Well, it’s official:
The Seattle P-I is being put up for sale, and if after 60 days it has not sold, it will either be turned into a Web-only publication or discontinued entirely.
“One thing is clear: at the end of the sale process, we do not see ourselves publishing in print,” said Steven Swartz, president of the Hearst Corp.’s newspaper division.
At the end of the next decade I think we’ll see a lot of cities without daily newspapers publishing in print, but it’s still sad to see it happen in the here and now.
I sure hope Hearst does invest in a web-only venture, but if they don’t, and they can’t find a buyer, I’ll be sure to put my bid in. It couldn’t hurt.
If you use the ‘buy it now’ button you’ll get free shipping.
Hey, Goldy, I beat you to the post by four minutes (in the previous thread)! After you buy the paper, you can hire me as your speed-poster!
The PI as a print publication is certainly done for. Putting it up for sale is simply going through the motions. There are no buyers for major newspapers at any price. There is a slim possibility the PI can continue as a web based publication, but that seems unlikely given the inherent overhead cost of an organization like the PI.
When all the print newspapers go out of business what will all the bloggers do that link to and comment on their news stories?
Well, that’s when we need to start ponying up for web investigative reporters, like, perhaps, for this website?
It won’t be easy to take on the weeklies and the TV news, but I suspect it can be done.
It’s rather telling that Mr. Swartz, who ascended to the presidency at Hearst only last month, was responsible for the company investing in Zillow.
Somehow, I suspect he doesn’t see Hearst “publishing in print” for much longer at all.
I wonder if Tim Keck and Dan Savage want to own a daily?
Snark aside even if the PI survives in one form or another I see it as an organization with a much smaller newsroom staff. Say maybe 30 staff on the news and editorial side rather than 130+.
Speaking of the media, seems to me I remember Goldy complaining months ago about Dino Rossi not allowing the video cameras into some event of his.
But now that it looks like Gregoire isn’t going to be allowing video cameras into her inaugural ball, Goldy is silent.
You know you’re a dork when you start reading blogs about budget and policy. If you haven’t already, you might want to checkout http://schmudget.blogspot.com/
Where is RogerTroll to enlighten us about the wonders of having 2 fishwraps in Seattle?
Idiot @7
And they will be giving out press passes.
Education time, Michael …
“The folks throwing the inaugural ball for Gov. Chris Gregoire next Wednesday say they don’t want any video cameras floating around at the party, which costs $100 per ticket to attend. Said Dan Neuhauser, president of the Inaugural Ball Committee, a private non-profit group:
“I’ll be candid with you. We’ve had some complaints in the past about reporters and cameras and microphones stuck in peoples faces when they were trying to have a good time. We just went, ‘you know what, we’ll give out press passes but they can’t bring their cameras in.’ “
Goldy is also afraid to speak out against Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, who is now accused of corruption, because she has a D next to her name. He is silent. Well I REFUSE to be silent.
I am the first one on Horses Ass to speak out against the corruption in the Baltimore Mayor’s office, while everyone else is silent.
Idiot @11 again.
What Rossi did was control who could report from his events and press conferences. In this case, TVW will be there with a camera, reporters will be there and if someone wants to bring a camcorder that looks fine too.
@7 you’re claiming that this has parity to what Rossi did while running for governor, but it doesn’t come close.
Or maybe he didn’t know about it, or he didn’t think it fit on a blog that’s about Washington State and national issues. Or maybe, he saw it, yawned and moved on. From what I understand corruption in Baltimore is more dog bites man than man bites dog.
The only thing crazier than you on here is me trying to reason with you. Meds and therapy can work wonders, you should give them a try.
Goldy and I are both Democrats, but the difference between us is that he is an admitted partisan, who will look the other way when the person doing the wrong-doing has a D beside their name. I will not look the other way. I will not remain silent. This angers him, and it angers others on this blog. They have told me so. They told me “A good Democrat never speaks out against another Democrat, no matter what they have done.” Well, I’m sorry, but I wasn’t raised that way. I will not compromise my principles. I will not remain silent because it’s “best for the Party.”
Is the pathetic little rival blog still bloviating about Sherrill Huff’s tax lien or has he gone deathly quiet on that subject after the Seattle Times reported that the lien was a bureaucratic bungle, Huff had paid her taxes, and the IRS sent her a $5,000 refund?
@16 “Goldy and I are both Democrats …”
… and I lay colored eggs.
Local newspapers may be experiencing a slump, but in better times, when a city’s readers don’t feel the need to keep up on issues as urgently as the last eight fucked-up years, the need and desire for a morning and evening newspaper will return. Staring at a monitor, even a low luminous flat screen, is still hard on the eyes.
The Seattle P-I certainly doesn’t need David Horsey or the opinion page – that’s replaced by Horsesass.org!
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Boopity Boopity Boop Boop.
Don’t we have a psychologist in the HA world willing to take a stab at diagnosing Troll? I have some amateur diagnoses. I even have some amateur prescription recommendations. Frankly, I’d like to see him blocked from posting, kind of like when certain litigious idiots get banned from using the federal courts for using the courts for vexatious, self-serving purposes. Enough is enough.
“I will not look the other way. I will not remain silent. This angers him, and it angers others on this blog.”
My proof that my criticizing corrupt Democratic politicians angers others on this blog?
Just look at @22. Proud Leftist now wants me banned.
How to make a troll:
Pour a mixture of one part mental and two parts short bus into a drink shaker. Fill shaker with ice. Shake vigorously. Pour into a chilled highball glass.
The PI was spot on with this one.
