But Goldy, I am sooo disappointed you don’t wear those lovely pink bunny slippers.
Yup, dem bloggers are a makin’ stuff up, if they only looked at her record….you mean the 100 lies about the bridge to nowhere? Or the abuse of power in troopergate.
Sandiego Posterspews:
this is some woman thing – but if I had a chance to pick cunt hairs – Palin gets the nod
I am mostly gay, but I suspect she is good good in the sack
and using the bunny slippers to make some obscure point is so silly I can’t believe it – she is essential correct – the number of well run – good info site is small, real news sites with a record of good reporting..
oh we we we … if Sarah says it, must be wrong and must respond – she has you all on her media hook …. really, what hypnotic powers
Goldy is a horn dog … and he know she would be a good lay, and most likely gives great head …
Winston Smithspews:
So Goldy, since Sarah seems to be implying that bloggers blog wearing what they wear to bed, are you saying that you blog in the raw?
Oh no….this was one terrible post…
First we learn that Goldstein sleeps and blogs in the nude (I assume this is what raw means to him)….I just shudder to visualize this.
Then on TV we see those Bunny Slippers…and with Darcys demise and no more bunny hugging by her…I can only assume that Roger found his untimely end. Those slippers look like him.
Bunny fur….blue…and empty.
What is happening to you guys ?
But then…the next thing pops up…Goldstein naked in bunny slippers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, I heard you on KOMO’s “The Commentators” radio program this afternoon, Goldy!
@5: Fantasize much, Dutch?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “I can only assume that Roger found his untimely end. Those slippers look like him. Bunny fur….blue…and empty.”
As always the rumors of my demise are nothing more than troll fantasies. You won’t be that lucky. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit has it in for you because you debased Her goats. Consequently, I’ll be here forever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I need to look into this allegation of Goldstein parading around in bunny slippers, though. That has a whiff of impropriety in it. Let me take an inventory of my children, then I’ll get back to you.
Yeah, this is way more information than I needed…
Watching Palin all this week trying to suscitate her image and Bush the public by blaming “media elites” and bloggers for her lack of preparation and cluelessness, I had to nod in agreement, despite myself (since I generally dislike these kinds of articles), with the latest from Chris Hedges.
I can’t pretend to be a champion literati myself, but how illiterate do you have to be to take what Palin says at face value?
Roger Rabbitspews:
No problem, I’m told that rabbit was roadkill. Happens every day. And only a distant cousin. Eventually the oil will run out and cars won’t be a problem for my species anymore.
Continuing @10, see this section of the article:
Political leaders in our post-literate society no longer need to be competent, sincere or honest. They only need to appear to have these qualities. Most of all they need a story, a narrative. The reality of the narrative is irrelevant. It can be completely at odds with the facts. The consistency and emotional appeal of the story are paramount. The most essential skill in political theater and the consumer culture is artifice. Those who are best at artifice succeed. Those who have not mastered the art of artifice fail. In an age of images and entertainment, in an age of instant emotional gratification, we do not seek or want honesty. We ask to be indulged and entertained by clichés, stereotypes and mythic narratives that tell us we can be whomever we want to be, that we live in the greatest country on Earth, that we are endowed with superior moral and physical qualities and that our glorious future is preordained, either because of our attributes as Americans or because we are blessed by God or both.
The ability to magnify these simple and childish lies, to repeat them and have surrogates repeat them in endless loops of news cycles, gives these lies the aura of an uncontested truth. We are repeatedly fed words or phrases like yes we can, maverick, change, pro-life, hope or war on terror. It feels good not to think. All we have to do is visualize what we want, believe in ourselves and summon those hidden inner resources, whether divine or national, that make the world conform to our desires. Reality is never an impediment to our advancement.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 There’s no question that literacy has nosedived in this country. Every day I encounter so-called college graduates who can’t spell simple words. You couldn’t get away with that in my freshman writing course. It seems no one cares anymore; no wonder our society is overrun with incompetence. I understand that falsified resumes have become a major problem for employers; I remember when calling in sick when you weren’t could ruin a career. We let standards go down the toilet and now we’ve got Republicans running around everywhere.
proud leftistspews:
I pray that Sarah Palin perceives that God opens a door through which she must rush to run for president in 2012. I pray also that she becomes the Republican nominee. We might then start shoveling dirt over the corpse of a once proud political party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sore Loser Dep’t
“(HAVERHILL, N.H.) A county treasurer who lost … last week to a 20-year-old Dartmouth College student … blames her failed candidacy on ‘brainwashed college kids.’
