I’m not a very religious man, but as a blogger there are times when stories seem to fall from the sky like manna from heaven, threatening to shake my lack of faith to its very foundation. For example, here I was mired in the post-election doldrums when suddenly, as if by Divine intervention, the Seattle Port Commission inexplicably throws itself into the FOX-manufactured “War on Christmas“, providing my readers a welcome diversion from an oppressively informative string of posts on education, transportation and other boring, policy-wonk stuff like that.
Not only did Christmastreegate generate fodder for both my blog and my radio show, it also earned me a spot on KING-5 TV’s Up Front With Robert Mak. I was without power when the show aired Sunday, so I only just got a chance to view it streaming online, and I thought my performance was steady if unremarkable. But the most entertaining part of the show was by far the interview with Pastor Joe Fuiten, who basically proved by example all my insinuations of anti-semitism.
When asked if the Christian faith is under attack, Fuiten said yes. When asked who is responsible for the War on Christmas, Fuiten implied that Rabbi Bogomilsky deserved the “universal condemnation” he was getting. The Christmas tree is not a religious symbol, the pastor insisted, but when asked how removing a supposedly secular object could possibly be considered an attack on Christianity he argued that this dispute was part of a “pattern” — a fifty-plus-year effort (ie, conspiracy) to “eradicate” Christian activity and symbols from public life. Fuiten accepted that this is a “very diverse country” and praised American Protestantism for being so “accommodating to minorities,” but when asked if he would object to having a menorah displayed at the airport, he refused to embrace multiculturalism.
Apparently, Fuiten believes that only Christmas should be recognized in our public places because this is a “Christian nation” that celebrates Christmas “big time:”
“The reason the airports are packed is because of Christmas — they’re not traveling for Hannukah for sure. […] Even Jewish merchants ought’a be gathered around their cash registers singing ‘what a friend we have in Jesus.'”
Uh-huh. Not only does he diminish American Jewry while perpetuating anti-semitic stereotypes, he does so entirely unaware that anybody might take offense. Yeah… nobody travels for Hannukah, and besides, all us Jews should just shut our yaps and count our money. This is exactly what I mean when I say that “War on Christmas” rhetoric can’t help but spur anti-semitic sentiment… especially when the pastor of the region’s largest and most politically influential mega-church is so clearly and cluelessly anti-semitic. But of course, what do you expect from a man who responded to my posts on the Cedar Springs Bible Camp by attacking the residents for conspiring with “Christian-hating Jews and homosexuals.”
All Rabbi Bogomilsky asked for was single menorah, a symbolic recognition that our nation is home to more than one faith, and celebrates more than one holiday this time of year. And for this, Uncle Tomsteins like right-wing toady, Rabbi Daniel Lapin have the gall to demand that Rabbi Bogomilsky publicly apologize. But what happens when Lapin’s buddy Fuiten overtly insults in the Jewish people? I intend to find out.
If the blogosphere has a God, then surely Pastor Joe is one of the Creator’s minor miracles. It would be a sin for me to let this story go.
The good Pastor Fuiten, bless his heart, is a complete idiot. I am Jewish and I could give a rip about the trees in the airport.
I do give a rip about his attitude toward Jews. I would suggest the good pastor might want to pull out his good book and give it a closer read. Clearly, he missed the meaning.
Isn’t that Joe a special guy. I sure hope he comes and visits our neck of the woods sometime. It has been boring over here on the east side.
Ahh…yes. Jewish merchants singing what a friend we have in Jesus. That’s almost as heart-warming as a good Jewish Girl singing Amazing Grace.
I was appalled at that statement myself. And as you point out, his comments were full of contradictions. He was truly speaking from emotion.
But, the Christmas tree has been secularized by the Court. Do you wish the same for the menorah?
I have to agree with Goldy, anti-semitism is alive and well and well here in America. It truly warms my heart that I am judged by my religious beliefs.
I guess the rest of my life really has no value to society because I am Jewish. I might as well jump from the Space Needle, my life has been a waste.
What a friend I have in Jesus, indeed!
I would like five minutes to beat the anti-semitism out of the good pastor.
In a Christian manner of course. Once finished, I will call 911 for him.
(the above is Ann Coulter-type humor)
More me-ism. It isn’t just Jews. Haven’t you noticed?
