that, WashBlog switched to a Scoop platform, and I said “Ah! Finally! A troll-free Scoop environment where I can participate in important, reasonable discourse about state issues with fellow progressives!” WashBlog was useful, I suppose, during the legislative session, just in terms of keeping on top of what was on the legislative docket, but beyond that, I just quickly got bored with it… mostly just various flavors of lefties nodding in solemn agreement, punctuated with the occasional pro/anti-Cantwell debates which went from predictable to monotonous. I’m worried that’s all that would be left of HA if you went to Scoop or some other self-policing function.
So my point is that there are plenty of local venues for substantive discussion without the risk of stepping in troll poop — WashBlog, Evergreen Politics, NW Prog — if that’s what you’re into. But the robust (if somewhat nauseating) give-and-take in the comments here are, in their own way, a lot more compelling. I kind of enjoy the “Fight Club” dynamic (as someone upthread put it) and, while I personally don’t have any interest in stepping into the fray, it’s a great place to see what the Republican talking points of the day are and to road-test rebuttal strategies.
Have you given any consideration to having multiple forums? Keep the current one “as is”, and have another one with a moderated discussion board. It wouldn’t really be twice the work, because you could post your same comments on this board and on the moderated board. You would then just leave the comments section in this one alone, and moderate the new one only. Over the course of a year or so you could see which one works out best.
Do you think Goldy’s got too many liberal competitors now to be interesting or competitive?
What would it take for him to get ads and make some money from it?
What would it take for him to get ads and make some money from it? -Commentby Skagit— 7/12/06@ 2:45 pm
LOL Skagit… appealing to an older and more mature audience?? :)
I am THRILLED that I have gotten under ProudASSLick’s skin to the point that he’s cataloged some of my responses. Memorize them bitch. They’re the truth and it can set your cowardly self free. -Commentby LeftTurn— 7/12/06@ 1:53 pm
Feel free to imagine sweetcheeks.
I wonder though, didn’t they teach you grammatical tense or pronoun usage in class last year?
And you seem to think I’m a switch hitter… sorry I leve that the the guy running for Pres of College Dems….which is it sweetcheeks, am I the HE that catalogs {snicker} or the she that’s a BITCH?
Well, Proudtobe . . . Stupid, we’re back to that. Answer the question about the 46%.
Answered over there.
I doubt you’ll like it though.
Well, given your history with me . . . you know, the erroneous Novak junk . . . I don’t think I’ll work too hard to verify your kind of research. Would be . . . a waste of time?
RPH @ 186 . . . good idea. Is buying bandwidth expensive?
Thinking about Vaclav’s comment about the fight-club menality, if that is what brings viewers, then maybe it is what you should keep. I saw a chart of your hits and it is pretty high . . . so why can’t you parlay that into some ads. . . bars, sports equipment stores, gyms, the places that appeal to macho guys. I would think that would bear some fruit.
I don’t know if Skagit’s question at 187 was addressed to me or to the world in general (which brings me to the other advantage of Scoop: threaded posting), but part of what I was saying at 185 was that HA is in fact more interesting and more competitive than the other local liberal blogs. That breaks down two ways: one, Goldy writes with a lot more personality and does better muckraking than any other local lefty-blogosphere personality around here, and two, the comments thread has the added appeal of getting to watch monkeys throw feces at each other. So, I guess I’d come anyway to see what Goldy has to say, but a lot of the “stickiness” of this website (as measured by checking more than once a day, lingering, etc.) has to do with the, y’know, feces-throwing.
Vaclav . . . so how does that help Goldy? If lots of people view, shouldn’t that buy advertising?
I guess it gets down to whether Goldy wants discussion or monkies throwing monkey faces at each other which, according to you, brings viewers. I don’t generally get engaged here much. I need a more substantive platform. I wonder what Goldy wants . . .
He has status in the blogging community. It would be a shame to lose that. He sure has the opportunity with the radio show to increase that viewship. Are the monkies putting on a good show which helps him or are they just a comic sideshow and irrelevant to the blog and Goldy’s writing
Skagit@195 You are perhaps ‘blowing past’ another aspect to the ‘attractiveness’ of the fight club mentality. The MSM in the US proper are nearly supine in relationship to the current administration and the current Republican Leadership. The comment threads get a lot of international ‘hits’ because they are one of the very few signs of any reality based thinking in the American body politic. The rightwing trolls here parrot talking points, falsehoods, and distorted facts/analysis like you can get by picking up any Murdock dominated paper, or listening to any dog-n-pony-snow-job at a Whitehouse ‘Press Conference’. It seems the ‘smackdown’ aspect is the attraction.
That being said, I still advocate some regulation of wightwing trolling. This is a liberal blog not to be available as a handy megaphone for rightwing nonsense, agitprop, or snarky attacks. When you come into someone’s parlor you do not shit on the floor, nor stubb out you cigarettes on the furniture. I will echo what Roger Rabbit has said elsewhere.
How do you know about international hits? Where do you find that?
I don’t know what it means to “blow past” – sorry! How does the fight-club mentality help internationally and if all the righties are parroting RWTP which I agree they are . . . are does this blog currently inform internationalists? Esp. with this lack of substantive discussion. Sorry, you lost me.
Go to the ‘sitemeter’. Roam around there in the stat’s section, try it now and again, or regularly. It’s a game of ‘blind man’s bluff’ for some stats without Goldy’s Admin Console, but when the originating ISP is in Liverpool, say, or Abu Dhabi, it’s a pretty good bet that’s an international ‘hit’. . . . .
As to “lack of substantive discussion”, I will grant the signal to noise ratio is lousy, but my point is: If you read US Newspapers, or listen to US TV, there is very little critical commentary, or even dissent. Just the fact that there is even a ‘food-fight’ going on here can be reassuring to an ex-pat who watched the debacle of the past two ‘preznidental elections’ through foreign media. Otherwise, the choir of Amens from our media to the most astonishing BS can be rather unnerving.
