I’ll be back arguing with John Carlson again on The Commentators, filling in for Ken Schram, Thursday, 10AM to 2PM on KOMO 1000. Just thought some of you might want to know.
You are the half-dead mouse.
Carlson is the cat.
ByeBye GOPspews:
Goldy ask Carlson how it feels to be part of the extreme right wing minority and if he’s ashamed that only one in five Americans are willing to identify themselves as GOP members. Then ask him how it felt to get the ever loving shit kicked out of him when he took his right wing bat-shit crazy ideas and ran them for Governor. Ask him if being a part of the permanent minority was what he was shooting for. Then ask him to fuck off!
Don Joespews:
@ 1
You are the half-dead mouse.
Carlson is the cat.
Yes. Carlson is the cat who couldn’t tackle anything more active than a half-dead mouse.
Marvin Stamnspews:
“I guess I didn’t suck”
Not exactly a glowing review.
@2, Rachel on her show yesterday referred to the GOPP as the Donner Party. Makes sense if you think about it. After making lots of really stupid mistakes which strands them in a desolate location, they end up eating their own.
Marvie is a proud member of the Donner Party.
Carlson argues himself into a corner on his own.
All you have to do is keep asking him questions about his positions until he ends up cntradicting himself.
Carlson is real good a phrsing thing shis way – but if you re-phrase the question – then he backs off what he originally said. Just don’t let him define what the question is, becuase he will redefine it so that he seems reasonable and will attempt to deflect from the original question.
Republicans: Still losing in the free marketplace of ideas:
The decline in Republican Party affiliation among Americans in recent years is well documented, but a Gallup analysis now shows that this movement away from the GOP has occurred among nearly every major demographic subgroup. Since the first year of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2001, the Republican Party has maintained its support only among frequent churchgoers, with conservatives and senior citizens showing minimal decline.
You must be proud of this joke since you’ve so far posted in in 2 different threads.
Not a joke. Just fact. The GOP is the new Donner Party. Feeding in itself and getting smaller. Well on its way to becoming the Party Of One.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED!spews:
Oh joy! I’ll look forward to listening to Carlson kick your unemployed ass. Try not to speak or whine too much, that pre-pubescent screechy voice of yours could split a diamond. Good luck!
You are the half-dead mouse.
Carlson is the cat.
Goldy ask Carlson how it feels to be part of the extreme right wing minority and if he’s ashamed that only one in five Americans are willing to identify themselves as GOP members. Then ask him how it felt to get the ever loving shit kicked out of him when he took his right wing bat-shit crazy ideas and ran them for Governor. Ask him if being a part of the permanent minority was what he was shooting for. Then ask him to fuck off!
@ 1
You are the half-dead mouse.
Carlson is the cat.
Yes. Carlson is the cat who couldn’t tackle anything more active than a half-dead mouse.
“I guess I didn’t suck”
Not exactly a glowing review.
@2, Rachel on her show yesterday referred to the GOPP as the Donner Party. Makes sense if you think about it. After making lots of really stupid mistakes which strands them in a desolate location, they end up eating their own.
Marvie is a proud member of the Donner Party.
Carlson argues himself into a corner on his own.
All you have to do is keep asking him questions about his positions until he ends up cntradicting himself.
Carlson is real good a phrsing thing shis way – but if you re-phrase the question – then he backs off what he originally said. Just don’t let him define what the question is, becuase he will redefine it so that he seems reasonable and will attempt to deflect from the original question.
Republicans: Still losing in the free marketplace of ideas:
Link: http://www.gallup.com/poll/118.....roups.aspx
Yup, the party of the old, the stupid and the bible literalists (and anti-science, flat earth) crowd.
You must be proud of this joke since you’ve so far posted in in 2 different threads.
Why does headless lucy post under so many different names?
Stammering Marvin – how many names do you post under? 15, 16, 20?
It doesn’t matter – you’re always full of shit no matter what name you use.
Also ask John if Schram’s looking for a side of man meat, cause I’m on the prowl.
Not a joke. Just fact. The GOP is the new Donner Party. Feeding in itself and getting smaller. Well on its way to becoming the Party Of One.
Oh joy! I’ll look forward to listening to Carlson kick your unemployed ass. Try not to speak or whine too much, that pre-pubescent screechy voice of yours could split a diamond. Good luck!