It is everybody who is slightly different. Haven’t you seen the beatings of homeless people? Bush the bully (and yes, I believe this savagery we see has increased a hundred-fold since his reign) has validated bullyism, torture and sociopathic behavior.
@7 couldn’t wait to blame this on president Bush.
I guess it was the presidient’s fault the power went out too……
Too funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Christmas trees are based on pagan symbols from Germanic tribes. Christians should actually be leading the charge to have Christmas trees taken down, not clebrating them like some sort of Christian religous icon.
The Rabbi was being a bit of a jerk about it, though, threatening a lawsuit. He could have been more low-key about it. I could give a ra’s hat about a menorah at SeaTac anymore than I give a rat’s hat about a Christmas tree.
Not the point, Lib. Christmas trees have been deemed secular. The rabbi didn’t make a big deal of it either. He just asked for a menorah display as well. They could have done . . . unless they understood that one was religious while the other secular. I can understand their point of view.
But, I also understand a multicultural display inviting all religions to contribute would have probably prevented this whole thing.
Still, it is made more complicated legally by the Court’s determination that one is secular. You have to consider it from the reality of the law . . . not just how you think it should be.
And Right to be wrong: Bush isn’t responsible for the storm. Nobody said that.
So why can’t you admit/recognize that he is an uncivil kind of guy who bullies and tortures. Or are you that kind of guy, too?
I think I left the italycs on . . . sorry.
They’re gone, nevermind.
It’s a matter of degree and opinion, I guess, Skagit. I’d say threatening a lawsuit is making a big deal out of it, but others may not see it that way. Making a big deal out of taking the trees down might be interpreted as over-reacting, too.
Hell, let’s put up the whole shebang at SeaTac and cover everybody’s beliefs.
The good Rabbi did nothing wrong. The Port’s to blame here. Sloth, stupidity, anti-Semitism – or a combination of all three – led to this embarrassment. Any Port Official (or surely their legal council) could have spent a few minutes on a web search – like I’ve just done – and discovered at least three separate Supreme Court rulings regarding the legality of a local government’s display of religious symbols.
Publicly-owned locations under certain circumstances may clearly display religious symbols.
There is no question a privately-funded Menorah could legally be displayed at Sea-Tac along with the Christmas Trees without violating the First Amendment’s ‘establishment clause.’
This entire episode was a non-issue until the Port made it one.
i still don’t understand why the Port wastes money to decorate….maybe they could pay to scan a few of those comercial packages i fly with all the time….just an idea, you know, since i can’t take my 6oz bottle of shampoo in my carry on and all
Sorry to be ignorant on this . . . but did he actually threaten a lawsuit? or did he just request the display of a menorah?
I would agree with you former voter except that once you put a Nativity Scene on Port property, you might actually be breaking the law . . . am I wrong? Of course, if you invite all comers to contribute, maybe that would make it okay. Wow! Guess there is a lot I don’t really know about this.
Just reread your post. You have made it perfectly clear! Thanks.
@9 Let’s give credit where credit is due — the real jerks were the airport bureaucrats. They, not the rabbi, decided to take the trees down. The rabbi didn’t ask for that, and didn’t want that. They, not the rabbi, publicly held up the rabbi for nationwide hatred. They, not the rabbi, stoked the fires of anti-Semitism across the land. Firing them is too good for them. We need a vigilante mob!
(the above is more ann coulter humor — hope you like it! :) )
“Georgia Anti-Evolution Group Surrenders
“ATLANTA (Dec. 19) – A suburban school board that put stickers in high school science books saying evolution is ‘a theory, not a fact’ abandoned its legal battle … Tuesday …. After a storm of protests and lawsuits, the … board agreed … never to use a similar sticker or to undermine the teaching of evolution in science classes. … ‘The settlement brings to end a long battle to keep our science classes free of political or religious agendas,’ parent Jeffrey Selman said in a statement ….
“It was one of several recent battles over what role evolution should play in science education. Last year, a federal judge barred the Dover, Pa., school district from teaching ‘intelligent design’ … [and] the Kansas state school board adopted standards critical of evolution, but several of the members who pushed that plan were ousted by voters this year. In 2004, Georgia’s state schools superintendent briefly proposed a science curriculum that dropped the word ‘evolution’ in favor of ‘changes over time.’ That plan was scrapped amid protests by teachers.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info, see http://tinyurl.com/yd3xf4
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If God is on their side, why do these anti-science nuts keep losing? I mean, isn’t She omnipotent, and wouldn’t She help them out a little (like throwing lightning bolts at federal judges), if She wanted them to win these lawsuits? Pat Robertson prays for Supreme Court justices to drop dead — but nothing happens. So I suspect God isn’t siding with these dipshits. Good for Her!!!