“Republican Carol Elliott … told the Valley News … she had little faith that Sievers will fulfill her duties …. ‘You’ve got a teenybopper for a treasurer,’ said Elliott …. ‘I’m concerned for the citizens of Grafton County.’ …
“Sievers … said her age has nothing to do with her qualifications, noting that she has worked as a bookkeeper …. She also took issue with Elliott’s claim that college students were brainwashed. ‘I don’t know why people think college students are less informed … we’re just as real citizens as anyone else in the county.'”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We ought to require Republican candidates to attend charm school before putting their names on the ballot. They sure need it.
The question on my mind is whether riding Todd’s “Snow machine” makes her hotter than shooting an animal from a helicopter.
@13: What’s really interesting about the article is what relative illiteracy means at the macro level: the way politics relies on slogans (“prosperity with a purpose,” “a reformer with results”), narrative (Bush the old Skull and Bones man turned Texas ranch owner), and the construction of reality out of continuously looped falsehoods and even contradictions (see the previous two, the war in Iraq’s so-called “full court press”).
Bush is an easy target, but as Hedges points out, Obama’s campaign skilfully used all of these techniques to great effect as well. It’s become part of the fabric of politics. We trust Obama more, but he’s from this generation of politicians that successfully leverage public illiteracy. We’ll see what kind of president he makes.
Yellow Pup @ 10: I checked out your link:
“There are over 42 million American adults, 20 percent of whom hold high school diplomas, who cannot read, as well as the 50 million who read at a fourth- or fifth-grade level. Nearly a third of the nation’s population is illiterate or barely literate….”
Pretty much explains the remaining one-third or less (26%?) who still think Bush is doing a good job as President. Even the Republican Party is blaming Bush for this year’s election losses.
RR @ 13: Speaking of poor education standards:
When I was a freshman in College (some 30+ years ago), I was taking a math class. The guy seated next to me immediately struck up a conversation. He seemed friendly enough, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was a used-car salesman. He was wearing a fraternity polo shirt and khakis (I was in my usual blue-jeans and t-shirt).
The teaching assistant entered and started to explain the schedule for the course. The guy started to snort and snicker. “We’re supposed to take a class from a “g*d-d*mned chink=???!!!” he exclaimed, in stage-whisper.
A few days later, we have our first test. I’m startled when he starts poking me with his pencil. “Hey!” he whispers. “What’s the answer to # 1?”. I ignore him, he just starts whispering louder, and louder. “I SAID, what’s the ANSWER to NUMBER !?????” I’m amazed. What is this, junior high school?
I pick up my paper and walk up to the front of the class, taking my seat at an empty desk in the front row. As I’m moving foward, I hear him calling to me from the back… “what kindof JERK are you????!!!!”
After the class, he was waiting for me oustide the door. “I hope you know, thanks to you, I flunked that test. You better straighten up, if you know what’s good for you!” I just laughed at him, and left.
A week later I saw his picture in the campus newspaper. He was president of the campus chapter of the College Republicans.
So every time I hear a Republican claiming that the rich got that way because they were smarter and harder working than the rest of us, I see his face. Every time a Republican argues that the middle-class should give their tax money to the rich because then the benifits would “trickle down” to the rest of us, I see his face. I’ve seen the face of the Republican party, and it’s the same face Dino Rossi has – smarmy, self-centered, arrogant, and convinced that society owes them a spot at the top.
@19 Nice story.