Skagit at 192:
You asked if the bandwidth is expensive.
I already have a couple of websites (one commercial, another a “hobby” site, but they are not blogs. Websites themselves can be purchased pretty cheaply these days, depending more upon size than bandwidth. Some of the monthly hosting fees for websites can run from a low of $5.00 per month to $25.00 per month, depending upon size and features. If you want to go bigger, you can certainly pay more. There are even a lot of “free” or low-cost websites, templates, and tools out there – check out Bravenet.com or Godaddy.com, or lots of other hosting services.
But I’m looking at either converting my “hobby site” to a blog by adding discussion board features, or opening up a seperate blog for the same purpose. I’ve just started to look at the options there, so I can’t give you any details. Check back with me in a couple of weeks, and perhaps then I’ll know more. On second thought, make that three weeks – I’ve just learned I have to make an overseas business trip which will burn up a lot of my time.
Hmmm. Curiously enough, NetCraft reports HA as being hosted through RackSpace (colocation?) running Apache under Redhat. I wonder how that squares with Goldy’s Server going down for twelve hours and RackSpace’s claims for “Fanatical Support”24/7.
I have an idea..make people register with real names and do phone or address verification. That will eliminate 90% of the right wingers. They’re too cowardly to divulve their true identities. I’d have no problem with it myself. If there were a way to hold the righties accountable when they slander and lie, they’d run and hide like they always do. Or you could be like that bitch Steffy at USP and simply delete comments you don’t agree with.
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/11/06@ 10:31 pm
Yes LeftMyTurdBehind, remember these again?
Limbaugh pees in a cup
Bush twins are drunken whores
Bush twins pull a train
Laura Bush killed a guy.
Ann Coulter is a guy
North Korea is GWB’s fault
Looks like the world’s biggest crack addict and transvestite has never written an original word in her miserable cowardly life.
Ralph Reed is a bitch
We’re knuckle-dragging, baby-raping right wingers
Bunch of fucking crooks. They should be hanged for treason. Today!
Republicans are cowards.
He fucked my “daughter”. – Don’t have any daughters!
He fucked my wife. – She isn’t interested in having to use the Hubble Telescope on full mag to find his dick!
Ordered the outing of a CIA agent – If so Fitz didn’t say it. Lie
Lied 40000 times about the war in Iraq – Oh really? Repeated the 1998 Donko lies you mean?
Created the biggest trade deficit in history – Debatable
Let Osama get away a month before 9.11 and then let Osama’s family get away after 9.11 Lie – Richard CLarke did
Tried to turn our ports over to Arab control – Mistake, he took Bill Clinton’s suggestion
Screwed up the immigration situation
And my personal favorite, got down on all fours, stuck his ass in the air and invited N. Korea to collectively fuck him in the ass because he’s afraid to fight any country that ACTUALLY DOES HAVE WMD!
Yes LeftMyTurdBehind, after dull knives Rudejacks, Cluesless, StuckonStupiddon, and Dribble, ou are my fifth favorite moonbat moby troll!
Isn’t LeftMyTurdBehind one of those new books from the left?
Goldy. If you want substantive written conversation then you need to castigate certain left wing morons who chased away people like PacMan and John McDonald. PacMan was called racist epithets. You never stepped to the plate. You NEVER stepped to the plate. YOU NEVER STEPPED TO THE PLATE. Now you want level-headed conversation? You are a riot David Goldstein!!!
You reap what you sow. You allowed bad seeds to sprout and now you want to cut down the weeds?
Chased away John McDonald? I only paid attention to his global warming missives, but those were pure, unadultered industry spin. Anyone with an understanding of the disinformation campaign waged by the fossil fuel industry and its allies in the Republican Party would easily recognize his rhetorical ploys.
I don’t mind a right-wing viewpoint if it is brought to the table with a certain amount of honesty and openness. However, McDonald, like so many of the wingers, was clearly here to engage in disingenuous propagandizing. I am not sad to see him go.
Does that mean I endorse the adolescent name calling among the “leftist” commenters? No. Under a system of ranked comment threads, the nasty ones will get reined in because the “silent majority” will finally have the tools to do so.
GT: Sometimes you are reasoned but I could sweep your comments like Pudster did on LeftMyTurdBehind and we could view them for %age vitriolic commentary.
I agree the blog has gone to the dark side, but if Goldy can’t answer the charge I placed above, then he’s less of a man than I thought he was. You see GT, I man of courage, with BALLS will step out of his comfort zone and say he was wrong. I have NEVER seen that from the hands of David Goldstein. I wonder how Goldy will mow down the weeds. Will he leave idiots such as LeftMyTurdBehind behind? I doubt it. LeftMyTurdBehind does his dirty work. LeftMyTurdBehind is one of many leftist pinheads who are; how did one put it… yes, by golly I have it: Lenin’s useful idiots! Without moby troll moonbats such as LeftMyTurdBehind, Goldy wouldn’t have many posts.
Oh yes, I forgot.. how did one say Dan Roger Rabbit Pellet Rather; Rear Echelon cook in Vietnam Dumb Bunny and his 100 posts per day!
Hey, it’s never too late to reseed the ground! And, weeds as you call ’em, are the first to go. So, bye.
I just visited SP and looked at the site meter. That sight gets 4X the traffic that Goldy’s does. . . what does he need to do? Do the trashers really make that kind of difference? Trashers, what do you think? Are you helping or hurting his site?
0acOuRoy7r7Ol hgYYsCJIK66CPs j660LOBOI2sA
Zo05ywd1KgT6O SE73GtY62gDA1v lOF2NpzWfacUF