I like this add too, but for different reasons. It doesn’t come anywhere near to striking the same sort of emotional chord as the Palin the Wolf Butcherer ad, but it does go after McCain on a key demographic: white women.
Remember what I taught you people. Step back from the post. The content of the post is unimportant. Look at the big picture.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 The big picture is you Republicans have fucked up everything you’ve touched and refuse to accept responsibility for any of it. Any private business would have fired you years ago. It’s time for voters to bounce Republicans out the door!
I’m a fan of this ad.
The Ledbetter Act not passing was really frustrating. Darcy Burner should use this ad against conscience-driven independent Reichert, who voted against the bill.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I like this ad, Sold Out, from obama about Corning Inc.’s plant in State College Pa closing. Of course the ad insinuates mcsame is responsible for the plant closing and the equipment being shipped to china.
What? The ad is dishonest? Change & hope is under the bus?
In 2003, Corning announced about 1,000 jobs would be lost at the plant where Corning Asahi Video Products made glass tubes for television sets and computer monitors. Dan Collins, a Corning spokesman, said Wednesday that production of the glass tubes was stopped because it was not profitable to make them, but that no jobs were moved overseas with the plant’s closure.
Of course it wasn’t profitable. What kind of an idiot buys a glass tube teev or computer monitor these days.
What is obama going to whine about next, the death of the floppy disk?
No wonder obama can’t beat an old man and a woman.
That $1,000 bet offer is still good MS if you’re, you know, MANLY enough.
You’re old geezer pal and the empty skirt with lipstick are going to win, right?
Mister Stupid @ 5:
Yeah, like there hasn’t been an exodus of manufacturing jobs from America to China.
Grow up. Accept the truth. Accept your responsibility of supporting the Culture of Corruption Crowd who have committed financial treason on America.
Starting with Ronald Reagan.
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. GBS spews:
You’re old geezer pal and the empty skirt with lipstick are going to win, right?
I understand you don’t agree with palin’s political affiliations and ideas for a better america. And that’s cool.
Do you really think it makes you look intelligent to call her an empty skirt only because she doesn’t share your political beliefs? We both know if she had a (D) next to her name you would consider the best thing since sliced bread.
BTW, I don’t trust someone as stupid as you to pay me.
I’m still waiting for lee to pay off his debt about protesters at the conventions. There were more left protesters at the dnc than right protesters at the rnc.
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. GBS spews:
Mister Stupid @ 5:
Yeah, like there hasn’t been an exodus of manufacturing jobs from America to China.
Did you watch the ad?
He didn’t say jobs in general, he singled out a specific company.
If I visited your home would everything I find be manufactured in america? I highly doubt it. Tell me what it says about you?
Putz? Damn, how manly of you.
Are we in a bad mood today?
The stock market recovered.
The front page of the Seattle Times online has Shummer and Pepsi looking grim too.
The left hates good news.
Have a great weekend and spend your money of you have any.
Pay attention Mister Stupid,
This is hard one for authoritative submissive mindsets like you.
The POINT of the message is that jobs are leaving America, AND, Republicans have REWARDED businesses who practice such flagrant Financial Treason with big TAX BREAKS on the back of all ordinary Americans.
And, no, not everything I own is made in America. For instance, my two Porches were made in Germany.
I own them because I can afford the quality, the prestige, and the lifestyle that comes with HARD WORK.
I could have bought a Dodge Viper, but I prefer my Porsches. They’re expensive to maintain to say the least. For instance, an oil change on my RS America runs close to $200. Not a maintenance item you get at Jiffy Lube.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. GBS spews:
And, no, not everything I own is made in America. For instance, my two Porches were made in Germany.
I own them because I can afford the quality, the prestige, and the lifestyle that comes with HARD WORK.
So americans can’t make a car of quality up to your standards.
And you wonder why jobs are being outsourced. It’s people like you.
Hard work my ass. People that work for a living don’t own two porches.
As most here know, Goldy usually has an ulterior motive by throwing up a post. When a new one comes up, I often wonder what he’s trying to distract everyone from, and for today, I think I’ve found it. Joe Biden just made a monumental political mistake.
“As if his comments about it being a patriotic duty for Ohioans to pay higher taxes weren’t bad enough, now Biden is taking pot shots at the Buckeyes,” GOP State chair Bob Bennett said. “Barack Obama and Joe Biden must really think they can win this election without Ohio, because they’re doing their best to lose it with stupid comments like these. Keep talking, Joe.”
The projected electoral vote map on CNN is only showing a 23 vote difference between McCain and Obama. They show 115 as a tossup at this point…
The Real Markspews:
With commercials like that, how is Barack Obama going to defend the fact that Obama pays women on his staff 83 cents on the dollar while McCain pays women MORE than men? Not only that, but 65% of McCain’s best-paid staffers are women.
