What’s fair is fair. I give the Seattle Times editorial board a lot of shit for propagandizing on behalf of their favorite candidates and issues… so I suppose they deserve some kudos for giving some shit to one of their homies, Dino Rossi, for his own lying propaganda:
Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi is running radio and TV ads that lambaste Gov. Christine Gregoire for doing precisely what our state needed to do. Raise the gas tax. Get a few transportation projects done. Help businesses and motorists get moving.
Rossi’s ads are artfully misleading. They all but blame the governor for today’s higher gas prices. That is not what happened.
[…] Rossi’s gas-tax ads are unfair; he would be wise to pull them.
Of course, Rossi won’t pull these ads, because they accurately reflect his own artfully misleading personality, but it’s heartening to see the Times calling him out on it.
I hear Sen. Dorf McCain(R-Hanoi) is getting his own show on MTV. It is called “cribs, cribs, and more cribs”.
This issue is going to be McCain’s “Dukakis in the tank” moment.
Artfully misleading…
Like the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS IN LOST REVENUE that Fraudoire lets the Indians keep because of their DIRECT BRIBES TO THE DNC!
Rossi is a SAINT compared to that witch!
Raising Gas Taxes is an opinion not shared by everyone. We have the highest Gas Tax in the Country and some of the worst traffic problems.
Seems to me the Times should be focusing on productivity and asking questions/disclosing where all past gas tax dollars have been spent reserving their comments to attack ineffective/excessive spending on projects and overhead.
Republicans can’t win without lying, name-calling and playing dirty tricks.
It fits that smarmy real estate salesman and BIAW puppet to a tee.
2 – yet another paranoid theory from our occasional whack-job who has been coming here less and less after he pasted that bullshit about the Chinese drilling off Cuba.
It’s about Rossi’s Big Lie:
We do NOT have the highest gasoline taxes in the nation. According to Forbes magazine last month, we’re actually 7th highest. http://www.forbes.com/2008/07/.....peed=15000
Yet another contradiction by Rossi in the same ad – he says we need to make Washington a “great place to do business”, and in nearly the same breath complains about the gas tax.
If you will recall, one of the big obsticles the state faced when trying to get Boeing 787 production assigned to Everett was the traffic problems in the region. Boeing was facing considerable delays just getting parts from the airport to it’s factories in Everett, and the “hot trucks” going back and forth between the various Boeing facilities and the Spares Distribution Center near the airport would sometimes take two or more hours to make deliver parts on an “AOG” (Aircraft-On-Ground) basis.
Airline customers trying to get high-priority parts to Sea-Tac airport in order to ship them to a distant destination to support grounded aircraft would be frustrated as the parts would leave the Everett at 7:00 a.m., and still not make it to the Spares Distribution Center before 9:00 a.m., thereby missing that day’s flight to a foreign destination.
Washington State had to promise Boeing that it would make substantial efforts to solve the transportation problem in order to keep the 787 business in the state. The five-cent gas tax was designed as part of that package.
So Rossi, in addition to lying about the business environment in this state (his complaints are completely contrary to Forbe’s ranking of Best States In Which to do Business), is ignoring the fact that the very gas taxes he is complaining about were an essential feature of keeping Boeing 787 production in Washington State. The fact that our state’s economy isn’t nearly as bad as most of the rest of the country is directly attributable to the very gas tax he is running against.
So if Rossi’s ads are nothing but lies, does that mean Gregoire ISN’T in favor of a state income tax?
Rossi seems to keep harping on a few pennies a gallon in gasoline tax, as if that has anything at all to do with the $2.75 per gallon increase-a tripling in price!!!!!-since 2001.
Either the man is incredibly stupid, or he’s assuming all the rest of us are.
re 2: Are you proud of being Dino’s ignorant bitch?
I’ll let someone else explain (again) why you are an ignorant bitch. I just want to know why you are proud of it.
If knowledge is power, you are on the critical list.
She signed the 9.5 cent gas tax into law. She didn’t have to do that (yes, Governors can actually veto taxes and spending; someone apparently forgot to tell Gregoire that).
As far as I’m concerned, that makes her guilty as charged.
See link below…
And then after the 9.5 cent increase was signed into law, I-912 went on the ballot to roll back the increase. It was defeated. So the voters agreed with Gregoire.
If she’s guilty of anything, it’s doing what the public wanted her to do. Sorry to let facts get in the way of a good rant, though.
What is that? An acronym for “you lick butts”? Or “you like boys”? Great. Just what America doesn’t need: Another NAMBLA member.
Yeah, the Cubans love all things American and aren’t siding with the RED Chinese one bit. “Ooooo, have another hit…” Except they were singing of fresh air.
Let’s see, one side says they have been exploring and are drilling, the other side (with resident supporters like Bill Ayers) says “the RED Chinese never lie, it’s just an urban myth”…
Golly. Well, since I am a REAL American, unlike you commie-demos, and have knowledge of exactly what COMMUNISM has been and IS ABOUT, I’ll believe the Americans this time (and every time).
Why don’t you lefties try being PATRIOTIC (unlike Obamasama) for a change? Now, that would be a breath of fresh air!
The Seattle Times did their home work in connection with their endorsement of Michael Bond.