If the blogosphere has a God, then surely Pastor Joe is one of the Creator’s minor miracles. It would be a sin for me to let this story go.
Not to wander off into nutland but all this religion focused hoo-hah leads me to wonder what/who Pastor Joe Fuiten, to use a commonly understood phrasing, has been “banging” and what drugs he might have been ingesting, inhaling, whatever.
Given the history of these type of events I`m fairly certain there is something to dig out.
The exercise is left, as always, to the student(s).
Can the pastor’s anti-semitic comments turn me anti-Chrisitian? Woe is me….I’ve become a stereotype myself.
…..must fight urge. It’s not Christians. Fuiten is just a fucktard.
Now, you must excuse me. I’m tolerant again, but I have to head to the airport to go ask the Port to display a bowl of pasta for my preferred diety–the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I can use the tree as shelter from the wind and a menorah to light my slurping of noodles and marinara.
So I suspect God isn’t siding with these dipshits.
Why would such a powerful being spend much time concerned with the daily affairs of such trivial beings anyway ? Do we spend all our time manipulating the lives of individual ants ?
These people need to get a grip on their egos and move on.
There’s nothing wrong with Christianity except the so-called Christians.
I personally like the idea of Jesus loving children, animals (especially little furry ones), and absolving us of our sins so we can all (except Republicans) go to Heaven where the lettuce grows all year! But I have one question: Do fleas get to go to Heaven, too?
No one claimed anti-Semitism is dead. I doubt it will ever be completely eradicated. Unfortunately, there will always be neo-Nazis and neo-neo-Nazis to keep hate alive.
That being said, I still think this is making a mountain out of a molehill. Iran could soon possess nuclear weapons and has publicly denied the Holocaust. They have also vowed to kill millions of Jews in Israel. No one here seems to care about them, but will spend hours discussing whether or not a controversy over decorations at the airport “insinuates” anti-Semitism.
I guess Goldy only cares about anti-Semitism when he can score cheap political points. Pretty sad.
Once again exposing the anti-Semitic underbelly of ‘social conservatives’ like Pastor Joe Fuiten goes beyond “a controversy over decorations,” providing a valuable service to the community. Many of these ‘Judeo-Christian’ traditionalists have no concept or idea of what the Judeo in that phrase begins to really mean.
Bear in mind several true-believers of similar ilk will likely be advising our President with respect to our dealings with Iran, especially vis-à-vis Israel, in the near term.
I’ve always had this problem with those who are extreme Christians. Many of them show some pretty anti-Semetic behavior, yet wasn’t Jesus a Jew? Do you think Jesus was actually starting another religion or was he trying to change the religion he was brought up with? When did Jesus say, “You all need to be Christians now, and blow-off being Jews” to his followers?
Seems to me that being anti-Semetic is also being anti-Jesus, in an indirect way.
Politcians starting to weigh in on power outage. Heard one today who wants to sue PSE for negligence and wants all power lines buried.
How many of you think the girlz who run FUWA are qualified to engineer transmission and distribution networks?
Time for my favorite prayer. All liberals may join in.
Please, save me from your followers.
Mark the LSoS @ 28:
Pay your gambling debt, asshole.
Go away until you do, or, please just go away.
Dumbass, Fucktard!
Off Topic: Breaking News:
“Bush plans to increase size of U.S. military:
Bush today called for an increase in the size of America’s military forces to “combat terrorism”. He didn’t make any specific proposals on exactly how he was going to do that, but instead he requested incoming Defense Secty Gates to submit proposals on how to do that.
Let’s see. We have an all-volunteer military. We cannot get enough volunteers to keep pace with our current force level. While many young Americans are willing to serve their country, few wish to die while being stuck in the middle of a civil war in Iraq. In order to meet the continuing shortfall of recruits, the military (Army and Army National Guard) in particular has been taking a number of unusual steps, including (1) forcing troops to stay in serve past their scheduled discharge date, (2)allowing enlistments of men & women well into their upper 40’s, (3) sending Nat. Guard troops up into the lower 50’s age group to Iraq, (4) waiving “disqualifiers” for volunteers, such as criminal records, mental disabilities, or high-school diplomas or GED’s, (5) lying to potential recruits, such as promising them that they won’t have to serve in Iraq, etc., (6) offering relatively large re-enlistment bonuses for combat-experienced troops.