There are, of course, very bright republicans and very committed republicans. However, there are many republicans who like to look at limited subsets of facts and miss the big picture. Who get their information straight from talk radio (great article from an insider about right wingnut talk radio and how it works). The facts are usually correct – but they are selected for a point of view. The big picture and the failures are not discussed. When threatened, talk radio hosts attack.
CNR @ 20: At the same time this event took place, my Senator from Tennessee was a Republican I respected (and still do), Howard Baker Jr. He was the one who kept asking at the Watergate hearings: “What did the President know, and when did he know it?” It turns out Nixon knew a lot, and knew it very early.
I think they made them (Howard Baker, et al)from a different mold back then, the fellow in the story was more of the “new breed” of Republicans who consider politics a winner-take-all game, with rules that apply only to them.
But Goldy, I am sooo disappointed you don’t wear those lovely pink bunny slippers.
Yup, dem bloggers are a makin’ stuff up, if they only looked at her record….you mean the 100 lies about the bridge to nowhere? Or the abuse of power in troopergate.
this is some woman thing – but if I had a chance to pick cunt hairs – Palin gets the nod
I am mostly gay, but I suspect she is good good in the sack
and using the bunny slippers to make some obscure point is so silly I can’t believe it – she is essential correct – the number of well run – good info site is small, real news sites with a record of good reporting..
oh we we we … if Sarah says it, must be wrong and must respond – she has you all on her media hook …. really, what hypnotic powers
Goldy is a horn dog … and he know she would be a good lay, and most likely gives great head …
So Goldy, since Sarah seems to be implying that bloggers blog wearing what they wear to bed, are you saying that you blog in the raw?
Oh no….this was one terrible post…
First we learn that Goldstein sleeps and blogs in the nude (I assume this is what raw means to him)….I just shudder to visualize this.
Then on TV we see those Bunny Slippers…and with Darcys demise and no more bunny hugging by her…I can only assume that Roger found his untimely end. Those slippers look like him.
Bunny fur….blue…and empty.
What is happening to you guys ?
But then…the next thing pops up…Goldstein naked in bunny slippers.
Hey, I heard you on KOMO’s “The Commentators” radio program this afternoon, Goldy!
@5: Fantasize much, Dutch?
@5 “I can only assume that Roger found his untimely end. Those slippers look like him. Bunny fur….blue…and empty.”
As always the rumors of my demise are nothing more than troll fantasies. You won’t be that lucky. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit has it in for you because you debased Her goats. Consequently, I’ll be here forever.
I need to look into this allegation of Goldstein parading around in bunny slippers, though. That has a whiff of impropriety in it. Let me take an inventory of my children, then I’ll get back to you.
Yeah, this is way more information than I needed…
Watching Palin all this week trying to suscitate her image and Bush the public by blaming “media elites” and bloggers for her lack of preparation and cluelessness, I had to nod in agreement, despite myself (since I generally dislike these kinds of articles), with the latest from Chris Hedges.
I can’t pretend to be a champion literati myself, but how illiterate do you have to be to take what Palin says at face value?
No problem, I’m told that rabbit was roadkill. Happens every day. And only a distant cousin. Eventually the oil will run out and cars won’t be a problem for my species anymore.
Continuing @10, see this section of the article:
@12 There’s no question that literacy has nosedived in this country. Every day I encounter so-called college graduates who can’t spell simple words. You couldn’t get away with that in my freshman writing course. It seems no one cares anymore; no wonder our society is overrun with incompetence. I understand that falsified resumes have become a major problem for employers; I remember when calling in sick when you weren’t could ruin a career. We let standards go down the toilet and now we’ve got Republicans running around everywhere.
I pray that Sarah Palin perceives that God opens a door through which she must rush to run for president in 2012. I pray also that she becomes the Republican nominee. We might then start shoveling dirt over the corpse of a once proud political party.
Sore Loser Dep’t
“(HAVERHILL, N.H.) A county treasurer who lost … last week to a 20-year-old Dartmouth College student … blames her failed candidacy on ‘brainwashed college kids.’