Barack “TelePrompTer” Obama: saying one thing and doing another.
Reformed republicanspews:
Gee the idiot troll are really out tonight. Must be no donuts available or the Crispy Cream closed. If they had a special on idiots, HA would have cornered the market.
Where are all the Palin supporters now that she has shown herself to be politically naive, dagerously uniformed, corrupt and a serial liar. The latest poll data puts Obama ahead in Michigan, Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylavania. Looks like the Palin bounce has turned into the Palin drag. Once voters got to see how she kept lying and is corrupt – well, her numbers have gone down and started to drag McCain with them. And once again the republican mantra of less governement and less regulation has led to a free market meltdown in the financial sector.
The last time this happenend McCain tried to bail out his buddy at Lincoln Savings and ended up in the Keating 5. This time he is just busy contradicting himself about being for regulation after being against it, being for bailouts before being against them and fring the SEC head after saying the President was doing a good job on the economy and it was fundamentally sound. He is flip-flopping so fast that he may end up in Spain – a country he thinks is in Latin America.
Great choices republicans – senile and corrupt presidential candidate along with younger lying and corrupt VP candidate – they go together well.
Reformed republicanspews:
Too bad the real Mark doesn’t understand statistics. With a small sample size, like a staff, a diparaty of about $2,000 in the Obama staff is essentially menaingless.
The real issue is why McCain is against equal pay for equal work. Typical republican strategy, obfuscate the issue
The Real Markspews:
@ 17
Too bad Reformed “republican” doesn’t understand MATH.
“Obama’s average male employee earned $54,397. Obama’s 30 female employees [earned] $45,152, on average.”
That is an average difference of NINE THOUSAND dollars across 58 employees — a big enough sample to show that Obama is just another BS Democrat who preaches one thing and does another.
From the PI article:
“Again, on average, Obama’s female staffers earn just 83 cents for every dollar his male staffers make.”
“McCain’s payment patterns are the stuff of feminist dreams.”
“In short, these statistics suggest that John McCain is more than fair with his female employees, while Barack Obama — at the expense of the women who work for him — quietly perpetuates the very same pay-equity divide that he loudly denounces. Of all people, the Democratic standard bearer should understand that equal pay begins at home.”
My Left Footspews:
Fucking dolt.
What are the positions held by these employees, men and women? You are not going to pay the person who answers the phone the same as you are your campaign manager, regardless if they are male or female. You go back and tell us if the males and females HOLDING LIKE POSITIONS are being paid equally. Then your “study” will be intellectually honest.
Your “analysis” is like a rainbow. Looks nice, but nothing is really there.
“On the Economy, it’s John McCain who needs an education.”
Love it.
Remember what I taught you people. Step back from the post. The content of the post is unimportant. Look at the big picture.
@2 The big picture is you Republicans have fucked up everything you’ve touched and refuse to accept responsibility for any of it. Any private business would have fired you years ago. It’s time for voters to bounce Republicans out the door!
I’m a fan of this ad.
The Ledbetter Act not passing was really frustrating. Darcy Burner should use this ad against conscience-driven independent Reichert, who voted against the bill.
I like this ad, Sold Out, from obama about Corning Inc.’s plant in State College Pa closing. Of course the ad insinuates mcsame is responsible for the plant closing and the equipment being shipped to china.
What? The ad is dishonest? Change & hope is under the bus?
Of course it wasn’t profitable. What kind of an idiot buys a glass tube teev or computer monitor these days.
What is obama going to whine about next, the death of the floppy disk?
No wonder obama can’t beat an old man and a woman.
That $1,000 bet offer is still good MS if you’re, you know, MANLY enough.
You’re old geezer pal and the empty skirt with lipstick are going to win, right?
Mister Stupid @ 5:
Yeah, like there hasn’t been an exodus of manufacturing jobs from America to China.
Grow up. Accept the truth. Accept your responsibility of supporting the Culture of Corruption Crowd who have committed financial treason on America.
Starting with Ronald Reagan.
I understand you don’t agree with palin’s political affiliations and ideas for a better america. And that’s cool.
Do you really think it makes you look intelligent to call her an empty skirt only because she doesn’t share your political beliefs? We both know if she had a (D) next to her name you would consider the best thing since sliced bread.
BTW, I don’t trust someone as stupid as you to pay me.
I’m still waiting for lee to pay off his debt about protesters at the conventions. There were more left protesters at the dnc than right protesters at the rnc.
Did you watch the ad?