Now, if the military is doing all that, and they still can’t recruit enough volunteers to keep up with the current force requirements, then what does Bush expect to be able to do to fill the new positions opened by an expanded military?
The only logical answer is a draft. But that is a political non-starter.
But if Bush does propose a draft, it had better include the Bush twins as well as my son and daughter. I want to see them in boot camp with their faces in the mud, then in Iraq getting doing combat patrols.
The girlz at the PI lauded LiarFuckingCantwell for her “deep understanding of energy issues.” Has anyone asked her opinion for how high voltage transmission networks should be designed to be storm proof?
Also… lots of people are dead because of generators. Should generators be outlawed or at least some “reasonable” restrictions?
So to me, here’s part of the problem:
1) A Christmas Tree is not a holy symbol.
2) A Christmas Tree is, however, associated with a religious holiday.
3) A Menorah is a holy symbol AND is associated with a religious holiday.
What we need is a symbol that is associated with the religious holiday of Hanukkah but is NOT a holy symbol in and of itself.
I’m thinking of a Dreidel. A big, freaking, four-sided top.
Would that work?
RPH: It’s my understanding that we have troops stationed all around the world. The troops in Iraq are largely national guard and others but I remember a discussion about the troops going to Iraq not being truly combat ready while our regular armed forces are standing guard in other parts of the world.
I have a friend whose son is one of those . . . he signed up after high school (lured by a slick recruiter) and is in Indonesia or someplace like that. And he is a nice, middle class, well educated boy. Perhaps that’s why he’s not in Iraq . . .
Mark, do you know that the top 1% wealthiest Americans thinks of you in the same manner you think of those beneath you? You are an ant to them; you are a servant to the top 1% richest people. How does it feel?
Hey Rabbit – In an earlier post you said:
Roger Rabbit says:
Technical problems are man-made phenomena, not acts of nature, and as such can be prevented with adequate inspection/regulation.
12/01/2006 at 12:55 pm
If you were adviser to the 4 time winner of the “No Rocket Scientist” award, what would you write to prevent the technical problem we’re having now with electric power? What are the specific regulations that would you write?
A while ago Goldy was complaining about being broke and how he could “monetize” HA to bring in some money. I even offered to pay for his daughter’s lunch to get her off the taxpayer funded free lunch program, but he declined. Sheesh… I was just trying to help.
So in the Christmas spirit, I think all you moonbats who freeload off Goldy’s efforts here should start compensating him for the vital public service he provides. I mean, if Tim Eyman can afford a Lexus and a fancy house in a fancy subdivision as a political activist, seems like Goldy should also be able to live a similar lifestyle.
So I hereby call on all you freeloading moonbats to start paying for the opportunity to spew your kookiness here. Roger Rabbit, as the single biggest freeloader here, I think YOU should lead by example and write a check to Goldy for $10,000. If you do that, I’m sure Rakeface, Loocy, DonDon, Dr. E, GBS, Belltowner, Clueless, poon, Tuttle, Rujax and others will fall all over themselves to follow suit.
You moonbats here OWE IT TO GOLDY to start paying him. Stop being greedy fucking freeloaders. PAY UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Goldy – How ’bout a report on how much money is rolling in from your contribution link?
Got enough for a Lexus yet? Or is Tim still kicking your ass?
Anybody listen to the Gov today? We finally have a governor who wants to pay for kids up front rather than at the end of the line and in prison. Things are lookin’ up.
Tell me Carl: Do you like swiss or american cheese on the ham sandwich? What sauce do you put on your shrimp scampi?
Skagit – Show me the hard statistical link between spending money and results.
We talked a few weeks ago about what a fucking waste of time it is to “teach” in the ghetto. They jus’ don’ wan’ nuna that fancy book larnin’.
The fact of the matter is that you’re just another greedy fucking asshole gummint employee leaching off The Producers and using kids to line your pocket. You oughta be ashamed.
Oh brother…more squeaking from the peanut gallery.