“Republican Carol Elliott … told the Valley News … she had little faith that Sievers will fulfill her duties …. ‘You’ve got a teenybopper for a treasurer,’ said Elliott …. ‘I’m concerned for the citizens of Grafton County.’ …
“Sievers … said her age has nothing to do with her qualifications, noting that she has worked as a bookkeeper …. She also took issue with Elliott’s claim that college students were brainwashed. ‘I don’t know why people think college students are less informed … we’re just as real citizens as anyone else in the county.'”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We ought to require Republican candidates to attend charm school before putting their names on the ballot. They sure need it.
The question on my mind is whether riding Todd’s “Snow machine” makes her hotter than shooting an animal from a helicopter.
@13: What’s really interesting about the article is what relative illiteracy means at the macro level: the way politics relies on slogans (“prosperity with a purpose,” “a reformer with results”), narrative (Bush the old Skull and Bones man turned Texas ranch owner), and the construction of reality out of continuously looped falsehoods and even contradictions (see the previous two, the war in Iraq’s so-called “full court press”).
Bush is an easy target, but as Hedges points out, Obama’s campaign skilfully used all of these techniques to great effect as well. It’s become part of the fabric of politics. We trust Obama more, but he’s from this generation of politicians that successfully leverage public illiteracy. We’ll see what kind of president he makes.
Yellow Pup @ 10: I checked out your link:
Pretty much explains the remaining one-third or less (26%?) who still think Bush is doing a good job as President. Even the Republican Party is blaming Bush for this year’s election losses.
RR @ 13: Speaking of poor education standards:
When I was a freshman in College (some 30+ years ago), I was taking a math class. The guy seated next to me immediately struck up a conversation. He seemed friendly enough, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was a used-car salesman. He was wearing a fraternity polo shirt and khakis (I was in my usual blue-jeans and t-shirt).
The teaching assistant entered and started to explain the schedule for the course. The guy started to snort and snicker. “We’re supposed to take a class from a “g*d-d*mned chink=???!!!” he exclaimed, in stage-whisper.
A few days later, we have our first test. I’m startled when he starts poking me with his pencil. “Hey!” he whispers. “What’s the answer to # 1?”. I ignore him, he just starts whispering louder, and louder. “I SAID, what’s the ANSWER to NUMBER !?????” I’m amazed. What is this, junior high school?
I pick up my paper and walk up to the front of the class, taking my seat at an empty desk in the front row. As I’m moving foward, I hear him calling to me from the back… “what kindof JERK are you????!!!!”
After the class, he was waiting for me oustide the door. “I hope you know, thanks to you, I flunked that test. You better straighten up, if you know what’s good for you!” I just laughed at him, and left.
A week later I saw his picture in the campus newspaper. He was president of the campus chapter of the College Republicans.
So every time I hear a Republican claiming that the rich got that way because they were smarter and harder working than the rest of us, I see his face. Every time a Republican argues that the middle-class should give their tax money to the rich because then the benifits would “trickle down” to the rest of us, I see his face. I’ve seen the face of the Republican party, and it’s the same face Dino Rossi has – smarmy, self-centered, arrogant, and convinced that society owes them a spot at the top.
@19 Nice story.
There are, of course, very bright republicans and very committed republicans. However, there are many republicans who like to look at limited subsets of facts and miss the big picture. Who get their information straight from talk radio (great article from an insider about right wingnut talk radio and how it works). The facts are usually correct – but they are selected for a point of view. The big picture and the failures are not discussed. When threatened, talk radio hosts attack.
CNR @ 20: At the same time this event took place, my Senator from Tennessee was a Republican I respected (and still do), Howard Baker Jr. He was the one who kept asking at the Watergate hearings: “What did the President know, and when did he know it?” It turns out Nixon knew a lot, and knew it very early.
I think they made them (Howard Baker, et al)from a different mold back then, the fellow in the story was more of the “new breed” of Republicans who consider politics a winner-take-all game, with rules that apply only to them.