Please don’t think you could possibly anger me. I’m just tired of hypocrisy and idiocy. We’ve had 8 years of it and you’d like to prolong it. I’d like a rest. We’re moving forward as a nation. You are stuck in some God-forsaken pit of ideology that precludes you from participating in the general culture. When you find your way out, maybe you could start engaging in adult conversation.
The first “Timber” of the fall of the leftwing propaganda machine. I’ll dance a jig on the Pee Eye’s grave!
another mouthpiece of fascist fucking lies bites the dust ……………
MAYBE few read the papers cuz the papers are full of the shit in a government by the rich parasite scum, for the rich parasite scum, of the rich parasite scum?
at least FOX had the sense to become flat out blatant liars for the fasicsts, and now they have their reliable audience of 8 million mouth breathing flat earthers. the rest of the media pretends to be objective, anyone with a brain bigger than a beetle knows this is an appalling lie, so the media doesn’t get people with brains or flat earthers as an audience.
fuck ’em, good riddance.
another mouthpiece of fascist fucking lies bites the dust ……………
MAYBE few read the papers cuz the papers are full of the shit in a government by the rich parasite scum, for the rich parasite scum, of the rich parasite scum?
at least FOX had the sense to become flat out blatant liars for the fasicsts, and now they have their reliable audience of 8 million mouth breathing flat earthers. the rest of the media pretends to be objective, anyone with a brain bigger than a beetle knows this is an appalling lie, so the media doesn’t get people with brains or flat earthers as an audience.
fuck ’em, good riddance.
another mouthpiece of fascist fucking lies bites the dust ……………
MAYBE few read the papers cuz the papers are full of the shit in a government by the rich parasite scum, for the rich parasite scum, of the rich parasite scum?
at least FOX had the sense to become flat out blatant liars for the fasicsts, and now they have their reliable audience of 8 million mouth breathing flat earthers. the rest of the media pretends to be objective, anyone with a brain bigger than a beetle knows this is an appalling lie, so the media doesn’t get people with brains or flat earthers as an audience.
fuck ’em, good riddance.
One of my potential explanations is troll is a smart-ass 16 year old who thinks he is so much brighter than the rest.
That “international call” is Mom saying “take out the garbage!”
at least FOX had the sense to become flat out blatant liars for the fasicsts, and now they have their reliable audience of 8 million mouth breathing flat earthers. the rest of the media pretends to be objective, anyone with a brain bigger than a beetle knows this is an appalling lie, so the media doesn’t get people with brains or flat earthers as an audience.
i actually agree. i agree the msm pretends to be objective, and i somewhat agree that fox lies, when it comes to one and only one subject, israel. you wouldnt know you are watching fox, or cnn, msnbc, or the the three dinasours. they get that directly from tel aviv. of course, when obama gets into office, they wont need to get it right from tel aviv, the msm will be taking their orders from rahm emanuel, the israeli military governor of america.
My goodness, mot, you’ve identified yet another Jewish conspiricy!
lol, its only a conspiracy if you try to hide it.
@34, but serioulsy folks, do you have any kind of answer to the fact that fox vs all the others talk like mortal enemies, but when it comes to the fighting in gaza, they are reading the exact same script.
@ 36 Ask Pud
@25 A billion inches of rain on top of record
snowfall had nothing to do with it. Another
environmental idiot. I hope you’re sterile.
I will not be silenced or whatever but don’t you people know that the end of the PI is a good thing because they are LIBRUL and BY-ISSED??!! This is the only thing I know how to say because I have been reading that other blog all day. And seriously, I will not be silenced because this Baltimore thing is gonna blow sky high also.
If you want to listen to something disgusting, go to yesterday’s news round-up show on KUOW’s Weekday (more like Weakday) and listen to Seattle Times airhead Lynn Varner get all giddy over the PI’s demise. With nice-guy cartoonist Horsey present.
She literally references “cracking open” champagne bottles. How classy. But how appropriate for a Times ed board member. Varner already has nothing interesting to say. Now, she is excited to lower that bar.
One of my favorite things about Nov 4 was preparing to watch the GOP bitch, cry and moan like little girls about the mean old media. This is something they have been doing for decades. Well now, republicans like Troll and his foolish GOP friends have a chance to buy their own media outlet in Seattle. Why not take some of that cash you assholes funneled from the fake Iraq war, or that you siphoned off the big bank bailouts, or that you got screwing America when your VP Dickie had his secret energy meetings and buy the PI? Then you wouldn’t be able to complain about the bad old media when we next time bend you over and make you even MORE irrelevant?
Thankfully – the GOP learned nothing from their humiliation on Nov 4. They don’t even appear to understand that they are the laughing stock of the nation and the world. They are nothing but a bunch of idiots and complaining about the media, or the angle of the sun or whatever won’t change the fact that our country realizes the GOP hates America and freedom.
Since they learned nothing, in the 2010 election, we’ll beat them again!
America is laughing at you righties. Get used to it!
The “billion inches” of rain an snow was also referenced in the article. Logging and development have lowered the threshold of how much water it takes to have flooding.
It must really suck to be you, seeing how most of the right now agrees with us “environmentals.”
I really did think that Puddy had what it takes to stand up and denounce the Jew-hate being spewed by his friends but I see now that I was wrong. I guess that I should have known better as he never stood against the hatred his friends spew towards blacks either. Pudz is evidently good with hate, towards Jews, blacks or anybody else for that matter, as long as there’s a tax cut in it for him. He sold his soul for a handful of coins.
With nice-guy cartoonist Horsey present.
Bwah ha ha ha ha. Tell us another one!
The PU is dying, awesome.