Woman beaten on Jerusalem bus for refusing to move to rear seat
By Daphna Berman
A woman who reported a vicious attack by an ad-hoc “modesty patrol” on a Jerusalem bus last month is now lining up support for her case and may be included in a petition to the High Court of Justice over the legality of sex-segregated buses.
Miriam Shear says she was traveling to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City early on November 24 when a group of ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) men attacked her for refusing to move to the back of the Egged No. 2 bus. She is now in touch with several legal advocacy and women’s organizations, and at the same time, waiting for the police to apprehend her attackers.
In her first interview since the incident, Shear says that on the bus three weeks ago, she was slapped, kicked, punched and pushed by a group of men who demanded that she sit in the back of the bus with the other women. The bus driver, in response to a media inquiry, denied that violence was used against her, but Shear’s account has been substantiated by an unrelated eyewitness on the bus who confirmed that she sustained an unprovoked “severe beating.”
Richard Pope: Goldie won’t link interesting stories from Haaretz or Jerusalem post. I started a coundown months ago but gave up. These newspapers blow holes through Goldie’s positions!
The subjects of this thread and the previous one provide further evidence that when you mix religious zealotry with politics, you end up with more Gantreys than Cape Canaveral and Baikonur combined.
GBS (GotsBullShit):
Once again, sarcasm soars over your WingNut head.
Must be nice to live in such ignorant bliss.
My eating habits are, frankly, none of your business. And like GBS, sarcasm and Ann Coulter-type humor escape you. Unless of course Ann says it. Then it is funny.
Fuck you.
25 So what do you suggest we do about Iran, Rambo?
28 Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: How many of you think the girlz who run FUWA are qualified to engineer transmission and distribution networks? 12/19/2006 at 4:47 pm
And you are? That would explain a lot of things.
30 Looks like the fake GBS is posting again. Imposters should be permanently banned.
32 Bush today called for an increase in the size of America’s military forces to “combat terrorism”. He didn’t make any specific proposals on exactly how he was going to do that,
They’ve already raised age limits, put “stop-loss” holds on discharges of soldiers whose enlistments are expiring, and granted thousands of “morality waivers” to enlist criminals (who are now raping and murdering Iraqi girls and their families). What else is left? Call all the World War 2, Korea, and Vietnam veterans back to active duty? Send 15-year-olds to fight, like Stalin and Hitler did?
I have an idea! Send “press gangs” to GOP watering holes to round up “volunteers.”
33 Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: The girlz at the PI lauded LiarFuckingCantwell for her “deep understanding of energy issues.” Has anyone asked her opinion for how high voltage transmission networks should be designed to be storm proof? 12/19/2006 at 5:00 pm
Why do you expect Cantwell to know, when you P.E.s don’t? After all, whoooooo designed these things in the first place? Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher.
37 Let’s have this discussion after
(a) you straighten out in your head that 100-mph winds are acts of nature, not technical problems, and
(b) you’ve paid your gambling debt.
Only a fucking idiot thinks the worst windstorm in state history is the same thing as cracks in a metal crane. And you’re a P.E.? I think my FIRST suggestion is going to be a tougher P.E. examination.
38 I even offered to pay for his daughter’s lunch to get her off the taxpayer funded free lunch program, but he declined.
Actually, Goldy accepted your offer, but you welshed again — making you a double-welsher. Pay your gambling debt, liar.
43 Yeah … don’t ya just wish he would get hit by a car or somethin’?
44 An often-overlooked fact is that the Israelis have their rightwing assholes, too.
59 Rabbi Bogomilsky would probably be insisting that women stay in the back of the bus if he were in Israel.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
A while ago Goldy was complaining about being broke and how he could “monetize” HA to bring in some money. I even offered to pay for his daughter’s lunch to get her off the taxpayer funded free lunch program, but he declined. Sheesh… I was just trying to help.
So in the Christmas spirit, I think all you moonbats who freeload off Goldy’s efforts here should start compensating him for the vital public service he provides. I mean, if Tim Eyman can afford a Lexus and a fancy house in a fancy subdivision as a political activist, seems like Goldy should also be able to live a similar lifestyle.