He didn’t say jobs in general, he singled out a specific company.
If I visited your home would everything I find be manufactured in america? I highly doubt it. Tell me what it says about you?
Putz? Damn, how manly of you.
Are we in a bad mood today?
The stock market recovered.
The front page of the Seattle Times online has Shummer and Pepsi looking grim too.
The left hates good news.
Have a great weekend and spend your money of you have any.
Pay attention Mister Stupid,
This is hard one for authoritative submissive mindsets like you.
The POINT of the message is that jobs are leaving America, AND, Republicans have REWARDED businesses who practice such flagrant Financial Treason with big TAX BREAKS on the back of all ordinary Americans.
And, no, not everything I own is made in America. For instance, my two Porches were made in Germany.
I own them because I can afford the quality, the prestige, and the lifestyle that comes with HARD WORK.
I could have bought a Dodge Viper, but I prefer my Porsches. They’re expensive to maintain to say the least. For instance, an oil change on my RS America runs close to $200. Not a maintenance item you get at Jiffy Lube.
So americans can’t make a car of quality up to your standards.
And you wonder why jobs are being outsourced. It’s people like you.
Hard work my ass. People that work for a living don’t own two porches.
Ask the rabbit if you don’t get it.
As most here know, Goldy usually has an ulterior motive by throwing up a post. When a new one comes up, I often wonder what he’s trying to distract everyone from, and for today, I think I’ve found it. Joe Biden just made a monumental political mistake.
Read about it here …
I particularly like this quote …
“As if his comments about it being a patriotic duty for Ohioans to pay higher taxes weren’t bad enough, now Biden is taking pot shots at the Buckeyes,” GOP State chair Bob Bennett said. “Barack Obama and Joe Biden must really think they can win this election without Ohio, because they’re doing their best to lose it with stupid comments like these. Keep talking, Joe.”
The projected electoral vote map on CNN is only showing a 23 vote difference between McCain and Obama. They show 115 as a tossup at this point…
With commercials like that, how is Barack Obama going to defend the fact that Obama pays women on his staff 83 cents on the dollar while McCain pays women MORE than men? Not only that, but 65% of McCain’s best-paid staffers are women.
Barack “TelePrompTer” Obama: saying one thing and doing another.
Gee the idiot troll are really out tonight. Must be no donuts available or the Crispy Cream closed. If they had a special on idiots, HA would have cornered the market.
Where are all the Palin supporters now that she has shown herself to be politically naive, dagerously uniformed, corrupt and a serial liar. The latest poll data puts Obama ahead in Michigan, Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylavania. Looks like the Palin bounce has turned into the Palin drag. Once voters got to see how she kept lying and is corrupt – well, her numbers have gone down and started to drag McCain with them. And once again the republican mantra of less governement and less regulation has led to a free market meltdown in the financial sector.
The last time this happenend McCain tried to bail out his buddy at Lincoln Savings and ended up in the Keating 5. This time he is just busy contradicting himself about being for regulation after being against it, being for bailouts before being against them and fring the SEC head after saying the President was doing a good job on the economy and it was fundamentally sound. He is flip-flopping so fast that he may end up in Spain – a country he thinks is in Latin America.
Great choices republicans – senile and corrupt presidential candidate along with younger lying and corrupt VP candidate – they go together well.
Too bad the real Mark doesn’t understand statistics. With a small sample size, like a staff, a diparaty of about $2,000 in the Obama staff is essentially menaingless.
The real issue is why McCain is against equal pay for equal work. Typical republican strategy, obfuscate the issue
@ 17
Too bad Reformed “republican” doesn’t understand MATH.
“Obama’s average male employee earned $54,397. Obama’s 30 female employees [earned] $45,152, on average.”
That is an average difference of NINE THOUSAND dollars across 58 employees — a big enough sample to show that Obama is just another BS Democrat who preaches one thing and does another.
From the PI article:
“Again, on average, Obama’s female staffers earn just 83 cents for every dollar his male staffers make.”
“McCain’s payment patterns are the stuff of feminist dreams.”
“In short, these statistics suggest that John McCain is more than fair with his female employees, while Barack Obama — at the expense of the women who work for him — quietly perpetuates the very same pay-equity divide that he loudly denounces. Of all people, the Democratic standard bearer should understand that equal pay begins at home.”
Fucking dolt.
What are the positions held by these employees, men and women? You are not going to pay the person who answers the phone the same as you are your campaign manager, regardless if they are male or female. You go back and tell us if the males and females HOLDING LIKE POSITIONS are being paid equally. Then your “study” will be intellectually honest.
Your “analysis” is like a rainbow. Looks nice, but nothing is really there.