So I hereby call on all you freeloading moonbats to start paying for the opportunity to spew your kookiness here. Roger Rabbit, as the single biggest freeloader here, I think YOU should lead by example and write a check to Goldy for $10,000. If you do that, I’m sure Rakeface, Loocy, DonDon, Dr. E, GBS, Belltowner, Clueless, poon, Tuttle, Rujax and others will fall all over themselves to follow suit.
You moonbats here OWE IT TO GOLDY to start paying him. Stop being greedy fucking freeloaders. PAY UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/19/2006 at 5:21 pm
And this is on-topic how?
The trolls favorite trick is to re-direct conversation to something irrelevant. That Goldy lets him still post here only reinforces David’s genorosity. Here’s a man who posts here month after month with nothing intelligent to say, and Goldy let’s him do it. If it were my blog MTR would have banned and double-banned long ago. Not because of his politics. But because he’s boring.
60 I don’t know the guy, and I don’t know if he would. Why don’t you ask him? You’re very good at finding this stuff out, Richard!
60 But don’t you get the feeling, just a little bit, that some port bureaucrats set him up?
I guess the message in all of that was, let the port officials do whatever they please (such as giving lucrative no-bid contracts to their business buds), and if you question anything they’ll make the whole country hate you.
61 The difference between me and MTR is:
1) I don’t pretend to have human attributes;
2) I don’t pretend to know anything about construction cranes;
3) I didn’t lose a $100 bet with Goldy and refuse to pay;
4) I actually pay taxes; and
5) Instead of blowing smoke out of my ass about “supporting the troops,” I actually supported the troops by donating $99 to http://www.operation-helmet.org/ .
Excellent question and completely beside the point. Like I said before, you lefties here just want to use anti-Semitism as cudgel against conservatives. You are a bunch of hypocrites. Goldy being the worst, since he’s actually Jewish.
“All Rabbi Bogomilsky asked for was single menorah,”
I seem to recall the threat of a lawsuit. No mention of that in your piece, Goldy.
That takes it from a guy that wants recognition of the Jewish holiday season to being a prick (secular term) in my book.
The Rabbi did not threaten to sue to remove the trees. He only wanted to put up the Menorah. What part of “he did not want the trees removed” do you fucking trolls not understand?
By the way, your president is increasing the size of the military. There are recruiters all over Seattle. They will be happy to talk to you about serving your country.
(sound of crickets)
No problem fighting a war as long as WingNuts don’t actually have to strap on boots and tote a firearm.
My Left Foot @ 47:
That’s not me posting @ 30.
You know me, I’m a Liberal. So when you see wing nut speak posted under my name, you know it’s one of the lying right-wing nut jobs posting with my screen name.
#68 My Left Foot,
From the Seattle Times:
With Hanukkah set to begin this coming Friday at sundown, the issue came to a head late last week. Grad threatened to file a federal civil-rights lawsuit and set a deadline of Friday for the Port to make a decision. That left insufficient time to consider the issue, Watson said.
“It just wasn’t going to get done before the threatened lawsuit was filed. They said they were on their way to the courthouse,” said Watson. “We’re not in the business of offending anyone, and we’re not eager to get into a federal lawsuit with anyone.”
The port officials were a bunch of whimps.
They should have just said that it was too late for this year, but thank you and we’ll be happy to accomodate your request next year. the reaction, taking down all the trees, was foolish and like a child throwing a tantrum.
The Rabbi was foolish for getting a Jerk ( as heard on Dave Ross’s show) attorney who had drafts of a federal suit ready to go and sent them over to the port attorney for review.
Now, that to me is hair trigger, I can’t wait for a suit, looking for a fight stupidity…..
If the Rabbi TRULY was interested in having a Menorah in the airport, why wait till right before Hanukkah? I think there is more behind what the Rabbi was doing, but the national medi coverage swamped whatever agenda he was driving….
GBS at 69:
My error, I realized it when Roger pointed it out. I do get the initial monikers mixed up sometimes.
My apologies.
Christmas Trees are not religious symbols. Menorahs are.
Nothing to see here. Move On.
Hey Santa:
Fuck you!!!
From your favorite Jew.
The rabbi apologized . Meaning he was wrong .. The moment he pulled out the lawyer threat he became someone using intimidation in the name of religion . Besides the airport does not call them Christmas trees , they are Holiday Trees .
Nice try Goldie , but no anti Jewish bigotry here or Christian bigotry .
Just a nice Rabbi who forgot the tenets and the tolerance his own Faith promotes for a moment .